An Original Screenplay By U.s. Jones

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  • Pages: 108

An Original Screenplay By U.S. Jones

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1 FADE IN EXT. – ESTABLISHING SHOT – A REMOTE VILLAGE IN AFGHANISTAN – DUSK Nestled amongst barren rocky hills, the village of Duraj consists of muddy walled houses, dirt streets, a small mosque, and an outdoor marketplace. Super: Afghanistan 2 Years Ago Darkness has just begun to fall and there is little activity as we PAN TO A RUNDOWN COMPOUND AT THE EDGE OF THE VILLAGE which has been transformed into a small U.S. military outpost. A makeshift sign reads: “Camp Barracuda” over which has been scribbled “Nowhere, Afghanistan”. AS WE PAN OVER THE COMPOUND, the faint sounds of a RADIO can be heard: RADIO ...Six more US soldiers were killed today in a suicide car-bombing in the capital of Kabul. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the militant group Al-Khazar, an offshoot of Al-Qaeda and a Taliban ally. In a statement released by its leader, a man known to Western intelligence only as “The Ghost” -- the group warned it would not stop until “All America and its agents” had been destroyed. This is Armed Forces Radio... The Radio FADES as we SETTLE ON: A SMALL SANDBAGGED GUARD BUNKER that sits on the roof of a three-story building with a bird’s-eye-view over the village. From inside the bunker, we hear the crackle of a military radio. A VOICE speaks in a heavy southwestern drawl, Texas-style: TEXAN VOICE (O.S.) S-2, this is Spyglass-1, over?

SECOND VOICE (O.S) This is S-2, over? TEXAN VOICE (O.S) This is Spyglass-1. 1910 hours and she's got her first customer.

SECOND VOICE (O.S) Affirmative, Spyglass-1, have a good one, out. CUT TO:

2 THE GUARD BUNKER where sticking out from an opening between sandbags is the THICK BLACK BARREL OF AN M240G MACHINE GUN The heaviest gun a single man can carry. hide.

Sheer, naked power with nothing to

And right now, it's pointing down towards a small apartment across the street. From behind the machine gun, we hear the man with the Texas drawl: TEXAS VOICE ...An Afghani whore... (beat) Another perfectly good Saturday night wasted peepin' at a two-bit Afghani whore. Hell, I can't watch this anymore... A moment of silence. TEXAN VOICE (CONT'D) Wait a minute -- she's got two fellas in there... (beat) Goddamn -- you gotta look at this, partner. Are you lookin? Sticking out from a second opening between sandbags is THE BARREL OF A MUCH SLEEKER RIFLE and we can see that attached to it is a HIGH-TECH UNERTL 10X SCOPE. M40A3 Sniper Rifle. Refined, silent, and extremely deadly.

This is an

From this opening we hear a new voice: NEW VOICE Yeah...I'm looking. CUT TO: INT. - SANDBAG BUNKER Only two Marines in here -- the men behind the voices: CPL. KYLE CALLOWAY, the machine gunner, is a burly, jovial Texan with remnants of a boyish appeal that have lasted him into his late 20's. He stands behind his machine gun, looking through a pair of binoculars toward the apartment across the street. CPL. STEVE HANNA, the sniper, stands just a few feet away, near the second opening between the sandbags. He is a compact but well-built man in his early 30's with an edge of unpredictability in his eyes. He is looking through the sniper scope of his rifle. At his feet, the hot breeze flips the pages of his sniper log, exposing the same two words entered day after day:

3 "Boredom Kills" KYLE, the machine gunner, continues to look out through his binoculars. KYLE Hey partner...ya think she's really a whore? I mean, hell, maybe she's just a sweet, friendly, warm, sociable human bein'... (beat) Or maybe she's lonely inside. Depressed. HANNA (looking through his scope) There's a third guy... KYLE Real lonely...real depressed.

KYLE'S POV FROM BINOCULARS - APARTMENT ACROSS THE STREET A BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG AFGHANI WOMAN, scantily clad in a light flowing robe, lies down on the bed. AN AFGHANI MAN enters the picture, a rope in his hand. enters, a blind-fold in hand.


KYLE (O.S) Real, real depressed... ON HANNA watching silently through his scope. HANNA Kyle... KYLE (O.S.) What? HANNA ...They got guns. HANNA'S POV THROUGH HIS SNIPER SCOPE - APARTMENT Our picture is bordered by a single round frame. hairs. And right now we are focused on:

At the center are cross-

A THIRD AFGHANI MAN loading an AK-47 assault rifle in an adjacent bedroom of the apartment. of bullets next to him.

A box

CUT TO: HANNA watching silently through his scope.


4 KYLE Hey, thinkin' what I'm thinkin? Hanna shifts, scans around, keeping his eyes to his scope. KYLE That's what I thought. Kyle picks up the radio handset.


KYLE This is Spyglass-1.

We got trouble.

Kyle stares through his binoculars. KYLE'S POV THROUGH BINOCULARS - APARTMENT The Afghani Thugs tie the now struggling Woman to her bed. The Lead Afghani Thug with the AK-47 watches her. around for money and valuables.

The other two quickly search

Over this we hear the radio: RADIO (O.S.) Spyglass-1, this is S-2. Repeat that? KYLE (O.S.) Somethin's goin on. In town. We got locals with at least one magic stick. RADIO (O.S.) Can you identify?


KYLE (O.S.) Some kinda thieves, I think.

RADIO (O.S.) Roger, Spyglass-1...maintain surveillance and that's all. Local politics is for the locals. We'll alert the police. Out. The Lead Afghani Thug starts shouting at the Woman. She protests. The Lead Afghani Thug slaps the Woman. Once. Twice. A third time. It’s kinda brutal. KYLE (O.S.) (getting a little agitated) Ok, now that ain’t no way to treat a lady, irrespective of her station in life. The Lead Afghani Thug now raises his AK-47 and points it straight at the Woman. KYLE (O.S.) Sweet Adeline. He's gonna dust her! Quickly, Kyle cocks his machine gun and swings it to bear. hand in front of the barrel.

But Hanna jams his

5 HANNA One loud burst of that...we both get a court martial... KYLE Well, I ain't listenin' to S2! move slower 'n pond water! Hanna looks back into the scope.

Hell, they

Settles himself.

HANNA ...Who's listening?... His finger eases to the trigger. HANNA takes a catch a thief... HANNA'S POV THROUGH SNIPER SCOPE Our crosshairs glide onto the Lead Afghani Thug's AK-47...rising and falling ever so slightly with a breath... Suddenly, the Lead Thug jerks around, out of aim. A Second Thug drags in the Woman's 4-year old son from a side room, sheer terror locked on his little face. The Woman beckons out to her son. The Lead Thug jams the AK-47 to the Boy's head. crosshairs prowl back onto the Lead Thug. Suddenly -- total darkness.

He's going to kill him.


The Third Thug has cut the lights.

ON HANNA Pulling back from his scope. Silent. Surprised. 10X off and reaches over to another larger

Quickly he slides his UNERTL

SCOPE lying off to the side. A night-vision STARLIGHT SCOPE. it onto his rifle and aims.

In a flash, he seats

HANNA'S POV THROUGH NIGHT-VISION SNIPER SCOPE of a dark apartment painted in oscilloscope green. Everything is fuzzy and undefined. Is that the shadow of a man moving around in the background? The glowing crosshairs prowl about the area where the LEAD THUG was. More GREEN FUZZINESS and SHADOWS. And then movement...the smallest, most imperceptible shift in the room. CUT TO: HANNA'S FINGER pulling the trigger.

6 THE CRACK OF A SINGLE BULLET FIRED. CUT TO: HANNA'S POV OF THE APARTMENT Still green fuzziness and shadows. hit?


Has anything happened?

Did he

And then suddenly, an image of a man...getting closer...coming into sight...forming...he reaches the window...staggers a step...then falls out to the street below, dead. This was the Lead Afghani Thug. KYLE just stares at the body. KYLE ...Sweet Adeline... Hanna looks back at him, silent. HANNA ...One bullet. Who's gonna know?... THE TWO REMAINING AFGHANI THUGS now come dashing out of the building in a panic. They scoop up the dead thief and jump into a beat-up Mercedes. Wheels churn in the dusty road... The Mercedes speeds by. Suddenly - FLASHES OF LIGHT from inside accompanied by a CRACK-CRACK-CRACK in the night. Bullets WHIZ right past KYLE, inches from his head. right past him again.

One ricochets, whistling

KYLE (ducking) ...Goddamn...they shot at me. (thinking) They can't do that. Angry, Kyle swings his machine gun to bear on the moving car. KYLE (CONT'D) Nobody shoots at Kyle Calloway, y'hear that! Nobody! You're fuckin with a Texan goddamnit! Do you even remotely understand what that means?! I think not! Quickly, Hanna flips the safety on Kyle's machine gun.

Kyle shoots him a look.

Hanna motions to the apartment. The lights have come back on. The Boy finishes untying his Mother. She embraces him, alive, unharmed. Radio crackle suddenly breaks in:

7 RADIO Spyglass-1, this is S-2, over? KYLE (grabs receiver) Spyglass-1 here, over?


RADIO We heard shots.


KYLE Nothin'.

What's going on?

Just those locals.

RADIO Spyglass-1. This is S-2. If they approach closer, you have permission to fire warning shots. Scare them the hell away. Kyle watches the Mercedes disappear.

Roger, S-2.

He glances over at Hanna.

KYLE Consider it done.

INT. - DARK, CONCRETE BARRACKS ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT Marines lie sleeping on half of the 20 cots that line each wall. KYLE lies on his cot. His boots off, airing out his feet. KYLE Hey, awake. HANNA is just lying on his back, the next cot over. Thinking.

Staring at the ceiling.

HANNA Yeah... KYLE Ya' know... (beat) I ain't never been shot at before. Hanna doesn't even shift, just continues to stare upwards, thinking. HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE ...I can still here that goddamn bullet whislin' by my ear. HANNA ...Yeah...

8 KYLE I'm mean, hell, one more inch and that woulda been the ranch. HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE Get kinda nervous just thinkin about it, ya' know. Funny, I wasn't nervous then, but now that I think about it...Jesus... HANNA ...So don't think about it. Kyle glances over and looks at Hanna, who's still staring up at the ceiling. KYLE Hell, Steve, sometimes you're just all talk. HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE Christ! Our first taste of combat and you're countin' sheep... Hanna doesn't say anything.

Kyle shifts to his side.

KYLE (CONT'D) Course I imagine it's gonna be our last, too. Stuck out in a cold sector. We're just a bunch a grunts all dressed up and nowhere to go. HANNA ...Yeah... Kyle gives him one last frustrated look. sleep.

Then turns over to try and go to



KYLE sleeps peacefully in his bed...SNORING AWAY.

And on the cot next to him

HANNA awake, staring at the ceiling. Silent. Thinking. He leans over to his footlocker and pulls out a small green book and a pen flashlight. Lights a cigarette. Starts reading.

9 INT.


Heat, flies and brightness. MARINES lay spread out on the cots. saunters in carrying a stack of envelopes.


CORPORAL Mail call... He passes cot after cot, tossing mail, reaching: KYLE who's still SNORING AWAY. The Corporal stops. Picks out seven or eight letters from his pile...and as he does so, we now notice that on the wall around Kyle are pictures of him with buddies, with girls, with numerous relatives and members of his family. Dropping Kyle's generous batch of mail at his feet, the Corporal moves to the next cot and sees HANNA lying there on his back, awake, watching him, smoking a cigarette. second, their eyes meet.

For a

And then the Corporal quickly shifts his eyes forward to the next cot and moves on. And as he does so, we notice that there is nothing around Hanna. Nothing but his rifle case and the small green book. Finishing up, the Corporal exits, and GUNNERY SERGEANT GILES RUDDER enters. Bright and cheery and spit and polish. busting Government Issue NCO.

A red, white, and blue, ball-

SERGEANT RUDDER Alright, up and at 'em, Eagle platoon...on the bounce...Your friendly neighborhood Gunny's got a fun-filled day planned for all his special campers...that means everybody and anybody who ain't on guard or patrol better plan on attending... (looks at his watch) ...Starting with morning inspection at, oh, let's say-- Zero-Six-Thirty?...that's right, boys and boys, it's another eventfilled day in Camp Gitchygoomy... He takes one last look around, a shit-eating grin of his face. GUNNERY SERGEANT Zero-Six-Thirty, gentlemen... And then he turns and exits.

10 AND NOW BEGINS A SERIES OF SHOTS showing the drudgery of the daily routine. This should be accompanied with humorous, almost sarcastic working man's music. Maybe Tennessee Ernie Ford's "I Sold My Soul To The Company Store". INT. - BARRACKS - MUSIC BEGINS Hanna, Kyle and the Marines prepare for morning inspection: boots, shaving, making beds, sweeping the barracks, etc...

shining their

CUT TO: INT. - LAVATORY/SHOWERS - MUSIC CONTINUES... Hanna, Kyle and the same Marines scrub away at rusty urinal after rusty urinal... CUT TO: INT. - BARRACKS ROOM - MUSIC CONTINUES... Hanna, Kyle and the same Marines stand next to their cots as the Gunny passes slowly by, inspecting... CUT TO: EXT. - LOADING AREA - MUSIC CONTINUES... We're outside now, middle of the day, and the heat hovers over the ground like a shimmering veil. Hanna, Kyle and a few Marines have been organized into a work detail. They are in the hellish process of unloading a convoy of Marine trucks heavily laden with supplies... CUT TO: EXT. - A SAND PIT - MARINE COMPOUND - MUSIC CONTINUES... Sweat rolls down the faces of the Marines of the work detail, who are now in the middle of carrying out the arduous, back-breaking task of filling sandbags under the blistering sun... CUT TO: INT. - WEAPONS ROOM - MUSIC CONTINUES... A small workshop area.

Each Marine cleans his unassembled weapon.

HANNA dips the bare frame of his sniper rifle into a drum of turpentine...then scrubs it over and over with metal wire...applying a lot of effort...this is hard work. END MUSIC AND SERIES OF SHOTS

11 EXT. - DUSTY QUAD IN COMPOUND - LATER Our squad of Marines now stands in a U-formation, their equipment spread out in front of them. The Gunny Sarge passes from one to the next, inspecting weapons, binos, radios. He reaches: HANNA who is standing there, matter-of-fact. THE GUNNY glances down at Hanna's disassembled M40 Sniper Rifle. clean. Spotless.

Every part is shining

He looks back up at though still trying to size up who this soldier is? This man behind all the silence?... Without inspecting further...he moves on, reaching: KYLE who stands there with his M240 Machine Gun at his feet. Resting on its bipod legs.

All in one piece.

GUNNY (looking at M240) You got a name for her?... KYLE (smiles) Adeline...Sweet Adeline. GUNNY I like her already... And then the Gunny leans down close to the edge of the barrel. open end.

Looking at the

GUNNY Is she clean?

KYLE (smiles) Cleaner an' a chinese laundry. The Gunny smiles, then sticks his finger inside the end of the barrel, twists it around, then pulls it back out and holds it up. His finger is clean. GUNNY Outstanding, Calloway. Out-fuckingstanding, Calloway. Just the way I like ‘em. Like a virgin. Now show me the rest.

12 KYLE ...The rest? GUNNY The inside...take her apart. This is not what Kyle wanted to hear. KYLE ...with all due respect, gunny...ya know what'll happen...goddamn dirt'll fly right back in. Get her all clogged. Hell, I think-GUNNY --Just...take her apart, Calloway. Frustration burning in his eyes, Kyle begins to do just that...taking apart the M240...21 parts in all...a military Rubic's cube...and Kyle has all the parts mastered. CUT TO: EXT.


HANNA AND KYLE are back on duty in the now familiar bunker. KYLE --Goddamn inspections...goddamn work details...goddamn clean this...clean that...Calloway do this...Calloway do that. (beat) Why can’t we just fight the Taliban already? Hanna spots A LARGE HAND-PAINTED MURAL on a nearby wall of A TERRORIST WITH A DISTINCTIVE RED ARABIC HEADRESS that covers his whole face except his eyes. Painted under the image in scribbled English are the words: “Deth To Amerika”. HANNA Or Al-Khazar...and Ghost. KYLE Ya know, partner...sometimes I think I'm in the wrong place. Hanna scans other areas of the village, just thinking. HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE Ya' I was born at the wrong time. Sometimes...I wish I was born a hundred years ago. Out in Texas territory. Figure it was a helluva lot simpler back then. No book a rules tellin' you what to do. Ya know? Nobody

13 KYLE (CONT’D) hangin' on your back. No gettin' permission for every goddamn thing. HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE Just a man...a gun...and his conscience. Hanna doesn't say anything.

He continues to look out over the village.

KYLE (CONT'D) You just don't get that anywhere anymore. Not here. Not even back home. HANNA ...No... KYLE Hell, even back's all rules now. And numbers. School. A job. The straight and narrow track. HANNA ...if that... They both just stand there.

Looking out at the village.

KYLE I mean sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doin here. Ya know? (beat) I mean what are we're doin here, partner? Hanna just shakes his head: HANNA ...Nothing... KYLE Well, how the hell come?! Hanna shifts.

Looking out at the vast, dark horizon. HANNA ...You really wanna know?... KYLE Yeah, I do. HANNA ...Because guys like you and me -- we ain't shit. (beat) And we ain't never gonna get a chance to do nothing but shit. That's just the way it's all set up.

14 Kyle turns to Hanna: KYLE Boy -- you sure know how to cheer people up! Hanna smiles. HANNA I am a popular motherfucker, aren't I? And they both just stand there, thinking silently for a beat.


KYLE The way what's setup? HANNA What? KYLE You said the way it's all setup. what's all setup?

The way



HANNA AND KYLE are still on duty. KYLE How much longer?... HANNA 2 hours 40 minutes. Ten minutes less than the last time you asked. KYLE ...well, sorry for livin'... Both become silent again...looking out...waiting for the time to pass. Suddenly: A LARGE, SILENT, BLACK SHADOW skims over the bunker, smooth and quick, as though some form of giant manta ray had just passed overhead. And in a blink of an eye, it's gone. HANNA AND KYLE look at each other a beat, silent. What was that? and look up, into the sky, and as they do so: ANOTHER LARGE, SILENT BLACK SHADOW skims over them.

