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An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

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Search HOME > Programming > Information (ICTs) > Acacia > Projects > 1998-2005 > 002294 ICT > Information Policy Handbook Topic Explorer Acacia About Acacia Research Results ICT Resources Stories Projects 1998-2005 002294 ICT Information Policy Handbook Contacts

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa Editor Tina James Contributors Neil Butcher, Tracy Cohen, Daniel Espitia, Anriette Esterhuysen, Alison Gillwald, Tina James, Michael Milazi, Jonathan Miller, Gordon Oyomno, Yokow Quansah, Claire Sibthorpe, Johannes Mowatshe Tselanyane, Leo Van Audenhove, Kate Wild

People Geneviève Lefebvre Kathleen Diga Gideon Christian Alexandra Eustache Morenike Ladikpo ID: 11402 Added: 2002-10-16 10:22 Modified: 2008-07-16 14:50 Refreshed: 2008-10-16 11:38

Reviewers Michael Jensen, Nigel Motts, Seán Ó Siochrú

Table of Contents Foreword by the IDRC A Message from the South African Acacia Advisory Committee Abbreviations and Acronyms Editor's Introduction to the Handbook Credits 1. Information Policy in Context 1.1 Definition and Scope of Information Policy 1.2 Issues to Consider in the Development of Information Policy 1.2.1 The Information Economy and National Economic Development 1.2.2 The Move towards Globalisation in the Telecommunications Sector 1.2.3 Reform and Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector within a Global and African Context 1.2.4 Governance of the Internet 1.2.5 Convergence and the Development of Relevant Content, Services and Applications 1.2.6 Developing Human Resource Capacity 1.2.7 Integrating Equity and Freedom of Expression in Information Policy 2. An Overview of Information Policy Initiatives in Southern Africa 2.1 Information Policy Trends within SADC: An Assessment of the Status Quo 2.1.1 Southern African Development Community (SADC)第 1/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:22]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

2.1.2 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) 2.1.3 National Information and Communications Infrastructure (NICI) Initiatives 2.2 Problems and Issues Emerging from the Southern African Experience - What Lessons Can We Learn? 3. An Analysis of Information Policy in South Africa 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Presenting an Overview of ICT Policy in South Africa 3.3 The Transition Period (1989 - 1994) 3.3.1 Broadcasting 3.3.2 The Reconstruction and Development Programme and ICTs 3.4 The Transformation Period: 1994 - 1997 3.5 The Implementation Period: 1997 - 2000 3.6 The Evaluation and Policy Reformulation Period: 2000 - present 3.7 Problems and Issues Emerging from the South African Experience - What Lessons Can We Learn ? 4. Educational Technology Policy in Southern Africa 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Where Technologies Can Most Effectively Support Education 4.3 What Policies Affect the Use of ICTs in Education? 4.4 The Southern African Policy Environment 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5

Range of Policy Approaches Predominance of Donor-Funded Initiatives Focus on Schooling Working Off a Low Technological and Skills Base Southern African Implementation Environment

4.5 Educational Technology Policy in South Africa 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6

The TELI Process The Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Education (CETDE) SchoolNet SA South African Broadcasting Policy relating to Education The Vision of a National Educational Network The ICT Forum

4.6 Emerging Lessons 4.6.1 Uncharted Territory 4.6.2 Regulatory Frameworks and Complexity 4.6.3 Macro and Micro-level Models第 2/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

4.6.4 Technology-driven Educational Solutions do not Work 4.6.5 Technologies as a Catalyst for Transformation or as a Mechanism for Maintaining the Status Quo 4.7 Conclusion 5. Policy Mechanisms for Stimulating e-Commerce 5.1 Background 5.2 Definitions 5.3 Preconditions for Establishing an e-Commerce Policy Process 5.4 Key Factors Enabling e-Commerce 5.5 Why the Need for an e-Commerce Policy? 5.6 e-Commerce Practice and Policy in Africa 5.6.1 e-Commerce in Practice 5.6.2 Regional e-Commerce Policy Initiatives 5.6.3 Country-level e-Commerce Policies and Strategies in the SADC Region 5.7 South Africa's e-Commerce Legislative Process 5.7.1 Perspectives on the South African e-Commerce Policy Process 5.8 Problems Encountered in e-Commerce Initiatives in Southern Africa - What Lessons Can We Learn? 6. Conclusions 6.1 Emerging Lessons for Policy Development in Southern Africa 6.2 Conclusion Appendices Appendix 1: A Brief Overview of Global and Regional Trends in Telecommunications Infrastructure Appendix 2: The African Information Society Initiative (AISI) Appendix 3: Key ICT-related Institutions in Mozambique Appendix 4: Key ICT-related Institutions in Namibia Appendix 5: Key ICT-related Institutions in South Africa Appendix 6: Selected Regional ICT-related Institutions in Africa Appendix 7: The Programme of the Department of Communications - South Africa Appendix 8: National Telecommunications Forum (South Africa)第 3/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

