Ameen Rihani - International Publications

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Ameen F. Rihani International Publications July 1897 – December 1940


This document is the outcome of a two-year research completed by the Division of Research at the Rihani Museum (DRRM). This research was based on the following references: Book Review Digest Essay and General Literature Index International Index to Periodicals New York Times Index Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature and the Rihani Museum Archives The research has been conducted in collaboration with the following institutions: New York Public Library (NYPL Library of Congress (LOC), Washington, D.C. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt Library of Notre Dame University, Lebanon Rihani publications began in 1897. This document covers publications until 1940, the year Rihani passed away. For further information on Rihani publications, after the year of his death, the reader may refer to a collection of volumes at the Rihani Museum Archives, dated from 1941 till today. References mentioned in this document, whether by Rihani or about him, are selections chosen from several countries around the world. For a more comprehensive list of the publications, it is recommended to refer to the Rihani Museum Archives. This document does not include the English and Arabic Works of Ameen Rihani. For a comprehensive list of Rihani’s published and unpublished works, you may visit his website at:


Contents I.

Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani (Alphabetical Order of Periodicals)


Selected Published Articles about Ameen Rihani (Alphabetical Order of Periodicals)



Selected authors publishing in newspapers and/or magazines, journals about Ameen Rihani in languages other than Arabic



Ameen Rihani in International Newspapers and Magazines (Major periodicals)



Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani and/or about him (Chronological Order)




Facts and Figures: - Geographical areas of Selected Published articles by Ameen Rihani (Frequency Order)


- Geograghical areas of Selected Published articles about Ameen Rihani (Frequency Order)


- Languages and countries of Selected Published articles by Ameen Rihani


- Languages and countries of Selected Published articles about Ameen Rihani


- Total periodicals and articles used in this document including languages and countries





I. Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani (By Alphabetical Order of Periodicals) If the literary genre of a text, written by Rihani, is an essay this genre is not indicated, otherwise the genre whether a poem, a short story, or a play, is designated.

Al-Ahraam. Al-Ahraam Newspaper Institute, Cairo, Egypt. 1922: February 15, [Ana] “Ash-Sharq” by Ameen Rihani, p.1., c. 1, 2, 3. February 21, “Misr” by Ameen Rihani. Al-Aĥwaal. Al-Aĥwaal literary Journal, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1935: July, “Rabb-ul Eid” (The Lord of the Feast) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 3, No. 9, p.19. The Albany Law Journal. The Law Journal Inc., Albany, New York. 1898: June, “Stare Decisis” [On Law] by Ameen Ferris Rihani, pp. 391396. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Sage Publications, Inc. Thousand Oaks, California. 1932: November, “Palestine and the Proposed Arab Federation” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 164: pp. 62-71. Appeal-Democrat. The Appeal-Democrat Journal, Marysville, Yuba City, California. 1939: March, “Palestine Authority to Address Y.C. Forum” by Ameen Rihani. Asia. Journal of the American Asiatic Association, New York. 1919: July, “The Holy Man and His Disciple” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 630632. October, “The Soufi” a poemby Ameen Rihani, p. 994. 1926: July, “Along the Trail with the Editor” about Ameen Rihani, p. 583. August, “With the Kingliest King in Arabia, Ibn Saud New Master of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 668-674, 734-735. September, “Treaty-Making in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 760-767, 812-814. October, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 864871, 920-923. November, “A Wahabi Cromwell” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 974-981, 1013-1015. 1929: September, “In the Land of Wallah-We’ll-Slay-Him” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 716-721, 746-747.


October, “The Image of Perfection in Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 795-801. “The Soufi” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: p. 994. November, “Under the Roofs of Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 878-883, 918-920. 1932: December, “TheYoung Nation on the Tigris” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 32: pp. 602-607, 655-656. 1933: September, “Portrait” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 33: p. 455. November, “More Deserts Than Are Dreamt Of” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 33: pp. 554-561, 578-579. 1935: March, “A Common Measure for East and West” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 35: pp. 173-175. 1936: December, “My East and West” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 36: pp. 776778. 1937: March, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 37: pp. 215218. June, “Coup d’État in Baghdad” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 37: pp. 436438. 1938: January, “The Pan Arab Dream” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 38: pp. 4448. “The New Syrian Republic” by Ameen Rihani, , Vol. 38: 5154. March, “Conquest of the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 38: pp. 192197. 1939: August, “Pan-Arab Nationalism: Is it a Myth?” by Amen Rihani, Vol. 39: pp. 452-455. The Aryan Path. The Journal of the Theosophical Movement, Bombay, India. 1935: November, “Aspects of Modern Arab Culture” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. VI, No. 11, pp. 670-674. 1936: November, “The Prince and the Fakir” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. VII, No. 11, p. 511. Atlantic Monthly. Atlantic Monthly Magazine Inc., Boston. 1911: May, “The Song of Siva”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 107: p. 648. November, “The Fruits of Death”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 108: p. 666. 1913: February, “From Concord to Syria”, by Ameen Rihani, pp. 284-286. Al-Ayyaam. Al-Ayyaam Newspaper Co., New York. 1900: February 10, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. 1901: June 13, “Hal Yumkinu Islah-ush-Sharq?” (Is it Possible to Reform the East?) by Ameen Rihani. Baghdad Times. The Baghdad Times Newspaper Inc., Baghdad, Iraq. 1923: April: 14, “The God of Iraq”, a poem by Ameen Rihani translated from the original Arabic into English. Baptist Commonwealth. The Baptist Commonwealth Newspaper, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1903: December 13, “A Successful Syrian Poet”.


Al-Barq. Al-Barq Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1912: May [?], “Min Kitab Khalid: ‘Ala Jaadat-ir Rouh-ish Shaamilah”, from the Chapter “In Kulmakan” by Ameen Rihani. 1922: November 9, “Rafikati fi- as-Safar” (My Travel Companion) by Ameen Rihani. Al-Bayraq. Al-Bayraq Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1934: January 21, “Ar-Rihani Yuwadde’ Bilaadahu…” (Rihani Says Farewell to the Nation…). The Bookman. Bookman Journal Co. Inc., New York 1912: February, “The Renans in Syria” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 34: pp. 599611. June, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 35: pp. 366-370. July, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 36: pp. 504-508. 1916: January, “The House of Night”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 42: pp.552-553. January, “On the Road of Lu’ar” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vil.42, p. 554. 1917: April-May, “Revolution in Arabia - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 45: pp. 121-126, 283-288. July, “Revolution in Arabia - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 45: pp. 495501. September, “Holy Land: Whose to Have and to Hold” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 46: pp. 7-14. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Bookman published for him during the years 1916, and 1917. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Bookman].

1930: December, “From Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Brazil. Brazil Newspaper Co., Săo Paulo, Brazil. 1900: March (Marza) 1, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. The Chautauquan Daily. The Chautauqua Newspaper Inc., Chautauqua, New York. 1930: July 25, “Arabian Poetry” a lecture by Ameen Rihani. The Chicago Daily News. The Daily News Inc., Chicago. 1937: April 23, “Author Urges End to Influx of Jews Into Palestine”. Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Journal, Boston. 1930: December 6, “Making a Cornelian in Arabian Peak and Desert” by Ameen Rihani. The Citizen. The Citizen Newspaper Co., Berea, Kentucky. 1937: March 11, “Poets of Arabia” a lecture by Ameen Rihani. The Cleveland News. The Cleveland Newspaper Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1937: April 29, “Sheikhs Abandon Their Tents” by Ameen Rihani. Current History. The Current History Journal Inc., New York. 6

1929: November, “Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine: Palestine Arabs Claim to be Fighting for National Existence” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 31: pp. 272-278. 1937: September, “Ibn Sa’ud of Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 62-64. The Daily Mirror. The Daily Mirror Newspaper Inc., London. 1939: January 11, “England is Arab’s Public Enemy No. 1” by Ameen Rihani. The Dance Magazine. The Dance Publishing Corporation, New York. 1929: August, “Arabian Dancing Nights” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 50,61. Ad-Dhadh. Ad-Dhahdh Magazine Co., Aleppo, Syria. 1935: February, “Min Kitab Al-‘Iraq lir-Rayhani” (From the Book of Iraq by Rihani), pp. 53, 54, 65-69. Dansk Udsyn. Foreningen “Askov Laerlinge”, Denmark. 1934: June, “Arabernes Konge, Fajsal Den Forste” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 294-300. The Eastern Progress. A Newspaper of Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky. 1937: March 12, “An Ode to America”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. March 12, “Ameen Rihani Speaks Here”. Europāische Gesprāche. Auswārtige Politik, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin. 1929: April, “Ameen Rihani: Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia”, VII. Jahrg., No. 4, pp. 210-212. July, “Ibn Sa’oud und Imam Jahia” by Ameen Rihani, VII. Jahrg., No. 7, pp. 333-347. The Evening Graphics. The Evening Graphics Newspaper Co., New York. 1929: September 26, “Author Blames Politics for Palestine War”. The Evening Post. The Evening Post Review Inc., New York and Chicago. 1919: May 10, “Turkey Destined to be a Great Commercial Center” by Ameen Rihani. The Evening World. The Evening World Newspaper Co., New York. 1921: July 23, “My Heart is the Field of Sow for Thee…” a poem by Ameen Rihani. The Forum. Forum Journal Co. Inc., New York 1912: May, “The Crisis of Islam” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 47: pp. 561-570. 1915: March, “Young Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 53: pp. 315-326. 1917: April, “The Orient in a New Light” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 57: pp. 485-495. November, “The House in the Rue de Lille” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 58: pp. 605-611. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Forum published for him during the years 1916, and 1916. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Forum].

Al-Ĥadeeth. Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine Inc., Aleppo, Syria. 1933: August, “Khamsa Ashrata Wasiyah lish-Shu’ara’” (Fifteen Recommendations for Poets) by Ameen Rihani, pp. 578-580.


1935: May, “Fi Wahat Ash-Shi’r” (In the Oaisis of Poetry) by Ameen Rihani, pp. 322-332. 1938: January, “To Abil-‘Ala” by Ameen Rihani, Vol.12: No. 1, pp. 5-8. Harper’s Magazine. Harper’s Publishing Co., New York. 1915: August, “Renunciation”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 131: p. 339. Al-Hilaal. The Hilaal Journal Institute, Cairo, Egypt. 1900: March, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by AmeenRihani, pp. 364-365. 1905: October, “Al-Hayat wal-Maout” (Life and Death), the first free verse poem in Arabic literature, by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 98. 1921: October, “Rouh Al-Lughah” (The Spirit of Language) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 43-53. 1938: July, “At-Tajdeed Al-Muzayyaf” (The False Renovation) by Ameen Rihani, Vol, 36, No. 9, pp. 1073-1077. Al-Hoda. Al-Hoda Newspaper Inc., Philadelphia and New York. 1898: April 12, “Al-Wataniyah wa-d Dukhala’” (The National Feeling and the Aliens) by Ameen Rihani. 1899: August 10, “Az-Zawaj Baina Tolstoy wa Zola” (The [Concept of] Marriage Issue between Tolstoy and Zola) by Ameen Rihani. December 13, “Al-khawaja Yousef Chamberlain” (Mr. Joseph Chamberlain) by Ameen Rihani. 1900: January 17, “Ingliterra wa ar-Rahma al-Masihiyah” (England and Christian Mercy) by Ameen Rihani. 1901: April 20, “Al-‘Ilm Al-Masihi wad-Diana Al-Jadida” (Christian Science and the New Religion) by Ameen Rihani. May 11, “Ash-Sha’b Al-Ameriki” (The American People) by Ameen Rihani. 1902: November 11, “Al-Lubnaniyoun wal-Mutasarref Al-Jadid” (The Lebanese People and the New Governor) by Ameen Rihani. November 14, “Al-Islah Al-Mau’oud wal- Islah Al-Murtaja” (The Promised Reform and the Expected Reform) by Ameen Rihani. November 22, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki I” (Khanto the Mexican Leader I) by Ameen Rihani. Novmber 24, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki II” (Khanto the Mexican Leader II) by Ameen Rihani. 1903: February 21, “Shu’ara’-ul ‘Asr” (Poets of Today) by Ameen Rihani. June 5, “Al-Alkab Aydan wa Aydan” ([Social] Titles Again and Again) by Ameen Rihani. December 29, “Sura Karikaturiah I” (Caricature I) by Ameen Rihani. December 30, “Sura Karikaturiah II” (Caricature II) by Ameen Rihani. 1929: September 18, “Faslun ‘an-il Intidab li-r Rihani” (A Chapter on the Mandate by Rihani). 1931: September 17, “Ar-Rayhani Yabki Gibran” (Rihani Weeps on Gibran), a poem to the memory of Gibran entitled “Akhi wa


Rafiqi Gibran” (To Gibran My Brother and Colleague) by Ameen Rihani. Home Magazine. The Home Magazine Inc., New York. 1911: January, “O Zainab”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. Al-Ĥurriyah. Al-Ĥurriyah Nespaper Publication, Beirut, Lebanon. 1909: October 9, “Abdul-Hameed”, a political play in one act and three scenes, by Ameen Rihani. Inteligência. Mensario da Opiniăo Mundial. Caricaturas da Politica Internacional. Săo Paulo, Brazil: Samuel Ribeiro & Celestino Fazzio. 1938: April (Abril), “A Campanha Nacionalista Síria” by Ameen Rihani, Ano IV, No. 40, pp. 40-44. The International Studio. The Illustrated Fine Arts Journal, New York. 1918: December, “Artists in War-Time - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 66: pp. xxix-xxxvii. 1919: July, “Artists in War-Time - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 68: pp. iii-ix. 1920: May, “Landscape Painting in America - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 70: pp. Iv-Ivi. July, “Lanscape Painting in America - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp.iii-ix. August, “Luks and Bellows – American Painting” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp. xxi-xxvii. October, “Etchings of Troy Kinney” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp. 5966. December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71. 1921: January, “Prints of Modern Masters” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp. Ixxxvii-xcvi. February, “Landscape Painting in America: Ernest Lawson” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp. cxiv-cxvii. April, “Landscape Painting in America: The Marines of Paul Dougherty” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 73: pp. Iiv-Iviii. July, “Prints of the Year” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 73: pp. cxxv-cxli. Al-‘Irfan. Al-‘Irfan Literary Magazine Inc., Saidon, Lebanon. 1924: March, “Imam Yahya Bin Hamid ed-Deen” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 473-480. April, “Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Faysal Al-Saoud”, pp. 569577. 1940: April, May, June, “The Supreme Dynasty in Morocco”, by Ameen Rihani. Al-Islaaĥ. Al-Islaĥ Newspaper Co, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1932: December?, Al-Haqiqa-l-Muba’tharah” (The Dispersed Truth) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 1106-1109. Al-Islaaĥ. Al-Islaĥ Newspaper Co., New York. 1900: February 9, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. March 21, “Robespierre Kabir Zu’ama’ Al-Fitnah Al-Faranciah I” (Robespierre the Great Leader of the French Revolution I) by Ameen Rihani.


March 22, “Robespierre Kabir Zu’ama’ Al-Fitnah Al-Faranciah II” (Robespierre the Great Leader of the French Revolution II) by Ameen Rihani. May 26, “Al-Hukoumah Ad-Dimukratiyah I” (The Democratic Government I) by Ameen Rihani. June 2, “Al-Hukoumah Ad-Dimukratiyah II” (The Democratic Government II) by Ameen Rihani. Al-Kalimah. Al-Kalimah Magazine, Aleppo, Syria. 1934: November and December, “The Notes of the Philosopher of Freike Ameen ar-Rihani for our Special Issue”. Al-Kulliyyah. The Alumni Monthly Magazine published by the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. 1926: December, “The Ideal Rich Man” [about Cleveland H. Dodge] by Ameen Rihani, Vol. XIII, No. 2, pp. 37-40. Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara. Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara Magazine Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1922: February 20, “Ana-sh-Sharq” (I am the East), a poem by Ameen Rihani. Literary Digest. Literary Digest Co., New York. 1928: April 28, “Renunciation” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 97: p. 32. The Literary Review. The Literary Review Magazine Inc., New York. 1923: December 15, “The Baha’i Scriptures, edited by Horace Holley”, a book review by Ameen Rihani. Al-Makchouf. Al-Makchouf Magazine Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1940: October 4, “Al-Arz, min Makhtoutat Qalb Lubnan” (The Cedars, from His Manuscript The Heart of Lebanon. The Manchester Guardian. The Guardian Magazine Inc., Manchester. 1934: January 22, “Palestine and the Arabs, the Agreement of 1916” by Ameen Rihani. Al-Ma’red. Al-Ma’red Magazine, Beirut, Lebanon. 1923: May 24, “Al-Aoudu Ila-l Wadi” (Return to the Valley), a poem by Ameen Rihani. 1925: March 1, “Qasr Ibn Saoud Fi Ar-Riyadh” (The Castle of Ibn Saoud in Riyadh) by Ameen Rihani. Al-Mouqtataf. Al-Mouqtataf Journal Institute, Cairo, Egypt. 1913: May, “From At-Tasaahul ad-Deeni” by Ameen Rihani, p. 428. 1934: June, “Fi Rabi’-il-Y’as” (In the Spring of Dispair) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 660-665. July, “Kitab Ash-Shaytan” (The Book of the Devil) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 65-70. 1936: March, “Al-Makamah Al-Kabkajiyah” (A Rhythmic Essay on the Coriander) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 312-314. May, “Fi Qulub An-Nawabegh” (In the Hearts of Genius People) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 673-678. Al-Mousheer. Al-Mousheer Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1900: March 24, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. El-Mundo. El-Mundo Newspaper Co., Habana, Cuba.


1929: September 17, “Deacubrese en Jerusalem un Vasto Plan Islamita Contra la Domination de Inglaterra” by Amin Er-Rihani. An-Nahaar. The Nahaar Newspaper Inc., Beirut, Lebanon. 1936: June 11, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yarfa’ Kitaban Ila Muluk al-Arab” (Ameen Rihani Adresses a Letter to the Kings of the Arabs). An-Naseer-ul Lubnani. An-Naseer-ul Lubnani Newspaper Co., New York. 1903: January 31, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. Natal Advertiser. The Natal Advertiser Newspaper Co., Durban, South Africa. 1928: December 28, “Protectorates of Aden” by Ameen Rihani. Natal Witness. The Natal Witness Publishing Co., Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 1929: January 25, “The Dream of a United Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. The Nation. The Nation Newspaper Publishing Co., New York. 1929: October 2, “Zionism and the Peace of the World” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 129: pp. 346-347. The New Andalusia Journal. The Journal of the Literary Andalusian League, Săo Paulo, Brazil. 1938: May, “Jarratu-sh-Shaitan I” (The Amphora of the Devil I) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 19-22. July, “Jarratu-sh-Shaitan II” (The Amphora of the Devil II) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 59-61. New Orient. The New Orient Journal, New York. 1932: January,“The Political Situation in Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1: pp. 418-439. New York American. The New York American Newspaper, New York. 1911: May 7, “The Decadence in the East of the Art of Killing” by Ameen Rihani. New York Evening Journal. The Evening Journal Co., New York. 1905: January 11, “Bossism” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York Evening Sun. The Evening Sun Publishers, New York. 1919: September 6, “God of the Distances Hear Us”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. November 6, “The Cataclysm”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. “Constantinople”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York Herald Tribune. The Herald Tribune Inc., New York. 1929: December 1, “To Mecca the Holy City of Arabia by Eldon Rutters” book review by Ameen Rihani. 1930: January 19, “Author Defends Claim Over Palestine”. The New York Sun. The Sun Newspaper Co., New York. 1915: [?] Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The New York Sun published for him during that year. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place. 1916: June, “Alvarado Mexican Dictator Plans Utopia in Yucatan” by Ameen Rihani. New York Times. The New York Times Publishing Co., New York.


1922: May 14, “Pilgrims of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p. 8, columns 1-10. May 21, “A Booklover in Djeddah” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p.7, columns 1-8. October 8, “A Bag of Manuscripts and Rhymes” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p.16, columns 1-7. 1929: February 24, “Now the Wahabis Play for High Stakes” by Ameen Rihani, Section V, p. 10, columns 1-12. September 15, “Mandate Government at School in Near East” by Ameen Rihani, Section X, p. 10, columns 1-12. October 27, “Rights in Palestine of Jews Debated”, Ameen Rihani and M. W. Weisgal discuss subject from opposite viewpoints, Section II, p. 3, columns 1-3. December 1, “Romantic Deserts of Fact and Fiction” by Ameen Rihani, Section V, p. 13, columns 1-6. 1930: January 19, “Sees Zionist Aims Imperiling Peace: Syrian Poet Declares Balfour Declaration Must Be Revoked to Avert Uprisings”, declaration made by Ameen Rihani, Section II, p. 6, column 1. August 17, “Moslem Women Are Advancing at Different Paces” by Ameen Rihani, Section VIII, p. 9, columns 1-10. An-Nidaa’. An-Nidaa’ Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1934: January 20, “Maqal min-ar Rihani Yuwadde’ bihi-l Qawm” (Rihani’s Farewell Address to the Nation). Oakland Tribune. The Tribune Newspaper Co., Oakland. 1939: March 2, “Arabs Have Plan to End Warfare” by Ameen Rihani. The Open Court. The New Orient Society, Chicago, Illinois. 1932: December, “The Political Situation in Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 46: No. 919, pp. 806-827. 1934: April. “Where East and West Meet” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 48, No. 929, pp. 65-76. L’Orient. Le Quotidien L’Orient, Beyrouth, Liban. 1933: March (Mars) 5, “L’Opinion du Philisophe Rihani”. O’Oriente Revista. O’Oriente Magazine, Sâo Paulo, Brazil. 1938: May (Maio), “Onde e Este Qeste se Encontram” by Ameen Rihani, translated into Portuguese by Musa Kuraiem. The Ottoman Empire Newspaper. The Ottoman Emigrants Publication, New York. 1897: September, “The Ottoman Union I” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. October, “The Ottoman Union II” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. November, “The Ottoman Union III” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. December, “The Ottoman Union IV” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. The Palestine Bulletin. The Palestine Bulletin Publication, Jerusalem, Palestine. 1926: May 14, “Ibn Saoud on Arab Unity” by Ameen Rihani, No. 405. Palestine Newspaper. Palestine Newspaper Co., Haifa, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Palestine.


1933: October 18, “An-Nasru-l Arabi” (The Arab Eagle) a poem by Ameen Rihani. The Papyrus. A Magazine of Individuality, New York: Michael Monahan. 1905: February, “A Night in Cairo” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 2428. September, “Damascus… A Syrian Sybaris” (including a poem entitled “Hanem”), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 23-26. 1906: April, “From the Arabic”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 16. May, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.14-22. July, “My Native Horizon” (listed as “The Horizon of My Country” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani, new series, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 11-14. 1907: July, “Spring in Syria” (listed as “A Syrian Spring” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 1, No. 1, (old series Vol. 8), pp. 10-14. 1908: February, “A Syrian Symbolist” by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 2, No. 2, (old series Vol. 10), pp. 18-22. October, “O Freedom” a poem by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 3, No. 4 (old series Vol. 11), p. 16. Peking Times. The Peking Times Newspaper Inc., Peking, China. 1929: January 7, “Arabs and Arab Politics, a British Task in Aden” by Ameen Rihani. The Phoenix. A Magazine of Individuality, New York: Michael Monahan. 1914: June, “The Lost Disciple” (listed as “The Last Disciple” in the Table of contents) a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 5. 1915: May, “Church and Mosque” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 335339; “Ad Michaelem” a poem by Ameen Rihani, p. 360. 1916: April, “Mine Own Country” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 136139. September, “Sherif Effendi” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 104109. The Poet Lore. The Poet Lore Journal, Boston. 1904: April, “Andalusian Love Songs” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 15: No. 2, pp. 74-77. 1905: December, “Attar and Sanai” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 16: No. 4, pp. 87-90. The Press. The Press Publishing Co., New York. 1897: July 15, “Sayings of Christ” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. December 1, “Rights of Polygamists” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. The Print Connoisseur. A Quarterly Journal for the Print Collector. New York. 1920: December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani, Vol.1: No.2, pp.159184. 1921: March, “The Etchings of Frederick Garrison Hall” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1: No.3, pp. 219-228.


June, “The ‘Heads’ of Oberhardt” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1, No. 4, p 323-340. December, “Will Simmons and his Animals” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 2: No.1, pp95-110. 1922: March, “The Peale Heritage” by Ameen Rihani,ol. II, No. 3, pp. 219230. June, “The Etchings of Frank W. Benson” by Ameen Rihani, Vol.1: No. 4, pp. 257-284. The Public Opinion. The Public Opinion Publication Co., London. 1930: August 29, “Pilgrims to Mecca, a Letter and a Reply” by Ameen Rihani. The Review Magazine. The Review Co., New York. 1919: August 2, “American Commission in Syria” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 252-253. Review of the Egyptian World. The Egyptian World Magazine, Cairo, Egypt. 1922: May 4, “San’a, Yemen” by Ameen Rihani, Tome II, No.7-8. Review of Reviews. Review of Reviews Corporation, New York 1916: November, “Portrait” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 54: p. 534. Revue du Monde Egyptien. Marius et Raymond Schemeil, Le Caire. 1922: June-July (Juin-Juillet), Tome II, Nos. 7-8, “A Common Measure” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 543-549. September (Septembre), Tome II, No. 9, The God of Iraq” a poem by Ameen Rihani. Ar-Risaalah. Ar-Risaalah Magazine Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1940: November 11, “Wasiyyat Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Will of Ameen Rihani). As-Saa’eh. As-Saa’eh Newspaper Co., New York. 1937: April 15, “Oriental and Occidental Cultures as Viwed by Ameen Rihani”. 1939: April 2, “Ash-Shi’ru-l Arabi” (Arabic Poetry) a lecture by Ameen Rihani. The Saturday Review of Literature. The literary weekly publication, New York. 1933: April 1, “Resurection” a poem by Ameen Rihani. The Star. The Star Newspaper Co., Montreal, Canada. 1931: February 27, “Gandhi to Eventually Give Plan Sanction” by Ameen Rihani. The Step Ladder. The Step Ladder Newspaper Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1922: June, “A Maya Song” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. V: No. 1. Sunday Times. The Times Newspaper Inc., London. 1929: September 8, “Mandates in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani. Sunday World Magazine. The Sunday World Publication Inc., New York. 1929: October 20, “In the Dictator’s Harem” by Ameen Rihani. Survey Graphic. Survey Associates, Inc., New York. 1922: June, “A Maya Song”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. V, No. 1, p. 13. The Syrian World. The Syrian World Journal Inc., Habib I. Katibah, [and later] Salloum Mokarzel, New York.


1926: October. “Meeting an Arab King in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 17- 21. December. “The Guest”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, p. 15. 1927: January. “From My Note-Book of Travel - I” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 36. February. “From My Note-Book of Travel - II” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 10-12. April. “My Day is Bitter” (Marmar Zamani) a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 17. June. “Where East and West Meet” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 8-11. July. “Across the Bridge, O Come”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 13. September. “Tafta Hindi”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 10. October, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 3-10. December, “A Sufi Song” by Ameen Rihani, p. 7. 1928: July, “The Jinn of the Arabian Nights” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 3-7. 1929: April, “Americanism and Native Culture” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 2324; October. “Circulating Boons in Jeddah” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 13-22. 1930: September. “Woman in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 5-13. 1931: March. “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 5-16. 1932: January, “Aden as Seen by a Syrian Traveler” by Ameen Rihani. 1934: November 23. “Who Are the Syrians? – I” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. November 30. “Who Are the Syrians? – II” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. December 6. “Who Are the Syrians? – III” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. Tientsin Times. The Tientsin Times Newspaper Inc., Tientsin, China. 1929: January 7, “Desert Wells” by Ameen Rihani. The Times. The Times Newspaper Inc., London. 1928: December 11, “Arabs and Arab Politics” by Ameen Rihani, p. 17, c. 6. Times-Delta. The Times-Delta Newspaper, Visalia, California. 1939: March 3, “Advanced Theory for Solution of Near East Problem” by Ameen Rihani. Tit Bitts. The Tit Bitts Publication Co., London. 1931: February 21, “I Found Christian Girls in the Harem of Arabia’s Dictator” by Ameen Rihani. Tomorrow. The Magazine of Lady, “Tomorrow” Publishing Co., Oklahoma City. 1940: May, “Arabs and the People of Mt. Lebanon” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 18-19. Travel. The Travel Journal Publication, New York. 1919: December, “Prinkipo, Where the Conference Never Met” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 21-24, 44-45. 1930: March, “Honoring Arabia’s Youngest Saint” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 54: pp. 13-16, 46, 48. August, “San’a City of Fanaticism” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 55: pp. 2024, 49-50.


December, “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 56: pp. 7-11, 48-49. 1931: March, “Down the Tigris on a Side Wheeler” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 56: pp. 12-16, 48, 50. 1932: May, “The Venice of Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 59: pp. 15-17, 51. 1934: February, “The Hidden Fires of Iraq” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 22-25, 48-49. 1937: November, “New Triumphs of Archeology in Iraq” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 70: pp. 5-10, 42. 1939: March, “Science Invades the Syrian Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp. 16-20. December, “The Arabs Fight for Freedom” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 74: pp. 33-37, 45-46. Truth. “Cultores, Veritatis, Fraudis, Inimici” Cicero, London. 1935: February 27, “Queer Story: The Holy Man and his Disciple” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 341-342. The World. The World Newspaper Co., New York. 1910: September 4, “Young Turks Rule Failure” by Ameen Rihani. World’s Work. World’s Work Inc., Garden City. 1915: January, “Germany and Islam” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 302305. Zahlat-ul Fataat. Zahla-al-Fatat Magazine Co., Zahla, Lebanon. 1923: June 9, “At-Ta’ifal-Gadeeda” (The New Sect) by Ameen Rihani.


II. Selected Published Articles about Ameen Rihani (By Alphabetical Order of Periodicals) A book title between brackets indicates that it is also the title of an article about the same book. Color codes: Green indicates the titles of Rihani’s works. Blue specifies the special issues on Rihani. Yellow highlight points out the interviews with Rihani. Violet identifies a comperative study between Rihani and other writers. Brown shows up periodicals.

Aboud, Sa’dallah, “Ameen ar-Rayhani Faylasuf Igtimaii Sharki min Bilad alGharb” (Ameen Rihani, a Social Oriental Philosopher from the West) Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal, February 1922, p. 561. Advertiser. The Advertiser Newspaper, Boston, Massachusetts. 1903: October 27, “Omar Khayyam’s Forerunner”. The Advocate. The Advocate Newspaper, Stanford, Connecticut. 1930: October 8, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Age Herald. The Age Herald Publishing Co., Birmingham, Alabama. 1903: October 25, “Ameen F. Rihani”. November 8, “The First Plea in Literature”. 1921: February 10, “Ameen Rihani in A Chant of Mystics”. February 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. Al-Ahraam. Al-Ahraam Newspaper Inc., Cairo, Egypt. 1922: February 6, “Ar-Rihani fi Manzel Sarkis” (Rihani at Sarkis Residence). February 7, “Takreem Ar-Rihani” (In Honor of Rihani). February 9, “Ihtifal Aam li-Tamjeed Ameen Ar-Riyhani” (A Public Ceremony in Honor of Ameen Rihani). February 14, “Ĥflat Takreem Ar-Rihani” (A Party Honoring Rihani). “Al-Ĥafawah Bi-r-Rihani” (Welcoming Rihani). February 15, “Fi Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani, Qasidat Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri” (In the Party Honoring Rihani: the Poem of Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri). February 16, “Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani bi Dar al-Jami’a Al-Amirkiyah” (Rihani’s Party at the American University). “Sha’er-ul ‘Aalameen” (The World’s Poet) by Mahmoud Imad. February 17, “Ĥaflat al-Continental li Takreem ar-Rihani” (The Continental Party in Honor of Rihani).


“Ar-Rihani wa Gibran” (Rihani and Gibran) by Mohammad Ali Tharwat. February 20, “Ila Saheb Ar-Rihaniyaat” (To the Author of The Rihani Essays) by Mohammad Khairat. February 21, “Al-Ĥafla az-Zakiya as-Saĥrawiya li-Takreem arRihani” (The Zaki Desert Party Honoring Rihani). February 23, “Ameen ar-Rihani fi Bilad-il ‘Arab” (Ameen Rihani in Araia). February 24, “Ash-Shawqiya fi-l Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya” (The Poem of [Ahmad] Shawqi at the Desert Party). “Khitbat al-‘Anisa May” (The Adress of Ms. May). “Fil-Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya, Nasheed Mahmoud ‘Aref” (At the Desert Party, A Chant by Mahmoud ‘Aref). April 6, “Ar-Rihani ‘Ind-al Imam Yahya” (Rihani Visits Imam Yahya). April 27, “Ameen ar-Rihani” by Toufik ar-Rafi’i. May 1, “Ameen ar-Rihani”. May 19, “Ameen ar-Rihani”. Al-Aĥraar. Al-Aĥraar Newspaper, Beirut, Lebanon. 1924, May 27, “Hawla Khitaab ar-Rihani” (About Rihani’s Address). 1927: April 10, “Ar-Rihani Yulqi Khitabahu fi Yafa” (Rihani delivers his Adress in Java). 1928: December 7, “Khitaabu-r Rihani fil Jam’iyy-al Asiawiyyah bi London” (Rihani’s Adress in the Asia Society in London). December 8, “Al-Inkleez Yunaqishuna-r-Rihani fi Khitabihi” (The British Discuss Rihani’s Address). 1930: November 27, “Ar-Rihani Yudeh Siaasat-al Intidaab” (Rihani Explains the Mandatory Policy). November 29, “Ar-Rihani Ya’rudu Shu’ara’al-Ams wa Shu’ara’al-Yawm” (Rihani Lectures on the Poets of Yesterday and today). 1934: January 20, “Safar-ul Ustazi-r Rihani” (Mr. Rihani’s Travel). January 21, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Al-Akhbaar. Al-Akhbaar Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1912: January 14, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid). 1922: February 21, “Munajaat-ul Ahram wa Tahiyyat-ul Adab” (Addressing al-Ahram and Saluting Literature). Alkhazin, S. Y., “To Ameen Rihani”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940. Al-‘Alam Al-Misri. Al-Alam Al-Misri Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1939: May 10, “Mazha Qaala ar-Rayhani an-il Isti’mar?” (What Did Rihani Say About Imperialism?). May 31, “Ma’dubatu-n Takreemiyyah lil Rihani fi New York” (A Banquet in Honor of Rihani in New York). Americana. The Americana Magazine Co., New York. 1912: January 27, book review on The Book of Khalid “An Oriental Sartor Resartus”.


