Alien Screenplay

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 21,947
  • Pages: 98
Hello, I am Thomas Sharkey (pseudonym). I am an ex-British serviceman (RAF) and I live in Germany with my German-born wife. We have three grown-up kids and we are waiting for the last one to leave home (again). I have a new hobby, writing. I have finished several manuscripts, crime, sci-fi, etc. purely for the pleasure of writing. I wrote the following screenplay four years ago for my son to read, he read it and was highly impressed. Later I heard Ridley Scott saying on the Alien 1 DVD, that he thought there would be a sequel where the Alien mother planet is discovered and destroyed. Great minds think alike, or so I thought? So I contacted Mark Meyerson at Fox and he closed the door. So if you are interested, get out your “imagination” and use it as you read.... 1 of screenplay Alien V, the final Solution By Thomas Sharkey Adapted from the characters created by Dan O’Bannon, Ronald Shusett and Joss Whedon. EXT.THE UNIVERSE/A DISTANT GALAXY The silhouette of a STARSHIP poises before a MAELSTROM of STARS, with the light from a BILLION SUNS reflecting on its highly polished EBONY SURFACE. The ship closes in on a SLOWLY SWIRLING GALAXY. EXT. GALAXY FLIGHT The ship moves SILENTLY through the Galaxy surrounded by infinite CONSTELLATIONS. Slowly at first seeking and on finding something of interest it turns, its speed increasing to multiple LIGHT VELOCITY. INT.STAR SHIP SLEEPING QUARTERS Ten sleepers, some alone in their beds, are rudely awakened by the ships WHOOPING ALARM. INT.CONTROL ROOM

MONITORS come to life. A GIANT VIEW SCREEN flashes showing a picture of a distant WHITE STAR SYSTEM. The picture grows and clears showing numerous GLOBULAR SATELLITES encircling the BRIGHT ONE. INT.VIEW SCREEN A planet similar to Earth in appearance grows in size. A land mass surrounded by AZURE OCEANS assumes details in its LANDSCAPE as it is neared. As the planets surface is arrived at an object can be seen on the ground half covered with lush green grass. The object is a SMALL BULLET-SHAPED SPACE VEHICLE covered with STRANGE SYMBOLS, burn marks can be seen along its fuselage. EXT.PLANET SURFACE A doorway on the side of the space craft is open showing seating arrangements; the insides are void of occupants and the cargo hold is also empty. At the front of the ship is a hatchway that opens slowly by hand to reveal the huddled figure of a HUMANOID FORM with a SMOOTH ELONGATED GREEN SKULL. (2) EXT.ALASKA-DAY Nine sleepers lie undisturbed beneath a blanket of snow. The larger mound stirs disturbing the white crystals, the SOUND of an opening zipper can be HEARD and a figure swaddled in a PARKA sits up, the light covering of snow falling from the sleeping bag. As the parka hood comes off, dark brown hair cascades down to be drawn back as the figure a woman puts on her SNOW GOGGLES placing them on her forehead. She rises, pulling up the hood CALLING OUT to the dogs; they wake as one shaking the snow off their thick fur. The woman pulls on her boots kept warm inside her sleeping bag and tightens the hood of her parka, she shakes and rolls up her sleeping bag and stows it away on the DOG SLED. Removing a large sack from the sled she feeds the WHINING Huskies, back at the sled she takes a PAN, a GAS STOVE and an INSTASOUP PACKET out of her backpack; she tears it open and empties the contents into the pan accompanied by handfuls of clean snow, she sets the pan on the STOVE and lights up, the resulting mixture soon BOILS. She empties the contents into a cup and drinks thirstily. Having finished her drink she cleans the utensils in the snow and places them together with the gas stove in her backpack.

She walks away from the camp to the forest edge to relieve her bladder pulling her goggles in place against the RISING wind and she squats down next to a tree. Having finished, she stands up slowly and SNIFFS the air, the dogs start to BARK as a pack of timber wolves appear at the edge of the forest, the woman moves in between her dog team and the wolves, she bares her teeth and SNARLS, the wolves turn away YELPING and disappear in a flurry of snow. VOICE Very impressive. Does that work every time? She turns to see a handsome young INUIT standing before her in the GUSTING wind, he is dressed in ANIMAL FURS. WOMAN Every time. Who are you? The young man comes closer, he’s carrying a CANVAS BACK PACK and SNOW SHOES on his shoulder, he sets his load down. (3) INUIT My name is CHICAGO call me JONESY.




