Amman Master Plan

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 4,383
  • Pages: 205
High Rise Towers: An Integral Part of Amman’s Urban Landscape

Omar Maani Mayor of Amman February 18, 2007



Our Vision for Amman and Tower Developments


Our Approach: An Interim Growth Strategy


The High Density Mixed Use (HDMU) Development Areas


Urban Design Principles and Development Controls


The HDMU Concept Plans


The HDMU Planning Regime


Next Steps

Municipality of Greater Amman

The Vision

HM King Abdullah II’s Vision

“To achieve the optimum balance of healthy growth and quality living, flourishing expansion and organized districts, 21st century conveniences and traditional character, we must embark on a serious and comprehensive project of city planning for Amman”

Municipality of Greater Amman

Our Vision and Aspirations Vision:


A liveable city is an organized city….with a soul

To develop Amman into: ƒ A Green & Pedestrian City ƒ A City built to a Human Scale ƒ A Heritage City ƒ An Inclusive & Multi-Cultural City ƒ A Peaceful, Hospitable & Proud City ƒ A Modern & Smart City ƒ An Efficient City ƒ An Entrepreneurial City ƒ A Sustainable & Environmentally Friendly City

Municipality of Greater Amman

A New Metropolitan Amman

Old GAM: 680 sq. km. Phase 1: Phase 2:

+700 sq km +300 sq km

Metro Amman: 1,680 sq. km.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Our Planning Program: Three Levels Metro Growth Strategy: Entire Amman Metropolis identifying growth centers, corridors & policies (Dec 2007)

Note: map is a schematic representation

Municipality of Greater Amman

Three Planning Levels Metro Growth Strategy: Entire Amman Metropolis identifying growth centers Growth Area Master Plans: Detailed Master Plans for growth centers

Intensification Plans: For selected corridors and sites across the city

Land Use Planning Note: map is a schematic representation Transportation Plan Open Space

Municipality of Greater Amman

Heritage and Culture

Our Planning Program: Three Levels Metro Growth Strategy: Entire Amman Metropolis identifying growth centers Growth Area Master Plans: Detailed Master Plans for growth centers

Intensification Plans: For selected corridors and sites across the city (May 30th)

Note: map is a schematic representation

Municipality of Greater Amman

A Participatory – Community-Based Approach Many Stakeholders: ƒ City Council ƒ Citizens, Civil Society & NGO’s ƒ Business Community, including Investors & Utilities ƒ GAM Employees ƒ Central Government Agencies ƒ National Political Leadership ƒ Professional Associations ƒ Neighboring Municipalities ƒ International Donors

Municipality of Greater Amman

Current Situation with Towers Cumulative Impact of proposed Towers on Zahran is Gridlock

ƒ thGAM has over 40 applications 7 6th for ‘Towers’ ranging from 15 - 60 Traffic storeysOptimal in height





Acceptable Traffic

Critical ƒ We had noTraffic plan to accommodate Gridlock Traffic 5TH Circle Towers

ƒ Collectively, the projects would have had major negative impact on ƒ

the existing, predominantly four-storey, urban form and character of Amman


the infrastructure and transportation system

Municipality of Greater Amman

Tower Developments Fit with Our Vision ƒ Towers are an essential component of thriving, modern cities, they: ƒ

encourage intensification of growth rather than sprawl


represent smart growth


address real and emerging market demands and meets the interest of investors

ƒ We can Partner with Tower Investors to achieve Our Vision

Municipality of Greater Amman

How We Have Responded Vision HDMU Policies Modern Tower Regulations Development Guidelines Institutional Capacity One-Stop-Shop

Municipality of Greater Amman

Our Approach: An Interim Growth Strategy

Principles of Interim Growth Strategy To accommodate High Density Mixed Use (HDMU) development in a planned way so that it: ƒ Protects and complement the City’s heritage and antiquities ƒ Complements Amman’s unique urban fabric and topography ƒ Maintains public views of key landmarks and vistas ƒ Protects existing, stable neighborhoods ƒ Ensures land-use compatibility with adjacent neighbourhoods ƒ Promotes mixed-use in order to encourage pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles of Interim Growth Strategy To accommodate High Density Mixed Use (HDMU) development in a planned way so that it: ƒ Can be serviced efficiently without overloading Amman’s existing infrastructure – water, sewerage and storm water systems ƒ Ensures and promotes “green” environmental standards ƒ Provides for safe and efficient transportation access, including access to public transit as well as sufficient on-site parking ƒ Encourages high-quality architectural design

