Alpha Star - Fall 2007

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  • Pages: 9
University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2007

Cal Alpha’s New Oldest Living Phi: Mr. Maurice Baldwin, #432 Few 98-year olds radiate an enthusiasm reminiscent of the days of their youth, and fewer still look ten or fifteen years younger. But Maurice F. Baldwin, Bond #432, a Cal Alpha Phi from the Class of 1932, isn’t your typical 98-year old. A native of San Francisco’s Richmond district, Baldwin attended Polytechnic High School, then San Mateo Junior College, and he starred for both football teams and led them to respective championships. Along with several of his teammates, the highly-regarded Baldwin transferred to UC Berkeley as a junior and became the captain of the Cal football team, playing center and linebacker. He also pledged Phi Delta Theta that fall semester of 1930. The Cal Alpha of old differed in many ways from that of the present, with its location on Hearst Avenue, its sizable number of athletes who played for Cal, and its more “traditional” pledging and initiation procedures. But some aspects that remained constant were the heated rivalry with Stanford (Cal won both Big Games during Baldwin’s two-year tenure), the great relations with campus sororities, and most importantly, the friendliness and openness among the members. “I had very fond memories because that [Phi Delta Theta] was home,” Baldwin warmly remembered. The life of a collegiate football player also drastically differed in that era. The Depression forced many players to take additional jobs to help pay for their university fees and living expenses, including Baldwin, who hauled cinder for the athletic track. And in addition to the players playing both offense and defense without substitutions and rarely having breaks, Baldwin recalls playing under a coach who wouldn’t allow them to drink water during games, and once, because of the lack of hash marks on the field, intercepting a ball against Idaho and running twenty yards in the wrong direction, before correcting himself. In fact, Baldwin was the immediate successor to Roy “Wrong Way” Riegels, the Cal center who in the 1929 Rose Bowl against Georgia Tech, infamously recovered a fumble and ran 65 yards in the wrong direction. However, the biggest difference was arguably the lack of physical protection. The helmets were leather and barely provided any protection, the football cleats had iron studs that would routinely lodge themselves in body parts, and the pads failed to bear the brunt of tackles, resulting in countless injuries. “Those doggone uniforms we used to wear, they had pads in all the wrong places,” Baldwin recollected. Baldwin’s injuries included a metal stud from a football cleat lodged in his hand, which required five stitches, a broken nose, and a broken collarbone. But they didn’t stop him from continuing to lead the team. In fact though Baldwin’s two years at Cal were losing seasons, the team still traveled to Atlanta to play Georgia Tech in a bowl game, and shook hands with President Hoover in Washington, D.C. Despite the close friendships he formed with brothers during his time at Cal Alpha (including the recently deceased oldest Cal Alpha Phi, George Horton), the Depression meant that social relationships had to suffer at the expense of more immediate necessities, like obtaining employment. “We didn’t keep in touch with anybody because we had to carry on with our own lives,” Baldwin said.

2726 Channing Way • Berkeley • California • 510-540-9036 •

Baldwin, continued Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Current Officers 510-540-9036 President Evan Basakis # 1301 Vice President Matt Dally #1305 Alumni Secretary Kevin Amirehsani Treasurer Marius Lungu # 1293 Secretary Adam Woo #1313 House Manager Thomas Moran #1311

California Alpha Association Board of Directors President Dennis Sidbury #1150 415-902-5834 Vice President Adam Garfinkle #1203 Secretary Terry Maiken #1060

Graduating with a Business Administration degree from a reputable university “didn’t mean a thing” during the Depression, noted Baldwin. After working as a head cook in a Sierra campground, then as a painter and a paperhanger with his father in San Francisco, Baldwin desired more independence and joined the Owens glass company (the precursor of present day Owens Corning corporation), packing bottles in a dangerously noisy glass factory for forty cents an hour, $3.20 a day. The allure of stable employment was so great that Baldwin treasured the job, and ended up staying for forty years. The job took him to many locations in the western United States, including Utah, where he met his future wife and married her in 1940. An offer to play football professionally, part-time, in a newly-created league dissolved