Both grab their binoculars

15 HANNA AND KYLE both quickly turn their gaze in the direction that the shadow was moving, searching for it with their binoculars. KYLE Hell, partner...I think I hear 'em. hear 'em?


HANNA No... KYLE Me neither. Hanna continues to search the sky. After a beat: HANNA ...Got 'em... Kyle looks out in the direction of Hanna’s gaze. KYLE'S POV THROUGH BINOCULARS Of two black oval dots, one slightly larger and behind the other, moving away. KYLE (O.S) What in hell are they?... And now the dot furthest away begins to change shape...turning...revealing its silhouette...the silhouette of some kind of sleek, advanced combat HELICOPTER. The second dot, follows, turning...and from its silhouette...we see that it is also an advanced combat HELICOPTER. HANNA (O.S) ...They're heading for the airstrip. And indeed, it seems the TWO HELICOPTERS are losing altitude in a controlled manner. Hanna continues to track the helicopters.

Kyle gets on the radio.

KYLE S-2, this is Spyglass-1, over? A beat, and then the crackle of the military radio: RADIO This is S-2, over?

KYLE Roger, this is Spyglass-1. We have two unidentified helos headin' towards the ‘lz’. Cannot confirm their colors or species.

16 No answer. KYLE (CONT'D) S-2, this is Spyglass-1, do you copy? More silence.

Then finally the crackle of the radio: RADIO Spyglass-1, this is S-2. We copy. Disregard. They're OK. They're ours, over.

Kyle thinks a beat. KYLE This is Spyglass-1. Whaddya mean they're ours? If they're ours, how come they ain't on the ops log? (beat) Hell, we coulda shot at 'em for christsakes!? Beat.

Then the crackle of the radio: RADIO ...Roger, Spyglass-1. Somebody musta screwed up. We got 'em listed right here. A 1-3-4 mission. Standard as apple pie. Do you copy, over?

Kyle and Hanna exchange an unsure look. KYLE Affirmative, S-2, we copy...out. (to Hanna) 134? What's that, re-supply? HANNA ...Yeah... Hanna grabs the TRIPOD BINOCULARS, used for longer range, sets it up quickly, and looks through it. After a few seconds: HANNA (CONT'D) ...Now that's what I call a re-supply... HANNA'S POV THROUGH THE TRIPOD BINOCULARS of a compound at the far side of the village, dark and deserted but for the two ADVANCED MH-53X PAVE LOW HELICOPTERS that hover ominously over it. Their blades spinning silently in the night. And from out of them, members of THE SUPERUNIT are emerging. Formidable soldiers, dressed in all-black, shooting one-by-one down ropes that dangle from each helicopter, disappearing into some inner quad of a building. All in all, maybe 40 men. Sleek, fast-moving, fighting machines.

17 KYLE (O.S) Lemme see. A few scuffling sounds as Kyle takes a peak. KYLE (O.S) Jesus...who the hell are they? HANNA (O.S) ...S-2 knew all about them...they gotta be ours... KYLE (O.S) ...whoever they are...they sure ain’t here to clean dishes... INT. - BARRACKS ROOM - NEXT MORNING Hanna, Kyle, and half the men of Eagle platoon begin to rise just as THE GUNNY bursts in, awake and grinning and raring to go. GUNNY Alright, gentlemen...drop your cocks and listen up. (he looks down at names on a clipboard) The following are cordially invited to muster at the motor pool in fifteen minutes: Bemrick, Ramirez, and... (searches his list) Calloway.


Why me?

KYLE Always me!

GUNNY (to Kyle) Guess the Captain likes you, Calloway. Because this one you will savor. Hanna's eyes scan the Gunny's list.

Sorry, Hanna.

GUNNY Just Calloway.

Hanna and Kyle exchange a silent glance. EXT. - MOTOR POOL - DAY Hanna watches from the shade as: The Gunny loads THIRTY MARINES including KYLE into A MILITARY TRUCK. The Gunny climbs in last. The doors close. The truck starts off.

18 Hanna strides around to the far side of A SECOND TRUCK just before it follows. It's loaded with another THIRTY MARINES. He knocks on the MARINE DRIVER'S window. The Driver sticks his head out. Hanna eyes the name on his breast pocket. HANNA You Henderson. MARINE DRIVER That's me. Hanna holds up a touristy POLAROID PHOTO of a rather weighty young Afghani woman in traditional garb. HANNA See this woman. She's in the mess hall, talking to the Colonel. (beat) Congratulations. You're a father. MARINE DRIVER What?!...I never seen her before! HANNA That's not her story. The Marine Driver shoots Hanna a shocked look, jumps out of his seat and hustles off in the direction of the mess hall. Satisfied, Hanna strides into the SECOND TRUCK, taking the driver's seat. He closes the doors and, as the driver now, accelerates the truck up after the first one. EXT. - ROAD – VILLAGE OF DURAJ - DAY The TWO TRUCKS bounce and shake their way along a dusty, tarred, pockmarked road. Hanna following the truck in front. EXT. – DESERTED COMPOUND – EDGE OF DURAJ The TWO TRUCKS come to a stop. ALL SIXTY MARINES begin to dismount, Hanna blending in among them. He finds Kyle. They just look around. KYLE Hey, partner... HANNA ...Yeah...I know... And now we recognize the compound from the night before. members of the SuperUnit fast-roped into.

It's the one the

EXT. – OPEN SAND QUAD – INSIDE DESERTED COMPOUND - DAY The SIXTY MARINES are lined up in rows, and in front of each MARINE is a large, heavy rucksack. Full of sand. Hanna hides in the last row, behind Kyle. The Gunny stands up at the front.


GUNNY ...You have, therefore, all been volunteered to face this test of will and endurance...A test being administered for reasons which are of no consequence to you... (smiles) Unless, of course, you manage to pass it. And only the best four will. As the Gunny continues, we PAN SLOWLY over to the inner walls of the deserted compound...passing window after window... GUNNY (CONT'D) (O.S) So, take your last drink of water...fasten your fieldsacks...and get ready to make the Marine Corps the proud mother that she is... And now we come to rest on a large, single window, covered with what appears to be a plastic tint so we cannot see inside. CUT TO: INT. - ROOM INSIDE DESERTED COMPOUND - BUILDING SURROUNDING COURTYARD A decaying office presently occupied by TWO MEN dressed in all-black field uniforms. Ruggedly good-looking, with strong physiques and a cool, measured composure. These are fighters. Elite Commandos...members of the SUPERUNIT. Behind each movement, there is a sense of hidden, coiled power. speech...a calm arrogance.

And in their

COMMANDO #1 The Marine Corps... (he laughs) You know why they're looking for a few good men?

COMMANDO #2 No... COMMANDO #1 'Cause they don't have any... He looks out through the window as the Marines load the rucksacks onto their backs. COMMANDO #1 (CONT'D) Look at them...just a bunch of grunts. Commando #2 looks out.


20 COMMANDO #2 Yeah...well, somebody's gotta haul our garbage... And Commando #1 laughs. CUT TO: EXT. – INNER QUAD - DAY A BURNING SUN beats down on the sixty Marines, who just stand there, rucksacks on their backs. Starting to sweat. Shifting and swaying as the cramping in their backs begins. This is the test. blinding heat.

To stand there like sheep, wearing their rucksacks, in the

KYLE is one of the few who seems completely comfortable. He's one of the bigger men out here. Just standing around with nothing to do. KYLE Hey, I look stupid? Just standin' here. 'Cause I sure feel stupid. HANNA, so far okay, just scans the seemingly deserted buildings. HANNA ...They're around...watching us maybe...from inside. (beat) Something going down. Kyle glances around at the dirty windows surrounding the quad. Suddenly -- BAM! The first Marine has fainted face-forward into the dirt -- a helpless victim of the noon-day sun. CUT TO: THE QUAD - LATER Hanna, Kyle and about 15 other sweaty Marines are all that remain. A LARGE DRUM OF WATER is placed in front of them now. their lips. God, it's hot.

Mocking them.

They stare at it.

Some lick

CUT TO: THE QUAD - LATER Only six Marines left. BAM! Make that five. Hanna and Kyle and three other large, burly types. Hanna is by far the smallest. And now even he's starting to have a hard time. CUT TO:

21 INT. - DECAYING OFFICE IN BUILDING The Two Commandos from the SuperUnit continue to watch. with them, paging unenthused through a magazine.

The Gunny is in here

COMMANDO #1 That big one...with the stupid grin...what's his name? The Gunny looks up. GUNNY That's Calloway, machine gunner...strong as an ox. COMMANDO #1 ...We'll take him. It's a start, anyway. COMMANDO #2 Three to go... The Gunny's eyes suddenly zero in on Hanna standing behind Kyle. GUNNY What the?!... (beat) Of all the puss-nuts, cockbreath, shiteating goatfucks! COMMANDO #1 What?! The Gunny silently considers Hanna through the window. shakes his head and smiles to himself.

After a beat, he just

GUNNY ...Nevermind... CUT TO: THE QUAD where a battle of wills has now ensued between Hanna and a muscular, giant blockhead of a Marine. Pound for pound much stronger than Hanna. Kyle and the other two machine-gunners are straining but they seem okay. is a competition for the fourth spot.


HANNA is close to the silent pain...his teeth clenched... THE BLOCKHEAD is grunting...groaning...spitting... HANNA's face contorts in a mixture of pain, concentration and grit determination... THE BLOCKHEAD in the meantime has begun to emit primordial grunts and groans and snorts and noises of the most embarrassing nature...

22 HANNA shifts...arching forward...shuts his eyes...trying to muster every last drop of energy...his muscles trembling... THE BLOCKHEAD is spitting like a camel now...his body looking more and more unstable...he starts to sway..dizzy... HANNA, his body shaking, his teeth clenched tight, his eyes almost popping out of his head...about to lose it. And in that split second... THE BLOCKHEAD begins to fall...tipping right over...into HANNA causing them both to hit the dirt. Simultaneously. David and Goliath down. Each just lies there breathing heavy. Now only three Marines, including Kyle, are standing. CUT TO: INT. - DECAYING OFFICE The Two Commandos and the Gunny watch through the window as the events in the quad unfold. Hanna and the Blockhead lie on the ground, breathing heavy. After a beat, Hanna starts to get up...onto his knees...staggering...then standing...just barely...but standing. The Blockhead rolls over, looks at Hanna, then just passes out. COMMANDO #2 The one that got up. Who is he?

That's Hanna.

GUNNY Sniper.

COMMANDO #2 ...He's got a lotta grit. GUNNY Grit.... (beat) And some kinda demon inside. Beat. COMMANDO #1 Alright...those are the four... (turns to the Gunny) We're gonna need their files. INT. - MAKESHIFT OFFICE – SOMEWHERE IN DESERTED COMPOUND Sitting alone at the desk is another man dressed in all black. A Colonel, silver-haired, yet still in peak condition. LEADER. His codename is FALCON. He studies a map.

This is the COMMANDO


Four files in hand.

He is subordinate.

COBRA We've picked our four humpers. the files. FALCON doesn't even look up.

Codename COBRA.

Here are

Studies his map with a viewfinder. FALCON (COMMANDO LEADER)

You read 'em? COBRA I took a look. FALCON Anything special? COBRA ...just one thing.


FALCON Go ahead... He opens the file.

Starts scanning through it.

Reading selectively.

COBRA Corporal Steve Hanna...Surveillance and Tactical Acquisition Platoon, 8th Marine Regiment...a sniper, by the way... FALCON Good...thoroughly unrelated for our purposes...but, hell, I like snipers... COBRA (continuing to read) Born 1975, Bronx, New York. He's almost thirty-two. And he's a corporal. And he gives Falcon a look. FALCON (doesn't seem bothered) ...not all of us have the fortune to find our paths early in life... Beat.

Cobra continues: COBRA Abandoned at the age of three...parents unknown...relatives...unknown.

Falcon doesn't say anything.

Continues to look through his viewfinder.

24 COBRA ...not much else here...except for a highschool equivalency test. Taken when he was 21. The rest is sketchy. FALCON So what's your point? COBRA A background like can make a man...unstable. No matter how he appears. FALCON The Marines have a psychological evaluation. I assume he passed it? COBRA He did... FALCON Then I don't see any need to worry. These tests are scientific. Precise. We rely on the same body of theories for our evaluations and they've haven't failed us yet. COBRA never know. FALCON ...What about his military record? COBRA Clean...spotless. FALCON That's enough for me. (beat) Arrange the briefings for our four little Marine friends and put everyone else on condition blue. Cobra sees there's no point in continuing. thinking. Then turns back to face Falcon.

Walks silently to the door,

COBRA I checked him out. This Corporal Steve Hanna. He's a loner. And in the end...loners go their own way... But Falcon's not really listening. INT. - SECRET BRIEFING ROOM – DESERTED COMPOUND A grizzled 50-year-old COMMANDO SERGEANT briefs Hanna, Kyle, and the two other Marines. His codename is STRIKER.

25 STRIKER You have been chosen to accompany us on a mission of the highest urgency. You, however, will not be combatants. You will not even be armed with anything other than pistols which we will supply to you. Your job, simply put, will be this -- to carry any and all supplies needed for our mission. We have determined that the amount of supplies which we require can be carried by four strong, healthy ablebodied individuals. You are those four. You, gentlemen, will be our sherpas on the way to Mount Everest. Consider it an honor. You don't know who we are...and you won't, not for a long time...but one day you'll read about us in the history books. The four Marines sit silent, taking it all in. STRIKER (CONT'D) I will be your squad leader and you will follow each and everyone of my commands. Any act which can remotely be construed as jeopardizing this mission will be penalized by a field court martial and punishable by death. KYLE (whispering to Hanna) ...Nothin like fosterin' an air a' high morale. Striker looks at Kyle silently a beat, then continues: STRIKER For the purposes of this mission, I cannot disclose my real name to you. However, you may call me Sergeant Striker. You will receive appropriate equipment, uniforms and coded dogtags...and as of will no longer wear any item or mark of clothing which will identify you as an American. (beat) The Unit Leader will speak to you now. DISSOLVE TO: INT. - SECRET BRIEFING ROOM - LATER FALCON, the silver-haired commando leader, stands before them. Imposing. A self-styled leader about to give a speech. FALCON I have one word for you, gentlemen -- that word is PRECISION.


26 FALCON (CONT’D) Sun Tzu. Alexander the Great. Napoleon. Patton. All operated under the same rules. All relied on improvisation and initiative to counter the fog of war. (beat) Well, in our battlefield, that day is over. Technology has LIFTED the fog and today there is only one golden rule -Precision. (beat) Our plan is a precise one, gentlemen. Your part is to carry what we tell you...and follow the Sergeant wherever he goes, wherever we go. It's a simple task, so do it well. Do it with precision. We move tomorrow. And Falcon turns to head out the room.

Kyle raises his hand, interrupting.

KYLE Ahh...Sir? Falcon turns, looks at Kyle. FALCON Corporal Calloway, right? KYLE Yes, sir. FALCON What is it?... KYLE Well, sir...regardin' the nature of the mission. At what point do we get to know what this here is all about? Falcon just shakes his head. FALCON ...Never... And turns to exit. INT. - HALLWAY – DESERTED COMPOUND Hanna, Kyle and the two other Marines walk out of the briefing room. MARINE #1 Sun Tzu. Alexander the Great. fuck was he talkin about?

What the

KYLE (shakes his head) Beats the hell outta me... (beat) Ya hear all that garbage, partner?

27 Hanna just nods, lights a cigarette, thinking along a different track. HANNA Noncombatants... (then he sniffs the air) stinks... And then tosses his cigarette and walks off. INT. - DARK BARRACKS ROOM – DESERTED COMPOUND - NIGHT Hanna, Kyle, and the two other Marines lie sleeping on metal cots. KYLE Hey...partner. What do you make a' all this? I mean I wonder what the hell we're settin' out to do? Hanna holds his penlight to his green book, reading. his face.

The dim glare revealing

HANNA ...Don't know... Kyle shifts.

Shakes his head, thinking out loud: KYLE Maybe it’s some kind of rescue or something. HANNA Maybe...

Beat. KYLE Hey, partner? Johnson, the third Marine, interjects: JOHNSON Would you morons shut up, already, we're tryin to sleep here. Markus is the fourth Marine.

A big, lumbering teddy bear of a man.

MARKUS Yeah, c'mon guys...we got a big day tomorrow! The other three just turn and look at Markus.

What a dork.

EXT. – LANDING ZONE – DESERTED COMPOUND - WEE HOURS OF THE NIGHT SHADOWS OF MEN buzz around the faint outline of a single MH-53X PAVE LOW HELICOPTER, its rotors spinning silently in the night.

28 HANNA AND KYLE and the two other Marines stand off to the side. At their feet -- FOUR GIANT BLACK RUCKSACKS. Packed to the hilt. Striker is checking over the packs as Falcon walks by: FALCON Alright, Striker, load your men. Striker turns to the Marines.

Single file.

Nods toward the helicopter. STRIKER After me.

KYLE Hey, sarge, you boys ever call each other by your real names? STRIKER ...We don't know them. EXT. – LANDING ZONE - LATER - STILL NIGHT The shadows and activity are gone.

The PAVE LOW sits alone on the tarmac.

And then slowly it begins to rise...into the dead of night... EXT. - THE NIGHT SKY - LATER The PAVE LOW flies silently over a sea of moonlit water. At the controls, TWO PILOTS, wearing Darth Vader like helmets. INT. - BELLY OF THE HELICOPTER - AS IT FLIES NINE COMMANDOS of the SuperUnit and the FOUR MARINES sit facing each other on two benches. Dressed all in black. Each Commando carries a weapon more exotic than the next. black. Nothing reflects light. Nothing.

All weapons are

All are quiet. Each man dealing on his own terms with the mortal dangers that lie ahead. The silence is overwhelming. KYLE Well, one thing's for sure -- they ain't gonna hear us. One of the Commandos, codename FIST, scans the four Marines.


FIST So...we're bringing the kids along for a little hop and pop. A second Commando, codename DRAGON, leans forward toward the Marines. DRAGON Just remember -- if bullets start flying our way, whatever you do -- DON'T PANIC. Kyle just looks over at Hanna. Fist, fire in his eyes.

Who are these assholes?

