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  • Words: 12,212
  • Pages: 69
All The World’s A Stage A Self-Actualization Program of Cinemagraphic Proportions Adapted by

Victoria C. DePaul From the works of 

Thomas Michael Powell


TABLE OF CONTENTS Take 1 .................................................................................................................................1 Beginning Concepts.........................................................................................................8 The Concept of Power ...................................................................................................16 Introduction to Psycanics ..............................................................................................19 Drama ............................................................................................................................20 You As Lead Actor ~ More on Psycanics .....................................................................31 Exercise: Identify The Changes You Wish to Make Introduction to Psycanics:… ......35

Take 2 Law of Polarity ....................................................................................................44 Polarities ........................................................................................................................44 Emotions and Experience ..............................................................................................31 Emotions as Love ..........................................................................................................33 Exercise: Negative Event Inventory .............................................................................44 Exercise: Happiness Inventory .....................................................................................46

Week 3 ..............................................................................................................................48 BEing and IDentity ........................................................................................................48 The Causal Sequence: Overview ...................................................................................49 Emotion as Energy ........................................................................................................58 Exercise: Activation Inventory ......................................................................................62 The Experiential Imperitave ..........................................................................................77

Week 4 ..............................................................................................................................79 THINK...........................................................................................................................79


The Creation of Good and BAD ....................................................................................81 The Fatal IDentity/Fatal Paradigm ................................................................................83 Programs ........................................................................................................................86 Exercise: Causal Sequence Chart ..................................................................................87

Week 5 ..............................................................................................................................93 DO in the Causal Sequence ...........................................................................................93 HAVE in the Causal Sequence ......................................................................................98 The External Quest for Happiness ...............................................................................101 Exercises ......................................................................................................................103

Week 6 ............................................................................................................................108 Cause and Effect ..........................................................................................................108 Response-ability ..........................................................................................................114 More on Victim ...........................................................................................................125 Exercises ......................................................................................................................141

Week 7 ............................................................................................................................147 The Discreation of Negative Emotion .........................................................................147 NIR Masses and Activations .......................................................................................149 Exercise: A Process to Further Develop BE-FEEL .....................................................166

Week 8 ............................................................................................................................169 Introduction to Discreation ..........................................................................................169 Exercise: Preparation for CDT ....................................................................................175


All The World’s A Stage From

As You Like It All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. William Shakespeare 4

All the World’s A Stage

Yes, all the world’s a stage and you are the Lead Actor in your movie⎯indeed, of your life. You are the producer, the director and the screenwriter. Take a minute and review your current movie set⎯ where you are right now. Take a look at the props that are surrounding you. What are you wearing? What costume have you selected for yourself in this current scene? Don’t stop there. Consider your supporting actors. Who are they? What role are they playing in your current drama? Or perhaps your current movie is a comedy? Does it include juicy love scenes with the occasional side trip to adventure? Is your life a nail-biter with never-ending drama⎯ or are you thinking about your next bag of popcorn? Perhaps you are living a mystery, waiting for someone to come along and figure things out for you. Is your story a Grade B horror flick, with danger lurking around every corner?

Doesn’t matter. Regardless of the genre⎯ it is yours. And that’s the good news.

As director, producer and screenwriter, you are in full control. Regardless of what is currently playing at your cinema, you can re-write your script at any moment. You are at liberty to change the direction of your role. You can change your movie set. You may decide that some supporting actors in your movie are no longer necessary, while you may choose to add others. As director and screenwriter, you have the final say on how others will participate in your screen production. So take a moment and really, really consider your current movie. What changes are you prepared to make to your script? When you are ready, click the picture below. As you watch this video, make note of some of the portrayals here and see what thoughts and emotions are generated. So grab your bag of popcorn and let’s go!


All the World’s A Stage

To View Film, while depressing the CTLR button, Mouse Click.)

So what do you think? Did you spot yourself and your current situation in any of these familiar plot lines? More importantly, did you get any ideas on where to go next? Did you see any leading roles that you are ready to write into your script?

If so, put the popcorn down. It’s time to get started on your own Oscar winning production⎯ after all, you are the star. This is your production. Welcome to Your World, Your Stage.

Hollywood awaits.


All the World’s A Stage

You, As Lead Actor In order to live your script as your write it, you must understand the universal truths that govern the nonphysical elements of you (consciousness, will, thought, emotion, relationships, love, happiness, etc.). Knowledge of the universal truth principles of your nonphysical universe⎯ you, as spirit⎯ provides you with the knowledge you need to fully understand YOU⎯The Lead Actor. Armed with this knowledge you can now eliminate negative emotions and character traits and create yourself and your screenplay as you desire—essential for success and happiness. You will prove the validity of these universal truth principles as you explore your current script and start the script revision process. Begin by understanding that consciousness, thought, emotion and motivations are energies. All human experience (e.g. thought and feeling) is the impact of energies on consciousness; all human behavior is driven by the imperative to control experience—that is, to avoid pain and find happiness so that you can live that happy ending. As you move through the process of re-writing your script, it is the nonphysical energies of mind, spirit and emotion that will fuel your desires and intentions. The change of an energy pattern your mind produces a corresponding change in your emotions, and therefore in your behavior. You can use this same energy as fuel for the re-creation of your Self and your life according to your highest ideal. This ensures that you, the Lead Actor, create a screenplay chock full of personal power, love, joy and success. Your newfound knowledge and understanding 7

All the World’s A Stage

of the truth principles of the nonphysical universe and its impact on your nonphysical energies will facilitate your ability to produce, direct, and write your ideal screenplay as it: •

Pinpoints the exact cause of any mental and emotional suffering.

Identifies the cause of any negative emotion (anger, fear, grief, guilt, etc)

leading you, the Lead Actor, to serenity. •

Constantly reduces your mental and emotional reactivity until you, the

Lead Actor, are able to remain in serenity no matter what happens around you. •

Shows you the root cause of addictions (food, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc).

Ends negative self-image and self-esteem.

Changes negative behaviors: habits, and patterns of action.

Resolves problems and conflicts in relationships.

This program will provide a specific application for personal growth and development. Understanding the universal truth principles of the nonphysical universe equips you with the tools necessary to write a script that presents:


All the World’s A Stage

A new vision of love, especially of self-love—which determines your love for others. As Lead-Actor, you can only love others to the degree that you love yourself: you cannot give what you do not have.

The exact causes of self-esteem, accompanied by a laser-precise technology to increase it.

A new relationship with happiness. Happiness is the result of love (remember a time when you “fell in love” and check how happy you were). Here you will fully embrace your starring role and create the joyful ending that you desire.

How you will move from WHO YOU ARE now (your current script) to WHO YOU WANT TO BE (your

new screenplay). With deliberation, you will create

yourself as you wish to be, as your highest ideal. Since life is BEÆDOÆHAVE (simplified), perfecting your Identities (BE), automatically produces a higher quality of action (DO) that naturally produces better results (HAVE). •

Your world as the reflection of your internal energies, of your Identities (your BE) and your thoughts, which determine your actions and your results. You will learn how to create your Identities and thoughts so that you manifest life according to the perfect screenplay that you write and direct.