2 when the backers couldn’t obtain enough financial support, but Baldwin was still very happy to keep his job at Owens, where he was progressing up the corporate ladder very well. In spite of his many years, one quote by Brother Baldwin aptly describes not only his time as a football star, but his unwavering philosophy toward life, which was constantly challenged by obstacles ranging from the Depression to numerous injuries. “I wouldn’t give up. I was always going, ready to drop. I was always in the action.” Yours in the Bond, Kevin Amirehsani Alumni Secretary

House Improvements I would like to highlight some of the most recently completed and ongoing house improvements. First, the second floor hallway was just painted, continuing the color scheme from the first floor. Second, there have been some recent improvements to the landscaping in the front of the house to make it look more respectable. We are also working on our basement to make it more of a useful space and more of an inviting atmosphere. Also, some basic house improvements have been accomplished, including the patching of many holes throughout the house, new handles for the foosball table, and other small projects to keep the house in good condition. We have also begun work on replacing the fire escape in the backyard. Our old fire escape was beyond repair so it was torn down, and temporary metal scaffolding was put in until the plans for the new fire escape can be approved. Then the new fire escape will

be built, hopefully within the next few months. There will also be some work days scheduled throughout the semester to ensure that house improvements and projects are done efficiently and effectively and to keep the house clean. We are also looking to fix our roof, kitchen, and do some structural work within the next few years to help make sure our house remains in good condition. We appreciate the role of Cal Alpha Board of Directors, and all alumni for their ongoing help in improving the chapter house and making it a better place to live. We hope that you will consider a contribution to the California Alpha Building Fund as part of your annual donations. Please return the enclosed envelope with your generous gift. Yours in the Bond, Thomas Moran #1311 House Manager


Treasurer King Tuck #860

We held our traditional Founder’s Day event the afternoon of Saturday April 28, 2007 at Tilden Park in Berkeley. As is customary, the event was Chapter Advisor preceded by our annual golf tournament. We’re Adam Garfinkle #1203 happy to report that we had our largest turnout to date despite the absence of Bret “Boom Boom” Manley. After tearing up the course at Tilden in the morning, Directors actives and alumni were joined by ten legionnaires Rodney Pimentel #1050 who gathered in the clubhouse for some refreshments Jeff Davidson #1218 and story telling. Bond #572 Gerald Crane repreGreg Byard #1178 sented the 65-year legionnaires. 60-year legionnaires Decker Flynn #1139 in attendance were #662 Mr. Richard W. Strong and Evan Basakis #1301 #663 Mr. Maynard G. Nelson. The 55-year legionnaires had the largest turnout with a total of four brothers joining the festivities: #754 Mr. Clayton DaVega, #760 Mr. Carlton W. DaVega, #762 Mr. Webb W. Hayes Jr., and #765 Mr. John “Jack” F. Mather. If you looked quickly, it might appear as if there were only three 55-year legionnaires at the event…you see, the DaVegas are twins, bringing new meaning to the term “brotherhood”! Golden Legionnaires in attendance, the guys initiated 50 years ago, were #843 Mr. George L. Saywell, #844 Mr. Edward P. “Paul” Kelly, and #850 Mr. Alson “Al” E. Hathe-

way. A number of other non-Legionnaires made the party as well, including #770 Mr. Jack C. Lockhart and #833 Dr. Willard T. “Will” Price. Most of the housing corporation board was also in attendance. Pins and certificates were distributed with the caveat that fond memories of Cal and Phi Delta Theta be shared for all to enjoy. Phi Delta Theta is truly a fraternity for life. The event is always the last Saturday in April so mark your calendars for some fun on April 26, 2008; we hope to see you there. Yours in the Bond, Dennis Sidbury #1150