Hanna stares hard at

29 A wooden box is now passed down from one commando to the next. Each commando slips off an identical RING from his finger and places it in the box. Like a ritual of a secret order. Hanna just watches, silent. Cocky:

The last one, Banshee, looks up at him.

West Point. Hanna just stares back.


BANSHEE All of us.

A steely look.

HANNA ...West Point... And then he slowly leans over and spits on the floor. Banshee. Smiles.

Then looks back at the

BANSHEE That's a nasty habit you got there. HANNA Who said it was a habit? EXT. - NIGHT SKY - LATER The PAVE LOW slips in and out between more dark ridges...then finally begins to slow down, descending into a pitch-black valley. The door opens, and the men begin to de-helicopter onto the arid, rocky ground. CUT TO: EXT.


As the PAVE LOW takes off in the background, we make out TWO VERTICAL LINES OF MEN moving off into the valley at a fast walking pace. Falcon at the front, leading the strike force. Striker and the four Marines at the rear, the giant rucksacks resting heavily on their backs. The men move on silently...wraiths in the night. EXT. - A GIANT BLACK RIDGE - LATER - NIGHT The Strikeforce moves up a ridge towards its crest. the movement is slow and arduous.

The incline is steep and

HANNA AND KYLE are at their place near the back. Climbing up through the rocks with a hundred pounds on their backs. Straining. Sweat pouring into their eyes. Finally, the force reaches the crest.

30 PANORAMA AHEAD - OVER THE CREST An open desert valley below. Empty except for A DESOLATE ROAD which traverses across it. Maybe 100 yards away.

This is it.

FALCON (O.S.) Gold Point. CUT TO:

EXT. - CREST OF THE RIDGE BLACKENED COMMANDO HANDS lay THE FOUR GIANT RUCKSACKS on the ground. them. Revealing a cornucopia of high-tech equipment:


The SuperUnit begins to set up. KYLE What'dya know. We're on a mission with Buck Rogers. Fist, nearby, hears Kyle.


FIST Pentagon's newest toys. Maybe in ten years...even the Marines'll get them. (cocky) But I doubt it... Hanna just looks around at the equipment. Realizes what they're up to:

Then at the lone road below.

HANNA ...Ambush... Hanna turns. Sees Falcon, 50 feet away, opening the BLACK STEEL CASE. raises his NIGHT VISION GOGGLES and watches him.


ON FALCON looking into the case. Only it's not a case. Portable. Built into a steel case.


A DIGITAL COUNTDOWN begins on the corner of the screen. Falcon enters a code. The countdown disappears. The screen suddenly fills with A HIGH-RESOLUTION TERRAIN MAP of the whole area.

Overlaid with military symbols. CUT TO:

EXT. - DARK VALLEY BETWEEN MOUNTAINS - NEARBY - NIGHT A four vehicle convoy consisting of an SUV, Two White Peugots, and another SUV speeds along a desolate stretch of road.

31 HIGH ABOVE IT IN THE NIGHT SKY A Micro UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) the size of an insect (wingspan one-inch) flies about. A mini-INFRARED TV CAMERA in its nose prowls the terrain. It fixes on the convoy.

Begins to shadow it.

EXT. - THE CREST OF THE RIDGE - SAME TIME - NIGHT The Commandos of the Strikeforce lie in a perfect horizontal line overlooking the road. Spaced 15 meters apart. Wearing tiny MOTOROLA headphones with lip mics. Striker and the Four Marines lie off to the side.

All is quiet.

Ambush time.

Cobra pilots the micro-UAV from a large console that was carried in one of the rucksacks. ON HIS CONSOLE SCREEN The four-vehicle convoy cruises down a dark road. COBRA (V.O.) (into lip mic) Falcon. This is Cobra. The prey is in sight.

Roger, Cobra.

FALCON (O.S.) Close and identify.

Our INFRARED INVERSE BLACK-AND-WHITE POV suddenly dives low and maneuvers around, zooming in on the faces of the men in the Two Peugots. We frame on a BEARDED ARAB MAN in the distinctive ARABIC HEADRESS [KEFFIYEH] OF AL-KHAZAR sitting in the back of the second Peugot. His face is visible. COBRA Hornet. Tango is second jeep. Arm your tag.

Rear left.

HORNET opens a small metal box, revealing two custom-made bullets. He takes one out. Slides a small switch on its side. A stripe on the bullet glows red. He loads the bullet into his sniper rifle.


HORNET Tag armed.

FALCON now plugs a calculator-like GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) relay into his computer. ON THE TERRAIN MAP OF HIS COMPUTER SCREEN A RED TRACKING DOT now appears.

Illustrating the location of the SuperUnit.

Off in the distance, the faint headlights of the convoy approach. HANNA AND KYLE lie off to the side. his side.

Just watching.

Hanna sets his revolver by

32 STRIKER (to Hanna) What in hell are you doing?... Hanna just looks at him.


Put it away. Beat.

STRIKER Put it away. For a beat. Hanna does nothing. gonna take much more of this.

Then puts it away.

Doesn't look like he's

The convoy now closes in fast. FALCON Banshee, mark your spot. Initiate on Zero-Zero. Two-Nine-Nine. Final orders. Execute. Tag. End. BANSHEE, the demolitions expert, peers through an ULTRA-SOUND DOPPLER DEVICE. BANSHEE'S POV THROUGH DOPPLER DEVICE - DESOLATE ROAD A wide, purple-tinted view. road below.

A stationary WHITE X marks a ghostly spot on the

The CONVOY enters the far edge of the screen. Approaches the WHITE X. DIGITAL Time and Distance readouts count down.


BANSHEE (INTO MIC) Five -- Four -- Three --- The convoy is right in front of the Strikeforce now. -BANSHEE -- Two --- The lead SUV is now past the halfway point. -BANSHEE -- One -The lead SUV reaches the White X.

TIME and DISTANCE readouts hit zero-zero.

BANSHEE'S FINGER hits a button on his transmitter. A SMALL ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE MINE planted by the side of the road emits an instantaneous pulse. INSIDE THE ENGINE OF THE LEAD SUV Electricity suddenly stops flowing through the wires of the engine.

33 INSIDE THE LEAD SUV The driver quickly notices the car die. It rolls to a stop on the lone road as the trailing vehicles in the convoy stop in line behind it. All are confused. Everything now happens extremely fast.

With a cold efficiency:

DRAGON fires a bulky rifle connected to a large battery that was carried in one of the packs.

Instantaneously, A GREEN LASER PULSE shoots down and hits THE DRIVER’S SIDE MIRROR of the trailing SUV. The mirror shows an image of the Driver’s face. the driver suddenly looks around – blinded.

Inside –

LIGHTNING now centers the image of the second Peugot inside a square viewfinder attached to a 3-foot wide emitter device. He holds down a trigger labeled “MICROWAVES”. A multi-colored temperature indicator quickly rises from cold colors to hot. THE PASSENGERS INSIDE THE SECOND PEUGOT immediately notice the car heat up intensely but don’t know why. roll down their windows as they start to sweat.

They quickly

HORNET – BACK UP ON THE RIDGE looks through a CT SCOPE at the same Peugot, it’s windows now down. HORNET'S POV – CT SCOPE Three anatomical human figures – skeleton and muscle tissue -- outlined against a blue background. You can't actually see the car. Looks kinda like a CAT scan. HORNET (O.S.) (under his breath) HORNET aims at the skeleto-muscular figure in the rear on the left. a precise bone. It starts to flash. He pulls the trigger.

Zooms into

THE BULLET - IN SLOW MOTION - MICROVIEW flies out his rifle. Impacts the BEARDED ARAB MAN's skin. Breaks apart. Leaving only a spinning needle. The needle rips through muscle. Hits the bone. Passes through and out. Leaving a microscopic chip embedded inside. ON THE BEARDED ARAB MAN IN RED AL-KHAZAR HEADRESS/KEFFIYEH suddenly clutching his mid-section. As though he was just bitten. small spot of blood. He starts to shout at his driver in Arabic.

He sees a

34 ON THE CONVOY as the lead SUV manages to start its engine again. Another man takes the wheel of the trailing SUV. Quickly, all four vehicles of the convoy speed off down the road. HIGH UP ON THE RIDGE Falcon enters 'G'-'C' into his computer.

His screen splits in two.

A ROTATING COMPUTER GRAPHIC PORTRAIT of the BEARDED ARAB MAN appears on the top half along with the words "TARGET CONFIRMED". THE BOTTOM HALF OF HIS SCREEN remains a terrain map. The RED TRACKING DOT speeds along the road. Enters a town labeled “ZHOB”. Falcon hits two keys. A HIGH-RESOLUTION BLUEPRINT of THE TOWN. Every single building numbered. THE RED TRACKING DOT enters the town. rather large building. Number 32. Falcon enters "32."

Moves along a few roads.

The computer replies: "HOSPITAL."

Stops at a

Falcon smiles.

ANGLE ON HANNA watching all this with his night-vision goggles. green book. Kyle, next to him, looks down at the road.

He scribbles 'G'-'C' in his

Then at the men of the SuperUnit.

KYLE Ya gotta give 'em credit, partner. Whatever they just did...they sure know how to do it. HANNA ...Anyone can push a button. EXT. – SIDE OF RIDGE – NIGHT The Strikeforce moves down from the top of the ridge in a two-line formation. The men march silently and at a fast clip into a dark valley. EXT. – DARK VALLEY – NIGHT - LATER The Strikeforce continues to the edge of A BOMBED-OUT DISTRICT SCHOOL that sits alone on the valley floor. It consists of several small mud buildings with a larger two-story building in the center. EXT. - ONE HUNDRED YARDS BEFORE SCHOOL COMPLEX - NIGHT Falcon stops. Lowers to one knee. lies prone. Falcon scans ahead.

The rest of the Strikeforce automatically


Run down.


35 Falcon puts his binos away. Takes out a few folded, silvery SATELLITE PHOTOS of the school from his breast pocket. Looks like it's on the moon. FALCON We've prepositioned the vehicle here. KH-11 made a pass yesterday. Should be nice and empty. (into headset) Two-Nine-Nine-Alpha. Silver Point. Cobra and Fist. Sneak and Peek. Pointing at the photo, he motions Cobra to check a small side building, then to circle around the main one. Cobra and Fist take off... CUT TO: EXT. – BOMBED-OUT DISTRICT SCHOOL - NIGHT Cobra and Fist approach one of the smaller mud buildings. Fist carrying one motherfucker of a machine gun. They peer through a hole in a wall. A SHINY BLACK VAN sits parked inside, hidden. They turn and head to the TWO-STORY BUILDING, sweeping around to ITS FAR SIDE where Cobra scans all around.

And as he does so WE PAN UP

TO A DIRTY SECOND-STORY WINDOW right above him, where dark shadows hide the HARDENED FACE OF A MAN watching Cobra silently from inside. COBRA down below, finishes scanning. COBRA (into lip mic) Falcon. Cobra here. picture. All clear.

Just like the

He motions to Fist and they slip back around to the front as ABOVE The HARDENED FACE tracks them, moving from window to window. INT. – SECOND-STORY ROOM – MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING The hardened face belongs to AN AFGHANI MAN in modern clothing that looks like it came straight out of K-mart with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder. Behind him, a MOTLEY CREW of SEVEN MORE ARMED AFGHANI MEN in similar clothing sleeps amidst the cobwebs. All around them are bricks of a white gooey paste. Hardened Face's eyes track Cobra and Fist, leading him to discover -- the Strikeforce lying in the distance 75 yards away.

36 Hardened Face curses in Pashto. the leader of this little gang.

Quickly, he whirls around and hustles over to Wakes him.

HARDENED FACE (subtitled) Gul. Gul. (Gang Leader starts to wake) Wake up. American troops are here. Looking around for us. GANG LEADER (groggy) Americans?! Impossible?! here an hour ago?!

We just got

Gang Leader looks out the window. GANG LEADER'S POV - OUTSIDE The Strikeforce approaches the main school building in military formation. GANG LEADER (subtitled) Wake everyone! Fast! OUTSIDE THE MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING The Strikeforce closes in, unaware. Hanna and Kyle at the rear, the giant rucksacks on their back. stops. His eyes tighten. He senses something. Falcon is still in front. something.

A second later, he stops, too.

Suddenly, Hanna

Also senses

RAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREEN MACHINE GUN TRACER-FIRE thunders from a second story window. Falcon is almost lifted off the ground, jerking, as though being hit by a sledge hammer. He falls on his face. Dead. All watch, stunned. COBRA What the?! Contact, hit the deck! RAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More green machine gun tracer fire. other windows.

bullets everywhere.

Gun FLASHES from

Dragon, Fist, and the Third Marine are hit as they scramble for cover. INSIDE THE SECOND STORY All Seven Members of the Gang are awake and firing like the blazes and howling in Pashto.

37 OUTSIDE Hanna and Kyle dive behind a small outer retainer wall. Hanna peeks out.

Shed their rucksacks.

The Afghani Gang have pinned the Commandos down along a 70 foot stretch. The Commandos are trying to shoot back. Using their secondary weapons -- H&K MP5 Submachine Guns with Pulse Laser Sights. Hanna pulls out his revolver.

It looks pretty meager.

KYLE What're you gonna shoot with that?! Dinner?! Hanna looks down at the revolver.

Hey, it's all they got.




COBRA AND BANSHEE have taken cover behind some large boulders. COBRA Who the fuck is up there?! Cobra scans around.

Tries to organize his team.

Direct a response.

COBRA(INTO MIC) Two-Nine-Nine! Cobra, here! Falcon is horizontal! I am in control! Banshee lets loose on his MP5. dead.

An Afghani Gang Member flies out to the ground,

WIZARD the Strikeforce medic who is near Hanna and Kyle, eyes the body. white bricks of paste have fallen around him.

A few of the

WIZARD (realizing) ...Opium. KYLE What? WIZARD Those bricks are raw opium. For heroin. They’re drug smugglers. Afghanistan if full of ‘em. (looks up at windows) They probably think we've come to arrest them. Hanna scans around. Bullets WHIZ by. A heavy machine gun from a slit hole spits out doses of lead. It's the main problem. For a moment, it arcs its fire. Bullets pour into one of the small side buildings. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! The BLACK VAN inside explodes!



COBRA Shit!!!!

Cobra turns and glares up at the machine gun nest.

Scans around.

COBRA Dragon, do you read?! (nothing) Dragon, do you read?! BANSHEE He's out there! And Banshee points to Dragon's lifeless body. COBRA Damnit!!! (thinking) Lightning! Do you read?!

Roger, Cobra!

LIGHTNING (O.S.) Lightning here!

COBRA I want HE's against that main gun! LIGHTNING fires his M203 GRENADE. THUMP!!! shooting out from just a small slit window. It bounces off. Explodes in the air.


But the main machine gun is No place for the grenade to enter.

The machine gun rages back with GREEN TRACERS. HANNA AND KYLE look up at the machine gun. It's right opposite them. the two-story building. Spots something at its side.

Hanna scans the edge of

He looks at Fist -- lying immobile in the open 5 feet away. HANNA -- I got an idea. -KYLE -- I like it. -Hanna just looks at Kyle. KYLE Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like it! I just wanna do somethin! – And Hanna's gone. Slithering like a snake on all fours. a grenade bag. Fist's machine gun. Crawls back.

Reaches Fist.


39 COBRA - 70 FEET AWAY suddenly spots Red Tracer fire coming from the area of Hanna and Kyle's position. Firing off into darkness to the side of the two-story building. completely.


COBRA Who the hell is aiming that?! ON KYLE firing Fist's Machine Gun

INTO THE DARKNESS where we now see THREE PALM TREES. And he's firing at their bases. them down. Handling the machine gun like a tool.


CUT TO: THE THREE TREES falling to the ground.

Like giant matchsticks. CUT TO:

HANNA pulling the pin from his grenade. Tossing it towards one of the three trees. BOOM!!! An explosion. A BURNING FIRE. FLAMES leap high in the air...covering the slit of the machine gun nest. CUT TO: INSIDE THE SECOND STORY MACHINE GUN NEST The Afghan Smuggler Leader, wielding the main machine gun, pulls back, feeling the intense heat. All he can see is flames. CUT TO: HANNA pulling the pin on a second grenade. Throws it at another fallen tree. BOOM!!! Another FIRE. And now there's A WALL OF FLAME from the Strikeforce's position right to one side of the main school building. Perfect cover for a dash across. CUT TO: COBRA - 70 FEET AWAY just looking at it. next to him.

Burning cover.

Can't believe it.

Now Striker crawls up

40 COBRA Good work, Striker.


STRIKER I thought that was you...

They just look at each other a beat.


COBRA That's our path across.

BACK ON HANNA AND KYLE Hanna dashes to the enemy's side behind the wall of fire, grenade in hand. Kyle follows. They reach THE SIDE OF THE MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING close to the main machine gun. Hanna spots a side window with no glass. Throws a grenade. BOOM!!! The machine gun nest EXPLODES!! Both now eye a nearby door. KYLE House-to-house. This ain't exactly our specialty, partner. HANNA ...It is now... Hanna pulls the pin of his last grenade. grenade in. BOOM! Rushes—

Kicks the door open.

Throws the

INSIDE Kyle follows him in. It's an empty destroyed room. far end. Hanna gets his revolver ready.

I go left.

They move to a door at the

HANNA You go right.

KYLE Your left or---and Hanna kicks the door in.

Rushes in to the second room--

KYLE --Wait a goddamn minute! But it's too late.

Hanna's inside--

THE SECOND ROOM Everything happens in a split second now: THREE AFGHANI SMUGGLERS are just coming down stairs -- Hanna shoots the first one -- drops him -- Kyle is suddenly inside -- shoots at the second one -- misses wildly -- the second one is about to shoot Kyle -- suddenly drops dead -- thank you Hanna -- Kyle shoots

41 at the Third Smuggler -- misses wildly again -- the Third Smuggler shoots at Hanna -Hits him in the shoulder -- Hanna falls back against the wall --shooting the Third Smuggler at the same time -- between the eyes. Hanna clutches his bleeding shoulder. Cobra and Striker show up.

Just then:

They see Hanna and Kyle here. COBRA

You?!!! A split second later, the remaining members of the SuperUnit appear. CUT TO:

THE SUPERUNIT COMMANDOS cleaning out the remaining rooms. Two at a time. Throw in a grenade. Let it explode. One rushes in left, the other goes right. Red Pulse-laser sights. No misses. CUT TO: HANNA AND KYLE in the last room they were in. looks worse than it is.