Al-Andalous Al-Jadidah. An Arabic Literary Magazine, Sao-Paolo, Brazil. 1934: March, “Kitab Faisalu-l Awal” (The Book Faisal the First), p. 28. Al-‘Ara’iss. Al-‘Ara’iss Magazine Co., Bikfaya, Lebanon. 1940: September 30, “Adad al-‘Ara’iss al-Khass fi Ameen ar-Rihani” (Al‘Ara’iss Special Issue on Ameen Rihani). The Argonaut. The Argonaut Publishing Co., San Francisco, California. 1912: April 13, “The Book of Khalid”. Argos. The Argos Publishing Inc., Albany, New York. 1903: October 11, “The Quatrains”. November 1, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Argos. The Argos Publishing Inc., Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 1921: June, “The Path of Vision”. Argus. The Argus Newspaper Co., Melbourne, Australia. 1928: April 28, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia “The Greatest Arab”. 1930: March 15, “East of Suez”. The Argos-Leader. The Argos-Leader Newspaper Co., Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 1921: September 25, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Arida, Nasib, “Maslak-un Nafs” (The Path of Spirit), an article about The Path of Vision, Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper, New York, April 7, 1921. Asia. Journal of the American Asiatic Association, New York. 1919: May, “The Luzumiyaat”. 1929: August, “Along the Trial With the Editor”, Vol. 29, p. 597. Asiatic Review. The Asiatic Review Publishing Co., London. 1931: October, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Atlanta Constitution. The Constitution Newspaper Inc., Altanta, Georgia. 1921: April 3, “A Chant of Mystics”. Atlanta Journal. The Atlanta Journal Inc., Atlanta Georgia. 1920: September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. Attica Press. The Press Publishing Co., Attica, New York. 1921: May 6, “The Path of Vision”. Attiyah, Sumayah, “To You My Friend Ameen Rihani”. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Syrian Ark, Vol. V, No. III, November, 1940. Al-Awqaatu-l Arabia. Al-Awqaatu-l Arabia Newspaper, Jerusalem, Palestine. 1935: April 12, “Muhadaratu-l Allama-l Ustazi-r Rihani” (The Lecture of Professor Rihani). Al-Awqaatu-l Iraqiah. Al-Awquaat Al-Iraqiah Newspaper Co., Basrah, Iraq. 1922: March 18, “Al-Ihtifal bir-Rayhani” (In Honor of Rihani). October 29, “Al-Ihtifal bi-r Rihani” (Celebrating Rihani). November 5, “Nabighat-ul ‘Arab, Failasuf-ul Furaikah Ameen arRihani). 1924: August 1, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Ayoub, Eddie, “An Open Letter to Ameen Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, August 29, 1935, p. 7.


Aziz Ali, Frances, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Strong Man of Arabia”. London: Saturday Review of Literature, May 5, 1928. Baghdad. The Baghdad Newspaper Co., Baghdad, Iraq. 1933: September 23, on Rihani’s book “Antumu-Shu’ara’” (You the Poets). 1934: January 26, on Rihani’s book about king “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (Faisal the First). Baltimore Morning Herald. The Morning Herald Newspaper Co., Baltimore, Maryland. 1903: October 19, “Ameen F. Rihani Quatrains”. Baltimore Sun. The Baltimore Sun Newspaper Inc., Baltimore, Maryland. 1921: July 30, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. August 13, “A Far Cry from the Cedar-Crowned Heights of Mt. Lebanon”. Banner. The Banner Publishing Group, Buffalo, New York. 1903: October 18, “The First Plea in Literature”. The Banner. The Banner Publishing Group, Nashville, Tennessee. 1903: October 10, “The First Plea in Literature”. October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani”. The Banner. The Banner Newspaper, San Francisco, California. 1921: July 2, “The Path of Vision”. Al-Barq. Al-Barq Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1910: January 7, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Al-Bayaan. Al-Bayaan Newspaper Inc., New York. 1928: August 14, “Ra’yon Fi Ri’asat Al-Jumhuriyah” (An Opinion in the Presidency of the Republic). This long article nominates Ameen Rihani to become the President of the Republic of Lebanon, and the Republic of Syria. 1929: May 22, “Muhaadaratu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Lecture). 1930: January 17, “Ar-Rihani Yatakallam ‘an-il Qadiyya-l Philistiniyyah” (Rihani Speaks about the Palestinian Cause). 1931: April 16, “Ar-Rihani Ibn-ul ‘Urubah” (Rihani, the Descendent of Pan Arabism). 1932: February 5, “Al-Batriark al-Marouni wa-r Rihani” (The Maronite Patrirch and Rihani). Al-Bayraq. Al-Bayraq Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1931: August 28, “Min Gibran il-al Ustaz ar-Rihani” (From Gibran to Rihani). 1933: December 29, “Ib’aad Ameen ar-Rihani min Lubnaan” (Deporting Ameen Rihani from Lebanon). 1937: March 17, “Muhadaraatu-l Mufakker Ameen ar-Rihani bi America” (The Lectures of Ameen Rihani the Scholar in America). 1940: September 15, “Maata Failasuf-ul Furayka” (The Philosopher of Freike Passed Away). September 16, “Farança Tu’azzi Bi-r-Rayhani” (France Pays Condolences [due to the death of] Rihani).


September 18, “Consul Misr al-‘Aam Yu’abben Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The General Consul of Egypt Pays Tribute to Ameen Rihani). The Bee. The Bee Newspaper Co., Sacramento, California. 1930: May 17, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Beirut. Beirut Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1937: March 16, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rihani Yunadded bi-s Suhyouniyyah…” (Mr. Rihani Critisizes Zionism…). 1940: September 17, “Asbahat al-Fureika, Ba’da Mawt ar-Rayhani Beitan Min Buyout-il Arab” (Freike Became, After Rihani’s Death, One of the National Arab Homes). Bibliotheca Asiatica. W. Heffer and Sons Limited, Cambridge, England. (N. D.): Catalogue # 515. Introducing few of Rihani’s books, p. 90. Birmingham Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., Birmingham, Alabama. 1903: November 8, “The Quatrains”. The Bombay Chronicle. The Chronicle Newspaper Co., Bombay, India. 1925, May 31, book review on Rihani’s Muluk-ul Arab “The Heart of Arabia”. Booklist. The Booklist Co., New York. 1930: May, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 26: p. 309. Book Lover Magazine. The Book Lover Association, New York. 1903: December, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. The Bookman. Bookman Publishing Co. Inc., New York. 1903: October, “Curious Volume The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. 1911: September, “Rihani and The Book of Khalid”, Vol. 34: pp. 21-22. 1930: June, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 71: p. xvii. December, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 72: p. xix. Book News Magazine. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1903: November, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. December, “The Quatrains”, pp. 257-258. The Book Review Digest. The Book Publishing News Inc., Boston. 1920: April, “The Descent of Bolshevism”. 1930: May, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”, p. 881. 1931: January, “Rihani, Ameen Fares, Arabian Peak and Desert”. July, “Arabian Peak and Desert”, p. 895. Books. Herald Tribune Books. New York. 1930: August 24, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia, p. 12. Book World. The Book World Publication, London. 1904: April, “A Quite Fitting Work”. Boston Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., Boston. 1911: November 6, “The Book of Khalid”. 1912: January 22, “The Book of Khalid”.


Boston Transcript. The Boston Transcript Inc., Boston. 1921: April 16, “The Path of Vision”. 1928: June 2, book review on Rihani’s “Maker of Modern Arabia”, p. 2. 1930: October 25, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. November 18, “Arabian Peak and Desert, Ameen Rihani Visits Mountains and Valleys”. December 3, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. Brentano’s Book Chat. Brentano’s Book Chat Magazine, New York. 1911: December, “The Book of Khalid”. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. The Eagle Newspaper Co., Brooklyn, New York. 1903: October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani Translator”. 1904: January 14, “Two Poets, Bliss Carman and Ameen Rihani, Guests of Civitas Club”. 1912: February 10, “The Book of Khalid”. 1921: April 2, “A Chant of Mystics”. May 20, book review on The Path of Vision, “Ameen Rihani, Some Inconclusive Essays by the Oriental”. 1929: January 6, “American Ideals Influence Reform in Arabic Countries, Says Ameen Rihani”. Buffalo Courier. The Courier Newspaper Inc., Buffalo, New York. 1903: December 19, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. Buletin Arabe. The Arab Publication Co., Santiago, Chile. 1940: Octobre et Decembre, “Del Homenaje a la Memoria de Rihani, la Grandissa Velada del Teatro Municipal”. Call. The Call Newspaper Co., Newark, New Jersey. 1903: October 11, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. The Catholic Monthly. The Catholic Media Institute, New York. 1920: November, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. The Chicago Post. The Post Publishing Inc., Chicago. 1904: January 11, “Persian Pessimism Once More to Light”. Chicago Record. The Record Publishers Co., Chicago. 1911: November 18, book review on The Book of Khalid, “Arabia’s Views of America”. Chicago Tribune. The Tribune News Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1903: October 17, “The Quatrains”. Chronicle. The Chronicle Newspaper Inc., Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 1903: October 12, “The Quatrains”. Chronicle Telegraph. The Chronicle Newspaper Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 9, “The Quatrains”. Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Journal, Boston. 1928: May 23, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “For a United Arabia”. 1930: April 12, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia, p. 9.


1931: March 14, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert, p. 10. November 14, “Things Arabian, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Citizen. Citizen Newspaper Publishers, Brooklyn, New York. 1903: December 16, “Ameen F. Rihani”. 1904: January 14, “Bliss Carman and [Ameen Rihani], an Arabian Poet”. The Cleveland. The Cleveland Newspaper, Cleveland, Ohio. 1903: October 11, “Ameen F. Rihani”. The Cleveland Leader. The Leader Publishing Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. 1903: December 25, “Abul-‘Ala”. Chicago Record Herald. The Daily Record Newspaper, Chicago. 1903: November 3, “The Quatrains”. Cleveland Open Shelf. Open Shelf Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1930: July, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia, p. 104. The Cleveland Press. The Press Newspaper Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1937: April 30, “Says Palestine Now is Filled, This is the Contention of Ameen Rihani”. Colonie Italiana. Colonie Italiana Magazine, Rome, Italy. 1930: October (Otobre) [?], “Ameen Rihani: Arabian Peak and Desert”. The Colonizer. The Colonizer Magazine Co., London. 1930: November, “Arabian Peak and Desert” book review, pp.340344. Columbus Dispatch. The Dispatch Newspaper Co., Columbus, Ohio. 1921: February 20, “A Syrian Poet”. Continent. Continent Newspaper, New York. 1911: November 23, “The Book of Khalid”. El Correo. El Correo Newspaper, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. 1918: March (Marzo) 30, “Breves Consideraciones Sobre la Expulsion de los Señores Rihani y Fadl”. April (Abril) 2, Serán Expulsados dos Sirios Radicados en Esta Ciudad…” The Country Life. The Country Life Publication, London. 1930: February 22, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. August 11, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. The Courant. The Courant News Inc., Hartford, Connecticut. 1903: November 21, “To Refer to The Quatrains”. 1921: April 10, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. June 12, “The Path of Vision”. The Courier. The Courier Newspaper Co., Brisbane, Queens Land, Australia. 1928: October 13, book review on The Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Whhadis of Arabia”. The Crescent. The Crescent Newspaper Publicaton, Evensville, Indiana. 1937: April 2, “Faculty Honors Ameen Rihani Speaker for Chapel…”.


Daily News Chronicle. The Chronicle Publishing Co., London. 1930: September 24, “Across Arabian Peak and Desert”. The Daily News. The Daily News Inc., London. 1930: January 14, “A Traveller in Arabia”. January 16, “A Traveller in Arabia”. The Daily Record. The Daily Record Newspaper Co., Glasgow. 1936: June 17, “Lady Oxford in Arabia, the Author of the book Around the Coasts of Arabia”. The Daily Telegraph. The daily Telegraph Newspaper Inc., London. 1928: August 11, “Corrupting the Arabs”. November 8, “Corrupting the Arabs…”. 1930: January 17, “The Fringes of Arabia”. The Daily Times. The East Anglican Daily Times Newspaper Co., Ipswich, England. 1933: March 27, “Arabian Scenes”. Dansk, Jorgenseus, “Filosofen Amin Rihani Mindeord om Arabernes Store Hedengaugne”. Dansk Udsyn, Denmark: Bgtrykkeri Kolding, 1934, pp. 294-300. Dayton, Dorothy, “Ameen Rihani Back From East”. New York: New York Sun, January 26, 1929. Delaware Gazette. The Gazette News publishers, Delaware. 1903: October 26, “With the Authors”. The Democrat. The Democrat Daily Newspaper, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 6, “The First Plea in Literature”. Detroit Tribune. The Tribune Newspaper Co., Detroit, Michigan. 1903: October 17, “Was Omar Khayyam a Plagiarist?” Ad-Dhadh. Ad-Dhahdh Magazine Co., Aleppo, Syria. 1935: April, “Qualbu-l ‘Iraq”. 1940: November and December, “Fagi’at ush-Sharq bil-Marhoum Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Tragedy of the East in the Loss of Ameen Rihani). Dolinina, A. A., “Held Captive by Duty”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, 1922, No. 1, pp. 148-149. Eastern Daily Press. The Eastern Daily Press Newspaper, London. 1933: March 27, “The Secrets of Arabia”. The Echo Magazine. Taylor University, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1937: April, No. 15, “Next on Lyceum, is Lecturer Rihani”. The Echo. Taylor University Publication, Upland, Indiana. 1937: April 3, “Ameen Rihani is the Choice of Lyceum”. Educational Outlook. The Educational Outlook Journal, London. 1930: October, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. E. G. M., “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Colonizer, November 1930, pp. 340-344. Egyptian Mail. The Egyptian Mail Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1921: March 18, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics, “Syrian Poet Writes in English”.


June 16, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision, “Poet’s New Prose Work”. 1922: February 15, “Mr. Rihani at the American University”. Emir Revusta de Cultura. Cultural Review Magazine, Uruguay and Mexico. 1939: February (Februar) 25, “Amin Rihani Célebre Libanés”. Espaňa. The Spanish Daily News Inc., Tetwan, Morocco. 1939: July (Julio) 18, “El-Centro de Estudios Marroquiens… Honorario Amin Er-Rihani”. Evening Post. The Evening Post Review Inc., New York and Chicago. 1912: January 31, “Ameen Rihani in the Bookman Speaks of Ernest Renan’. 1921: March 12, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Poetry”, p. 84. 1929: June 21, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. Evening Sun. The Evening Sun Publishing Co., Baltimore, Maryland. 1921: May 14, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. August 6, “The Ruts of Life Are Congested… Says Ameen Rihani in The Path of Vision”. Evening Telegram. Newspaper published by Liberty Group, New York. 1903: August 8, “Mr. Rihani is the Translator of a Series of Quatrains…” Evening Transcript. The Evening Transcript Publishing Co., Boston. 1921: March 19, book review on Rihani’s “A Chant of Mystics”. 1928: June 2, “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. December 29, about “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. 1929: April 3, “Syrian Author Will Talk About Arabia”. May 29, “Ameen Rihani to Lecture”. 1930: May 17, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. The Evening World. The Evening World Newspaper Co., New York. 1910: September 6, “More Polygamists in New York Today than in the Ottoman Empire, Says Ameen Rihani”. Everyman. Everyman Newspaper Co., London. 1933: March 4, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”, and “Arabian Peak and Desert”. The Examiner. The Examiner Newspaper Co., San Francisco, California. 1930: May 11, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Fares, Bishr, “Ameen Rihani”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, November 1940, p. 433. F. H. M., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Where Tents Are Folded”. New York: Evening Post, May 26, 1928. The Field. The Field Publication Co., London. 1930: November 22, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. F. J. G., “Inmost Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Boston: Christian Register, September 17, 1931. Forbes, Rosita, “Three Versions of Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: Sunday Times, November 23, 1930. Foreign Affairs Journal. Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York.


1930: July, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 8: p. 681. Free Press. The Free Press Inc., Detroit, Michigan. 1904: January 2, “The Quatrains”. The Fresno Bee. The Fresno Bee Newspaper Co., Fresno, California. 1939: March 4, “Palestine in Forum Topics”. The Gazette. Gazette Newspaper Co., Montreal, Canada. 1929: May 16, “Author to Lecture, Ameen Rihani is Here for Week’s Stay”. 1931: February 28, “Interviews with Rihani, Britain Unjust to Arabs…”, Vol. CLX, No. 51. Gazette Times. The Gazette Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1920: September 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. 1921: February 7, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. April 11, “The Path of Vision”. The Geographical Journal. The Royal Geographical Society, London. 1928: June, book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. Vol. 71: No. 6, pp. 592-594. 1930: January, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. 1931: January, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 77: No. 1, p.78. April, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 77: No. 4, pp. 373-374. Ghorayeb, Aref, “Ara’ Faylasuf fil-Wataniyah wa-Deen” (A Philosopher’s Point of View in Nationalism and Religion). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ĥurriyah Newspaper, June 14, 1924. Ghosn, Bernardus, “Faylasuf-ul Furayka wal Iklirous” (The Philosopher of Freike and the Clergy). New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper, May 12, 1932. Gibb, Hamilton A. R., a book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. Oxford, U. K.: Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. May 1928, Vol. 7: No. 3, pp. 221-223. The Glasgow Herald. The Glasgow Herald Publishing Co., Glasgow, United Kingdom. 1920: August 21, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. 1921: February 19, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. April 28, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision, “A Volume of Essays…” 1930: February 6, “In Mr. Rihani We Have an Expert”. The Globe. The Globe Newspaper Co., New York. 1903: November 21, “The Quatrains”. The Globe. The Globe Newspaper Co., Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1903: October 19, “A Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. The Guardian. The Guardian Newspaper Co., London. 1931: January 30, “Awakening Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Al-Haadi. Al-Haadi Newspaper, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


1930: May 20, “Al-Khair-ul Akbar lil-Watan-il Akbar” (The Ultimate Good for the Greatest Nation). About Rihani’s lecture tour in the United States and Canada. Habana Miercoles. Habana Miercoles Newspaper, Havana, Cuba. 1929: November (Noviembre) 6, “El Rey de Hedjaz…por Ameen Rihani”. Haddad, Nagib Constantine, “Tareekh Najd Al-Ĥadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Ar-Raa’ed Newspaper, April 1928. Al-Ĥadeeth. Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine, Aleppo, Syria. 1928: March and April, “Tareekh Najd Al-Ĥadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). 1930: December 13, “Jazeerat-ul Arab…” (The Arab Peninsula…), an article about Arabian Peak and Desert. 1934: February, “Faisal Al-Awal Li Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (Faisal the First by Ameen Rihani), p. 193. 1935: April, “Qualbu-l ‘Iraq li-Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Heart of Iraq by Ameen Rihani), p. 317. Ĥadramawt Newspaper. Ĥadramawt Newspaper Publication, Hadramawt, Yemen. 1925: December 31, “Adab Ar-Rayhani Fi Muluku-l Arab” (Rihani’s Literature in The Kings of The Arabs). Ĥallak, Abdallah Yorki, “Ameen ar-Rayhani”. Aleppo, Syria: Al-Kalimah Magazine, September and October, pp. 297-303. The Hartford Courier. The Courier Newspaper Co., Hartford, Connecticut. 1911: November 25, “The Book of Khalid”. The Hartford Times. The Times Newspaper Co., Hartford, Connecticut. 1930: November 29, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Hartmann, M., “Nadschafi und Rihani”. Berlin, Germany: Die Welt des Islams, No. II, February, 1914, pp. 287-292. Hazem, David W., “Far East Expert to Lecture Here”. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian, March 13, 1939. The Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., Augusta, Georgia. 1903: November 15, “The Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. The Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., Rochester, New York. 1921: April 17, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “The Oriental Coloring…” May 15, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision “Our Weaknesses”. Al-Hilaal. The Hilaal Journal Institute, Cairo, Egypt. 1903: February, “Ruba’yat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abil ‘Ala’). 1910: May, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 511. November, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 125. 1923: June, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala’”. 1924: March, “Muluku-l Arab”. 1925: January, book review on Rihani’s Muluku-l Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). April, “Muluku-l Arab by Ameen Rihani”, pp. 705-710.


1928: April, “Ibn Saoud, Shabuhu wa Biladuhu lil-Ustaz Ameen ArRihani bil Ingliziah” (Ibn Saoud His People and His Land by Master Ameen Rihani in English). June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Ĥadeeth li Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Modern History of Najd by Ameen Rihani). July, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). 1929: February, “At-Tatarruf wal-Islaah” (Extremism and Reform). Hilaal, Amine, “Jazeerat-ul Arab: Jibaluha wa Sahareeha” (The Arab Peninsula: Arabian Peak and Desert”. Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine, December 13, 1930, pp. 127-131. Hitti, Philip K., “A Book You Should Know”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, p. 59. ------, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, p. 29. ------, “Tribute to Rihani’s Contribution to Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, pp. 15-18. ------, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. New York: Books, February 8, 1931, p. 10. ------, “Arabs of the Yemen”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, February 8, 1931. ------, “Rihani’s Place in History”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. Al-Hoda. Al-Hoda Newspaper Inc., New York. 1902: November 19, “Laa Naftarek wa Lana Ra’y” (We Will not Separate and we Have Our Opinion) a response to Rihani’s “Religious Tolerance”. 1903: March 31, “Ameen ar-Rihani ash-Sha’er bil Inglisiyyah wal Katibu-l Mufawwah” (Ameen Rihani the Poet in English and the Articulate Orator). December 10-12, “Ameen ar-Rihani Sahebu-r Ruba’iyyat” (Ameen Rihani Author of The Quatrains). 1920: June 9, “Ila Saheb as-Sumou Al-‘Ameer” (To His Highness The Prince). 1929: March 6, “Haflat-ul Ustaz-ir Rihani [fi New York]” (A Ceremony in Honor of Rihani [in New York]. 1930: March 3, “Howl Ashawati’ Al-Arabiyah, Kitab bil-Inkliziyah liMu’allifihi Ameen ar-Rihani” (Around the Coasts of Arabia an English book by Ameen Rihani). November 7, “Ra’i-yu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Opinion). 1931: April 13, “Al-Haq fi Nisaabih” (A Proper Recognition). April 18, “Haflat Tawdi’ Ar-Rayhani” (Farewell Party to Rihani). 1932: February 4, “Failasuf-ul Furaikah fi Bkirki” (The Philosopher of Freike in Bkirki). 1934: January 25, “Hawla Nafyi-r Rihani” (About Deporting Rihani). 1939: January 9, “Ahadeeth Lil Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani). H. E. W., “An Arab on Arabia”. Yorkshire: Yorkshire Post, January 29, 1930.


El Hombre Libre. El Hombre Libre Newspaper Inc., Mexico City, Mexico. 1918: February (Februar) 5, “Nuestro Saludo Al Ilustre Poeta Amin Rihani”. Homs Newspaper. Homs Newspaper Co., Homs, Syria. 1924: November 1, “Muluku-l Arab Aou Rihla Fi-l-Bilad Al-Arabia” (The Kings of the Arabs or a Trip to the Arab Countries). Howe, Ruth, “Arabs Still make Gifts and Chattels of Wives”. New York: New York World, April 21, 1929. Howells, W. D., “Rihani’s Abul-‘Ala”. Philadelphia: The American, November 13, 1903. ----------, “Rihani and Abul-‘Ala”. Williamsport, Pennsylvania: News, October 22, 1903. Al-Ĥurriyyah. Al-Ĥurriyyah Magazine Publication, Baghdad, Iraq. 1925: January, “Muluku-l Arab by Ameen Rihani”. Al-Ĥurriyyah. Al-Ĥurriyyah Newspaper, Beirut, Lebanon. 1923: May 24, “Haflatu Takreemi-r Rihani” (The Ceremony Honoring Rihani) upon his return to Beirut from his trip to Arabia. The Independent. The Independent Newspaper Publishing Co., New York. 1912: February 29, book review on The Book of Khalid, “How American Civilization is Viewed…” The Index. The Index Publishing Inc., Pittsburgh, Pannsylvania. 1912: March 23, “The Book of Khalid by Ameen Rihani”. The Indiana Daily. The Indiana Daily Newspaper, Indiana. 1937: March 27, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims – Rihani”. The Indiana Daily Student. Newspaper of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. 1937: March 25, “U. S. Should Head Arabian Progress Plan Says Rihani”. March 27, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims Says Rihani” by Salyards, Justin. Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Newspaper Inc., Sentinel, Indianapolis. 1903: October 18, “Ameen F. Rihani”. The Indianapolis News. The News Publishing Co., Indianapolis. 1921: February 17, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Indiana Statesman. The Indiana Statesman Newspaper, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. 1937: May 14, “Convoy Speaker Ameen Rihani”. Inteligencia. Inteligencia Magazine Co., Sâo Paulo. 1938: April (Abril), “A Companha Nacionalista”. The International Magazine. The International Magazine Inc., New York. 1912: April [?], “The Book of Khalid”. International Missionary Bibliography. The Missionary Bibliography Association. New York. 1921: January, “The Luzumiyaat”. International Weekly Review. New York. 1904: April 30, “Ameen Rihani the Arabian Whose Translation of the Quatrains…” Inverness Courier. The Inverness Newspaper Co., London.


1930: January 31, “Ameen Rihani Who Has Written for Constable Around the Coast of Arabia”. Al-Iraq Newspaper. The Iraq Daily News Publication, Baghdad, Iraq. 1922: September 12, “Ila Ar-Rayhani” (To Rihani). September 29, “Aqwaal ‘Udabaa’-il Iraq fil-Ustaz Ameen ar-Rihani” (Tributes of Iraq Men of Letters to Ameen Rihani). October 10, “Qasidat Jamil Sidqi-z Zahhawi fi-r-Rihani” (The Poem of Jamil S. Zahhawi in Rihani). 1928: May 19, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Al-‘Irfan. Al-‘Irfan Literary Magazine Inc., Saidon, Lebanon. 1910: April 11, “Ar-Rihaniyaat by Ameen Rihani”. 1925: March, “Muluku-l Arab, Al-Jiz’ Al-‘awal” (The Kings of the Arabs, Part One”. April, “Muluku-l Arab, Al-Jiz’ Ath-Thani” (The Kings of the Arabs, Part Two”. 1928: July, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). August, “Tareekh Najd al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). 1934: April, “Faisalu-l Awwal” (Faisal the First). Al-Istiqlal. Al-Istiqlal Newspaper, Baghdad, Iraq. 1923: July 3, “Ra’I ar-Rihani fi Haq al-Mar’a ash-Sharqiyyah” (Rihani’s Opinion in Woman’s Right in the East). Al-Ittiĥaad. Al-Ittiĥaad Newspaper, Havana, Cuba. 1929: September 21, “Al-Faylasuf-ur Rihani” (Rihani the Philosopher). Al-Ittiĥaadu-l Misri. Al-Ittiĥaadu-l Misri Newspaper, Cairo, Egypt. 1903: June 26, “Ameen Rihani”. Al-Jami’a-al Arabiyah. Al-Jami’a-al Arabiyah Newspaper. Jerusalem. 1927: March 26, “Ilal-Ustaz al-Kabir Ameen ar-Rihani: Asbab-u Niza’ fi Philistine” (To the Great Scholar Ameen Rihani: Reasons for Dispute in Palestine). Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah. Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah Newspaper, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1933: November 2, “Antumu-sh Shu’araa’” (You the Poets). 1934: February 2, “Ib’aadu-r Rihani…” (Deporting Rihani…). March 1, “Ba’da Ib’aadi-r Rihani” (After Deporting Rihani). March 27, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. John O’London’s Weekly. The Literary Periodical, London, United Kingdom. 1928: April 14, “Best Seller, Ameen Rihani’s Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. December 8, “Ameen Rihani Author of Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. 1931: June 3, “Other Good Books About Foreign Land: Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Jordan. Jordan Newspaper, Amman, Jordan. 1924: November 1, “Fi Sabeel-i Silm ar-Rihani fi Jeddah” (For a Peace Mission Rihani in Jeddah). Al-Joumhour. Al-Joumhour Magazine Co., Beirut, Lebanon.


1939: May 20, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani Yatahaddathu ‘an Rihlatihi” (Mr. Rihani Speaks of his Trip). Le Jour. Le Quotidien Le Jour, Beyrouth, Liban. 1937: June (Juin) 8, “En l’Honneur d’un Grand Ecrivain Mr. Amin Rihani”. 1940: Septembre 15, “A Travers le Pays, La Mort d’Amine Rihani”. El Journal de España. El España Newspaper Co., Tetuan, Morocco. 1939: July 18, “Importantes Discurses… de Coronel Beighbeder e del Profesor Amin Rihani”. The Journal. The Journal News Publishing, Albany, New York. 1903: October 24, “The Quatrains”. The Journal. The Journal News Publishing, Elizabeth, New Jersey. 1903: October 8, “The Quatrains”. The Journal. The Journal News Publishing, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1904: January 26, “The Quatrains”. The Journal. The Journal News Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1903: November 7, “Where Omar Khayyam Got Some of His Ideas…” The Journal. The Journal News Publishing Co., Providence, Rode Island. 1903: November 11, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala by Ameen Rihani”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut. 1930: December, [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, The Authors Club, 48 West 76 St., New York, N. Y. 1930”. Vol. 50: No. 4, p. 361. 1931: December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Vol. 51: No. 4, p. 399. 1932: December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 424. Journal of the Central Asian Society. The Central Asian Society Publication, London. 1929: December, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Arabia, an Unbiased Survey”, pp. 35,55. Journal of the Royal African Society. The Royal African Society, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1931: January, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 30: No. 118, p.101. Jum’ah, Mohammad Lutfi, “Li-Tamjeed Ameen ar-Rayhani”. Cairo, Egypt: AlAhraam, February 7, 1922. Al-Karmel. Al-Karmel Newspaper, Haifa, Palestine. 1910: April 10, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. 1928: May 20, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). June 17, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). Katibah, Habib I., “Zanbaquatu-l Ghowr” (The Lily of el-Ghore). Boston: Fataat Boston, July 26, 1918.


---------, “American Ideals Influence Reform in Arabic Countries, Says Ameen Rihani, Author”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 6, 1929. ---------, “The Arab in His Place”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 15, 1929. ---------, “From East and West in Defense of Rihani”. New York. The Syrian World Journal, August 29, 1935. p. 7. Kawkab America. Kawkab America Newspaper, New York, U.S.A. 1902: December [?], No 1195, “Tareekh-uth Thawrati-l Faranciyyah” about A Treatise of the French Revolution. Kayali, Sami, “Ameen ar-Rayhani Akbar Mufaker Arabi Yafquduhu-l Arab” (Ameen Rihani, the Greatest Arab Thinker Whom the Arabs Lost). Aleppo, Syria: Ash-Shabab Newspaper, September 17, 1940. Keyes, Helen Johnson, “Ameen Rihani and The Book of Khalid”. New York: The Bookman, December 1911, Vol. 33. Khauli, Philip K., “A Christian Poet Sings Poems to an Arab King”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, April 29, 1934. Khilafah. Khilafah Newspaper, Istambul, Turkey. 1929: December 19, “Ameen Rihani”. Krachkovskii, Ignatii, ‘Ameen Rihani, Poetry in Prose”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. I, 1922, pp. 43-54. ----------------, “The Rise and Development of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani” St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. I, 1922, pp. 97-112. ----------------, “Muluku-l Arab Li Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Kings of the Arabs by Ameen Rihani). Moscow: The Oriental World Magazine, January and February 1925, pp. 214-218. ----------------, “Die Literature Arabischen Emigranten in Amerika 1895-1925”. Paris: Le Monde Oriental No. XXI, 1927, pp. 193-213 (on al-Rihani see pp. 201-206). ----------------, “The Arabic Literature in America”. Saint Petersburg (Leningrad): Izvestiya Leningradskogo Universiteta, No. I, 1928, pp. 12-18. Al-Kulliyah. Al-Kulliyah Magazine, The American University of Beirut, Lebanon. 1925: April, “Muluku-l Arab”. 1928: May, “Ibn Saud Sultan Najd”. A book review on Ibn Saud of Arabia, His People and His Land. Kurd Ali, Mohammad, “Ar-Rihaniyat” a book review. Damascus, Syria: AlMajma’ Al-‘Ilmi Al-Arabi, April 1924, p. 565. ----------, “Muluku-l Arab” a book review. Damascus, Syria: Al-Majma’ Al‘Ilmi Al-Arabi, March 1925, p. 151. ----------, “Ar-Rihaniyaat” a book review. Damascus, Syria: Al-Majma’ Al‘Ilmi Al-Arabi, December 1925. Lamens, Louis, “Ibn Saoud wal Wahabioun” (Ibn Saoud and the Wahabies). Beirut: Al-Mashreq Journal, May 1928. ---------, “Ibn Saoud Aydhan wa Aydhan, Kitab Jadeed lir-Rayhani” (Ibn Saoud Once Again, a New Book by Rihani). Beirut: Al-Mashreq, July 1928. Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara. Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara Magazine Co., Cairo, Egypt.


