Amore Housing Project

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 4,496
  • Pages: 19
Project Proposal

Amore Housing A Component of Amore Community Development Plan


Operation Compassion International, Inc.

Target Beneficiary:

About 300 families that were displaced by the onslaught of Typhoon Reming last November 2006 in Daraga, Albay

88 Maningning Street, Teacher’s Village Quezon City 1101 Philippines Telefax# (632) 433-7807 [email protected]

PROJECT RATIONALE The homes in Barangays Banyag and Tagas in the town of Daraga, Albay Province, are now covered with volcanic debris washed off Mt. Mayon triggered by Typhoon Reming last November 2006. These areas were already declared not livable as there still is a threat of future floods and rush of volcanic materials in the area. 8,000 families have been displaced. Depression has set in. People have gone from believing to hopelessness. For the initial 4 months after the typhoon, most people were forced to live in the designated evacuation center, which was the public elementary school. Operation Compasion (OC) facilitated the transfer of around 500 families to the temporary relocation site provided by the local government, and ultimately adopted 300 displaced families. Today, after almost nine months, some of the displaced families are still living in tents while others went back to their ruins. As the organization committed to assist in rebuilding the community (see Amore Community Development Plan), the construction of permanent housing has been a basic part of the plan. A 2.1-hectare land has been secured for the permanent relocation site in Anislag, Daraga, Albay and 127 of the adopted families are now housed in temporary shelters.

OBJECTIVE To build 300 appropriate and quality houses, a community multi-purpose center, a day care and health center, and waste disposal facilities

IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A. Prepare Permanent Relocation Site Operation Compassion secured 2.1 hectares in Anislag Daraga Albay allotted for the permanent relocation site; now tagged as Amore Community. The site development is being undertaken by the local government of Daraga. Aside from preparing the site, crucial in the construction of houses is the social preparation of the community. OC facilitated the formation of Interim Peoples Association (IPA) to get the full cooperation of all the beneficiaries. » Amore IPA will be in-charge of the mobilization of manpower, drafting of rules and regulations on constructions, and eventual distribution of finished houses. » Amore IPA will be in- charge of securing the construction materials and equipment in the project site, and is responsible for safekeeping the people from the hazards common in construction sites » Amore IPA will establish the regulations and means in maintaining the whole Amore Community

B. Establish Partnership OC believes in Filipino Bayanihan Spirit and works in partnership with the different sectors working in the community it helps rebuild. With the Amore, it has established collaboration with the local government unit, business and church sectors, other nongovernment organizations. C. Oversee the construction of 300 houses and necessary infrastructure ACTIVITY



Ground-breaking Ceremony

September 2007


Facilitate the IPA and small group leaders in drafting the rules and regulations of the construction, distribution of the houses, and eventual maintenance of the whole Amore Community.

September – October 2007


Arrange for bidding of construction project to contractors and suppliers, and process appropriate contracts/MOA for chosen contractors and suppliers

September 2007


Follow-up on final site development plan from the municipal government

September – October 2007


Coordinative meetings and planning sessions with contractors and IPA

September 2007 – December 2008


Final briefing of the community prior to start of construction, and orientation of volunteer workers

October 2007


Order and properly stock materials

October 2007


Start of construction and monitor progress of construction of houses

October 2007


Quality control inspection of the constructed houses

March 2008 (as several houses are being built and nears completion)

10. Construction of Community Multi-purpose Center and Health Care Center

September 2008

11. Construction of roads and other facilities(e.g. light posts/gate, waste disposal facilities)

September 2008

12. Endorsement of project to IPA and the municipal government

December 2008

13. Distribution of houses and Thanksgiving Ceremony

December 2008

14. Oversee role of IPA in maintaining the Amore Compound

December 2009 – June 2010

BUDGETARY REQUIREMENT (values in Philippine Peso)

ITEM Materials and Labor (80K x 300 houses)