President’s Report


In my second and last semester as President I am continually looking for ways to improve the experience at Cal Alpha. In the time that I have been President, I have seen the chapter through some times of great development and growth. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life under the direction of Dr. Hesp has been very active in improving the Greek system and its reputation here at Cal. I am proud to say that Cal Alpha has been one of the more active chapters on campus when working with the campus and the community. The success of our very strong relationship with the campus has a lot to do with the countless efforts of the Housing Corporation, namely King Tuck and Adam Garfinkle. Along these lines, Cal Alpha has been improving our relationship with the Berkeley Fire Department and the Building Department by becoming current with fire and life-safety codes. Here at Cal Alpha, we feel that these, in addition to our house renovation projects, are crucial to the house’s future, so that we will be able to attract new members and maintain a positive image in the eyes of our peers. Every day I have made an effort to improve the state of the house as far as “brotherhood” is concerned. I want new members to participate in important functions/positions in the house, I want them to become more active and knowledgeable within the campus community, and most of all I want them to succeed. I think Cal Alpha provides them with great potential to move them to become responsible and mature individuals. At times I feel as if I have to push them to grow and mature, and at times it can be a painful process, but well worth it. I feel that if I

see to it that all the brothers are happy then this house can do great things. In light of these great things, I feel that the house is becoming more academically oriented. Our existing members and newest recruits have challenged themselves with rigorous majors, including civil and mechanical engineering, physics, history, political science, and English. In terms of Rush this fall, I feel that an addition of 8-10 guys will be adequate and sufficient. However, we feel that it is never practical to sacrifice quality for quantity. On this important note, I feel that having a solid core of younger guys in the house ensures that we will continue to prosper. Now, we have that core group, but in order to ensure that all our positive contributions to the house endure, it is necessary to rush aggressively. Going into my last semester as President, I have realized that I was given a great opportunity to contribute to the organization and at the same benefit from my experiences. I have found that I could do no other than help in anyway that I could to see this place grow into something even better than when I first was brought in. I also hold in high esteem the Housing Corporation as well as all alumni who have put in so much time and effort. I will forever remember my experiences here and I look forward to contributing to the house in the future. Yours in the Bond, Evan Basakis, #1301 President

Building Fund We have a very important project that has become a priority at the Chapter House. Our wooden fire escape has finally seen its last days. The Berkeley Fire Marshall deemed the structure unsafe during an annual inspection and mandated that it be replaced immediately. The Housing Corporation, led by brother Decker Flynn, has demolished the old structure and erected a temporary staircase to prevent the City from closing the house. Terry Maiken kick started the fire escape fund raising campaign with a $500 donation . We have employed the services of a structural engineer and have been working on obtaining a permit from the City to construct a permanent steel structure. The new structure will solve many issues besides safety. We have always had many leaks and dry rot issues next to the old fire escape that we have not been able to fix. This project will allow us to make some significant long-term improvements to the back of the house. The current estimate is $75,000 to replace the existing structure. The Housing Corporation encourages you to give generously this year to our building fund drive to help fund the costs of this important life-safety project. Yours in the Bond, Rodney Pimentel #1050

Cal Alpha’s Temporary Fire Escape Many thanks to the brothers listed below who have contributed to the Building Fund during the past year. We hope that you will consider a contribution to the California Alpha Building Fund as part of your annual donations. Please return the enclosed card with you generous gift.

Mr. Jerry Becker Mr. Ed Callan Mr. Gerald Crane Mr. Adam Garfinkle Mr. Henry Giudice Mr. Fred Hawkins Mr. George Horton Mr. John Lawton

Mr. Terry Maiken Mr. Howard Martin Mr. Roger Nelson Mr. John Norris Mr. Curtis O’Sullivan Mr. Sidney Petersen Mr. Rodney Pimentel Mr. Joe Richardson

Mr. Robert Shoemaker Mr. Dennis Sidbury Mr. Mike Smith Mr. Dick Strong Mr. Bob Weiss Mr. Robert Wheeler Mr. Ed Willi

Alumni Events

This year’s Duck Dinner will be held in the Great Hall at the Faculty Club on Thursday, November 29th at 7:30PM. As usual, many members plan to meet at Henry’s at 5:00 before heading over. We are also in the process of arranging an open house at 2717 Hearst Avenue, Cal Alpha’s former chapter house, from 56PM. Mark your calendars! Please fill it out and return it by November 7th. We will also have our “Active vs. Alumni” softball game the next day, Friday, November 30th. Make sure to stop by and test your softball skills after Duck Dinner and the day before The Big Game at noon.