All the World’s A Stage

This program presents the universal laws of happiness, arranged in a logical order and designed to give you an experience of Who You Really Are. As you proceed through this program and increase your knowledge of these nonphysical, spiritual principles of how life works, you will increase your personal power and your ability to write your life script according to your desires. The universal laws of life introduced in this program are not the only universal principles that govern the nonphysical universe⎯ but they are the most significant for creating an immediate transformation in your life script. A summary of important concepts include:


All the World’s A Stage POLARITY

Most experiences in life are both physical and nonphysical; they are of two opposing poles and include a range of variations between the two poles. In the physical realm some examples are: hot < > cold, up < > down, light < > dark, big < > little, rich < > poor, strong < > weak. In the nonphysical universe you have positive < > negative, Good < > Bad, pleasure < > pain, Cause < > Effect, happiness < > unhappiness, success < > failure, Joy < > Suffering, Love < > Anti-Love. EXPERIENCE

Everything that you perceive, feel, and live. Life is experience; you have experiences on many levels. Your mental experience is your thoughts, ideas, dreams and memory. Your feelings are your experience of your emotional energies. Through your body and the five senses you experience the physical universe. ENERGY

Everything that exists is made or formed of energy. This includes solid matter as well as your thoughts and emotions. Your thoughts and emotions are masses of energy; they are objects. Because they are objects and have mass you can control them. Understanding how you control them is what gives you power over your mind and your emotions. This is where your power in life (and therefore your power to rewrite your script) comes from. As you rewrite your script your focus will be on your understanding and control of your nonphysical, human energies. THE CAUSAL SEQUENCE OF LIFE

Life works according to the formula of:






Your word rules in your nonphysical universe. Example: If you believe that you are weak, you will BE. The Causal Sequence is this: Your self-created BE of WEAK will 11

All the World’s A Stage

make you FEEL weak, FEEL bad about yourself for BEing weak. Your mind (THINK) will work to either compensate or counteract for BEing weak. Your actions (DO) will become anxious and fearful as you attempt to convince yourself and others that you are not weak. All of this activity will sabotage your ability to produce your desired results (HAVE). A negative Identity (BE) always creates a negative Causal Sequence. Your power to create the results you want in life (your positive HAVE) depend on creating and living a positive Causal Sequence.


Everything, in both the physical and nonphysical universe, operate according to the principle of Cause and Effect. In your life, you are either at Cause or you are at Effect. If you are at Effect, your creations are impacting you and causing your experience, but you are not aware of (or you are denying) creating them. At Effect you believe and feel that you are a victim of life with little control over what happens to you. You are either Cause (Creator) or Effect (Victim) in life.


Life is energy. Like energy attracts like energy. Positive energy attracts positive energy. Positive results are the manifestation of positive energy. You decide whether you vibrate with positive energy or negative energy. Your vibration, your Energy, your BE, is your communication tool to the universal Life Energy. More than likely you are familiar with the “Law of Attraction” ~ your thoughts create your reality. Your results in life flow directly from your thoughts; however you must fully understand where your thoughts come from. Your thoughts are made of your THINK which include your programs, paradigms, should and should not bes, beliefs, and ideas. Manifestation is more than your thoughts; manifestation is the outcome of who you BE. Instead of using the Law of Attraction to create your life script, you will use the truth principle of Magnetism the foundation of the Law of Attraction. 12

All the World’s A Stage


As a verb, the ability to allow others and events to BE as they are and to BE as they are not. SPace is the absence of energy, particularly negative energy; free of the judgment of right < > wrong or Good < > Bad. SPace is the ability to understand⎯ it is, what it is, as it is. THE EXTERNAL QUEST

The External Quest is the search for happiness outside of self. The External Quest consists of an enormous range of negative behaviors including addictions, attachments, conflicts, egoism and the neurotic compulsion to seek success, fame, fortune, position, power, relationships, and the hoarding of material things. The External Quest is a great illusion. Nothing external will ever bring you happiness. The best you can hope for is a Moment of Pleasure. Happiness can only be found by returning to ESSENCE and that, the Kingdom of Heaven, is within. THE EXISTENTIAL IMPERITIVE: THE PRIMORDIAL HUMAN IMPERITATIVE

Our own happiness is the ultimate motivation of ALL human effort and behavior. Everybody always acts for what they consider is the path of most happiness for them. There are no exceptions to this law. The law does not say that we do always brings happiness as our actions often backfire, only that happiness was our subconscious motivator. What you seek in life is your Happiness. Every action, thought and behavior has happiness as its ultimate outcome. What is essential for you to achieve happiness is an understanding of the Laws of Happiness, summarized below: THE LAWS OF HAPPINESS


Our own happiness is the ultimate motivation of ALL human effort and behavior. Everybody always acts for what they consider is 13

All the World’s A Stage

the path of most happiness for them. There are no exceptions to this law. This doesn’t mean that what people do will always bring happiness (our actions often backfire), only that happiness is the subconscious motivator. What we all seek in life is Happiness. We always act for our own happiness as we perceive it at that moment. (Consider self-sacrifice and altruism. How does this new information influence your previous understanding?)


Happiness and its opposite⎯ suffering⎯ are purely emotional. The emotions are the only happiness or suffering that exist in life. Happiness or pain is never the events, but how you feel in relation to the events. Positive emotion is happiness; negative emotions (anger, fear, hate, sadness, etc.) are unhappiness. There is no other source or cause of happiness or suffering.


Events are never the cause of your emotions, and therefore are never the cause of your happiness or pain. Two people often feel oppositely about the same event. If the event were the cause, it would cause the same experience in all the people every time. Nothing could be farther from the truth about human experience: it varies immensely for any given event. The cause of such variation must be in that which varies, the people, and not in that which does not vary, the event. Most people never see through the illusion that events cause their emotions and so waste their lives trying to achieve happiness by controlling external events (including other people). For this reason, most human beings never achieve any significant increase in the level of happiness throughout their life.


All the World’s A Stage


The only source of happiness is within, internal, to each person. The only source of unhappiness, pain and suffering in life is your own negative emotions. Despite this fact, most people seek happiness by trying to control the external world, achieve goals, and accumulate materials things. This obviously does not work: a person with one million dollars is not for that happier than a person with 50 thousand dollars. There are many people who “have it all” and yet are very unhappy (e.g. for example, movie, music and athletic stars).


The emotions are the Love <> Anti-Love Energy Polarity. Happiness, therefore, is a state of Love, and suffering in a state of AntiLove. Happiness is a state of positive emotion that results from Self- Love (positive Self-Esteem). Despite appearances, external events NEVER cause your emotions. Your emotions are your love or anti-love for Self according to the Essence IDentity that you activate in relation to the events. Your emotions, the only Happiness or Pain that exist in life, are generated around the Identities, not the events. You can not control many events of your life; you can not control your emotions; your point of power in life where you have perfect control is your Identities.