1922: February 6, “Ziarat Faylasuf wa Sha’er li-Misr” (A Philosopher’s and Poet’s Visit to Egypt). February 13, “Salim Sarkis Yukarrem al-Adab” (Salim Sarkis Honors Literature). 1934: January 8, “Hukumatu Lubnaan Tatrudu-l Ustazi-l Failasufi-r Rihani min Watanihi” (The Government of Lebanon Deports Rihani, the Scholar and Philosopher, out of his Country). 1940: September 23, “Ameen ar-Rayhani”. Lewis, John, “When Lawrence Failed; His Temper is Revealed in a Fascinating Book by Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia”. London: The Daily Herald, January 1, 1930. La Liberté. Le Quotidien Egyptien. Le Caire, Egypt. 1922: February (Fevrier) 17, “Une Grande Réunion en l’Honneur d’Amine Rihani”. Library Review. The Library Review Publication, Scotland, United Kingdom. 1928: June, book review on The Maker of Modern Arabia, “In Support of …the American Requisite for this Sort of Work… the Case of Ameen Rihani”. Al-Lisaan. Al-Lisaan Newspaper Co., Aleppo, Syria. 1933: July 16, “Takreem al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Mr. Rihani). Lisaan-ul Arab. The Lisaan-ul Arab Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1922: February 17, “Takreem ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Rihani). Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. The Lisaan-ul Ĥaal Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1910: February 26, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. 1912: January 12, book review on The Book of Khalid, “Katibun ‘Asri Yud’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (A Modern Writer Called Ameen Rihani). 1924: November 3, book review on Rihani’s Muluku-l Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). 1925, February 18, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). 1926: March 17, “Kitab Ar-Rayhani Fi Ibn Saoud” (Rihani’s book on Ibn Saoud). 1932: January 14, “Ar-Rihani ‘ind Ghibtat-il Batriark al-Marouni” (Rihani [visits] his Eminence the Maronite Patriarch). 1934: January 1, “Sudur Qarar Yanfi-r Rihani min Lubnaan” (The Decision Taken to Deport Rihani). January 9, “Fi Sabeel Ib’aad Failasufu-l Furaikah…” (In Order to Deport the Philosopher of Freike…). December 27, “Thawrat-un min Thawraati-r Rihani” (One of Rihani’s Revolts). 1937: April 24, “Ar-Rayhani Yad’ou ila Tabadul al-Bi’thaat al-Ilmiyah beina al-Wilayaat al-Muttahidah wal Bilad al-Arabiyah” (Rihani Calls for Student Academic Exchange Between the United States and the Arab World). 1940: September 15, “Ameen ar-Rayhani fi Tareek al-Khuloud” (Ameen Rihani on the Way to Eternity).


September 15, “Ma’tam ar-Rayhani” (The Funeral of Rihani). September 18, “Wadaa’ ar-Rayhani” (Goodbye to Rihani). Lisaan-ush Sha’b. Lisaan-ush Sha’b Newspaper, Tunis City, Tunisia. 1928: July 4, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). Lisaan-ush Sharq. Lisaan-ush Sharq Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1934: October 2, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani-I). October 16, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani-II). October 22, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with RihaniIII). October 30, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with RihaniIV). The Listener. The Listener Newspaper Co., London. 1933: March 8, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert “Among the New Editions…” Literary World Magazine. The World Literature Association, London. 1904: April 1, “The Quatrains”. Literatureblatt. Literatureblatt Magazine, Berlin, Germany. 1931: June 7, “An Den Küsten Arabiens”. Los Angeles Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., Los Angeles. California. 1903: October 18, “Ameen F. Rihani”. October 25, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. Al-Liwaa’. Al-Liwaa’ Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1940: September 25, “Ta’ziat-ul Iraq bir-Rayhani” (Iraq’s Condolences [upon the death of] Rihani). Al-Mabaaĥeth. Al-Mabaaĥeth Magazine, Beirut, Lebanon. 1912: April, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid). MacCallum, P. Elizabeth, “An Arab Voice”. New York: Survey Graphic. November 1929, Vol. 63: pp. 130-134, 180-181. -------------, “Rihani – The Man and His Work”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, November 1929, pp. 20-27. M. A. C., “Travel in Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Manchester: Manchester Guardian, September 29, 1930. Madras Mail. The Mail Daily Newspaper Co., Madras, India. 1929: May 9, “Ibn Saoud and the Wahabis”. Al-Maghreb. Al-Maghreb Magazine Co., Rabat, Morocco. 1934: November, “Durous fi-Shi’r lir-Rayhani” (Studies on Poetry by Rihani). Al-Maĥrusa. Al-Maĥrusa Magazine, Cairo, Egypt. 1910: March 26, book review on Ar-Rihaniyaat (The Rihani Essays). 1912: May 28, “Kitab Khalid” The Book of Khalid. 1922: February 13, “Khitab Al-Anisa May fi Takreem Ar-Rayhani” (The Speech of Ms. May [Ziadeh] in Honoring Rihani). February 17, “Takreem ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Rihani). Al-Majalla. Al-Majalla Literary Magazine, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1918: July 1, “Zanbakatu-l Ghawr wa Mazhab al-Istibaha” (The Lili of al-Ghore and Eroticism).


Al-Majma’ul ‘Ilmi Journal. The Journal of al-Majma’ul Ilmi-ul ‘Arabi, Damascus, Syria. 1925: March, “Muluku-l Arab”. December, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Al-Makchouf. Al-Makchouf Magazine Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1937: August 18, “Ameenar-Rihani Ya’oud ilal Furaykah” (Ameen Rihani Returns to Freike). 1940: October 22, “ ‘Adad khaas Bi Faylasouf Al-Fourayka” (A Special Issue on the Philosopher of Freike). Malloof, J. M., “Ameen Rihani as I Know Him”. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, 1940. Al-Manaar. Al-Manaar Newspaper, Beirut, Lebanon. 1904: October 29, “Ameen Rihani…” about The Quatrains. Al-Manaarah. Al-Manaarah Newspaper, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1903: November 28, “Al-Makari wal Kahen” The Muleteer and the Monk. The Manchester Guardian. The Guardian Magazine Inc., Manchester. 1930: March 3, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Al-Manfaluty, Mustafa Lutfy, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Cairo, Egypt: Az-Zuhour Magazine, March 1910. Manitoba Free Express. The Free Express Newspaper Co., Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 1921: February 19, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. 1930: May 5, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Al-Ma’red. Al-Ma’red Magazine, Beirut, Lebanon. 1921: May 22, “Ameen Rihani”. 1924: November 20, book review on Rihani’s Muluku-l Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). Al-Mashreq. Al-Mashreq Magazine, Beirut, Lebanon. 1903: October 15, “Ruba’iyyat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abil ‘Ala’). 1934: April, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Maurice, A., B., book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. New York: The Bookman, December 1930, Vol. 72: p. xix. McGill Daily. The Daily News Publication, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 1930: December 12, “People’s Forum to Hear Rihani Discussing Palestine’s Problem”. Me-Express. The Express Publishing Co., Portland, Oregon. 1921: April 9, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Melbourne Herald. The Melbourne Herald Newspaper Co., Melbourne, Australia. 1928: May 26, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. May 21, “The Path of Vision”. 1930: November 8, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Mercury Herald. The Mercury Herald Newspaper Co., San Jose, California. 1903: October 18, “The Rubaiyat of Abul-‘Ala”. 1904: May 15, “A Poet of Arabia”.


Millers, Marion Miles, “Rihani’s Place in English Literature”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. October 1928, Vol. III: No. 10, pp. 18-21. Milwaukee Sentinel. The Sentinel Daily Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1903: October 17, “The First Plea in Literature”. October 23, “The First Plea in Literature”. Minneapolis Times. The Minneapolis Times Newspaper, Minneapolis. 1903: December 6, “Ameen F. Rihani Who Has Translated The Quatrains”. Mir’aat-ul Gharb. Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper Co., New York. 1916: November 25, “Al-Ma’duba-al Wataniyah” (The National Banquet) in honor of Rihani. November 27, “Haflat Wadaa’-ir Rihani” (The Farewell Party for Rihani). 1917: June 30, “Ar-Rayhani fi New York” (Rihani in New York). 1921: January 29, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems “’Unshudat As-Sufiyeen”. 1925: June 1, “Muluku-l Arab” (The Kings of the Arabs). 1929: March 14, “Haflat ar-Rihani” (A Celebration for Rihani). 1934: January 24, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yunfa min Lubnaan” (Ameen Rihani is Deported from Lebanon). January 26, “Al-Bilaadu-l Arabia Tad’u [ar-Rihani] Ibna-l ‘Uruba” (The Arab Countries Invite [Rihani] the Descendent of PanArabia). 1935: April 10, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yulqi Muhadara bil Quds” (Ameen Rihani Gives a lecture in Jerusalem). April 13, “Muhadaratu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Lecture). 1937: January 27, “Hadeeth Ma’al Ustaz Ameen ar-Rayhani Faylasuf-ul Furayka” (An Interview with Mr. Ameen Rihani, the Philosopher of Freike). 1938: January 20, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). 1939: January 6, “Ameen Rihani in New York”. April 17, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani Yatahaddath ‘an Rihlatihi…” (Mr. Rihani Speaks about his Trip…). May 13, “Rihani and New Trips Within Lebanon”. Mir’aat-ush Sharq. Mir’aat-ush Shark Newspaper Co., Jerusalem, Palestine. 1925: January 21, “Kitab Muluku-l Arab” (The Book The Kings of the Arabs). Mirror-American. The Daily Mirror Publishing Inc., Manchester, New Hampshire. 1920: October 30, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Al-Mirsaad. Al-Mirsaad Newspaper, Marseille, France. 1903: October 29, “Tarjamat Diwan Abil ‘Ala’-il Ma’arry” (The Translation of Abil ‘Ala’-il Ma’arry’s Collection of Poetry) about The Quatrains. Mobile Alabama Register. The Mobile Register Publication, Alabama.


1903: October 25, “Literary Notes”. Mokarzel, Salloum, “The Life of Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World, Vol. III: No. 10, April 1929, pp. 23-24. -----------, Rihani’s “Biographical Sketch”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940. Montgomery, James A., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Journal of the American Oriental Society, January 1928, Vol. 7: No. 1, p.221. ---------------, on Rihani the writer in English and Arabic. Ann Arbor: Journal of the American Oriental Society, December 1931, Vol. 51, No. 4, p. 332. Montreal Daily Star. The Daily Star Newspaper Co., Montreal, Canada. 1928: October 20, “Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia” an Intriguing Figure in the Arabian Peninsula”. 1929: May 17, “Britain Has Friends in Arabia, Ameen Rihani Asserts Ibn Sa’oud is Strong Ally of Empire”. 1930: May 3, “Superbly Written Volume by Ameen Rihani in Around the Coasts of Arabia”. December 18, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert “Among New Books”. Montreal Gazette. The Gazette Newspaper Co., Montreal, Canada. 1929: May 16, “Ameen Rihani is Here for a Week’s Stay”. The Montreal Herald. The Herald Publishing Co., Montreal, Canada. 1921: February 19, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics, “The Mystic in Very Modern Versification”. April 23, book review on The Path of Vision, “Syrian Philosopher in the New World”. Montreal Press. Montreal Press Newspaper, Montreal, Canada. 1929: June 8, “Chevaux Arabes Donnés Comme Cadeau…” about Rihani’s Arab horses. Morning News. The Morning News Publishing Co., Dallas, Texas. 1921: November 6, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Old World Poems”. Al-Mou’ayyed. Al-Mou’ayyed Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1910: March 4, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Al-Mounazer. Al-Mounazer Newspaper Co., Săo Paulo, Brazil. 1901: August 31, “Bala… Jawab Ijabi” (Yes… A positive Answer) about Rihani’s speech on “Religious Tolerance”. 1903: January 10, book review on Rihani’s A Treatise of the French Revolution. 1904: January 6, book review on Rihani’s story Al-Makari wal Kahen (The Muleteer and the Priest) April 9, “Khawatiry” (My Impressions) about Rihani. 1905: December 9, “Ziarat Kateb Wa Sha’er” (A Visit to a Writer Poet). Al-Mouqattam. Al-Mouqattam Publishing Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1903: April 17, “Ameen ar-Rihani Dhaifu-sh Sharaf fi Nadi-th Thurayya” fi New York (Ameen Rihani Guest of Honor of the Pleades Club) of New York.


October 26, “Khidmatan lil Lughati-l Arabia, Rubaiyyat Abil ‘Ala’” (Rendering Service to the Arabic Language, The Quatrains of Abul ‘Ala’). December 6, “Al-Makari wal-Kahen”. 1922: February 15, on welcoming Ameen Rihani in Egypt, “Misr Tukarrem Al-Adab Ash-Sharki” (Egypt Honors Oriental Literature). March 19, “Kitab Ar-Rihaniyaat Li-Mu’allifihi Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Book Ar-Rihaniyaat for the Author Ameen arRihani). 1932: February 3, “Kalimah fi Khitaab-ir Rihani fi Bkirki” (A Note on Rihani’s Address in Bkirki). Al-Mouqtabas. Al-Mouqtabas Publication, Damascus, Syria. 1910: March, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.210, 220-223. 1928: June 17, “Failasuf-ul Furaikah Yatakallam ‘an Thaqafat-il Arab” (The Philosopher of Freike Speaks about the Culture of the Arabs). July 12, “Nakabat ar-Rihani I; Al-Arab Fawqa-l Jamee’” (Disasters; The Arab People are a Priority). July 13, “Nakabat ar-Rihani II” (Rihani’s Book: Disasters). Al-Mouqtataf. Al-Mouqtataf Journal Institute, Cairo, Egypt. 1903: January, “Ath-Thawra-l Faranciyyah” about Rihani’s first book Nubzha fi-th Thawra-l Faranciyyah, A Treatise of the French Revolution. November, “Ruba’iyaat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abul ‘Ala’). 1912: February, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid), Vol. 40: No.2, p.193. 1924: June, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, Vol. 65, pp. 329-330. December, “Muluku-l Arab”, Vol. 66, pp. 565-568. 1928: May, “Ibn Saoud, Sha’buhu wa Biladuhu li Ameen Ar-Rayhani bil Inkliziah” (Ibn Saoud His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani in English). June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). July, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). 1930: March, “Around the [Shores] Coasts of Arabia”. 1933: December 1, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’”, Vol. 83, No. 5, p. 613. 1934: May, “Kitab Faisalu-l Awwal” (The Book Faisal the First). 1935: March, “Fslaan ’Iraqiyaan” (Two Iraqi Chapters), pp. 307-314. Al-Moustaqbal. Al-Moustaqbal Newspaper Co., Tripoli, Lebanon. 1940: October 30, “Ĥawla Zhikra ar-Rayhani” (In Memory of Rihani). Munton, Ernest, “In the Middle and Near East”. London: Sunday Times. March 2, 1930. An-Nahaar. The Nahaar Newspaper Inc., Beirut, Lebanon. 1933: December 30, “Ib’aad Faylasufu-l Furaikah” (Deporting the Philosopher of Freike). 1936: June 11, “Ameen Rihani Adresses the Kings of the Arabs”.


November 26, “Rihani Suggests a Homeland for the Jews in Texas”. December 29, “Al-Ustaz Ameen ar-Rihani Yusafer ila Geneve wa America” (Mr. Ameen Rihani Travels to Geneva and America). 1937: February 14, “Muhadaraat ar-Rayhani fil Wilayat al-Muttahidah” (The Lectures of Rihani in the United States) April 4, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). April 5, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). May 26, “Takreem al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani fi New York” (Honoring Mr. Rihani in New York). 1939: February 14, “Ameen Rihani fil Wilayaati-l Muttahidah” (Ameen Rihani in the United States). 1940: September 15, “Maata Ameen ar-Rayhani” (Ameen Rihani Passed Away). September 17, “Ma’tam Ameen ar-Rayhani fi Maskat Ra’sihi” (The Funeral of Ameen Rihani in his Birth Place). September 18, “Ameen ar-Rayhani, al-Qawmi al-Arabi, al-Adeeb al Aalami, al-Fannan” (Ameen Rihani, the Arab Nationalist, the International Man of Letters, the Artist) by Tweini, Gibran. September 20, “Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” (The Rihani Everlasting Memorial). October 3, “Al-Lajna al-Markaziya li-Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” The Central Committee to Commemorate Rihani’s Memory”. Naimy, Mikhail, “Fi Sabeel-ir Rouh” (For the Sake of Spirit), an article about The Path of Vision, As-Saa’eh Newspaper, New York, April?, 1921. --------, “Ar-Rihani fi ‘Aalam-ish Shi’r” (Rihani in the Domain of Poetry), an article about A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, As-Saa’eh Newspaper, New York, April?, 1921. An-Najaf Magazine. An-Najaf Magazine Publication, An-Najaf, Iraq. 1926: May 25-July 3, “Ar-Rihani fi Mizan An-Nakd aou Nazra fi Kitabihi Muluku-l Arab (Rihani in the Perspective of Literay Criticism or an Approach to his book The Kings of the Arabs) Nine articles. An-Nashashibi, Mohammad Is’aaf, “Aina-l Ustazu-r Rihani?” (Where Is Mr. Rihani?), Al-Jami’a-al Arabiyah Newspaper, Jerusalem, September 26, 1933. The Nashville American. The Daily Newspaper Co., Nashville, Tennessee. 1903: October 17, “Omar’s Predecessor”. Natal Advertiser. The Natal Advertiser Newspaper Co., Durban, South Africa. 1928: December 28, “Protectorates of Aden”. Natal Witness. The Natal Witness Publishing Co., Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 1928: December 17, “Pure Bred Arabs”. The Nation. The Nation Publishing Co., New York. 1912: March 21, “The Book of Khalid”.


1919: Septmber 20, a book review on The Luzumiyaat “Another Interesting Version from the Orient”. Nation and Athenaeum. Nation and Athenaeum Inc., London. 1928: April 28, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 43: p. 114. 1930: March 15, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 46: p. 805. Nazmi, Nassim, “The Luzumiyaat, Rihani and Ma’arri”. New York: As-Saa’eh Newspaper, February 4, 1920. --------, book review on The Path of Vision “Rihani’s New Book”. New York: As-Saa’eh Newspaper, May 19, 1921. Near East. The Near East Journal, London. 1930: December 4, “Arabia Felix, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. The New Jersey Press. The Press Publishing Co., New Jersey. 1903: October 22, “With the Authors”. New Republic. New Republic Inc., New York. 1931: January 21, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 65: p. 277. The News. The News Publication Co., Buffalo, New York. 1928: June 9, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. The News. The News Publication Co., Calveston, Texas. 1921: March 6, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Old World Poems”. The News. The News Publication Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee. 1903: December 12, “The Arab Poet Abul-‘Ala”. The News. The News Publication Co., Nashville, Tennessee. 1903: September 12, “The Quatrains”. The News. The News Publication Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 12, “Literary Notes”. News Banger. The banger Newspaper Co., Maine. 1936: July 29, “Around the coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. The News of The World. The News of the World newspaper Co., London. 1928: March 4, “What Will Arab Napoleon Do?” New Statesman. The New Statesman Inc., London. 1904: April 9, “Ameen Rihani the Translator of The Quatrains”. 1928: March 31, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 30: p. 800. 1930: January 18, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 34: pp. 473-474. New York American. The American Newspaper Co., New York. 1931: January 11, “Figures in World Affairs Address Conference on Cause and Cure of War”. New York Evening Post. The Evening post Publishing Co., New York. 1921: June 4, “The Path of Vision”. 1928: May 12, “Since the Advent of T. E. Lawrence”. New York Evening Sun. The Evening Sun Publishers, New York.


1903: October 22, “Ameen F. Rihani”. December 28, “The Rediscovered Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. 1919: January 11, “An Arab Seer”. New York Evening Telegram. The Evening Telegram Daily Inc., New York. 1903: December 12, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. New York Herald. The Herald Newspaper Co., New York. 1921: May 8, “In The Path of Vision”. New York Herald Tribune. The Herald Tribune Inc., New York. 1928: April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. May 6, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. 1930: October 12, “Peace Council Manifest Hits Conscription”. October 26, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. 1931: February 8, “Arabs of the Yemen”. New York Mail Express. The Mail Express Newspaper Co., New York. 1903: October 12, “One of the Earliest Pleas in Literature”. New York Post. The New York Post Newspaper Co., New York. 1919: March 29, “Poetry and Drama”. New York Post Literary Review. The New York Post Newspaper Co., New York. 1921: March 2, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems by Ameen Rihani”. The New York Sun. The New York Sun Publishing Co., New York. 1903: October 29, “Abul-‘Ala and Omar Khayyam”. 1904: April 6, “The Strenuous Life for Ameen Rihani”. May 8, “Little Syria Excited Over an Allegory Written by Ameen Rihani, the Poet” an article about The Trilateral Treaty in the Animal Kingdom (Al-Muhalafa Ath-Thulathiya Fil Mamlaka-al Hayawaniya). 1911: July 11, book review on The Book of Khalid, “A Syrian Poet in New York Tells of his Literary Labors”. November 11, “A Good Deal of Wit and Philosophy in The Book of Khalid”. 1918: January 12, “The Luzumiyaat”. 1919: February 23, a book review on The Luzumiyaat “A Syrian Omar”. 1921: February 19, “Rihani’s Orientalism”. 1928: May 18, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Another Fine Book on Arabia”. 1930: March 5, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia “The Book of the Day”. 1931: January 8, “Poetry Luncheon Held by Book and Play Group”. New York Times. The New York Times Publishing Co., New York. 1903: November 12, “The First Plea in Literature”. November 14, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. 1905: May 27, “Myrtle and Myrrh by Ameen Rihani”. 1910: September 4, “Syrian Poet’s Muse in His Red Beads”, p.5, column 1. 1921: February 20, “Allah Akbar, A Chant of Mystics by Ameen Rihani”.


1922: May 28, “Cairo Honors a Poet”. An article describing how Rihani was honored in Cairo during his visit to Egypt in February 1922. Section III, p. 14, columns 1-10. 1928: April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia”. May 26, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. May 13, “Two Glimpses of Modern Arabia Through Eastern Eyes, Ameen Rihani Presents Ibn Sa’oud…”. November 9, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. December 29, “Ghat and the Dowsing Rod”. 1929: February 10, “Noura and Family Here From Arabia”, p. 144, c. 1. September 7, “Arabs Ask Stimson [Secretary of State] to Aid in Palestine” (Rihani’s meeting with Secretary of State in Washington DC). October 13, “MacDonald Rests on 63rd Birthday: World Greets Him”, front page article which continues on page 2 (referring to Ramsay McDonald, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Rihani is mentioned as visiting him), p. 2, c. 1. October 27, “Rights in Palestine of Jews Debated”, p. N 3, c. 1. 1930: January 18, “Today on the Radio”, p. 12, c. 1. January 19, “Sees Zionist Aims Impearling Peace”, p. 36, c. 1. November 2, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. 1931: January 8, “Defend and Attack Zionist Movement”, p. 4, c. 1. January 22, “Colonial Ambitions of Nations Backed”, speakers from four lands including Rihani, p. 48, c. 4. 1937: February 2, “Hull Hears Arab Plea”, p. 12, c. 1. June 5, “Today on the Radio”, p. 20, c. 1. June 6, “Zionism Decried by Arab Leader, Rihani Says Expansion Must be Stopped…” viewpoints presented at a dinner honoring Rihani, p.37, c. 4. June 16, “Anti-Jewish Bias on WNYC is Denied”, p. 16, c. 1. 1940: September 19, “Ameen Rihani, 63 [64], Poet and Publicist”, Obituary with Rihani photograph, p. 23, c. 2. New York World. The New York World Co., New York. 1910: September 4, “Young Turks Rule Failure Says Rihani”. 1928: June 10, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, p.7. Newark Evening News. The Evening News Newspaper, Newark, New Jersey. 1903: November 6, “In a Handsomely Printed Volume The Quatrains…” Newark Gazette. Newark Gazette Newspaper, New Jersey. 1911: December 10, “The Book of Khalid”. An-Nidaa’. An-Nidaa’ Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1933: June 30, “Baina Khitaabi-r Rihani wa Rudud Bichara-l Khoury” (Between the Address of Rihani and the Replies of Bichara-l Khoury). July 5, “Ameen ar-Rihani wa Bichara-l Khoury” (A. Rihani and B. elKhoury). July 15, “Ma’rakah baina-r Rihani wal Akhtal…” (Confrontation Between ar-Rihani and al-Akhtal…).


July 18, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’ Li Ameen ar-Rayhani” (You the Poets for Ameen Rihani) A Special Issue on Rihani. July 26, “Baina-r Rihani wa-l Khoury” (Between Rihani and Khoury). September 30, Mina-n Nashashibi ila-r Rihani” (From Nashashibi to Rihani). 1936: May 27, “Takreemu-r Rihani fi America” (Honoring Rihani in America). Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant. The New Courant Publication, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 1928: November 3, “Ameen Rihani Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. An-Nizham. An-Nizham Newspaper Co., Cairo, Egypt. 1922: February 13, “Hadeeth Ma’a ar-Rayhani Al-Kabeer” (An Interview with Rihani the Great). Norman, Sylva, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Nation, March 15, 1930. Northern Echo. The Northern Echo Publication Co., Darlington, England. 1933: March 22, “In Far Arabia”. Nottingham Guardian. The Guardian Publishing Inc., Nottingham, England. 1930: January 18, “Among Other Notable Issues”. O’Brein, Aubrey, “The Wahabi King Ibn Saoud of Arabia His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Outlook Magazine, March 17, 1928. The Observer. The Observer Newspaper Co., Charlotte, North Carolina. 1930: May 4, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. The Observer. The Observer Newspaper Co., London. 1930: October 12, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. Ode-Vasilieva, K., “Samples of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 25, 1928, pp. 139145. Ohio Dispatch. The Dispatch Newspaper Co., Columbus, Ohio. 1921: May 1, “Oriental Thoughts”. Omaha News. The News Publication Co., Omaha, Nebraska. 1903: November 6, “The Quatrains”. The Orange and Black. The Orange and Black Newspaper Co., Lexington, Kentucky. 1937: March 10, “Ameen Rihani Spends Three Days at Union” College. The Oregonian. The Oregonian Newspaper Inc., Portland, Oregon. 1921: January 9, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. April 2, “A Chant of Mystics by Ameen Rihani”. May 15, “The Path of Vision”. L’Orient. Le Quotidien L’Orient, Beyrouth, Liban. 1937: February (Fevrier) 24, “Un Ambassadeur Libanais de la Pensée Arabe en Amérique”. 1940: Septembre 15, “Amine Rihani, Poet, Historien, Ecrivain Arabe Est Mort à Frayke”. Septembre 15, “M. Chambard Apporte à Amine Rihani la Légion d’Honneur…”


Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. The Journal of Oriental Literature, Berlin, Germany. 1927: November, “Ar-Rihani, Ameen: Muluku-l Arab”, No. 11, p. 970. Oriente Moderno. The Modern Orient Magazine, São Paulo, Brazil. 1934: February (Febrara), “Amine er-Rihani Espuico Della Siria”. Outlook. The Outlook Newspaper Co., New York. 1903: October 17, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. El-Pais. The Daily Newspaper Co., Havana, Cuba. 1929: November (Noviembre) 6, “Ibn Saoud, el Rey del Hedjaz Excelsior”. Palestine Newspaper. Palestine Newspaper Co., Haifa, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Palestine. 1924: November 18, “Muluku-l Arab”. 1927: April 9, “Al-Ustaz Ar-Rayhani, Takreemuhu wa Wusouluhu li-Yafa” (Mr. Rihani, Honoring him [upon] his Arrival to Jaffa). 1936: October 28, “Beit Lahm Tahtafi bil-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (Bethlehem Honors Mr. Rihani). 1940: September 15, “Maata ar-Rayhani, Faylasuf-ul Furaika wa ‘Ahad Bunaat an-Nahda” (Rihani, the Philosopher of Freike and One of the Buiders of the Renaissance, Passed Away). Palestine Post. The Post Newspaper Co., Jerusalem. 1933: March 12, book review on Rihani’s Arabic work “Muluku-l Arab ”. 1927: April 12, “Khitab-ul ‘Allama ar-Rihani” (The Adress of Rihani the Scholar). April 12, “Hadeeth ma’a-r Rihani” (An Interview with Rihani). April 14, “Hawl-a Ihtifalaat Yafa al-Akhira” (About the Latest Ceremonies in Yafa) [honoring Ameen Rihani]. Palladium. The Palladium Newspaper, New Haven, Connecticut. 1903: November 7, “Forerunner of Omar”. The Papyrus. A Magazine of Individuality, New York. 1903: November, book review on Rihani’s Quatrains. 1904: December, “Side Talk by Michael Monahan”. 1905: April, “Out of the East by Michael Monahan”. Peking Times. The Peking Times Newspaper Inc., Peking, China. 1928: March 27, “Ibn Saoud as he Really is…written by Ameen Rihani”. April 16, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Petaluma Courier. The Courier Newspaper Co., Petaluma, California. 1903: October 23, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. The Pioneer. The Pioneer Newspaper Co., Allahabad, India. 1929: May 6, “King Ibn Saoud and the Wahabis”. Pioneer Press. The Pioneer Press Newspaper Co., Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1903: October 10, “The Quatrains”. Pittsburgh Gazette. The Gazette Newspaper, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 11, “Fitzgerald and Rihani”. Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin. The Monthly Bulletin Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1931: April, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 36: p. 39.


The Pittsburgh Post. The Post Publishing Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 5, “The First Plea in Literature”. Pittsburgh Telegraph. The Pittsburgh Telegraph Newspaper, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 9, “The Quatrains”. Pittsburgh Times. The Pittsburgh Times Newspaper, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Plain Dealer. The Plain Dealer Newspaper Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1903: October 4, “The Arabic Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. 1921: April 23, book review on The Path of Vision “A Book of Charming Essays of East and West”. The Poet Lore. The Poet Lore Company Publishers, Boston. 1903: October-December, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. Post Dispatch. The Post Dispatch Newspaper Co., Saint Louis, Missouri. 1921: January 29, “The Luzumiyaat”. April 29, 1921, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Post Express. The Post Express Newspaper Co., Rochester, New York. 1919: March 22, “The Luzumiyaat”. Post Gazette. The Post Gazette Newspaper Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1929: January 26, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. Presbyterian Banner. The Banner Newspaper Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1921: January 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. June 30, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. July 27, “The Path of Vision by Ameen Rihani”. Public Ledger. The Public Ledger Publication Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1903: October 11, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Public Opinion. The Public Opinion Publication Co., London. 1930: August 29, “Pilgrims to Mecca, a Letter and a Reply”. Public Opinion. The Public Opinion Publication Co., New York. 1903: October 8, “The Quatrains”. November 26, “The Publication of The Quatrains”. Publishers Weekly. The Publishers News Inc., New York. 1911: November 4, “The Book of Khalid”. Al-Qabas. Al-Qabas Newspaper Co., Damascus, Syria. 1940: September 15, “Al-Faylasuf ar-Rayhani” (The Philosopher Rihani). Al-Qalam-us Sareeĥ. Al-Qalam-us Sareeh Newspaper Co., Marje’ioun, Lebanon. 1939: April 15, “Najah ar-Rayhani fi California” (The Success of Rihani in California). 1940: September 25, “Faylasuf -ul-Arab” (The Philosopher of the Arabs). “Lubnan Yushayye’ ar-Rayhani Faqeed al-Arab al-Azeem” (Lebanon Says Farewell to Rihani the Graet [human] Arab Loss). Ar-Rasafi, Ma’rouf, “Tigah Sha’iriyat Ar-Rayhani” (To the Poetic Touch of Rihani) a poem. Baghdad: Al-Iraq Newspaper, October 10, 1922.


Ar-Raawi. Ar-Raawi Magazine Co., Aleppo, Syria. 1940: October 29, “Dars Baleegh fi at-Tasahul ad-Deeni, ar-Rayhani Fikrah wa Thowrah wa Amal” (A Significant Lesson on Religious Tolerance, Rihani an Idea, a Revolution, and a Hope). Ar-Raa’ed. Ar-Raa’ed Newspaper, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1928: August, “Tareekh Najd al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Ar-Raa’edu-l Misri. Ar-Raa’edu-l Misri Newspaper, Cairo, Egypt. 1903: January 23, “Ath-Thawra-l Faranciyyah” about Rihani’s first book Nubzha fi-th Thawra-l Faranciyyah (A Treatise of the French Revolution). Reader Magazine. Reader Corporation, New York. 1904: February 14, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. The Record. The Record news Publishers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1903: July 3, “The Quatrains”. La Reforma. The Reform Newspaper Co., Santiago, Chile. 1935: May (Mayo) 16, “Amine Rihani el-Filosofo y Saberbio Nacionalista Arabe”. The Republican. The Republican Newspaper Inc., Davenport, Iowa. 1903: October 11, “The First Plea in Literature”. The Republican. The Republican Newspaper Inc., Denser, California. 1903: October 11, “Ameen Rihani Translator of Forerunner of Omar Khayyam”. The Republican. The Republican Newspaper Inc., Springfield, Massachusetts. 1903: October 23, “The Popularity…” The Review. The Review Newspaper Co., Spokane, Washington. 1920: September 12, “The Luzumiyaat”. The Review of Reviews. The Review of Reviews Magazine Inc., New York. 1912: January, “There is a New Note in the Volume of Ameen Rihani’s The Book of Khalid. Revista Delle Colonie Italiana. The Colonies Review Journal, Rome, Italy. 1930: March, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. November, “Ameen Rihani Around The Coasts of Arabia”. La Revue du Liban. The Lebanese magazine in French, Paris, France. 1936: November, “Tribune Libre”, pp. 12-14. The Richmond Item. The Richmond Item Newspaper, Richmond, Virginia. 1937: May 15, “The Arab Kings”, lecture given by Ameen Rihani. Richmond Independence. The Independence Newspaper, Richmond, Virginia. 1903: October 24, “A Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. Rihbany, Abraham, “New Arabia, Around the Coasts of Arabia”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, August 24, 1930. Ross, Sir E. Davidson, “An Arab View of Arabia, Ibn Saoud His People and His Land”. London: The Observer, March 11, 1928. Sabatello, Dario Stranieri, “Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Rome, Italy: Bibliografia Fascista, September, 1930.


