Anatomy Of Salaah

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  • Words: 1,129
  • Pages: 13
Divine Link – Fiqh of Salaah

Shuroot of Salaah Definition Linguistic meaning of Shart (pl. Shuroot):  sign or indicator

Technical meaning:  An evident and constant attribute whose absence necessitates the absence of the hukm, but whose presence does not automatically bring about its object. It is separate from the essence of the act itself.

Shuroot of Salaah – Pre-requisites for obligating salaah Pre-requisites for obligating salaah are the

attributes sought to obligate salaah on an individual, and they are not part of salaah itself. These are as follows: 1. Islam 2. Puberty 3. Sound mind

Shuroot of Salaah – Conditions for validating salaah Conditions of salaah are the acts required and

acquired to validate salaah, prior to the establishment of salaah, and they are not part of the act of salaah itself. These are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

To be performed after the time has certainly started Purification from minor and major ritual impurities Removal from physical filth (impurities), from the body and place of worship Covering the ‘awrah Facing the direction of the Qiblah An-Niyyah – the intention for salaah Continuation of the acts of salaah without long intermission To avoid any foreign speech

‘Awrah – Definition and Rulings  Definition:  ‘Awrah is a term which denotes the parts of the body that are not meant to be

exposed in public

 ‘Awrah of a man in salaah:  He has to cover what is between the navel and the thighs  There is a disagreement about the exposing of the navel, thighs and knees

 ‘Awrah of a woman in salaah  Her entire body must be covered, except her face and hands  There is a difference of opinion regarding convering the feet in salaah, for women  The Hanafi position is that women are not obligated to cover their feet in salaah, because they are treated like the hands. However, they ought to be covered outside salaah.  The Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali position is that women must cover their feet in salaah and outside salaah

Arkaan of Salaah Definition  Linguistic meaning of Rukn (pl. Arkaan):  The strong corner on which a structure is built

 Technical meaning:  An evident and constant attribute whose absence necessitates the

absence of the hukm, but whose presence does not automatically bring about its object. It is part of the essence of the act itself.

 NOTE: The absence of one of the arkaan nullifies the salaah

Arkaan of Salaah – Abu Hanifah 1. Takbeerah ul-ihraam (the opening takbir) 2. Al-Qiyaam (standing) 3. Recitation of the Qur’an 4. Ruku’ 5. Sujud 6. Final sitting

Arkaan of Salaah –Malik, Shafi’i and Ahmad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Takbeerah ul-ihraam (the opening takbir) Al-Qiyaam (standing) – for those who are able to Recitation of the Qur’an (see next slide for ruling on Surah Fatihah) Ruku’ Rising up from ruku’ Sujud on seven bones Coming up from sujud Sitting calmly between the 2 sujud Sitting during the last tashahhud Recitation of the last tashahhud Recitation of the salawat al-Ibraaheemiyyah Tasleem (saying salaam at the end) At-tuma’neenah (being tranquil in every rukn) Maintaining the order of the arkaan of salaah

Reciting Surah Fatihah in Salaah First opinion: Malik, Shafi’i and Ahmad  It is a Rukn  Ubaadah ibn Saamit (rad) narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: “There is no salaah for him who does not recite the Umm ul-Qur’an (al-Fatihah) [Bukhaari and Muslim] Second opinion: Abu Hanifah  It is waajib  It is ok according to the Hanafis to read anything from the Qur’an during salaah. Surah Fatihah is waajib, and not Fard, according to them.

Wajibaah of Salaah Omitting one of the wajibaah of salaah does not nullify the

salaah, but can be compensated for by sujud as-sahw. The wajibaah are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Saying takbeer upon moving from one position to another Saying Subhaana Rabbi al-Adheem in the ruku’, at least once Saying sami ‘Allaahu liman hamidah as onereturns back from the ruku’ Saying Subhaana Rabbi al-A’laa in the sujood, at least once Sitting down and reciting the first tashahhud

Sunan acts of Salaah  The acts and statements of salaah which are pardoned if omitted and their absence does

not nullify the salaah, and sajdah as-sahw is not required to compensate for them. These are as follows: Praying behind a sutrah Raising the hands on saying takbeer Folding the right hand on the left hand Looking at the spot of one’s prostration Commencing the salaah with a prescribed du’aa Ta’meen (saying Aameen) A short silence before and after recitation of the Qur’an Spreading the feet in the standing position

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.  

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Majority position - Equal to the width of the shoulders Hanafi position – Width equal to 4 fingers

Reciting a Surah after Fatihah Reciting du’aa between the 2 sujood To sit down before moving up for the 2nd or 4th rak’ah (Jalsah ul-istiraahah) To sit for the final tashahhud in the position of Tawarruk (to tuck the left foot under the right shin) Placing hands on the thighs during the tashahhud To point with the right index finger during tashahhud Reciting the prescribed du’aa after tashahhud To turn one’s face right and left upon pronouncing the final salaam

Makrooh acts of Salaah  These acts do not nullify the salaah, nor do theyrequire sajdah

as-sahw as compensation. However, they take away from the reward acquired during salaah. These acts are as follows: To omit one of the wajibaah intentionally Moving without any excusable reason To close the eyes To look away from the spot of one’s prostration

1. 2. 3. 4. 

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Moving the face from side to side would invalidate the salaah

To pray while in need of going to the bathroom Yawning To spread the forearms on the ground To be dressed untidily To wear clothes that carry distracting designs or images To wear tight clothes

Mubaah acts of Salaah The following acts are permissible and do not nullify the

salaah, nor do they lessen the reward of salaah:

1.To pray behind a huma who is praying or sitting down 2.To move and take action in order to remove an imminent

harm 3.To assist the imam if he makes a mistake 4.To respond to a caller by a sign 

This implies minor movements, such as a nod or a smile to pacify a child

1.Smiling is permissible in salaah. However, laughing or

giggling invalidates salaah. According to the Hanafis, laughing in salaah causes one’s wudu to break.

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