You can love others ONLY to the extent that you love yourSelf. Your relationships will work naturally and effortlessly to the degree that you control yourSelf, your Identities; and will be stormy to the extent that you do not love yourSelf.


Your ability to create and manifest things in the physical universe depends on your understanding of how Manifestation 15

All the World’s A Stage

works, and ALWAYS starts with your control of your nonphysical, spiritual and mental universes. Manifestation is a matter of energization; and the polarity of the energy, negative or positive, does not matter. Most people resist their negative situations in life, thereby energizing them, and so attracting and maintaining in their lives what they don’t want.


If you want to be successful and happy in life, you must learn how the most complicated thing on the planet works: YOU, your BEing, mind and emotions. As Einstein said: “It is insanity to keep doing what you do now and expect better results”.


So how does an evening at the movies sound to you? Just about everybody likes movies and will occasionally take time out of their real-world experience to enjoy a good (or not-so good) screenplay. What is it that makes the movies so universally popular? It’s simple: they are experience, albeit vicarious. Experience is the purpose of existence and what we all seek. Experience is life and the more experience that you have, the more life you live. Movies are a way to experience more than we can live personally. They are a way to experience events and adventures not otherwise available to us. They are a way to crowd more life into our lives. Some even tell the stories of the complete lives of others, at least in the important details. Keep in mind that the movies that you view at the Cinema have a limitation as experience. They are not totally real as they lack actual physical experience⎯ specifically your physical experience. You do not really go to those places nor do you perform those specific actions. While at the Cinema, your physical experience remains that of a seat in the theater or on the


All the World’s A Stage

sofa in front of your plasma TV. In most cases, you will not reach the intensity of emotion by just watching the actors as you would were you actually living that experience. The lack of physical experience is not always a disadvantage; movies are a way to experience dangerous activities without the danger. And by not having to actually do the thing physically, we save a lot of time – time for more movies, no doubt. Furthermore, physical experience is not the most important element of your ‘movie’, as you will learn.

Figure 1: What Emotion Does This Photo Stir Within You?

Computer technology has already created “virtual reality”: three dimensional worlds for computers games and training simulators of all kinds (e.g. flight training). Virtual reality gives you the experience of actually being in and moving about inside a three dimensional universe. (A good example is Mission: SPACE, a motion simulator ride at Disneyworld in Florida.1)


I was visiting the theme park shortly after this ride premiered. At that time only the intense version was available for park goers. If you have ever wondered if black persons can turn green let me remove all doubt. For two hours after the ride concluded, I lay flat on the ground, mumbling, “Get me an attorney”. After my equilibrium returned, I no longer had a need for legal counsel. Years later, recollection of the event still causes light headedness. Way too much experience for this author.


All the World’s A Stage

How real can such realities get? Where will the creation of reality end? Where do you want it to end? How much reality do you want?

How about total, absolute reality? How would it be if you could go to a theater where the movies are solid, four dimensional reality? How would you like a theater in which you did not just sit back and watch the actors, the hero and heroine, but actually became them? How would it be to really do and think and feel, fully live in real space-time, everything that the protagonists in your favorite movies do? If you have seen the “The Never Ending Story” you know that it tells the story of a boy who finds an attic and starts to read a book about a fantasy world, full of strange creatures. The fantasy world is in danger of disintegration if someone does not save it. Reading the book, he merges into the story to find himself in that fantasy world, now as solid and real as the world he emerged from. He becomes the hero that saves the fantasy world. How would it be to be able to go to a theater like that, merge into the movie and actually live everything in solid reality? And then, no matter what happens, even if you get killed in the movie, come back out to your “real” life? Well, look around you. You are in such a movie. You call it, “My Life”. Your life is a movie set where you come to act and live out four dimensional, solid-matter-level- reality movies. As the Lead Actor of “My Life”, you act out the full polarity spectrum of experience from positive to negative. Life is a combination game field, amusement park and movie set where spirits come to experience whatever they would like to experience. And what do spirits like to experience? Anything and everything. Just observe the differing tastes in stories and books: there exists every kind of book and novel that you can imagine: romance, horror, adventure, mystery, detective, political, gothic, war, business, historical,


All the World’s A Stage

fantasy, fairy tales, or educational. There is no limit to the variation or individual taste in literature, film or stage. The nonphysical, spiritual you craves experience. The here and now of your life is a movie set equipped for all kinds of experience not available in the spirit realms. Experience is the purpose of existence. Earth is a movie set for spirits. It is also a game field⎯ for the game of life. It is an amusement park with all kinds of rides, natural such as mountains and oceans, and man-made such as cars and trains, planes and parachutes, boats and submarines. And then there are even amusement parks within this amusement park such as Disneyworld or Six Flags. The purpose of existence is experience. The purpose of your life is to immerse yourself in situations of all kinds, physical and nonphysical, and to explore the totality of experiences that result. Physical experience of itself is great, but it is of secondary importance. Its primary purpose is to stimulate nonphysical, spiritual experience: joy, beauty, fear, hope, satisfaction, horror, etc. Recall the formula of life, the Causal Sequence of:

BE → FEEL → THINK → DO → HAVE (Identity → Emotion

→ Thoughts → Actions → Results )

Life succeeds to the degree that it makes you THINK and FEEL; it offers you opportunities to expand your Creator Essence, your Actions, which in turn, create your Results. Many will argue that there is no way that they would choose a life full of difficulty, sadness, failure, or suffering. But just as we are fascinated by movies of villainy or terror, and news reports of disasters and evil; so too are we, as spirits, fascinated by the entire spectrum of possible experiences, including the negative ones. There are multiple factors that affect this: 1. Polarity: Experience is polar. You cannot know and appreciate positive, “good” experiences without also knowing negative, “bad”, experiences. Existence is the exploration of all possibilities of experience.


All the World’s A Stage

2. Spiritually, there is no “good” or “bad”; there is only experience. Good and Bad are just labels created by the mind. 3. Experience is your greatest opportunity for growth. These opportunities are possible because of obstacles. Deep inside, spiritually, you want big challenges, big obstacles, big problems, to cut your spiritual teeth on. 4. Spiritually, you come from realms of light and love. You enter onto the stage of life for the vast opportunities for experience that await you.

You are the Creator, the Lead Actor, of your life. You have written the script for your life and you are now living it out. It is time that you explore your power and ability to change and rewrite your script. Meanwhile, a good start is to stop resisting your current experience (life). What has shown up is what you, as screen writer, have devised. You chose it for your own good reasons at the time, no matter how it looks now. Furthermore⎯ Resistance causes Pain and Persistence, an important point that will be explored later in greater detail.

What is, is ⎯ and is as it is. What ain’t, ain’t ⎯ and that is “What is”, also. Your suffering is your Resistance to “What is”.

(Your suffering is never “What is” but your Resistance to “What is.”

So, WELCOME to your movie!


