Amendment 4

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 608
  • Pages: 2
SGA Constitution Amendment Prepared for April 2009 Student Elections

Original: ARTICLE V Qualifications of Members Section 4 Section 4.

When a vacancy occurs on the SGA, the position will be filled in one of the following ways: A.

In the case of an individual class office with the exception of Graduate Senator and Senator at Large, candidates should petition the Appointment Committee, which will be a standing committee made up of one senator from each class. The chair of this committee will be the president of the class with a vacancy. Appointments subject to a majority vote of Senate. 1.

The availability of vacant offices shall be publicized in writing at least five class days before the selection process begins.


The deadline for the application submission shall be at the discretion of the committee, but must be included in publicity.


All eligible candidates shall be given the opportunity to be interviewed within a period of one-week following the application deadline.


In situations where there are less than 50% of the class representatives remaining or in the case of a vacancy in the position of Graduate Senator, Senator-At-Large, and/or Executive officer, the Executive Committee shall (with majority approval of the SGA) determine the method of filling the vacancy via one of the following procedures: 1.

Special election by the student body.


Petition the Executive Committee who will submit recommendations to the Executive-President, who will then make an appointment with majority approval of the full SGA.

3. Accepting applications from the student body from which the SGA shall elect a member. 4.

If filling the position is not practical due to time or other factors, the position shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term.

Amended: ARTICLE V Qualifications of Members Section 4 Section 4.

When a vacancy occurs on the SGA, the position will be filled in one of the following ways: A. 1.

In the case of an individual class office with the exception of Graduate Senator and Senator at Large, candidates should petition the standing Appointment Committee. The Appointment Committee shall consist of one senator from each class, to be appointed by the Executive VicePresident of the SGA, and confirmed by a majority vote of the SGA, and be chaired by the president of the class with the vacancy.


The committee’s appointments shall be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the SGA.


All eligible candidates shall be given the opportunity to be interviewed within a period of one-week following the application deadline.


The Appointment Committee shall have the following authorities and obligations: a.

To oversee the publication, in writing, of the availability of vacant offices at least five class days before beginning the selection process.


To determine and publicize the deadline for submission of candidate applications.


To interview all eligible candidates within a period of one-week following the application deadline.


In situations where there are less than 50% of the class representatives remaining or in the case of a vacancy in the position of Graduate Senator, Senator-At-Large, and/or Executive officer, the Executive Committee shall (with majority approval of the SGA) determine the method of filling the vacancy via one of the following procedures: 1.

Special election by the student body.


Petition the Executive Committee who will submit recommendations to the Executive-President, who will then make an appointment with majority approval of the full SGA.


Accepting applications from the student body from which the SGA shall elect a member.


If filling the position is not practical due to time or other factors, the position shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term.

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