The woman busies herself tying the dogs’ harnesses to the sled. The man watches her smiling all the while. WOMAN I had a cat once named Jonesy. Where does the name Chicago come from? The young man grins, his teeth flashing whitely in contrast to his sun browned skin. JONESY One of my ancestors sold whiskey to the white people in Chicago a long, long time ago, it was his nickname and it stuck, he was proud of his name, now it runs in the family. He comes nearer to stand in front of the woman. JONESY

What are you doing traveling through my land scaring the wolves? The woman stares at him blankly. WOMAN I’m just ending my days in peace and quiet away from what is jokingly known as civilization. The young man observes the woman as she carries on with her work leading one dog after another to the sleds traces securing them there. JONESY I understand. I’m on my way to the Canadian border, if you’re heading that way I would like to join you, that is if you don’t mind. WOMAN I don’t mind, stow your gear on the sled, you’ll find a blanket or two there to cover you. (4) Jonesy stows his gear on the sled and helps to harness the team. JONESY What’s your name by the way? The woman opens her parka hood, bares her face for the first time pushing up her goggles and turns around slowly. WOMAN HELEN, but you can call me RIPLEY. EXT.SLED JOURNEY FOREST With the dogs harnessed they set off through the EVER THICKENING FOREST. Jonesy is sitting on the sled with a blanket around his feet while Ripley drives the dogs on. As the journey continues it GROWS LIGHTER, the forest THINNING OUT as the altitude increases. As they arrive at a CLEARING they can HEAR a SUBDUED DEEP THUNDERING sound. EXT.CLEARING As they enter the clearing on the hard packed snow, they see to their left a GULLEY and in

front a SHORT SLOPE. They cross the clearing and Jonesy jumps off the sled and helps push it up the slope, Ripley halts the sled as they reach the top and peers down. Through the bushes a QUICKLY FLOWING STREAM can be seen in the GULLEY below. RIPLEY What’s that noise? Sounds like a waterfall. That’s a stream down there. Where does it come from? Jonesy looks around him, LISTENING intently. JONESY I’m not quite sure, there is a thaw on, after the severe winter and the late spring sometimes it’s warmer in the mountains. Ripley walks back down the slope followed by Jonesy, at the bottom she stops and peers through the bushes into the gulley, Jonesy stops next to her. She tilts her head to one side and then the other. Jones looks down into the gulley. The ground VIBRATES. (5) RIPLEY Can you feel that, the vibrations? Jonesy turns and looks at Ripley, a look of alarm invades his features. JONESY That sounds like….. Jonesy grabs hold of Ripley’s Parka and drags her towards the slope. The whole ground they are standing on gives way, they fall FIFTY metres into a ROARING icy torrent. EXT.GULLEY TORRENT They both surface fighting for breath in the icy stream, the SWIFT CURRENT carries them off along with WOODEN DEBRIS at a RACING PACE down the long STEEP gully, Ripley CRIES OUT as a LARGE LOG narrowly misses her. Jonesy moves to avoid the log and collides with a ROCK OUTCROP. He disappears underwater and then reappears, Ripley sees his body slide down a SLOPE before her, she follows him down and the stream widens into a RIVER. EXT.RIVER

The current SLOWS, Ripley looks around her, Jonesy is nowhere to be seen. Ripley is struggling through the debris in the icy water as she searches the river bank with her eyes; she is being slowly carried down river. EXT.RIVER UNDER WATER Ripley sinks below the surface searching in the MURKY WATER, she surfaces for air and submerges again, she searches under water and turns to see Jonesy reaching out to her in the silence. EXT.RIVER SURFACE She grabs hold of him and surfaces; she swims to the bank pulling him through the shallows onto a bed of dry leaves. EXT.RIVER BANK She searches for his pulse, unfastens his clothing and pumps his chest fifteen times, she takes his chin between thumb and forefinger, she tilts his head back and MORE: (6) holding his nose with the other hand takes a deep breath and closing her mouth around his BLOWS HARD filling his lungs twice, she presses down on his chest again…….. RIPLEY (Panting) Come on Jonesy, I know you can hear me, wake up. Wake up dammit. She POUNDS angrily on his chest. Ripley carries on with the breathing procedure and Jonesy COUGHS, water pours from his mouth. He COUGHS some more and Ripley helps him to sit up, he looks around him dazed, his nose starts to bleed lightly. JONESY What the hell was that? What happened? Ripley looks at the wet Inuit and answers dryly. RIPLEY Have you forgotten? We both decided to go for a swim, you lost an argument with a rock and decided to