2007 Home Football Schedule Date 9/1 9/15 9/22 10/13 11/3 11/10

Time 5:00 PM 3:30 PM TBA TBA 7:00 PM 5:00 PM

Opponent Tennessee, W 45-31 Louisiana Tech Arizona Oregon State Washington State USC

The 2007 Cal football season has begun and, as usual, we will be having gameday BBQs at the Chapter House at 2726 Channing Way before and after every home football game. If you and your families will be in Berkeley to attend any of the six Cal home games, I invite you to stop by the House for some food and soft drinks before heading up to the stadium. This is also a great chance to see your fellow alumni and to meet our current members.


If there are any questions, please feel free to call me at 510-552-9454 or email me at [email protected]. Yours in the Bond, Kevin Amirehsani Alumni Secretary

Remarks from the Vice President ALS Association The ALS Association held its first Day in Sacramento last spring, and California Alpha was there with them. This advocacy event brought ALS patients and supporters together in a visit to the state representatives' offices. Three brothers and two pledges spoke about their experiences helping the ALS Association, and what more needs to be done to help find a cure for this debilitating disease. Be a Part of Chapter History Brothers Eric Michal and Matt Dally are writing a comprehensive history of California Alpha. So far, we've looked through old Alpha Star issues, Blue & Gold Yearbooks, and miscellaneous other sources. Now we want to hear from the alumni: tell us about your life in Phi Delt, funniest stories, lessons learned, fellow brothers, and anything else you want to pass on to a new generation of Phis. If you've got a story to tell, please get in touch with Historian Matt Dally (e-mail [email protected], or just send plain old mail). We'll keep you updated on our progress! Landscaping - In with the New Growth Hours of labor over the summer have resulted in a refreshed front face

of California Alpha. Now the deck and driveway are flanked with drought-resistant grasses, vines, bushes, and trees. And above the new plantings, the house proudly displays an American flag and an unbelievably large Phi Delta Theta flag. Come to the chapter house this fall and see the changes! Next landscaping task: the back yard. If you've got a green thumb or dollars to fund the project, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Yours in the Bond, Matt Dally #1305 Vice President

My Summer at the World Series of Poker I joined Phi Delta Theta at the end of my sophomore year as an avid poker player and fan. I hoped to test some of my skills once I turned 21 at the various events of the World Series of Poker. I booked a cheap hotel near the venue for the end of May through the middle of July to ensure my stay for the entire World Series. It started off tough and I found myself overwhelmed by many of the stars from ESPN sitting right beside me. Some of the names at my tables included Men the Master, Joe Hachem, Jamie Gold, Howard Lederer, Erick Lindgren, Kathy Liebert, and Alex Jacob. Perhaps you are familiar with some of them, but they were superstars to me. The summer became long as I cashed in only one time heading into the Main Event, but the Phis were plentiful. I received visits from several of the active brothers that were in Vegas at the time, and it was great to have some company in the hot desert sun. In addition, I was able to spend some time with a recent alumnus too. However, the most surprising day was the when I wore one of my Phi Delta Theta rush shirts. Four people at my tables that day notified me that they were brothers in the bond at chapters from all over the place. I had never

realized how many brothers are really out there and doing a lot of the same things! In the final event, just as I hoped to leave Las Vegas because I’d had enough, some good fortune finally came my way. I had the best cards on Day 1 of the Main event and was able to reach near the chip lead with 130,000 chips. I survived Day 2 with 80,000 chips and was hoping to make it to the money. Halfway though Day 3, 621 of the 6300 entrants were left. By the end of Day 3, I had built up to 360,000. On Day 4 the good fortune really returned as I got to 1.3 million chips with about 130 players remaining. Then on Day 5, the luck ran out, but I still was able to finish 82nd in this year's Main Event, and the summer was a success with that final note. Chasing the 8 million dollar prize was a memory I won't forget and hope to try again soon! Yours in the Bond, K.C. Cagney #1308