All the World’s A Stage

And remember the really good news: You are not only the actor and the hero⎯ you are also the writer, the director, and the producer. You have caused all that you have experienced so far whether you accept that responsibility or not. The game here is to learn how you cause it so you can take control of the process and take center stage. To start writing better movies with outcomes that you enjoy you must understand the following: The nature of the human emotions that dominate your movie: What they really are, and Where they come from. The cause of your emotional energies: what triggers both your positive and negative emotions. The real cause of all of your Unhappiness, Pain & Suffering. How to control your emotions: how to live eliminating the negative emotions and increasing the positive ones. How to re-write your script and eliminate Unhappiness, Pain & Suffering from your life. The true nature of self-esteem: how to eliminate your negative self-image and selfesteem and re-write your scenes, fully re-claiming your Oscar-winning performances as Lead Actor. The nature of Love as an emotion, and its opposite polarity: Anti-Love. How to grow in the experience of Love for Self and for Others. The true nature of Happiness: what it is, where it is, and how to weave in into your screenplay.


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

How to free yourself of the External Quest for Happiness and Success by continually playing the supporting role in someone else’s drama, instead of claiming your star status in your own screenplay. An introduction to CDT: Creation Discreation Technology⎯ a highly effective system of self-change and life control that will allow you to comfortably fully experience your life from the Lead Actor perspective. And most importantly ~ How you can incorporate all of these so you can write your screenplay with the outcomes you desire.


This program is POWERful. That means it gives you, Power over life, a tremendous amount of power. This program will show how you, as Lead Actor, screenwriter, director and producer, create your life movie. Once you understand the dynamics of how you write your life script, you will have the power to create a new Academy award-winning screenplay with scenes where you show how, as Lead Actor you have learned to: ♦ Avoid most pain in life, and to quickly discreate that which you can not avoid. ♦ Free yourself of fear and anxiety. ♦ Free yourself of guilt and resentment. ♦ Free yourself of anger and hate. ♦ Free yourself of grief and regret. ♦ Free yourself of loneliness and sorrow. ♦ Change yourself and almost everything in your life


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

♦ Understand the nature of addictions and neuroses. ♦ Free yourself of any compulsion to try to control others or the world to be happy. ♦ Tremendously improve your relationships.

However, your decision to take the lead in your movie⎯ and therefore claim your power⎯ comes at a price. That price is your attention and dedication to study, learn, and reflect. The price to ‘write’ your life script to fully become the Lead Actor of your screenplay is your commitment to ‘get real’ with yourself. The price is your willingness, readiness and ability to confront you⎯ all of you. You must be willing to decide which supporting actors no longer support your screenplay and how you will rewrite their roles. You will not get this level of power out of this program just by reading these materials. You must understand how life works, how you write your dramas and then take responsibility for your life scenes. The next step is to apply these concepts directly to your circumstances and re-write your script. You are a sophisticated, spiritual, and complicated life entity,—much more so than any drama that someone else has written for you. Therefore, you should not expect any program that proposes to show you how to reclaim the lead in your own screenplay to be overly simple; the truth is that it will require some effort on your part to absorb the new concepts you will learn and their application. Understand this— you are not going to achieve much power over your life script (and therefore your life) with platitudes, a positive attitude or affirmations. Real power over life requires real knowledge, and that requires real effort— first to understand it, and then to apply it. The support tools available to you in this program are:

Text with several weekly exercises.

A weekly Teleseminar to review key concepts.

Free access to an on-line community forum for questions and discussion.


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

Free access to an on-line journal for reflection and exercises.

Opportunity for individual coaching. (At an additional cost.)

Some Definitions To Set the Stage: SPIRITUAL VERSUS RELIGIOUS

It is important that you do not to confuse spiritual with religious. •

Spirit-ual means “related to spirit”, to a nonphysical, Life-energy entity. Spirit means “Life” or the “Animating Factor” in the universe. Its prime characteristics are Awareness and Will, also known as Essence. There is only ONE SPIRIT or LIFE ESSENCE BEING (aka God) that in different levels and amounts, imbues itself into forms, creating the apparency of many separated, individual beings. You are a spirit, a Life-Energy entity, the Lead Actor of your script, temporarily focused in a physical body. All the laws of Spirit and spirit-ual energy apply to you.

Religious means “related to a registered brand of dogmas, doctrines, and rituals about God”.

These words, spiritual and religious, are confused as the same by most people. However, this is not the case: they are not the same. Not only are they not the same, but are sometimes opposites. Something can be very spiritual and not at all religious, e.g. meditation and mysticism; or very religious and not at all spiritual, e.g. inquisitions, crusades, jihads and other “holy” wars. This program is highly spirit-ual in that it deals with you as a spirit and how you function spirit-ually. You may very well include religion and religious concepts in your life script. Just understand the difference. For now, understand that you are a nonphysical, Life-Energy entity spirit; you are as a unit of the ONE, infinite Energy, operating within the Creation, in this moment, in a physical body.


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage


Is your life full of drama? What do the words “drama” and “dramatic” mean? Take a couple of minutes and watch this film, paying careful attention to the dialogue:

(To View Film, while depressing the CTLR button, Mouse Click.)

Too much drama? For far too many people, the scenes that they have written into their script contain more drama than they care to experience⎯particularly negative experience. To further define drama: Drama is a highly emotional situation, full of tension and suspense, where the final outcome is in doubt and where the next turn of events is often surprising, but always challenging. The opposite polarity of dramatic is boring. Some people believe that 25

All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

“drama” refers only to situations with negative outcomes, for example, tragedies. This is not always so: any situation or event can be dramatic including positive outcomes. For example, how dramatic would your life be if you won tonight’s multi-million dollar lottery? Throughout history, all the best stories⎯ whether tales, books, movies or history itself⎯ are dramatic. Dramatic is almost a synonym for “highly interesting”. Question: Has your life been dramatic? Most people will answer that question, “Yes, my life has been dramatic.” Those that say no, usually say that their lives are boring. However, even boredom can be dramatic if you make a soap opera out of it. Spirits love experience and drama is the maximum, the richest, the juiciest experience possible. Where does drama come from? What makes something dramatic; what causes or creates drama? Drama comes from pushing the polar envelope, from exploring polarities to their limits. Drama springs into existence when you go far into the negative before moving to a high positive – or you stay in maximum negative in spite of your best efforts to go to positive (tragedy). Drama is maximum uncertainty, maximum suspense about the outcome, about reaching the goal, about winning. It exists when you are challenged to your limits⎯ when you experience maximum doubt about your ability to achieve your goal. It comes as a result of facing big obstacles⎯ obstacles at the limit of your powers to overcome. Goal and obstacles are the stuff that drama is made of! Think of any dramatic movie that you have seen and observe that the hero faced a big problem or threat (the negative pole) that pushed him or her to the limits⎯ only to finally conquer the obstacle and win (the positive pole), usually at the last moment. Drama is the struggle against a big obstacle that seems insurmountable. Drama is struggle with negative situations before ultimately overcoming it and reaching a positive situation.