AMOUNT 24,000,000.00

Multi-Purpose Community Center


Community Health Center


Administrative Cost





TENT CITY: temporary relocation



Amore Purpose Driven Community A Community Development Program

Proponent Operation Compassion International, Inc. Target Beneficiary About 300 families who lost their homes (source of living, and even love ones) on the onslaught of Typhoon Reming last November 2006 Cooperating Groups PLDT-SMART Foundation Purpose Driven Southeast Asia, Inc. Green Architecture Movement of the United Architecture of the Philippines Albay Mabuhay (Foremerly Ayuda Albay) Dios Mabalos Foundation Local Government of Albay International Office of Migration Pilipino Community Church

88 Maningning Street, Teacher’s Village Quezon City 1101 Philippines Telefax# (632) 433-7807 [email protected]


The people from the towns near Mt. Mayon have been struggling for several months now. It has not just been because of the eruption the volcano recently demonstrated, but more of the ravage Typhoon Reming (International Codename: Durian) left. The typhoon created mudslides of volcanic ash and boulders off Mayon Volcano that claimed more than 400 lives, affected more than 250,000 families, and damaged 90% of the surrounding towns (houses, infrastructures, and livelihood). Government and non-governmental agencies provided much care and relief to the victims. Unfortunately, with the magnitude of the disaster, the provision that has been extended was not enough to see the community rehabilitation through. After nine months, 10,000 of the displaced families are still living in tents, while others went back to their ruins. Operation Compassion (OC), in partnership with the local government of Daraga and Ayuda Albay, secured 2.1 hectares of land in Anislag to be engineered as a permanent relocation site of at least 300 displaced families from Daraga. OC believes that in every disaster there is birth of a new life; a new community. Therefore the victims must be inspired to rise up from the ruins left by the calamities. OC is committed to walk along side the victims until they are whole again as a person, family and community, and until transformation happens; not just a new community but one where people are living out the true essence of bayanihan spirit , a progressive attitude towards community welfare, empowered, productive, good stewards of resources, and strong love for God and country.


General Objective : To facilitate the rebuilding of a new community composed of 300 families displaced by typhoon Reming in the municipality of Daraga, Albay Specific Objectives : 1. To empower the affected communities by facilitating the formation of dynamic community organization 2. To address health-related needs of affected communities 3. To help the community put-up alternative sustainable livelihood programs 4. To assist in infrastructure development for the Amore Community


OBJECTIVE 1: To empower the affected communities by facilitating the formation of dynamic community organization Programs: Set-up “Bayanihan Center” as the foundational organization from which all values formation and developmental efforts will be integrated (See Appendix 1) Formation of Interim People’s Association with functional committees and set of officers. • Identify key community leaders who would assist in implementing the different community development interventions and would be responsible for continuing the management and implementation of developmental efforts in their respective communities. • Equip key community leaders on organizing and managing know-how, Christian leadership values, good human relations, effective communications and networking capacity.

OBJECTIVE 2: To address health-related needs of affected communities Programs: Medical Missions • Organize a working committee to manage and coordinate health concerns for the community. • Network with church missions and other partner organizations to mobilize and send weekly medical/dental missions in the target communities. • Develop and implement a “Referral System” for critical mental health problems, physically handicapped and children-at-risk Set-up “Botika Binhi” in the adopted communities (Appendix 2) Preventive Health Program • Identify and equip local health workers on organizing skills, first aid and paramedic tasks. • Conduct community-wide seminars and events promoting personal health & hygiene, good parenting, cleanliness and proper waste disposal, disease prevention, alternative medicine, and, disaster management. Psychosocial Intervention • Establish partnership and coordinate with government agencies, NGO, business and churches with the same goals and technical resources in the line of psychosocial endeavors. • Identify and equip local counselors on effective counseling skills, basics of mental health maintenance, post-disaster debriefing, essentials on disaster management (e.g. organizing, post-disaster risks control)

• Conduct training on “Stress and Trauma Healing” for local community leaders, school teachers, health & church workers