Summer in Armenia Being proud of who you are has been ingrained in me from a young age. Being Armenian pretty much guarantees being in the minority wherever I go. As such, it is always a challenge finding a place where I can truly feel accepted and understood. I found such a place here at California Alpha. Going back to Armenia this summer after a 6 year absence was amazing. I saw family members that had last seen me as a 14year-old child. I saw things differently than I had back then. It wasn’t all fun and games this time around. I visited some of the most poverty-stricken people I had ever seen, this time around fully understanding what that meant: what those people had to go through everyday just to have food in their stomachs. I also saw some of the most beautiful and breathtaking sites I had ever seen as well. I visited one of the oldest churches in the world, which was

built in the 4th century and was built into the mountainside. 5 Coming from humble beginnings, I truly appreciate all that I have. I feel blessed to have been able to return to my homeland, it truly did feel like home there. At the same time however, I felt a strong longing to return to the United States, to Berkeley. I missed California Alpha and the way it also felt like home as well. The diversity of brothers in the house has made me feel welcome. Having brothers from various backgrounds and all walks of life has made Cal Alpha a home away from home. I’m glad to be a part of this chapter and look forward to continuing the diversity and tradition of respect for one another as well as the Bond. Yours in the bond, Hovanes Gasparian, #1302

Rush Update Hello brothers. This fall looks like it will provide an abundant and dynamic group of Phikeia. A new tactic we will be trying this year that we have not tried in the past is a rush “telethon,” where we call as many of the incoming freshman as we can via a contact list we obtained from the university. Hopefully this will provide us with some more depth as we begin recruitment. Other rush strategies have been redefined and modified, including our approach towards bidding and outreach. Some of the tactics we tried last year proved unsuccessful, such as rush teams. With a commitment towards collective participation still forefront in my mind, other collectively inspired plans will be put into effect this fall, such as logistical preparation for specific events that the entire house will participate in. Such an approach to the complexities of Rush will both take some of the weight off of my shoulders (allowing me to focus on the actual recruitment) and allow for

greater accountability for the rest of the chapter. The new brothers from spring semester are very excited to participate in recruitment, as is the rest of the chapter. With the house completely full of brothers for the first time in a long time, (at least as long as I've been a brother), the excitement in the air is thick, as brothers begin to move back into the house and preparations for official rush are made. Let me just say thank you to our province president, Phil DeCarlo, and Housing Corp. for their continued support and guidance. Wish us luck as we look forward to a recruitment class in the double digits. Yours in the Bond, Patrick Cento #1290 Recruitment Chair

Emerging Leaders Institute This summer in Oxford, Ohio, many members from Phi Delta Theta chapters across the country and Canada came together at the Phi Delta Theta Emerging Leaders Institute. This meeting is held every year to promote unity across chapters and to reinforce the principles of the fraternity. Our chapter sent us, Tom and Konrad, two of the youngest and most eager brothers. After arriving in Oxford we rushed to the first event, a dinner at which we were given Cal Alpha’s Gold Star and Community Service Citation. We listened actively at the lectures and participated in the smaller group discussions. Each of the three full days had a focus. The first day's pillar was ritual and was headlined by a model initiation. The second day taught the young men about successful recruitment tactics. Throughout each day the young leaders met with their groups and

discussed the triumphs and shortcomings of their respective chapters with respect to the day's topic. The third day reinforced the moral and legal dangers of hazing. The conference culminated with a touching story of a young man whose Greek experience ended tragically; everyone was visibly affected. We definitely returned this semester with an even better attitude and more zeal than before. The experience clearly gave us a new perspective on the fraternity, one which we are sharing with the other brothers here. Yours in the Bond, Konrad Knusel #1309 Thomas Moran #1311