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

If you want a tragic drama, then either you never get out of the negative or you fall back into it at the end. In the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, for example, the protagonists first overcome great obstacles⎯the family feud (negative); to find great love (positive)⎯only to lose it at the end and die (negative). Shakespeare takes his characters up and down polarities scales – and you with them. Notice what makes a dramatic sports match: a very close game where the outcome is in doubt until the last moment. In such a match, each team must employ its maximum effort against an equal or better adversary. Win or lose, this type of game is much more dramatic and enjoyable than a game where one team just walks over the other to victory – even if that team is your favorite. The most dramatic of all games occur when the underdog beats a top-ranked team after a superb struggle – and at the last moment. The determining element of drama is the emotional experience. This too is a polar exploration of the emotional spectrum. When winning appears doubtful, almost impossible, we get maximum negative emotion: frustration, anger, desperation, uncertainty, fear, etc. The negative emotions set the stage for the appreciation of the positive emotions that accompany victory. You can only savor the victory to the degree that you were tested to your limits with all the intense negative emotions involved. This is polarity in operation; this is drama.

Polarities are essential to Drama: You can savor victory only to the extent that you almost failed.

That movement over defeat-to-triumph distance against significant obstacles is the drama in screenplay. The position of “Victim” (explained in Cause and Effect) is especially dramatic as it is a position that denies power, makes all challenges seem big, and therefore generates lots of anti-power negative emotions. Some people will argue that there is no way that they would choose a life full of difficulty, suffering, 27

All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

evil, horror or failure (notice the drama). But where is the drama, the “juice”, in an easy life with few problems or challenges, always getting what you want? The truth is we spirits come here for experience and one of the juiciest forms of experience is drama. Life is a dramatic movie taking place in an amusement park-movie set called Earth, and consisting of many scenes as dramatic as you can make them. You are here as the Lead Actor, screen writer and director of your screenplay to experience all that you can. Life is experience; the purpose of life is experience. There is nothing else. Your objective as a spiritual, nonphysical BEing is to create drama. You create your life according to your life script. There are two ways to generate drama: 1. In the struggle to get what you want: the struggle with obstacles. 2. In getting what you do want: the prizes.

Which way you define drama affects how your write your script, and therefore how your life manifests. If you define the struggle as dramatic, you get a lot of struggle. If you define getting what you want as dramatic, you get a lot of what you want. This is why some people’s lives appear to be magical⎯ they have written their script so they win easily and often. Notice the progression of concepts:

ExperienceÆ PolaritiesÆ MoviesÆ Drama.


All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage


Experience is the purpose of existence. One of the major forms of experience is Polarities. Polarities are an essential element for your script: positive and negative, what is and what isn’t, power against obstacles. The exploration of Polarities⎯ pushing the limits⎯ is what makes your screenplay interesting. Pushing the poles is called Drama. Drama is the degree to which your movie scenes are interesting. The prime experience of Drama is emotional. All emotion is how you feel about yourself according to the Identity that you have activated at the moment. Drama occurs as you struggle to maintain your Power against the obstacle (counter-Power). This activates your Power Identities (I CAN and I CANNOT); and your Value Identities (I AM GOOD and WORTHY; I AM BAD (a failure) and UNWORTHY. These identities are the source of your emotions and therefore the Drama in your life. (More on Identities later.) So when you find yourself up to your eyebrows in drama, try to remember not to take it so seriously. You must write drama into your script. Your ability to write and experience positive outcomes depends on your ability to understand the universal Truth Principles of Life. Without this knowledge your script is a never-ending soap opera with actors, scenes and meaningless props that lead nowhere. Your Life is a movie; you are the screenwriter, Lead Actor, director and producer. You decide if you will play the lead (Creator) or if you will relinquish the leading role to someone else (Victim). You write the scenes. You decide what supporting roles are necessary and who will fill those roles. You decide what props are necessary and what resources you will use to support your script. Your human life is to your real, spiritual existence what a movie is to your human life. To paraphrase Shakespeare: All the universe is a stage, and upon it, each spirit plays in many movies. We are all playing in our own movie, while simultaneously playing supporting roles in the movies of others. 29

All the World’s A Stage

Your Life Is A Stage

Life works according to the six Areas of the Causal Sequence: BEÆ FEELÆ THINKÆ RELATEÆ DOÆ HAVE.

Everything in your life falls into one of these six areas or arenas. Your life is your experience in these six areas. In this exercise, you will look at each area to identify the negative things you wish to eliminate from your screenplay, and to envision the positive things you wish to create. If you take a closer look at your life you will find that you waste much of your energy resisting, struggling, fighting against, what you BE FEEL THINK RELATE DO or HAVE in the present that you don't want, against the negative things in your life. Negative energy actually energizes and strengthens what you are resisting, activating the universal law,

RESISTANCE INCREASES AND CAUSES PERSISTENCE. ALL NEGATIVE EMOTION IS RESISTANCE against something that is currently playing out in your script. Therefore, all your moments and periods of negative emotions, anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, depression, etc., are actually energizing negative things in your life⎯ perpetuating the same painful scenes of your life over and over. YOU CANNOT CREATE WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE BY RESISTING WHAT YOU HAVE.

As you begin to rewrite your script you must begin your with an image of what you want, of where you want to go. You must have a vision of the positive things, of the BE FEEL THINK RELATE DO and HAVEs that you


wish to experience. The most powerful action you can take to reclaim your role as Lead Actor, is to carefully examine YOU. Acknowledge your own negative energies and resolve to no longer resist them, but to work through them. In this way you will increase your own personal power and move toward a life of happiness and serenity. This increase in personal power will fuel your Creator spirit, moving you forward in all areas of your life. As you grow in your personal experience of WISDOM, POWER,

and VALUE, you may find that not everyone wants to

grow with you. These are the supporting roles that you will either re-write, recast or eliminate. As you become more comfortable in following your passions according to your script, a shift to a new way of life will more often than not, change the way you perceive others and how they perceive you. Regardless of the changes required as you re-write your script, begin with the knowledge that if you are to achieve success you must first establish a vision. Without a vision, neither you, your family, your business, your community—will have any idea of how to play their assigned roles. A clear vision provides clarity on the direction of your screenplay. Visions allow you to outline each characters development and story⎯ how you will produce your screenplay: who will play what roles, how scenes will unfold, and what props you will need to complete your motion picture.


