AN-NISA’ HOPE CENTER MISSION STATEMENT An-Nisa’ is a nonprofit organization that is based in The Greater Houston area. We are dedicated to assist women and children who are affected by Domestic and Family violence. An-Nisa’ will provide a safe shelter, counseling, training and all support needed for these families to lead a normal independent life. An-Nisa’ helps women and their children in their moments of need, while providing confidential and secure support. Our goal is to help women in and out of our shelter to attain self esteem, dignity, and independence. An-Nisa’ also promotes awareness about all kinds of Abuse, such as physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual. through our outreach and community education prograns. Our program also helps children with services such as tutoring, counseling, day care services, and therapy.
A n-N isa’ H ope Center Phone: 8322-4044-581 813
Hotline: 7133-5288-2121
E-Mail: Annisahopecenter@a
[email protected]