Philanthropy Last semester's philanthropic endeavors proved to be both meaningful and exciting. We supported the Greek Community's cooperative efforts by providing participants, and lots of cheer, to Pi Phi's Arrowbands, Delta Gamma's Anchor Slam, and Kappa Alpha Theta's Mr. CASAnova (our pledge Charlie Litchfield came in second). As usual, our largest event was our Fourth Annual Spring MusicFest, for which we employed five local bands, served food, and raffled off several great prizes. A speaker from the ALS Association, Matt Chaney, gained the audience's respect as he described his experiences as a patient of the disease. We once again raised over $700 for the Bay Area chapter of the ALS Association. The proceeds from t-shirt and raffle ticket sales have all been donated to the ALS Association of the Greater Bay Area. In order to

ensure that next Spring's MusicFest is an even greater success than those of the past, we will begin the planning and booking of acts during the latter part of this semester. The philanthropic spirits are high in anticipation of this semester's activities. We will participate in the East Bay Walk to D'Feet ALS as it has been a lot of fun in the past. In addition, thanks to the generous creation of a Philanthropy Budget, I will be contacting the University to help find new events for us to become involved in. As always, if any alumni propose a philanthropic idea, we will work our hardest to make it a reality. Yours in the Bond, Konrad Knusel #1309 Philanthropy Chair

Brothers Ian Nicholson (#1297) and Evan Basakis (#1301) embarked on several hiking and camping trips during the 6 summer. Highlights included a one-day ascent of Mt. Russell, the seventh tallest peak in California at 14,088 feet. The technically challenging climb is normally completed in two days, but Evan and Ian tackled the mountain alpine style, starting their adventure at five in the morning. They completed the fourteen mile climb in under twelve hours. The pair also climbed the 10,462 foot Lassen Peak in Lassen Volcanic National Park on a separate trip. Plans for next summer include an ascent of Mt. Morrison, a peak in the Mammoth Lakes area of the Sierra Nevada range. Interestingly, the summit is named after Robert Morrison, albeit not the Morrison of Phi Delta Theta fame.

House Furnishings — Got Junk? The Chapter House is constantly in need of new supplies and we graciously accept donations of furniture and other equipment in working condition. We are continually trying to improve the appearance of the house and would gladly accept any donations. If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Eric Michal at 650.245.6011or at [email protected]. We could use the following items: Tools/Hardware Kitchenware Cleaning Supplies