A fully developed script can pinpoint which roles need to be further defined and expanded. Visions allow you to identify possible blocks and obstacles⎯ the drama necessary for a powerful and exciting screenplay. Remember⎯ we are all the Lead Actor in our own screenplay. As parent, leader, manager, spouse, friend, coworker—you can help others to remember that they are also Lead Actors in their own production. At the same time that you are the Lead Actor in your screenplay, you play a supporting role in the drama of others (and they in yours). Everyone is living their script; those with a vision have a head start with the development of their screenplay. Without a vision you cannot establish priorities (organize scenes), recognize what is important (develop your role as Lead Actor), identify people who can help you (develop supporting roles and cast actors), find the resources that are available to you (identify necessary props and scenery), or focus your time and energy so you know how to live on purpose (develop your plot). Without a vision your script has no purpose. Visions are mental images of something that you wish to create, manifest, or achieve. You create your life twice: first in the nonphysical universe of spirit, mind and emotion, and then in the physical universe. The first is the vision, a vision of what you will create. Your screenplay is your manifestation of your vision. Accidents, coincidences, and randomness do not exist in life. Despite appearances, nothing happens by accident. 32

People are creative; you are Creative. You are the Creator, the Lead Actor, of everything in your experience, positive and negative. Your creative power in life comes from understanding the importance of your vision of what you wish to create. To manifest a vision all you have to do is translate it to your screenplay. Your attention, your energy, your BE, whether it is positive or negative, creates and attracts. When you are in negative emotion, you are energizing and therefore creating and attracting what you don’t want. This is how the creative process works. Consider your own life—what percentage of your time and energy is spent in anxiety, sadness, guilt, resentment, anger, fear, grief, apathy, depression, or any negative emotion? Energy is creative regardless of its positive or negative polarity. When you don’t understand how the creation process works you will live life in the supporting role of someone else’s script, wondering why you have so much less of what you do want and a lot more of what you don’t want. This is not because of an innate lack of power; it is due to ignorance of how the creative process works⎯ and how to use it to create your script. In order to achieve power in life you must understand how to control your emotions, how to control energy, and how to control the contents of your nonphysical, spiritual Universe. When you live the life that you want, your


screenplay will include scenes of enthusiasm, desire, passion, and joy. This is the outcome of a worthy vision.2 Through the operation of the Causal Sequence, your visions have power. They have the power to motivate and move you to action, they have the power to direct the universe and move the events (scenes), people (supporting actors), and resources (props) into your life (screenplay) that you need to manifest your visions. The universe is alive and responds to the passion, THE LIFE ESSENCE energies of your visions. Your visions are your communications to the universe of what you will create. Your vision communicates to the universe what to manifest around you. The end result of all of this is your screenplay, how life shows up around you.


Always remember that your vision is powered by the first element of the Causal Sequence, your BE.


(To View Film, while depressing the CTLR button, Mouse Click.)

Now stop and consider this: Where are you going in life? Do you have a clear, precise, specific vision for your life? Who is directing your screenplay? To find out we will begin here. This week’s exercises will assist you in first, discovering the various characteristics of current roles. The next step is to begin to develop an outline of your Life script.


In each of the six areas, identify the negative things that you would like to change or eliminate. Write these down on the negative side, the left side, of the forms on the next pages. Then imagine, envision, what you would like to experience in that area. Describe how you would like that area, or specific things in that area, to appear in your script. Write these down on the positive side, the right side.

The list does not have to be exhaustive at this time; and you can add to it at any time. In fact, just three important things in each area are adequate to start. By the end of this program you will be well on your way to living your life, according to the screenplay that you written. You will have acquired power over your BEing and your life, over the six areas. You will fully embrace the Lead Actor within.


The next page uses a table format to help you with this exercise. The first page/table has questions to help you identify your items. The following pages are blank tables where you can note your items. The pages following the tables introduce the Causal Sequence. The purpose is that you can envision your life, as a first step in re-writing your screenplay, according to the Causal Sequence of:



These questions can help you identify the negatives and envision the positives. AREA



NEGATIVES to be eliminated.

POSITIVES to be created.

What and Who am I now that I no longer wish to BE?

What and Who do I wish to BE?

Write down any noun or adjective that describes you that you no longer wish to BE. However, save answers that are emotions to the next area: FEEL.)

“I want to BE . . . ”

What am I FEELing now in life, in general and in specific situations, that I would like to stop FEELing? Here list your negative emotion patterns. You can also list the events, people or situations that trigger your negative feelings.

How would I like to FEEL in life, in general and especially in specific situations.

Write down any noun or adjective When you say: “I am… ”, what are that describes who or what you you? (that you don't like BEing?) want to BE.

Guilt, anger, anxiety, worry, fear, timidity, resentment, hate, sadness, loneliness, sorrow, grief, apathy, depression, desperation, etc.


Save answers that are emotions to the next Area: FEEL. Then reduce all those answers to the 3 most important ones.

Love, enthusiasm, joy, interest, content, happy, blissful, peaceful, serene, confident, etc.


RELATE (DO as regards other people.)

What are my negative thought patterns that I wish to eliminate?

What positive thoughts would I like to be entertaining?

What does my negative selfesteem feel like? How can I describe it?

What positive self-esteem would I like?

What specific relationship problems or conflicts would I like to solve?

How would I like specific relationships to be?

Spouse, parents, children, bosses, etc.

DO = Actions as regards habits and things-- as opposed to people.



What negative behaviors, habits, addictions, compulsions or obsessions would I like to eliminate?

What positive behaviors would I like to install in me? How would I like to act more positively?

Alcohol, tobacco, overeating, tranquilizers, drugs, shopping, too much TV, etc.

What do I HAVE now (material things or situations -- or lack of things or money) that you would like to eliminate or change. Illnesses?


Note down the important things you would like to HAVE in life. Reduce these to the three most important ones.

Worksheet: Copy this format or print out. AREA

NEGATIVES to be eliminated.





POSITIVES to be created.





Worksheet: additional copy AREA

NEGATIVES to be eliminated.





POSITIVES to be created.





NOTES: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 44

Some necessary concepts to aid in your understanding of these Universal Principles: POLARITIES:

An important element of drama is polarity. A polarity is one kind of experience composed of two opposite qualities such as hot-cold, lightdark, good-bad. Polarities create a scale or spectrum of gradients of experience between the two poles—for example between hot and cold there is the range of all temperatures possible. Both poles are essential for a polarity to exist: it is impossible to have one pole without the other. Furthermore, you cannot know, or experience, a positive quality without having known, at least once, its opposite. It is not possible to have or even to understand the concept of hot without cold, light without dark, pleasure without pain. For example, try to imagine a universe in which there is only one temperature and you will see that the concept of 45

temperature could not even exist. Imagine a universe in which there is only one color: the concept of color, much less the experience of color could not exist. Try writing a screenplay where these elements do not exist. Your emotions, like all energy, are a polarity; they have spectrum with a negative scale and positive scale. The positive emotions are pleasurable, they are happiness. The negative emotions are pain and suffering, unhappiness. For the positive emotions to exist, the negative emotions must exist. For you to experience, know and appreciate the positive emotions, you must have experienced the negative emotions at least once – but only once. You do not have to live in recurring scenes of negative emotions as most people do. As you proceed over the next few weeks you will learn how to apply CDT to eliminate negative emotions from your life, both at the moment of activation, and eventually permanently. One of your greatest aides in re-writing and living your screenplay comes from knowing that you, as Lead Actor, can handle any negative emotional state. If you are like most people, your life is a variety of scenes where you experience everything from depression to divine bliss and all the more usual emotions in between: frustrations, angers, fears, panic, sorrow and grief. Sometimes you aren’t sure if you are living your version of the Titantic, Thelma and Louise or Rebel Without a Cause. What you will learn—and wherein lies your strength and security—is that you can end any negative experience quickly. Yes, life is about drama⎯and 46