OBJECTIVE 3: To help the community put-up alternative sustainable livelihood programs Programs: Food always in the Home (FAITH) (Appendix 3) • Conduct trainings on backyard farming • Provide initial seedlings and organic fertilizers Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurial Program • Conduct coachings and trainings on business administration • Provide initial funds for capital • Integrate efficient monitoring, auditing, and evaluation system • Facilitate formation of a business managed and owned by the community

Objective 4: To assist in infrastructure development for the Amore Community Programs: Building of 300 Permanent Housing • Secure permanent relocation site for displaced families. • Enter into Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipal Mayor and NHA • Arrange for technical coaching and supervision during the construction and utilization of available local resources • Oversee the construction and eventual distribution of permanent housing Construction of “Community Health Center”/Clinic.s Construction of Multipurpose Center. Setting-up Waste Disposal Facility


RELIEF Day 1 – 6th Month RERO Officer • Coordination Meetings • Network Mobilization • Distribution of relief goods • Medical Missions • Debriefing • Setting Up of Essential Facilities

SHORT TERM REHABILITATION 3rd Month – 12th Month RERO Officer & Project Field Officer • Food Always in the Home (FAITH) • Livelihood Grants • Temporary Shelters • Construction of Permanent Houses • Installation of Toilets and Water Pumps • Medical Missions • Stress and Trauma Seminar • Training of Community Based Counselors • Training on Disaster Management/ RERO volunteers

• • • • • • • • • • •

LONG TERM REBUILDING 2nd Year – 4th Year Project Field Officer & Community Organizer (Bayanihan Savings Program) Bayanihan Sa Pagbabago People’s Association Community Spirit Building Affairs and Assemblies Small Group Development Program (Values Formation) Community Leadership Development Community Welfare Volunteer Workers Training Medical Assistance Network Botika Binhi Home-based Counseling Livelihood Financing Entrepreneurial Skills & Values Training Retreats and Recollections for Community Workers, Leaders, and Couples

MECHANICS OF IMPLEMENTATION 1. DEPLOY RELIEF AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE OPERATION (RERO) TEAM OC responds to calamity-stricken communities by deploying the RERO Team. Aside from giving initial relief and medical goods, the RERO Team is in charge of coordinating with government and establishing partnership with local and international NGO in the area. Rebuilding of community will be hastened if the government agencies, NGO’s, the business and church sectors will work together as partners. OC’s role is to connect these agencies to the community and facilitate their working together. 2. ADOPT A COMMUNITY (Identify the Target Benefiting Community or Population) As the RERO team work closely with local government units in the early days of the relief efforts in several communities, the OC Project Officer will then identify a likely community to adopt. Once the community is identified, a public consultation will be held. Should the community agree, the OC Project Officer will then present to the local government a more elaborate detail of OC program for the rebuilding of the identified target community. Once agreed upon, the project will be sealed with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). In the process, OC will continue to live and work together with the community, assist in the evacuation, and eventually, rehabilitate/rebuild the lives of people and the community as a whole. Immersion of OC field people in the community is crucial in establishing long-term relationship among the victims and in providing psychosocial intervention. It is also a good way in effectively facilitating coordination between the community, local government, line agencies, international and local NGO, churches, and volunteers helping the community. 3. ORGANIZE THE ADOPTED COMMUNITY Once the MOA between the local government and OC is finalized, the Project officer will gradually organize the community. Organizing the displaced families is crucial in eventually rebuilding their lives and community. The tendency of the victims is to depend on the government and NGO helping them. This, OC will try to address by infusing the formation of people’s association made up of organized small groups called “Bayanihan Center” from within the community. The small groups will be the venue for OC to teach values formation and do psychosocial intervention. After which, the community will form an Interim People’s Association (IPA). The IPA will have their set of officers and functional committees to handle the day to day operation of their community. OC will continue to train the leaders of small groups and the IPA officers. At this stage OC will implement the agreed community development programs through IPA. Importance of an Organized IPA: 1. dependency from dole-outs will be avoided since the community is part of the whole project process 2. decision making and implementation of projects will be actively carried out by the community instead of government agencies and non-government organizations 3. accountability specially on money matters will be encouraged since all funds coursed through OC will be co-managed by the IPA 4. the beginning of true bayanihan spirit – the community will learn to work together as a team