Municipality of Greater Amman

Area Selection Methodology

Red Zone : No HDMU

Orange Zone : Proceed with Caution Existing Built-up Area

Green Zone : Potential HDMU Sites

Municipality of Greater Amman

Interim Growth Study: GIS Analysis

Red Zones: Royal Courtland, Landslide Areas, Restricted Buildings, Antiquities, Mosques, Churches, Cemeteries, Heritage Sites, Stable Areas, Industrial Land, Transfer Station

Municipality of Greater Amman

Interim Growth Study: GIS Analysis

Green Zones: Existing Development Sites that have access to infrastructure, major transportation / transit corridors, etc.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Interim Growth Study: Potential HDMU Areas

Regeneration Areas (Infill): within the urban envelope

Municipality of Greater Amman

Interim Growth Study: Potential HDMU Areas

Intensification Areas (Out fill): on the periphery of the urban envelope

Municipality of Greater Amman

Interim Growth Study: Potential HDMU Areas

Greenfields Areas (Expansion): outside the urban area

Municipality of Greater Amman

The HDMU Areas

Criteria for Selection Of Interim HDMU Areas


Location Within The City


Suitability for High-Density Development


Access To Existing / Future Transit + Roads


Access To Future Greenspace


Replicability of What Makes Amman Amman


Typical Topography




Opportunity for Urban Design

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Interim Areas: Evaluation

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Location Within the City


Amman’s New Central Business District

Area A: Central Parkway Area B: Amman’s Northern Gateway Area C: Amman’s Southern Gateway

Expressways Transit (BRT) Roads Future Loops

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Location Within the City

A - Central Parkway B - Northern Gateway C - Southern Gateway

Expressways Transit (BRT) Roads Future Loops

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Rationale ƒ

Address a cross-section of urban conditions – inner city (regeneration), periphery (intensification), and outer city (expansion)


Close to existing and planned future Public Transit


Balance Northern + Southern and Central Development


Build new public green space in conjunction with new towers, and improve access to it


Reduce the impact of new towers on existing stable neighbourhoods


Encourage high quality urban and architectural design

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Location Within the City B


Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Location Within the City

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas: Location Within the City

Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Areas

Area A: Central Parkway

Area B: Northern Gateway

Area C: Southern Gateway

Total Area: 282 dunums HDMU Zones: 82 dunums HDMU Lots: 26 HDMU Building Area: 311,958 m2 Public Parks: 100 dunums Community Facilities: 30 dunums

Total Area: HDMU Zones: HDMU Lots: HDMU Building Area: Public Parks: Community Facilities:

Total Area: 2190 dunums HDMU Zones: 419 dunums HDMU Lots: 139 HDMU Building Area: 2,594,532 m2 Public Parks: 490 dunums Community Facilities: 70 dunums

1060 dunums 243 dunums 80 855,690 m2 290 dunums 60 dunums

Municipality of Greater Amman

Urban Design Principles

Principles: What Makes Amman Amman „

Response to Topography


Natural Heritage


Cultural Heritage


Views + Landmarks


Continuous Public Realm


Distinct + Stable Neighbourhoods


Mixed-Use Streets


Emerging Variety of Scales


Uniformity of Building Form + Materials


Ongoing Growth + Change

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response to Topography

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response to Topography

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography Jabal Amman before Development

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography

Inner City: Urban Regeneration Areas

Periphery: Urban Intensification Areas

Outer City: Expansion Areas

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography

The 1987 Comprehensive Development Plan for Amman began to express concern for the location of high-rise buildings.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography Comparative Analysis of Towers on the Hilltop

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography Comparative Analysis of Towers on the Hilltop, on the Slope

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Response To Topography Comparative Analysis of Towers on the Hilltop, on the Slope, or in the Wadi. Towers are least disruptive in the Wadi.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Natural Heritage

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Natural Heritage

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Natural Heritage

From The 1987 Comprehensive Development Plan for Amman.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Natural Heritage The 1987 Comprehensive Development Plan for Amman proposed to develop the Wadis as major public green corridors.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Cultural Heritage

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Cultural Heritage

Heritage and Antiquities Map (GAM GIS)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Cultural Heritage

25-metre Heritage Buffer

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views + Landmarks

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views + Landmarks

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views + Landmarks

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views + Landmarks

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Protecting Views in Vancouver Protecting Views in Vancouver: Three Dimensional View Corridors Have Been Established From Key Vantage Points to Landmarks and Special Areas

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views + Landmarks Protect Axial Views Along Major Roads

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views and Landmarks Protect View Corridors To Important Institutions