hide from me, I found you eventually and here we are and if we don’t do something soon we are going to freeze to death. Jonesy climbs to his feet looking around. JONESY We must dry our clothes. Look, the sun is coming out. Ripley watches in curiosity as Jonesy makes a MOUND out of tinder dry leaves and from the POUCH fastened to his belt he takes out a MAGNIFYING GLASS. Ripley looks up at the sun as he cleans the glass thoroughly. RIPLEY Wouldn’t it be easy to rub two sticks together, the clouds are gathering? Jonesy focuses the CONCENTRATED RAYS from the sun onto the leaves. Ripley crouches watching. Jonesy’s patience is eventually rewarded by MORE (7) a sliver of smoke rising from the mound followed by a small flame that grows in size. RIPLEY Who’s a clever boy then? I’ll get some wood. Ripley leaves in a hurry as Jonesy piles twigs on the fire, she comes back with an armful of deadwood, she piles it on the now BLAZING pile of twigs and small branches and Jonesy comes along dragging one LARGE LOG behind him while carrying a smaller one. JONESY Get more moving.






They soon have a huge log fire ROARING and a large quantity of wood; they strip off their clothes and hang them over the deadwood they have collected. The two naked humans huddle together soaking up the heat, piling wood on the fire poking and raking it, their clothes STEAMING in the cold air. EXT.RIVER BANK-NIGHT

With their clothes now dry they make a bed of leaves and fall asleep. EXT.RIVER BANK-DAY The two awake to see the snow FALLING HEAVILY on the FASTLY FLOWING RIVER. Ripley is sitting on a log sorting out her possessions; she is cleaning a set of knives. Jonesy walks over fastening his hood, he picks one of the knives up and weighs it in his hand. JONESY I see you have a hunting knife, but what are these used for? Ripley takes the twin of the knife that Jonesy is holding and holding it by the blade she kneels and throws it, it turns two and a half times and finishes embedded in the trunk of a pine tree with a loud THUNK. This startles Jonesy. He raises his eyebrows as he answers. JONESY I see. (8) Jonesy hands the other knife to Ripley and walks over to the one stuck in the tree. He removes it with some difficulty. EXT.FOREST They head as one deep into the forest their breath SMOKING the morning air. Struggling through the DENSE forest they make their way uphill. The going is tough. RIPLEY I wonder what has dogs and the sled.




Ripley stops. Jonesy pauses and answers her. JONESY God in all his wisdom may know but I do not. Keep moving please. They move on, the ground rises and the forest thins out a little. Soon they are stepping through CALF DEEP SNOW; suddenly Jonesy keels over. RIPLEY

Jonesy, this is no time for a nap. Ripley pulse.








RIPLEY Still alive! Ripley takes the unconscious mans arm and drapes him over her shoulder, she stands up and continues through the falling snow…….. …..The ground levels off and the trees thin out and eventually disappear, Ripley finds herself in a large clearing KNEE DEEP in snow in a TOTAL WHITE OUT…….. EXT.CLEARING DEEP SNOW …..Ripley is struggling along dragging Jonesy and a loud voice RINGS OUT. VOICE HELLO! HELLO! Ripley calls out. (9) RIPLEY OVER HERE, OVER HERE! Three fur clad figures with RCMP badges on their headwear approach them through the snow; one of them SPEAKS into his phone. The other two take hold of Jonesy. 1st MOUNTIE Are you okay Ma’am? We are searching for the owners of a dog sled found on the side of the gorge. Ripley loosens her neck and shoulder muscles her spine CRACKS as she does so. RIPLEY Yes, that’s mine, are the dogs alright? What happened back there? 2nd MOUNTIE The dogs are okay Ma’am. You must have been standing on the old wooden bridge when it was hit by a flash flood. The old bridge crashed into the river, we found your sled after