Sacramento Union. The Union Newspaper Co., Sacramento, California. 1930: May 25, “Ameen Rihani Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. As-Saa’eh. As-Saa’eh Newspaper Co., New York. 1926: August 26, “Ameen Rihani fi Majallat Asia” (Ameen Rihani in Asia Magazine). 1937: February 11, “Rihani Meets Secretary of State Mr. Cordell Hull”. March, 22, “Rihani Continues his Lectures on Arabia and Palestine”. April 29, The Arab League Banquet Honoring Rihani [in New York]. June 10, “Rihani’s Banquet ends up with a Crisis with the Jews”. 1939: January 9, “Rihani in New York”. Saint Andrew Magazine. Saint Andrew Publication Inc., Glasgow, United Kingdom. 1920: December, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Saint Paul Globe. The Globe Newspaper Inc., Saint Paul, Minneapolis. 1903: November 8, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Salt Lake Tribune. The Tribune Publishing Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1903: October 18, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. December 20, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. Salyards, Justin, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims”. Indiana: The Indiana Daily Student, March 27, 1937. As-Sameer. As-Sameer Newspaper Co., New York. 1940: September 21, “’Adad as-Sameer al-Khaas bi-r-Rayhani” (A Special Issue on Rihani). Sanborn, F. B., book review on The Quatrains. Springfield: Springfield Republican, November 11, 1903. San Francisco Bulletin. The Bulletin Publication Co., San Francisco, California. 1903: December 20, “The First Plea in Literature”. 1920: September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. 1921: February 14, “Andalusia, Alcazar from A Chant of Mystics”. July 2, “The Path of Vision”. San Francisco Chronicle. The Chronicle Newspaper Inc., San Francisco, California. 1903: November 28, “Forerunner of Omar”. San Francisco Examiner. The Examiner Newspaper Co., San Francisco. 1939: March 10, “Palestine Policy Scored Defended”. San Francisco Post. The Post Newspaper Co., San Francisco, California. 1903: October 10, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. San Jose Herald. The Herald News Inc., San Jose, California. 1903: October 18, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. Sarkis Magazine. Majallat Sarkis Inc., Cairo, Egypt. 1910: April 10, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. June 1, “Faylasuf-ul Fouraika, Minhu wa ‘Anhu” (The Philosopher of Freike, From Him and About Him), pp. 481-485. 1915: Issues No 20, 21, “Tatweej Ameen ar-Rihani” (Crowning Ameen Rihani).


Sarkis, Saleem S., “Cairo Honors a Poet”, an article on Ameen Rihani, New York: The New York Times, May 28, 1922, Section III, p. 14, columns 1-10. Saturday Night. The Saturday Night Weekly Publication, Toronto, Canada. 1928: May 5, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Saturday Review. Saturday Review Inc., London. 1928: March 17, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 145: p. 324. 1930: February 15, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 149: p. 204. October 11, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 150: p. 456. December 12, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Sawtu-l Aĥraar. Sawt-ul Aĥraar Newspaper Co., Beirut, Lebanon. 1933: September 30, “Antumu-sh Shu’araa’” (You the Poets). 1934: January 20, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. 1935: May 22, “Fi Sabil Al-Firdawsi, Wafa’-uz Zamaan, Masrahiyah lirRayhani”, (In Honor of Firdawsi, Faithful Time, a Play by Rihani). 1940: September 19, “Al-Malek Ibn Saud Yu’azzi bi-Ameen ar-Rayhani” (King Ibn Saud Pays Condolences [upon the death of] Ameen Rihani). September 21, “Wazir Ispania Yu’azzi bi Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Minister of Spain Pays Condolences [upon the death of] Ameen Rihani). The Scimitar. The Scimitar News Co., Memphis, Tennessee. 1903: October 31, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. The Scotsman. The Scotsman Newspaper Co., Edinburgh, England. 1930: January 27, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Seabrook, William, B., “Arabs North and South, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. New York: The New Republic, January 21, 1931. -----------, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: Booklist, October 1928, Vol: 25, p. 25. -----------, “More About Arabia”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, May 6, 1928. Sears Dale Esquire. The Esquire Newspaper Co., Sears Dale, Ohio. 1921: April 23 “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The Post-Intelligencer Newspaper Co., Seattle, Washington. 1939: March 15, “Discuss Palestine Strife…Ameen Rihani, Sir Roland Stores and Rabbi Jacob Weinstein”. The Seattle Washington Times. The Seattle Newspaper Inc., Seattle, Washington. 1903: October 18, “The Quatrains”. Selbpwehr. Selbpwehr Newspaper, Prague, Czech Republic. 1928: July 6, “Islamiche Politik”, and the political role of Rihani.


Shanks, E., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin, October 1928, Vol. 33: p. 497. Ash-Sharq. Ash-Sharq Magazine Co., Sao Paolo, Brazil. 1934: May, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (Faisal the First). August, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal Lir-Rayhani” (Faisal the First by Rihani), p. 37. Shatara, F. J., “Rihani’s Role in Politics”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. Shawki, Ahmad, “Munajat Al-Ahram wa Tahiyat Al-Adab” (Addressing the Pyramids and Saluting Literature) a poem in honor of Rihani. Cairo: AlAkhbar Newspaper, February 21, 1922. Spectator. The Spectator Newspaper Co., London. 1928: March 17, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 140: p. 423. 1930: August 16, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 145: p. 223. November 15, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 145: p. 737. The Sphere. The Sphere Newspaper Co., London. 1930: January 25, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. The Spokesman Review. The Spokesman Publishing Co., Spokane, Washington State. 1921: March 17, “A Dreamer of Dreams”. Springfield Republican. The Republican Newspaper Co., Springfield, Massachusetts. 1903: November 11, “Antioch in Syria Was Long the Home…” Springfield Union. The Union Newspaper Co., Springfield, Massachusetts. 1919: November 2, “The Luzumiyaat”. Spy. The Spy Newspaper Co., Worcester, Massachusetts. 1904: May 6, “A Poet of Arabia”. The Standard. The Standard Newspaper Inc., London. 1904: April 13, “In The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. The Star. The Star Publishing Co., Indianapolis. 1904: May 16, “The Strenuous Life is too Much for Ameen Rihani”. The Star. The Star Publishing Co., Johannesburgh, South Africa. 1930: May 9, “Life in Arabia Today…” October 24, “Al-Yaman, A Land of Constant Warfare”. The Star. The Star Publishing Co., Kansas City, Missouri. 1903: October 14, “A Young Syrian”. 1921: March 2, “”Alhambra in A Chant of Mystics”. April 30, “Still Our Materialism, The Path of Vision”. The Star. The Star Newspaper, Saint Louis, Missouri. 1904: May 15, “After having been an actor and lawyer in New York Ameen Rihani becomes a Poet…” Still, John, “Arabia Today, Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: The Observer, October 12, 1930.


Stremsky, Anna, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: Wilshire Magazine, November 1903. The Subenco. The Subemco Newspaper, London, Kentucky, Sue Bennet College. 1937: March 12, “Mr. Rihani Talks on…Great Resources of Arabia”. The Sun. The Sun Newspaper Co., Baltimore, Maryland. 1904: April 1, “Poetry, The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. April 14, “The Quatrains Translated by Ameen Rihani’. 1911: July 11, “Ameen Rihani Tells of his Literary Labors”, about The Book of Khalid. 1929: September 7, “Arabs Ask U.S.Aid in Palestine” (Rihani’s meeting with Stimson, Secretary of State, in Washington DC) The Sunday Oregonian. The Oregonian Newspaper Co., Portland, Oregon. 1939: March 12, “Who Shall Rule Palestine?”. Sunday Times. The Times Newspaper Inc., London. 1930: March 2, “Through the Eyes of Others in the Middle East and Near East”. Syracuse Sunday Herald. The Sunday Herald Weekly Publishing Co., Syracuse, New York. 1921: November 24, “The Path of Vision”. The Syrian World. The Syrian World Journal Inc., Habib I. Katibah, [and later] Salloum Mokarzel, New York. 1928: April, “Rihani’s Book Well Received in Europe”. 1929: April, “Tributes to Rihani”, pp. 15-23; book review on Rihani’s Around the Coast of Arabia, , pp. 29-30; book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, p. 59. October, “Rihani in Demand as Public Speaker”. 1930: April, “Another Notable Book by Rihani”, pp. 39-40. November, book review on Around the Coasts of Arabia “Another Rihani Book on Arabia”. 1934: January 26, “Commissariat Would Exile Ameen Rihani”. February 2, “Rihani Invited by King Ghazi to Baghdad”. February 9, “Ameen Rihani Arab Spokesman, Scholar, Globe Trotter, and Leader”. March 2, “Rihani Lashes in Valedictory”. “Totah Defends Rihani”. “The Challenge of the Rihani Case”. April 27, “Rihani Returns Home to Freike…”. 1937: January, “Italian Group Honors Rihani as life Member of Italian Cultural Garden”. September 5, “Rihani’s Letter to the President of the Italian Cultural Garden Association”. Tabatabaii, Mustapha, “Yaksa’at ba Ameen Rihani, Nasher Falsafat As-Sharq dr Gharb” (Hours with Ameen Rihani, the Publisher of the Philosophy of the


East in the West). Tahran, Iran: Sal Dom Magazine, April 1937, pp. 780785. Tacla, Paulo, “Momentos Decisivos da Humanidade”. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Curio do Parania, Outobre 1, 1935. Tacoma Ledger. The Ledger Newspaper Co., Tacoma, Washington. 1903, October 11, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Taky Dean, Rashid, “Rihani’s Arabic Literature”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. Tanganyika Times. The Tanganyika Times Newspaper Co., Tanganyika, East Central Africa. 1928, April 27, “The Cromwell of Arabia, a Book About Ibn Saoud by Ameen Rihani”. Tanger. Tanger Newspaper, Tetuán, Morocco. 1939: May 12, “La Estancia del Rihani en Tetuán”. Le Temps. Le Quotidien Le Temps, Paris, France. 1931: March (Mars) 15, “Les Wahabites”. Tientsin Times. The Tientsin Times Newspaper Inc., Tientsin, China. 1928: March 27, “Ibn Saoud as he Really is…written by Ameen Rihani”. April 16, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Time Magazine. Time Magazine Inc., New York. 1928, September 3, “Vin Mousseux de Champagne”, about Rihani’s work Ibn Saoud of Arabia. The Times. The Times Newspaper Inc., London. 1910: September 4, “Poet’s Muse in his Red Beads”. 1928: March 9, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. 1930: January 17, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. October 10, “Ameen Rihani One of the Best Known Travelers of Today”. 1932: March 12, “Camels of Arabia, Beasts from Oman and Najd”. Times. The Times Publishing Inc., Chattanooga, Tennessee. 1903: October 11, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Times. The Times Publishing Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 1903: November 3, “The First Plea in Literature”. Times. The Times Publishing Inc., Trenton, New Jersey. 1921: March 13, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “A Book of Poetry”. Times Advertiser. The Advertiser Publishing Co., New Jersey. 1921: May 1, “Entertaining Essays”. Times Gloucester. The Times Publishing Inc., Gloucester, Massachusetts. 1903: December, A Very Remarkable Book in The Quatrains Translated by Ameen Rihani”. The Times of India. The Times Publishing Co., Bombay, India. 1928: April 5, “The Cromwell of Arabia, a Book About Ibn Saoud by Ameen Rihani”. December 2, “Near East Restlessness”.


1930: May 5, “King Husain, It is an Old and Honored Tradition that no One Should Write About Arabia…” The Times Literary Supplement. The Times Newspaper Inc., London. 1928: March 15, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, p. 183. 1930: April 24, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia, p. 345. September 18, “Constable Messrs Are Issuing Innediately “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani. October 16, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert, p. 821. Times of Ceylon. The Times Newspaper Co., Colombo, Ceylon. 1930: December 28, “Three Information Versions of Arabia”. Times Union. The Times Publishing Co., Jacksonville, Florida. 1903: December 20, “The Quatrains”. Tonieth, Alphonse, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: The New York Times, May 13, 1928, p. 7. ---------, “Ameen Rihani, Arab-American and the Desert Kings”. New York: The New York World, June 10, 1928. Toledo Blade. The Toledo Blade Newspaper, Toledo, Ohio. 1903: October 17, “The Rubaiyat: A Fine Book Making”. Toynbee, Arnold, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. London: Saturday Review of Literature, May 5, 1928, Vol. 4: p. 840. Trade Union. The Trade Union Newspaper Inc., London. 1929: October 13, “Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald Received Ameen Rihani…” [in New York]. Transcript. The Transcript Newspaper Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 1903: November 14, “Forerunner of Khayyam”. The Tribune. The Tribune Newspaper Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1903: October 19, “Forerunner of Omar”. The Tribune. The Tribune Newspaper Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1903: November 29, “The Romantic Story of a Syrian Poet-Patriot”. The Tribune. The Tribune Newspaper Inc., Oakland, California. 1930: May 25, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Truth Magazine. The Truth Publication Co., London. 1930: February 5, book review on Rihani’s Around The Coasts of Arabia, “Arabia and the Near East”. Um-ul Qura. Um-ul Kura Newspaper Inc., Mekka, Hijaz, Saoudi Arabia. 1926: February 19, “Muluku-l Arab”. 1929: July 29, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). El-Universal. El-Universal Newspaper, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. 1917: March (Marzo) 27, “Protestan por la Expulsión de los Señores Rihani y Fadl”. 1918: January (Januar) 29, “El Periodista Sirio Ameen Rihani Visita a Mexico”. Vogue Magazine. The Vogue Publishing Inc., New York.


1903: November 5, “Ameen F. Rihani”. La Voz del Interior. La Voz del Interior Newspaper Co., Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1939: May (Mayo) 16, “Se Traduction las Obras del Filosofo Arabe Amin Rihani”. La Voz de la Revolucion. La Voz de la Revolucion Newspaper Inc., Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. 1915: April (Abril) 12, “Constitucion Oficial de la Sociedad SyrioLibanense”. 1918: March (Marzo) 10, “Siria Quiere Libertarse… por la Obra de la Revolucion el Priodista Ameen Rihani”. Waqt. Waqt Newspaper, Lahore, Pakistan. 1928: June 2-8, “Daha Beilrham Karbala bi ham Mekka Dhabt Eitedbler” (Between the Cities of Karbala and Mekka) Seven continuous articles. Washington Evening Star. The Evening Star News Publishers, Washington D. C. 1912: January 13, “The Book of Khalid”. W. G. G., “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Geographical Journal, April, 1931. The Wheeling Intelligencer. The Wheeling Intelligencer Newspaper, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn, New York. 1937: February 8, “Honoring Distinguished Lecturer…”. Al-Widaad. Al-Widaad Newspaper Co., Morocco City, Morocco. 1940: October 24, “Nadi Sala Yusharek fi Takreem Faqeed al-Arab Ameen ar-Rayhani” (Sala Club Participates in Honoring the Arab [intellectual] Loss Ameen Rihani). Wilbur, Susan, “Arabia Descriptive and Political”. Chicago: Chicago Evening Post, April 27, 1928. Williams, Kenneth, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: Fortnight Review, November 1930. -----------, “The Spell of Far Arabia”. London: The Review of Reviews, January 1933, p. 66. Wilson, P. W., “Two Glimpses of Modern Arabia Through Eastern Eyes”. New York: New York Times, Book Review Section, May 13, 1928. --------, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: New York Evening Post, May 26, 1928, p. 9. Wilson Library Bulletin. The Wilson Library Corporation, New York. 1940: November, Obituary, Vol. 15: p. 202. Wisconsin Liberal Bulletin. The Liberal Bulletin Co., Wisconsin. 1928: July, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 24: p. 223. Worcester Speaker. The Speaker News Co., Worcester, Massachusetts. 1903: October 4, “The Quatrains”. The World. The World Newspaper Co., New York. 1929: February 25, “New York Syrians to Fete Arab Poet”.


World Tomorrow Magazine. The World Tomorrow Monthly Publication, New York. 1928: August, book review on Rihani’s “Maker of Modern Arabia”. Yale Review. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut. 1931: Summer Issue, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 20, p. 849. Yorkshire Post. The Yorkshire Post Newspaper, Leeds, England. 1930: October 8, “Arabia, History and Travel, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Al-Youssouf, Mohammad Said, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems. Damascus: Al-Majma’ Al-‘Ilmi AlArabi Journal, August 1921, pp. 254-255. Zaĥlatu-l Fataat. Zaĥlatu-l Fataat Publication, Zahle, Lebanon. 1934: January 12 ?, “Safaru-l Ustaazi-r Rihani ila ‘Aasimati-l Iraq” (Rihani Leaves to the Capital of Iraq). Az-Zuhour. Az-Zuhour Magazine, Cairo, Egypt. 1912: April, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid).


III. Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani and/or about him (Chronological Order) Within the same year, Magazines precede Newspapers in each month; and within the same day, the alphabetical order of publications is adopted. Newspapers are mentioned simply by their proper names. If the newspaper carries the name of a country or a city then the name is mentioned followed by the world “Newspaper”. Journals and Magazines are mentioned by their proper names together with the type of publication. Color codes: Green indicates the titles of Rihani’s works. Red shows the texts written by Rihani. Blue specifies the special issues on Rihani. The Yellow highlight points out the interviews with Rihani. TheViolet identifies a comperative study between Rihani and other writers. Brown shows up periodicals.

1897 July 15, “Sayings of Christ” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. New York: The Press. September, “The Ottoman Union I” by Ameen F. Rihani. New York: The Ottoman Empire Newspaper. October, “The Ottoman Union II” by Ameen F. Rihani. New York: The Ottoman Empire Newspaper. November, “The Ottoman Union III” by Ameen F. Rihani. New York: The Ottoman Empire Newspaper. December, “The Ottoman Union IV” by Ameen F. Rihani. New York: The Ottoman Empire Newspaper. December 1, “Rights of Polygamists” by Ameen Ferris Rihani. New York: The Press. 1898 April 12, “Al-Wataniyah wa-d Dukhala’” (National Feelings and Aliens) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. June, “Stare Decisis” [On Law] by Ameen Ferris Rihani, pp. 391-396. New York: The Albany Law Journal.


1899 August 10, “Az-Zawaj Baina Tolstoy wa Zola” (The [Concept of] Marriage between Tolstoy and Zola) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. December 13, “Mr. Joseph Chamberlain” by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. 1900 January 17, “Ingliterra wa ar-Rahma al-Masihiyah” (England and Christian Mercy) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. February 9, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Islaaĥ. February 10, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Ayyaam. March, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by AmeenRihani. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal, pp. 364-365. March (Marza) 1, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. Săo Paulo, Brazil. Brazil Newspaper. March 21, “Robespierre, Kabir Zu’ama’ Al-Fitna Al-Faranciyah” (Robespierre, a Great Leader of the French Revolution) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Islaaĥ. March 24, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mousheer. May 26, “Al-Hukoumah Ad-Dimukratiyah I” (The Democratic Government I) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Islaaĥ. June 2, “Al-Hukoumah Ad-Dimukratiyah II” (The Democratic Government II) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Islaaĥ. 1901 April 20, “Al-‘Ilm Al-Masihi wad-Diana Al-Jadida” (Christian Science and the New Religion) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. May 11, “Ash-Sha’b Al-Ameriki” (The American People) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. June 13, “Hal Yumkinu Islah-ush-Sharq?” (Is it Possible to Reform the East?) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Ayyaam. August 31, “Bala… Jawab Ijabi” (Yes… A positive Answer) about Rihani’s speech on “Religious Tolerance”. São Paulo, Brazil: Al-Mounazer.


1902 November 11, “Al-Lubnaniyoun wal-Mutasarref Al-Jadid” (The Lebanese People and the New Governor) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. November 14, “Al-Islah Al-Mau’oud wal- Islah Al-Murtaja” (The Promised Reform and the Expected Reform) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: AlHoda. November 19, “La Naftarek wa Lana Ra’y” (We Will Not Separate and we Have Our Own Opinion) a response to Rihani’s “Religious Tolerance”. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. November 22, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki I” (Khanto the Mexican Leader I) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. Novmber 24, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki II” (Khanto the Mexican Leader II) by Ameen Rihani. Philadelphia: Al-Hoda. December [?], No 1195, “Tareekh-uth Thawrati-l Faranciyyah” about A Treatise of the French Revolution. New York: Kawkab America Newspaper. 1903 January 10, book review on Rihani’s A Treatise of the French Revolution. Săo Paulo, Brazil: Al-Mounazer. January 23, “Ath-Thawra-l Faranciyyah” about Rihani’s first book Nubzha fithThawra-l Faranciyyah, A Treatise of the French Revolution. Cairo, Egypt: Ar-Raa’edu-l Misri Newspaper. January 31, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani. New York: An-Naseer-ul Lubnani. January, “Ath-Thawra-l Faranciyyah” about Rihani’s first book Nubzha fi-th Thawra-l Faranciyyah, A Treatise of the French Revolution. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. February, “Ruba’yat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abil ‘Ala’). Cairo, Egypt: AlHilaal Journal. February 21, “Shu’ara’-ul ‘Asr” (Poets of Today) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. March 31, “Ameen ar-Rihani ash-Sha’er bil Inglisiyyah wal Katibu-l Mufawwah” (Ameen Rihani the Poet in English and the Articulate Orator). New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper. April 17, “Ameen ar-Rihani Dhaifu-sh Sharaf fi Nadi-th Thurayya” fi New York (Ameen Rihani Guest of Honor of the Pleades Club of New York). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqattam Newspaper. June 5, “Al-Alkab Aydan wa Aydan” ([Social] Titles Again and Again) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. June 26, “Ameen Rihani”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ittihaadu-l Misri Newspaper. July 3, “The Quatrains”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Record. August 8, “Mr. Rihani is the Translator of a Series of Quatrains…” New York: Evening Telegram. September 12, “The Quatrains”. Nashville, Tennessee: The News.


October, “Curious Volume The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: Bookman. October-December, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. Boston: The Poet Lore. October 4, “The Arabic Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. Cleveland, Ohio: Plain Dealer. October 4, “The Quatrains”. Worcester, Massachusetts: Worcester Speaker. October 5, “The First Plea in Literature”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The Pittsburgh Post. October 6, “The First Plea in Literature”. Johnstown, Pennsylvania: The Democrat. October 8, “The Quatrains”. Elizabeth, New Jersey: The Journal. October 8, “The Quatrains”. New York: Public Opinion. October 9, “The Quatrains”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Chronicle Telegraph. October 9, “The Quatrains”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Telegraph. October 10, “The First Plea in Literature”. Nashville, Tennessee: The Banner. October 10, “The Quatrains”. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Pioneer Press. October 10, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Post. October 11, “The Quatrains”. Albany, New York: Argos. October 11, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. Newark, New Jersey: Call. October 11, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Cleveland, Ohio: The Cleveland. October 11, “Fitzgerald and Rihani”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Gazette. October 11, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Public Ledger. October 11, “The First Plea in Literature”. Davenport, Iowa: The Republican. October 11, “Ameen Rihani Translator of Forerunner of Omar Khayyam”. Denser, California: The Republican. October 11, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Tacoma, Washington: Tacoma Ledger. October 11, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Chattanooga, Tennessee: Times. October 12, “The Quatrains”. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Chronicle. October 12, “Literary Notes”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The News. October 12, “One of the Earliest Pleas in Literature”. New York: New York Mail Express. October 14, “A Young Syrian”. Kansas City, Missouri: The Star. October 15, “Ruba’iyyat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abil ‘Ala’). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Mashreq Magazine. October 17, “The Quatrains”. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Tribune. October 17, “Was Omar Khayyam a Plagiarist?” Detroit, Michigan: Detroit Tribune. October 17, “The First Plea in Literature”. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Milwaukee Sentinel.


October 17, “Omar’s Predecessor”. Nashville, Tennessee: The Nashville American. October 17, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: Outlook. October 17, “The Rubaiyat: A Fine Book Making”. Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Blade. October 18, “The First Plea in Literature”. Buffalo, New York: The Banner. October 18, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Sentinel, Indianapolis: Indianapolis. October 18, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Los Angeles. California: Los Angeles Herald. October 18, “The Rubaiyat of Abul-‘Ala”. San Jose, California: Mercury Herald. October 18, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. Salt Lake City, Utah: Salt Lake Tribune. October 18, “The Rubaiyat and Abul-‘Ala”. San Jose, California: San Jose Herald. October 18, “The Quatrains”. Seattle, Washington: The Seattle Washington Times. October 19, “Ameen F. Rihani Quatrains”. Baltimore, Maryland: Baltimore Morning Herald. October 19, “A Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. Saint Paul, Minnesota: The Globe. October 19, “Forerunner of Omar”. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Tribune. October 22, “Rihani and Abul-‘Ala” by W. D. Howells. Williamsport, Pennsylvania: News. October 22, “With the Authors”. New Jersey: The New Jersey Press. October 22, “Ameen F. Rihani”. New York: New York Evening Sun. October 23, “The First Plea in Literature”. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Milwaukee Sentinel. October 23, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Petaluma, California: Petaluma Courier. October 23, “The Popularity…” Springfield, Massachusetts: The Republican. October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Nashville, Tennessee: The Banner. October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani Translator”. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. October 24, “The Quatrains”. Albany, New York: The Journal. October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Times. October 24, “A Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. Richmond, Virginia: Richmond Independence. October 25, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Birmingham, Alabama: Age Herald. October 25, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. Los Angeles. California: Los Angeles Herald. October 25, “Literary Notes”. Alabama: Mobile Alabama Register. October 26, “With the Authors”. Delaware: Delaware Gazette. October 26, “Khidmatan lil Lughati-l Arabia, Rubaiyyat Abil ‘Ala’” (Rendering Service to the Arabic Language, The Quatrains of Abul ‘Ala’). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqattam Newspaper. October 27, “Omar Khayyam’s Forerunner”. Boston: The Advertiser.


October 29, “Tarjamat Diwan Abil ‘Ala’-il Ma’arry” (The Translation of Abil ‘Ala’il Ma’arry’s Collection of Poetry) about The Quatrains. Marseille, France: Al-Mirsaad Newspaper. October 29, “Abul-‘Ala and Omar Khayyam”. Lockport, New York: The New York Sun. October 31, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. Memphis, Tennessee: The Scimitar. November, “The Quatrains of the Arab Poet”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Book News Magazine. November, book review on Rihani’s Quatrains. New York: The Papyrus Magazine. November, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala” by Anna Stremsky. New York: Wilshire Magazine. November 1, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Albany, New York: Argos. November 3, “The Quatrains”. Chicago: Chicago Record Herald. November 3, “The First Plea in Literature”. Louisville, Kentucky: Times. November 5, “Ameen F. Rihani”. New York: Vogue Magazine. November 6, “In a Handsomely Printed Volume The Quatrains…” Newark, New Jersey: Newark Evening News. November 6, “The Quatrains”. Omaha, Nebraska: Omaha News. November 7, “Where Omar Khayyam Got Some of His Ideas…” Minneapolis, Minnesota: The Journal. November 7, “Forerunner of Omar”. New Haven, Connecticut: Palladium. November 8, “The First Plea in Literature”. Birmingham, Alabama: Age Herald. November 8, “The Quatrains”. Birmingham, Alabama: Birmingham Herald. November 8, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Saint Paul, Minneapolis: Saint Paul Globe. November 11, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala by Ameen Rihani”. Providence, Rode Island: The Journal. November 11, book review on The Quatrains by F. B. Sanborn. Springfield: Springfield Republican. November 11, “Antioch in Syria Was Long the Home…” Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Republican. November 12, “The First Plea in Literature”. New York: New York Times. November 13, “Rihani’s Abul-‘Ala” by W. D. Howells. Philadelphia: The American. November 14, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. New York: New York Times. November 14, “Forerunner of Khayyam”. Boston, Massachusetts: Transcript. November 15, “The Rediscovered Forerunner of Omar”. Augusta, Georgia: The Herald. November 21, “To Refer to The Quatrains”. Hartford, Connecticut: The Courant. November 21, “The Quatrains”. New York: The Globe. November 26, “The Publication of The Quatrains”. New York: Public Opinion.


November 28, “Al-Makari wal Kahen” The Muleteer and the Monk. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Al-Manaarah Newspaper. November 28, “Forerunner of Omar”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Chronicle. November 29, “The Romantic Story of a Syrian Poet-Patriot”. Minneapolis, Minnesota: The Tribune. November, “Ruba’iyaat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abul ‘Ala’). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. December, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. New York: Book Lover Magazine. December, “The Quatrains”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Book News Magazine. December, A Very Remarkable Book in The Quatrains Translated by Ameen Rihani”. Gloucester, Massachusetts: Times Gloucester. December 6, “Ameen F. Rihani Who Has Translated The Quatrains”. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Times. December 6, “Al-Makari wal-Kahen” (The Muleteer and the Priest). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqattam. December 10-12, “Ameen ar-Rihani Sahebu-r Ruba’iyyat” (Ameen Rihani Author of The Quatrains). New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper. December 12, “The Arab Poet Abul-‘Ala”. Chattanooga, Tennessee: The News. December 12, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. New York: New York Evening Telegram. December 13, “A Successful Syrian Poet”. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Baptist Commonwealth. December 16, “Ameen F. Rihani”. Brooklyn, New York: Citizen. December 19, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. Buffalo, New York: Buffalo Courier. December 20, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. Salt Lake City, Utah: Salt Lake Tribune. December 20, “The First Plea in Literature”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Bulletin. December 20, “The Quatrains”. Jacksonville, Florida: Times Union. December 25, “Abul-‘Ala”. Cleveland, Ohio: The Cleveland Leader. December 28, “The Rediscovered Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: New York Evening Sun. December 29, “Sura Karikaturiah I” (Caricature I) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. December 30, “Sura Karikaturiah II” (Caricature II) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. 1904 January 2, “The Quatrains”. Detroit, Michigan: Free Press. January 6, book review on Rihani’s story Al-Makari Wal Kahen (The Muleteer and the Priest). Săo Paulo, Brazil: Al-Mounazer.


January 11, “Persian Pessimism Once More to Light”. Chicago: The Chicago Post. January 14, “Two Poets, Bliss Carman and Ameen Rihani, Guests of Civitas Club”. Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. January 14, “Bliss Carman and [Ameen Rihani], an Arabian Poet”. New York: Citizen Newspaper. January 26, “The Quatrains”. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Journal. February 14, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York. Reader Magazine. April, “A Quite Fitting Work”. London: Book World. April, “Andalusian Love Songs” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 15: No. 2, pp. 74-77. Boston: The Poet Lore. April 1, “The Quatrains”. London: Literary World Magazine. April 1, “Poetry, The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala Translated by Ameen Rihani”. Baltimore, Maryland. The Sun. April 6, “The Strenuous Life for Ameen Rihani”. New York: The New York Sun. April 9, “Khawatiry” (My Impressions) about Rihani. Săo Paulo, Brazil: AlMounazer Newspaper. April 9, “Ameen Rihani the Translator of The Quatrains”. London: New Statesman. April 13, “In The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. London: The Standard. April 14, “The Quatrains Translated by Ameen Rihani’. Baltimore, Maryland. The Sun. April 30, “Ameen Rihani the Arabian Whose Translation of the Quatrains…” New York. International Weekly Review. May 6, “A Poet of Arabia”. Worcester, Massachusetts: The Spy. May 8, “Little Syria Excited Over an Allegory Written by Ameen Rihani, the Poet” an article about The Trilateral Treaty in the Animal Kingdom (Al-Muhalafa Ath-Thulathiya Fil Mamlaka-al Hayawaniya). New York: The New York Sun. May 15, “A Poet of Arabia”. San Jose, California: Mercury Herald. May 15, “After having been an actor and lawyer in New York Ameen Rihani becomes a Poet…” Saint Louis, Missouri: The Star. May 16, “The Strenuous Life is too Much for Ameen Rihani”. Indianapolis: The Star. October 29, “Ameen Rihani…” about The Quatrains. Beirut, Lebanon: AlManaar Newspaper. December, “Side Talk by Michael Monahan”. New York: The Papyrus. 1905 (Rihani left New York back to Lebanon from 1905 till 1910 included)

January 11, “Bossism” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Evening Journal. February, “A Night in Cairo” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 24-28. 62

April, “Out of the East by Michael Monahan”. New York: The Papyrus. May 27, “Myrtle and Myrrh by Ameen Rihani”. New York: New York Times. September, “Damascus… A Syrian Sybaris” (including a poem entitled “Hanem”), by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 23-26. October, “Al-Hayat wal-Maout” (Life and Death), the first free verse poem in Arabic literature, by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 98. Cairo, Egypt: AlHilaal. December, “Attar and Sanai” a poem by Ameen Rihani. Boston: The Poet Lore. Vol. 16: No. 4, pp. 87-90. December 9, “Ziarat Kateb Wa Sha’er” (A Visit to a Writer and Poet). Săo Paulo, Brazil: Al-Mounazer. 1906 April, “From the Arabic”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 16. May, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 14-22. July, “My Native Horizon” (listed as “The Horizon of My Country” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. New series, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 11-14. 1907 July, “Spring in Syria” (listed as “A Syrian Spring” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. New series Vol. 1, No. 1, (old series Vol. 8), pp. 10-14. 1908 February, “A Syrian Symbolist” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. New series Vol. 2, No. 2, (old series Vol. 10), pp. 18-22. October, “O Freedom” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Papyrus. New series Vol. 3, No. 4 (old series Vol. 11), p. 16. 1909 October 9, “Abdul-Hameed”, a political play in one act and three scenes, by Ameen Rihani. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ĥurriyyah.


