Amendment Project-rebuttal Paper

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 587
  • Pages: 4
Shareesa Bollers Jasmine Thomas Joeshp Rainis Moriah Taylor Charles Williams •

The electoral colleges represent people more collectively, because it shows statewide preference.

The census showed that just about 55% of registered voters turned to vote in the 2004 presidential elections, and 51% in the previous. Many individuals do not turn up to vote because they feel as if their vote doesn’t count, because individual votes are counted evenly. The merit a vote has depends on the population of the state. So if you live in small state like New Hampshire; when compared to a big state like Florida, your votes count less because Florida has more districts. The more districts the state has the more electoral vote it gets and the larger the roleit plays in electing the president. Every individual vote should count evenly, and citizens shouldn’t have their right to a democracy taken away. For instance if you are a democrat living in a predominantly red state such as Texas you many not see the importance of voting, because you are significantly outnumbered by republicans. Your neighboring state shouldn’t be given more rights in electing the president because of their population. All American citizen votes should be treated with equal respect don’t matter which state they live in.

Well there are bigger problems to address than our electoral system that has actually worked for 204 years. So why should we fix something that is not broken? Why shouldn’t we address a problem that makes America more

democratic? More democratic where no longer will we allow one American vote to mean more than any other American. Why should we settle with a good system when we can have a better one? This system has continuously excluded some people from their right to elect their president. The fact that the electoral system has worked in the past means nothing. For almost twenty years our economy worked and now we are pleading to fix what we thought “wasn’t broken.” We should no longer allow for someone in California vote to count more than Another American paying the same taxes in Arizona. Coming from what our constitution is based this electoral system is flawed. Our founding father slogan was “No taxation without Representation.” So saying this system has worked for 204 years, is saying that we haven’t accomplished the main vision of America in 204 years. Lets help to take America one-step closer towards democracy by embracing our founding fathers’ vision of “No taxation without Representation.” It is time to make America equal by having one person represented by one vote, and make every citizen voice count. •

Presidential candidates focus on large swing states

States such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and California have the largest Population, and are the states that presidential candidates visit and invest ads in mostly. California is a state that’s known to vote democratic so republicans in this state are neglected a lot of rallies and events from their republican candidate. On the other hand, Texas is known to vote Republicans o democrats in Texas also have little democratic events in their state.

Works Cited Peters , Gerhard r. The American Presidency Project . Ed. John R. Woolley . 1924. 17 Oct. 2008 . "National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections ." Infoplease . 2000. 17 Oct. 2008 . Klos, Stanley L. "No Taxtaion Without Representation ." Virtualology . 1999. 16 Oct. 2008 . "What proposals have been made to change The Electoral College System?." U.S. Electoral College . 23 Oct. 2008 .

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