someone reported sighting it, some guy on a snowmobile called it in. A large FULL-TRACK vehicle appears GROWLING through the curtain of falling snow. It stops and Ripley is taken inside together with the unconscious Jonesy. INT.CAT VEHICLE Both are lying on stretchers covered in thick blankets. In the warmth of the vehicle Ripley dozes off. EXT.RCMP SNOW VEHICLE The machine churns its way through the snow; it approaches a large group of LOG CABINS, Ripley’s dog sled is being attended to by an Inuit woman. INT.RCMP CASUALTY ROOM-DAY Ripley sits up in bed wide awake; she turns towards the SUNLIT window and sees Jonesy lying still in his bed. He is dressed in a similar gown to Ripley; she leaves her bed MORE: (10) and walks over to his, as she approaches him a NURSE, an Inuit, walks in carrying a tray. NURSE Miss Ripley, you shouldn’t be up, please get back into bed, I’ve brought you some nourishment. Ripley complies wordlessly and lets her self be served a hot broth in a HOSPITAL CUP. She empties the pot quickly to the nurses alarm. NURSE Do be careful, that’s hot. RIPLEY I like it hot. JONESY What about me? I could eat a horse plus its tail feathers. Both the nurse and Ripley turn in surprise to the SOUND of Jonesy’s voice.

Ripley pulls back the bed covers and walks past the startled nurse; she looks down at the smiling Inuit and shakes her head. RIPLEY Just when I thought I’d got rid of you. The nurse language.







NURSE Lie still young man, you were in a coma, you may have internal damage, the doctor is on his way, he will be here soon. Ripley speaks also in Inuit. RIPLEY You had better do as she says Jonesy, you could have some damage, after all you literally bounced off a rock in that torrent this morning. The nurse continues in English, a little concerned for her charges. (11) NURSE This morning! You two have been here for five days now. Mr Jones has been in a deep coma, you Miss Ripley have been asleep the whole time. Ripley turns to the nurse. RIPLEY Yes and I’m starving, how about a couple of roast chickens and a two pound steak with potatoes and greens, I’ll have a half dozen fried eggs while I’m waiting. In the meantime I have to use the bathroom and would like to shower. The nurse indicates another door. NURSE You will find everything in there; I’ll go and see the cook about the food.

Ripley takes Jonesy’s hand. He sits up in bed as the nurse goes out of the room. JONESY Two weeks in the same bedroom as a beautiful woman and no sex, wow! Ripley releases his hand and walks off to the bathroom she pauses at the open door. RIPLEY What are you going to do to remedy that? INT.SHOWER CUBICLE Ripley is almost invisible in the STEAM FILLED ROOM, the door opens and closes and a FIGURE nears Ripley, she turns and takes Jonesy in her arms and leans back against the wall to assist him, they kiss as they make love urgently under the hot shower. INT.DINING ROOM Ripley and Jonesy are wearing MOUNTIE FATIGUES as they devour the mound of food before them. The plates filled with fried MORE: (12) eggs are soon emptied, the fried chicken goes the same way to be followed by the thick beef steak smothered in fried onions accompanied by boiled potatoes and a salad side dish. Ripley clears her plate ahead of a bloated Jonesy and helps herself to his leftovers. Ripley drains the milk jug. Jonesy reaches out and touches her hand. JONESY The doc says I’m okay to travel. You saved my life and I am indebted to you. Where you go, I go. I must now protect you or my ancestors will be disgraced. RIPLEY That’s okay; I always wanted a toy boy. Ripley looks at Jonesy’s hurt expression. She takes his hand in both of hers and smiles. RIPLEY

I am sorry, that was a bad Joke. I will see that your ancestors are not disgraced. Tell me, how old are you? Jonesy smiles. JONESY I’ll be thirty two next birthday. Why do you ask? RIPLEY I will be one hundred and twenty five on my next birthday. Jonesy looks at her skeptically. JONESY You putting me on? Ripley looks at him. RIPLEY No, I have a gene defect, I will probably attend your funeral, I can’t age; I can die just like anybody else MORE: (13) though. I will probably live to be five hundred or more barring accidents, who knows, who cares? VOICE We do Lieutenant Ripley. Ripley turns to the sound of the voice to see a smartly dressed young Negro in a white suit and black sweater. RIPLEY (Coldly) I am not, never was and never will be a Lieutenant. Lieutenant Ripley died over three hundred years ago. The young man outstretched.