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views and Landmarks

Stagger Buildings On Slopes so that one building looks by another

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views and Landmarks Protect Views from Jabal to Jabal and from Jabals To Wadis

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Views and Landmarks Encourage taller, thinner towers (smaller floor plate) over Shorter, Wider Blocks (large floor plates)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Continuous Public Realm

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Continuous Public Realm

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Continuous Public Realm

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Continuous Public Realm

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Continuous Public Realm

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Compact, Stable Neighbourhoods Jabal Amman and Abdoun Neighbourhoods

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Compact, Stable Neighbourhoods Compact + Accessible on Foot

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Compact, Stable Neighbourhoods Clustering new higher density housing, in combination with medium and lower densities, creates a better sense of community - and costs less to service.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Mixed Use Streets

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Mixed Use Streets

Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy


Transit Parkway (40m ROW)


Main Street (30m ROW)


Collector Street (24m ROW)


Local Street (18-20m ROW)


Service Lane (8m ROW)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy – Transit Parkway



40 m profile 2 lanes in each direction


+ bus- or LRT integrated in separate lane


sidewalks on both sides + median Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy – Main Street



30 m profile 2 lanes in each direction


+ parking lane


sidewalks on both sides + median Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy – Collector Street


24 m profile


1 lane in each direction


+ parking lane


sidewalk on both sides Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy – Local Street


18-20 m profile 1 lane in each direction


+ parking lane


sidewalks on both sides Municipality of Greater Amman

Street Hierarchy – Service Lane


8 m profile

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Emerging Variety of Scales

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Emerging Variety of Scales Proposed HD Building Envelopes

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Emerging Variety of Scales Proposed HDMU Building Envelopes

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Uniformity of Building Form + Materials

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Uniformity of Building Form + Materials The Plan proposes Design Guidelines that: ƒ require the use of a complementary and common palette of building materials including: • various limestones from the Jordan Valley Region • rendered block • glass • metal panels ƒ encourage the use of complementary colours – white, beige, grey ƒ discourage the use of mirrored or reflective glass New tower design will be assessed by Design Review Committee

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Ongoing Growth + Change

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Ongoing Growth + Change Characteristics of Built Fabric: Inner to Outer City

Urban Regeneration Areas

Urban Intensification Areas

Expansion Areas

Municipality of Greater Amman

Principles: Ongoing Growth + Change

Urban Regeneration Areas

Urban Intensification Areas

Expansion Areas

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Controls

Development Controls „

Regulations (Mandatory) • Land-Use Zoning • Lot Development Regulations • Building Envelope Regulations • Parking Standards


Plus Design Guidelines (Discretionary)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Controls : Land-Use Zoning Land-Use Zoning

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Lot Development + Building Envelope Standards

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Building Lot

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Adjacent Street and Service Lane

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Minimum Building Setbacks

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Maximum Floor Plate

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Minimum Landscaped Open Space

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Vehicular Access

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Visitor Parking At Grade

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Ramp To Underground Parking

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Minimum + Maximum Heights

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Underground Parking (2 levels)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Service Access

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Streets

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Park Space

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Podium

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Lot + Building Envelope Office Tower + Podium

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Controls: Parking Standards „

Parking Regulations ƒ For each land-use type ƒ Promotes shared parking between uses


HMDU Residential (for example) ƒ 1 parking space for every dwelling unit less than 150 s.m. ƒ 1.5 parking spaces for every dwelling unit from 150-250 s.m. ƒ 2 parking spaces for every dwelling unit larger than 250 s.m. ƒ 1 visitor parking space for every 4 dwelling units

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Standards: Design Guidelines DESIGN GUIDELINES • Tall Building Design • Building Fit + Transition • Visual Privacy + Compatibility • Building Character + Material Palette • • • •

Sun + Shade Pedestrian Level Wind Effect Landscaped Open Space Weather + Sun Protection

• • • • • •

Build-To Lines Street Frontage Design Pedestrian, Parking Garage + Service Entrances Mid-Block Connections Heritage Considerations Environmental Considerations Municipality of Greater Amman

HDMU Concept Plans

Central Parkway

Area A: Central Parkway Jabal Amman

Jabal Abdoun

Jabal Akhdar

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Photographs

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Photographs

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Road Structure ABDOUN BRIDGE



Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Public Open Space

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View Corridor

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View Corridor

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View Corridor

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: HDMU Area

Area A Zoning Map Total number of HDMU plots = 26

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Topography

Jabal Abdoun

Jabal Amman

Jabal Akhdar

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Building Height Ceiling

Area A: Building Height Ceiling Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Building Height Ceiling

Area A: Building Height Ceiling Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Building Height Ceiling