1. All funds donated by or through OC for Amore Community Development Project, shall be deposited in a separate bank account for easier stewardship. 2. OC Project Development Officer will be responsible for projecting at least a 6 month budget requirement and will request in writing the release of the sizeable amount needed for the community rehabilitation project. The lump sum budget projection will be approved by the OC President in the light of checking all funds are to be used in activities strategically aligned in the over-all community rehabilitation goals for the target area. 3. The amount will then be released or deposited in an OC checking bank account opened in Legaspi City, Albay which is opened exclusively for channeling the funds intended for the community development project in the area. 4. All budget requests, reimbursements, cash advances and supplier payments will be processed in a weekly basis and in the area by a temporarily hired administrative team composed of a cashier, bookkeeper, and the OC community development coordinator and Amore IPA Chairman. 5. All approved budget requests will then be given to the field bookkeeper who would then prepare the checks. The checks will then be signed by the IPA treasurer and OC managers before given to the cashier for releasing. The bookkeeper will then prepare a weekly check disbursements report which will serve also as a tracking sheet for all checking transactions. 6. The cashier will then be responsible for the proper releasing of the checks, requiring the recipient to sign in the check vouchers and in the weekly check disbursement report. 7. The bookkeeper will then check all the disbursement documents, record it in a simple accounting system, and monitor recorded transaction as against cash-on-bank and as against approved projected budget/expenses. 8. The cashier is responsible for requesting a weekly petty cash revolving fund of PhP 10,000.00 which he/she will be responsible liquidating prior to requesting for another weekly revolving fund. 9. The cashier is also responsible for cash disbursements and cash payroll releasing. All cash disbursements and cash payroll distribution should be released with an appropriate acknowledgement form signed by the recipient. The acknowledgement form should indicate in detail the rationale for the payment or release of cash. 10. Petty cash disbursements will strictly cover only expenses not more than 500 pesos, and will cover such field expenses such as transportation/fare within the vicinity, gasoline, meals, and purchase of small amount of supplies. To request for petty cash from the cashier, an appropriate petty cash slip should be filed. 11. The bookkeeper shall also monitor from receipts of purchases all major equipment and nonconsumable materials purchased for the project. Appropriate monitoring of equipment not less than PhP 3,000.00 and recording it as fixed assets is required while an inventory and utilization monitoring form should be updated from time to time for the distribution of non-consumable materials. 12. The cashier will be responsible for the distribution of all consumable supplies for the project. He/ she would have to maintain a distribution list on which recipients will then sign to acknowledge receipt of the materials/supplies. 13. All OC and IPA officers will then be responsible for liquidating all their advances by filing an

expense report form. The attached receipts should be organized as such in order of how the expense report is written. All cash advances should be liquidated as soon as possible or at least within a month time. 14. The bookkeeper shall prepare his/her accounting records and documents for audit of our external auditor as part of preparing the audited OC annual financial report. 15. The external auditor shall provide separate the audited financial report to OC head office while incorporating the accounting data in the over-all OC Annual Financial Report due for BIR and SEC submission. 16. The bookkeeper shall be responsible for updating the OC field managers of the status of the funds and expenses, alerting them for any excessive expenses and if the cash on bank drops less than 100,000.00 pesos. In this way and OC field managers will have to act quickly in allocating additional operational funds. 17. Purchase of materials and equipment, and selection of service provider should be a process of selecting between at least three best suppliers…thus appropriate bidding or cost estimate/canvassing should be done. Selection criteria would have to at least consider best quality, lowest prices, and extra supplier support. Proper documentation or contracts should be prepared to officially identify accredited supplier from which the bookkeeper will refer as he/she prepares check payments for accredited suppliers. 18. The community through the IPA officers will be part of the whole process of selecting, purchasing, buying and releasing of money to supplier.

APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 BAYANIHANG PILIPINO SAVINGS PROGRAM I. Background for the Advocacy of Bayanihang Pilipino Savings Program A. National Situation It is a fact that our country is in the midst of an economic crisis. The ballooning budget deficit, high inflation rates, the continuing rise in prices of basic commodities such as food and fuel – all these coupled with the numerous natural calamities that have hit the nation – seemingly makes it impossible for the average Filipino to even hope for a more prosperous life. Right now, we need to seriously address the following: • • • • • • •

Spiritual and moral degradation Poverty and unemployment Unequal distribution of the nation’s wealth and resources Inadequacy of government resource to address socioeconomic problems Belief that the poor cannot save, cannot pay, and cannot borrow Culture of mendicancy Poor peace and order condition

B. Vision of a Better Philippines Amidst all these difficulties, however, our dream is for our country to someday be the home of Filipinos who are: • God-centered • Productive and responsible members of society • Prosperous, generous and entrepreneurial We believe that each Filipino is the key to the transformation of our country and our people. II. Program Overview Bayanihan is a Filipino word for mutual help. It pictures a situation in the countryside where as one household needs help in relocating its house, the members of that community come to the rescue. Household heads volunteer their resources, time and effort, and leave their respective chores, to assist the needy neighbor. Bayanihan reflects the virtue of self-help in that each and every need (financial or otherwise), can be met not through outside help but from within the community itself. The BPSP nurtures this Bayanihan spirit. It is a grassroots or mass-based savings system, owned and operated by the community, them being the principal source of funds through their savings deposits. They are also the managers of the funds as their respective officers take overall charge of the safekeeping, disbursement, use, and investment of these funds through loans for income-generating activities. The BPSP creates wealth in the form of savings of individual members.

The Program operates on the basis of trust, cooperation and mutual help. It promotes family values, moral recovery and Biblical principles. As opposed to other poverty-alleviation programs, the BPSP utilizes the concept of self-help rather than “dole-out.” It is a multi-stakeholder undertaking among the government, the non-government sector, the Church, the private sector, and civil society as a whole. The BPSP is implemented through groups called Bayanihan Centers (BCs) of 15 to 30 members who meet weekly and where each member continuously makes a regular deposit. A. Smart Partnership The Bayanihang Pilipino Savings Program is a smart partnership among households or the information sector, the private sector, BaPI, other NGOs and POs, religious groups, and the government. In this partnership, the government performs a fiscal role perhaps in financing trainings and projects of BCs, while at the same time creating a conducive political and legal environment for BCs to thrive. The private sector help generate jobs and incomes for BC members. BaPI, other NGOs and religious groups, on the other hand, provide the technical assistance as well as inculcate values, skills, knowledge and resources for the Program. The households or the informal sector provide the purchasing power, the manpower, and savings, which in turn create small and medium enterprises in the community. The technology offered by the Program also facilitates political and social interaction within the community. The households are not just beneficiaries of the Program but rather partners, since the BCs accept, own and implement the Program themselves. B. BPSP Core Values The Bayanihang Pilipino Savings Program is governed by five (4) core values: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Without God, there is no real success Always seek the welfare of the community Everyone can save There is power in unity (synergism) No dole-out

C. BPSP vs. Micro-Financing Programs The following are the basic differences between the BPSP and other Micro-Financing Programs:

