Alpha Star - Fall 2005

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University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2005

Big Man on Campus: ASUC President Manuel Buenrostro, A Brother in the Bond Brothers,

campaign by chalking, handing out fliers, and approaching poAmong faces like those of tential voters around campus. In Chancellor Robert Birgeneau addition to soliciting votes, Cal and those of the California Alpha offered the living room of Men's Octet (featuring Brother its Chapter House to Student AcPatrick Cento), Brother Manuel tion, the party that Manny ran his Buenrostro was one of the first campaign under, as a makeshift faces that incoming students headquarters. We provided the saw here at Cal. After serving means for a successful election. as an ASUC Senator for the 2004-2005 year, Manny was elected ASUC President during last spring's elections. His familiar and respected face was certainly a valuable asset to this fall s rush. Manny put in hours upon hours of work while running for President. Many sleepless nights served to further his campaigning efforts. Aside from his own tireless work, Manny's campaign demonstrates what can be achieved when the brothers of Phi Delta Theta support each other and work with surrounding members of the campus community. Members of Cal Alpha assisted Manny throughout his 2726 Channing Way


One brother played an especially integral role in Manny's successful campaign: alumnus Bret Manley. Bret, as the Party Chair for Student Action, oversaw a powerful campaign which resulted in all executive ASUC positions and 8 of 20 ASUC Senators being filled by members of the Student Action party. Furthermore, Manny won by overwhelming numbers, with over 900 votes more than his nearest competitor. Through the diligent work of Manny, Bret, and the other Brothers of this chapter, his election to ASUC President went smoothly, and is a valuable asset to Phi Delta Theta. In the coming year, Manny Buenrostro will be busy running the campus and seeing to necessary changes. We all wish him luck.

The Pride of Cal Alpha, ASUC President Manuel Buenrostro, Bond # 1284

Yours in the Bond, Justin Henderson # 1288



2 Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Current Officers 510.540.9036

President Laszlo Ladi 510.207.1016 Vice President Marius Lungu Alumni Secretary Christopher Steele 949.291.9031 Secretary Glenn Carrere Treasurer Christopher Ithurburn

California Alpha Association Board of Directors President Dennis Sidbury 91 415.902.5834 Vice President Dave Levy 91 Secretary Tom Greenberg 97 Treasurer King Tuck 61 Directors Don Hoard 84 Rodney Pimentel 86 Sam Doolittle 91 Adam Garfinkle 98 Bret Manley 05 Laszlo Ladi 06

President s Report Brothers,

ing the time I ve been here, almost every single room has been renoIt is my pleasure to report that vated. The general appearance of California Alpha has once the chapter house has become one again won a Gold Star, the most prestigious award given to a chapter of Phi Delta Theta by General Headquarters. In addition, California Alpha brought home five other awards from General Headquarters. While it is certainly gratifying to be recognized for our work and achievements, there is still much to be done at California Alpha. We have continued to work towards improving the appearance and physical structure of the chapter house. In the past semester and summer we have finished painting the rest of the first floor to go along with the recently renovated front room. A new energy efficient industrial refrigerator has been installed in the kitchen, and the corresponding room has also been refurbished. Early this semester, we rebuilt and stained the front deck, just in time for Cal football game days. The brothers continue to renovate their individual rooms; in fact, dur-

Brothers Glenn Carrere (Secretary), Laszlo Ladi (President), Joshua Ochoa, and Bradford Edgerton

of our strongest points, and I can confidently say that Phi Delta Theta is among the cleanest and most pleasant chapter houses here at Cal.