MAN Allow me to introduce myself. My name is MICHAEL THANE, I represent

INTERNATIONAL PLANET DISCOVERY and I have an offer of a job for you, you can start at the rank of commander on full pay. RIPLEY Piss off! THANE They said that would be your reaction. The rank of commander is only for the mission if you agree to take it on. RIPLEY Did they, whoever they are, tell you what I would do if you persisted? Thane is a little uncertain. THANE Er, no! With a SCREAM Thane goes flying across the room. He slowly stands up NURSING his genitals. Ripley returns to her seat, Jonesy sits there in shock. Ripley looks at him. (14) RIPLEY I have never been to New-New York. Fancy a trip? I mean by air not by dog sled. Jonesy relaxes and smiles. JONESY What do we do for money? Ripley takes out her wallet, opens it and withdraws a GOLD-PLATED CREDIT CARD. She gives it to Jonesy. RIPLEY That pays all my bills. A present from my last employer, it also pays for my silence. Ripley indicates behind her pocketing the card. RIPLEY

Probably the same jerks who sent him. Thane is standing behind them his face is CREASED in PAIN. He SPEAKS with some effort. THANE On Darling 5, a space capsule was found; inside it was seated an alien being. This is an autopsy photo. Thane places a photo in front of Ripley. She stares at it in shock. (Photo) The photo shows the dark green skeleton-like body of a creature with an elongated head, its mouth is open exposing rows of carnivorous teeth, projecting slightly outwards is another smaller jaw. Thane continues. THANE The corpse is over fifty years old, not only that it was wearing what we think was a military uniform which disintegrated on removal. (15) Ripley crosses herself. RIPLEY Dear sweet Jesus. Ripley takes a DEEP BREATH, she looks at Jonesy and then at Thane who takes an involuntary step backwards with his hands covering his injured parts. RIPLEY A commander you say? Thane sighs with painful relief. THANE Yes. For the designated period in a starship of the INTERNATIONAL EXPEDITIONARY LEAGUE. RIPLEY What is the mission?

THANE To investigate, summarize and debate. RIPLEY And then you will exterminate these creatures? Thane is shocked. THANE No, we wish to make peace. Ripley is taken aback, shocked. She turns back to the table glancing at Jonesy she shakes her head slowly and she smiles wryly. RIPLEY That’ll be the day. They won’t make peace, not if these creatures are descendants of the late Lieutenant Ripley’s monster. Thane insists and speaks as if reciting a well learned speech. Jonesy and Ripley watch and listen, Jonesy out of curiosity Ripley with disdain. (16) THANE We are sure that evolution has gone its normal course and these creatures are now civilized just like the human race. The opportunity to meet another race sharing the same universe as us cannot be thrown away due to past fears and prejudices. Ripleys features harden. RIPLEY (Brooding) Fear and prejudice! In what capacity will be employed? THANE You will officer.



Ripley snorts. RIPLEY



I hope it’s a human one. Thane is at first puzzled. THANE Ah yes, the Nostromo affair. No, she’s quite human; robots haven’t been used for over fifty years now. RIPLEY And you want to make peace now with these abominations? Where is Darling 5 by the way? Thane removes his hands area, and straightens up.




THANE Darling 5 is not the home planet. Examination of the shuttles computer revealed the whereabouts of the native planet of the creature, that will be your final destination, but the expeditionary team will not leave without you. Ripley places a hand on Jonesy’s shoulder; she turns back to Thane smiling icily. (17) RIPLEY And I am not leaving without him. Jonesy looks up at Thane grinning widely. THANE That’s okay, I was told to acquire you at any price, if I valued my job that is. Shall we go? Ripley looks at Jonesy and clasps her hands behind her head. RIPLEY It always comes down to me. EXT.FOREST CANADA A figure sits astride a SNARLING snow mobile as it plows its way through the snow, it winds its way through the forest until it comes to a clearing. EXT.FOREST CLEARING-EVENING