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Concept Plan

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Concept Plan Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Concept Plan

Zone 4

Zone 3 Zone 2

Zone 1

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Concept Plan

Aerial view of the Amman Central Parkway at night

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: HDMU Zone 3 Collector Access Road Public Stairs


Public Open Space Private Landscaped Open Space (LOS)

BRT Stop Landmark Site

Building Envelope HDMU Podium Sites HDMU Typical Sites

Build-to Line for Shopping Street

Area A - Zone 3 8 HDMU Plots

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: HDMU Zone 3

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: HDMU Zone 3

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View of Parkway Central Parkway: View towards Zone 4 - Before

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View of Parkway Central Parkway: View towards Zone 4 - After

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: View Towards Abdoun Bridge Central Parkway: View towards Zone 4 - After

Municipality of Greater Amman

Central Parkway: Concept Plan

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway

Area B - Northern Gateway

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Photographs 7


Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Road Structure YAJOUZ


Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Open Space

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: View Corridors

Area B: View Planes

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: View Corridors

Area B: View Planes

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: View Corridors

Area B: View Planes

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HDMU Zones

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 3

Total number of HDMU plots = 80

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Topography

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Height Ceiling

Area B: Building Height Ceiling Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Height Ceiling



Area B: Building Height Ceiling Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Building Height Ceiling

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: Concept Plan

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 3

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Area

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Area

Zone 3

Zone 4 Zone 2

Zone 1 Yajouz Road

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Area

Zone 3

Zone 4 Zone 2

Zone 1 Yajouz Road

Municipality of Greater Amman

Build-to Line for Shopping Street along Walkway& Stairs HDMU Podium Sites

Northern Gateway: HDMU Zone 1 1

Build-to Line for Shopping St., Both Sides

Service Alley Public Open Space BRT Stop

Community Facility Site

Building Envelope Linear Commercial Private Landscaped Open Space (LOS)

HDMU Typical Sites

Public Walkway & Stairs

Area B - Zone 1 22 HDMU Plots

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HDMU Zone 1

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Zone

View from Yajouz Road, looking South

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Zone

Northern Gateway: Dedicated bus lanes will be included to encourage the use of an upgraded and efficient public transportation system

Municipality of Greater Amman

Northern Gateway: HMDU Zone

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway

Area C: Southern Gateway

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Photographs

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Photographs

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Road Structure







Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Public Open Space

•Public Stairs linking Wadis and Hilltops •Circles/Intersections + Corridors •Pedestrian + vehicular

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: View Corridors

Area C: View Corridors

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: View Corridors

Area C: View Corridors

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: View Corridors

Area C: View Corridors

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Zones Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Total number of HDMU plots = 139

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Topography

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Height Cap

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Building Height Ceiling

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Building Height Ceiling

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: Concept Plan Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Total number of HDMU plots = 139

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Area

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Area

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Zone 4 Building Envelope


BRT Stop HDMU Podium Sites

Service Alley

Build-to Line for Shopping Street

Public Open Space

Area C - Zone 4 28 HDMU Plots

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Zone 4 - View

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Zone 4 - View

Southern Gateway: The HDMU areas will be lively developments with shopping and active street

Municipality of Greater Amman

Southern Gateway: HDMU Zone 4 - View

Municipality of Greater Amman

New Central Business District: Abdali

New CBD: Abdali Location

Municipality of Greater Amman

Abdali Site Plan

Municipality of Greater Amman

Abdali Land Use


Built-Up Area (sqm)

















on 300,000 sq m of land with 54 parcels

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali

Municipality of Greater Amman

New CBD: Abdali Towers

Municipality of Greater Amman

A Modern Planning Regime for Towers

A Modernized Planning Regime ƒ Major Changes to Regulations: ƒ

‘Made-in-Amman’ Solution


Based on International Best Practices


A Special Planning Provision for the HDMU areas to take the place of Article 42


Two Month Public Review Process for input and refinement

Municipality of Greater Amman

Key Elements ƒ HDMU Policy that describes the goals, objectives and policies for HDMU developments – based on Master Plan Vision document ƒ Special HDMU Planning Provision (the ‘regulation’) for HDMU Developments that designate the areas, outline land use & detail the building and design standards ƒ HDMU Operational Manual that includes concept plans, design guidelines, application process, fee structure, etc.