ASUC president, we have members on the Inter-Fraternity Council, residential living, the Men s octet, and the Judicial Committee for fraternities. Phi Delts continue to be a vital presence on campus, involved in organizations large and small. Nevertheless, we cannot be complacent with our current position. My primary goal this semester is the continued modernization and digitalization of California Alpha. As the rest of the world moves away from paper towards the computer, it s time we should too. In addition to updating the website (http:// with a functional alumni message board, I ll begin the process of digitizing our test files, officer manuals, and other inherited knowledge. Later in the semester, we ll be installing a house server to store all of this knowledge. While this project may seem rather insignificant, the benefits in efficiency and storage will be tremendous in the long-run. On behalf of California Alpha, I formally invite all alumni to drop by the house and see some of the upgrades that we have made. This should be a truly exciting and productive semester!

Another aspect of our continued success is our involvement in campus organizations and the Greek Yours in the Bond, community. Besides boasting the Laszlo Ladi #1276

House Furnishings The Chapter House is constantly in need of new supplies, and we graciously accept donations of furniture and electrical equipment in working condition. We are continually trying to improve the appearance of the house and would gladly accept any possible donations. If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Christopher Steele at 949.291.9031 or at [email protected]. We could use the following: Couches Computers

Office Equipment Tools/Hardware

DVD/VCR Player Stereo Equipment

Tables Chairs

Kitchenware Cleaning Supplies

3 President

Alumni Events

As always, we will be holding Game Day BBQs at the Chapter House at 2726 Channing Way for every home football game. Cal has already seen two overwhelming victories this season against Sacramento St. (41-3) and Washing ton (56-17). Come out and support Cal, and stop by before and after the game! Date Time Opponent

2005 Football Schedule

Later in Fall 05 Duck Dinner will be at the Faculty Club this year on Thursday, November 17th, 2 days before the Big Game. Check page 7 for details. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 949.291.9031 or email me at [email protected] Yours in the Bond, Christopher Steele # 1292 Alumni Secretary

09/17 09/23 10/01 10/08 10/15 10/22 11/05 11/12 11/19


Illinois @ New Mexico St. Arizona (Homecoming) @ UCLA Oregon St. Washington St. @ Oregon USC @ Stanford (Big Game)

Fall Rush 2005 Brothers, Fall recruitment 2005 started off with an oink, as we hosted our Third Annual Hog Roast. Cal Alpha s event hosted live music from an up and coming local band, with the added benefit of showcasing our new deck. The grill out front certainly had use for the many fans, and we were left with a few more rushees.

Induction Ceremony was held Sunday, September 11th, where six men were formally made into Phikeia. Another will be inducted Sunday the 18th. After that date, Fall Rush 2005 will be over for Cal Alpha. Therefore, this coming week will be filled with events as we make one last push to bring friendly, scholarly, moral men into this great Fraternity.

Following shortly after was another successful event, Fight Night. It was a boxing tournament, where brothers matched up head to head in three rounds to determine who wanted it more. In all, it was a fun evening that brought many new faces by the Chapter House, at the cost of only a few bloody lips and bruised egos.

Recruitment is definitely the busiest time of the year, as we are looking for qualified Cal students to transmit this fraternity to. This recruitment period has produced seven good men so far and we hope to see that number grow before the pledge semester gets underway.

Several other events rounded out formal rush. Thanks to the effort of all of the Brothers, we have seven good pledges. They form a solid base for our Fall 05 Phikeia class.

Yours in the Bond, Kalin Semrick # 1289 Rush Chair

Brothers Kalin Semrick and Justin Henderson in the living room, ready to rush hard on Fight Night.

House Improvements Dear California Alpha Alumni,

internet access throughout the entire house. and internet access is easier than ever.