Kyle's trying to help Hanna with his wound.

HANNA ...The idea is to hit them. KYLE I'm a damn machine gunner, okay! never had to aim before. But Kyle feels bad.

Just leans back.

I ain't

Eyes Hanna's wound.

KYLE I'm sorry you're hurt. me, instead.

It shoulda been

HANNA (shakes head) ...That would'a been worse... Hanna spots TWO TINS OF TURKISH CIGARETTES lying in the dirt. Lights a cigarette. Tired.

Takes them.

We hear the staccato BRRRRP of submachine guns in the background. silence.




42 THE SECOND FLOOR All the Afghani Drug Smugglers in here are dead. bricks of raw opium.

Cobra surveys the white

COBRA Goddamn drug smugglers. They must've decided to hide here for the night. STRIKER (looks at the dead bodies) Well, they're gonna get some sleep. That's for sure. COBRA Make sure that’s all of ‘em. The Strikeforce starts to spread out through the building searching for anyone left alive. They don’t find anyone. But OUTSIDE One Afghani Smuggler, wounded but still alive, escapes past the last small mud building on the school’s perimeter and disappears into the darkness... INT. - FIRST FLOOR – SCHOOL BUILDING - LATER The Strikeforce is all here. Wizard, the medic, finishes bandaging Lightning. Inserts an I.V. into Hanna's arm, then motions him to remove his shirt. Hanna hesitates. Does it -- revealing his shoulder wound, as well as a mosaic of scars from upper body tattoos that have all been removed. Everyone notices.

No one says anything.

Cobra, meanwhile, scans the battlefield computer. The satellite dish is set up. The RED TRACKING DOT still in the “HOSPITAL” in the town of ZHOB. Striker walks up to him: STRIKER Falcon, Dragon, Banshee, Fist, dead. Marines Marcus and Johnson, dead. Lightning and Hanna wounded. Vehicle destroyed. Ammunition levels low. That's the "sitrep". KYLE Couldn't ya have thrown in some good news, too? Cobra just stares at the C3I computer. COBRA We're still tracking. That's what counts. We'll just have to use the backup entry sight. Copper Point.

43 HANNA ...It'll be daylight soon.

We gotta move.

Cobra looks over at him. COBRA ...You giving orders now? Hanna just tapes his I.V. BAG to his arm and walks over to the equipment pile. Grabs one of the MP5 Submachine guns. Then sorts through bullets and grenades. Equipping himself. COBRA What're you doing?! HANNA ...Thinking ahead.

Put it all back down.

COBRA You're not a functional part of this operation.

HANNA You got four men dead. he---and he points to Kyle.

I am now.

So is

Throws him an H&K MP5 submachine gun. HANNA (CONT'D)

You need us. Cobra just looks at him.

Starts to laugh.

Turns to Striker:

COBRA One smart move and a couple of good shots and he thinks he's one of us. (turns to Hanna) Let me tell you something, junior -- This operation has undergone a supreme degree of planning. The men before you have been screened, selected and bred for this mission! They are the most highly trained, highly specialized, and highly equipped in the world. (beat) You are not! HANNA Yeah...I heard it before... (beat) They fit all the right numbers. the right profiles.

Got all

COBRA Damn right they do! They're the best America has to offer. HANNA ...that all depends...

44 Yeah!

COBRA On what?!

HANNA ...On if the system works. COBRA And what system is that?! Hanna takes out a Turkish cigarette.

Lights it.

HANNA ...The one people use these days to judge a man. And they all just look at him. Silent. Even Kyle is silent. Hanna like this before. Cobra smiles. Starts to laugh:

He hasn't seen

COBRA You're just sour, Hanna. That's it, isn't it? I've seen your records. Took you seven years and seven tries just to get into the damn Marines. Just to be a damn Marine grunt! God knows how you finally got in but screw me if you didn't cheat to do it. Hanna just takes a puff from his cigarette. HANNA ...It's your damn system.

Looks at him.

Not mine.

COBRA I got a good mind to call a chopper and fly you straight to jail for insubordination. HANNA But you won't. You won't break radio silence. If you could, you would have already. To abort. Or to reinforce. (glances around) My guess is -- there's somebody around who might be listening. Somebody bigger than these two-bit locals. Cobra and Striker just stare at him. Because he's right. Cobra is getting angry. Frustrated. Looks at both Hanna and Kyle for a beat. COBRA Okay... (beat) Okay... (beat) You and Texas Kyle Calloway over there want to piss with the big dogs. Fine. Go ahead and bite off more than you can chew.

45 COBRA (CONT’D) I could use some extra cannon fodder now, anyway. And he comes right up to Hanna.

In his face.

COBRA (CONT'D) Just remember. You're under my command. If you disobey orders and compromise mission security...I will shoot you. KYLE (shaking his head) ...Ya sign up, ya volunteer, and that's the appreciation ya get. COBRA (ignoring Kyle) Alright, Two-Nine-Nine...get ready to move...I want to be outta here before daylight. KYLE (to Cobra) By the way, seein' as we are now an A-1 functional part of this operation, maybe you can fill us in on the prime objective. COBRA In a pig's eye. And he walks off.

Kyle turns to Hanna. KYLE Now that wasn't very nice.

INT. – ONE-STORY BUILDING – SCHOOL - LATER THE BODIES OF THE DEAD AMERICANS burn in a pyre as Hanna, Kyle and the SuperUnit Commandos watch silently. And for a moment, as we PAN: THE FACES OF THE LIVING their is a camaraderie that knows no distinctions...all feel the same remorse...injustice...uncertainty. All turn and silently start to move off.

Except one --


He stands just staring at the burning bodies. And for the first time, fear comes into his eyes. Fear and the grim reality of death... CUT TO: EXT – EDGE OF SCHOOL PERIMETER - NIGHT The Strikeforce prepares to leave. pain. His shoulder.

As Hanna dons his rucksack, he cringes in

46 KYLE (to Cobra) The man's been shot for cryin' out loud.

He's tough.

COBRA Aren't you, Hanna?

Hanna says nothing. Kyle shakes his head. things from Hanna's pack... EXT.

Reaches over.

Transfers a few


The strike force moves on. Cobra at the lead now. Wizard and Hornet carrying the two other rucksacks. Sweating. Hanna and Kyle with MP5's and headsets now. EXT.


The strike force heads up a gradual incline...passing a cave here and there.



The first rays of sunlight tease the dark blue horizon as the strike force now reaches a small cave entrance. Cobra takes out his plastic covered navigation map. Studies it. Looks around.

This is it. INT.


A long, natural tunnel. through. EXT.



We see just outlines of the men as they move


The men filter in. Put their packs down. Look around. and round and wide and high. At the far end is--

This is a cave.


A WIDE OPENING sporting the most majestic view of the new morning sky. up.

Yes, we are high, high

CUT TO: HANNA AND KYLE crawling up to the far opening, peering over the edge at: THE AFGHAN TOWN OF ZHOB Nestled way down below at the foot of this ridge. This is the largest town we’ve seen so far, complete with mosques, bazaars, and a variety of residential and rudimentary industrial structures. And it is bustling with Afghans. Over this, we hear Cobra's voice through the headset:

47 COBRA (O.S.) Welcome to Zhob. And what a glorious day it is to be an American. Hanna and Kyle look back. He is standing behind them, further back in the cave. Looking at them. He breaks into a smile, then turns and moves further back into the cave. COBRA Lightning. Hornet. Set up the tracking system. We'll split into watches. Two men each. (looks at Hanna, Kyle) Striker -- you get to brief these two on the town. INT. - BIG CAVE - DAY Cobra, Hornet, Lightning and Wizard lie spread out. Meanwhile--


HANNA, KYLE, AND STRIKER lie side-by-side near the large opening. computer.

In front of them is the battlefield

The blueprint map of Zhob is on the screen. Striker points at Building #32, where the RED TRACKING DOT continues to blink. Then down at an identically shaped two-story building in the town. About the size of a large store. STRIKER Building 32. The hospital. Over there. You keep your watch fixed on that. And on the tracking dot. If it moves, you wake me. And you wake Cobra. You don't wait. You don't think about it. You wake us. KYLE (pointing at town) ...What's that? He points to a clean, white-walled building complex. It doesn't really fit in to the rest of the town. Looks just a little bit more...western world. A blue and yellow flag flies from one roof. STRIKER Buildings 56-61. UNAMA. HANNA ...United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan... Striker looks at Hanna, surprised he'd know that.

48 STRIKER Right. They provide various kinds of aid and reconstruction assistance. Sent here by the UN after the Taliban fell. (beat) They have a Swedish infantry company assigned to them for security. Kyle picks up the binoculars: KYLE'S POV THROUGH BINOCULARS - UNAMA COMPLEX Two guards are visible. Both with sun-bleached blond hair. Aviator sunglasses. NATO assault rifles. Swedish uniforms with the Blue UN flag emblem on their shirt sleeves. You wouldn't need a satellite to find these guys...they stick right out. The binoculars PAN AROUND and find SEVERAL NAKED SWEDES sunbathing in an enclosed deck of the complex. to the side.


KYLE (O.S.) These must be the shock troops.

ON STRIKER STRIKER The main authority in this area is the local Governor – Wazir Khan. He’s also the local warlord. He has his own private militia. (beat) So far he’s on our side against the Taliban. But these guys can turn on a dime. And now Striker gets ready to crawl back into the cave. KYLE One more question? Striker stops.

Looks at him: "What?" KYLE (CONT'D) Who's the fella with the red dot? STRIKER You get captured. Wounded. We can't have you talking, can we? (starts backing up again) That tracking dot moves. Even flickers. You better goddamn wake us. And don't touch the keys. Whatever you do, don't touch the keys!

Rifles lying off

49 Striker withdraws into the cave. Preparing to catch some shuteye. Hanna and Kyle turn to look out at the village. Raising their binoculars. Beginning their watch. Silence for a few beats, then: KYLE Hey, partner? HANNA ...What?... They continue to watch as they talk, maintaining a low tone. KYLE ...All that stuff ol' Captain America said. Back there. About you trying seven times in seven years to join up. That true? HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE You never told me that. (serious now) You never talk much about what you did before...bein' a Marine. Back in New York City. Hanna shifts uncomfortably.

Silence for a few seconds.

HANNA ...I...moved around a lot... KYLE ...Doin what?... HANNA ...Pumping gas. Cook…worse... Kyle just looks at him.


Hanna looks away, hesitating.

HANNA (CONT'D) ...Lotta street in New York City...lotta bad things a man can fall into...trying to make it through... Kyle thinks about it. KYLE Guess you were just...driftin', huh? HANNA Yeah...just drifting. Silence. Both continue to stare straight out through their binoculars. a few more seconds, Kyle shifts: KYLE Hey, partner?


50 HANNA ...Yeah?... KYLE You ever get the feeling that maybe he's right? (motioning to Cobra who is still asleep) HANNA ...About what?... KYLE Well...maybe we are bitin' off more than we can chew? Hanna just turns and looks at Kyle. KYLE Now don't go givin' me that look. (beat) Why'd you have to give me that look. don't ever give you that look.


EXT. – GOVERNOR’S PALACE – AFGHAN CITY -- DAY A relatively ornate and large complex in the capital of the province.


Governor’s Palace Provincial Capital 10 Miles Away CUT TO: INT. – LARGE OFFICE – PALACE – DAY Wazir Khan, the Governor and local warlord of the province, sits behind his desk in a well-tailored three piece suit. The lone Afghani Drug Smuggler who survived the encounter with the Strikeforce stands before Wazir, surrounded by several of Wazir’s Militia Men, and finishes recounting what happened to his gang of smugglers. DRUG SMUGGLER I promise you they were Americans. WARLORD WAZIR You are sure? DRUG SMUGGLER Absolutely. WARLORD WAZIR Strange. I have an arrangement with the Americans. I side with them against the Taliban, they leave my opium trade alone. One of Wazir’s Advirors speaks up.

51 WAZIR ADVISOR They have double-crossed us. WARLORD WAZIR Apparently. And we will do the same. (beat) Get me thirty men and a tracker. We will hunt these Americans down. When it comes to interfering with business, they must learn their lesson. WARLORD ADVISOR Attacking the Americans outright could be risky. WARLORD WAZIR You must understand, Haji. America is like a giant elephant. If it fights another elephant, it wins. But in this area of the world, there are no elephants... (he smiles) Only snakes. INT. - BIG CAVE - DAY - LATER Hanna and Kyle are still on watch. Hanna takes out his green book. on a blank page.

The others asleep.

Opens it.

Finds the letters ‘G-C’ scribbled

HANNA ...This is it. KYLE What? HANNA ...The code... KYLE What code? HANNA ...You want to see who we're after. This'll show us. KYLE ...You sure? HANNA ...Yeah... KYLE ...I sure hope you're sure. Hanna stares at the keys on the battlefield computer.

52 KYLE You don't look sure. HANNA You're doing wonders for my concentration. Hanna enters ‘G’, then ‘C’.


Suddenly -A PROFILE OF AN ARAB MAN with a full beard fills the screen. This is the man shot in the ambush. At the top are front, left, and right computer images of him. Below that, his personal profile. It reads: NAME: Khalil Al-Kaseem VITAL STATISTICS: 5'9"/150/38/23-45/6/M/4 ALIASES:

Sirhan Khaladi, Faisel El-Mukra, Abu Shira ORGANIZATION:




Deputy Commander, Intelligence. "GHOST."

Considered primary lieutenant to

B.S., Physics, University of Cairo. M.S. Physics, University of Tripoli, Phd. Material Physics, London University.

PERSONAL TRAITS: First and foremost, one must consider Kaseem as an intellectual. A strong family man whose ideals and methodology... And that's the last line on the screen. KYLE Who the hell wrote this? HANNA ...CIA desk jockey... Hanna and Kyle scan it over more.

Hanna realizes something now:

HANNA ...Primary lieutenant... (beat) That's why they didn't kill him. KYLE Why? HANNA He's must be leading us to the chief. (beat) ...To Ghost... KYLE How do we get to the next screen?

53 HANNA ...Don't know... KYLE Well how do we get back to the map? HANNA ...Don't know that either. They exchange a silent glance. And slowly, they both turn and look back at Cobra. at Striker. Also asleep.


No way.

Then over

CUT TO: STRIKER awake now. Looking at the screen filled with the information on the terrorist. Whispering in anger at Hanna and Kyle. STRIKER It just popped up!? Like hell it did! You may be dumbass Marines but that doesn't mean you have the right to act like it. And Striker hits the "G" and "C" keys. The screen returns now to the blueprint of the village. The RED TRACKING DOT still in Building #32. STRIKER I told you. Don't fuck with the keys! This computer goes -- we abort the mission! KYLE What if you enter the wrong code? STRIKER The mission aborts us. And he stares at the two of them.



Serious as hell.

STRIKER (CONT'D) Matter of fact -- Calloway -- hit the sack. I'm breaking you two up. Kyle just looks at him. STRIKER Now! CUT TO: EXT – BOMBED-OUT DISTRICT SCHOOL - SAME TIME - DAY A shiny SUV followed by several dusty Pickup Trucks filled with Afgani Militia Men arrive at the deserted spot.

54 Two men get out of the SUV. uniform filled with medals. department.

One is Warlord Wazir who now wears a generals It looks like it came directly from the costume

He barks a command in Pashto. buildings. He turns to

His Militia Men fan throughout the school

THE OTHER AFGHANI MAN who got out of the SUV with him. The man is rugged and rock solid. His movements slow and confident. He is a Tracker. The Tracker bends to the ground. Looking around... INT. - BIG CAVE - HIGH ABOVE ZHOB - SAME TIME - DAY HANNA AND STRIKER on watch. Not a word spoken between them. Suddenly something catches their attention on the battlefield computer screen: THE RED TRACKING DOT IS MOVING. Both look out towards the hospital with their binoculars. HANNA'S POV THROUGH BINOCULARS - THE HOSPITAL Several men walk out. The man they ‘shot’ in the ambush, now bandaged, among them. They get into a white Peugot and drive off. The RED TRACKING DOT mirrors their movement. CUT TO: INT. BIG CAVE - A FEW SECONDS LATER HANNA, KYLE AND ALL FIVE COMMANDOS lie side by side at the edge of the big opening. Looking down at the town. THE RED TRACKING DOT is now inside the outline of a small house on the town blueprint. text at the bottom of the screen reads: "Building 47.

Private residence.

A line of

Abdul Shirzai."

Cobra is talking as he looks through the bino's: COBRA Is this home?...Or just a pit stop? (beat) We go back to shifts. If he stays here till night. We go in. EXT. – BOMBED-OUT DISTRICT SCHOOL - LATER - DAY THE AFGHANI TRACKER kneels down near the patch of ground where the strikeforce took off from. Heading toward the caves. He feels around the dry brush and dirt. like nothing special to you and me.

Seven Men. 36 hours.

Playing with the ground.

AFGHANI TRACKER Heavily armed. Not more than

It looks

55 WARLORD WAZIR Which way did they go? And the Tracker points off in the exact direction they went... INT. - BIG CAVE - HIGH ABOVE ZHOB - LATER - DAY Cobra and Hornet on watch as A LARGE YELLOW SCORPION further back in the cave silently makes its way up Lightning's leg. asleep, he shifts, twitches, waking.


Too late! The Scorpion strikes! Lightning MOANS. CUT TO: KYLE waking as Hornet rushes over to Lightning.

Kyle turns to Hanna.

ANOTHER LARGE YELLOW SCORPION is resting on Hanna's shoulder.

Staring Hanna in the face.

KYLE Christ! What a mother! partner! Don't move! Hanna just stares back. Motionless. nervous as we'll ever see him.

Don't move,

Even a little nervous now.

This is as

KYLE (CONT'D) Lucky for you...scorpion disposal is a skill of any first-class outdoorsman. HANNA ...Never seen one of these before... KYLE They're like me. They don't like EastCoast cities much. HANNA ...You kill one of these before? Kyle searches around for a stick.

Finds one.

KYLE Used to go horsebackin' through Texas and Arizona. Slept in a hundred caves. HANNA ...And that's where you killed them? Kyle moves the end of the stick directly behind the Scorpion’s tail. in striking position.