Municipality of Greater Amman

Key Concepts in the Regulation ƒ 8 stories granted as a development right in HDMU Zones – anything above 8 stories is guided by: ƒ

Regulatory development standards (minimal)


HDMU Development Guidelines & Instructions

ƒ Preservation of View Planes & Vistas ƒ New Key Standards: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Plot Sizes Permissible Areas & Uses Building Heights Setbacks Street Environment Parking/Services Regulations

Municipality of Greater Amman

Development Fees ƒ Three-Components to Fees: ƒ

Building fees (central commercial) – for application review & licensing


Capital Improvement Fees


Equitable Share of Infrastructure Costs, including land acquisition for water, sewer, storm water, roads, electrical & tele-communications

Park Land Contribution: area equal to to 20% of net leasable floor area to be contributed toward community parkland (cash-in-lieu paid to GAM)

Purchase of ‘Community Development Rights’ - for higher than 8 stories

Municipality of Greater Amman

Financial Benefits of Planned + Clustered Towers Infrastructure Cost per sq M. JD100




Recent Tower

HDMU Tower

Municipality of Greater Amman

Purchase of ‘Community Development Rights’ $ 25% to Over 8 Stories Discretionary @ Request of Applicant

Based on HDMU guidelines & Area Concept Plans

Amman Community Development Fund

75% to Land Owner 8

New As-of-Right zoned zoned area Current As-of-Right

un-zoned area

current max as-of-right in GAM Commercial zone

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Municipality of Greater Amman

Proposed Community Development Fund For Community-Wide Benefit: ƒ Heritage Preservation ƒ Greening the City ƒ Social Actions, accommodating special social community needs (disabled, elderly, children and the disadvantaged)

Municipality of Greater Amman

Financial Comparative Analysis Article 42" Offices"

HDMU Offices

Article 42" Offices & Retail"

HDMU Retail & Offices

Total Land Size

10,000 m2

3,000 m2

10,000 m2

3,000 m2

Total Coverage Area

3,000 m2

720 m2

3,000 m2

900 m2

Size of Rentable Office Space

75,000 m2

19,440 m2

66,000 m2

20,700 m2

Rentable Parking

35,000 m2

9,720 m2

30,800 m2

13,050 m2



9,000 m2

3,780 m2

IRR Overall (ROA)





IRR on Equity





Discount Rate









Rentable Retail

Financial Figures

Total Investment Required (JOD)

Municipality of Greater Amman

A New Business Process will be Introduced ƒ “Special Joint Committee” to administer HDMU Developments ƒ Projects will be evaluated based on the following principles: ƒ










Municipality of Greater Amman

Basic Elements of New Process: 3 Steps L I

1 Pre-Application Consultation

2 Development Review

3 Detailed Technical Review


• Focus on the development concept & guidance to investors • Flag major issues related to: land use, siting, transport & other infrastructure services

• Focus on site plans, urban/architectural/lands caping design, transportation access, and other off-site service requirements

• Focus on building life-safety requirements, technical specifications and requirements for transportation & infrastructure (on & off-site)


• Public input on Major projects

Municipality of Greater Amman

One-Stop-Shop for Investors „

Objective is for single-window approvals process through GAM: ƒ Currently investors have at least 7 stops (GAM, Civil Defense, JEA, WAJ-MIYAHUNA, JEPCO, JTC, Min. of Tourism & Antiquities)

ƒ No coordination between agencies ƒ GAM will manage the One-Stop-Shop ƒ e-Enable workflow process

Municipality of Greater Amman

New Process: A New GAM Department

Municipality of Greater Amman

What’s Next in Our Planning Program

Next Steps in Master Plan Program • Several major corridors will be selected within the city to accommodate medium-rise developments as part of an intensification strategy (May 30 completion) • A metro-growth strategy for the expansion of Amman will be concluded by Dec. 2007 • Master Plans for Growth Areas to be completed by Dec. 2008

GAM 2006: 678 sq km

Metro Amman: approx. 1,700 sq km

Municipality of Greater Amman

Airport Road: Special Development Area

Major South-East Transportation Corridors


Amman 7th Circle 8th Circle

A d oa

t or irp



. .I.A

Municipality of Greater Amman

No Planning, Will Lead to Chaos

Will Create Dysfunctional Network

No Connectivity between Developments

Costly & Poor Image for Main Gateway into City

Municipality of Greater Amman

Some Ideas for Planned Development

Central Station

Embassies & Health Governmental City City

Leisure City


Business Center

Media City

Sport City

Airport Free Zone

Municipality of Greater Amman


Conclusion • GAM has: • Identified the Tower locations • Developed Modern Tower Planning Regulations & Design Guidelines • Streamlined The Process • Our Planning Program Continues… • We Need Your Input!

Municipality of Greater Amman

Thank You!

All documents are available at Includes a Master Plan e-Forum to submit your comments……

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