Your building fund donations continue to fund our house improvement projects. The chapter would If you have been by the Chapter House for like to thank the generous alumni that Game Day events, you may have noticed several The foyer and dining room have been resupport our chapter. We are continually improving improvements. The old front deck has underpainted to match the living room, and plans are the chapter house and appreciate all your donagone major construction, thanks to the efforts of in the works to paint the surrounding hallways tions. Please consider returning your donation in many Brothers in the house. The aesthetics of to continue the color scheme. The molding has the enclosed envelope. Please make checks payable the entire house have been improved considera- also been replaced in many places, but it is an to California Alpha Association. bly, and is a much more pleasant place to live. ongoing project. Yours in the Bond, On the interior, the installation of a wireless I look forward to a very productive semester, Ian Nicholson # 1297 internet network covering the entire length of and we have another work day coming up on House Manager the house means that all brothers can share the 24th of September. Stop by if you would pictures, music, and other files. Also, it provides like to lend a hand, or even some tools.

Alumni Contributors: Spring 2005 #526 Mr. Edward F. Willi #741 Mr. Donald F. Dorward #1097 Mr. Steven H. Scott

#552 Mr. Edwin C. Callan #875 Mr. Robert C. Weiss #1150 Mr. Dennis D. Sidbury

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! #554 Mr. Robert T. Coats #1022 Mr. Steve Williamson #1258 Mr. Brian Johsz

#662 Mr. Richard W. Strong #1050 Mr. Rodney Pimentel


Spring 2005 Brothers Chris Steele, Glenn Carrere, Pat Cento, Dan Keegan, and Paul Bishop spending some quality time together.

Brothers Paul Bishop, Kosi Anago, and Brian Gorajski enjoying themselves on the staircase.

Cal Alpha out supporting Patrick Cento, who received 2nd place in Mr. Casanova charity event run by Kappa Alpha Theta.

A cake baked by the adoring fans of Cal Alpha. One of many bands playing at Spring Music Fest 05.

Alumni News: Spring 2005 Sailing the Good Ship Phi Rodney Pimentel, #1050, sailed his boat across the Pacific Ocean this summer in the 100th anniversary of the Trans Pacific Yacht Race (Transpac). The Transpac from Los Angeles to Hawaii is one of the most popular and enduring long-distance ocean races in the world, dating back to 1906. The finish was off the Diamond Head lighthouse just east of Honolulu, following a journey of 2,225 nautical miles. The race began on July 11th and lasted 14 days. Brother Pimentel bought his Cal 40 a year ago and worked feverishly to prepare for the race. The boat was painted azure and argent, with three stripes at the waterline. It was fitting that she was christened Azure . There were fourteen Cal 40 s in the race, which made up the largest class of the 75 boats participating. Azure finished in 10th place in the Cal 40 s and 36 place overall. Brother Rodney Pimentel on his seaworthy vessel the Azure.


Good News for the Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund and Creation of the Bill Eisenwinter Memorial Scholarship Charles E. Stuart is an alumnus of the California Alpha chapter of Phi Delta Theta (Bond #151 initiated September 19, 1902). Brother Stuart set up a scholarship fund to aid active members of the Berkeley chapter in their academic pursuits. Over the years, this fund has enabled a number of students to meet increasingly difficult financial requirements for attending the University of California, Berkeley. Over the last several years, the corpus of the fund has been shrinking as the fees charged by the former trustee exceeded the amount of return we recognized on our conservative investment portfolio. Rather than investing more aggressively at the risk of losing money, we were able to transfer the assets of the trust to Phi Delta Theta s Educational Foundation. Doing so provides us with all the benefits enjoyed under the previous trustee at a fraction of the cost and keeps the entire endeavor in the Phi family. With the trust in new hands and as we continue to collect on past due loans, we have been able to grant our first scholarship in some time. Joon Song, a very deserving active member of the fraternity, was given $2,500 for the Fall 2005 semester. As the corpus grows through donations and investment returns, we plan to continue providing scholarships to other members of the fraternity. This also means that there is now a tax-deductible way to give to the local chapter through the Educational Foundation. Previously, donations made locally were taxable because neither the chapter nor the housing corporation held 501 (c) 3 status for I.R.S. tax purposes. The Educational Foundation, however, enjoys all the benefits of a non-profit entity, including tax deductibility of donations. I know many of you have donated to General Headquarters over the years and this has enabled Phi Delta Theta to fund over $150,000 in annual scholarships to Phi Delt members across the country. You now have the option of donating specifically to the Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund, which will ensure that the money is made available to a member of the California Alpha Chapter at Berkeley. Additionally, we are announcing the creation of the Bill Eisenwinter Memorial Scholarship Fund. You may recall from a previous Alpha Star that Bill Eisenwinter, Cal Alpha Bond #1098, passed away in a tragic car accident on May 23, 2003. Bill was the truest of brothers and was loved by all who knew him. We are very proud to be able to offer an annual scholarship in his honor. If you are interested in helping fund these scholarships, checks should be made payable to California Alpha Association . In the memo line of the check, please indicate either Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund or Bill Eisenwinter Memorial Scholarship . Checks should be mailed to the Educational Foundation as follows: Phi Delta Theta Educational Foundation 2 S. Campus Ave. Oxford, OH 45056 If you have any questions, please contact Dennis D. Sidbury at 415.433.2149. Yours in the Bond, Dennis Sidbury # 1150 Cal Alpha Association Board President