you need plenty of it for growth and experience. It just isn’t necessary to keep re-casting yourself as the tragic hero. (How about a romantic comedy with plenty of adventure for a nice change?) Many of the most important phenomena of existence, and therefore in your life, are Polarities. When the concept of Polarity is important to the term being discussed, the symbols of +/- will be added before or after the word. Examples: ¾ “Emotion+/-”: Means “both positive emotions and negative emotions”, or “any emotion whether positive or negative”, or “the entire Emotion Polarity Scale from lowest negative to highest positive”. ¾ “Love+/-”: Means both positive love and negative love. (The concept of negative love will be explained in the text.) The term "Anti" may be used to express the negative polarity, for examples: ¾ The concept of Power+/- includes Positive Power and Anti-Power. ¾ The negative polarity of Love is Anti-Love.

2- Emotions Are Experience These words are synonyms: perception, consciousness, awareness, experience, feeling, integration and being: all refer to the same phenomena⎯ experience. Your experience consists of all that you can perceive or feel, whether through the body or directly in consciousness (thoughts and emotions). 47

Life is experience. Your screenplay is the manifestation of the scenes of your Life. Life is experience; the king of all experience, of all life, of your movie, is the emotions. To check this statement, try to imagine that emotions do not exist. Try to imagine a movie in which there are no emotions, no feelings; in which every thing, every person and every action is emotionally neutral, emotionally gray. No ups, no downs, no joy, no sorrow, no fear, no enthusiasm, no likes, no dislikes; the same indifference to defeat as to victory: life is just events without value (emotions are value, as we shall soon see). BORING. There could be no beauty or art because the appreciation of these is emotional. There could be no zest because zest is emotional. There could be no true sense of value, nothing better or worse than anything else, because value is emotional. Life would be robotic: without the color of emotions you would just be going through the motions of living and not caring about anything because caring is emotional. What makes your movie worth living, what gives it its color and tang, are the emotions. Experience is also a polarity: there is positive (pleasant) experience; and negative (painful) experience. Positive experience is happiness; negative experience is unhappiness or suffering. For maximum impact (and maximum growth) your screenplay must include both negative and positive.


3- Emotions Are Happiness Happiness is an experience, your emotional experience. Happiness or unhappiness is your emotional state and nothing else. Happiness is how you feel; whether you are in positive or negative emotion at any given moment. Happiness is positive emotions such as satisfaction, optimism, enthusiasm, love and joy; and the absence of the negative emotions that are the opposite polarity. Unhappiness is the experience of the negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, loneliness, guilt, hate, resentment, anxiety, grief, etc. In life it is not nearly as important what you have or what you do or what happens to you, as it is what you feel about it. Feelings are everything. For example, who is better off, a poor, happy man or a rich, miserable one? (And if you think “rich, miserable” is better, remember a time when you really felt bad: shocked, grief-stricken, anxious, scared, depressed, etc. Would you really accept feeling like that most of the time just to be rich?) Happiness is emotional. Your emotions at any moment determine whether you are happy or unhappy, not the external conditions. You may want to say that the external conditions determine your emotions, but this is not true, as you will learn as you progress through this program.

4- Love Is Happiness


The relationship between Love and Happiness is causal and simple: Love causes Happiness. Happiness is the result of loving. To verify this use your own experience. Simply remember a time when you "fell in love". How did you feel? Did not your whole world kind of glow? Did you not "walk on air"? Did your heart not dance? Was that not a time of great happiness? Have you ever experienced more happiness than when you loved most? You are most happy when you most love. Love causes the experience of happiness. Happiness is a by-product of love. This brings us to one of the major errors that many of us frequently make. We seek to be happy, to live that happy ending, but happiness is a result—the result of love—not a cause. To experience that happy ending, people should seek to love. Seek love, not happiness. And, as we will see below, it is yourself that you most need to love.

THE EMOTIONS ARE LOVE. The emotions are the experiential perception of love.


Furthermore, given that emotions are a polarity and that happiness is a polarity, then love must also be a polarity. The emotions are the polarity scale, the spectrum of loveenergy. Love, as energy is a polarity and therefore has a scale or spectrum. Just as there are positive energy and actions; so too are there negative energy and actions⎯ ANTI-LOVE. Anti-love includes all actions and energies that seek to change, harm, destroy, punish or cause suffering to the thing or person anti-loved. Experientially, anti-love includes all energies that are painful, specifically all the negative emotions. The polarity spectrum of love as experience is the emotions. Love as a spectrum of emotional energy is like white light. When you pass light through a prism, it breaks into its component colors, each a slightly different frequency of light. Love is like white light. Its spectrum is the entire range of emotional energy, positive and negative. Many people think that the feeling of love is just one of the emotions, and that the other emotions have little to do with love. Not so: Love-energy is ALL of the emotions. All emotions are different frequencies, different points, on the love-energy spectrum, as shown in the diagram below. The spectrum of love runs from the negative pole of apathy up through grief to fear to anger; to the neutral of indifference; and into the positives of interest, enthusiasm, joy and ecstasy. The positive half of


the spectrum is positive-love (pos-love); the negative half, anti-love. The following illustration demonstrates the love-emotion spectrum.


The pos-love emotions such as interest, satisfaction, optimism, enthusiasm, joy, etc., feel good: they are the foundation of happiness. Anti-love⎯ negative emotion, is negative experience and therefore pain, suffering and unhappiness. Anti-love includes the four basic negative emotions of anger, fear, grief and apathy. Anger (includes resentment and hate) is an energy that motivates you to attack and change or destroy its target, that which should not be. Obviously, anger is not pos-love and is anti-love. (Hate is hardened and persistent anger with intention to destroy.) SUMMARY TO THIS POINT:

Negative emotions are negative energy, anti-love, pain and unhappiness. As with all polarities, each pole is essential to the existence of the other pole; it is not possible to have pos-love without anti-love. Therefore, anti-love is not BAD; it just is, and is an essential part of the universe and your life script. As with all polarities, anti-love must exist and be experienced –at least once, but only once—in order to know and appreciate pos-love. You don’t have to keep re-playing your negative scenes repeatedly (experience) in anti-love (suffering) as so many people do. They do so only as a result of their lack of knowledge of LOVE and of themselves as Lead Actor~ a spiritual BEing of Love Energy.



To better show how the emotions are love and to improve your understanding of anti-love, review this comparison of five properties of LOVE in both polarities (pos-love and anti-love). 1. Value 2. Experience 3. Affinity 4. Energy 5. Action



VALUE Value is the worth, the GOODness or BADness, of something or someone.






GOOD: You have positive emotions about GOOD things: things or people that are worthy, deserving, and lovable. You love GOOD things or people: you have positive feelings about them. Love and positive emotion both imply positive value: GOOD.