1910 January 7, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Barq. February 26, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. March, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.210, 220-223. Damascus, Syria: AlMouqtabas. March, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, by Al-Manfaluty, Mustafa Lutfy, Cairo, Egypt: AzZuhour Magazine. March 4, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mou’ayyed. March 26, book review on Ar-Rihaniyaat (The Rihani Essays). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Maĥrusa. April 10, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Haifa, Palestine: Al-Karmel Newspaper. April 10, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Cairo, Egypt: Sarkis Magazine. April 11, “Ar-Rihaniyaat by Ameen Rihani”. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Magazine. May, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 511. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. June 1, “Faylasuf-ul Fouraika, Minhu wa ‘Anhu” (The Philosopher of Freike, From Him and About Him). Cairo, Egypt: Sarkis Magazine, pp. 481485. September 4, “Syrian Poet’s Muse in His Red Beads”. New York: New York Times, p.5, column 1. September 4, “Poet’s Muse in his Red Beads”. London: The Times Newspaper. September 4, “Young Turks Rule Failure Says Rihani”. New York: The World. September 6, “More Polygamists in New York Today than in the Ottoman Empire, Says Ameen Rihani”. New York: The Evening World. November, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 125, Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. 1911 January, “O Zainab”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, New York: Home Magazine. May, “The Song of Siva”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Boston: The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 107: p. 648. May 7, “The Decadence in the East of the Art of Killing” by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York American. July 11, book review on The Book of Khalid, “A Syrian Poet in New York Tells of his Literary Labors”. New York: The New York Sun. September, “Rihani and The Book of Khalid”. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 34: pp. 21-22. November, “The Fruits of Death”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Boston: The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 108: p. 666. November 4, “The Book of Khalid”. New York: Publishers Weekly. November 6, “The Book of Khalid”. Boston: Boston Herald. November 11, “A Good Deal of Wit and Philosophy in The Book of Khalid. New York: The New York Sun.


November 18, book review on The Book of Khalid, “Arabia’s Views of America”. Chicago: Chicago Record. November 23, “The Book of Khalid”. New York: Continent Newspaper. November 25, “The Book of Khalid”. Hartford, Connecticut: The Hartford Courier. December, “Ameen Rihani and The Book of Khalid” by Helen Johnson Keyes, New York: The Bookman, Vol. 33. December, “The Book of Khalid”. New York: Brentano’s Book Chat Magazine. December 10, “The Book of Khalid”. New Jersey: Newark Gazette Newspaper. 1912 January, “There is a New Note in the Volume of Ameen Rihani’s The Book of Khalid. New York. The Review of Reviews. January 12, book review on The Book of Khalid, “Katibun ‘Asri Yud’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (A Modern Writer Called Ameen Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. January 13, “The Book of Khalid”. Washington D. C.: Washington Evening Star. January 14, “The Book of Khalid”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Akhbaar. January 22, “The Book of Khalid”. Boston: Boston Herald. January 27, book review on The Book of Khalid “An Oriental Sartor Resartus”. New York: Americana. January 31, “Ameen Rihani in the Bookman Speaks of Ernest Renan’. New York and Chicago. Evening Post. February, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf, Vol. 40: No.2, p.193. February, “The Renans in Syria” by Ameen Rihani, New York: The Bookman, Vol. 34: pp. 599-611. February 10, “The Book of Khalid”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. February 29, book review on The Book of Khalid, “How American Civilization is Viewed…” New York: The Independent. March 21, “The Book of Khalid”. New York: The Nation. March 23, “The Book of Khalid by Ameen Rihani”. Pittsburgh, Pannsylvania: The Index. April, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Mabaaĥeth Magazine. April 13, “The Book of Khalid”. San Francisco, California: The Argonaut. April, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid). Cairo, Egypt: Az-Zuhour Magazine. April [?], “The Book of Khalid”. New York: The International Magazine. May, “The Crisis of Islam” by Ameen Rihani, New York: The Forum, Vol. 47: pp. 561-570.


May 28, “Kitab Khalid” The Book of Khalid. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Maĥrusa Maghazine. May [?], “Min Kitab Khalid: ‘Ala Jaadat-ir Rouh-ish Shaamilah”, from The Book of Khalid, the Chapter entitled “In Kulmakan” by Ameen Rihani. Beirut: Al-Barq Newspaper. June, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - I” by Ameen Rihani, New York: The Bookman, Vol. 35: pp. 366-370. July, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - II” by Ameen Rihani, New York: The Bookman, Vol. 36: pp. 504-508. 1913 February, “From Concord to Syria” by Ameen Rihani, Boston: The Atlantic Monthly, pp. 284-286. May, “From At-Tasaahul ad-Deeni” by Ameen Rihani. Cairo: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, p. 428. 1914 February, “Nadschafi und Rihani” by Hartmann, M. Berlin, Germany: Die Welt des Islams, No. II, pp. 287-292. June, “The Lost Disciple” (listed as “The Last Disciple” in the Table of contents) a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Phoenix, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 5. 1915 January, “Germany and Islam” by Ameen Rihani. Garden City: World’s Work, Vol. 29: pp. 302-305. March, “Young Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Forum, Vol. 53: pp. 315-326. April (Abril) 12, “Constitucion Oficial de la Sociedad Syrio-Libanense”. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: La Voz de la Revolucion Newspaper. May, “Church and Mosque” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Phoenix, Vol. 2: No. 6, pp. 335-339. May, “Ad Michaelem” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Phoenix, Vol. 2: No. 6, p. 360. August, “Renunciation”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: Harper’s Magazine, Vol. 131: p. 339. December [?], Issues No 20, 21, “Tatweej Ameen ar-Rihani” (Crowning Ameen Rihani). Cairo: Egypt: Sarkis Magazine. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The New York Sun published for him during that year. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The New York Sun].


1916 January, “The House of Night”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 42: pp.552-553. January, “On the Road of Lu’ar” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 42, p. 554. April, “Mine Own Country” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Phoenix, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 136-139. June, “Alvarado Mexican Dictator Plans Utopia in Yucatan” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Sun. September, “Sherif Effendi” a short story by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Phoenix, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 104-109. November, “Portrait” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Review of Reviews, Vol. 54: p. 534. November 25, “Al-Ma’duba-al Wataniyah” (The National Banquet) in honor of Rihani. New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. November 27, “Haflat-u Wadaa’-ir Rihani” (The Farewell Party for Rihani). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Bookman published for him during the years 1916 and 1917. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Bookman].

1917 March (Marzo) 27, “Protestan por la Expulsión de los Señores Rihani y Fadl”. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: El-Universal Newspaper. April, “The Orient in a New Light” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Forum, Vol. 57: pp. 485-495. April-May, “Revolution in Arabia - I” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 45: pp. 121-126, 283-288. June 30, “Ar-Rayhani fi New York” (Rihani in New York). New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb. July, “Revolution in Arabia - II” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 45: pp. 495-501. September, “Holy Land: Whose to Have and to Hold” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 58: pp. 7-14. November, “The House in the Rue de Lille” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Forum, Vol. 58: pp. 605-611. December. “Prinkipo, Where the Conference Never Met” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, pp. 21-24, 44-45. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Forum published for him during the years 1916 and 1917. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Forum].


1918 January 12, “The Luzumiyaat”. New York: The New York Sun. January (Januar) 29, “El Periodista Sirio Ameen Rihani Visita a Mexico”. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: El-Universal Newspaper. February (Februar) 5, “Nuestro Saludo Al Ilustre Poeta Amin Rihani”. Mexico City, Mexico. El Hombre Libre Newspaper. March (Marzo) 10, “Siria Quiere Libertarse… por la Obra de la Revolucion el Priodista Ameen Rihani”. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: La Voz de la Revolucion Newspaper. March (Marzo) 30, “Breves Consideraciones Sobre la Expulsion de los Señores Rihani y Fadl”. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: El Correo Newspaper. April (Abril) 2, Serán Expulsados dos Sirios Radicados en Esta Ciudad…” Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: El Correo Newspaper. July 1, “Zanbakat al-Ghawr wa Mazhab al-Istibaha” (The Lili of al-Ghore and Eroticism). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Al-Majalla Magazine. July 26, “Zanbaquat-ul Ghowr” (The Lily of el-Ghore) a book review by Habib I. Katibah. Boston: Fatat Boston. December, “Artists in War-Time - I” by Ameen Rihani. New York. The International Studio Journal, Vol. 66: pp.xxix-xxxvii. 1919 January 11, “An Arab Seer”. New York: New York Evening Sun. February 23, a book review on The Luzumiyaat “A Syrian Omar”. New York: The New York Sun. March 22, “The Luzumiyaat”. Rochester, New York: Post Express. March 29, “Poetry and Drama”. New York: New York Post. May, “The Luzumiyaat”. New York: Asia Journal. May 10, “Turkey Destined to be a Great Commercial Center” by Ameen Rihani. New York and Chicago: The Evening Post. July, “The Holy Man and His Disciple” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, pp. 630-632. July, “Artists in War-Time - II” by Ameen Rihani. New York. The International Studio Journal, Vol. 68: pp. iii-ix. August 2, “American Commission in Syria” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Review Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 252-253. September 6, “God of the Distances Hear Us”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Evening Sun. Septmber 20, a book review on The Luzumiyaat “Another Interesting Version from the Orient”. New York: The Nation. October, “The Soufi” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, p. 994.


November 2, “The Luzumiyaat”. Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Union. November 6, “The Cataclysm”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Evening Sun. November 6, “Constantinople”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Evening Sun. 1920 February 4, “The Luzumiyaat, Rihani and Ma’arri” by Nazmi, Nassim. New York: As-Saa’eh. April, “The Descent of Bolshevism”. Boston: The Book Review Digest. May, “Landscape Painting in America - I” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 70: pp. Iv-Ivi. June 9, “Ila Saheb as-Sumou Al-‘Ameer” (To His Highness The Prince). New York: Al-Hoda. July, “Lanscape Painting in America - II” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 71:pp.iii-ix. August, “Luks and Bellows – American Painting” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 71: pp. xxi-xxvii. August 21, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Glasgow, United Kingdom: The Glasgow Herald. September 12, “The Luzumiyaat”. Spokane, Washington: The Review. September 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Gazette Times. September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. Atlanta Georgia: Atlanta Journal. September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Gazette Times. September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Bulletin. October, “Etchings of Troy Kinney” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 71: pp. 59-66. October 30, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Manchester, New Hampshire: Mirror-American. November, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: The Catholic Monthly. December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 71. December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol.1: No.2, pp.159-184. December, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Glasgow, United Kingdom: Saint Andrew Magazine. 1921 January, “The Luzumiyaat”. New York: International Missionary Bibliography.


January, “Prints of Modern Masters” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 72: pp.Ixxxvii-xcvi. January 9, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian. January 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Banner. January 29, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems “’Unshudat As-Sufiyeen”. New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb. January 29, “The Luzumiyaat”. Saint Louis, Missouri: Post Dispatch. February, “Landscape Painting in America: Ernest Lawson” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 72: pp. cxiv-cxvii. February 7, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Gazette Times. February 10, “Ameen Rihani in A Chant of Mystics”. Birmingham, Alabama: Age Herald. February 13, “The Luzumiyaat”. Birmingham, Alabama: Age Herald. February 14, “Andalusia, Alcazar from A Chant of Mystics”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Bulletin. February 17, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Indianapolis: The Indianapolis News. February 19, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Glasgow, United Kingdom: The Glasgow Herald. February 19, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada: Manitoba Free Express. February 19, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics, “The Mystic in Very Modern Versification”. Montreal, Canada. The Montreal Herald. February 19, “Rihani’s Orientalism”. New York: The New York Sun. February 20, “A Syrian Poet”. Columbus, Ohio: Columbus Dispatch. February 20, “Allah Akbar, A Chant of Mystics by Ameen Rihani”. New York: New York Times. March, “The Etchings of Frederick Garrison Hall” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol. 1: No.3, pp. 219-228. March 2, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems by Ameen Rihani”. New York: New York Post Literary Review. March 2, “Alhambra in A Chant of Mystics”. Kansas City, Missouri: The Star. March 6, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Old World Poems”. Calveston, Texas: The News. March 12, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Poetry”. New York and Chicago: Evening Post, p. 84. March 13, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “A Book of Poetry”. Trenton, New Jersey: Times. March 17, “A Dreamer of Dreams”. Spokane, Washington State: The Spokesman Review. March 18, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics, “Syrian Poet Writes in English”. Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian Mail.


March 19, book review on Rihani’s “A Chant of Mystics”. Boston: Evening Transcript. April, “Landscape Painting in America: The Marines of Paul Dougherty” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 73: pp. Iiv-Iviii. April 2, “A Chant of Mystics”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. April 2, “A Chant of Mystics by Ameen Rihani”. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian. April 3, “A Chant of Mystics”. Altanta, Georgia: Atlanta Constitution. April 7, “Maslak-un Nafs” (The Path of Spirit), an article by Arida, Nasib about The Path of Vision. New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. April 9, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Portland, Oregon. MeExpress. April 10, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Hartford, Connecticut: The Courant. April 11, “The Path of Vision”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Gazette Times. April 16, “The Path of Vision”. Boston: Boston Transcript. April 17, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “The Oriental Coloring…” Rochester, New York: The Herald. April 23, book review on The Path of Vision, “Syrian Philosopher in the New World”. Montreal, Canada. The Montreal Herald. April 23, book review on The Path of Vision “A Book of Charming Essays of East and West”. Cleveland, Ohio: Plain Dealer. April 23 “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Sears Dale, Ohio: Sears Dale Esquire. April 28, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision, “A Volume of Essays…” Glasgow, United Kingdom: The Glasgow Herald. April 29, 1921, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Saint Louis, Missouri: Post Dispatch. April 30, “Still Our Materialism, The Path of Vision”. Kansas City, Missouri: The Star. April ?, “Fi Sabeel-ir Rouh” (For the Sake of Spirit), an article about The Path of Vision, by Naimy, Michael, As-Saa’eh Newspaper, New York, April [?], 1921. April ?, “Ar-Rihani fi ‘Aalam-ish Shi’r” (Rihani in the Domain of Poetry), an article about A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, As-Saa’eh Newspaper, New York, April?, 1921. May 1, “Oriental Thoughts”. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Dispatch. May 1, “Entertaining Essays”. New Jersey: Times Advertiser. May 6, “The Path of Vision”. Attica, New York: Attica Press. May 8, “In The Path of Vision”. New York: New York Herald. May 14, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Baltimore, Maryland: Evening Sun. May 15, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision “Our Weaknesses”. Rochester, New York: The Herald. May 15, “The Path of Vision”. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian.


May 19, book review on The Path of Vision “Rihani’s New Book” by Nazmi, Nassim. New York: As-Saa’eh. May 20, book review on The Path of Vision, “Ameen Rihani, Some Inconclusive Essays by the Oriental”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. May 22, “Ameen Rihani”. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ma’red Magazine. June, “The ‘Heads’ of Oberhardt” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol. 1, No. 4, p 323340. June, “The Path of Vision”. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Argos. June 4, “The Path of Vision”. New York: New York Evening Post. June 12, “The Path of Vision”. Hartford, Connecticut: The Courant. June 16, book review on Rihani’s The Path of Vision, “Poet’s New Prose Work”. Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian Mail. June 30, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Banner. July, “Prints of the Year” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The International Studio Journal, Vol. 73: pp. cxxv-cxli. July 2, “The Path of Vision”. San Francisco, California: The Banner Newspaper. July 2, “The Path of Vision”. San Francisco, California: San Francisco Bulletin. July 23, “My Heart is the Field of Sow for Thee…” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Evening World. July 27, “The Path of Vision by Ameen Rihani”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Banner. July 30, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala”. Baltimore, Maryland: Baltimore Sun. August, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems by Mohammad Said Al-Youssouf. Damascus: Al-Majma’ul ‘Ilmi-ul ‘Arabi Journal, pp. 254-255. August 6, “The Ruts of Life Are Congested…Says Ameen Rihani in The Path of Vision”. Baltimore, Maryland: Evening Sun. August 13, “A Far Cry from the Cedar-Crowned Heights of Mt. Lebanon”. Baltimore, Maryland: Baltimore Sun. September 25, “A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems”. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: The Argos-Leader. November 6, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, “Old World Poems”. Dallas, Texas: Morning News. November 24, “The Path of Vision”. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse Sunday Herald. December, “Will Simmons and his Animals” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol. 2: No.1, pp95-110.


1922 January [?], “Ameen Rihani, Poetry in Prose”, by Ignatii Krachkovskii. St. Petersberg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 1, pp. 43-54. “The Rise and Development of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”, by Ignatii Krachkovskii. St. Petersberg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 1, pp. 97-112. “Held Captive by Duty”, about Rihani and Krachkovskii, by A. A. Dolinina. St. Petersberg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 1, pp. 148-149. February, “Ameen ar-Rayhani Faylasuf Igtimaii Sharki min Bilad al-Gharb” (Ameen Rihani, a Social Oriental Philosopher from the West) by Aboud, Sa’dallah. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal, p. 561. February 6, “Ar-Rihani fi Manzel Sarkis” (Rihani at Sarkis Residence). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 6, “Ziarat Faylasuf wa Sha’er li-Misr” (A Philosopher’s and Poet’s Visit to Egypt). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara Magazine. February 7, “Ihtifal Aam li-Tamjeed Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (A Public Ceremony in Honor of Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahraam. February 7, “Li-Tamjeed Ameen ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Ameen Rihani) by Jum’ah, Mohammad Lutfi. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahraam. February 7, “Takreem Ar-Rihani” (In Honor of Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, AlAhram. February 9, “Ihtifal Aam li-Tamjeed Ameen Ar-Riyhani” (A Public Ceremony in Honor of Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 13, “Salim Sarkis Yukarrem al-Adab” (Salim Sarkis Honors Literature). Cairo: Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara Magazine. February 13, “Khitab Al-Anisa May fi Takreem Ar-Rayhani” (The Speech of Ms. May [Ziadeh] in Honoring Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Maĥrusa Magazine. February 13, “Hadeeth Ma’a ar-Rayhani Al-Kabeer” (An Interview with Rihani the Great). Cairo, Egypt: An-Nizham. February 14, “Ĥflat Takreem Ar-Rihani” (A Party Honoring Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. “Al-Ĥafawah Bi-r-Rihani” (Welcoming Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, AlAhraam. February 15, [Ana] “Ash-Sharq” a poem by Ameen Rihani, p.1., c. 1, 2, 3. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahraam. “Fi Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani, Qasidat Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri” (In the Party Honoring Rihani: the Poem of Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri). Cairo, Egypt, AlAhraam. February 15, “Mr. Rihani at the American University”. Cairo,Egypt: Egyptian Mail. February 15, on welcoming Ameen Rihani in Egypt, “Misr Tukarrem Al-Adab Ash-Sharki” (Egypt Honors Oriental Literature). Cairo, Egypt: AlMouqattam.


February 16, “Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani bi Dar al-Jami’a Al-Amirkiyah” (Rihani’s Party at the American University). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. “Sha’er-ul ‘Aalameen” (The World’s Poet) by Mahmoud Imad. Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 17, “Ĥaflat al-Continental li Takreem ar-Rihani” (The Continental Party in Honor of Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. “Ar-Rihani wa Gibran” (Rihani and Gibran) by Mohammad Ali Tharwat. Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February (Fevrier) 17, “Une Grande Réunion en l’Honneur d’Amine Rihani”. Le Caire, Egypte: La Liberté. February 17, “Takreem ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: Lisaan-ul Arab. February 17, “Takreem ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: AlMaĥrusa Magazine. February 20, “Ila Saheb Ar-Rihaniyaat” (To the Author of The Rihani Essays) by Mohammad Khairat.. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahraam. February 20, “Ana-sh-Sharq” (I am the East), a poem by Ameen Rihani. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara. February 21, “Al-Ĥafla az-Zakiya as-Saĥrawiya li-Takreem ar-Rihani” (The Zaki Desert Party Honoring Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 21, “Misr” a poem by Ameen Rihani. Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 21, “Munajat-ul Ahram wa Tahiyat-ul Adab” (Addressing the Pyramids and Saluting Literature) a poem for Rihani by Ahmad Shawki. Cairo: AlAkhbaar Newspaper. February 23, “Ameen ar-Rihani fi Bilad-il ‘Arab” (Ameen Rihani in Araia). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. February 24, “Ash-Shawqiya fi-l Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya” (The Poem of [Ahmad] Shawqi at the Desert Party). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. “Khitbat al-‘Anisa May” (The Adress of Ms. May). Cairo, Egypt, AlAhraam. “Fil-Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya, Nasheed Mahmoud ‘Aref” (At the Desert Party, A Chant by Mahmoud ‘Aref). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. March 18, “Al-Ihtifal bir-Rayhani” (In Honor of Rihani). Basra, Iraq: Al-Awqatul Iraqiah. March 19, “Kitab Ar-Rihaniyaat Li-Mu’allifihi Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Book Ar-Rihaniyaat for the Author Ameen ar-Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: AlMouqattam. April 6, “Ar-Rihani ‘Ind-al Imam Yahya” (Rihani Visits Imam Yahya). April 27, “Ameen ar-Rihani” (Ameen Rihani) by Toufik ar-Rafi’i. Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. May 1, “Ameen ar-Rihani” (Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam. May 4, “San’a, Yemen” by Ameen Rihani, Tome II, No.7-8. Cairo, Egypt: Review of the Egyptian World. May 14, “Pilgrims of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times. Section III, p. 8, columns 1-10. May 19, “Ameen ar-Rihani” (Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt, Al-Ahraam.


May 21, “A Booklover in Djeddah” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times. Section III, p.7, columns 1-8. May 28, “Cairo Honors a Poet”. An article describing how Rihani was honored in Cairo during his visit to Egypt in February 1922. New York: The New York Times. Section III, p. 14, columns 1-10. June-July (Juin-Juillet), “A Common Measure” by Ameen Rihani. Le Caire, Egypte: Revue du Monde Egyptien, Tome II, Nos. 7-8, pp. 543-549. June, “A Maya Song”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. Chicago, Illinois: The Step Ladder. Vol. V: No. 1. June, “A Maya Song”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: Survey Graphic. Vol. V:No. 1, p. 13. September (Septembre), “The God of Iraq” a poem by Ameen Rihani. Le Caire, Egypte: Revue du Monde Egyptien, Tome II, No. 9. September 12, “Ila Ar-Rayhani” (To Rihani). Baghdad, Iraq: Al-Iraq Newspaper. September 29, “Aqwaal ‘Udabaa’-il Iraq fil-Ustaz Ameen ar-Rihani” (Tributes of Iraq Men of Letters to Ameen Rihani). Baghdad: Al-Iraq Newspaper. October 8, “A Bag of Manuscripts and Rhymes” by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Times. Section III, p.16, columns 1-7. October 10, “Qasidat Jamil Sidqi-z Zahhawi fi-r-Rihani” (The Poem of Jamil S. Zahhawi in Rihani). Baghdad: Al-Iraq Newspaper. October 10, “Tigah Sha’iriyat Ar-Rayhani” (To the Poetic Touch of Rihani) a poem by Ma’rouf Ar-Rasafi,. Baghdad: Al-Iraq Newspaper. October 29, “Al-Ihtifal bi-r Rihani” (Celebrating Rihani). Basrah: Iraq: AlAwqat-ul Iraqiah. November 5, “Nabighat-ul ‘Arab, Failasuf-ul Furaikah Ameen ar-Rihani). Basra: Iraq: Al-Awqat-ul Iraqiah. November 9, “Rafikati fi- as-Safar” (My Travel Companion) by Ameen Rihani. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Barq. 1923 March, “The Peale Heritage” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 219-230. April: 14, “The God of Iraq”, a poem by Ameen Rihani translated from the original Arabic into English. Baghdad, Iraq: Baghdad Times. May 24, “Haflatu Takreemi-r Rihani” (The Ceremony Honoring Rihani) upon his return to Beirut from his trip to Arabia. Beirut: Al-Ĥurriyyah Newspaper. May 24, “Al-Aoudu Ila-l Wadi” (Return to the Valley), a poem by Ameen Rihani. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ma’red. June, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala’”. Cairo: Al-Hilaal Journal. June, “The Etchings of Frank W. Benson” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Print Connoisseur Journal, Vol.1: No.4, pp. 257-284. June 9, “At-Ta’ifal-Gadeeda” (The New Sect) by Ameen Rihani. Zahla, Lebanon: Zaĥlat-ul Fataat Magazine.


July 3, “Ra’I ar-Rihani fi Haq al-Mar’a ash-Sharqiyyah” (Rihani’s Opinion in Woman’s Right in the East). Baghdad: Al-Istiqlal Newspaper. December 15, “The Baha’i Scriptures, edited by Horace Holley”, a book review by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Literary Review. 1924 March, “Muluk Al-Arab”. Cairo: Al-Hilaal Journal. March, “Imam Yahya Bin Hamid ed-Deen” by Ameen Rihani. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan, pp. 473-480. April, “Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Faysal Al-Saoud” by Ameen Rihani. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan, pp. 569-577. April 1924, “Ar-Rihaniyaat” a book review by Kurd Ali, Mohammad. Damascus, Syria: Al-Majma’ul ‘Ilmi-ul Arabi, p. 565. May 27, “Hawla Khitaab ar-Rihani” (About Rihani’s Address). Beirut: AlAĥraar Newspaper. June, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, Vol. 65, pp. 329-330. June 14, “Ara’ Faylasuf fil-Wataniyah wa-Deen” (A Philosopher’s Point of View in Nationalism and Religion) by Ghorayeb, Aref. Beirut, Lebanon: AlĤurriyyah Newspaper. August 1, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. Basrah, Iraq: Al-Awqat-ul Iraqiah. November 1, “Muluk-ul Arab Aou Rihla Fi-l-Bilad Al-Arabia” (The Kings of the Arabs or a Trip to the Arab Countries). Homs, Syria: Homs Newspaper. November 1, “Fi Sabeel-i Silm ar-Rihani fi Jeddah” (For a Peace Mission Rihani in Jeddah). Amman, Jordan: Jordan Newspaper. November 3, book review on Rihani’s Muluk-ul Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. November 18, “Muluk-ul Arab”. Haifa, Jerusalem, Yafa, Palistine: Palestine Newspaper. November 20, book review on Rihani’s Muluk-ul Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ma’red Magazine. December, “Muluk-ul Arab”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, Vol. 66, pp. 565-568. 1925 January, book review on Rihani’s Muluk-ul Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. January, “Muluk-ul Arab by Ameen Rihani”. Baghdad, Iraq: Al-Ĥurriyah. January 21, “Kitab Muluk-ul Arab” (The Book The Kings of the Arabs). Jerusalem, Palestine: Mir’aat-ush Sharq. January and February, “Muluk-ul Arab Li Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Kings of the Arabs by Ameen Rihani) by Ignatii Krachkovskii, Moscow: The Oriental World Magazine, pp. 214-218.


February 18, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). Beirut: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal Newspaper. March, “Muluk-ul Arab, Al-Jiz’ Al-‘awal” (The Kings of the Arabs, Part One”. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Magazine. March, “Muluk-ul Arab” a book review by Mohammad Kurd Ali. Damascus, Syria: Al-Majma’ul ‘Ilmi-ul-Arabi, p.151. March 1, “Qasr Ibn Saoud Fi Ar-Riyadh” (The Castle of Ibn Saoud in Riyadh) by Ameen Rihani. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Ma’red Magazine. April, “Muluk-ul Arab by Ameen Rihani”, Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal, pp. 705-710. April, “Muluk-ul Arab, Al-Jiz’ Ath-Thani” (The Kings of the Arabs, Part Two”. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Magazine. April, “Muluk-ul Arab”. Beirut: The American University of Beirut, AlKulliyah Magazine. May 31, book review on Rihani’s Muluk-ul Arab “The Heart of Arabia”. Bombay, India: The Bombay Chronicle. June 1, “Muluk-ul Arab” (The Kings of the Arabs). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb. December, “Ar-Rihaniyaat” a book review by Kurd Ali, Mohammad. Damascus, Syria: Al-Majma’ ul ‘Ilmi-ul Arabi. December 31, “Adab Ar-Rayhani Fi Muluk-ul Arab” (Rihani’s Literature in The Kings of The Arabs). Hadramawt, Yemen: Ĥadramawt Newspaper. 1926 February 19, “Muluk-ul Arab”. Mekka, Hijaz, Saoudi Arabia: Um-ul Qura Newspaper. March 17, “Kitab Ar-Rayhani Fi Ibn Saoud” (Rihani’s book on Ibn Saoud). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. May 14, “Ibn Saoud on Arab Unity” by Ameen Rihani. Jerusalem, Palestine: The Palestine Bulletin, No. 405. July, “Along the Trail with the Editor” about Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, p. 583. August, “With the Kingliest King in Arabia, Ibn Saud New Master of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 26: pp. 668-674, 734-735. August 26, “Ameen Rihani fi Majallat Asia” (Ameen Rihani in Asia Magazine). New York: As-Saa’eh Newspaper. September, “Treaty-Making in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 26: pp. 760-767, 812-814. October, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 26: pp. 864-871, 920-923. October. “Meeting an Arab King in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 17- 21. November, “A Wahabi Cromwell” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 26: pp. 974-981, 1013-1015.


December, “The Ideal Rich Man” [about Cleveland H. Dodge] by Ameen Rihani. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Kulliyyah Magazine, Vol. XIII, No. 2, pp. 37-40. December. “The Guest”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 15. 1927 January. “From My Note-Book of Travel - I” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 3-6. February. “From My Note-Book of Travel - II” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp.10-12. March 26, “Ilal-Ustaz al-Kabir Ameen ar-Rihani: Asbab-u Niza’ fi Philistine” (To the Great Scholar Ameen Rihani: Reasons for Dispute in Palestine). Jerusalem: Al-Jami’a-al Arabiyah Newspaper. April. “My Day is Bitter” (Marmar Zamani) a poem translated by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 17. April 9, “Al-Ustaz Ar-Rayhani, Takreemuhu wa Wusouluhu li-Yafa” (Mr. Rihani, Honoring him [upon] his Arrival to Yafa). Haifa, Jerusalem, Yafa, Palestine: Palestine Newspaper. April 10, “Ar-Rihani Yulqi Khitabahu fi Yafa” (Rihani delivers his Adress in Java). Beirut: Al-Aĥraar. April 12, “Khitaab-ul ‘Allama ar-Rihani” (The Adress of Rihani the Scholar). Jerusalem: Palestine Post Newspaper. April 12, “Hadeeth ma’a-r Rihani” (An Interview with Rihani). Jerusalem: Palestine Post Newspaper. April 14, “Hawl-a Ihtifalaat Yafa al-Akhira” (About the Latest Ceremonies in Yafa) [honoring Ameen Rihani]. Jerusalem: Palestine Post Newspaper. June. “Where East and West Meet” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 8-11. July. “Across the Bridge, O Come”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 13. September. “Tafta Hindi”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p.10. October, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 3-10. November, “Ar-Rihani, Ameen: Muluk-ul Arab”. Berlin, Germany: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung Journal, No. 11, p. 970. December, “A Sufi Song” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 7. 1928 January, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Montgomery, James A. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 7: No. 1, p.221. 78

March 4, “What Will Arab Napoleon Do?” London: The News of The World. March 9, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. London: The Times. March 11, “An Arab View of Arabia, Ibn Saoud His People and His Land” by Ross, Sir E. Davidson. London: The Observer. March 15, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. London: Times Literary Supplement, p. 183. March 17, “The Wahabi King Ibn Saoud of Arabia His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani” by O’Brein, Aubrey. London: The Outlook Magazine. March 17, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. London: Saturday Review. Vol. 145: p.324. March 17, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 140: p. 423. London: Spectator. March 27, “Ibn Saoud as he Really is…written by Ameen Rihani”. Peking, China: Peking Times. March 27, “Ibn Saoud as he Really is…written by Ameen Rihani”. Tientsin, China: Tientsin Times. March 31, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 30: p. 800. London: New Statesman. March and April, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine. April, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd) by Haddad, Nagib Constantine. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Ar-Ra’ed. April, “Ibn Saoud, Shabuhu wa Biladuhu lil-Ustaz Ameen Ar-Rayhani bil Ingliziah” (Ibn Saoud His People and His Land by Master Ameen Rihani in English). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. April, “Rihani’s Book Well Received in Europe”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. April 5, “The Cromwell of Arabia, a Book About Ibn Saoud by Ameen Rihani”. Bombay, India: The Times of India. April 14, “Best Seller, Ameen Rihani’s Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. United Kingdom: John O’London’s Weekly. April 16, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Peking, China: Peking Times. April 16, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Tientsin, China: Tientsin Times. April 27, “The Cromwell of Arabia, a Book About Ibn Saoud by Ameen Rihani”. Tanganyika, East Central Africa: Tanganyika Times. April 27, “Arabia Descriptive and Political” by Wilbur, Susan. Chicago: Chicago Evening Post. April 28, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia “The Greatest Arab”. Melbourne, Australia: Argus. April 28, “Renunciation” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: Literary Digest. Vol. 97: p. 32. April 28, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 43: p. 114. London: Nation and Athenaeum.