Mr. Lyman R. Gillis


Mr. Robert T. Petersson


Mr. Thomas L. Robertson


Mr. Demott Modisette Jr.


Mr. Nathaniel M. Ball

Mr. Laurin F. Tolman


Mr. Richard N. Peterson

Mr. Allen N. Maybury


Mr. John H. Risbrough Jr.


Mr. George W. Shipley


Mr. Robert A. Smith


Mr. Paul R. Eckley


Mr. Jack R. Sloan


Mr. Wesley C. Colbert


Mr. Robert P. Shoemaker


Mr. Charles R. Fitch


Mr. Gordon A. Jackson


Mr. Robert S. Jackson


Mr. Richard E. Baum


Mr. Dennis T. Cutland


Mr. James J. Arnstein

Mr. William D. Switzer


Mr. Alan B. Jenkins


Mr. Kimble D. Goodman 1031

Mr. Richard M. Drach


Mr. John N. Lawton Jr.


Captain John S. Walsh


Mr. Charles S. McDonald


Mr. David K. Brown


Mr. Matthew Grimes


Mr. Newell D. Mitchell


Mr. Richard C. Orear


Mr. Mehdi Ganjeizadeh


Mr. Paul R. Taber Jr.


Mr. William N. Taylor


Mr. Timothy E. Salter


Mr. George M. Brodrick


Mr. Curtis K. Townsend


Mr. Stephen D. Machado 1070

Mr. Jack D. Griffith


Mr. Robert M. Watkins


Mr. Michael A. Reed


Mr. Charles Ayres


Mr. Donald B. Shea


Mr. Mark D. Fowler


Mr. Richard C. Apman


Mr. Donald M. Howard


Mr. Bradley W. Coburn


Mr. Bert L. Smith


Mr. James D. Rhoades


Mr. James W. Fannin


Mr. Henry A. Kinnison Jr.


Mr. Laurence D. Oliveri


Mr. James M. Hirst


Mr. Marion E. Willson


Mr. John B. Nance


Mr. Dennis G. Lee


Mr. Gordon W. Nelson


Mr. Richard B. Griffin


Mr. Jeffrey J. McElvaney 1094

Mr. Warren E. Davis


Mr. James J. Kennington


Mr. Christopher J. Allen


Mr. Roger H. Ransom


Mr. Mark C. Covington


Mr. Jeffrey T Han


Mr. Robert O. Hawes


Mr. William E. Dempsey


Mr. Lasse B. Kjelsaas


Mr. Richard W. Henley


Mr. Thomas J. Seed


Mr. Frank R R. Avenilla


Mr. George A. Leatherman Jr. 667

Mr. Gary E. Meyer


Mr. Felix A. Torres


Mr. George W. Smith


Mr. Jeffrey M. Brennan


Mr. Douglas E. Davies


Mr. Jack R. Howell


Mr. James E. Richards


Mr. Lee S. Roberts


Mr. Ben E. Foster


Mr. Joseph A. Wharton


Mr. Robert K. D. L. Izumi 1151

Mr. Jack W. Booth


Mr. Richard A. Potts


Mr. Adam D. Griffin


Mr. James H. Llewellyn


Mr. John Wisnom IV


Mr. Jason M. Redd


What are you doing?

