An Drew Storm

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,922
  • Pages: 12
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A Journey Through Destiny: The Andrew Storm Legacy © Rosalind Morris

Act I:

Birth of Andrew

Scene 1: Scene 2: Scene 3:

Assignment day in heaven Assignment day in Hell The Battle for birth

Characters: Wickson Storm Sabrina Sabrina’s Mom Doctor 1 Doctor 2 Doctor 3 Young Andrew Adult Andrew Nurse Pat

Supernatural characters: Voice of God Suede Silk Cashmere Voice of Satan Carnage Spiked Roadine

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Act 1: Scence 1: The stage is set up like heaven. start running onto the stage.

A trumpet sounds and angels

Cashmere: Come on guys!

We get our new assignments today! Seude:

Yeah fellas, I can feel it! God's going to do great things! Let's hurry and receive our assignments. Silk: Where’s everyone else? Voice of God: The call was for your ears alone, my servants. special service is required of you.


(Angels fall down on their face to worship him.) Cashmere: Thy will be done, my Lord. Suede and Silk: Thy will be done. God: Arise, and behold the Earth. instructions.

Observe, and wait for my

(Smoke fills the stage, when it clears there is a scene on Earth that the Angels watch unfold.) A man and a young woman enter in through the side door. (Downstage left) The girl is visibly upset, and the man is equally angry. Wickson:

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What do you mean you couldn't do it! Sabrina: You don't understand, Wickson. You think I want to have a baby? I don't have a choice. It’s alive. And it’s here. Alive. In me. I can't kill it! I won’t kill it! Wickson: What are you talking about, Sabrina? It's just an embryo, a few cells that have started dividing. You need to stop it, and you need to stop it, now. Sabrina: It’s a human being. It’s a gift from God. won’t kill my child, our chi...


Wickson: Did you just say a gift from God?! You really think that God would give you a gift?! Wait a minute. I know what this is. You talked to one of those people at the clinic. They fed you all these ideas about life and God. Sabrina: They helped me to see the truth, Wickson. No matter the circumstances surounding my pregnacy, I’m still pregnant. There is baby growing inside of me, and God has a plan for this child! I will not destroy it! Wickson: Sabrina, you will get rid of that child, or you will raise it on your own. I am not even sure if it is mine anyway. Sabrina: You…how could know it’s... beat. Do what you have to do Wickson. Wickson:

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You’re a fool, Sabrina! You were trash when I met you. I gave you everything that you have, and this is how you repay me! Well, if you think that I am going to risk my career and my family for your child, you are wrong! That's it! Go back to the streets where you came from, because I am through with you. (Storms out the door) Sabrina: You may be through with me, Wickson Storm, but God is just getting started. Sabrina stands still as smoke fills the air.

Then she exits.

Voice of God: What did you see? Suede: The lady has chosen eternal life. Silk: Is she our assignment?

Voice of God: The fruit of her womb is your assignment. one for as long as he walks the earth.

You will be with this

Cashmere: You mean we get guardian patrol? Silk: Behold the Lord does a new thing. Suede: It is truly marvelous in our sight. Cashmere, Silk, and Suede: Glory to God, it is marvelous in our sights!

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All lights go out as actors exit stage. Strange music begans to play as the new scene is prepared. When the lights come up, the stage is now dark and sinister with lots of red and black. Scene 2:

Satan: Carnage, Spiked, and Roadine. job for you.

Get in here, you peons.

I have a

The three demons come running in and onto the stage. Carnage: What is it my lord? Roadine: We are ready for battle, o depraved one. Satan: Silence, all of you. I have brought you here because we lost one of our own today. You must harrass her, discourage her, kill her baby, do anything that you can to keep her from becoming a functioning part of The Body. Spiked: You mean we are only going to work on this one worthless human. With all due respect, your graceless, we can do greater things. Carnage: Could not better serve you by using our great strength on a more sinister scale? Roadine: I hear that their are those who were assigned to help bring in a certain Dictators’ governments. Can we not better work on that project? Satan:

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Silence! I have spoken! Now watch this, and you will see where you are needed. (Smoke fills the stage once again as the demons observe events on earth. When the smoke clears, the lights on stage are dim, and Sabrina enters through the side door. Cashmere is with her, but she is unware of his prescense.) Sabrina walks wearing warm clothes and shivering. Cashmere, comes in beside her wearing a white sweater and a pair of cream colored slacks.