April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. New York: New York Herald Tribune. April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia”. New York: New York Times. May, a book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land, by Gibb, H. A. R. Oxford, U. K.: Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Vol. 7: No. 3, pp. 221-223. May, “Ibn Saud Sultan Najd”. A book review on Ibn Saud of Arabia, His People and His Land. Beirut: The American University of Beirut, AlKulliyyah Magazine. May, “Ibn Saoud wal Wahabioun” (Ibn Saoud and the Wahabies) by Lamens, Louis. Beirut: Al-Mashreq Journal. May, “Ibn Saoud, Sha’buhu wa Biladuhu li Ameen Ar-Rayhani bil Inkliziah” (Ibn Saoud His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani in English). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. May 5, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Toronto, Canada: Saturday Night. May 5, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Aziz Ali, Frances, “The Strong Man of Arabia”. London: Saturday Review of Literature. May 5, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Toynbee, Arnold, London: Saturday Review of Literature.Vol. 4: p. 840. May 6, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: New York Herald Tribune. May 6, “More About Arabia” by Seabrook, William, B. New York: New York Herald Tribune. May 12, “Since the Advent of T. E. Lawrence”. New York: New York Evening Post. May 13, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Tonieth, Alphonse. New York: New York Times, p. 7. May 13, “Two Glimpses of Modern Arabia Through Eastern Eyes” by Wilson, P. W. New York: The New York Times, Book Review Section. May 18, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Another Fine Book on Arabia”. New York: New York Sun. May 19, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Baghdad, Iraq: Al-Iraq Newspaper. May 20, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Karmel Newspaper. May 21, “The Path of Vision”. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Herald. May 23, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “For a United Arabia”. Boston: Christian Science Monitor Journal. May 26, “Where Tents Are Folded”, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by F. H. M. New York: Evening Post. May 26, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Herald. May 26, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Wilson, P. W. New York: New York Evening Post. p. 9. May 26, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. New York: The New York Times.


June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, Vol. 72, No. 6. June, book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. London: The Geographical Journal, Vol. 71: No. 6, pp. 592594. June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth li Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Modern History of Najd by Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. June, book review on The Maker of Modern Arabia, “In Support of …the American Requisite for this Sort of Work… the Case of Ameen Rihani”. Scotland, United Kingdom: Library Review. June 2, book review on Rihani’s “Maker of Modern Arabia”. Boston: Boston Transcript, p. 2. June 2, “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. Boston: Evening Transcript. June 8, “Daha Beilrham Karbala bi ham Mekka Dhabt Eitedbler” (Between the Cities of Karbala and Mekka). Istambul, Turkey: Waqt. June 9, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. Buffalo, New York: The News. June 10, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, New York: New York World, p.7. June 10, “Ameen Rihani, Arab-American and the Desert Kings”. New York: New York World. June 17, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Karmel Newspaper. June 17, “Failasuf-ul Furaikah Yatakallam ‘an Thaqafat-il Arab” (The Philosopher of Freike Speaks about the Culture of the Arabs). Damascus: AlMouqtabas. July, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. July, “An-Nakabaat”. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Journal. July, “The Jinn of the Arabian Nights” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 3-7. July, “Ibn Saoud Aydhan wa Aydhan, Kitab Jadeed lir-Rayhani” (Ibn Saoud Once Again, a New Book by Rihani) by Lamens, Louis. Beirut: Al-Mashreq Journal. July, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Cairo: AlMouqtataf Magazine. July, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Wisconsin: Wisconsin Liberal Bulletin, Vol. 24: p. 223. July 4, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). Tunis City, Tunisia: Lisaan-ush Sha’b. July 6, “Islamiche Politik”, and the political role of Rihani. Prague, Czech Republic: Selbpwehr Newspaper. July 12, “Nakabaat ar-Rihani I; Al-Arab Fawqa-l Jamee’” (Disasters; The Arab People are a Priority). Damascus: Al-Mouqtabas. July 13, “Nakabaat ar-Rihani II” (Rihani’s Book: Disasters). Damascus: AlMouqtabas. August, “Tareekh Najd al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Journal.


August, book review on Rihani’s “Maker of Modern Arabia”. New York: World Tomorrow Magazine. August 11, “Corrupting the Arabs”. London: The Daily Telegraph Newspaper. August 14, “Ra’yon Fi Ri’asat Al-Jumhuriyah” (An Opinion in the Presidency of the Republic). This long article nominated Ameen Rihani to become the President of the Republic of Lebanon, and the Republic of Syria. New York: Al-Bayaan. August, “Tareekh Najd al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Sao Paulo: Ar-Raa’ed Newspaper. August 11, “Corrupting the Arabs”. London: The Daily Telegraph Newspaper. October, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Seabrook, William, B. New York: Booklist, Vol: 25, p. 25. October, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Shanks, E. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin, Vol. 33: p. 497. October, “Rihani’s Place in English Literature” by Millers, Marion Miles. New York: The Syrian World Journal. Vol. III: No. 10, pp. 18-21. October 13, book review on The Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Whhadis of Arabia”. Brisbane, Queens Land, Australia: The Courier. October 20, “Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia” an Intriguing Figure in the Arabian Peninsula”. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Daily Star. November 3, “Ameen Rihani Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant. November 8, “Corrupting the Arabs…” London: The Daily Telegraph Newspaper. November 9, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. New York: The New York Times. December 2, “Near East Restlessness”. Bombay, India: The Times of India. December 7, “Khitaabu-r Rihani fil Jam’iyy-al Asiawiyyah bi London” (Rihani’s Adress in the Asia Society in London). Beirut: Al-Aĥraar. December 8, “Al-Inkleez Yunaqishuna-r-Rihani fi Khitabihi” (The British Discuss Rihani’s Address). Beirut: Al-Aĥraar. December 8, “Ameen Rihani Author of Ibn Saoud of Arabia”. United Kingdom: John O’London’s Weekly. December 11, “Arabs and Arab Politics” by Ameen Rihani. London: The Times, p. 17, c. 6. December 28, “Protectorates of Aden” by Ameen Rihani. Durban, South Africa: Natal Advertiser. December 29, about “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. Boston: Evening Transcript. December 29, “Ghat and the Dowsing Rod”. New York: The New York Times. December [?], “Samples of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”, by OdeVasilieva, K., St. Petersberg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 25, pp. 139-145.


1929 January 6, “American Ideals Influence Reform in Arabic Countries, Says Ameen Rihani”. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. January 7, “Arabs and Arab Politics, a British Task in Aden” by Ameen Rihani. Peking, China: Peking Times. January 7, “Desert Wells” by Ameen Rihani. Tientsin, China: Tientsin Times. January 25, “The Dream of a United Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Natal Witness. January 26, “Ameen Rihani Back From East” by Dayton, Dorothy. New York: The New York Sun. January 26, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Post Gazette. February, “At-Tatarruf wal-Islaah” (Extremism and Reform). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Hilaal Journal. February 10, “Noura and Family Here From Arabia”. New York: New York Times, p. 144, c. 1. February 24, “Now the Wahabis Play for High Stakes” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times. Section V, p. 10, columns 1-12. February 25, “New York Syrians to Fete Arab Poet”. New York: The World. March 6, “Haflat-ul Ustaz-ir Rihani [fi New York]” (A Ceremony in Honor of Rihani [in New York]. New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper. March 14, “Haflat-ur Rihani” (A Celebration for Rihani). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. April, “Ameen Rihani: Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia”. Berlin: Europāische Gesprāche, VII. Jahrg., No. 4, pp. 210-212. April, “Americanism and Native Culture” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 23-24; “The Life of Rihani” by Mokarzel, Salloum. New York: The Syrian World Journal, Vol. III: No. 10, pp. 23-24. “Tributes to Rihani”, pp. 15-23; New York: The Syrian World Journal. book review on Rihani’s Around the Coast of Arabia. New York: The SyrianWorld Journal, pp. 29-30; book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 59. April 3, “Syrian Author Will Talk About Arabia”. Boston: Evening Transcript. April 21, “Arabs Still make Gifts and Chattels of Wives” by Howe, Ruth. New York: New York World. May 6, “King Ibn Saoud and the Wahabis”. Allahabad, India: The Pioneer. May 9, “Ibn Saoud and the Wahabis”. Madras, India: Madras Mail. May 16, “Ameen Rihani is Here for a Week’s Stay”. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Gazette. May 17, “Britain Has Friends in Arabia, Ameen Rihani Asserts Ibn Sa’oud is Strong Ally of Empire”. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Daily Star.


May 22, “Muhaadaratu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Lecture). New York: Al-Bayaan Newspaper. May 25, “Ar-Rihani fi Mizan An-Nakd aou Nazra fi Kitabihi Muluk Al-Arab” (Rihani in the Perspective of Literay Criticism or an Approach to his book The Kings of the Arabs). An-Najaf, Iraq: An-Najaf Magazine. May 29, “Ameen Rihani to Lecture”. Boston: Evening Transcript. June 8, “Chevaux Arabes Donnés Comme Cadeau…” about Rihani’s Arab horses. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Press Newspaper. June 15, “The Arab in His Place” by Katibah, Habib. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. June 21, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. New York and Chicago: Evening Post. July, “Ibn Sa’oud und Imam Jahia” by Ameen Rihani. Berlin: Europāische Gesprāche, VII. Jahrg., No. 7, pp. 333-347. July 29, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). Mekka, Hijaz, Saoudi Arabia: Um-ul Qura. August, “Along the Trial With the Editor”. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 29, p. 597. August, “Arabian Dancing Nights” by Ameen Rihani. New York. The Dance Magazine, pp. 50, 61. September, “In the Land of Wallah-We’ll-Slay-Him” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 29: pp. 716-721, 746-747. September 7, “Arabs Ask Stimson [Secretary of State] to Aid in Palestine” (Rihani’s meeting with Secretary of State in Washington DC). New York: The New York Times. September 7, “Arabs Ask U.S.Aid in Palestine” (Rihani’s meeting with Stimson, Secretary of State, in Washington DC). Baltimore, Maryland: The Sun. September 8, “Mandates in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani. London: Sunday Times. September 15, “Mandate Government at School in Near East” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times. Section X, p. 10, columns 1-12. September (Septembre) 17, “Deacubrese en Jerusalem un Vasto Plan Islamita Contra la Domination de Inglaterra” by Amin Er-Rihani. Habana, Cuba: El-Mundo. September 18, “Faslun ‘an-il Intidab li-r Rihani” A Chapter on the Mandate by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. September 21, “Al-Faylasuf-ur Rihani” (Rihani the Philosopher). Havana, Cuba: Al-Ittiĥaad Newspaper. September 26, “Author Blames Politics for Palestine War”. New York: The Evening Graphics. October, “The Image of Perfection in Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 29: pp. 795-801. October, “The Soufi” a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 29: p. 994. October, “Circulating Boons in Jeddah” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The SyrianWorld Journal, pp. 13-22.


“Rihani in Demand as Public Speaker”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. October 2, “Zionism and the Peace of the World” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Nation. Vol. 129: pp. 346-347. October 13, “MacDonald Rests on 63rd Birthday: World Greets Him”, front page article which continues on page 2 (referring to Ramsay McDonald, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Rihani is mentioned as visiting him). New York: The New York Times, p. 2, c. 1. October 13, “Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald Received Ameen Rihani…” [in New York]. London: Trade Union. October 20, “In the Dictator’s Harem” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Sunday World Magazine. October 27, “Rights in Palestine of Jews Debated”, Ameen Rihani and M.W. Weisgal discuss subject from opposite viewpoints. New York: The New York Times. Section II, p. N 3, columns 1-3. November, “Under the Roofs of Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 29: pp. 878-883, 918-920. November, “Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine: Palestine Arabs Claim to be Fighting for National Existence” by Ameen Rihani. Current History Journal, Vol. 31: pp. 272-278. November, “An Arab Voice” by McCallum, P. Elizabeth. New York: Survey Graphic. Vol. 63: pp. 130-134, 180-181. November, “Rihani – The Man and His Work”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 20-27. November (Noviembre) 6, “El Rey de Hedjaz…por Ameen Rihani”. Havana, Cuba: Habana Miercoles Newspaper. November (Noviembre) 6, “Ibn Saoud, el Rey del Hedjaz Excelsior”. Havana, Cuba: El-Pais. December, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Arabia, an Unbiased Survey”. London: Journal of the Central Asian Society. December 1, “To Mecca the Holy City of Arabia by Eldon Rutters” book review by Ameen Rihani. New York: New York Herald Tribune. December 1, “Romantic Deserts of Fact and Fiction” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times. Section V, p. 13, columns 1-6. December 19, “Ameen Rihani”. Istambul, Turkey. Khilaafah Newspaper. 1930 January, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Geographical Journal. January 1, “When Lawrence Failed; His Temper is Revealed in a Fascinating Book by Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia”, article by Lewis, John. London: The Daily Herald. January 14, “A Traveller in Arabia”. London: The Daily News. January 16, “A Traveller in Arabia”. London: The Daily News.


January 17, “Ar-Rihani Yatakallam ‘an-il Qadiyya-l Philistiniyyah” (Rihani Speaks about the Palestinian Cause). New York: Al-Bayaan Newspaper. January 17, “The Fringes of Arabia”. London: The Daily Telegraph. January 17, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. London: The Times. January 18, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: The New Statesman, Vol. 34: pp. 473-474. January 18, “Today on the Radio”, p. 12, c. 1. New York: The New York Times. January 18, “Among Other Notable Issues”. Nottingham, England: Nottingham Guardian. January 19, “Author Defends Claim Over Palestine”. New York: New York Herald Tribune. January 19, “Sees Zionist Aims Imperiling Peace: Syrian Poet Declares Balfour Declaration Must Be Revoked to Avert Uprisings”, declaration made by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times, Section II, p. 6, column 1. January 25, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Sphere. January 27, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Edinburgh, England: The Scotsman. January 29, “An Arab on Arabia” by H. E. W. Yorkshire: Yorkshire Post. January 30, “Awakening Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Guardian. January 31, “Ameen Rihani Who Has Written for Constable Around the Coast of Arabia”. London: Inverness Courier. February 5, book review on Rihani’s Around The Coasts of Arabia, “Arabia and the Near East”. London: Truth Magazine. February 6, “In Mr. Rihani We Have an Expert”. Glasgow, United Kingdom: The Glasgow Herald. February 15, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: Saturday Review, Vol.149: p. 204. February 22, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. London: The Country Life. March, “Around the [Shores] Coasts of Arabia”. Cairo: Al-Mouqtataf Magazine. “Honoring Arabia’s Youngest Saint” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 54: pp. 13-16, 46, 48. New York: Travel Journal. March, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. Rome, Italy: Revista Delle Colonie Italiana. March 2, “Through the Eyes of Others in the Middle and Near East” by Munton, Ernest. London: Sunday Times. March 3, “Howl Ashawati’ Al-Arabiyah, Kitab bil-Inkliziyah li-Mu’allifihi Ameen ar-Rihani” (Around the Coasts of Arabia an English book by Ameen Rihani). New York: Al-Hoda. March 3, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Manchester: Manchester Guardian. March 5, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia “The Book of the Day”. New York: The New York Sun.


March 15, “East of Suez”. Melbourne, Australia: Argus. March 15, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: Nation and Athenaeum, Vol. 46: p. 805. March 15, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani” by Norman, Sylva. New York and London: The Nation. April, “Another Notable Book by Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 39-40. April 12, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Boston: Christian Science Monitor, p. 9. April 24, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: Times Literary Supplement, p. 345. May, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. New York: Booklist, Vol. 26: p.309. May, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”, p. 881. Boston: The Book Review Digest. May 3, “Superbly Written Volume by Ameen Rihani in Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Daily Star. May 4, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Charlotte, North Carolina: The Observer. May 5, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada: Manitoba Free Express. May 5, “King Husain, It is an Old and Honored Tradition that no One Should Write About Arabia…” Bombay, India: The Times of India. May 9, “Life in Arabia Today…” Johannesburgh, South Africa: The Star. May 11, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. San Francisco, California: The Examiner. May 17, “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Sacramento, California: The Bee. May 17, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Boston: Evening Transcript. May 20, “Al-Khair-ul Akbar lil-Watan-il Akbar” (The Ultimate Good for the Greatest Nation). About Rihani’s lecture tour in the United States and Canada. Buenos Aires: Al-Haadi Newspaper. May 25, “Ameen Rihani Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. Sacramento, California: Sacramento Union. May 25, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Oakland, California: The Tribune. June, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 71: p.xvii. New York: The Bookman. July, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Open Shelf, p. 104. July, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. New York: Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol. 8: p. 681. July 25, “Arabian Poetry” a lecture by Ameen Rihani. Chautauqua, New York: The Chautauquan Daily. August. “San’a City of Fanaticism” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 55: pp. 20-24, 4950. New York: Travel Journal.


August 11, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Country Life. August 16, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: Spectator. Vol.145: p. 223. August 17, “Moslem Women Are Advancing at Different Paces” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The New York Times, Section VIII, p. 9, columns 110. August 24, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Herald Tribune Books. p. 12. August 24, “New Arabia, Around the Coasts of Arabia” by Rihbany, Abraham. New York: New York Herald Tribune. August 29, “Pilgrims to Mecca, a Letter and a Reply” by Ameen Rihani. London: The Public Opinion. September (Septembre), “Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia” by Sabatello, Dario Stranieri. Rome, Italy: Bibliografia Fascista. September. “Woman in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 5-13. New York: The Syrian World Journal. September 18, “Constable Messrs Are Issuing Innediately Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: Times Literary Supplement. September 24, “Across Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: Daily News Chronicle. September 29, “Travel in Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert”, an article by M. A. C. Manchester: Manchester Guardian. October, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: Educational Outlook Journal. October 8, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Stanford, Connecticut: The Advocate. October 8, “Arabia, History and Travel, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Leeds, England: Yorkshire Post. October 10, “Ameen Rihani One of the Best Known Travelers of Today”. London: The Times. October 11, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. London: Saturday Review, Vol. 150: p. 456. October 12, “Peace Council Manifest Hits Conscription”. New York: New York Herald Tribune. October 12, “Arabia Today, Arabian Peak and Desert” by Still John. London: The Observer. October 16, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. London: Times Literary Supplement, p. 821. October 24, “Al-Yaman, A Land of Constant Warfare”. Johannesburgh, South Africa: The Star. October 25, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Boston: Boston Transcript. October 26, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. New York: New York Herald Tribune. October [?], “Ameen Rihani: Arabian Peak and Desert”. Rome, Italy: Colonie Italiana Magazine.


November, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”, book review by E. G. M., London: The Colonizer, pp. 340-344. November, “Arabian Peak and Desert” by Williams, Kenneth. London: Fortnight Review. November (Novembre), “Ameen Rihani Around The Coasts of Arabia”. Rome, Italy: Revista Delle Colonie Italiana. November, book review on Rihani’s “Around The Coasts of Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, p. 29. “A Book You Should Know” on Rihani’s “Around The Coasts of Arabia”, by Hitti, Philip K. New York: The Syrian World, p. 59. “Tribute to Rihani’s Contribution to Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, pp. 15-18. November 2, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. New York: The New York Times. November 7, “Ra’i-yu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Opinion). New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper. November 8, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Herald. November 15, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. London: Spectator. Vol. 145: p. 737. November 18, “Arabian Peak and Desert, Ameen Rihani Visits Mountains and Valleys”. Boston: Boston Transcript. November 22, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Field. November 23, “Three Versions of Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”, an article by Forbes, Rosita. London: Sunday Times. November 27, “Ar-Rihani Yudeh Siaasat-al Intidaab” (Rihani Explains the Mandatory Policy). Beirut: Al-Aĥraar. November 29, “Ar-Rihani Ya’rudu Shu’ara’al-Ams wa Shu’ara’al- Yawm” (Rihani Lectures on the Poets of Yesterday and today). Beirut: AlAĥraar. November 29, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Hartford, Connecticut: The Hartford Times. December, “From Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. New York: The Bookman. December, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert by Maurice, A., B. New York: The Bookman, Vol. 72: p.xix. December, [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, The Authors Club, 48 West 76 St., New York, N. Y. 1930”. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 50: No. 4, p. 361. December, on Rihani the writer in English and Arabic by Montgomery, James A. Ann Arbor: Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 51, No. 4, p. 332. December, “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, Vol. 56: pp. 7-11, 48-49. December 3, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. Boston: Boston Transcript.


December 4, “Arabia Felix, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: Near East Journal. December 6, “Making a Cornelian in Arabian Peak and Desert” by Ameen Rihani. Boston: Christian Science Monitor. December 12, “People’s Forum to Hear Rihani Discussing Palestine’s Problem”. McGill University, Montreal, Canada: McGill Daily. December 12, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani. London: Saturday Review. December 13, “Jazeerat-ul Arab: Jibaaluha wa Sahareeha” by Hilal, Amine. (The Arab Peninsula: Arabian Peak and Desert”. Aleppo, Syria: AlĤadeeth Magazine, pp. 127-131. December 18, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert “Among New Books”. Montreal, Canada: Montreal Daily Star. December 28, “Three Information Versions of Arabia”. Colombo, Ceylon: Times of Ceylon. 1931 January, “Rihani, Ameen Fares, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Boston: The Book Review Digest. January, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. London: The Geographical Journal, Vol. 77: No. 1, p.78. January, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Oxford University Press, Oxford: Journal of the Royal African Society, Vol. 30: No. 118, p.101. January 8, “Poetry Luncheon Held by Book and Play Group”. New York: The New York Sun. January 8, “Defend and Attack Zionist Movement”, New York: The New York Times, p. 4, c. 1. January 11, “Figures in World Affairs Address Conference on Cause and Cure of War”. New York: New York American. January 21, “Arabs North and South, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”, an article by Seabrook, William, B. New York: The New Republic. January 22, “Colonial Ambitions of Nations Backed”, speakers from four lands including Rihani. New York: The New York Times, p. 48, c. 4. February 8, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. New York: Books, p. 10. February 8, “Arabs of the Yemen”. New York: New York Herald Tribune. February 21, “I Found Christian Girls in the Harem of Arabia’s Dictator” by Ameen Rihani. London: Tit Bitts. February 27, “Gandhi to Eventually Give Plan Sanction” by Ameen Rihani. Montreal, Canada: The Star. February 28, “Interviews with Rihani, Britain Unjust to Arabs…”. Montreal, Canada: The Gazette, Vol. CLX, No. 51.


March. “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, pp. 5-16. March. “Down the Tigris on a Side Wheeler” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, Vol. 56: pp. 12-16, 48, 50. March 14, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert, Boston: Christian Science Monitor, p. 10. March 15, “Les Wahabites”. Paris, France: Le Temps. April, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert by W. G. G. Vol. 77: No. 4, pp. 373-374. London: The Geographical Journal. April, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin, Vol. 36: p. 39. April 13, “Al-Haq fi Nisaabih” (A Proper Recognition). New York: Al-Hoda Newspaper. April 16, “Ar-Rihani Ibn-ul ‘Urubah” (Rihani, the Descendent of Pan Arabism). New York: Al-Bayaan Newspaper. April 18, “Haflat Tawdi’ Ar-Rayhani” (Farewell Party to Rihani). New York: AlHoda. June 3, “Other Good Books About Foreign Land: Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: John O’London’s Weekly. June 7, “An Den Küsten Arabiens”. Berlin, Germany: Literatureblatt Magazine. Summer Issue, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, Yale Review. Vol. 20, p. 849. July, “Arabian Peak and Desert”, p. 895. Boston: The Book Review Digest. August 28, “Min Gibran il-al Ustaz ar-Rihani” (From Gibran to Rihani). Beirut: Al-Bayraq Newspaper. September 17, “Inmost Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert” by F. J. G. Boston: Christian Register. September 17, “Ar-Rayhani Yabki Gibran” (Rihani Weeps on Gibran), a poem to the memory of Gibran entitled “Akhi wa Rafiqi Gibran” (To Gibran My Brother and Colleague) by Ameen Rihani. New York: Al-Hoda. October, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. London: Asiatic Review. November 14, “Things Arabian, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Boston: Christian Science Monitor. December, [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 51: No. 4, p. 399. 1932 January,“The Political Situation in Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. New York: New Orient. Vol. 1: pp. 418-439.


January, “Aden as Seen by a Syrian Traveler” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal. January 14, “Ar-Rihani ‘ind Ghibtat-il Batriark al-Marouni” (Rihani [visits] his Eminence the Maronite Patriarch). Beirut: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. February 3, “Kalimah fi Khitaab-ir Rihani fi Bkirki” (A Note on Rihani’s Address in Bkirki). Cairo: Al-Mouqattam. February 4, “Failasuf-ul Furaikah fi Bkirki” (The Philosopher of Freike in Bkirki). New York: Al-Hoda. February 5, “Al-Batriark al-Marouni wa-r Rihani” (The Maronite Patrirch and Rihani). New York: Al-Bayaan Newspaper. March 12, “Camels of Arabia, Beasts from Oman and Najd”. London: The Times. May. “The Venice of Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal. Vol. 59: pp. 15-17, 51. May 12, “Faylasuf-ul Furayka wal Iklirous” (The Philosopher of Freike and the Clergy), by Ghosn, Bernardus, New York: Al-Hoda. November, “Palestine and the Proposed Arab Federation” by Ameen Rihani. Thousand Oaks, California: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 164: pp. 62-71. December, “The Young Nation on the Tigris” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 32: pp. 602-607, 655-656. December, “Al-Haqiqa-l-Muba’tharah” (The Dispersed Truth) by Ameen Rihani. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Al-Islaah, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 11061109. December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 424. December, “The Political Situation in Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. Chicago, Illinois: The Open Court. Vol. 46: No. 919, pp. 806-827. December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 424. 1933 January, “The Spell of Far Arabia” by Williams, Kenneth. London: The Review of Reviews, p. 66. March 4, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”, and “Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: Everyman. March (Mars) 5, “L’Opinion du Philisophe Rihani”. Beyrouth, Liban: L’Orient. March 8, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert “Among the New Editions…” London: The Listener. March 12, book review on Rihani’s Arabic work “Muluk Al-Arab”. Jerusalem: Palestine Post.


March 22, “In Far Arabia”. Darlington, England: Northern Echo. March 27, “Arabian Scenes”. Ipswich, England: The Daily Times. March 27, “The Secrets of Arabia”. London: Eastern Daily Press. April. “Where East and West Meet” by Ameen Rihani. Chicago, Illinois: The Open Court, Vol. 48, No. 929, pp. 65-76. June 30, “Baina Khitaabi-r Rihani wa Rudud Bichara-l Khoury” (Between the Address of Rihani and the Replies of Bichara-l Khoury). Beirut: AnNidaa’ Newspaper. July 5, “Ameen ar-Rihani wa Bichara-l Khoury” (A. Rihani and B. el-Khoury). Beirut: An-Nidaa’. July 15, “Ma’rakah baina-r Rihani wal Akhtal…” (Confrontation Between arRihani and al-Akhtal…). Beirut: An-Nidaa’. July 16, “Takreem al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (Honoring Mr. Rihani). Aleppo, Syria: Al-Lisaan. July 18, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’ Li Ameen ar-Rayhani” (You the Poets for Ameen Rihani) A Special Issue on Rihani. Beirut: An-Nidaa’. July 26, “Baina-r Rihani wa-l Khoury” (Between Rihani and Khoury). Beirut: AnNidaa’. August, “Khamsa Ashrata Wasiyah lish-Shu’ara’” (Fifteen Recommendations for Poets) by Ameen Rihani. Aleppo, Syria: AlĤadeeth Magazine, pp. 578-580. September, “Portrait” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 33: p. 455. September 23, on Rihani’s book “Antum-ush Shu’araa’” (You the Poets). Baghdad, Iraq: Baghdad Newspaper. September 26, “Aina-l Ustazu-r Rihani?” (Where Is Mr. Rihani?), by Mohammad Is’aaf An-Nashashibi. Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Jami’a-al Arabiyah Newspaper. September 30, Mina-n Nashashibi ila-r Rihani” (From Nashashibi to Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nidaa’ Newspaper. September 30, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’” (You the Poets). Beirut: Sawt-ulAĥraar Newspaper. October 18, “An-Nasru-l Arabi” (The Arab Eagle) a poem by Ameen Rihani. Haifa, Jerusalem, Jaffa: Palestine Newspaper. November, “More Deserts Than Are Dreamt Of” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 33: pp. 554-561, 578-579. November 2, “Antumu-sh Shu’araa’” (You the Poets). Buenos Aires, Argentina.: Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah Newspaper. December 1, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf, Vol. 83, No. 5, p. 613. December 29, “Ib’aad Ameen ar-Rihani min Lubnaan” (Deporting Ameen Rihani from Lebanon). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Bayraq Newspaper. December 30, “Ib’aad Faylasufu-l Furaikah” (Deporting the Philosopher of Freike). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar Newspaper.


1934 January 1, “Sudur Qarar Yanfi-r Rihani min Lubnaan” (The Decision is Taken to Deport Rihani from Lebanon). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Haal Newspaper. January 8, “Hukumatu Lubnaan Tatrudu-l Ustazi-l Failasufi-r Rihani min Watanihi” (The Government of Lebanon Deports Rihani, the Scholar and Philosopher, out of his Country). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara Newspaper. January 9, “Fi Sabeel Ib’aad Failasufu-l Furaikah…” (In Order to Deport the Philosopher of Freike…). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal Newspaper. January 12 ?, “Safaru-l Ustaazi-r Rihani ila ‘Aasimati-l Iraq” (Rihani Leaves to the Capital of Iraq). Zahle, Lebanon: Zahlatu-l Fataat Publication. January 20, “Safar-ul Ustazi-r Rihani” (Mr. Rihani’s Travel). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Aĥraar Newspaper. January 20, “Maqal min-ar Rihani Yuwadde’ bihi-l Qawm” (Rihani’s Farewell Address to the Nation). Beirut: An-Nidaa’ Newspaper. January 20, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Beirut, Lebanon: Sawtu-l Aĥraar Newspaper. January 21, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Aĥraar Newspaper. January 21, “Ar-Rihani Yuwadde’ Bilaadahu…” (Rihani Says Farewell to the Nation…). Beirut: Al-Bayraq Newspaper. January 22, “Palestine and the Arabs, the Agreement of 1916” by Ameen Rihani. Manchester, UK: The Manchester Guardian. January 24, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yunfa min Lubnaan” (Ameen Rihani is Deported from Lebanon). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. January 25, “Hawla Nafyi-r Rihani” (About Deporting Rihani). New York: AlHoda Newspaper. January 26, “Al-Bilaadu-l Arabia Tad’u [ar-Rihani] Ibna-l ‘Uruba” (The Arab Countries Invite [Rihani] the Descendent of Pan-Arabia). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. January 26, on Rihani’s book about king “Faisal Al-Awal” (Faisal the First). Baghdad, Iraq: Baghdad Newspaper. January 26, “Commissariat Would Exile Ameen Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. February, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal Li Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (Faisal the First by Ameen Rihani). Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth, p.193. February (Febrara), “Amine er-Rihani Espuico Della Siria”. São Paulo, Brazil: Oriente Moderno. February. “The Hidden Fires of Iraq” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, pp. 22-25, 48-49. February 2, “Ib’aadu-r Rihani…” (Deporting Rihani…). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah Newspaper. February 2, “Rihani Invited by King Ghazi to Baghdad”. New York: The Syrian World Journal.


February 9, “Ameen Rihani Arab Spokesman, Scholar, Globe Trotter, and Leader”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. March, “Kitab Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (The Book Faisal the First). São Paulo, Brazil: Al-Andalous Al-Jadidah, p. 28. March 1, “Ba’da Ib’aadi-r Rihani” (After Deporting Rihani). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah Newspaper. March 2, “Rihani Lashes in Valedictory”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. “Totah Defends Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. “The Challenge of the Rihani Case”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. March 27, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Al-Jareeda-s Suriyya-l Lubnaniyyah Newspaper. April, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (Faisal the First). Saidon, Lebanon: Al-‘Irfan Magazine. April, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal”. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Mashreq Magazine. April 27, “Rihani Returns Home to Freike…”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. April 29, “A Christian Poet Sings Poems to an Arab King” by Khauli, Philip K. New York: The Syrian World Journal. May, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (Faisal the First). São Paulo, Brazil: Ash-Sharq Magazine. May, “Kitab Faisalu-l ‘Awwal” (The Book Faisal the First). Cairo, Egypt: AlMouqtataf Journal. June, “Arabernes Konge, Fajsal Den Forste” by Ameen Rihani. Denmark: Dansk Udsyn, pp. 294-300. June, “Fi Rabi’-il-Y’as” (In the Spring of Dispair) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 660-665. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. July, “Kitab Ash-Shaytan” (The Book of the Devil) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 65-70. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. August, “Faisalu-l ‘Awwal Lir-Rayhani” (Faisal the First by Rihani). São Paulo, Brazil: Ash-Sharq Magazine, p. 37. October 2, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani - I -). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ush Sharq. October 16, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani - II -). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ush Sharq. October 22, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani - III -). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ush Sharq. October 30, “Hadeeth Ma’ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani - IV -). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ush Sharq. November, “Durous fi-Shi’r lir-Rayhani” (Studies on Poetry by Rihani). Rabat, Morocco: Al-Maghreb Magazine. November and December, “Kalimat Faylasuf-ul Furaikah Ameen ar-Rihani lil ‘Adad-il Mumtaz” (The Notes of the Philosopher of Freike Ameen arRihani for our Special Issue). Aleppo, Syria: Al-Kalimah Magazine. November 23. “Who Are the Syrians? – I” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 2.