818 Mr. Donald B. Shea

1042 Mr. Matt E. Clark

509 Mr. Robert T. Petersson

829 Mr. Donald M. Howard

1052 Captain John S. Walsh

511 Mr. Demott Modisette Jr.

832 Mr. James D. Rhoades

1055 Mr. Mehdi Ganjeizadeh

512 Mr. Laurin F. Tolman

839 Mr. Laurence D. Oliveri

1068 Mr. Timothy E. Salter

520 Mr. George W. Shipley

868 Mr. John B. Nance

1070 Mr. Stephen D. Machado

541 Mr. James E. Hug

890 Mr. Richard B. Griffin

1075 Mr. Mark D. Fowler

566 Mr. Richard E. Baum

892 Mr. James J. Kennington

1079 Mr. Bradley W. Coburn

589 Mr. Charles S. McDonald

896 Mr. Mark C. Covington

1085 Mr. James W. Fannin

627 Mr. Jack D. Griffith

897 Mr. William E. Dempsey

1086 Mr. James M. Hirst

632 Mr. Richard C. Apman

902 Mr. Thomas J. Seed

1092 Mr. Dennis G. Lee

645 Mr. Henry A. Kinnison Jr.

915 Mr. Gary E. Meyer

1094 Mr. Jeffrey J. McElvaney

648 Mr. Marion E. Willson

918 Mr. Jeffrey M. Brennan

1125 Mr. Jeffrey T Han

649 Mr. Gordon W. Nelson

929 Mr. Bruce E. James

1128 Mr. Lasse B. Kjelsaas

651 Mr. Warren E. Davis

946 Mr. James E. Richards

1132 Mr. Frank R R. Avenilla

652 Mr. Roger H. Ransom

954 Mr. Joseph A. Wharton

1134 Mr. Felix A. Torres

661 Mr. Richard W. Henley

957 Mr. Richard A. Potts

1144 Mr. Lee S. Roberts

667 Mr. George A. Leatherman Jr.

958 Mr. John Wisnom IV

1149 Mr. Vladimir Douhovnikoff

669 Mr. George W. Smith

959 Mr. Alan C. Doscher

1156 Mr. Adam D. Griffin

673 Mr. Jack R. Howell

960 Mr. Steven C. Morrell

1161 Mr. Jason M. Redd

691 Mr. Ben E. Foster

964 Mr. Clayton T. Rowley

1164 Mr. Philip S Mah

710 Mr. Ruben L. Navarro

965 Mr. Craig S. Nelson

1189 Mr. Manuel R. Lozano

721 Mr. James R. Payne

966 Mr. Michael P. Schelp

1200 Mr. Jason Shuster

736 Mr. Nathaniel M. Ball

968 Mr. H. D. Roebuck

1201 Mr. Alex B. Szeto

749 Mr. Richard N. Peterson

969 Mr. Robert L. Johnson Jr.

1205 Mr. Justin Corrocherr

757 Mr. Robert A. Smith

970 Mr. Dennis J. Fitzgerald

1209 Mr. Arta Monjazeb

777 Mr. Dennis T. Cutland

976 Mr. Richard L. Armstrong

1211 Mr. Jay Panchal

792 Mr. David K. Brown

977 Mr. Carl A. Northcraft

1233 Mr. Nicholas Cravalho

800 Mr. Curtis K. Townsend

1001 Mr. William P. Leary

1234 Mr. Neil H. Ogimachi

801 Mr. Robert M. Watkins

1002 Mr. Mark R. Thorp

1254 Mr. Ryan Carney

We very much appreciate the feedback we receive regarding lost Phi Delts. If you sent in updates, please be sure that we received them. If you have provided information on a brother who continues to appear on this list, it means the information that was provided is either the same information we already have as their most recent address which is no longer valid or that we confirmed that the new information provided is out of date. Thank you.

Please look closely at all the names. The list gets smaller every year. Let’s make sure every Phi is found.



Thursday November 29

The annual Duck Dinner will once again be held at the Faculty Club. Last year we had a great turnout and this year we are again trying to break 100 guests, so please make an effort to come on out and see your brothers! The evening begins at Henry’s at 5:00 followed by Happy Hour at 6:30 at the Faculty Club. The evening finishes off with Duck Dinner at 7:30 in the Great Hall. The Brothers of Phi Delta Theta would be pleased to have you as our guests. Please return the form below by November 7th or contact Kevin Amirehsani at 510-552-9454 or at [email protected].

YES, I would like to attend Duck Dinner. Name: Please Select an entrée: Roast Duck

N. Y. Steak


Vegetarian Pasta

Yes! I would like to make a lasting commitment to the Brothers of Phi Delta Theta, Cal Alpha! Please accept my contribution of: $500



Other $_______

Please make your check payable to the California Alpha Association, with a memo entry of “Building Fund” and mail to California Alpha at P.O. Box 4338, Berkeley, CA 94704. Thank you for your generous support.

New Website California Alpha's website,, has 8 been redesigned! If you have any suggestions for making the website better, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

What are you doing? Has something interesting happened to you in the past year? If so, please contact us and let your brothers know what’s new. We are always curious to learn about the various experiences or accomplishments of our fellow brothers. Please contact Kevin Amirehsani at 510-552-9454 or [email protected].


Thanks to Brother George Saywell for providing this comic which appeared in The New Yorker magazine on April 17, 2006.

PO Box 4338 Berkeley, CA 94704

The SF Alumni Club holds a luncheon on the first Friday of every month (The next ones will be on September 7th and October 5th). Lunch is served at the famous Schroeder’s Restaurant, which is located on 240 Front St. in downtown San Francisco. The lunch is informal and begins at noon. Alumni are encouraged to attend. At the August luncheon we quaffed a stein to Brother Ken Miller, a long-time attendee, who passed away on his birthday, July 22, 2007 at the age of 85. We will miss you Ken. In Coelo Quies Est.

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