AMAZON You are a peculiar creation Fashioned with the forge of inspiration By an ingenious potter Endowed with a charming physiology Spiced with a compelling anatomy Garnished with an interesting psychology Burnished with an amazing chemistry Your foot walks like the gazelle Gingerly treading with care Carries a passionate appeal Your winsome smile and resplendent gaze Adorned with splendour Like gold sparkles with radiance A gift to humanity!! You were carved to be a companion To man’s lonesome sojourn In a caste of adventures To salvage humanity from extinction For you have remained the vessel of procreation Through mutual copulation For you have held with awe The primordial canons of our ancestral credos You have built great nations Nurtured under your wings of succour From primordial past to eons unknown You shall forever be a delightful song to all!!! ONUCHI ONORUOIZA