November 30. “Who Are the Syrians? – II” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 2. December 6. “Who Are the Syrians? – III” by Ameen Rihani. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 2. December 27, “Thawrat-un min Thawraati-r Rihani” (One of Rihani’s Revolts). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal Newspaper. December [?] “Filosofen Amin Rihani Mindeord om Arabernes Store Hedengaugne” by Dansk, Jorgenseus. Dansk Udsyn, Denmark: Bgtrykkeri Kolding, pp. 294-300. 1935 February, “Min Kitab Al-‘Iraq lir-Rayhani” (From the Book of Iraq by Rihani). Aleppo, Syria: Ad-Dhadh, pp. 53, 54, 65-69. February 27, “Queer Story: The Holy Man and his Disciple” by Ameen Rihani. London: Truth, pp. 341-342. March, “A Common Measure for East and West” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 35: pp. 173-175. March, “Fslaan ’Iraqiyaan” (Two Iraqi Chapters). Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, pp. 307-314. April, “Qualbu-l ‘Iraq”. Aleppo, Syria: Ad-Dhadh Magazine. April, “Qualbu-l ‘Iraq li-Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Heart of Iraq by Ameen Rihani). Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine, p. 317. April 10, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yulqi Muhadara bil Quds” (Ameen Rihani Gives a lecture in Jerusalem). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. April 12, “Muhadaratu-l Allama-l Ustazi-r Rihani” (The Lecture of Professor Rihani). Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Awqaatu-l Arabia Newspaper. April 13, “Muhadaratu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Lecture). New York: Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper. May, “Fi Wahat Ash-Shi’r” (In the Oaisis of Poetry) by Ameen Rihani. Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth, pp. 322-332. May (Mayo) 16, “Amine Rihani el-Filosofo y Saberbio Nacionalista Arabe”. Santiago, Chile: La Reforma. May 22, “Fi Sabil Al-Firdawsi, Wafa’-uz Zaman, Masrahiyah lir-Rayhani”, (In Honor of Firdawsi, Faithful Time, a Play by Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Sawt al-Aĥrar. August 29, “An Open Letter to Ameen Rihani” by Ayoub, Eddie. New York: The Syrian World Journal, p. 7. August 29, “From East and West in Defense of Rihani” by Katibah, Habib I. New York. The Syrian World Journal, p. 7. October (Outobre) 1, “Momentos Decisivos da Humanidade” by Tacla, Paulo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Curio do Parania. November, “Aspects of Modern Arab Culture” by Ameen Rihani. Bombay, India: The Aryan Path, Vol.VI, No.11, pp. 670-674.


1936 March, “Al-Maqamah Al-Kabkajiyah” (A Rhythmic Essay on the Coriander) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 312-314. Cairo, Egypt: AlMouqtataf Journal. May, “Fi Qulub An-Nawabegh” (In the Hearts of Genius People) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 673-678. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal. May 27, “Takreemu-r Rihani fi America” (Honoring Rihani in America). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nidaa’ Newspaper. June 11, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yarfa’ Kitaban Ila Muluk al-Arab” (Ameen Rihani Adresses a Letter to the Kings of the Arabs). Beirut, Lebanon: AnNahaar. June 17, “Lady Oxford in Arabia, the Author of the book Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Glasgow, UK: The Daily Record. July 29, “Around the coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Maine: News Banger. October 28, “Beit Lahm Tahtafi bil-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (Bethlehem Honors Mr. Rihani). Haifa, Jerusalem, Yafa, Palestine: Palestine Newspaper. November, “The Prince and the Fakir” by Ameen Rihani. Bombay, India: The Aryan Path, Vol. VII, No. 11, p. 511. November, “Tribune Libre”. Paris, France: La Revue du Liban, pp. 12-14. November 26, “Rihani Suggests a Homeland for the Jews in Texas”. Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. December 29, “Al-Ustaz Ameen ar-Rihani Yusafer ila Geneve wa America”(Mr. Ameen Rihani Travels to Geneva and America). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar Newspaper. December, “My East and West” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal. Vol. 36: pp.776-778. 1937 January, “Italian Group Honors Rihani as life Member of Italian Cultural Garden”. New York: The Syrian World. January 27, “Hadeeth Ma’al Ustaz Ameen ar-Rayhani Faylasuf-ul Furayka” (An Interview with Mr. Ameen Rihani, the Philosopher of Freike). New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb. February 2, “Hull Hears Arab Plea”. New York: The New York Times, p.12, c. 1. February 8, “Honoring Distinguished Lecturer…”. Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn, New York: The Wheeling Intelligencer Newspaper. February 11, “Rihani Meets Secretary of State Mr. Cordell Hull”. New York: AsSaa’eh. February 14, “Muhadaraat ar-Rayhani fil Wilayat al-Muttahidah” (The Lectures of Rihani in the United States). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. February (Fevrier) 24, “Un Ambassadeur Libanais de la Pensée Arabe en Amérique”. Beyrouth, Liban: L’Orient.


March, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 37: pp. 215-218. March 10, “Ameen Rihani Spends Three Days at Union”. Lexington, Kentucky: The Orange and Black. March 11, “Poets of Arabia” a lecture by Ameen Rihani. Berea, Kentucky: The Citizen. March 12, “An Ode to America”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. The Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky: The Eastern Progress. March 12, “Ameen Rihani Speaks Here”. The Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky: The Eastern Progress. March 12, “Mr. Rihani Talks on…Great Resources of Arabia”. London, Kentucky, U.S.A.: The Sue Bennet College Publication: The Subenco Newspaper. March 16, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rihani Yunadded bi-s Suhyouniyyah…” (Mr. Rihani Critisizes Zionism…). Beirut, Lebanon: Beirut Newspaper. March 17, “Muhadaraatu-l Mufakker Ameen ar-Rihani bi America” (The Lectures of Ameen Rihani the Scholar in America). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Bayraq Newspaper. March, 22, “Rihani Continues his Lectures on Arabia and Palestine”. New York: As-Saa’eh. March 25, “U. S. Should Head Arabian Progress Plan Says Rihani”. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana: The Indiana Daily Student. March 27, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims – Rihani”. Indiana: The Indiana Daily. March 27, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims Says Rihani” by Salyards, Justin. Indiana: The Indiana Daily Student. April, “Faculty Honors Ameen Rihani Speaker for Chapel”. Evensville, Indiana: The Crescent. April, “Next on Lyceum, is Syrian Lecturer”. Fort Wayne, Indiana: Taylor University Publication, The Echo Magazine, No. 15. April, “Yaksa’at ba Ameen Rihani, Nasher Falsafat As-Sharq dr Gharb” (Hours with Ameen Rihani, the Publisher of the Philosophy of the East in the West) by Tabatabaii, Mustapha. Tahran, Iran: Sal Dom Magazine, pp. 780-785. April 3, “Ameen Rihani is the Choice of Lyceum”. Upland, Indiana: Taylor University Publication, The Echo. April 4, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. April 5, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. April 15, “Oriental and Occidental Cultures as Viwed by Ameen Rihani”. New York: As-Saa’eh. April 23, “Author Urges End to Influx of Jews Into Palestine”. Chicago: The Chicago Daily News. April 24, “Ar-Rayhani Yad’ou ila Tabadul al-Bi’thaat al-Ilmiyah beina al-Wilayaat al-Muttahidah wal Bilad al-Arabiyah” (Rihani Calls for the Exchange of


Academic Scholarships Between the United States and the Arab World). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. April 29, “Sheikhs Abandon Their Tents” by Ameen Rihani. Cleveland, Ohio: The Cleveland News. April 29, The Arab League Banquet Honoring Rihani [in New York]. New York: As-Saa’eh. April 30, “Says Palestine Now is Filled, This is the Contention of Ameen Rihani”. Cleveland, Ohio: The Cleveland Press. May 14, “Convoy Speaker”. Indiana State University, Terre Haute: Indiana Statesman. May 15, “The Arab Kings”, lecture given by Ameen Rihani. Richmond, Virginia: The Richmond Item Newspaper. May 26, “Takreem al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani fi New York” (Honoring Mr. Rihani in New York). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. June, “Coup d’État in Baghdad” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 37: pp. 436-438. June 5, “Today on the Radio”. New York: The New York Times, p. 20, c. 1. June 6, “Zionism Decried by Arab Leader, Rihani Says Expansion Must be Stopped…” viewpoints presented at a dinner honoring Rihani. New York: The New York Times, p.37, c. 4. June (Juin) 8, “En l’Honneur d’un Grand Ecrivain Mr. Amin Rihani”. Beyrouth, Liban: Le Jour. June 10, “Rihani’s Banquet ends up with a Crisis with the Jews”. New York: AsSaa’eh. June 16, “Anti-Jewish Bias on WNYC is Denied”. New York: The New York Times, p.16, c. 1. August 18, “Ameenar-Rihani Ya’oud ilal Furaykah” (Ameen Rihani Returns to Freike). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Makchouf Magazine. September, “Ibn Sa’ud of Arabia” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Current History Journal, pp. 62-64. September 5, “Rihani’s Letter to the President of the Italian Cultural Garden Association”. New York: The Syrian World. November, “New Triumphs of Archeology in Iraq” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal,Vol. 70: pp. 5-10, 42. 1938 January, “The Pan Arab Dream” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 38: pp. 44- 48. January, “The New Syrian Republic” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 38: 51-54. January, “To Abil-‘Ala” by Ameen Rihani. Aleppo, Syria: Al-Ĥadeeth Magazine, Vol.12: No. 1, pp. 5-8. January 20, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb.


March, “Conquest of the Desert” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 38: pp. 192-197. April (Abril), “A Campanha Nacionalista Síria” by Ameen Rihani. Săo Paulo, Brazil. Inteligência Magazine, Ano IV, No.40, pp. 40-44. May (Maio), “Onde e Este Qeste se Encontram” by Ameen Rihani, translated into Portuguese by Musa Kuraiem. Sâo Paulo, Brazil: O’Oriente Revista Magazine. 1939 January 6, “Ameen Rihani in New York”. New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb. January 9, “Ahadeeth Lil-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani). New York: Al-Hoda. January 9, “Ar-Rihani fi New York” (Rihani in New York). New York: As-Saa’eh Newspaper. January 11, “England is Arab’s Public Enemy No. 1” by Ameen Rihani. London: The Daily Mirror. February 14, “Ameen Rihani fil Wilayaati-l Muttahidah” (Ameen Rihani in the United States). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar Newspaper. February (Februar) 25, “Amin Rihani Célebre Libanés”. Uruguay and Mexico: Emir Revusta de Cultura, Magazine. March, “Palestine Authority to Address Y.C. Forum” by Ameen Rihani. Marysville, Yuba City, California: Appeal-Democrat Journal. March, “Science Invades the Syrian Desert” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, Vol. 72: pp.16-20. March 2, “Arabs Have Plan to End Warfare” by Ameen Rihani. Oakland: Oakland Tribune. March 3, “Advanced Theory for Solution of Near East Problem” by Ameen Rihani. Visalia, California: Times-Delta. March 4, “Palestine in Forum Topics”. Fresno, California: The Fresno Bee. March 10, “Palestine Policy Scored Defended”. San Francisco: San Francisco Examiner. March 12, “Who Shall Rule Palestine?”. Portland, Oregon: The Sunday Oregonian. March 13, “Far East Expert to Lecture Here” by Hazem, David W. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian. March 15, “Discuss Palestine Strife…Ameen Rihani, Sir Roland Stores and Rabbi Jacob Weinstein”. Seattle, Washington: Seattle Post-Intelligencer. April 2, “Ash-Shi’ru-l Arabi” (Arabic Poetry) a lecture by Ameen Rihani. New York: As-Saa’eh Newspaper. April 15, “Najah ar-Rayhani fi California” (The Success of Rihani in California). Marje’ioun, Lebanon: Al-Qalam-us Sareeĥ. April 17, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani Yatahaddath ‘an Rihlatihi…” (Mr. Rihani Speaks about his Trip…). New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb. May 10, “Mazha Quala ar-Rayhani?” (What Did Rihani Say?). Cairo, Egypt: Al‘Alam Al-Masri.


May (Mayo) 12, “La Estancia del Rihani en Tetuán”. Tetuán, Morocco: Tanger Newspaper. May 13, “Rihani and New Trips Within Lebanon”. New York: Mir’at-ul Gharb. May (Mayo) 16, “Se Traduction las Obras del Filosofo Arabe Amin Rihani”. Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Vos del Interior. May 20, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani Yatahaddathu ‘an Rihlatihi” (Mr. Rihani Speaks of his Trip). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Joumhour. May 31, “Ma’dubatu-n Takreemiyyah lil Rihani fi New York” (A Banquet in Honor of Rihani in New York). Cairo, Egypt: Al-‘Alam al-Misri Newspaper. July 18, “El-Centro de Estudios Marroquiens… Honorario Amin Er-Rihani”. Tetwan, Morocco: El Journal de Espaňa. July 18, “Importantes Discurses… de Coronel Beighbeder e del Profesor Amin Rihani”. Tetuan, Morocco: El Journal de España. August, “Pan-Arab Nationalism: Is it a Myth?” by Amen Rihani. New York: Asia Journal, Vol. 39: pp. 452-455. December, “The Arabs Fight for Freedom” by Ameen Rihani. New York: Travel Journal, Vol. 74: pp. 33-37, 45-46. 1940 April, May, June, “The Supreme Dynasty in Morocco”, by Ameen Rihani. Saidon, Lebanon: Al-Irfan Magazine. May, “Arabs and the People of Mt. Lebanon” by Ameen Rihani. Oklahoma City: Tomorrow Magazine, pp. 18-19. September 15, “Maata Failasuf-ul Furayka” (The Philosopher of Freike Passed Away). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Bayraq. Septembre 15, “A Travers le Pays, La Mort d’Amine Rihani”. Beyrouth, Liban: Le Jour. September 15, “Ameen ar-Rihani fi Tareeq al-Khuloud” (Ameen Rihani on the Way to Eternity). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. September 15, “Ma’tam ar-Rihani” (The Funeral of Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. September 15, “Maata Ameen ar-Rihani” (Ameen Rihani Passed Away). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. Septembre 15, “Amine Rihani, Poet, Historien, Ecrivain Arabe Est Mort à Frayke”. Beyrouth, Liban: L’Orient. Septembre 15, “M. Chambard Apporte à Amine Rihani la Légion d’Honneur…” Beyrouth, Liban: L’Orient. September 15, “Maata ar-Rihani, Faylasuf-ul Furaika wa ‘Ahad Bunaat anNahda” (Rihani, the Philosopher of Freike and One of the Buiders of the Renaissance, Passed Away). Haifa, Jerusalem,Yafa, Palestine: Palestine Newspaper. September 15, “Al-Faylasuf ar-Rihani, Wafatuhu wa Atharuhu al-Adabiyah watTareekiyah” (The Philosopher Rihani, his Death and his Literary and Historical Heritage). Damascus, Syria: Al-Qabas. September 16, “Farança Tu’azzi Bi-r-Rihani” (France Pays Condolences [due to the death of] Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Bayraq.


September 17, “Asbahat al-Fureika, Ba’da Mawt ar-Rihani Beitan Min Buyout-il Arab” (Freike Became, After Rihani’s Death, One of the National Arab Homes). Beirut, Lebanon: Beirut Newspaper. September 17, “Ma’tam Ameen ar-Rihani fi Maskat Ra’sihi” (The Funeral of Ameen Rihani in his Birth Place). Beirut, Lebanon, An-Nahaar. September 17, “Ameen ar-Rihani Akbar Mufaker Arabi Yafquduhu-l Arab” (Ameen Rihani, the Greatest Arab Thinker Whom the Arabs Lost) by Kayali, Sami. Aleppo, Syria: Ash-Shabab Newspaper. September 18, “Consul Misr al-‘Aam Yu’abben Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The General Consul of Egypt Pays Tribute to Ameen Rihani) Beirut, Lebanon: AlBayraq. September 18, “Wadaa’ ar-Rihani” (Goodbye to Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Lisaan-ul Ĥaal. September 18, “Ameen ar-Rihani, al-Qawmi al-Arabi, al-Adeeb al-Aalami, alFannan” (Ameen Rihani, the Arab Nationalist, the International Man of Letters, the Artist) by Tweini, Gibran. Beirut, Lebanon, An-Nahaar. September 19, “Ameen Rihani, 63 [64], Poet and Publicist”, Obituary with Rihani photograph. New York: The New York Times, p. 23, c. 2. September 19, “Al-Malek Ibn Saud Yu’azzi bi-Ameen ar-Rayhani” (King Ibn Saud Pays Condolences [upon the death of] Ameen Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Sawt-ul Aĥrar. September 20, “Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” (The Rihani Everlasting Memorial). Beirut, Lebanon: An-Nahaar. September 21, “’Adad as-Sameer al-Khaas bi-r-Rayhani” (A Special Issue on Rihani). New York: As-Sameer. September 21, “Wazir Ispania Yu’azzi bi Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Minister of Spain Pays Condolences [upon the death of] Ameen Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Sawt-ul Aĥraar. September 23, “Ameen ar-Rayhani”. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Lata’if-ul Musawara. September 25, “Ta’ziat-ul Iraq bir-Rayhani” (Iraq’s Pays Condolences [upon the death of] Rihani). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Liwaa’. September 25, “Faylasuf -ul-Arab” (The Philosopher of the Arabs). Marje’ioun, Lebanon: Al-Qalam-us Sareeĥ. September 25 “Lubnan Yushayye’ ar-Rayhani Faqeed al-Arab al-Azeem” (Lebanon Says Farewell to Rihani the Graet [human] Arab Loss). Marje’ioun, Lebanon: Al-Qalam-us Sareeĥ. September 30, “Adad al-‘Ara’iss al-Khass fi Ameen ar-Rihani” (Al-‘Ara’iss Special Issue on Ameen Rihani). Bikfaya, Lebanon: Al-‘Ara’iss Magazine. September and October, “Ameen ar-Rayhani” by Hallak, Abdallah Yorki. Aleppo, Syria: Al-Kalimah Magazine, pp. 297-303. October and December (Octobre et Decembre), “Del Homenaje a la Memoria de Rihani, la Grandissa Velada del Teatro Municipal”. Santiago, Chile: Buletin Arabe. October 3, “Al-Lajna al-Markaziya li-Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” The Central Committee to Commemorate Rihani’s Memory”.


October 4, “Al-Arz, min Makhtoutat Qalb Lubnan” (The Cedars, from His Manuscript The Heart of Lebanon. Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Makchouf. October 22, “ ‘Adad khaas Bi Faylasouf Al-Fourayka” (A Special Issue on the Philosopher of Freike). Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Makchouf. October 24, “Nadi Sala Yusharek fi Takreem Faqeed al-Arab Ameen ar-Rayhani” (Sala Club Participates in Honoring the Arab [intellectual] Loss Ameen Rihani). Morocco City, Morocco: Al-Widaad. October 29, “Dars Baleegh fi at-Tasahul ad-Deeni, ar-Rayhani Fikrah wa Thowrah wa Amal” (A Significant Lesson on Religious Tolerance, Rihani an Idea, a Revolution, and a Hope). Aleppo, Syria: Ar-Raawi Magazine. October 30, “Ĥawla Zhikra ar-Rayhani” (In Memory of Rihani). Tripoli, Lebanon: Al-Moustaqbal. November, “Ameen Rihani”by Fares, Bishr. Cairo, Egypt: Al-Mouqtataf Journal, p. 433. November, “To You My Friend Ameen Rihani” by Attiyah, Sumayah. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Syrian Ark, Vol. V, No. III. November, Obituary. New York: Wilson Library Bulletin, Vol. 15: p. 202. November 11, “Wasiyyat Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Will of Ameen Rihani). Cairo, Egypt: Ar-Risaalah Magazine. [This text is published in book entitled Wasiyyati]. November and December, “Fagi’at ush-Sharq bil-Marhoum Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Tragedy of the East in the Loss of Ameen Rihani). Aleppo, Syria: AdDhadh Magazine. December 2, “To Ameen Rihani” by Alkhazin, S. Y. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, “Rihani’s Place in History” by Hitti, Philip K. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, “Ameen Rihani as I Know Him” by Malloof, J. M. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, “Rihani’s Biographical Sketch” by Mokarzel, Salloum. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, “Rihani’s Role in Politics” by Shatara, F. J. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, “Rihani’s Arabic Literature” by Taky Dean, Rashid. Boston: The Federation Herald.



Ameen Rihani in International Newspapers and Magazines Combined collected material (by Rihani and about him) by major periodicals

Rihani in Al-Ahraam Newspaper Cairo, Egypt 1922: February 15, [Ana] “Ash-Sharq” by Ameen Rihani, p.1., c. 1, 2, 3. February 21, “Misr” by Ameen Rihani. February 6, “Ar-Rihani fi Manzel Sarkis” (Rihani at Sarkis Residence). February 7, “Takreem Ar-Rihani” (In Honor of Rihani). February 9, “Ihtifal Aam li-Tamjeed Ameen Ar-Riyhani” (A Public Ceremony in Honor of Ameen Rihani). February 14, “Ĥaflat Takreem Ar-Rihani” (A Party Honoring Rihani). “Al-Ĥafawah Bi-r-Rihani” (Welcoming Rihani). February 15, “Fi Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani, Qasidat Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri” (In the Party Honoring Rihani: the Poem of Abdul Ĥalim Al Misri). February 16, “Ĥaflat Ar-Rihani bi Dar al-Jami’a Al-Amirkiyah” (Rihani’s Party at the American University). “Sha’er-ul ‘Aalameen” (The World’s Poet) by Mahmoud Imad. February 17, “Ĥaflat al-Continental li Takreem ar-Rihani” (The Continental Party in Honor of Rihani). “Ar-Rihani wa Gibran” (Rihani and Gibran) by Mohammad Ali Tharwat. February 20, “Ila Saheb Ar-Rihaniyat” (To the Author of The Rihani Essays) by Mohammad Khairat. February 21, “Al-Ĥafla az-Zakiya as-Saĥrawiya li-Takreem arRihani” (The Zaki Desert Party Honoring Rihani). February 23, “Ameen ar-Rihani fi Bilad-il ‘Arab” (Ameen Rihani in Araia). February 24, “Ash-Shawqiya fi-l Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya” (The Poem of [Ahmad] Shawqi at the Desert Party). “Khitbat al-‘Anisa May” (The Adress of Ms. May). “Fil-Ĥafla as-Saĥrawiya, Nasheed Mahmoud ‘Aref” (At the Desert Party, A Chant by Mahmoud ‘Aref). April 6, “Ar-Rihani ‘Ind-al Imam Yahya” (Rihani Visits Imam Yahya).


April 27, “Ameen ar-Rihani” by Toufik ar-Rafi’i. May 1, “Ameen ar-Rihani”. May 19, “Ameen ar-Rihani”.

Rihani in Asia Journal New York 1919: May, “The Luzumiyat”. July, “The Holy Man and His Disciple” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 630-632. October, “The Soufi” a poem by Ameen Rihani, p. 994. 1926: July, “Along the Trail with the Editor” about Ameen Rihani, p. 583. August, “With the Kingliest King in Arabia, Ibn Saud New Master of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 668-674, 734-735. September, “Treaty-Making in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 760-767, 812-814. October, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 864-871, 920-923. November, “A Wahabi Cromwell” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 26: pp. 974-981, 1013-1015. 1929: August, “Along the Trial With the Editor”, Vol. 29, p. 597. September, “In the Land of Wallah-We’ll-Slay-Him” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 716-721, 746-747. October, “The Image of Perfection in Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 795-801. “The Soufi” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: p. 994. November, “Under the Roofs of Sanaa” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 29: pp. 878-883, 918-920. 1932: December, “The Young Nation on the Tigris” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 32: pp. 602-607, 655-656. 1933: September, “Portrait” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 33: p. 455. November, “More Deserts Than Are Dreamt Of” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 33: pp. 554-561, 578-579. 1935: March, “A Common Measure for East and West” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 35: pp. 173-175. 1936: December, “My East and West” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 36: pp. 776-778. 1937: March, “In Ibn Saud’s Palace” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 37: pp. 215218. June, “Coup d’État in Baghdad” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 37: pp. 436-438. 1938: January, “The Pan Arab Dream” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 38: pp. 44-48. “The New Syrian Republic” by Ameen Rihani, , Vol. 38: 51-54.


March, “Conquest of the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 38: pp. 192-197. 1939: August, “Pan-Arab Nationalism: Is it a Myth?” by Amen Rihani, Vol. 39: pp. 452-455.

Rihani in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine Boston 1911: May, “The Song of Siva”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 107: p. 648. November, “The Fruits of Death”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 108: p. 666. 1913: February, “From Concord to Syria”, by Ameen Rihani, pp. 284286.

Rihani in The Bookman Journal A New York Times Publication New York 1903: October, “Curious Volume The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. 1911: September, “Rihani and The Book of Khalid”, Vol. 34: pp. 21-22. December, “Ameen Rihani and The Book of Khalid” by Helen Johnson Keyes, Vol. 33. 1912: February, “The Renans in Syria” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 34: pp. 599-611. June, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 35: pp. 366-370. July, “The Coming of the Arabian Nights - II” by Ameen Rihani,Vol. 36: pp. 504-508. 1916: January, “The House of Night”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 42: pp.552-553. January, “On the Road of Lu’ar” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vil.42, p. 554. 1917: April-May, “Revolution in Arabia - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 45: pp. 121-126, 283-288. July, “Revolution in Arabia - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 45: pp. 495-501. September, “Holy Land: Whose to Have and to Hold” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 46: pp. 7-14. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Bookman published for him during the years 1916, and 1917. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Bookman].

1930: June, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 71: p. xvii.


December, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert by Maurice, A., B., Vol. 72: p.xix. December, “From Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”.

Rihani in the Boston Transcript Newspaper Including the Evening Transcript Newspaper Boston 1921: March 19, book review on Rihani’s “A Chant of Mystics” Evening Transcript. April 16, “The Path of Vision”. Boston Transcript. 1928: June 2, book review on Rihani’s “Maker of Modern Arabia”, Boston Transcript, p. 2. “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. Evening Transcript. December 29, about “The Maker of Modern Arabia”. Evening Transcript. 1929: April 3, “Syrian Author Will Talk About Arabia”. Evening Transcript. May 29, “Ameen Rihani to Lecture”. Evening Transcript. 1930: May 17, “Ameen Rihani Has Just Left New York on a Lecture Tour”. Evening Transcript. October 25, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. Boston Transcript. November 18, “Arabian Peak and Desert, Ameen Rihani Visits Mountains and Valleys”. Boston Transcript. December 3, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. Boston Transcript.

Rihani in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle Newspaper Brooklyn, New York 1903: October 24, “Ameen F. Rihani Translator”. 1904: January 14, “Two Poets, Bliss Carman and Ameen Rihani, Guests of Civitas Club”. 1912: February 10, “The Book of Khalid”. 1921: April 2, “A Chant of Mystics”. May 20, book review on The Path of Vision, “Ameen Rihani, Some Inconclusive Essays by the Oriental”. 1929: January 6, “American Ideals Influence Reform in Arabic Countries, Says Ameen Rihani”. June 15, “The Arab in His Place” by Habib Katibah.


Rihani in The Christian Science Monitor Journal Boston 1928: May 23, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “For a United Arabia”. 1930: April 12, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia, p. 9. December 6, “Making a Cornelian in Arabian Peak and Desert” by Ameen Rihani. 1931: March 14, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert, p. 10. November 14, “Things Arabian, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”.

Rihani in The Federation Herald Newspaper Boston 1940: December 2, “To Ameen Rihani” by Alkhazin, S. Y. “Rihani’s Place in History” by Hitti, Philip K. “Ameen Rihani as I Know Him” by Malloof, J. M. “Rihani’s Biographical Sketch” by Mokarzel, Salloum. “Rihani’s Role in Politics” by Shatara, F. J. “Rihani’s Arabic Literature” by Taky Dean, Rashid.

Rihani in The Forum Journal A New York Times Publication New York 1912: May, “The Crisis of Islam” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 47: pp. 561-570. 1915: March, “Young Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 53: pp. 315-326. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The Forum published for him during the years 1915, and 1916. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The Forum].

1917: April, “The Orient in a New Light” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 57: pp. 485-495. November, “The House in the Rue de Lille” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 58: pp. 605-611.


Rihani in The Geographical Journal London A Publication of The Royal Geographical Society 1928: June, book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. Vol. 71: No. 6, pp. 592-594. 1930: January, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. 1931: January, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 77: No. 1, p.78. April, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Vol. 77: No. 4, pp. 373-374.

Rihani in Al-Hilaal Newspaper Cairo, Egypt 1900: March, “At-Tasahul ad-Deeni” (Religious Tolerance) by Ameen Rihani, pp. 364-365. 1903: February, “Ruba’yat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abil ‘Ala’). 1905: October, “Al-Hayat wal-Maout” (Life and Death), the first free verse poem in Arabic literature, by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 98. 1910: May, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 511. November, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, p. 125. 1921: October, “Rouh Al-Lughah” (The Spirit of Language) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 43-53. 1923: June, “The Luzumiyaat of Abul-‘Ala’”. 1924: March, “Muluku-l Arab”. 1925: January, book review on Rihani’s Muluku-l Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). April, “Muluku-l Arab by Ameen Rihani”, pp. 705-710. 1928: April, “Ibn Saoud, Sha’buhu wa Biladuhu lil-Ustaz Ameen ArRayhani bil Ingliziah” (Ibn Saoud His People and His Land by Master Ameen Rihani in English). June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth li Ameen ar-Rayhani” (The Modern History of Najd by Ameen Rihani). July, “An-Nakabaat” (Disasters). 1929: February, “At-Tatarruf wal-Islaah” (Extremism and Reform). 1938: July, “At-Tajdeed Al-Muzayyaf” (The False Renovation) by Ameen Rihani, Vol, 36, No. 9, pp. 1073-1077.


Rihani in Al-Hoda Newspaper New York 1898: April 12, “Al-Wataniyah wa-d Dukhala’” (The National Feeling and the Aliens) by Ameen Rihani. 1899: August 10, “Az-Zawaj Baina Tolstoy wa Zola” (The [Concept of] Marriage Issue between Tolstoy and Zola) by Ameen Rihani. December 13, “Al-khawaja Yousef Chamberlain” (Mr. Joseph Chamberlain) by Ameen Rihani. 1900: January 17, “Ingliterra wa ar-Rahma al-Masihiyah” (England and Christian Mercy) by Ameen Rihani. 1901: April 20, “Al-‘Ilm Al-Masihi wad-Diana Al-Jadida” (Christian Science and the New Religion) by Ameen Rihani. May 11, “Ash-Sha’b Al-Ameriki” (The American People) by Ameen Rihani. 1902: November 11, “Al-Lubnaniyoun wal-Mutasarref Al-Jadid” (The Lebanese People and the New Governor) by Ameen Rihani. November 14, “Al-Islah Al-Mau’oud wal- Islah Al-Murtaja” (The Promised Reform and the Expected Reform) by Ameen Rihani. November 19, “Laa Naftarek wa Lana Ra’y” (We Will not Separate and we Have Our Opinion) a response to Rihani’s “Religious Tolerance”. November 22, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki I” (Khanto the Mexican Leader I) by Ameen Rihani. Novmber 24, “Khanto Al-Ka’ed Al-Mexiki II” (Khanto the Mexican Leader II) by Ameen Rihani. 1903: February 21, “Shu’ara’-ul ‘Asr” (Poets of Today) by Ameen Rihani. March 31, “Ameen ar-Rihani ash-Sha’er bil Inglisiyyah wal Katibu-l Mufawwah” (Ameen Rihani the Poet in English and the Articulate Orator). June 5, “Al-Alkab Aydan wa Aydan” ([Social] Titles Again and Again) by Ameen Rihani. December 10-12, “Ameen ar-Rihani Sahebu-r Ruba’iyyat” (Ameen Rihani Author of The Quatrains). December 29, “Sura Karikaturiah I” (Caricature I) by Ameen Rihani. December 30, “Sura Karikaturiah II” (Caricature II) by Ameen Rihani. 1920: June 9, “Ila Saheb as-Sumou Al-‘Ameer” (To His Highness The Prince). 1929: March 6, “Haflat-ul Ustaz-ir Rihani [fi New York]” (A Ceremony in Honor of Rihani [in New York].


September 18, “Faslun ‘an-il Intidab li-r Rihani” (A Chapter on the Mandate by Rihani). 1930: March 3, “Howl Ashawati’ Al-Arabiyah, Kitab bil-Inkliziyah liMu’allifihi Ameen ar-Rihani” (Around the Coasts of Arabia an English book by Ameen Rihani). November 7, “Ra’i-yu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Opinion). 1931: April 13, “Al-Haq fi Nisaabih” (A Proper Recognition). April 18, “Haflat Tawdi’ Ar-Rayhani” (Farewell Party to Rihani). September 17, “Ar-Rayhani Yabki Gibran” (Rihani Weeps on Gibran), a poem to the memory of Gibran entitled “Akhi wa Rafiqi Gibran” (To Gibran My Brother and Colleague) by Ameen Rihani. 1932: February 4, “Failasuf-ul Furaikah fi Bkirki” (The Philosopher of Freike in Bkirki). 1934: January 25, “Hawla Nafyi-r Rihani” (About Deporting Rihani). 1939: January 9, “Ahadeeth Lil Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Rihani).

Rihani in the The International Studio Journal New York 1918: December, “Artists in War-Time - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 66: pp. xxix-xxxvii. 1919: July, “Artists in War-Time - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 68: pp. iiiix. 1920: May, “Landscape Painting in America - I” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 70: pp. Iv-Ivi. July, “Lanscape Painting in America - II” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp. iii-ix. August, “Luks and Bellows – American Painting” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp. xxi-xxvii. October, “Etchings of Troy Kinney” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71: pp. 59-66. December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 71. 1921: January, “Prints of Modern Masters” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp. Ixxxvii-xcvi. February, “Landscape Painting in America: Ernest Lawson” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp. cxiv-cxvii. April, “Landscape Painting in America: The Marines of Paul Dougherty” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 73: pp. Iiv-Iviii. July, “Prints of the Year” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 73: pp. cxxv-cxli.


