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  • Words: 1,702
  • Pages: 36

• Every nation has a foreign policy---a systematic & general plan that guides the nation’s attitudes & actions toward the rest of the world. • Deals w/many different topics; diplomatic, military, commercial, & others. • Involves such matters as treaties & alliances, international trade, the defense budget, foreign economic & military aid, the United Nations, & nuclear weapons testing.

• Basic purpose of American Foreign Policy has always been to protect the national security of the U.S. • National Security—Refers to the nation’s independence & freedom from unwanted interference, threat, or takeover by other nations. • Defense Policy---Protecting the nation through military preparedness.

• Nation’s founders believed in isolationism--avoiding political involvement with other nations. • The U.S. tried to stay out of other nations’ conflicts, particularly European Wars. • Washington urged Americans “to steer clear of permanent alliances w/any portion of the foreign world.” • Jefferson later echoed this: “Peace, commerce, & honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances w/none.” • Americans changed their minds in the 1820’s.

• 1823, President Monroe proclaimed what has become known as the Monroe Doctrine. • Stated that the U.S. would not accept foreign intervention in the Western Hemisphere. • Declared that the U.S. would look on “any attempt on the part of other nations to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace & security.” • In return, the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs. • Interventionism—Direct involvement in foreign affairs.

State & Defense Department • State Department is headed by the Secretary of State. • President looks for advice in both the formulation & conduct of the nation’s foreign policy. • Secretary of State is the highest ranking official in the cabinet.

Foreign Service • Under international law every nation has the right to legation---the right to send & receive diplomatic representatives. • Ben Franklin was the 1st American (France, 1778.) • Ambassadors---A personal representative appointed by the head of a nation to represent that nation in matters of diplomacy. • Ambassadors are stationed at the capital of each nation the U.S. recognizes.

• Personal representative of the President, & he/she reports to the President through the Secretary of State. • Embassy---The office of an ambassador to a foreign nation. • An embassy staff usually includes political, military, & economic aides. • An American consulate is an official who is assigned to promote American business interests in foreign cities.

• The consul & his/her staff handle questions & problems about business requirements, transportation, & interpretation of foreign laws. • Must keep the President fully informed of events in the host country, negotiate diplomatic agreements, & do whatever else in the best interests of the U.S. • Must know the language, history, customs & culture. • Ambassadors are regularly granted diplomatic immunity.

Diplomatic Immunity—Are not subject to the laws of the state to which they are accredited. Cannot be arrested, sued or taxed. • The mistreatment of diplomats is a major breach to international law. • Secretary of Defense 4. Acts as the President’s chief aide & advisor in making & carrying out defense policy. 5. Acts as operating head of the Defense Department.

• There are three military departments within the Department of Defense: Army, Navy, & Air Force.

• Marine Corps, which is under the jurisdiction of the Navy, maintains its own leadership & identity.

Selective Service System • • •

Two methods are used to recruit citizens into the armed services. Volunteer enlistment. Any person who has a high school diploma may choose to enlist after fulfilling the requirements. Draft—Signing up for the selective service. The selection of persons for compulsory military duty. Draft was used from 1940-1973.

CIA • • • • •

The Central Intelligence Agency Created in 1947. Works under the National Security Council. Three major tasks: 1. To coordinate the information gathering activities of all State, Defense, & other federal agencies involved in the areas of foreign affairs & national defense.

• 2. To analyze & evaluate all data collected by those agencies. • 3. To brief the President & NSC. • CIA conducts worldwide intelligence operations. • Espionage—Spying • Much of work in secret---budget is disguised. • THE NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947 EXPRESSLY DENIES THE CIA THE AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS, SURVEILLANCE , OR OTHER CLANDESTINE ACTIVITES WITHIN THE U.S.

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security • Charged w/ the task of protecting the U.S. from terrorism. • Terrorism—The use of violence to intimidate a government or society, usually for political or ideological reasons. • Created in 2002, operational in 2003. • Responsible for the coordination & the direction of all antiterrorist activities of all public agencies operating in the field of domestic security.

Prior terror attacks • 1983, Beirut, Lebanon—car bomb, 63 dead, Islamic Jihad • 1983, Beirut, Lebanon—truck bomb, 241 marines killed, Shiite • 1985, Mediterranean Sea—Achille Lauro, 1 killed, linked to Libya • 1988 Lockerbie, Scotland---Pan Am 747 exploded, killing 270, linked to Libya • 1993, WTC—six killed, linked to Al-Qaeda • 1995, Oklahoma City---car bomb, 168 dead, U.S. terrorism

Homeland Security Act of 2002 • Gives the Homeland Security Department major operating responsibilities in five specific areas: • 1. Border & transportation security • 2. Infrastructure protection • 3. Emergency preparedness & response • 4. Chemical, biological, radiological, & nuclear defense • 5. Information analysis

Best Case Scenario • 1. Most terrorists attacks will be thwarted or their impacts will at least be minimized. • 2. Those responsible for the attacks will be rooted out and brought to justice.