Basic Features

Overriding Goal

BPSP • savings-based • values formation • community/member-owned

Other Programs • credit-oriented • beneficiaries are perpetual borrowers

• capital build-up • social & economic transformation

• credit financing


The Botika Binhi (“botika” means “pharmacy” and “binhi” means “seed”) concept was first introduced to the literacy facilitators from five municipalities during the Literacy and Health Training held in Zamboanga City in 1998. Botika Binhi is a community-based, community-managed health-financing program that insures the availability of affordable essential and herbal medicines in the community. This program was promoted through department order No. 275-G, series of 1994, issued by then Secretary of Health Dr. Juan Flavier. OC has adopted this program and found it an essential component for the long-term welfare of the community in the aspect of providing easily accessible and affordable medicines for common ailments. The Peoples’ Association will run Botika Binhi through the committee on community health, or through the team of volunteer health workers.

APPENDIX 3 FOOD FOR THE TABLE PROGRAM “Food Always in The Home” (FAITH) program was originally designed to address the problem of malnutrition and hunger. FAITH is very manageable backyard gardening activity using natural farming methods. In the context of disaster, OC strongly sees the immediate introduction of FAITH to the victims as they receive temporary or permanent relocation site. Psychologically, after learning from the program and successfully nurturing their own backyard gardens, the victims will grow a true sense of hope as their garden bear fruit…realizing they can still be productive, restoring slowly one’s dignity and fulfillment. This approach will also ensure that the victims will not develop a strong dependency from charitable organizations/individuals and have false expectations that relief goods will continually flow. OC foresee that the victims should already be implementing this program for within a maximum of six months time, almost all government and non-government organizations will already be pullingout, and relief goods will stop coming. In addition, the implementation of this backyard gardening program will also provide a venue to nurture relationships within the family when they work together for this project. Finally, the essence of natural farming teaches of chemical-free and nature-tuned ways and materials in gardening. Such methodology provides very nutritious and safe produce for the victims, and helps enrich the likely poor soil of the recently disaster devastated area.


OPERATION COMPASSION Rebuilding Communities, Transforming the Philippines OUR BEGINNINGS Operation Compassion was born out of a burden to reach out in love, grace and compassion to the victims of the calamity that struck the provinces of Aurora and Quezon in November-December 2004. When three typhoons caused landslides and floods, laden with logs, to bury towns and villages. Whole communities were left homeless, literally wiped out physically, economically and emotionally. A team of Christian volunteers organized themselves to provide emergency relief and medical assistance to the two most severely devastated barangays, Barangay Banglos in General Nakar and Barangay Ilog in Infanta. While other organizations came and left after giving emergency relief, Operation Compassion saw the need to stay and help rebuild the devastated communities. In partnership with generous churches and NGOs, Operation Compassion developed a long-term, community-based development plan for the wholistic transformation of the devastated barangays. Since the areas were completely wiped out, it was an opportunity to rebuild and empower the barangays from ground zero, transforming character by instilling the right values and work ethics while addressing basic needs and organizing the communities into groups for better leadership and unity. The organization also extended relief and community development efforts to communities in the Provinces of Aurora, Leyte, Mindoro and Bicol. OUR VISION Our vision is a transformed nation where people are living out the true essence of bayanihan spirit , a progressive attitude towards community welfare, empowered, productive, good stewards of resources, and strong love for God and country.

OUR MISSION Operation Compassion in partnership with Government and Non-Government agencies, business and church sectors is committed to the transformation of the Philippines by helping the calamity-stricken community via relief & emergency response operations and subsequent wholistic community development.

OUR CORE VALUES Operation Compassion aims to inculcate the following core values in the communities where it is based: • Love for God and country • Strengthening of the family as basic unit • Value of each being and restoration of the dignity of the Filipino • Bayanihan – value of helping and working together • Enhancing Filipino culture • Faith in oneself

OUR BOARD: Chairman: Cielito Habito Board Members Prof. Emmanuel Luna, Ph. D. Atty. Teodoro Pascua Ms. Cecille Marcos Ms. Ma. Veronica Lagman Ms. Carla Martinez Mr. Luigi Tabuena Executive Director: Mr. Jose Maria “Butch” Albert

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