Alimentary System

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  • Words: 688
  • Pages: 27
rt 2 The Splanchnology

Chapter 2

ALIMENTARY SYSTEM Li yueying Department of human anatomy

ⅠGeneral Description * Constituents: two parts Alimentary canal: the mouth, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, the small and large intestines Digestive glands: the salivary glands, liver and pancreas * Functions: ingest foods, secrete enzymes, absorb nutrients and

The Contents in the Mouth Teeth Permanent teeth Deciduous teeth The Structure Crown Root Neck of teeth

The floor of the mouth----tongue Inferior surface of tongue: the Frenulum of tongue the Sublingual caruncle the Sublingual folds

The Palate Hard palate ---anterior 2/3 Soft palate ----posterior 1/3 Uvula Palatoglossal arch Palatopharyngeal arch

Isthmus of fauces ---uvula free margin of palatine velum palatoglossal arch root of tongue.

The Tongue 3 parts---root, apex and body (dorsum and inferior surface) Dorsum: V-shaped terminal sulcus 4 kinds of papillae---Filiform papillae Fungiform papillae

The Salivary glands The Name Position Opening of its duct

The Parotid gland The Sublingual gland

The pharynx

Position: in front of the 1~6th cervical vertebrae The Parts: Nasopharynx Oropharynx pharynx Laryngopharynx Feature and structures: nasal part----pharyngeal opening of auditory tube tubal torus and Pharyngeal recess oral par---palatine tonsil laryngeal part---piriform recess Communication of pharynx: Forward: nasal cavity----through choanae oral cavity----through isthmus of fauces laryngeal cavity----through aperture of larynx Downward: esophagus Laterally: tympanic cavity ----through pharyngeal opening of auditory tube

The Esophagus 3 parts: cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts 3 strictures 1st----at its commencement, 15cm from the incisor teeth 2nd----where is crossed by the left principal bronchus anteriorly, 25cm from the incisor teeth 3rd----where it passes through the

The Stomach  * the most dilated part of  alimentary canal, situated  between the end of the  esophagus and beginning  of the small intestine  * Position: in abdomen  ¼-- at epigastric region  ¾-- at left hypochondriac

liver sto m

ac h

great omentum

cardiac orifice– at left side of 11th thoracic vertebra pyloric orifice– at right side of 1st lumbar vertebra

*The Shape and Portions two openings— cardia pylorus two curvatures— greater lesser two surfaces— anterior posterior 4 parts— fundus body cardiac part pyloric part— canal sinus

The structures of the wall of stomach 4 layers ----

mucosa: mucous folds longitudinal mucous folds pyloric valve submucosa muscular layers inner oblique layer intermediate circular layer pyloric sphincter outer longitudinal layer serous membrane

The duodenum C-shaped 4 parts----superior descending horizontal ascending Descending part Longitudinal fold of duodenum Major duodenal papilla

Jejunum and Ileum solitary lymphatic follicles aggregated lymphatic follicles

Colon: 4 parts---Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon The structures of the colon Colic bands Haustras of colon Epiploic appendices

Vermiform Position: right iliac or inguinal region

Surface projection (root of vermiform appendix) McBurney’s point

The It lies in therectum posterior part

of less pelvis, anterior to the sacrum and coccyx Two flexures Sacral flexure Perineal flexure The transverse folds of rectum Ampulla of rectum

The Cecum The ileocecal valve

The Anal Canal Anal columns Anal valves Anal sinuses Dentate line Anal pectin White line

The Liver The shape of the liver: --- cuniform: 2 extremities : right (larger) left (small) 2 surfaces: diaphragmatic surface visceral surface 2 borders: anterior border

diaphragmatic (superior) surface: --- 2 ligaments: falciform ligament coronary ligament ligaments) --- 2 lobes: right lobe (large) left lobe (small) --- bare area

(right and left triangular

• visceral

(inferior) surface:

--- “H” shaped groove: the fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis the fissure for ligamentum venosum the fossa for gallbladder the sulcus for vena cava the secondary porta of liver (porta hepatis) • hepatic veins

• visceral

(inferior) surface:

--- “H” shaped groove: the transverse fissure (1st porta hepatis) • proper hepatic artery • hepatic ducts • hepatic portal v. • nerves, lymphatic vessels the 4 lobes: • the right and left lobes • the caudate lobe • the quadrate lobe

The anterior border:

--- the notch for ligamentum teres hepatis --- the notch for gallbladder

The Extrahepatic apparatus The gallbladder fundus body neck cystic duct The left hepatic duct The right hepatic duct The common hepatic duct The hepatopancreatic ampulla The major duodenal papilla

The formation and structures of extrahepatic apparatus

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