Goals of American Foreign Policy • 1. World Peace—Staying out of wars. • 2. Economic Prosperity---Nation must be economically strong in order to be secure. Also depends on free & open trade w/ other countries. • 3. Human Rights---The basic privileges to which all people are naturally entitled.

• Human Rights (Cont.) The U.S. supports human rights by publicly criticizing human rights violations committed by other nations. 4. Democracy---Encourage democratic forms of government.

Tools of American Foreign Policy • 1. Diplomacy---Total process of conducting political relations with other countries, including settling differences & conflicts through peaceful means. • *Most important. • *Usually carried out by diplomats, but can be handled by President.

• 2. Foreign Aid---Goes primarily to nations that support U.S. foreign policy goals. • 3. Alliances & Pacts Alliance—A group of nations or individuals joined together for a common purpose, which may be military, economic, or political. Multilateral treaties---Signed by a group of several nations. Ex.) NATO, OAS, Warsaw Pact (no longer exists)

• 4. Trade measures • *Terms under which the U.S. trades w/other countries. • *Economic Sanctions---Measures by which the government withholds trade benefits, supplies, or economic aid to pressure a foreign government to cease certain activities. • 5. Military Force • U.S. has declared war on five occasions. • When?

American Foreign Policy: Past & Present • * Monroe Doctrine • * Continental Expansion. Idea of “Manifest Destiny” surfaced. Most Americans believed this nation’s “destiny” was to expand its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean. • --*-- Annexation of Texas • --*-- Oregon country obtained • --*-- SW U.S.A. after the Mexican War

• --*-- Gadsden Purchase • --*-- Purchasing of Alaska • * Became a first class power in politics during the Spanish-American War in 1898. • --*-- Philippines & Guam • --*-- Puerto Rico • --*-- Hawaii annexed.

Good Neighbor Policy • FDR attempted to win friends in Latin & South America. • This occurred after the “Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine” (Teddy Roosevelt) • U.S. interference was resented in the region in the early 1900’s. • Panama Canal • Virgin Islands

Open Door Policy-China • Promoted equal trade access for all nations & demanded that China’s independence & sovereignty over its own territory be preserved. • 1899 • Hurt relations between U.S. & Japan • Cuts ties with China in 1949 when the Communists took over. • U.S. did not reestablish ties fully until 1979.

WWI & WWII • WWI --- “to make the world safe for democracy.” • U.S. refused to join the League of Nations • Isolationism • WWII---Pearl Harbor

Foreign Policy Since 1945 • Collective Security—A system in which participating nations agree to take joint action to meet any threat to, or attack on another member. • *Idea helped to create the U.N. in 1945. • Deterrence---Policy of making America & its allies so strong that its very strength will deter (prevent) any attack.

Truman Doctrine & Containment • Cold War---Period of more than 40 years during which relations between the two superpowers were tense & often hostile. • Greece & Turkey were in danger of falling to the communists. • 1947, Truman requested a massive program of economic & military aid.

• Containment—Communism, if held within its existing boundaries, would collapse under the weight of its internal weakness. • Berlin Blockade---Split of Berlin into four sectors (Soviet, U.S., British, French.) 1948, Soviets tried to force the other nations out, with a land blockade. U.S. airlift for 1 ½ years. • Cuban Missile Crisis • Soviet build-up by 1962 • Kennedy ordered a naval blockade.

• We would attack if missiles were not removed. • “At the brink of war.” • Soviets backed down. • Korean War---Began in 1950. • South Korea attacked by North Korea. • War lasted three years, but peace terms never agreed upon. • U.S./South Korea (UN) vs. North Korea/China

• • • •

Vietnam War Really started in 1954, not 1965. Ended in 1975. U.S. rescued the French & the South Vietnamese, but sunk themselves.

• After Vietnam, the Nixon administration embarked on a policy of détente. • Détente--- “a relaxation of tensions.” • Wanted to improve relations w/Soviet Union & China. • Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

• Persian Gulf War---1991 • Campaign to drive Iraq out of Kuwait. • International coalition, led by the U.S., launched Operation Desert Storm. • War ended less than six weeks later.

• Today • Al Qaida • “Axis of Evil”----consisting of Iraq, Iran, North Korea.

Five times U.S. has declared war: • • • • •

Britain 1812 Mexico 1848 Spain 1898 WWI 1917 WWII 1941

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