Rihani in the Journal of the American Oriental Society New Haven, Connecticut Yale University Press 1928: January, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, by James Montgomery. Vol. 7: No. 1, p.221. 1930: December, [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, The Authors Club, 48 West 76 St., New York, N. Y. 1930”. Vol. 50: No. 4, p. 361. 1931: December, on Rihani the writer in English and Arabic by James Montgomery. Vol. 51, No. 4, p. 332. December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Vol. 51: No. 4, p. 399. 1932: December. [Under List of Corporate Members] “Ameen Rihani, c/o Joseph Sader, Imprimerie Scientifique, Syria. 1930”. Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 424.

Rihani in Lisaan-ul Ĥaal Newspaper Beirut, Lebanon 1910: February 26, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”. 1912: January 12, book review on The Book of Khalid, “Katibun ‘Asri Yud’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (A Modern Writer Called Ameen Rihani). 1924: November 3, book review on Rihani’s Muluku-l Arab (The Kings of the Arabs). 1925, February 18, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). 1926: March 17, “Kitab Ar-Rayhani Fi Ibn Saoud” (Rihani’s book on Ibn Saoud) about Ibn Saoud of Arabia, His People and His land. 1932: January 14, “Ar-Rihani ‘ind Ghibtat-il Batriark al-Marouni” (Rihani [visits] his Eminence the Maronite Patriarch). 1934: January 1, “Sudur Qarar Yanfi-r Rihani min Lubnaan” (The Decision Taken to Deport Rihani). January 9, “Fi Sabeel Ib’aad Failasufu-l Furaikah…” (In Order to Deport the Philosopher of Freike…). December 27, “Thawrat-un min Thawraati-r Rihani” (One of Rihani’s Revolts). 1937: April 24, “Ar-Rayhani Yad’ou ila Tabadul al-Bi’thaat al-Ilmiyah beina al-Wilayaat al-Muttahidah wal Bilad al-Arabiyah” (Rihani Calls for Student Academic Exchange Between the United States and the Arab World).


1940: September 15, “Ameen ar-Rihani fi Tareeq al-Khuloud” (Ameen Rihani on the Way to Eternity). September 15, “Ma’tam ar-Rihani” (The Funeral of Rihani). September 18, “Wadaa’ ar-Rihani” (Goodbye to Rihani).

Rihani in Mir’aat-ul Gharb Newspaper New York 1916: November 25, “Al-Ma’duba-al Wataniyah” (The National Banquet) in honor of Rihani. November 27, “Haflat Wadaa’-ir Rihani” (The Farewell Party for Rihani). 1917: June 30, “Ar-Rayhani fi New York” (Rihani in New York). 1921: January 29, book review on Rihani’s A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems “’Unshudat As-Sufiyeen”. 1925: June 1, “Muluku-l Arab” (The Kings of the Arabs). 1929: March 14, “Haflat ar-Rihani” (A Celebration for Rihani). 1934: January 24, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yunfa min Lubnaan” (Ameen Rihani is Deported from Lebanon). January 26, “Al-Bilaadu-l Arabia Tad’u [ar-Rihani] Ibna-l ‘Uruba” (The Arab Countries Invite [Rihani] the Descendent of PanArabia). 1935: April 10, “Ameen ar-Rihani Yulqi Muhadara bil Quds” (Ameen Rihani Gives a lecture in Jerusalem). April 13, “Muhadaratu-r Rihani” (Rihani’s Lecture). 1937: January 27, “Hadeeth Ma’al Ustaz Ameen ar-Rayhani Faylasuf-ul Furayka” (An Interview with Mr. Ameen Rihani, the Philosopher of Freike). 1938: January 20, “Hadeeth Ma’a Ameen Ar-Rayhani” (An Interview with Ameen Rihani). 1939: January 6, “Ameen Rihani in New York”. April 17, “Al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani Yatahaddath ‘an Rihlatihi…” (Mr. Rihani Speaks about his Trip…). May 13, “Rihani and New Trips Within Lebanon”.

Rihani in Montreal Daily Star Newspaper Montreal, Canada 1928: October 20, “Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia” an Intriguing Figure in the Arabian Peninsula”. 1929: May 17, “Britain Has Friends in Arabia, Ameen Rihani Asserts Ibn Sa’oud is Strong Ally of Empire”. 1930: May 3, “Superbly Written Volume by Ameen Rihani in Around the Coasts of Arabia”.


December 18, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert “Among New Books”.

Rihani in Al-Mounazer Newspaper Săo Paulo, Brazil 1901: August 31, “Bala… Jawab Ijabi” (Yes… A positive Answer) about Rihani’s speech on “Religious Tolerance”. 1903: January 10, book review on Rihani’s A Treatise of the French Revolution. 1904: January 6, book review on Rihani’s story Al-Makari wal Kahen (The Muleteer and the Priest) April 9, “Khawatiry” (My Impressions) about Rihani. 1905: December 9, “Ziarat Kateb Wa Sha’er” (A Visit to a Writer Poet).

Rihani in Al-Mouqtataf Journal Cairo, Egypt 1903: January, “Ath-Thawra-l Faranciyyah” about Rihani’s first book Nubzha fi-th Thawra-l Faranciyyah, A Treatise of the French Revolution. November, “Ruba’iyaat Abil ‘Ala’” (The Quatrains of Abul ‘Ala’). 1912: February, “Kitab Khalid” (The Book of Khalid), Vol. 40: No.2, p.193. 1913: May, “From At-Tasaahul ad-Deeni” by Ameen Rihani, p. 428. 1924: June, “Ar-Rihaniyaat”, Vol. 65, pp. 329-330. December, “Muluku-l Arab”, Vol. 66, pp. 565-568. 1928: May, “Ibn Saoud, Sha’buhu wa Biladuhu li Ameen Ar-Rayhani bil Inkliziah” (Ibn Saoud of Arabia,His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani in English). June, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). July, “Tareekh Najd Al-Hadeeth” (The Modern History of Najd). 1930: March, “Around the [Shores] Coasts of Arabia”. 1933: December 1, “Antum-ush Shu’araa’”, Vol. 83, No. 5, p. 613. 1934: May, “Kitab Faisalu-l Awwal” (The Book Faisal the First). June, “Fi Rabi’-il-Y’as” (In the Spring of Dispair) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 660-665. July, “Kitab Ash-Shaytan” (The Book of the Devil) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 65-70. 1935: March, “Faslaan ’Iraqiyaan” (Two Iraqi Chapters), pp. 307-314. 1936: March, “Al-Maqamah Al-Kabkajiyah” (A Rhythmic Essay on the Coriander) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 312-314.


May, “Fi Qulub An-Nawabegh” (In the Hearts of Genius People) by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 673-678. 1940: November, “Ameen Rihani” by Bishr Fares, p. 433.

Rihani in An-Nahaar Newspaper Beirut, Lebanon 1933: December 30, “Ib’aad Faylasufu-l Furaikah” (Deporting the Philosopher of Freike). 1936: June 11, “Ameen Rihani Adresses the Kings of the Arabs”. November 26, “Rihani Suggests a Homeland for the Jews in Texas”. December 29, “Al-Ustaz Ameen ar-Rihani Yusafer ila Geneve wa America” (Mr. Ameen Rihani Travels to Geneva and America). 1937: February 14, “Muhadaraat ar-Rihani fil Wilayat al-Muttahidah” (The Lectures of Rihani in the United States) April 4, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rayhani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). April 5, “Muhadaraat al-Ustaz ar-Rihani” (The Lectures of Mr. Rihani). May 26, “Takreem al-Ustaz ar-Rihani fi New York” (Honoring Mr. Rihani in New York). 1939: February 14, “Ameen Rihani fil Wilayaati-l Muttahidah” (Ameen Rihani in the United States). 1940: September 15, “Maata Ameen ar-Rihani” (Ameen Rihani Passed Away). September 17, “Ma’tam Ameen ar-Rihani fi Maskat Ra’sihi” (The Funeral of Ameen Rihani in his Birth Place). September 18, “Ameen ar-Rihani, al-Qawmi al-Arabi, al-Adeeb al Aalami, al-Fannan” (Ameen Rihani, the Arab Nationalist, the International Man of Letters, the Artist) by Tweini, Gibran. September 20, “Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” (The Rihani Everlasting Memorial). October 3, “Al-Lajna al-Markaziya li-Takhleed Zhikra ar-Rayhani” The Central Committee to Commemorate Rihani’s Memory”.

Rihani in The Nation Newspaper New York 1912: March 21, “The Book of Khalid”. 1919: Septmber 20, a book review on The Luzumiyaat “Another Interesting Version from the Orient”. 1929: October 2, “Zionism and the Peace of the World” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 129: pp. 346-347.


1930: March 15, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Book review by Norman Sylva.

Rihani in the New Statesman Newspaper London 1904: April 9, “Ameen Rihani the Translator of The Quatrains”. 1928: March 31, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Vol. 30: p. 800. 1930: January 18, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Vol. 34: pp. 473-474.

Rihani in The New York Herald Tribune Newspaper New York 1928: April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. May 6, “More About Arabia” book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by William B. Seabrook. 1929: December 1, “To Mecca the Holy City of Arabia by Eldon Rutters” book review by Ameen Rihani. 1930: January 19, “Author Defends Claim Over Palestine”. August 24, “New Arabia, Around the Coasts of Arabia” by Rihbany, Abraham. October 12, “Peace Council Manifest Hits Conscription”. October 26, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. 1931: February 8, “Arabs of the Yemen” by Hitti, Philip.

Rihani in The New York Sun Newspaper Including The

New York Evening Sun New York

1903: October 22, “Ameen F. Rihani”. New York Evening Sun. October 29, “Abul-‘Ala and Omar Khayyam”. New York Sun. December 28, “The Rediscovered Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York Evening Sun. 1904: April 6, “The Strenuous Life for Ameen Rihani”. New York Sun. May 8, “Little Syria Excited Over an Allegory Written by Ameen Rihani, the Poet” an article about The Trilateral Treaty in the Animal Kingdom (Al-Muhalafa Ath-Thulathiya Fil Mamlaka-al Hayawaniya). New York Sun. 1911: July 11, book review on The Book of Khalid, “A Syrian Poet in New York Tells of his Literary Labors”. New York Sun.


November 11, “A Good Deal of Wit and Philosophy in The Book of Khalid”. New York Sun. [Rihani, in his unpublished English Letters, refers to several articles that The New York Sun published for him during the year of 1915. No titles, or exact dates, were mentioned. Further research should take place in the archives of The New York Sun]

1916: June, “Alvarado Mexican Dictator Plans Utopia in Yucatan” by Ameen Rihani. New York Sun. 1918: January 12, “The Luzumiyat”. New York Sun. 1919: January 11, “An Arab Seer”. New York Evening Sun. February 23, a book review on The Luzumiyat “A Syrian Omar”. New York Sun. September 6, “God of the Distances Hear Us”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. New York Evening Sun. November 6, “The Cataclysm”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. “Constantinople”, a poem by Ameen Rihani. 1921: February 19, “Rihani’s Orientalism”. New York Sun. 1928: May 18, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Another Fine Book on Arabia”. New York Sun. 1929: January 26, “Ameen Rihani Back From East” by Dayton, Dorothy. New York Sun. 1930: March 5, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia “The Book of the Day”. New York Sun. 1931: January 8, “Poetry Luncheon Held by Book and Play Group”. New York Sun.

Rihani in The New York Times Newspaper New York 1903: November 12, “The First Plea in Literature”. November 14, “The Rediscovered Quatrains”. 1905: May 27, “Myrtle and Myrrh by Ameen Rihani”. 1910: September 4, “Syrian Poet’s Muse in His Red Beads”, p.5, column 1. 1921: February 20, “Allah Akbar, A Chant of Mystics by Ameen Rihani”. 1922: May 14, “Pilgrims of Mecca” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p. 8, columns 1-10. May 28, “Cairo Honors a Poet”. An article describing how Rihani was honored in Cairo during his visit to Egypt in February 1922. Section III, p. 14, columns 1-10. May 21, “A Booklover in Djeddah” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p.7, columns 1-8. October 8, “A Bag of Manuscripts and Rhymes” by Ameen Rihani, Section III, p.16, columns 1-7. 1928: April 29, “Maker of Modern Arabia”. May 13, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, by Tonieth, Alphonse, p. 7.


May 13, “Two Glimpses of Modern Arabia Through Eastern Eyes” by Wilson, P. W. May 26, “Ameen Rihani the Author of Maker of Modern Arabia”. November 9, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. December 29, “Ghat and the Dowsing Rod”. 1929: February 10, “Noura and Family Here From Arabia”, p. 144, c. 1. February 24, “Now the Wahabis Play for High Stakes” by Ameen Rihani, Section V, p. 10, columns 1-12. September 7, “Arabs Ask Stimson [Secretary of State] to Aid in Palestine” (Rihani’s meeting with Secretary of State in Washington DC). September 15, “Mandate Government at School in Near East” by Ameen Rihani, Section X, p. 10, columns 1-12. October 13, “MacDonald Rests on 63rd Birthday: World Greets Him”, front page article which continues on page 2 (referring to Ramsay McDonald, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Rihani is mentioned as visiting him), p. 2, c. 1. October 27, “Rights in Palestine of Jews Debated”, Ameen Rihani and M. W. Weisgal discuss subject from opposite viewpoints, Section II, p. 3, columns 1-3. December 1, “Romantic Deserts of Fact and Fiction” by Ameen Rihani, Section V, p. 13, columns 1-6. 1930: January 18, “Today on the Radio”, p. 12, c. 1. January 19, “Sees Zionist Aims Imperiling Peace: Syrian Poet Declares Balfour Declaration Must Be Revoked to Avert Uprisings”, declaration made by Ameen Rihani, Section II, p. 6, column 1. August 17, “Moslem Women Are Advancing at Different Paces” by Ameen Rihani, Section VIII, p. 9, columns 1-10. November 2, “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. 1931: January 8, “Defend and Attack Zionist Movement”, p. 4, c. 1. January 22, “Colonial Ambitions of Nations Backed”, speakers from four lands including Rihani, p. 48, c. 4. 1937: February 2, “Hull Hears Arab Plea”, p. 12, c. 1. June 5, “Today on the Radio”, p. 20, c. 1. June 6, “Zionism Decried by Arab Leader, Rihani Says Expansion Must be Stopped…” viewpoints presented at a dinner honoring Rihani, p.37, c. 4. June 16, “Anti-Jewish Bias on WNYC is Denied”, p. 16, c. 1. 1940: September 19, “Ameen Rihani, 63 [64], Poet and Publicist”, Obituary with Rihani photograph, p. 23, c. 2.


Rihani in The Papyrus Magazine Founded by Michael Monahan New York 1903: November, book review on Rihani’s Quatrains. 1904: December, “Side Talk by Michael Monahan”. 1905: February, “A Night in Cairo” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 24-28. April, “Out of the East by Michael Monahan”. September, “Damascus… A Syrian Sybaris” (including a poem entitled “Hanem” by Ameen Rihani), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 2326. 1906: April, “From the Arabic”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 16. May, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 14-22. July, “My Native Horizon” (listed as “The Horizon of My Country” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani, new series, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 11-14. 1907: July, “Spring in Syria” (listed as “A Syrian Spring” in the table of contents), by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 1, No. 1, (old series Vol. 8), pp. 10-14. 1908: February, “A Syrian Symbolist” by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 2, No. 2, (old series Vol. 10), pp. 18-22. October, “O Freedom” a poem by Ameen Rihani, new series Vol. 3, No. 4 (old series Vol. 11), p. 16.

Rihani in the Peking Times Newspaper Peking (Beijing), China 1928: March 27, “Ibn Saoud [of Arabia] as he Really is…written by Ameen Rihani”. April 16, “Ibn Saoud of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. 1929: January 7, “Arabs and Arab Politics, a British Task in Aden” by Ameen Rihani.


Rihani in The Phoenix Magazine Founded by Michael Monahan New York 1914: June, “The Lost Disciple” (listed as “The Last Disciple” in the Table of contents) a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 5. 1915: May, “Church and Mosque” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 335-339; “Ad Michaelem” a poem by Ameen Rihani, p. 360. 1916: April, “Mine Own Country” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 136-139. September, “Sherif Effendi” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 104-109.

Rihani in The Poet Lore Journal Boston 1903: October-December, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. 1904: April, “Andalusian Love Songs” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 15: No. 2, pp. 74-77. 1905: December, “Attar and Sanai” a poem by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 16: No. 4, pp. 87-90.

Rihani in The Print Connoisseur Journal New York 1920: December, “Anders Zorn” by Ameen Rihani, Vol.1: No.2, pp.159184. 1921: March, “The Etchings of Frederick Garrison Hall” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1: No.3, pp. 219-228. June, “The ‘Heads’ of Oberhardt” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 1: No. 4, pp. 323-340. December, “Will Simmons and his Animals” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 2: No.1, pp.95-110. 1922: March, “The Peale Heritage” by Ameen Rihani,ol. II, No. 3, pp. 219-230. June, “The Etchings of Frank W. Benson” by Ameen Rihani, Vol.1: No. 4, pp. 257-284.


Rihani in As-Saa’eh Newspaper New York 1926: August 26, “Ameen Rihani fi Majallat Asia” (Ameen Rihani in Asia Magazine). 1937: February 11, “Rihani Meets Secretary of State Mr. Cordell Hull”. March, 22, “Rihani Continues his Lectures on Arabia and Palestine”. April 15, “Oriental and Occidental Cultures as Viwed by Ameen Rihani”. April 29, The Arab League Banquet Honoring Rihani [in New York]. June 10, “Rihani’s Banquet ends up with a Crisis with the Jews”. 1939: January 9, “Rihani in New York”. April 2, “Ash-Shi’ru-l Arabi” (Arabic Poetry) a lecture by Ameen Rihani.

Rihani in the San Francisco Bulletin Newspaper San Francisco, California 1903: December 20, “The First Plea in Literature”. 1920: September 18, “The Luzumiyaat”. 1921: February 14, “Andalusia, [and] Alcazar from A Chant of Mystics”. July 2, “The Path of Vision”.

Rihani in The Saturday Review Newspaper Including The Saturday Review of Literature New York and London 1928, March 17, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Saturday Review Vol. 145: p.324. May 5, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia by Arnold Toynbee. Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. 4: p. 840. 1930: February 15, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. Saturday Review Vol. 149: p. 204. October 11, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. Saturday Review Vol. 150: p. 456. December 12, “Around The Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. Saturday Review. 1933: April 1, “Resurection” a poem by Ameen Rihani. Saturday Review of Literature.


Rihani in The Syrian World Journal New York 1926: October. “Meeting an Arab King in the Desert” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 17- 21. December. “The Guest”, a poem by Ameen Rihani, p. 15. 1927: January. “From My Note-Book of Travel - I” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 3-6. February. “From My Note-Book of Travel - II” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 10-12. April. “My Day is Bitter” (Marmar Zamani) a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 17. June. “Where East and West Meet” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 8-11. July. “Across the Bridge, O Come”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 13. September. “Tafta Hindi”, a poem translated by Ameen Rihani, p. 10. October, “A Pilgrimage to Byblos” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 3-10. December, “A Sufi Song” by Ameen Rihani, p. 7. 1928: April, “Rihani’s Book Well Received in Europe”. July, “The Jinn of the Arabian Nights” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 37. 1929: April, “Americanism and Native Culture” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 23-24; “Tributes to Rihani”, pp. 15-23; book review on Rihani’s Around the Coast of Arabia, , pp. 29-30; book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, p. 59. October, “Circulating Boons in Jeddah” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 13-22. “Rihani in Demand as Public Speaker”. 1930: April, “Another Notable Book by Rihani”, pp. 39-40. September “Woman in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 513. November, book review on Around the Coasts of Arabia “Another Rihani Book on Arabia”. 1931: March. “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 516. 1932: January, “Aden as Seen by a Syrian Traveler” by Ameen Rihani. 1934: January 26, “Commissariat Would Exile Ameen Rihani”. February 2, “Rihani Invited by King Ghazi to Baghdad”. February 9, “Ameen Rihani Arab Spokesman, Scholar, Globe Trotter, and Leader”. March 2, “Rihani Lashes in Valedictory”. “Totah Defends Rihani”.


“The Challenge of the Rihani Case”. April 27, “Rihani Returns Home to Freike…”. November 23. “Who Are the Syrians? – I” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. November 30. “Who Are the Syrians? – II” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. December 6. “Who Are the Syrians? – III” by Ameen Rihani, p. 2. 1937: January, “Italian Group Honors Rihani as life Member of Italian Cultural Garden”. September 5, “Rihani’s Letter to the President of the Italian Cultural Garden Association”.

Rihani in The Times Newspaper including The Sunday Times and The Times Literary Supplement London 1928: March 9, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Wahabi King, Ibn Saoud and His People”. The Times. 1928: March 15, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. The Times Literary Supplement, p. 183. 1929: September 8, “Mandates in the Near East” by Ameen Rihani. 1930: January 17, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. The Times. March 2, “In the Middle and Near East” by Ernest Munton. The Times. April 24, book review on Rihani’s Around the Coasts of Arabia. The Times Literary Supplement, p. 345. September 18, “Constable Messrs Are Issuing Innediately “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani. The Times Literary Supplement. October 10, “Ameen Rihani One of the Best Known Travelers of Today”. The Times. October 16, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. The Times Literary Supplement, p. 821. November 23, “Three Versions of Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”, an article by Rosita Forbes. London: The Sunday Times. 1932: March 12, “Camels of Arabia, Beasts from Oman and Najd”. The Times.


Rihani in Travel Journal New York 1919: December, “Prinkipo, Where the Conference Never Met” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 21-24, 44-45. 1930: March, “Honoring Arabia’s Youngest Saint” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 54: pp. 13-16, 46, 48. August, “San’a City of Fanaticism” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 55: pp. 20-24, 49-50. December, “The Passion Play of the East” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 56: pp. 7-11, 48-49. 1931: March, “Down the Tigris on a Side Wheeler” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 56: pp. 12-16, 48, 50. 1932: May, “The Venice of Arabia” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 59: pp. 15-17, 51. 1934: February, “The Hidden Fires of Iraq” by Ameen Rihani, pp. 2225, 48-49. 1937: November, “New Triumphs of Archeology in Iraq” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 70: pp. 5-10, 42. 1939: March, “Science Invades the Syrian Desert” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 72: pp.16-20. December, “The Arabs Fight for Freedom” by Ameen Rihani, Vol. 74: pp. 33-37, 45-46.

Rihani in Vostok Journal Founded by Maxim Gorky St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia 1922: No. 1, “Held Captive by Duty”, about Rihani and Krachkovskii, by A. A. Dolinina, pp. 148-149. “Ameen Rihani, Poetry in Prose”, by Ignatii Krachkovskii, pp. 43-54. “The Rise and Development of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”, by Ignatii Krachkovskii, pp. 97-112. 1928: No. 25, “Samples of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”, by Ode-Vasilieva, K., pp. 139-145.


V. Selected Authors publishing in newspapers and/or magazines about Ameen Rihani in languages other than Arabic between 1903 and 1940 (Authors by alphabetical order)

Alkhazin, S. Y., “To Ameen Rihani”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940. Attiyah, Sumayah, “To You My Friend Ameen Rihani”. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Syrian Ark, Vol. V, No. III, November, 1940. Ayoub, Eddie, “An Open Letter to Ameen Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, August 29, 1935, p. 7. Aziz Ali, Frances, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “The Strong Man of Arabia”. London: Saturday Review of Literature, May 5, 1928. Dansk, Jorgenseus, “Filosofen Amin Rihani Mindeord om Arabernes Store Hedengaugne”. Dansk Udsyn, Denmark: Bgtrykkeri Kolding, 1934, pp. 294-300. Dayton, Dorothy, “Ameen Rihani Back From East”. New York: New York Sun, January 26, 1929. Dolinina, A. A., “Held Captive by Duty”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, 1922, No. 1, pp. 148-149. E. G. M., “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Colonizer, November 1930, pp. 340-344. F. H. M., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia, “Where Tents Are Folded”. New York: Evening Post, May 26, 1928. F. J. G., “Inmost Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Boston: Christian Register, September 17, 1931. Forbes, Rosita, “Three Versions of Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: Sunday Times, November 23, 1930. Gibb, Hamilton A. R., a book review on Rihani’s Ibn Sa’oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. Oxford, U. K.: Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. May 1928, Vol. 7: No. 3, pp. 221-223. Hartmann, M., “Nadschafi und Rihani”. Berlin, Germany: Die Welt des Islams, No. II, February, 1914, pp. 287-292. Hazem, David W., “Far East Expert to Lecture Here”. Portland, Oregon: The Oregonian, March 13, 1939.


Hitti, Philip K., “A Book You Should Know”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, p. 59. ------, book review on Rihani’s “Around the Coasts of Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, p. 29. ------, “Tribute to Rihani’s Contribution to Arabia”. New York: The Syrian World, November 1930, pp. 15-18. ------, book review on Rihani’s Arabian Peak and Desert. New York: Books, February 8, 1931, p. 10. ------, “Arabs of the Yemen”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, February 8, 1931. ------, “Rihani’s Place in History”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. H. E. W., “An Arab on Arabia”. Yorkshire: Yorkshire Post, January 29, 1930. Howe, Ruth, “Arabs Still make Gifts and Chattels of Wives”. New York: New York World, April 21, 1929. Howells, W. D., “Rihani’s Abul-‘Ala”. Philadelphia: The American, November 13, 1903. ----------, “Rihani and Abul-‘Ala”. Williamsport, Pennsylvania: News, October 22, 1903. Katibah, Habib I., “American Ideals Influence Reform in Arabic Countries, Says Ameen Rihani, Author”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 6, 1929. ---------, “The Arab in His Place”. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 15, 1929. ---------, “From East and West in Defense of Rihani”. New York. The Syrian World Journal, August 29, 1935. p. 7. Keyes, Helen Johnson, “Ameen Rihani and The Book of Khalid”. New York: The Bookman, December 1911, Vol. 33. Khauli, Philip K., “A Christian Poet Sings Poems to an Arab King”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, April 29, 1934. Krachkovskii, Ignatii, ‘Ameen Rihani, Poetry in Prose”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. I, 1922, pp. 43-54. ----------------, “The Rise and Development of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani” St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. I, 1922, pp. 97-112. ----------------, “Muluku-l Arab Li Ameen ar-Rihani” (The Kings of the Arabs by Ameen Rihani). Moscow: The Oriental World Magazine, January and February 1925, pp. 214-218. ----------------, “Die Literature Arabischen Emigranten in Amerika 1895-1925”. Paris: Le Monde Oriental No. XXI, 1927, pp. 193-213 (on al-Rihani see pp. 201-206). ----------------, “The Arabic Literature in America”. Saint Petersburg (Leningrad): Izvestiya Leningradskogo Universiteta, No. I, 1928, pp. 12-18. Lewis, John, “When Lawrence Failed; His Temper is Revealed in a Fascinating Book by Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia”. London: The Daily Herald, January 1, 1930.


MacCallum, P. Elizabeth, “An Arab Voice”. New York: Survey Graphic. November 1929, Vol. 63: pp. 130-134, 180-181. -------------, “Rihani – The Man and His Work”. New York: The Syrian World Journal, November 1929, pp. 20-27. M. A. C., “Travel in Arabia, Arabian Peak and Desert”. Manchester: Manchester Guardian, September 29, 1930. Malloof, J. M., “Ameen Rihani as I Know Him”. Boston: The Federation Herald. December 2, 1940. Millers, Marion Miles, “Rihani’s Place in English Literature”. New York: The Syrian World Journal. October 1928, Vol. III: No. 10, pp. 18-21. Mokarzel, Salloum, “The Life of Rihani”. New York: The Syrian World, Vol. III: No. 10, April 1929, pp. 23-24. -----------, Rihani’s “Biographical Sketch”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940. Montgomery, James A., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Journal of the American Oriental Society, January 1928, Vol. 7: No. 1, p.221. ---------------, on Rihani the writer in English and Arabic. Ann Arbor: Journal of the American Oriental Society, December 1931, Vol. 51, No. 4, p. 332. Munton, Ernest, “In the Middle and Near East”. London: Sunday Times. March 2, 1930. Norman, Sylva, “Around the Coasts of Arabia by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Nation, March 15, 1930. O’Brein, Aubrey, “The Wahabi King Ibn Saoud of Arabia His People and His Land by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Outlook Magazine, March 17, 1928. Ode-Vasilieva, K., “Samples of Modern Arabic Literature – Ameen Rihani”. St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia: Vostok Journal, No. 25, 1928, pp. 139145. Rihbany, Abraham, “New Arabia, Around the Coasts of Arabia”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, August 24, 1930. Ross, Sir E. Davidson, “An Arab View of Arabia, Ibn Saoud His People and His Land”. London: The Observer, March 11, 1928. Sabatello, Dario Stranieri, “Ameen Rihani Around the Coasts of Arabia”. Rome, Italy: Bibliografia Fascista, September, 1930. Salyards, Justin, “Too Much Stress Placed on Material Aims”. Indiana: The Indiana Daily Student, March 27, 1937. Sanborn, F. B., book review on The Quatrains. Springfield: Springfield Republican, November 11, 1903. Sarkis, Saleem S., “Cairo Honors a Poet”, an article on Ameen Rihani, New York: The New York Times, May 28, 1922, Section III, p. 14, columns 1-10. Seabrook, William, B., “Arabs North and South, Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. New York: The New Republic, January 21, 1931. -----------, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: Booklist, October 1928, Vol: 25, p. 25. -----------, “More About Arabia”. New York: New York Herald Tribune, May 6, 1928.


Shanks, E., book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin, October 1928, Vol. 33: p. 497. Shatara, F. J., “Rihani’s Role in Politics”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. Still, John, “Arabia Today, Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: The Observer, October 12, 1930. Stremsky, Anna, “The Quatrains of Abul-‘Ala”. New York: Wilshire Magazine, November 1903. Tabatabaii, Mustapha, “Yaksa’at ba Ameen Rihani, Nasher Falsafat As-Sharq dr Gharb” (Hours with Ameen Rihani, the Publisher of the Philosophy of the East in the West). Tahran, Iran: Sal Dom Magazine, April 1937, pp. 780785. Tacla, Paulo, “Momentos Decisivos da Humanidade”. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Curio do Parania, Outobre 1, 1935. Taky Dean, Rashid, “Rihani’s Arabic Literature”. Boston: The Federation Herald, December 2, 1940, p.5. Tonieth, Alphonse, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: The New York Times, May 13, 1928, p. 7. ---------, “Ameen Rihani, Arab-American and the Desert Kings”. New York: The New York World, June 10, 1928. Toynbee, Arnold, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. London: Saturday Review of Literature, May 5, 1928, Vol. 4: p. 840. W. G. G., “Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen Rihani”. London: The Geographical Journal, April, 1931. Wilbur, Susan, “Arabia Descriptive and Political”. Chicago: Chicago Evening Post, April 27, 1928. Williams, Kenneth, “Arabian Peak and Desert”. London: Fortnight Review, November 1930. -----------, “The Spell of Far Arabia”. London: The Review of Reviews, January 1933, p. 66. Wilson, P. W., “Two Glimpses of Modern Arabia Through Eastern Eyes”. New York: The New York Times, Book Review Section, May 13, 1928. --------, book review on Rihani’s Maker of Modern Arabia. New York: New York Evening Post, May 26, 1928, p. 9.


Facts and Figures 1897-1940

Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani Geographical areas in publication frequency order



No of

No of

No of










North America



___________________________________________________ Middle East






___________________________________________________ Europe






___________________________________________________ Central & South America






___________________________________________________ Africa






___________________________________________________ Far East














Facts and Figures 1901-1940

Selected Published Articles about Ameen Rihani Geographical areas in publication frequency order



No of

No of

No of










North America



__________________________________________________ Middle East






__________________________________________________ Europe






__________________________________________________ Central and South America






__________________________________________________ Africa






__________________________________________________ Far East and South East Asia







5 1.15% Australia 4 1 1 __________________________________________________ Total







Facts and Figures Languages and Countries of Selected Published Articles by Ameen Rihani Used in this document


Number of selected published articles:


Languages: (alphabetical order) Arabic, Chinese, Danish, English, French, German, Portugese, Spanish.



(alphabetical order)

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, South Africa, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America.

44 years

Time Frame: From July 15, 1897 till November 11, 1940.


Facts and Figures Languages and Countries of Selected Published Articles about Ameen Rihani Used in this document


Number of selected published articles:


Languages: (alphabetical order) Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu.



(alphabetical order)

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, East Central Africa (Tanganyika), Egypt, France, Germany,








Netherlands, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Yemen.

40 years

Time Frame: From August 31, 1901 till December 2, 1940.


Facts and Figures On total

Selected Published Articles by and about Ameen Rihani Used in this document Total periodicals:


Total published articles:


Total languages:


Total countries:


Language frequency: English:




Other European languages:


Spanish and Portugese:


Other languages:


Country frequency: The United States of America:


European countries:






Other Arab countries:


South American countries:


African countries:


Asian countries:






The Division of Research at the Rihani Museum (DRRM) would like to thank: Mr. Robert Kent at theGeneral Research Division, New York Public Library (NYPL) who was very helpful in supporting this research and providing all the necessary and related information found at the NYPL. Mrs. Mona Barakat Shehadi, Head of the Reference Department at Notre Dame University Library, Lebanon, for generously supplying the Division with information collected from her continuous search on the subject. The Reference Librarian at the Library of Congress (LOC) in Washington, DC, for promptly responding to all our inquiries. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, Division of Multimedia Archives, for the time and efforts given by their staff in full support of this project.


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