Appendix 9: National Information Technology Forum (South Africa) Appendix 10: The South African National Qualifications Framework and the Development of ICT Appendix 11: ICT Research Priorities for the South African National Research Foundation Appendix 12: An Overview of e-Commerce Policy and Practice in SADC countries Appendix 13: References on Information Policy in Southern Africa Appendix 14: An Overview of Donor Agencies with ICT-related Interests Appendix 15: Survey of International and African ICT Policy and Research Institutions Appendix 16: Contributors List of Tables and Figures List of Tables Table 1: Key SADC Institutions Dealing with ICTs Table 2: Overview of Internet Usage and International Bandwidth for Southern African Countries (Jensen, 2001) Table 3: Number of Domains and Websites in SADC Countries Table 4: Outcomes and Recommendations of Regional Policy Initiatives Table 5: Global Increase in Infrastructure for 1991-1996 and Forecast for 2001 Table 6: Infrastructure Growth and Access per 1 000 people for High-income Countries (HIC) and for Low and Middle-income Countries (LMIC) 1990-1998 (Source: World Bank) Table 7: Regional Comparison for Infrastructure Development Table 8: The Implementation of the Programme up to Mid-1999 List of Figures Figure 1: Rowlands' Three Hierarchical Levels for Information Policy Figure 2: Policies for Shaping an Integrated ICT Structure Figure 3: Overview of ICT Policy Processes in South Africa Figure 4: Overview of Education Technology Policy Processes in South Africa Figure 5: A Possible Systemic Cycle for Policy Development Figure 6: International Internet Bandwidth Comparison第 4/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

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Charley Lewis LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand E-mail: [email protected] http: //

Material in this report is produced as submitted. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the International Development Research Centre or the Development Bank of Southern Africa. Mention of a proprietary name does not constitute endorsement of a product and is given only for information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), P O Box 8500, Ottawa, ON Canada K1G 3H9. This site has been optimised for viewing on a high-colour (16 million colours) 800 by 600 pixel monitor, using Internet Explorer 5.5. Please e-mail any comments, or notification of errors or corrections to The Editor. © International Development Research Centre, 2001

Multimedia 1.1 - Fig. 1: Rowlands' three hierarchical levels for information policy 1.1 - Fig. 2: Policies for shaping an integrated ICT Structure (Mansell and Wehn, 1998)第 5/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

4.6 - Figure 5: A possible systemic cycle for policy development

5.7 - The South African legislative cycle App 1 - Figure 6: International Internet Bandwidth Comparison

Document(s) Part 7 - Appendix 4: Key ICT-related Institutions in Namibia 2001 Part 4.3 - What Policies Affect the Use of ICTs in Education ? 2001 Page 3 - Editor's Introduction to the Handbook 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 5: Key ICT-related Institutions in South Africa 2001 Part 4.4 - The Southern African Policy Environment 2001 Page 1 - Foreword Kate Wild 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 6: Selected Regional ICT-related Institutions in Africa 2001 Part 4.5 - Educational Technology Policy in South Africa 2001 Page 2 - A Message from the South African Acacia Advisory Committee (SAAAC) Stephen Mncube 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 7: The Programme of the Department of Communications - South Africa 2001 Part 4.6 - Emerging Lessons 2001 Part 3.1 - Introduction 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 8: National Telecommunications Forum (South Africa) 2001 Part 4.7 - Conclusion 2001 Page 4 - Abbreviations and Acronyms 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 9: National Information Technology Forum (South Africa) 2001

Part 5 - Policy Mechanisms for Stimulating e-Commerce 2001 Part 1 - Information Policy in Context 2001第 6/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

Part 7 - Appendix 10: The South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Development of ICT Skills 2001 Part 5.1 - Background 2001 Part 1.1 - Definition and Scope of Information Policy 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 11: ICT Research Priorities for the South African National Research Foundation 2001 Part 5.2 - Definitions 2001 Part 1.2 - Issues to Consider in the Development of Information Policy 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 12: An Overview of e-Commerce Policy and Practice in SADC Countries 2001 Part 5.3 - Preconditions for Establishing an e-Commerce Policy Process 2001 Part 2 - An Overview of Information Policy Initiatives in Southern Africa 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 13: References on Information Policy in Southern Africa 2001 Part 5.4 - Key Factors Enabling e-Commerce 2001 Part 2.1- Information Policy Trends within SADC: An Assessment of the Status Quo 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 14: An Overview of Donor Agencies with ICT-related Interests, August 2000 2001 Part 5.5 - Why the Need for an e-Commerce Policy ? 2001 Part 2.2 - Problems and Issues Emerging from the Southern African Experience - What Lessons Can We Learn ? 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 15: Survey of International and African ICT Policy and Research Institutions, August 2000 2001 Part 5.6 - e-Commerce Practice and Policy in Africa 2001 Part 3 - An Analysis of Information Policy in South Africa 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 16: Contributors 2001 Part 5.7 - South Africa's e-Commerce Legislative Process 2001第 7/8 页)[2008-10-20 13:13:23]

An Information Policy Handbook for Southern Africa: International Development Research Centre

Part 3.2 - Presenting an Overview of ICT Policy in South Africa 2001 Part 5.8 - Problems Encountered in e-Commerce Initiatives in Southern Africa - What Lessons Can We Learn ? 2001 Part 3.3 - The Transition Period: 1989 - 1994 2001 Part 6 - Conclusions 2001 Part 3.4 - The Transformation Period: 1994 - 1997 2001 Part 6.1 - Emerging Lessons for Policy Development in Southern Africa 2001 Part 3.5 - The Implementation Period: 1997 - 2000 2001 Part 6.2 - Conclusion 2001 Part 3.6 - The Evaluation and Policy Reformulation Period: 2000 - present 2001 Part 7 - Appendices 2001 Table of content Part 3.7 - Problems and Issues Emerging from the South African Experience What Lessons Can We Learn ? 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 1: A Brief Overview of Global and Regional Trends in Telecommunications Infrastructure 2001 Part 4 - Educational Technology Policy in Southern Africa 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 2: The African Information Society Initiative (AISI) 2001 Part 4.1 - Introduction 2001 Part 7 - Appendix 3: Key ICT-related Institutions in Mozambique 2001 Part 4.2 - Where Technologies Can Most Effectively Support Education 2001

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