In the clearing a black 4X4 is waiting. There are three occupants; the driver a female wearing snow goggles climbs out muffled in her parka. The snow mobile driver pulls up, he loosens his parka, removes his face mask and his goggles and stuffs them in his pocket, it is Thane. His breath comes out in small clouds as he speaks, the driver walks over to Thane and pulls him off the snow mobile laughing; hugging him. FEMALE DRIVER So you made it! How did it go, did you reach the Mounties in time? THANE Hi CALL! Sure, it went as you said it would, she’s going and she’s taking the Indian with her. Was that necessary, won’t he get in the way? Shivering a little the woman releases her hold on the man, they walk about to keep warm. Thane pulls his hood up; he places his arm around the womans shoulders, they shelter from the wind behind the 4X4 standing close to one another. (18) CALL With so many options he has to go as back-up. What do you think, will he support her, has he fallen for her? Thane grins and takes hold of the slender figure by the waist and pulls her to him, she wraps her arms around his neck and SIGHS. THANE She’s like the she-wolf with her cub and he is so infatuated and bound by tribal custom he is ready to follow her through hell and high water. He kisses Call long and hard on the mouth, The horn in the 4X4 SOUNDS OFF, Call turns and smiles nodding to the occupants. THANE Talking of water, it got a bit dicey when that bridge gave way. That wasn’t planned, they were gone in a second and all I could do was follow

them on the other bank, but they survived the fall and they continued on there way. Call snuggles close to the young man. CALL A lot is depending on her, you’ve done your part, let’s hope nothing bad happens. The two walk arm in arm back to the drivers door, they stop and kiss once more. CALL Take that vehicle back to the hire firm. See you in half an hour at the motel, I’ll be waiting for you. Thane goes back to his snow mobile, he takes his mask and goggles out of his pocket puts them on and starts the engine, with a wave he drives off into the forest. Call climbs into the 4X4 and drives off after Thane. EXT.RCMP DOG COMPOUND Ripley is fondling her dogs in the compound, Jonesy approaches her. JONESY Don’t worry about them, they’ll be taken care of while we are away, they’ll be here when we return. Ripley stands up shouldering her back pack. RIPLEY Not WHEN Jonesy, IF! They turn to the WHINE of the HOVER-COPTERJETS’ TURBINES on the distant landing pad. Jonesy walks off followed by Ripley. EXT.RCMP COPTER LANDING PAD The pair walks across the scorched landing pad to the waiting machine and climb aboard. The machines TWIN TURBO-JETS on their STUBBY WINGS change from a horizontal to a vertical position and with a DEAFENING ROAR the machine BLASTS OFF. INT.HOVER COPTER JET

Lying in their padded chairs they both look down at the rapidly shrinking landscape as the copter RISES FAST. EXT. HOVER COPTER JET The padded seats return to their normal vertical position as the turbo jets turn back to horizontal mode and fold slowly back on their wings to form a dart-like object as the craft surges forward reaching SUPERSONIC SPEED. The GENTLE humming of the turbines lulls the two occupants to sleep. EXT.DREAM SEQUENCE Ripley Jonesy and others are standing before a crowd of cheering smiling aliens, Ripley and the others join in smiling and waving, then the crowd parts and the noise abates as alien monsters at first hidden now rise and pounce on the unsuspecting humans. INT.HOVER COPTER JET Ripley awakes with a start CALLING OUT, she is perspiring. In the silence of the cabin Jonesy turns to her; he gives her a towel from the rack on the seat in front. Ripley wipes her face slowly. (20) JONESY Bad dreams again? Ripley takes a deep breath staring ahead. RIPLEY More like a premonition. That Jonesy is my inheritance. EXT.SHELLY SPACE PORT-DAY Ripley and UNIFORM of ground car side; they

Jonesy are dressed in the BLACK the IEL. They climb out of a black sporting the IEL INSIGNIA on its walk towards a distant building.