BAD: You have negative feelings about things or people with a negative value for you; that is, about BAD things or people. You anti-love (anger, fear, hate) BAD things or people: you have negative feelings about them. Anti-love and negative emotion imply negative value: BAD

1. You can not separate love (emotions) from VALUE (the evaluation of good and bad). 2. You can not separate how you feel, your emotions, from your LOVE. They are the same thing.

EXPERIENCE⎯ for our purposes these are your feelings, your emotions. Positive Experience is Happiness. Negative Experience is Unhappiness.

To love something means that you have a positive experience for it: interest, caring, affection and enthusiasm, that you celebrate it. What are these but love? What are these but the positive emotions that are happiness?


Anger, grief, fear, resentment and hate: these are negative energies and negative experience. They are also anti-love for their object. They are also clearly the negative emotions and they are negative, painful experience, the essence of suffering.


LOVE and emotion are the same experience. Positive emotions are pos-love and positive experience. Negative emotions are antilove and negative experience.


Love attracts and unites; it seeks union—as do the positive emotions. Both poslove and pos-emotion are experiences of affinity, attraction, and the seeking of union with the beloved.




Here energy refers to forms of energy other than emotion; that is to physical forms of energy.

Anti-love is dislike, anger, fear, resentment, scorn, hate—all the negative emotions. Anti-love and the negative emotions are negative affinity: aversion. Both seek to avoid, resist, reject and repel other. Anti-love and the negative emotions are the same energies

Pos-love and anti-love are clearly opposites as regards affinity, attraction and union. The positive and negative emotions are clearly opposites as regards affinity, attraction and union. LOVE and emotion are the same energies with the same characteristics.

Pos-love is any form of positive energy, not just the positive emotions. Positive energy is any energy which supports, helps, builds or grows that which is loved. For example: money is energy and a gift of money is an act of love.


Anti-love is any negative energy. It is any energy which is harmful for the well-being or comfort of the other. Thus to shoot or bomb someone is to send them a destructive energy: a bomb is anti-love.


Action is another form of energy: energy at work, in movement.



Pos-love (pos-emotion) initiates positive behaviors and actions towards the beloved, actions which do good to and promote the well-being of the beloved. For example: helping another is a form of love. Working with attention and quality is love. Pos-love leads to positive actions and positive results.

Anti-love (negative emotion) motivates negative actions against the other. Such actions include violations of the Universal Principles of Integrity: lie, cheat, steal. They include actions to damage or harm the other or to obstruct their legitimate goals. They include damaging the trees, the earth, the environment, etc.

As forms of energy other than emotion, and in actions as energy in motion, love and anti-love have a dimension beyond emotion. However, this only affirms LOVE as energy, positive and negative, and in no way reduces the equivalency of LOVE and emotion. Emotion is the nonphysical (mental, emotional, spiritual) energy and the experience of LOVE.

The emotions are the internal experiential component of your love-energy. Love has two polarities: pos-love and anti-love corresponding to the positive and negative emotions. The other aspect of love is the energy and actions that you give externally to things and others; these actions can be positive or negative, validating the concept of pos-love and anti-love.


Here is a simple chart that compares pos-love and anti-love:






Pleasant: happiness & joy.

Liking, attraction, joining, union

All positive types: praise, money,

Care, support, teach, help, give, grow


Unpleasant: pain & suffering

Dislike, aversion, separation, divorce

All negative types: anger, blame, insult.

Harm, damage, obstruct, withhold, take away, steal




The properties of emotion and LOVE are identical. They both are or have: • • • •

Energy Polarity, positive and negative. Value: good and bad Experience: how you feel, positive or negative.

This is: • • •

Happiness or unhappiness Affinity: attraction or aversion Motivation for action: impulse to support or to harm.


It is very important to understand that the emotions, all the emotions, are love-energy and that LOVE is a spectrum. The idea that love is just one particular frequency of high-affinity emotion is extremely limited and incomplete. Without this global understanding presented here you can understand neither emotions, nor love nor happiness. With this understanding you can understand the dynamics of how life works and how these factors can influence your script.

YOU ARE LOVE To understand how your emotions operate, first remember that, you are a spirit; a “son or daughter of God“ ⎯ a “chip off the old block”. As such, you are of the same essence:


You are a spirit energy. You are made

of energy, made of LOVE. You are LOVE. LOVE is the raw material of your being, before even will and consciousness. As a nonphysical being, a spirit, you "vibrate" or "shine" or "glow" with a particular love frequency at each moment of your life. Your frequency, your "glow", moves up and down the spectrum of love from apathy to ecstasy. Imagine a light that can change colors, for example: red to blue to white to yellow to green, etc, and does so at any moment. Now think of yourself as a globe of light and imagine that you, the globe, are constantly changing colors. Those colors represent your emotions. As the color of a light can change, your "color" or "flavor" of


love changes constantly according to factors you will learn as your proceed through this program. Imprint firmly in your consciousness this concept and the image of yourself as a ball of energy that glows with love-light. Learn to think of yourself as a globe of love that changes and combines frequencies (“colors”) all the time. You experience these changes as your emotions. Your emotions are your experience of LOVE at any moment. Since you are LOVE,

your experience of LOVE is your experience of self at every moment.

Your emotions are your LOVE for yourself, your experience of yourself as LOVE.

Your positive emotions are pos-love for self; your negative emotions

are your anti-love for self. Your emotional experience is your experience of yourself in pos-love or anti-love. It is this pos-love or anti-love for self that is your emotions and therefore your happiness or suffering. You live and feel your pos-love or your anti-love in every moment of your life; this is your happiness or your pain. Thus there is perfect experiential justice for every BEing as you live your own love or anti-love in each scene of your motion picture. And there is (or can be) perfect control: it is your own love that is your happiness or your pain—your heaven or your hell, your tragic ending your story of romance and adventure. To help you re-write your script, complete this exercise so you can see what has been showing up in your script to this point.


Fill in the following table: BAD THINGS: List at least the 10 (worst) things in your life now. (Events, things, people, situations, circumstances, conditions, etc.)

How much are you RESISTING those experiences? What negative emotions are you generating and experiencing in relation to each BAD thing in your life?







What is the polar opposite that you would like to experience; the GOOD thing you desire?







Fill in the following table. Principle: We grow and progress more in life by using the negatives than we do when everything is going good. When things are positive, we tend to grow complacent and stay in our comfort zone. If you use a negative event to grow, is it really negative? In this column, list at least the 10 worst experiences of your life.

How much did you RESIST those experiences? What negative emotions did you generate in relation to each of those events?






What GOOD things resulted from those experience, including personal growth?








Fill in the following table. In this column, list at least the 10 best events or experiences of your life.

What negative things resulted in your life from those experiences? What were the prices and consequences you paid for these events? (These may be difficult to identify as you may not be aware of all the good things on the roads not taken.)













List all the good things and blessings in your life now. To identify them, compare your life to that of 1) A caveman. 2) The poorest and most unfortunate people on the planet.




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