Mr. Ruben L. Navarro Mr. James R. Payne

Mr. Malcolm P. Boghosian


Mr. Alan C. Doscher


Mr. Steven C. Morrell


Mr. Philip S Mah



Mr. Paul D. Morrison


Mr. Clayton T. Rowley


Mr. Alex B. Szeto



Mr. Craig S. Nelson


Mr. Justin Corrocherr



Mr. Michael P. Schelp


Mr. Jay Panchal



Mr. Ethan J. Danberry


Mr. Robert L. Johnson Jr. 969

Mr. Edward Youssoufian


Mr. Dennis J. Fitzgerald


Mr. Gabriel A. Harley


Mr. Richard L. Armstrong


Mr. Shailendra Kulkarni


Mr. Carl A. Northcraft


Mr. Salim Durrani



Mr. Ryan Carney



Mr. Mike Pfisterer



Mr. H. D. Roebuck

Mr. William P. Leary

Has something interesting happened to you in the past year? Then contact us and let us know what s new. We are always curious to learn about the various experiences or accomplishments of our fellow brothers. Please fill out this form or contact Christopher Steele at 949.291.9031 or [email protected]


2005 DUCK DINNER Thursday November 17 Special welcome to graduates of years 2005, 1995, 1985, 1975, 1965, 1955, 1945...

The annual Duck Dinner will once again be held on campus at the Faculty Club. The Chapter House is located at 2726 Channing Way, just off College Avenue on the south side of campus. This year, we re extending a special invitation to all graduates of years ending in 5! Come say hello and enjoy a formal dinner with fellow Phi's. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Brothers of Phi Delta Theta would be pleased to have you as our guests. Please return the form below ASAP or contact Christopher Steele at 949.291.9031 or [email protected]

YES, I would like to attend Duck Dinner. Name: Please Select an entrée: Roast Duck

N. Y. Steak

Vegetarian Pasta

Yes! I would like to make a lasting commitment to the Brothers of Phi Delta Theta, Cal Alpha! Please accept my contribution of: $250



Other $_______

Please Make your check payable to the California Alpha Association, with a memo entry of Building Fund. Thank you for your generous support. P.O. Box 4338, Berkeley, CA 94704


Summer Adventures Christopher Steele 07 and Ian Nicholson 07 climbed to the top of Mount Whitney at the end of August, along with 3 friends. Recently, another member of the Mt. Whitney crew, Evan Basakis 08, was inducted as a pledge this fall. Christopher Warren 05 drove across the country, visiting 25 states, as well as Canada. Glenn Carrere 07 summered in Berkeley as a Resident Assistant, working with international students.

Justin Henderson 07 went home to Austin, Texas to stay with his family. He also worked several months for IBM Daniel Keegan 08 traveled to Maui for 5 weeks, where he worked on a cooperative organic farm. He surfed many of the south island reefs, and enjoyed the Hawaiian sun. Marius Lungu 08 visited his homeland in Germany, hanging out with old friends and having fun. He also worked in a German ice cream store.

The SF Alumni Club holds a luncheon on the first Friday of every month (The next one will be on October 7th). Lunch is served at the famous Schroeder s Restaurant, which is located on 240 Front St. in downtown San Francisco. The lunch is informal and begins at noon. Alumni are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, call Dennis Sidbury at 415.902.5834


Mt. Whitney Crew - Phi Delta Theta is at the top.

PO Box 4338 Berkeley, CA 94704

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