EXT.HANGAR They stand before the HUGE slowly opening doors of an aircraft hangar, as soon as it has opened wide enough they walk inside, the double doors moves slowly on. INT.HANGAR

They approach and stop before a shiny black PEAR-SHAPED OBJECT floating motionless in thin air a half a metre off the ground. It is over FIFTEEN metres in length and a little over THREE metres in height. Ripley walks to the front end and looks at the squat ominous vessel. Jonesy strokes the surface. RIPLEY What the hell is that? A voice CALLS OUT. VOICE That is a IEL FLYER, our transport to the MOTHER SHIP. Ripley and Jonesy turn around to see a WELL BUILT DARK HAIRED man of forty dressed as they are, his eyes are GREY and COLD. ADENSKI I am Captain J ADENSKI, Commander Ripley. I will be the pilot for the trip. If you will allow me I will introduce you to the crew. (21) A small crowd has gathered behind Adenski, all are dressed as he is in the black IEL uniform, all are aged between forty and fifty. He turns and introduces them one by one; each one smiles and nods as he does so. ADENSKI Commander CELIA CAIRNE, my first officer. Science officer Commander FRANCIS BOLAN, Chief engineer ANDREW LEVIN. Scientists MARION DAVIS, HEIKE HAVERS and RITA KIERY. Astrogator MICHAEL O’BRIEN, Doctor NATHANIEL GAMBULI and not forgetting the cook THOMAS SHARKEY. He pauses, indicating Jonesy. ADENSKI (Condescending) This gentleman with Commander Ripley is her, shall we say, her bodyguard, his name is Jonesy.

Adenski takes a REMOTE CONTROL out of his breast pocket, points it at the flyer and presses a button and the door in the vessel HISSES open. Ripley and the others pile in. INT.FLYER/HANGAR Inside, on either side of the vessel is a long bench with a back rest. Cairne, a broad shouldered Asian woman climbs in last and seats herself at the flyers controls on the only other seating available a small padded stool, the hull door HISSES and slowly closes. Ripley looks around her. RIPLEY (Annoyed) Is this some sort of wind up? Sharkey, a short individual answers.




SHARKEY The captain has told us all about you Commander; you’ve been out of touch for quite some time. This vessel is inertialess in case you were looking for a seat belt or something. Just relax and enjoy the ride, we will be there in a moment. (22) A LARGE VIEW SCREEN appears around the FRONT and along the SIDES of the vessel. The craft rises silently and leaves the hangar through the open doors moving slowly at first. INT.FLYER FLIGHT EARTH Once outside, the flyer rises slowly turning to the sky and the ground moves away, the airport shrinks, the American landmass and the Pacific Ocean can be seen and thenINT.FLYER FLIGHT SPACE -the planet Earth, which disappears as the vessel heads off into deep space. Jonesy is wide eyed as they sail on past the moon, the starlight reflecting in his eyes. INT.FLYER JOURNEY-OUTER SPACE Jonesy sits openmouthed staring at the view screen. JONESY

Wow! Where are we going? Heike Havers turns to him brushing her blonde hair from her eyes. HAVERS (Smiling) Jupiter, we have a parking lot there. Look, there it is. Ripley planet speed. for a Levin,

and Jonesy stare in wonder as the Jupiter approaches at an astonishing Cairne slows the craft and they head shape SIMILAR to their own vessel. a small balding man turns to Ripley. LEVIN

It’s quite a change from the Nostromo isn’t it? Ripley regards the ginger haired man coldly. RIPLEY I was never on the Nostromo. Adenski butts in holding a hand up to Levin who stops open mouthed. (23) ADENSKI But you do have memories of it don’t you? Ripley looks hard at Adenski. RIPLEY More like nightmares. Adenski does exasperation.




ADENSKI (Demanding) But you still have the memories don’t you, the Alien monster? Ripley smiles sardonically. RIPLEY Is that what you for, my memories?





A dark skinned female with bleached blonde hair lays a hand lightly on Ripley’s shoulder, Ripley turns to see her with her head slightly bowed as she speaks quietly. KIERY (Respectful) No, you are here because of your experience, we value it very highly. Ripley smiles quietly to herself, SHOUTS OUT LOUD startling the pair.


