Alumni By Laws (current)

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,959
  • Pages: 6
AMENDED CONSTITUTION and BY- LAWS PREAMBLE We, the graduates of the College of Nursing, University of the Philippines Manila, an alumni association for the promotion of the welfare, camaraderie, and unity among members to assist the college in the attainment of its objective towards the professional and personal development of nurses towards non-building, do ordain and promulgate this constitution. ARTICLE I Name, Seal, and Domicile Section 1. - This Association shall be known as the UP College of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc. Section 2. - The domicile and address of the Association shall be the Alumni Room, First Floor, College of Nursing Building, University of the Philippines Manila, Pedro Gil st., Malate, Manila. Section 3. - The corporate seal of the Association shall bear the words. “UP COLLEGE OF NURSING ALUMNI ASSOCIATION.” and the date “1952” written. ARTICLE II Objectives Section 1. The goals of the Association are the following: (a) To assist the College in promoting unity among the alumni (b) To organize activities that will generate resources for programs/projects/activities for the college of nursing and the Alumni Association (c) To conduct seminars on career options and opportunities to the graduating class (d) To encourage participation in programs/projects/activities of UPMAA and UPAA. ` (e) To strengthen linkages with the UPCNAAI and other UP Alumni associations. ARTICLE III Nature of the Organization Section 1. - This is a non-stock, non-profit organization. ARTICLE IV Membership Section 1. - Classification of Members- The following shall be clasified as members of this Association: (a.) Regular Member – any graduate of the UP College of Nursing upon filing of application and payment of annual membership dues.

(b.) Affiliate Member – all graduates of Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing upon filing of application and payment of annual membership dues. (c.) Lifetime Member – any regular or affiliate member who pays for lifetime membership dues prescribe by this Association. (d.) Honorary Member – any person who has made outstanding contributions to the college and/ or Alumni Association. Section 2. - Rights of Members. Every member in good standing shall have the following rights: (a.) To vote at annual meetings. (b.) To receive communications or publications of the association. (c.) To inspect records of the Association in accordance with the existing Laws and upon discretion of the Board. (d.) To call for a special meeting signed by at least fifty (50) members and filed with the President through the Secretary. (e.) To present to the Board of Directors any suggestion that is beneficial to the Association. Section 3. - Duties of Members . Every member, to remain in good standing, shall observe the following duties and obligations: (a.) To abide by the laws of this Association. (b.) To pay promptly all dues required. (c.) To participate in the activities/programs of the Association. (d.) To contribute and support the Association financially, materially, etc. ARTICLE V Board of Directors Section 1. - The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members. Eight (8) shall be elected by the members of the Association. The ninth member will be designated by the graduating class. Section 2. - Their term of office shall be two years which may be extended but not beyond two (2) consecutive terms. Section 3. - To ensure continuity, only four (4) members shall be elected annually. Four (4) candidates who garnered the highest number of votes at its annual meeting shall be considered elected. Any vacant position shall be filled in by the person who garnered the next highest number of votes. Section 4. - Members of the Board of Directors shall not receive any monetary compensation. Section 5. - The duties of the Board of Directors are: (a.) To formulate policies of the Association; (b.) To take charge, control and manage all properties belonging to the Association; (c.) To implement and monitor all approved programs, projects or decisions (d.) To exercise all powers that are inherent to the Association; and (e.) To present an Accomplishment and Financial Report to the general membership at it's annual meeting.