It's up

56 KYLE They got a blind spot right behind their tail. If ya' come at 'em from there, you can get 'em. HANNA And that's how you killed 'em? before.

The ones

Beat. KYLE ...Most of 'em. Hanna just looks at Kyle.

What the hell does that mean?

With that, Kyle inches the stick behind the in the b.g., Lightning MOANS AND CONVULSES. And then with a quick flick, the Scorpion flies off Hanna, landing a few feet beside him. Striker is about to smash it with the butt of his MP5, but Hanna reaches out and stops him in mid air. STRIKER (at Hanna) Are you crazy?! The Scorpion starts to scurry away. TURKISH CIGARETTE TIN. Empties it. Bingo. Traps the Scorpion inside.

Hanna looks around quickly. Grabs his Follows the Scorpion, then strikes.

HANNA ...Might come in handy... CUT TO: LIGHTNING sweating and convulsing. Wizard, the medic.


Surrounded by everyone now.

Kyle turns to

KYLE You got antidote? Wizard motions to a small medical ampoule. WIZARD ...I gave him Chrotalidae... KYLE That's for snakes. Wizard looks almost in daze.

Kind of shocked.

Doesn't respond.

57 KYLE I said that ain't no good! snakes! Lightning is dying in front of their eyes.

That's for


WIZARD (shaking his head) ...It was an LPS...A goddamn LPS...


KYLE What the hell is that?!

MEDIC We weren't even supposed to be in a fucking cave...It was a goddamn LPS! KYLE What the hell is an LPS! For the first time, Cobra chimes in. COBRA (coldly) ...Low Probability Scenario. The words just hang in the air for a beat. twists in misery:

Hanna motions to Lightning, who

KYLE Godamnit! Who's the mathlete that came up with that?! Cobra stares back at Kyle.

And now Kyle knows who -- Cobra.

KYLE (turns to Wizard) He's sufferin’ for cryin’ out loud. dyin’! Do something!


Lightning is in his last throes. Convulsing. Kyle moves over to try and help him. But Lightning just freezes. Dead. Eyes open. It's: THE FACE OF DEATH and now it's staring right back at Kyle.

Wizard. shifts.

Freezing Kyle in his tracks.

COBRA (O.S.) Hornet. Bury him.

We resume

Kyle doesn't move. His gaze locked on the face of death. enters his eyes. An overwhelming sense of fear...

And once again, fear

EXT. – ROCKY DESERT VALLEY - LATER - SAME DAY Warlord Wazir and his Thirty Militia Men, lead by their Tracker, sweep on foot through this valley, moving ominously along the path left by the Americans. Wazir stops. Looks through his binoculars.

58 WAZIR’S POV THROUGH BINOCULARS - UP AHEAD The beginning of the narrow canyon.

And the first sight of caves.

INT. - BIG CAVE - LATER - SAME DAY Late afternoon. Hanna and Striker on watch. Absolute silence between them. Hanna looks like he wants to say something. Doesn't. After a beat, Striker checks his watch. STRIKER Go wake our relief. Hanna gets up.

Walks over to Kyle.

Lies down right next to him.

HANNA ...You awake? KYLE Who the hell can sleep now? HANNA You're up for watch. Kyle just rolls his eyes. seconds, Kyle smiles.

I got an idea.

Hanna begins to whisper to him.

After a few

KYLE That's a good idea! HANNA 'Cause you're doing it.



KYLE It's your idea!

HANNA It's just talking.

You're good at it. CUT TO:

KYLE AND HORNET ON WATCH Both silent. The Red Tracking Dot is still on the same private house. After a beat, Kyle turns to Hornet. KYLE One more hour. If he stays....then tonight -- "Ghost" is ours. Hornet looks at Kyle.

Flat-out surprised.

Doesn't say anything.

KYLE Cobra briefed us. While you were asleep. Figured it was safer we know. So we don't get in the way. Hornet looks at him.


59 KYLE Only thing I can't figure is how you're all are so sure Ghost is gonna show. Here. Tonight. HORNET ...He'll show. KYLE Yeah, but how do you know? know for sure. Nobody. Hornet says nothing.

Nobody can

Just smiles, confident.

KYLE I don't buy it. You boys are not that good. Are you? HORNET ...Don't worry about it. We've had our glitches. But this mission is still right on track. KYLE And I didn't say it wasn't. All I'm sayin do ya know he's gonna show? Tonight? That's all. HORNET ...He's carrying a message. KYLE A message? Beat. HORNET ...An offer. With a deadline. Al-Khazar makes a decision on it by tonight. Or it no longer stands. KYLE Well who's it from? HORNET ...The President. Relayed through a series of Ambassadors. Only... (smiles) It's a decoy... KYLE A decoy...That's good. That's damn good. You give the squirrel food. Then follow it back to the nest. Impressive. (beat) But how do you know they're gonna meet here? In this town?

60 CIA knows.


Agents in the field.

KYLE Only they don't know where exactly. Which house. So we track him. Pinpoint it. HORNET ...Something like that... KYLE Damn...that is sharp. plan. (beat) What then?

That is a sharp

Hornet doesn’t answer. And then suddenly, something else catches his attention. A Red Mercedes slowly approaches the private house. He watches it. HORNET ...Wake Cobra. CUT TO:

COBRA AND HORNET - 30 SECONDS LATER watching through their binoculars as FOUR ARAB MEN IN RED AL-KHAZAR KEFFIYEHS get out of the Red Mercedes. Move toward the private house. Three are bodyguards for the fourth, whose headdress covers his whole face -- except his eyes. HORNET The middle one? COBRA Maybe. Maybe not. Wake up the rest.

Time to find out.

ON HANNA off to the side.

Already awake.

He's been listening all the time.

EXT. - ROCKY CANYON TRAIL LEADING TO CAVES - DUSK The Afghani Tracker leads Warlord Wazir and his Milita Men right to the opening of the narrow cave. As the last rays of the sun disappear, they enter it. Once again. Night is upon us. CUT TO: EXT. - BOTTOM OF RIDGE - NIGHT COBRA, STRIKER, HORNET, WIZARD, HANNA, AND KYLE lie prone in the rocks at the base of the ridge. One hundred yards from the town. An open field separates them from the nearest building. The town streets are empty. No lights. No electricity, except for the UNAMA compound.

61 A lone UNAMA jeep patrols the streets with a wide, high beam searchlight which sweeps randomly around, periodically crossing the field. COBRA This is the danger point. Too bad about the cars. We could've gone in by day. HANNA -- Gimme two minutes---And he's crawling off into the brush-COBRA --Get the hell-But it's too late.

Cobra shakes his head.


COBRA That's it ---And he raises his silenced MP5.

Aiming it at Hanna's disappearing image.--

COBRA (CONT'D) -- I'm getting rid of this risk.---And he aims coolly, finger on the trigger now --- Striker pushes the barrel away. Shaking his head silently. Staring at Cobra. Unsure about him for the first time. Cobra looks around. All are looking at him like that. CUT TO: INT. - BIG CAVE - HIGH ABOVE ZHOB - NIGHT Warlord Wazir and his Militia Men are here. The Tracker kneels down at the ground. A flashlight illuminating what looks like just dirt. Nothing out of the ordinary. TRACKER Now there are only six. One hour ahead. Down towards Zhob. They must be inside it by now. WARLORD WAZIR Good. Then they can be easily surrounded and cut off. (beat) I think the time has come to make a gesture of reconciliation towards our Taliban friends. We will tell them where the Americans are as a prize. And he waives his radio man over. CUT TO:

62 EXT. - BRUSH AROUND THE VILLAGE - NIGHT Hanna moves alone. Closer to the UNAMA jeep now. A beam sweeps towards him. He ducks low, pressing into the ground. It passes him. He continues on. Far from Kyle and the others now. He stops. Takes out his Turkish cigarettes. Lights one, concealing it. Takes a few puffs. Throws it into the brush. Throws another unlit cigarette nearby. Then adds some toilet paper from the small, side pocket of his pants leg. For a few moments there is nothing.

Then the bush begins to catch fire. CUT TO:

THE UNAMA JEEP Its beam catches sight of the fire.

The jeep moves towards it. CUT TO:


Outstanding. intruders.

COBRA Now they'll know there's

KYLE Nah...Steve ain't that stupid.

Either way.

STRIKER Let's move.

Cobra just looks at Striker a beat. ready to move.

Who's giving the orders here?

Then gets

CUT TO: TWO SWEDISH UN SOLDIERS who have now moved over to the area of the fire. Spraying it with their jeep's fire extinguisher. It quickly goes out. One of them moves over to check it out. CUT TO: THE COMMANDOS darting one by one across the dark field.

No searchlight beam now. CUT TO:

ONE OF THE UN SOLDIERS finds the half-burned toilet paper. writing. Laughs.

Picks up the cigarette.

Sees the Turkish

63 It's okay.

UNAMA SWEDE #1 Just somebody taking a shit. UNAMA SWEDE #2

Animals... CUT TO: HANNA darting across the field.

Joining up with the rest of the group.

EXT. - TWO-STORY HOUSE AT EDGE OF ZHOB They've made it. The first building. Hearts are beating loudly now. All else is silent. Cobra takes off around a corner -- the rest follow, one by one -- five seconds apart -- Striker last. FOLLOWING HANNA - ADVANCING BUILDING CORNER TO BUILDING CORNER Only the commando ahead of him, Hornet, is in sight up at the next corner. Just a black outline crouching in the murky darkness of night. The men further ahead -- out of sight. The men behind -- out of sight. Hornet moves on -- disappearing -- Hanna darts ahead to the corner where Hornet just was -- now sees Hornet's murky figure again up at the next corner -- then Hornet moves on again, disappearing -- Hanna advances on again to where Hornet just was... This is how a covert team moves. Follow the man ahead of you. he's still following the man ahead of him. Trust. Teamwork. EXT. - WOODEN DOOR - MUD TWO-STORY BUILDING

Pray to God


One by one...the commandos dart out from the darkness of a building corner and disappear into an open wooden door. Cobra crouches off to the side of the door. Directing them in... CUT TO: INT. - ROOM IN MUD BUILDING WE FOLLOW HANNA as he enters. It's a dark living room. Decorated Afghani style. A candle is lit at the far corner, dancing shadows off the faces of the men now inside. It's eerie and exciting. Also in the room, we now see an AFGHANI WOMAN. They move through another door.

She motions them to follow.



The room is very dark. A trap door in the floor seems to be open. BLACK SHAPES descend down a ladder. All is silent.

64 INT.


The room below. Like a bomb shelter. No windows. Lit with generator lamps. HIGH-TECH SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENT set off into one wall. All the men and the Afghani Woman are here now. Cobra turns to them: COBRA Alright. We initiate verification procedure. If it's a match. We mobilize SECOND TEAM for extraction. Kyle just look at Hanna. Kyle.

Mouths: "Second-team?"

Cobra now turns to Hanna and

COBRA Everything is critical now. You do everything I tell you. Exactly. Or you two will ruin the greatest black ops penetration our country has ever known. INT. - SECRET BUNKER - LATER The Afghani Woman, obviously an American agent of some kind, sits in front of the surveillance equipment. Large headphones on. In front of her are wires, a console with meters and digital indicators, and several monitors. All sound related equipment. The primary monitor shows a bar graph of phonetic characters versus frequency modulation. At present, there is only one bar extending across it. The bar is labelled "Ghost." It is constant. Unchanging. HANNA sits at the battlefield computer. Watching the RED TRACKING DOT. It's still on the same building. He doesn't look too happy. Feeling out of it. Only he and the female agent are here. WE PAN UP TO THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE HOUSE It's pitch dark. A wire leads up through a drilled hole in the floor to -- the satellite dish. Barely visible. Pointing out the window. Toward the sky... WE CONTINUE PANNING UP TO THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE COBRA, WIZARD AND KYLE are here. Lying prone. Low, low profile. with their night-vision binos towards a far roof top.

Scanning out

COBRA That's building 47. I'll watch it. You two scan for the UNAMA patrol. And for anything that looks unnatural. KYLE Roger that... Cobra just looks at Kyle.

Shakes his head. CUT TO:

65 A SERIES OF BUILDING CORNERS As STRIKER AND HORNET, make their way towards Building #47. moving silently. Leapfrogging. One passing the other.

Black shapes

CUT TO: INT. - SECRET BUNKER HANNA glances over at the woman. She glances at him. He wants to say something. Can't get it out. She turns away. Finally: HANNA ...Verify... The woman looks back at him. HANNA Cobra said we initiate verification procedure. What are we verifying? AFGHANI WOMAN If you don't know...then you're not supposed to know. Hey -- she's talking to him.

Hanna goes with it.

HANNA I was transferred...last minute. get a full briefing. She just looks at him.


Not quite sure.

HANNA ...What d'you think?...I got here by accident? She looks at him again. AFGHANI WOMAN ...Verify "Ghost" is in that building. (beat) We don’t know what he looks like, but we think we know what he sounds like. From his younger days. Before his accident. HANNA Accident? AFGHANI WOMAN A bomb he was constructing exploded in his face. He was strong enough to survive. CUT TO:

66 EXT. - WALL OF A TWO-STORY HOUSE - BEHIND BUILDING #47 Striker and Hornet both launch white-cords with rubber grapple hooks up toward the roof. Both hooks catch. The commandos begin to climb the face of the wall. CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF BUILDING - NEXT TO BUILDING #47 - NIGHT Striker and Hornet are now on top. Looking at the back of Building #47. TWO GUARDS sit outside, watching. In a flash, A RED LASER BEAM hits each one square in the heart. A millisecond later, a silenced bullet enters each one. Nice work. Hornet now withdraws a FOOT-LONG BLACK BATON from his shoulder bag. A clamp at each end. He begins to extend it. Like a telescope. It goes out twenty-five feet. A pole. CUT TO: STRIKER AND HORNET moving hand over hand along the pole, which has been clamped between their roof and the roof of building #47. A beat later -- they're across. CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF BUILDING #47 Striker and Hornet lower a single, thin black wire down each side of the building. CUT TO: A FINGER-THIN LISTENING MIKE at the end of one of the wires.

Placed near a window. CUT TO:

STRIKER AND HORNET securing the top of the wires to a small radio antenna on the roof.


Roger. copy?

STRIKER (INTO HEADSET) Striker here. All secure. COBRA (O.S.) Fall back. Delilah?

Did you

CUT TO: INT. - SECRET ROOM The woman, codename DELILAH, has activated the sound surveillance equipment. The voices of the Arab men inside Building #47 are faintly audible now through a console speaker. At the same time:

67 NUMEROUS BAR GRAPHS now register on the primary monitor. Each representing one of those men. Flickering slightly, but generally maintaining their shape.

Roger Cobra.

DELILAH (INTO HEADSET) Initiating verification.

There are seven or eight bar graphs now. But none of them line up with the one pre-marked "Ghost." Hanna watches her as she tries adjusting a few parameter dials. Still no match. CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF DELILAH'S HOUSE Cobra, Wizard and Kyle are here. COBRA (INTO HEADSET) Delilah. This is Cobra. Estimate time for verification


DELILAH (O.S.) This is Delilah. He's not there.

COBRA (INTO HEADSET) What!! (beat) Try again Delilah. Execute system check. CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF BUILDING #47 Striker and Hornet are listening silently. DELILAH (O.S.) System check executed. I'm receiving all possible data from the target area. The system is fine. He's just not there. COBRA (O.S.) That's impossible! KYLE (O.S.) Chalk another one up for the CIA. COBRA (O.S) Get off the network Calloway! Now Striker and Hornet begin to hear NOISES. Coming from the front of the building. The silently move over. Look down at: THE FRONT DOOR below. The three bodyguards and the man whose Al-Khazar Keffiyeh covers his whole face except his eyes exit. Get in their car. Drive away towards the edge of the town.

68 A few seconds later, the bearded lieutenant of Al-Khazar exits, accompanied by two bodyguards. He gets in his Peugot and follows in the direction of the Mercedes. Heading out of town. HANNA (O.S.) Cobra. This is Hanna. Tracking Dot is on the move. COBRA (O.S.) What?! Striker chimes in: STRIKER (INTO HEADSET) Cobra. This is Striker. That's affirmative. He just exited 47. Traveling in a white Peugot. And now we follow the car as it moves through town. COBRA (O.S) Direction? HANNA (O.S) Out of town. COBRA (O.S.) That's impossible.


KYLE (O.S) Kyle here.

COBRA (O.S.) I said get off the network, Calloway!

Cobra. Beat.

KYLE (O.S) We got trouble.

To the rear.

We barely hear him shift and look back:


COBRA (O.S.) That's impossible.

KYLE (O.S.) Say it again why don't ya. CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF DELILAH'S HOUSE Kyle, Wizard and Cobra are watching as: A CONVOY OF PICKUP TRUCKS AND CARS OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES bearing Taliban soldiers fans out around the town in all directions. Some of the vehicles have makeshift Taliban insignia or symbols painted on them.

69 COBRA (INTO HEADSET) Jesus! (beat) Striker. Hornet. Fall the hell back. CUT TO:

EXT. - THE WHOLE TOWN The Taliban are forming a giant ring. Cutting the town off. from the pickup trucks and cars. Fan out.

Soldiers dismount

ON ROOF OF DELILAH'S HOUSE Cobra, Wizard, and Kyle watch as they are being surrounded. KYLE If you got a plan for retreatin'. I believe this is the time to pull it out. Cobra just looks at him.

Says nothing.


KYLE What about Second-Team? Wherever they are.

Call 'em in.

COBRA Against a brigade of 400 men?! That's not what we're designed for. Too risky. Cobra continues thinking for a beat.


KYLE Well then what the hell do we do now? COBRA I'm thinking, goddamnit! Wizard, Kyle just look at him.

Just shut up!

What's happening to their leader?

COBRA (thinking) ...Airstrike... (beat) We call in an airstrike! Wizard, Kyle look at each other.


What is he, nuts?!

ON ROOF OF BUILDING #47 Striker and Hornet also look at each other. nuts?!


What's he gone,

IN THE SECRET BUNKER Hanna and Delilah look at each other. Airstrike?! What's he gone, nuts?! Hanna turns to the map of the town. Realizes something.

