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  • Words: 1,137
  • Pages: 4
Marcos, Mark Joshua A. CON1A

How Anatomy and Physiology course helped you in pursuing your career goals in Nursing?

I chose the course nursing for my premed course and to also help my dad in his recovery. The subject Anatomy and Physiology is one of the major subjects in the course that I have chosen. In order to continue in pursuing my career goals in nursing, I have to pass that subject first as well as the other subjects that I have enrolled in. The Anatomy and Physiology class was all about having ourselves get familiarized with our body, its parts, our systems and their parts, how each systems of the body functions and how they, overall, make up our body. In taking up this subject in my chosen course, I have already learned and experienced a lot. There are a lot of reasons on why and how the Anatomy and Physiology class helped me in pursuing my career goals in nursing. All throughout or meetings in the said class with Dr. Quimba, we have learned a lot. Even though we only meet once a week and three hours for the lectures. In every meeting, he gives us quizzes about the chapter that was tackled in the previous week. He would assure to us that his quizzes are not that hard and we would pass it. After that, he’d teach us a new lesson. We all enjoyed it, we appreciate our professor’s efforts in making jokes so that we won’t get bored in his class for the whole three hours and to make us feel at ease. We all know that this subject is not easy to pass so we have to study and strive hard in order to avoid failing, and our professor was there to help us. But after what happened to him and we had to meet the class with a new professor, we all knew we have to study and strive harder. From the laboratory up to the lecture meetings, our class had to make a few adjustments in order to catch up with our new professor, Mr. Valera. Having him as our professor, we were asked to prepare ourselves to report our assigned topics in our class. Through reporting, we can easily learn and understand the topic because we get to focus ourselves in reviewing it in order to present it clearly in

front of the class and so that they could also understand and learn from it. Lately, we just had our cadaver tour that was stored in our school. Our class enjoyed it because we know that we will be seeing more of it in the future. We have been given real life opportunities that gave us, nursing students, a realistic view of human anatomy rather than just reading about it and seeing pictures through the books. It was truly fascinating to be able to see one in personally for the first time in my life. This experience has contributed to learning in my aspiring career as it allowed me to see the actual parts of the human anatomy. This experience has also encouraged us even more in passing our course and pursuing our future career. Our professors are, actually, one of the main reasons why the Anatomy and Physiology class has helped me in pursuing my career goals in nursing. As a future nurse, we should know every parts of our body. From head to toe, in its every corner. We should also know their functions and how they make up the human body. And we will learn all of those things in the Anatomy and Physiology class. We will be carrying our knowledge from the class all throughout our nursing career in the future. Our learning and experiences from this class will be very beneficial for us as we continue on pursuing our career goals. We will have Anatomy and Physiology every year of our nursing education and like what our professor always tells us, we should learn to love Anatomy as we will always be working with it throughout the next four years of our life. I truly enjoyed all the activities and opportunities we were given and I am looking forward for more experiences that we will encounter and the knowledge I will further collect in my journey as a future nurse in our Anatomy and Physiology class.

Marcos, Mark Joshua A. CON1A

What do you consider as the most important laboratory exercise helped you prepare to assume professional nurse’s role? Why?

Since the beginning of the semester, we haven’t done much laboratory exercise in our Anatomy and Physiology class. The first thing we did was familiarizing ourselves with the microscope and the rest was just coloring and answering our laboratory manual. We don’t usually get to do a lot of things in our laboratory because our meeting is every Saturday and we, sometimes, don’t meet due to certain circumstances. We may have some make up classes for our lecture but not for our laboratory. The last laboratory exercises that we did were, first, when we had our cadaver tour in our school. It helped me prepare to assume professional nurse’s role because in that way, we’ll get use in seeing those kinds of things in the future. We won’t feel sick or anything inappropriate anymore when we see a cadaver. Our class enjoyed it because we know that we will be seeing more of it in the future. We have been given real life opportunities that gave us, nursing students, a realistic view of human anatomy rather than just reading about it and seeing pictures through the books. It was truly fascinating to be able to see one in personally for the first time in my life. This experience has contributed to learning in my aspiring career as it allowed me to see the actual parts of the human anatomy. Another laboratory exercise was when we checked what our blood type was. We had to prick our finger and put three drops of our blood in a glass side. Our professor, then, put a drops of Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-D in each drop of our blood. I tried it as well and my blood type is O positive. Our class enjoyed it and we even took documentations of it. It helped us prepare to assume professional nurse’s role because we will be also doing it in our patients in the future. In our next meeting we will be having a rat dissection and that got our class very excited.

Even though we didn’t have much laboratory exercises in our previous meetings, we definitely enjoyed the exercises that we did lately. We are looking forward for the upcoming rat dissection and to more laboratory exercises to come to prepare ourselves for our future career in nursing.

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