Anatomy: Head, Digestive, Urinary, Larynx, Lungs

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 22
Medial Sagittal Head

1 - Hard palate 2 - Soft palate 3 - Uvula 4 - Oral cavity 5 - Tongue 6 - Nasopharynx 7 - Oropharynx 8 - Laryngopharynx 9 - Esophagus 10 - Epiglottis

Lateral Head

Salivary glands: 1 - Parotid gland 2 - Submandibular gland 3 - Sublingual gland (under tongue - not seen on model)

Pancreas & Associated Organs

1 - Gallbladder 2 - Liver section 3 - Cystic duct 4 - Left hepatic duct 5 - Right hepatic duct 6 - Common hepatic duct 7 - Bile duct 8 - Pancreas body 9 - Pancreatic duct 10 - Hepatopancreatic ampulla (Ampulla of Vater) 11 - Duodenal papilla (contains sphincter of Oddi) 12 - Plicae circularis of duodenum 13 - R. Kidney 14 - R. Adrenal gland 15 - Spleen 16 - Splenic artery (red) (splenic vein above it in blue)

Posterior Internal Liver

1 - Caudate lobe 2 - Right lobe 3 - Left lobe 4 - Quadrate lobe 5 - Gall bladder 6 - Cystic duct 7 - R. Hepatic duct 8 - L. Hepatic duct 9 - Common hepatic duct 10 - Bile duct 11 - Inferior vena cava 12 - Hepatic portal vein 13 - Hepatic artery 14 - Ligamentum teres (round ligament) 15 - Falciform ligament

External Stomach

1 - Cardiac region 2 - Fundus 3 - Lesser curvature 4 - Greater curvature (lateral convex border) 5 - Body of stomach (note: 3 layers of smooth muscle in wall of stomach) 6 - Pyloris 7 - Pyloric-duodenal junction

Internal Stomach

1 - Pyloric sphincter 2 - Pyloris 3 - Rugae (folds) 4 - Cardiac (gastroesophageal) sphincter


Small Intestine Section

1 - Mucosa 2 - Submucosa 3 - Muscularis externa 4 - Serosa 5 - Villus (covered with simple columnar epithelium) 6 - Lacteal inside villus 7 - Capillaries inside villus 8 - Lamina propria 9 - Muscularis mucosa 10 - Blood vessels in submucosa 11 - Dense irregular connective tissue 12 - Circular layer of smooth muscle 13 - Lymphatic tissue 14 - Nerve plexus 15 - Longitudinal layer of smooth muscle

Large Intestine

1 - Appendix 2 - Cecum 3 - Ascending colon 4 - Transverse colon 5 - Descending colon 6 - Sigmoid colon 7 - Rectum 8 - Anal canal 9 - Mesentary 10 - Teniae coli 11 - Ileocoecal junction

Anterior Abdominal Organs

1 2 3 4 5


Liver Stomach Large intestine Small intestine Greater omentum (half)

Posterior Abdominal Organs

1 - Parotid gland 2 - Trachea 3 - Esophagus 4 - Adrenal gland 5 - Kidney 6 - Pancreas 7 - Duodenum 8 - Spleen 9 - Diaphragm 10 - Urinary bladder 11 - Ureter


Urinary System

1 - Adrenal gland 2 - Kidney 3 - Renal vein 4 - Renal artery 5 - Inferior vena cava 6 - Ureters 7 - Urinary bladder


1 - Renal artery 2 - Segmental artery 3 - Lobar artery 4 - Interlobar artery & vein 5 - Arcuate artery & vein 6 - Interlobular artery & vein 7 - Renal vein 8 - Minor calyx 9 - Major calyx 10 - Renal pelvis 11 - Ureter 12 - Renal capsule 13 - Renal cortex 14 - Medullary pyramid 15 - Renal column 16 - Renal papilla

Kidney Lobe

1 - Renal capsule 2 - Renal cortex 3 - Renal Medulla 4 - Peritubular Capillaries 5 - Bowman's capsule 6 - Glomerulus 7 - Proximal convoluted tubule 8 - Descending loop of Henle 9 - Ascending loop of Henle 10 - Distal convoluted tubule 11 - Collecting duct 12 - Papillary duct

Renal Corpuscle

1 - Distal convoluted tubule 2 - Macula densa cells 3 - Afferent arteriole 4 - Juxtaglomerular cells 5 - Efferent arteriole 6 - Glomerulus capillaries 7 - Podocytes on glomerulus 8 - Bowman's capsule 9 - Proximal convoluted tubule 10 - Renal corpuscle


1 - Interlobular artery (red) & vein (blue) 2 - Afferent arteriole (red) 3 - Efferent arteriole (red) 4 - Peritubular capillaries (red & blue) 5 - Vasa recta (red & blue) 6 - Renal corpuscle (green) 7 - Proximal convoluted tubule (orange) 8 - Descending loop of Henle (orange) 9 - Ascending loop of Henle (purple) 10 - Distal convoluted tubule (purple) 11 - Collecting ducts (yellow) 12 - Papillary duct 13 - Arcuate vein (blue) & artery (red)

Sagittal Head

1 - Frontal sinus 2 - Sphenoidal sinus 3 - Pituitary gland 4 - Hypothalamus 5 - Hard palate 6 - Soft palate 7 - Uvula 8 - Oral cavity 9 - Eustachian tube opening into nasopharynx 10 - Pharyngeal tonsil in nasopharynx 11 - Palatine tonsil in oropharynx 12 - Laryngopharynx 13 - Epiglottis 14 - Larynx 15 - Vestibular fold 16 - Vocal fold 17 - Trachea 18 - Esophagus 19 - Nasal septum 20 - Pineal gland

Anterior Larynx

1 2 3 4 5 6


Epiglottis Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Laryngeal prominence Cricoid cartilage C-ring of trachea

Posterior Larynx

1 2 3 4 5


Epiglottis Corniculate cartilage Arytenoid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Trachealis muscle

Torso Glands & Organs

1 2 3 4 5

- Parotid salivary gland - Thyroid gland - Esophagus - Adrenal gland – Kidney

6 - Pancreas 7 - Duodenum 8 - Spleen 9 - Diaphragm 10 - Urinary bladder


1 - Thyroid cartilage of larynx 2 - Cricoid cartilage 3 - Thyroid gland 4 - C-rings of trachea 5 - R. primary bronchus 6 - L. primary bronchus 7 - Secondary bronchi 8 - Tertiary bronchi 9 - R. superior lung lobe 10 - R. middle lung lobe 11 - R. inferior lung lobe 12 - L. superior lung lobe 13 - L. inferior lung lobe 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Superior vena cava Brachiocephalic veins Internal jugular veins Subclavian veins Aorta Brachiocephalic artery L. Common carotid artery Esophagus Thoracic aorta Pulmonary arteries (blue) Pulmonary veins (red) Diaphragm

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