70 HANNA (INTO HEADSET) ...I got a better idea. KYLE (O.S.) I'm in. ON ROOF OF BUILDING #47 Striker and Hornet look around. They're completely outnumbered and surrounded. Look at each other. Beat. Then:


STRIKER (INTO HEADSET) What you got for us, Hanna?

ON ROOF OF DELILAH'S BUILDING Cobra listens as his command begins to dwindle away.


COBRA (INTO HEADSET) I am in command here!

IN THE SECRET BUNKER Hanna stares at the battlefield computer monitor. The RED TRACKING DOT has left the bounds of the town. He eyes the UNAMA building complex. HANNA (INTO HEADSET) ...The UNAMA complex. Can you make it?


Get in.

STRIKER (O.S.) What's your plan? HANNA Get a vehicle.

Slip out.

Beat. STRIKER (O.S.) Cobra. This is Striker. Unama looks good. Acknowledge? COBRA (O.S.) Goddamnit, Striker! When I say airstrike! I mean an airstrike! ON ROOF OF BUILDING #47. Striker and Hornet exchange a glance.

Time to decide.

STRIKER Fuck it. I never liked him anyway... (into headset) Hanna. This is Striker. UNAMA looks good. Two-Nine-Nine-Alpha. Rendezvous at Southeast corner.

71 COBRA (O.S.) Two-Nine-Nine-Alpha! Belay that order! am in command here! Acknowledge!


No one acknowledges. ON ROOF OF DELILAH'S HOUSE COBRA That's it! I'm gonna kill him! (to Wizard, Kyle) You two stay put! And he heads inside. CUT TO: INT. - SECRET BUNKER Hanna looks at the computer screen. The RED TRACKING DOT no longer shows on the town blueprint. Hanna glances at the GLOBAL COORDINATE INDICATOR. The relay box that plugs into the battlefield computer. It's still showing longitude and latitude readouts. Changing continuously. Still tracking Ghost’s Lieutenant even though we no longer see him on the computer map. Hanna notices the relay's small antenna. Maybe it's remote? Pulls it out of the computer. It still works. It is remote. Puts it in his belt. HANNA (INTO HEADSET) Kyle. Meet me in the back. Cobra. Wizard. You're both invited. (to Delilah) ...You coming, sister? Delilah gives him a strange look.


Shakes her head.

DELILAH ...I have my own way out. Hanna nods. Looks at her an extra beat. Strange. looks around. Grabs some grenades. Ammo. Exits.

But fuck it.

No time.


And now Delilah does something very mysterious. She waits a second to see that he's gone. Then gets on the radio. She speaks in Arabic. DELILAH (subtitled) Ghost...this is Spirit. There are only six. But they might make it. INT. - FIRST FLOOR ROOM ABOVE SECRET ROOM Hanna climbs up into the darkness. BAM! -- a karate fist hits him square on -- BAM! -- another one -- it's Cobra - Hanna drop his MP5 -- Cobra swings around -- backward Karate kick -- Whack! -

72 - Hanna takes it on the side of the face -- hits the floor -- bleeding from a cut now. Cobra moves toward him -- readying a kick -- Hanna rolls -- kick misses -Hanna grabs Cobra's leg -- Cobra falls -- Hanna punches him -- fast -- one-twothree -- then gets up -- but Cobra rolls backwards and onto his feet -- a martial artist against a streetfighter. They square off -- Cobra tries another swing kick -- but Hanna's lightning fast -- ducks -- then moves in like a boxer -- Uppercut! Uppercut! Jab! Ribbreaker! Uppercut! Punishment. Cobra falls to the ground. also. Just laughs.

Looks up at Hanna, holding his chin.

COBRA Not bad. Not bad. hit like that?


Where d'you learn to

HANNA Harvard. And then in a flash, Cobra's on his feet.

Squaring off again.

HANNA ...No time for this. Why don't you come along? We can still make it. COBRA Make it? You don't understand. (laughs) This is it for you, Corporal. And then Cobra swing kicks again -- connects -- Hanna reels back -Cobra moves in -- strikes like a Cobra -- karate fist to the gut! -- karate fist to the face! -- karate fist to the gut! --- And then another swing kick -- only Hanna side-steps and lands the quickest punch you ever saw -- Stops Cobra in his tracks cold. Cobra teeters for a second. Then falls. Knockout. Hanna looks around. Grabs the M203 and Grenade Bag. who is still seeing stars.

HANNA ...You had your chance. And Hanna takes off. EXT.


Hanna comes out.

Kyle sees he's bleeding. KYLE ...Cobra? HANNA ...He's lost it. Where's Wizard?

Glances back at Cobra,


Damn fool. authority.

KYLE The boy still believes in

Hanna and Kyle take off into the shadows between the nearby buildings. CUT TO: THE TALIBAN SOLDIERS Swarming the town streets now.

Patrolling. CUT TO:

STRIKER AND HORNET making their way through alleys. Taliban all around. Suddenly FOUR TALIBAN SOLDIERS appear from the side. Striker and Hornet react fast. RED LASER PULSES followed by four silenced bullets in quick succession. Four Dead Taliban Soldiers. They continue on...the UNAMA complex up ahead. CUT TO: HANNA AND KYLE dart through alleys in a different part of town. buildings. Suddenly:

Hugging the shadows of

Three Taliban soldiers turn the corner up ahead. dart into an alley.

Open fire.

THREE MORE TALIBAN SOLDIERS appear behind them. Hanna shoots a nearby door in. pulls Kyle--

Hanna and Kyle

Cutting them off.

It opens into the first floor of a house.


INSIDE It's a living room. Dark now. Hanna and Kyle head for the stairs. Reach the second floor. Hanna looks in one room. AN AFGHANI MOTHER and TWO KIDS cower in the corner. Kyle checks the next. HER HUSBAND is frantically gathering his money. Sees Kyle. Offers it to him. DOWNSTAIRS The Six Taliban Soldiers enter.

Three head for the stairs.

UPSTAIRS Hanna and Kyle enter a third room. A few bags of spice. ladder going up. Hanna grabs the rope. KYLE What's that for? HANNA ...Don't know yet.

A coiled rope.


74 Hanna turns to the ladder.

Climbs up.

Kyle follows.

They reach

A SMALL THIRD FLOOR Pull the ladder up after them. The Taliban Soldiers look up and see nothing. Hanna and Kyle, safe for a moment, look around: The third floor is only partially complete. Hanna takes the ladder. Throws it across to a neighboring roof. Like a bridge. A thin one. Thirty feet up. They look at it. Scary. HANNA Ready? KYLE No. And Hanna's off. Sprinting across the ladder. Using the rungs as steps. just shakes his head. Then takes off after him. A Taliban Soldier exits the building below. ladder. EHEHEHEHEH!!!!! Making him dance.


FIRES up at Kyle as he crosses the

KYLE Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Kyle leaps the last five feet. Scared out of his mind. They reach the roof of the nearest building. Continue on. Dashing across the rooftops, outlined against the YELLOW LIGHT of the night FLARES. CUT TO: INT.


Cobra and Wizard are here now with the satellite dish and a radio. Cobra's talking into the radio. He has a crazed look about him. His face dripping blood: COBRA Zero-Alpha-Bravo! This is Two-NinerNiner-Alpha! I want a fireball! Repeat fireball! Grid Fiver-Six! Sector TwoFour! Coordinates Four-Fiver-Six-ThreeSeven-Niner! Fireball! Fire-for-Effect! Over! CUT TO: EXT. – BAGRAM AIR FORCE BASE - AFGHANISTAN The main US Air force base in Afghanistan.

Busy throughout the night.

"US Air Force Base Bagram, Afghanistan” CUT TO:


75 INT.


A radio operator is at one of the many lighted consoles. CAPTAIN on duty.

He turns to the

RADIO MAN Sir! I got somebody down in the Southwest grids calling in for a napalm strike!?


CAPTAIN Gimme that!

And the Captain takes the mike. CAPTAIN Listen, you joker! Get the hell off this operational frequency before I reach into this mike and pull out your balls! CUT TO: INT. - SECOND FLOOR - DELILAH'S HOUSE Cobra kicks the radio in frustration. realize he made a bad mistake.

I go down!

Turns to Wizard, whose beginning to

COBRA They go down!

And then suddenly there's a BANG! Someone has busted down the front door below. FOOTSTEPS are heard running all over. BOOTS coming up the stairs. Cobra, Wizard grab their MP5s. CUT TO: INT. - SECRET BUNKER - DELILAH'S HOUSE Delilah is storing away the surveillance equipment. Suddenly, she too hears the FOOTSTEPS. Looks around quickly. Realizes its too late. She's gonna be caught. She takes out a knife from her belt. Turns it and holds it at herself. DELILAH ...For the righteousness of my cause. And she slams the knife into her stomach. CUT TO: INT. - SECOND FLOOR ROOM - DELILAH'S HOUSE Soldiers burst in. Cobra and Wizard FIRE. Kill the first Eleven soldiers who enter. Then CLICK.

EHEHEHEHEH!!!! Fully automatic.


Their magazines are empty. And in a flash, they are surrounded by more Taliban Soldiers. Who now shoot them in the legs. CUT TO:

76 INT. - SECRET ROOM - DELILAH'S HOUSE Taliban Soldiers enter. After a beat, the local Taliban Commander enters. He looks like an Afghan version of Che Guevara. A religious student in his late 30s. And now more FOOTSTEPS are heard. More soldiers enter. Wizard. The local Taliban Commander smiles.

Carrying Cobra and

LOCAL TALIBAN COMMANDER Good. Our first two Americans. Now, let us find out where his friends are? CUT TO: EXT. - THE WHOLE TOWN FLARES fly into the sky continuously, illuminating the town in a yellow glare. CUT TO: EXT. - THE UNAMA COMPLEX The UNAMA soldiers have been mustered. A UNAMA jeep and ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER leave the vehicle pool. UNAMA soldiers man positions. CUT TO: INT. - SECOND FLOOR ROOM - BUILDING ACROSS FROM UNAMA COMPLEX Hornet and Striker have made it up here. Looking right across at the UNAMA complex. Twenty feet away at its closest point. A UNAMA guard walks by the near wall. They duck. He passes. STRIKER Hanna. This is Striker. We're at the southeast corner of the complex. What's your sitrep? CUT TO: EXT. - ROOF OF ANOTHER BUILDING ACROSS FROM UNAMA COMPLEX Hanna and Kyle are lying prone. Looking at the UNAMA complex. About 25 feet away at its closest point. The complex is alive. Guards every corner. Every wall. HANNA (INTO HEADSET) Southeast corner was cutoff. We're at the Northeast corner.


STRIKER (OVER HEADSET) Send me an IR flash.

Hanna dons his night-vision goggles. Nothing seems to happen.


Pushes a button on the side three times.

STRIKER (OVER HEADSET) I'm pulsing you back.

77 HANNA'S POV THROUGH GOGGLES - AT NEXT CORNER OF UNAMA COMPLEX A bright greenish light pulses three times from a building across from the southeast corner of the complex. In a straight line of sight directly 100 yards from this position. That's where Striker and Hornet are. STRIKER (OVER Roger. Listen up. Hornet in. Through the windows. vehicle. Pick you up. Do location. End.

HEADSET) and I are going We'll get a not change

Kyle turns to Hanna: KYLE Ya' know, there's another option, partner. HANNA What's that? KYLE Give up. HANNA ...Never... KYLE I mean to UNAMA. They might be able to protect us. Hanna looks down at the GLOBAL COORDINATE INDICATOR relay on his belt. It shows a single constant set of latitude/longitude coordinates now: "33.45.73W/36.48.69N" HANNA ...We can still find "GHOST."


KYLE Wait a minute. Wait a minute. C'mon, partner -- I mean you know me, I'm always in for a little adventure. Hell, that's why I joined up. But people are gettin' killed here! HANNA And? KYLE And dyin' in a blaze of glory don't look so adventurous no more. HANNA ...Whoever said it was...

78 KYLE The point is...there ain't no guarantee that you and me both are gonna come outta this alive. HANNA ...No...there ain't. KYLE Now why'd you have to say that?! You supposed to say "Sure there is." Boost up my confidence. Gimme that little extra push. HANNA (flat) Sure there is. We'll both make it out alive. KYLE Yeah...but what if we don't? HANNA Shut Up!!! Kyle just looks at him a second.


KYLE ...That works. Hanna studies the UNAMA complex. A GENERATOR SHACK lies right inside the wall. Opposite them. He also notices that one of the nearby UNAMA complex windows is dark. No one inside. Hmmmm? HANNA (INTO HEADSET) Striker. This is Hanna. Wait... (beat) I'll take out the generator. ON STRIKER AND HORNET - OPPOSITE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF UNAMA COMPLEX They're in the second-story room. WHITE CORDS already secured by grapple onto the roof of the UNAMA complex. The two about to swing across into the nearest window. Now they hold back.

Roger, Hanna.

STRIKER Give us darkness.

BACK ON HANNA AND KYLE lying prone on the roof. Opposite their corner of the UNAMA complex. Hanna eyes the nearby dark window. Then turns to Kyle. HANNA Lasso...can you tie one? Kyle just looks at him. swing across also.

Then at the window.

Realizes Hanna wants to try and

79 C'mon!

KYLE We ain't' trained for that!

HANNA ...How hard can it be?... KYLE Not easy! HANNA ...You wanna count on them. another idea?

Or you got

KYLE Yeah. Give up. To the UN. about that?

What's so bad

Hanna looks at him frustrated. He's not doing too good.

Grabs the rope.

Starts tying a basic loop.

KYLE (reluctantly) Gimme that... CUT TO: A BONAFIDE LASSO catches on a gun mount stub on the roof of the UNAMA complex. Constricts around it. Nice throw, Kyle. CUT TO: HANNA popping a grenade into the M203 Grenade Launcher. THUMP!! It flies through the air. Hits the generator shack. BOOM!!! A FIREBALL of an explosion. The whole UNAMA complex goes dark. CUT TO: STRIKER AND HORNET swinging across from their building using the two white cords. CUT TO: HANNA AND KYLE swinging across from their building using the same rope. CUT TO: STRIKER AND HORNET crashing through a window into a room.

Landing upright.

In control. CUT TO:

80 HANNA AND KYLE crashing through their window. All out of control. Slamming into tables, knocking over shelves, and ending sprawled across the floor. Hanna feels his shoulder. Winces. Kyle just lies there for a second.

Blood. Looks around. Shakes his head.

It's a storage room.

CUT TO: HANNA checking the cabinets. The first one has all types of games in it. Monopoly. Scrabble. Solitaire. You got time to kill. Your game is here. He opens the second one. All toilet paper. He opens the third one. Bingo. UNAMA UNIFORMS. Complete with PATCH OF SWEDISH FLAG on the shoulder. He smirks.

Striker. room.

HANNA We're in.

Northeast corner



It's dark here. No electricity now remember. Shapes move back and forth. Confusion. Shouting. TWO BLACK SHAPES speed by, silently. STRIKER (INTO HEADSET) Goddamnit, Hanna! We're on our way. CUT TO: INT.


Striker and Hornet burst in. Hanna throws them both a UNAMA uniform. just shakes his head. Who is this guy? INT.



Hanna, Striker, and Hornet have changed into their UNAMA uniforms. having a little trouble with his. It's too small.

Kyle is

The door opens. A UNAMA Soldier enters. Spots Kyle first. Freezes. Kyle, pants still halfway down, lands him the punch of the century. The UNAMA Soldier drops. The other three look at Kyle. Amazed at that punch.

KYLE What?! He looked at me funny! while I'm dressin'.

You know --



A LONE UNAMA SOLDIER guards an APC. Another, extremely big UNAMA soldier approaches him now. It's Kyle. He punches the guard once. Wow! Lights out.

81 HANNA, STRIKER, HORNET watch from off to the side. Then move towards the APC. Climbing in it.

Marveling at the punch.

CUT TO: INT. - UNAMA APC Designed for eight. So it's pretty comfortable. driver's seat. Beat.

Everyone looks at the

STRIKER We don't know APC's. They're for straight infantry. (motioning to Hornet as well) Hanna glances at Kyle.




Always me.

Kyle climbs in to the driver's seat. Powers up the electricity. the start button. No keys in an APC, gentlemen. It starts. Hanna and Striker both look at the commander's pod.

Then pushes

STRIKER ...Don't push it, Hanna. Striker climbs up into it. CUT TO: EXT. - MAIN GATE OF UNAMA COMPLEX The APC drives up. Striker, wearing an APC commander's helmet now, salutes the two guards. He easily looks UNAMA. They wave him on. CUT TO: INT.


Taliban Soldiers, directed by the Taliban Commander, are beating the pulp out of Cobra. His face swollen now. Blood everywhere. Wizard lies off in the background. Beaten unconscious. TALIBAN COMMANDER Where are they?! Where are the others?! Cobra says nothing. Taliban soldiers pound him again with a rifle butt. BAM! Cobra remains silent. Barely hanging on. More rifle butts. BAM! The Taliban Commander turns to one of his Sergeants.


TALIBAN COMMANDER Continue until he talks. Then report back. The Taliban Commander exits out a door. The Taliban Sergeant, a real hardass, turns back and scowls at Cobra. Cobra's at the end of his rope. Slowly now...

82 COBRA (to the Taliban Sergeant) ...Okay...okay...I' And he crawls towards the battlefield computer. CUT TO: THE BATTLEFIELD COMPUTER powered up. The digital security codes begin counting down. Cobra just lies back now. A final smile on his face. The Taliban Sergeant sees this. Why is he smiling? And then the Taliban Sergeant realizes why. Starts to panic... CUT TO: EXT. - TALIBAN CHECKPOINT - EDGE OF TOWN The same exit out of town the Red Mercedes and White Peugot took earlier. Now, the UNAMA APC pulls up. Taliban Soldiers approach Striker. Say something to him in Pashto. He just nods. They say it again. He cracks a smile. They charge their AK-47's. Shout at him now. Trouble. And then BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! The biggest, baddest, meanest explosion of the night. Striker and the Taliban Soldiers look back. Delilah's house is a GIANT FIREBALL. Flames in the night sky. That was the battlefield computer. INSIDE THE APC TROOP COMPARTMENT Hanna feels the explosion. Checks the GLOBAL COORDINATE INDICATOR relay. still shows the same coordinates as before:


"33.45.73W/36.48.69N" And then a split second later, all the numbers fade out... Quickly. He jots these last long/lat coordinates down in his green book. the same time, we hear:


STRIKER (O.S) Kyle! Hit the gas! CUT TO: THE APC gunning it. Taking off into the darkness surrounding the town. It gets fifty feet before the TALIBAN SOLDIERS manage to open fire. Too late. Their bullets ricochet off the APC's armor as it speeds away...disappearing into the night... Hanna, Kyle, Striker, and Hornet have escaped. EXT. - DARK VALLEY - NIGHT The APC speeds along the road like a silent white ghost, passing through this dark, empty valley. Further up ahead, at the farthest range of vision, the road ascends up towards a high pass.