Sabrina: Lord, when I decided that I w-would follow You, this is not what I expected. It gets so cold out here this time of yyear. I don't know wh-what to do, Jesus. I am a twenty year old high school drop out with no skills. How can I take care of this baby? Would it not have been better if I had killed it? Cashmere: No. Shakes head and reaches hands toward her, but does not touch her. Then he reassumes his position beside her. Sabrina: Would it not be better if I killed myself? Upset. Cashmere: No! He embraces Sabrina, hugging her until she is completely calm. Sabrina: You are my high tower, O Lord of my soul. Show me what I must do. Lead me to a place of warmth. In Jesus' name, Amen. Sabrina stands still as if she is listening for an answer. Cashmere is walking back and forth behind her as if he giving her a lecture. She is still unaware of his precense. Sabrina:

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Is that it, Lord? Are you asking me to go home again? It's not that easy, Father. I burned bridges to be with Wickson. They wouldn't want me now. Are you sure, Lord? Well then, I'll do it, Lord. I'll call Mom right now. Sabrina huredly exits. Smoke fills the air again and the scene on stage resumes. Satan: You know what you must do! Carnage: We know, great evil one. Spiked: She will never reach destiny. Roadine: You have our word on that! The three laugh sinisterly as they huddle together as if developing a plan of attack. All lights go out again, soft happy music fills the air as the stage is made ready for scene three. Scene 3: At the beginning of the scene Sabrina is on stage in what seems to be a living room. She is clearly in the last stages of her pregnancy and she is talking to her mother who is seated near her. Sabrina: Oh, Mom, I cannot believe the baby’s almost here! Mom: Yes, well they come and go before you know it, dear. Sabrina:

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Mom, I really appreciate you and Dad taking me back like this. I never would have made it without you. Mom: What else could we do but welcome you back? wanted you to leave.

We never

Sabrina: I love you, Mama. Mom: I love you too, Sweetie. Sabrina whinces and holds her stomach as if she is suddenly in great pain. Mom: Was that a contraction? Sabrina: Shakes head) Something's wrong, Mom. I have seven more weeks. Grits teeth and lets out a moan as the pain in her abdomen increases. Mom: We've got to get you to the hospital, dear. help you to the car.

I will

(As Sabrina and her Mom exit, the three demons enter. Spiked is making motions as if he is squeezing something (As he squeezes Sabrina lets out another yelp of pain) while Carnage and Roadine laugh and cheer him on.) Roadine: She'll not make it to the hospital with that child.

Carnage: And she will blame God for that.

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Roadine: Leave that part to me. The three demons exit excitedly to continue after Sabrina and her mother. Cashmere and Silk enter as they exit. Cashmere: She is in great pain. Silk: But the Lord has said she and her child will live. her now.

Silk is with

Cashmere: I have recieved our own orders. Silk: What are we to do? Cashmere: Confrontation will be necessary soon. distance and wait for the Word.

We will follow at a safe

Silk: Glory to God in the Highest!!! Cashmere: Magnified praises unto the Lord of host. Lights go down again as they exit the stage. Scene changes to Sabrina and her mother. They are in their car (four chairs), and Silk is in the back seat, unfortunately Roadine is there also and he is speaking in Sabrina’s ear. Roadine: Your child will never see daylight. Sabrina:

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Mom I’m scared.

I don’t think I’m going to make it. Mom:

Don’t talk like that, Sabrina.

You just pray, honey.

Sabrina nods. Then she folds her hands and prays silently, while her mother continues to make driving motions. Her mother begans to sing Great Is Thy Faithfullness. When she is halfway through the first verse, Sabina screams again as another sharp pain hits her. Roadine: You and the child will die! Roadine tries to poke her stomach, but Cashmere stops him. Cashmere: Say what you will, but you will not touch the girl. Mom: We’re almost there honey! hosipital.

We’re just a block away from the

Sabrina: It hurts!

Mom: I’m sorry honey, but we are almost there. Roadine: I may not be able to touch the girl, but I can touch her mother! He then touches her arm giving her an arm cramp. Mom screams in pain and makes serving motions. Mom and Sabrina scream and lunge forward and jerk back as if they are jarred by the impact.

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There is total silence in the car, and Roadine looks from mother to daughter. They both seem to be unconscience. Roadine: Yes!!!! Cashmere: Uh hem Motions his head toward the stiring Sabrina. Sabrina: Mom! Mom are you okay? Shakes her mother with one arm while holding her stomach with the other. Mom: I…um…I’m okay.

Praise God; we’re both okay. Sabrina:

What happened?

Mom: I had an arm cramp, but we are almost to the hospital. Are you okay? Sabrina: Yes, I am okay.

Can we still drive? Mom:

I don’t think so, Sabrina.

Can you walk? Sabrina:

I have to, I think. Her mom nods and gets out of the car. She walks around to Sabrina’s side and helps her out. The two walk slowly toward away from the car. Roadine gets out and so does Cashmere. Smoke fills the air and the lights go out on that confrontation. While the lights are down the chairs (car) are quickly removed.

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Note: Currently I am well into the third act of the play.

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