Section 6. - The Board of Directors shall meet once a month on date and time as agreed upon. Section 7. - Five (5) members of BOD shall constitute a quorum. Section 8. - Failure to attend 25% of number of meetings (3 meetings) shall be cause for termination from the Board. Section 9. - Vacant position shall be filled in by the person who garnered the next highest number of votes. ARTICLE VI Officers Section 1. - After the election of the Board of Directors, the officers of the Association shall be elected by the Board of Directors among themselves consisting of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Public Relations Officer. Section 2. - The President shall have the following duties: (a.) To preside at the meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; (b.) To approve or disapprove disbursement of funds by the Treasurer; (c.) To execute the By-laws and resolutions duly approved by the Association and Board of Directors; (d.) To exercise general supervision over the administration of the Association and it's properties; (e.) To present the Association on all occasions and in all matters where representation may be required or agreed upon; (f.) To recommend and present to the Board of Directors any project or measures that she/he shall judge necessary or beneficial to the Association; (g.) To appoint the chair persons of all committees with the approval of the Board of Directors; (h.) To serve as ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees of the Association; (i.) To present an annual budget with the Treasurer; and (j.) To render an annual report. Section 3. - The Vice-President shall: (a.) Do all duties of the President in the absence of the President or his/her inability to act with the rights and privileges appertaining thereto; (b.) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. Section 4. - The Secretary shall: (a.) Keep under her custody the By-laws and Resolutions duly approved by the Association and Board of Directors; (b.) Keep reports and minutes of the meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; (c.) Keep a complete and up-to-date directory of the members of the Association; (d.) Send notices of meetings and letters of communication of the Board of Directors; (e.) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. - The Treasurer shall: (a.) Receive all funds due to the Association; (b.) Disburse/ release funds with the approval of the Board of Directors based on the approved budget for the fiscal year; (c.) Deposit all funds and valuable effects in the name of the Association in such banks or trust companies designated by the Board; (d.) Render to the President or the Board of Directors whenever required an account of the financial conditions of the Association and of her transactions as Treasurer; (e.) Monitor investments and upkeep of financial instruments (f.) Submit a complete financial statement for the past year with the proper documentation; (g.) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the Board of Directors. Section 6. - The Auditor shall: (a.) Work closely with the Treasurer on financial matters; (b.) Review and certify the financial statement prepared by the Treasurer; (c.) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the Board of Directors. Section 7. - The Public Relations Officer shall: (a.) Disseminate all pertinent information regarding the Association thru various information media; (b.) Assist the Board in strengthening linkages with College and other organizations. (c.) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII Advisory Board Section 1. - This shall constitute of the Immediate Past President as Ex-Officio and the Dean of the UP College of Nursing as Adviser and the Chair of Faculty-Alumni Relations Office. Section 2. - The members of the Advisory Board shall have no voting power. ARTICLE VIII Standing Committees Section 1. - There shall be committees with corresponding duties. Chairmanship of the committees shall be held by the Board of Directors. (a.) Membership Committee 1. To campaign for active participation of members; 2. To search and process any recommendations for honorary membership; 3. To maintain updated alumni directory. (b.) Program Committee To develop, implement and evaluate programs, projects and activities of the Association. (c.) Alumni Relations Committee To foster goodwill among the Alumni e.g. Tokens of appreciation to awardees, recognize outstanding alumni, send greetings or greeting cards, visit the sick, provide assistance, condole with with thee bereaved members of the alumni.

(d.) Finance Committee 1. To prepare annual budget for approval of the board; 2. To formulate plans for fund raising; 3. To recommend allocation of funds raised for board approval. (e.) Awards and Scholarships Committee 1. To search and nominate outstanding alumna. 2. To search and recommend applicants for scholarship for board approval. (f.) Nomination and Election Committee To prepare a slate of nominees for the succeeding year, obtain their written consent, prepare ballots, and supervise the elections and declare elected members. (g.) Publicity Work closely with the public relations officer in information preparation and dissemination of information regarding the activities of the Association. ARTICLE IX Ad Hoc Committees Section 1. - The Board shall create Ad hoc committees as deemed necessary. ARTICLE X Fees and Dues Section 1. - There shall be an annual member fee for regular and affiliate members. The amount of which is to be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 2. - There shall be a lifetime membership fee, the amount of which is to be determined by the ] BOD. Section 3. - Special contributions may be required on special occasions as the Association may direct. Section 4. - Membership dues may be increased within reasonable bounds at the discretion of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XI General Membership Meeting Section 1. - The Association will hold a general annual meeting, preferably on the Foundation Day (April 9) or such time and place as the Board of Directors may set. Notices of the meeting will be sent to members at least thirty (30) days prior to such meeting. Section 2. - Special meetings may be called at anytime by the President or any thirty (30) members of the Association with the approval of the President when the interest of the organization so require. Section 3. - The members of the Association registered at the general meeting shall constitute a quorum

ARTICLE XII Election Section 1.- Elections shall be by ballot, plurality of all votes shall decide the election. Section 2. - Only members who paid their annual dues may vote and be elected to office. Section 3. - Members nominated and elected shall be willing and able to discharge the duties of their offices. Section 4. - Nomination and Election Committee (a.) The members of the Nomelec Committee shall be appointed by the Board. (b.) The term of office shall be two (2) years. ARTICLE XIII Funds Section 1. - All funds shall be deposited to the UPCNAAI. Section 2. - No part of the funds shall be transferred to the benefit of a private person/individual; and Section 3. - In the event of dissolution, the remaining properties of the Association shall be donated to the UP College of Nursing. ARTICLE XIV Amendments Section 1. - Amendments to the Constitution & By-laws of this Association shall be presented for approval by the majority of the members present during the general membership meeting. Section 2. - Amendments may be proposed in writing by the Board of Directors or by any ten (10) members of the Association. Reviewed and Approved, June 27, 2004

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