83 KYLE (O.S.) Where we going? STRIKER Straight. KYLE (O.S.) Could ya be a little bit more specific. STRIKER Straight until I think of what next. INT.


Bumpy ride. Hanna looks around. Opens a few of the interior cabin supply containers. Some flashlights here. A few grenades. Ammunition. Candy bar wrappers. And -- A MAP. He unfolds it. It's a UNAMA map of the area. In Swedish, but with the alphanumeric system of latitudes and longitudes. That's worldwide. CUT TO: HANNA'S GREEN BOOK open to the page with the coordinates. Hanna checks them. Then studies the map. Puts his finger on Zhob. Moves it onto the road they're travelling on. Follows it as it continues north, through a pass...into another large valley. Here his finger leaves the road, following the latitudes and longitudes until it reaches the exact spot on the map corresponding to the coordinates in his book. The terrain elevation lines at this spot are bunched together. Lots of them. Shaped in concentric circles. This is a very high hill. Empty. No markings of any kind on it. Hmmmm? Interesting. HANNA We go north. On this road. pass on the next ridge...

Through the

STRIKER (O.S.) You're not in command here, Hanna. HANNA ...You still want "Ghost"...that's where we look. STRIKER (O.S.) ...How do you know? HANNA ...Trust me. Striker looks down from the commander's pod. coordinates scribbled in Hanna's green book.

Sees Hanna has a map.

Sees the

84 STRIKER ...Pass them up. Hanna just stares back at Striker a beat. STRIKER Now.. Hanna, thinks a beat.

Passes them up anyway. CUT TO:



The white APC speeds along the lone road. STRIKER (V.O.) How'd you get these coordinates? HANNA (V.O.) ...Satellite relay. Kept tracking till there. Then stopped. STRIKER (V.O.) ...What if it's just a pit-stop? HANNA (V.O.) ...What if it's not? Beat. STRIKER (V.O.) Alright. If "Ghost" is there. Then we can use the APC radio -- call in Second Team -- after we recon the hill. EXT. - OPEN SQUARE - STREET LEVEL - TOWN OF ZHOB An old Russian-made HIND ATTACK HELICOPTER lands between FOUR RED FLARES that form the burning corners of a make-shift landing area. In the cockpit, A RUSSIAN MERCENARY PILOT. A TALIBAN JUNIOR OFFICER rushes out through the whirling dust toward the Taliban Commander, who has been waiting for the helicopter. TALIBAN JUNIOR OFFICER I have brought the Russian Mercenary dog as instructed. He has already been paid. TALIBAN COMMANDER Unfortunately, there was no choice. piloting skills are required. TALIBAN JUNIOR OFFICER The Americans have been located?


85 TALIBAN COMMANDER A UNAMA APC broke out of the checkpoint. The Swedes say it was stolen. Their guard hit in the face with an extremely large, blunt weapon. Perhaps handmade. TALIBAN JUNIOR OFFICER The APC? Which way did it go? TALIBAN COMMANDER North. Along the Khalde road. find them by air.

We will

INT. - UNAMA APC - AS IT CONTINUES NORTH ALONG THE ROAD - NIGHT Striker finishes studying the UNANA map. Kind of intrigued now. What is this?

Glances over Hanna's green book.

He starts to flip through it. It's just pages and pages of scribbled words...with definitions. A homemade dictionary. Pages and pages. No logic in the word order. Suddenly, Hanna's VOICE breaks the silence: HANNA (O.S.) ...Give it back... Striker looks down into the interior compartment. As serious as we've ever seen him.

Hanna is looking up at him.

HANNA ...I'll take it back now... Striker hesitates a beat. Hands it back. speaks, breaking the tension:

The two stare at each other.


HANNA ...A man's gotta educate himself. (beat) Understand what goes on around him... And Striker begins to realize he has truly underestimated this man. EXT. - THE NIGHT SKY The old Russian Hind Attack Helicopter flies north through the night, following the road. As it passes close, we catch sight of its missiles. Four on each side. Dangerous and deadly. EXT. - PASS THROUGH ROCKY RIDGE The UNAMA APC reaches the pass. the road at the first chance.

High up.


Pulling off to the side of

STRIKER (V.O.) Alright, Hanna. Observe and report.

86 Hanna gets out the APC. Climbs up a 30 foot rise which leads to the highest point of this ridge. He gets there. Looks through his night-vision binoculars. HANNA'S POV - THROUGH NV-BINOCULARS - PANORAMA AHEAD A series of small ridges and valleys. All fluorescent green. Somewhere out there...looms the high hill.

Not very clear.

CLICK. Now everything is magnified. Seeming closer. Darker green. Still a lot of fuzziness here. He scans around...a ridge...another ridge...the side of a hill. He moves up to its peak. It's high. The edge of a cliff really. There's nothing there. It's fuzzy. Or is that something? A dark structure of some kind at the top? No? Yes? Maybe. CUT TO: THE APC Kyle climbs out the driver's hatch. STRIKER Where d'you think you're going? KYLE Pick daisies... STRIKER Get back in. Kyle ignores Striker. Jumps to the ground. road. Getting ready to take a leak.

Walks over to the side of the

CUT TO: HANNA up at his observation point. Still scanning the far hill. NOISE slowly becomes audible. Hanna looks around... Then realizes what it is.


Quickly, darts back down towards the road. CUT TO:

INT. - HIND ATTACK HELICOPTER - NIGHT SKY Flying furiously through the blackness around it. Following the road below. About to reach the pass up ahead. The white dot of the APC is just barely discernable now.


TALIBAN COMMANDER Pilot. Go in for a closer look.

The Russian Mercenary Pilot pushes his stick forward. Powers up the missile aiming system. It looks like any other high-tech cockpit in here, only most of the readouts are in Cyrilic. Now he flips a switch to arm the missiles.

87 CUT TO: EXT. - THE APC Now even Striker hears something. Takes his APC helmet off. Really hears it now! Instinctively looks back. Sees the Hind diving down at them. Screaming through the wind. STRIKER Oh...Shit! ON KYLE still off to the side of the road. too.

Taking his leak.

Now he sees and hears it

KYLE Oh...Shit! And he zips up his pants and dives to the ground... INSIDE THE HIND ATTACK HELICOPTER We're diving down at the road at a steep angle.

An attack run.

TALIBAN COMMANDER Fire On Target. Destroy that APC! The pilot pushes the "FIRE" button. WHOOOOSH! A MISSILE takes off from the helicopter's left missile pod. Screaming down towards the APC at 7000mph. Ever been under a helicopter missile attack? Great way to lose weight fast. CUT TO: STRIKER AND HORNET trying to scramble out of the commander's pod.

But the missile is upon them.

A DEAFENING NOISE. A MASSIVE SHOCK WAVE. A BLINDING LIGHT A GIANT EXPLOSION. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! The APC is blown apart into a thousand burning, disintegrating pieces. Striker's body is shot through the air. A beat later, more explosions from the weapons and the ammunition that were inside. CUT TO: HANNA running.

Half way down from his observation point.

Watching in shock. CUT TO:

88 KYLE prone on the ground. Caked in black dirt. around him. But he is alive.

He looks up.

Burning debris all

CUT TO: INT. - HELICOPTER The Taliban Commander surveys the wreckage of the APC.

A direct hit.

TALIBAN COMMANDER Excellent. For once, Russian, you are worth your price. (beat) Now let’s return to Zhob. I will send a crew to pick up the pieces. And the helicopter whirls around and takes off... CUT TO: EXT.


Hanna bends down, checking the burned, blackened remains of Hornet. He is most definitely dead. He then walks over to Kyle, who is kneeling beside Striker's body. Striker's eyes are open. In shock. KYLE I think his back's broken. alive. Hanna looks at Striker for a beat.

But he's

He looks like a helpless baby now.

HANNA ...Can you haul him? Kyle nods. Now Hanna looks around at the wreckage. Just about everything is burned and destroyed. Nothing to salvage here. Then he sees in the distance - A chain of headlights approaching. The road crew. CUT TO: HANNA collecting all their coded dogtags. Satisfied, he and Kyle head off.

Then spreading them through the wreckage.

CUT TO: HANNA AND KYLE moving away from the pass. Hanna with only his MP5 and Night-Vision Binoculars. Kyle with only his MP5. Striker's body slumped over his shoulder. CUT TO:

89 EXT.


The Taliban crew is now here. A Soldier shows a burned set of dogtags to his officer. They're all coded. Just numbers on them. SERGEANT Here is the fourth. But there is only one body. OFFICER What do you expect, idiot! It was a missile! Lucky that we even found one. Now c'mon, finish the clean up. Fatima the belly dancer is at the base tonight. I think we can still make it. EXT.


Hanna and Kyle make their way further along the side of the ridge. Far from the pass now. They reach another series of caves. Look at each other. Both reluctant. But they go in, anyway. KYLE (O.S.) What now? HANNA (O.S.) Take shifts. Watch the hill. It'll be day soon. Then we'll see what's out there. EXT.


It passes from darkness to daylight.

From inside, we hear:

KYLE (O.S.) ...Sweet Adeline... (beat) Hey partner, take a look. CUT TO: INT.


Kyle is looking out.

Hanna crawls up.

Kyle hands him the binoculars.

HANNA'S POV - THE HIGH HILL Perched on top of it, looming over the surrounding area, are THE RUINS OF A 19TH CENTURY BRITISH FORT It looks uninhabited. Weather-beaten. glorious testament to the past. KYLE What the hell is it?


And yet still standing as a

90 HANNA ...Fort. British fort. (smirks) Yeah......that's where I'd hide. KYLE British?! HANNA ...They tried to conquer Afghanistan. failed. Kyle looks at him.



KYLE Sure -- add a few more dark clouds to the horizon, why don't ya? INT.


Hanna and Kyle kneel next to Striker, who lies motionless in the rear of the cave. His eyes are open. Moving around now. HANNA ...Striker. Striker's eyes look up at Hanna with a fuzzy glare.

...It's us.

KYLE Hanna and Kyle.

STRIKER ...Where...are we?... KYLE Another stinkin' cave. HANNA (to Striker) "Ghost." What were you gonna do to him? What was the objective? Striker looks at Hanna a beat. tired to fight now.


Should he tell?

Realizes he's too

STRIKER ...Dead or Alive... Hanna looks down at Striker. Then at the British Fort looming in the distance. Kyle watches Hanna. Nervous. What's on his mind now? KYLE Well, was a good try, anyway. HANNA ...Nope...

91 KYLE Nope? Whaddya mean 'nope'? does 'nope' mean? HANNA Means it's not over.

What the hell


Let's go...

KYLE Where? HANNA (motioning to fort) ...Up there.


KYLE What if they're still in there?

HANNA Then we take Ghost.

And bring him out.

KYLE Bring him out?! And whose gonna bring us out?! Not that we'll be alive! HANNA ...Second Team. (looking at fort) ...There's gotta be a radio in there somewhere... Kyle just looks at Hanna.

Uh-uh. crazy!

He's serious. KYLE No way, partner! That's suicide!



HANNA ...Maybe not. KYLE Maybe yes. HANNA ...We can do it. KYLE No we can't. There could be fifty of 'em in there. We'll just get killed. HANNA ...We can do it. KYLE What the hell is it with you? pushin'. Hanna looks out at the fort:


92 HANNA ...We can do it... KYLE Would ya stop sayin that! No we can't! We ain't no superduper paratroopers! Understand! No matter how much you want to think it! We ain't! We're just average Joes, understand! Average Joes! And up until now...we been lucky! Let's not push it! Hanna looks at him silently. Beat. HANNA ...I'm not average. KYLE What? And now Hanna gets in his face. HANNA (CONT'D) --Thirty two years...I been at the bottom...the nobody...the scum on the street... KYLE --Accordin to who?— HANNA --Everyone. (beat) ...The system... KYLE Not accordin' to me. Hanna keeps talking, as though almost to himself. comment:

Ignoring Kyle's last

HANNA Well, I’m no scum. (beat) I'm as good as any man. (beat) And I am capable of doing something honorable. Something...great. (looks out to fort) And that's what I'm gonna do. Beat. Kyle just looks at him.

93 KYLE So...your gonna march right over there and take on a whole damn terrorist outfit just to prove to everyone! -- to the system! -that they ain't right about you! Beat. KYLE (CONT'D) ...Or is it that deep down got to prove that to yourself?... Hanna looks back at Kyle suddenly. unveiled. Then, he gets up. Kyle.

A coldness in his eyes.

Walks over to his MP5.

The hidden truth

Checks the magazine.

Not looking at

HANNA What ever happened to that free spirit? To roaming the lands? No laws... KYLE This ain't the Wild West, partner. Hanna looks out at the British fort. glaring sun.

The rocky ridge.

The open valley.


HANNA No... (beat) It's the Wild East. And still here you are. Just a man. A gun. And his conscience. Beat. KYLE Maybe all that just sounded a lot better than it really is. HANNA ...Or maybe you're just not the man you thought you were. Kyle looks back at him.

Their eyes lock. KYLE

...Maybe not. Silence. Hanna turns his attention to his equipment. Loads his belt with his three remaining magazines. He moves over to Striker. HANNA Striker... (beat) Second Team.

How do I call them?

94 STRIKER (thinks a beat) ...67-35...That's your Tranquility base...tell 'em...tell 'em Condition for...Two-NinerNiner-Bravo...and then give 'em your position. They'll come. Then they'll come. Hanna gets up. Exchanges a last look with Kyle. not coming. Hanna turns to head out the cave.

Kyle just looks back.


STRIKER (still staring straight up) Hanna! Hanna turns around. STRIKER ...One man...even a good one...without the's suicide. Hanna thinks a beat: HANNA ...fancy equipment...special training... (beat) ...that ain't everything. And Hanna turns and walks out the cave. Kyle watches him disappear. silhouette heading toward the high fort.

A lone

CUT TO: SOMEBODY'S POV THROUGH BINOS - LOOKING DOWN FROM BRITISH FORT across a narrow desert valley to a parallel ridge. Something GLINTS in the sun. Suddenly our view magnifies. We see Hanna, hiding on the ridge, looking up at the fort. Whoever's watching speaks in Arabic into a walkie-talkie. CUT TO: HANNA - ON THE PARALLEL RIDGE scanning the fort. Slowly, the faint sound of a MOTOR becomes audible, as though someone were tooling around in a buggy. Suddenly, Hanna realizes...the motor is behind him. And now everything happens fast. -- that's battle:

If it seems a little jerky and confused, good

HANNA darts back down the rear face of his ridge, away from the fort.

95 He reaches a horizontal slab of rock and jumps from it – only to see WHILE IN MID-AIR our FIRST TERRORIST SNIPER getting out of a COVERED JEEP below him on a natural landing. Wearing the distinctive RED KEFFIYEH OF AL-KHAZAR. Taken completely by surprise. Hanna gets off two quick shots while still in mid-air -- killing the terrorist -- and landing at his slumped body. He takes the sniper's Drugonov sniper rifle. Jumps into the idling Jeep. He drives it back up towards the crest of the ridge. It growls to a stop just before the crest. Orders in Arabic suddenly bellow out over the Jeep’s radio. Hanna hops out. Crawls to the crest. fort, looking for activity.

Scans out toward the high hill and its


An eerie echoing silence.

ZOOM INTO A PATCH OF GROUND HALFWAY UP THE HIGH HILL A PAIR OF EYES stare out from a long, sandy-stone slit between some boulders. CUT TO: INT. - OPERATIONS ROOM – STONE ROOM INSIDE THE HILL A stone room from the time of the British. Used now by Al-Khazar as an operations room. All types of maps and charts on the wall. THE BEARDED LIEUTENANT is here. Staring out of the slit toward the valley and ridge below. It was his eyes that we saw. He turns to the RADIO MAN:

LIEUTENANT (subtitled) Something’s happened to Amil. It might be the Americans. Activate snipers 2-3-4-and5! CUT TO: HANNA – ON THE OPPOSING RIDGE still scanning the fort.

Suddenly --

CRACK! A sniper's bullet WHIZZES by. Hanna ducks. CRACK! A second bullet WHIZZES by, embedding itself in a boulder right beside him.

96 He scans the area. out of the bolder.

Can't sight anybody. He quickly yanks the sniper’s bullet He grabs a straight stick and jams it into the bullet hole.

It now points right back to where the bullet came from. boulders on the high hill.

Toward a group of

Taking cover, Hanna raises his Drugonov sniper rifle in that direction. the scope.

Eye to

HANNA'S POV - THROUGH SCOPE We scan around -- past a few rocks – some brush -- wait a second -- what was that? A thin dark shadow. Some rocks right in front of it. The crosshairs settle amidst the rocks. HANNA concentrates.


His finger slowly pulls the trigger.


CUT TO: THE PATCH OF ROCKS Out of which rolls a wounded, bleeding Al-Khazar Sniper #2. HANNA lowers his Drugonov. Suddenly -- CRACK! Drawing blood.

Nice shot.


Two bullets WHIZ by.

Hanna fast-rolls behind some more cover.

One grazes his cheek.

Peers through the scope again:

HANNA'S POV - THROUGH SCOPE of the sniper he just wounded.

In pain.

Calling out to someone above him.

We scan up -- past a few rocks -- some brush -- higher -- more rocks -- brush - right onto ANOTHER AL-KHAZAR SNIPER adamantly ignoring the calls of his wounded comrade below. Instead, his scope points right at us. BAM!



A bullet flies through it and enters his eye.

He falls back.


HANNA lowers his Drugonov.


Suddenly - CRACK! CLANG!!!!!! Drugonov.

A bullet RIPS through the magazine on Hanna's

Hanna scuttles behind a new boulder. Checks his magazine. it. Checks the Drugonov. One last bullet in the chamber. He peers back out at the high hill and fort.



97 Around one area, a few rocks tumble, loosened. area.

Hanna raises his scope to that

HANNA'S POV - THROUGH SCOPE where the Fourth Al-Khazar Sniper lies behind some brush. and to the side, metal GLINTS.

Further behind him

The scope FOCUSES in on it, finding the Fifth Al-Khazar Sniper. HANNA quickly pulls back.

Two more snipers. HANNA

Damn... He gets an idea. Slides quickly down from the top of his ridge. 20...30...40 feet to a new position. Crawls back up to the top.

He darts Re-aims.

HANNA'S POV - THROUGH SCOPE The crosshairs settle on the Fourth Sniper. And now we see that by moving to this new angle, the Fifth Sniper lies directly behind the Fourth. Each looks out in different directions.

Then -- CRACK!

Hanna's last bullet rips right through the Fourth Sniper and into the Fifth. Both fall back dead. CUT TO: A WISP OF SMOKE exiting Hanna's Drugonov as he lowers it.

All is silent now.

Hanna waits a few seconds. Realizes there are no more snipers. down at the narrow desert valley. Time to cross.

He glances

He dashes back to the Jeep. CUT TO: THE JEEP rambling across the narrow desert valley. Hanna inside, gunning it. Approaching the base of the high hill and the fort. But as he does – A SQUAD OF FIVE AL-KHAZAR TERRORISTS scurries out from a hidden entrance halfway up the high hill and takes cover. They spot the Jeep and open fire. RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT! THE JEEP skids out of control and launches into the air.

It crashes back down, throwing

98 HANNA from the Jeep. He rolls to a fast stop. Bullets WHIZ by him. scratched up, bleeding, he's pinned down. But he quickly gets an idea.


He pitches a grenade at

THE CRASHED JEEP lying ahead of him. SMOKE.

BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! It explodes.


HANNA now leaps up and runs through the black smoke screen...and dives behind the first rock at the base of the high hill. He's made it across the valley. THE FIVE AL-KHAZAR TERRORISTS watch the fireball, confused. smoke.

The area around the Jeep is blanketed by black

HANNA spots the five Al-Khazar Terrorists. Then darts from rock to rock. way up the hill. Around them. Outflanking them. He finds a sandy path now.

Moves on.

Making his


A STONE TUNNEL ENTRANCE which leads inside the hill.

He looks in.

A murky darkness.

Suddenly, PHHHHHT! A GRENADE falls next to him. He stares at it. He's finished.

From directly above.

Someone starts laughing. It's a LONE AL-KHAZAR TERRORIST standing right above the entrance. Laughing at Hanna. Then he stops laughing.

Realizes the grenade didn't go off.

Slowly, Hanna picks it up, looks at it, then casually tosses it back to the Terrorist, who catches it instinctively. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!! THE TERRORIST falls to the ground.



Hanna grabs a flashlight from the Terrorist's belt. Then uses the belt to secure the flashlight to the barrel of his MP5. Like a light bayonet. He turns to the stone entrance.

Bleeding from his face and leg, he enters.

INT. - STONE TUNNEL - DARK A long thin tunnel.


And at the moment, almost pitch black.

Hanna continues along – hears the sound of men shouting in Arabic echo up ahead -- it sounds like -- confusion.

99 He reaches a T-intersection – continues on -- then he hears something faint -a single man talking in Arabic -- intermittently -- And in between his pauses - A tsk-tsk sound. A radio. Hanna darts toward it -- reaches stone stairs going down -- stops -- The faint noise is now drowned out by BOOTSTEPS -- getting louder -- RUNNING towards him from behind -- he turns and looks back at THE T-INTERSECTION far behind him now. Lit by torchlight. Sees another squad of SEVEN AL-KHAZAR TERRORISTS reach it from its far side and — Turn away -- down the original tunnel leading outside. Relief. All quiet again. He heads down the stone stairs -- comes to A SECOND FLOOR It's just a short tunnel -- the sound of the man talking into the radio is louder now -- coming from further below. Hanna moves silently towards the radio sounds -- reaching the far stairs -looking down them: AT THE THIRD FLOOR where TWO TERRORISTS just turn into view -- about to head up the stairs towards him. For an instant, they catch sight of him at the top of the stairs. Quickly, he steps back -- looks around -- caught -- he runs back -- they follow him -- he reaches a new passageway -- enters. CUT TO: INT. - WELL ROOM - DARK - LIT BY A SINGLE TORCH Hanna enters. A wide circular well is in here. Charge their AK-47's. Hanna grabs the torch.

Tosses it into the well.

The Two Terrorists rush in.

The room goes black.

Terrorist #1 shouts. Terrorist #2 opens fire! Bright flashes pierce the darkness like giant fireflies. The thunder of gunfire. Confusion. Then silence. TERRORIST #2 Ahmed? No answer. Terrorist #2 flicks his lighter. Its YELLOW GLARE reveals Hanna standing there silent, MP5 aimed point blank. Terrorist #1 dead on the ground. Terrorist #2 stares at Hanna, hesitating, surprised.

Hanna shoots him dead. CUT TO:

THE SHORT SECOND-FLOOR TUNNEL Hanna moves onward –- reaches the stone stairs -- looks down:

100 THE THIRD FLOOR is also just another single tunnel -- the man talking into the radio is the only source of sound -- Hanna darts down -- reaching the third floor -continuing past a private sleeping quarters – empty – he darts on --- approaching the room with the radio. He stops -- listens – hears only one voice -- brings his MP5 to bear -- gets ready -- then springs inside -THE OPERATIONS ROOM The same one from before. THE BEARDED LIEUTENANT of the Al-Khazar is still in here. On the radio. But not alone. For at the far wall of the operations room is One More Terrorist. Dressed similar to the one we saw earlier in Zhob. The one travelling in the Red Mercedes. His head still wrapped in the red Al-Khazar Keffiyeh with only his eyes visible. As Hanna springs in-Both the Lieutenant and the Other Terrorist turn to him -- caught by surprise - Hanna aims his MP5 at the Lieutenant -- then at the Other Terrorist. THE OTHER TERRORIST’S EYES MEET HANNA'S And there is a power to them.

A steel glare.

The Other Terrorist very slowly raises his hands -- away from his AK-47 -- but not to surrender -- slowly higher -- what is doing? Now the Other Terrorist begins talking to the Lieutenant.

In sign language.

Hanna motions to the Other Terrorist take his Keffiyeh off. The Other Terrorist hesitates. Hanna aims his MP5 right at him – about to shoot. Slowly, the Other Terrorist slips his Keffihyeh off – to reveal a completely bald and scarred head joined to a tortured face. HANNA (realizing) You’re Ghost. Silence.

Ghost says nothing. LIEUTENANT Don’t expect him to answer. He cannot speak from his accident. Or did your accursed CIA not know this already?

Hanna can’t believe it. vocal cords.

He spots the scars across Ghost’s throat.

Across his

Hanna looks back at Ghost, thinking. Then motions him away from the AK-47 on the table. Ghost backs off. And now from outside...from the valley...we hear a steady stream of machine gun and small arms fire.

101 Hanna moves over to the radio. Sets the frequency dials to 67-35. communications can be heard on it. Just radio fuzz. HANNA Tranquility base. This is...Striker. you read?... Beat.



Radio fuzz. HANNA Tranquility base. This is Striker. Do you read?...

The faintest voices are now heard through the radio fuzz. Barely audible. Are those voices communicating in English? Too garbled to tell. Hanna tries some dials. Nothing. Goes for it anyway: HANNA Tranquility base, this is Striker. Condition green. Repeat. Condition green. Accept coordinates for Two-NinerNiner-Bravo: "33.45.73 West -36.48.69 North", over. The faint, garbled voices continue communicating. Who knows what they're saying? Who knows if it's even English. Hanna tries again: HANNA Tranquility base-Too late! The Lieutenant leaps at Hanna -- Hanna shoots him twice --but the Lieutenant's momentum still carries him forward -- into Hanna -- both fall down --- Hanna throws the Lieutenant's dead body off -- looks up -- into the barrel of Ghost's AK-47 -- Ghost now stands above him -- the tables have turned. Ghost comes close and kicks Hanna's MP5 away.

Takes his knife.

CUT TO: And then BAM! BAM! BAM! – he smashes Hanna with the butt of his AK-47! Hanna reels at the impact of the blows – and then WHACK! He kicks Hanna – then WHACK! He kicks him again! – Hanna crawls around the floor. Ghost winds up – and with great ferocity -- SLAMS the rifle butt into Hanna one last time! Hanna’s lies on the floor – bloody -- almost at his end. He hears a CLICK! Turns around to see that Ghost is now aiming the barrel of the AK-47 down directly at him. Ghost sees the pathetic shape Hanna is in and starts to laugh. It’s a mocking laugh. And it's the strangest sight you ever saw. A man laughing, heartily, and yet producing no laughter. Just an unearthly, gargling noise. It is...eerie...and frightening.

102 Hanna looks back up at Ghost. Tired. Wounded. Bleeding. Breathing heavy. What now? Is this it? Is this the end? His hand brushes over his breast pocket by accident. Touches his TIN CIGARETTE BOX. And a thought comes to him. He sits back against a wall.

As if defeated.

And nods to Ghost.

HANNA win... He pulls out the tin cigarette box. Opens it. Grabs one of the two remaining cigarettes from the top. Lights it with his matches. Ghost watches him. Amused. Hanna offers Ghost the last cigarette. An acceptance of defeat. another silent laugh or two. And just stares back at Hanna.

Ghost gives

A SMILE forms on Ghost's face. A THIN ONE on Hanna's now, too. Casually, Hanna drops the matches inside the tin. Throws it over.

Puts the cover back on.

CUT TO: GHOST catching it. Opens the cover. Keeping his eyes on Hanna all the time. Is this a trick? He takes out the cigarette. Reaches into the tin to get the matches. His eyes fixed on Hanna. Suddenly, Ghost jumps back. Startled. He drops the tin and holds his hand up in the air. Sprung from its tin prison, THE SCORPION crawls up his forearm. Everything happens extremely fast now: Hanna rushes Ghost -- Ghost manages to bring his AK-47 to bear at the last minute -- CRACK! -- a bullet pierces Hanna in the stomach. But Hanna reaches Ghost -- leaping for the AK-47 -- getting his hands on it -going on sheer adrenaline now -- drawing from the darkest reaches of his soul - Ghost and Hanna wrestling to the ground -Ghost easily takes the upper hand -- turning the end of the AK-47 towards Hanna's head -- closer -- closer -- Hanna fighting it -- managing to get his finger on the trigger -- pulling it -- holding it as thirty bullets fly right across his face -- an inch away -- and then CLICK! -- the gun is empty. Ghost throws it off to the side -- unsheathes a knife from his belt --Forces it toward Hanna's already bloody chest -- closer -- closer -- closer -- the point about to enter -- Hanna trying to stop it --grimacing -- clenching every muscle -- straining -- this is it --this will be the final blow -- it's touching his skin now -AND GHOST STOPS.

And a strange expression takes hold of him.

103 And he begins to shake -- convulse -- getting worse and worse -- the scorpion bite is taking effect -- Ghost knows he's starting to lose it -- musters all his strength -- a final push on the knife -- it comes down fast -- about to enter Hanna. RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Machine gun fire breaks out in the corridor. THE KNIFE flies out of Ghost's grip -- bullets rip into him -- blowing him back -- he falls over -- dead. Hanna glances over and sees: KYLE standing in the doorway. Huffing and puffing. Carrying a mother of a machine gun. A RUSSIAN DSHK 50-CALIBER. Hanging waist level from a strap. KYLE (smiles) Missed me, didn't ya? Suddenly, LOTS OF BOOTSTEPS can be heard coming close. Kyle turns, bracing for the attack. Terrorists appear. Seven of them. RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT -TAT-TAT-RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT!!!!!!!!!!!! In a fell swoop of heavy machine gun fire...Kyle cuts the seven terrorists to pieces. The immediate threat is gone. Turns to Hanna: KYLE Ya know -- maybe I ain't the man I thought I was, partner... (beat) But then again -- maybe I am. (and he smiles) HANNA ...How'd you get here?... Kyle motions to his huge, heavy machine gun: KYLE With this. Angry Olga. (looks around) It's their stinkin HQ, ain't it? HANNA ...Yeah... And now Kyle notices the Hanna's bloodstains. Looks him over.


Moves over to him.

KYLE Ya don't look good, partner. HANNA


104 KYLE Let me carry ya... He moves to pick Hanna up, but Hanna’s having none of it. Kyle’s huge Russian machine gun.

Hanna motions to

HANNA Then whose gonna carry Olga? Kyle smiles, realizing his buddy is still okay.

He changes the subject:

KYLE So what's the plan for gettin' home? got one, right? HANNA They're pick us up.



KYLE (excited) Who?! Hanna just looks at him.

Kyle realizes who. KYLE

Oh no... CUT TO:

INT. - DUNGEON CELL BLOCK - A MINUTE LATER Hanna and Kyle get ready to make a final dash out. Hanna -- close to his end. Kyle, the machine gun dangling by a strap from his neck. KYLE What if they don't come? HANNA ...We die. KYLE ...They'll come. They look at the door.

About to head out.

HANNA ...No stopping. Up.

Always up.

And now whoever is operating the STEADYCAM better get ready for the run of his life. Hell, they might even establish a new category at the Oscars after this. Ready. Go: Kyle darts out -- followed by Hanna – running as fast as they can -- along an empty stone tunnel -- they reach stone stairs -- Two Terrorists here -- RATTAT-TAT-TAT! -- the Terrorists fall -- Kyle and Hanna sprint down another tunnel -- BULLETS START TO FLY AT THEM –

105 -- Kyle opens fire -- RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT -- BULLETS STOP FLYING BY THEM – they reach a turn -- Hanna rolls a grenade -- BOOM! – Terrorists hiding around the corner fall -- Kyle whips around the corner -- his machine gun roaring -- they continue on -- more stone stairs -- fly up them -- a wider tunnel -- Terrorists everywhere! – Kyle POURS BULLETS – they sprint on through the shouts, screams and confusion -- the tunnel splits two ways -- they go left -- twenty feet -dead end -- they backtrack -- reach more stone stairs -- run up them –-- a new tunnel -- RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT! RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT! -- BULLETS FLY BY THEM FROM BEHIND -- Terrorists are chasing them -- Hanna, on his last legs, manages to roll a grenade back -- BOOM! -- No more chasers --- they sprint on – zig to the left – zag to the right – Terrorists appear ahead -- Kyle sprays bullets everywhere –-- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! A giant explosion -- the whole ground shakes like an earthquake - he must've hit the ammunition storage – Hanna and Kyle sprint through the dust and confusion -- reach a long set of stairs up -- press on -- hoping they are close -- up, up, up the stairs – bursting through a door -INTO THE BURNING DAYLIGHT right off to the side of the fort's interior quad -- they run toward the fort's drawbridge -- across the courtyard -- suddenly -- CRACK! CRACK! -- and Kyle falls -- two bullets through his shoulder and stomach -- CRACK! CRACK! -- Hanna falls -- two more bullets to add to his wounds -- and now we see that up high in one of the forecastles is AN AL-KHAZAR SNIPER -- and the terrorist sniper now cocks his rifle again -- about to send the final shots -- when all of a sudden: WHOOOOSH!!! WHITE SMOKE! WHOLE CASTLE.


Hanna and Kyle just lie on the ground. Surrounded by the thick white smoke.


In the middle of the quad.


HANNA'S POV -- STRAIGHT UP INTO THE SMOKE White fog. No visibility. Then suddenly A THIN RED LASER BEAM slices through. Now a flat sheet of black metal appears in the air above...or is that the bottom of...a helicopter...just visible through the smoke...and now more RED LASER BEAMS...and ropes...and men dressed in all black...rapelling down the machines...the whole scene could be a dream. KYLE (O.S.) You see 'em, partner? Tell me you see 'em? HANNA ...Yeah...I see 'em. KYLE (O.S.) Now tell me this ain't a dream. it is. Tell me it ain't. HANNA ...It's not a dream.

Even if

106 KYLE (O.S.) No...I don't think so, either. And now men of THE SUPERUNIT move like dark shadows through the fog...with their MP5's and Pulse-laser sights...and they are everywhere...and now as we RISE UP into the shroud of smoke...we reach the TWO PAVE LOW HELICOPTERS hovering over the fort like insects from another planet... WE RISE HIGHER...above the helicopters...and the smoke...and the fort...PULLING AWAY from this scene of battle...of carnage and maelstrom...of blood and sweat...of cowboys and heroism and the Wild East...and we-CUT TO: EXT. - THE PAVE LOW HELICOPTER Flying off through the dark night. CUT TO: INSIDE THE HELICOPTER A COMMANDO COLONEL, trim, silver-haired, a fighter, and possibly the highest ranking commando we've seen so far, makes his way to the rear of the helicopter, past the dead and recoverd body of Ghost. A younger commando stops the Commando Colonel:

YOUNGER COMMANDO Sir? Nighthawk Two just called in. They've picked up Striker. COMMANDO COLONEL Good. Then we'll rendezvous at Tranquility base. YOUNGER COMMANDO Yes, sir. And the Commando Colonel continues on to the rear of the helicopter, which has been turned into A SICK BAY Hanna and Kyle lie here. Beaten. DOCTOR is treating their wounds.


Just back from hell.


The Commando Colonel gives him an inquisitive look. COMMANDO DOCTOR (nods) ...They'll make it. And now the Commando Colonel turns his attention to Hanna and Kyle. conscious.

They are

107 COMMANDO COLONEL ...From what we found down there -- looks like you two did one helluva job. One helluva job. Which leads me to just one question. (beat) Who the hell are you guys?! Beat. KYLE (smiles) ...Just a bunch a' grunts...sir. The Commando Colonel stares at Hanna and Kyle a beat.

Looking them over.

COMMANDO COLONEL ...Bullshit! (beat) You're 101, aren't you? You're both Unit 101? I know it exists. Hanna just looks over at Kyle. Smirks. A pride in his eye. at the Commando Colonel. Just shakes his head:

Then looks back

HANNA ...We can't tell you. (beat) But maybe'll read about us in the history books. And Hanna and Kyle burst out into laughter. FREEZE FRAME on the two of them.



But alive.

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