JONESY Ripley, look at that will you. A light appears in the side of the BLUNT NOSED PEAR SHAPED STAR SHIP as a huge door opens; it grows and grows until it is apparent how big the mother ship is in comparison to the smaller one. Ripley stares in wonder at the shining monstrosity. RIPLEY Why, it must be over six metres in length. Does it name?

hundred have a

(24) Levin speaks up in a reverent tone as if quoting some LITANY, the other crew members turn to hear his words. LEVIN Her name is DESTINY. She is the first of her kind; mankind’s future depends on her capabilities in carrying us on our mission, spreading peace throughout the universe. This is the first of many journeys, this is the first of many starships that will roam the unending universe and bring all gods creatures together to live in peaceful harmony. The crew smile appreciatively and turn to watch the flyer as it approaches the mother ship its image reflected before a sea of stars; Levin sits as if in a trance. Ripley COUGHS gently bringing Levin out of his trance. RIPLEY

You were saying? Levin, startled and embarrassed smiles and continues. LEVIN Er, yes. It measures SEVEN HUNDRED and FIFTY metres from front to rear with a maximum radius of TWO HUNDRED. Giga light speed, inertialess, virtually indestructible due to a surrounding force field with an unlimited energy source developed twelve months ago. INT.DESTINY LOADING BAY Jonesy looks on in awe as the flyer enters the CURVED HALL of a giant GLOBAL loading bay. Inside, attached to the loading bay FLOOR and by its upper structure to the inner hull of the ship by a NETWORK of GIRDERS is a SPHERE with the top THREE QUARTERS fully visible. A door in the sphere SLIDES open allowing them access. INT.DESTINY/SPHERE The flyer moves through the opening to be confronted by another SPHERE with a LANDING MORE: (24) PLATFORM attached to it; a NETWORK of GIRDERS fixes the Sphere to the inner hull of the first sphere. They land on the platform next to six more flyers, Sharkey hands a number of packages to the crew, the smaller crafts door opens and Ripley and Jonesy step out with the others to gaze at their surrounds. INT.DESTINY SPHERE PLATFORM Standing on the edge of the platform a half dozen people look out through the doors and watch the SURROUNDING CONSTELLATIONS disappear as both the HUGE outer bay and the sphere doors close. Adenski and Cairne walk off together towards a distant HATCHWAY which opens and closes behind them. Bolan, a small stocky woman with short curly blonde hair comes to Ripley and Jonesy who are still looking at the closing door. BOLAN

Amazing isn’t it. Nine months ago we would have been blown out into space and frozen solid in milliseconds. (She turns, continuing) I will now give you a short guided tour of the parts of the ship you will be using. Just follow me. Bolan walks off followed by Ripley, Jonesy and the rest of the crew to the sphere hatchway. Bolan operates the HATCHWAY CONTROLS and the hatchway SPLITS and SLIDES to the SIDES with a HISS and the party move on through, Sharkey the last to go through closes the hatchway behind them. INT.SPHERE CORRIDOR They walk along a GREY PAINTED CORRIDOR and stop at a sign over a hatchway on their left reading “OUTER CORRIDOR”, Bolan opens the hatchway and they all go through. INT.OUTER CORRIDOR STORAGE SECTION They walk on PAST STORAGE CAGES filled with equipment and take a sharp RIGHT followed by a sharp LEFT and RIGHT again until they come to the next hatchway.

(26) INT.CORRIDOR LABORATORY SECTION With the three scientists leading they enter into a PASTEL GREEN PAINTED AREA. The three scientists enter one of three spacious WELL LIT rooms through a CLEAR PLEXIGLAS doorway; Kiery and Davis are holding hands. The three disperse to various desks, each one containing a COMPUTER MODULE. Ripley watches them suspiciously. Bolan waves and calls to the scientists who wave back in answer. BOLAN See you later guys. They stop at the next hatchway, Levin operates the controls and walks through with Bolan and the others follow. INT.ENGINEERING SECTION The skinny engineer takes the lead pulling Bolan behind him both of them laughing like children as they proceed. Levin, a few

centimetres shorter than Bolan places his arm around her waist, she turns to him gives him a quick peck on the cheek, they join hands as they walk on along a corridor full of thick pipes that criss-cross the whole length of the wide corridor. Levin stops at a doorway, he and Bolan embrace and they kiss once more, then Levin goes inside. Ripley looks at the thick curved piping as they continue. RIPLEY It looks all too familiar somehow. Gambuli the Indian doctor opens the next hatchway and….. INT.DESTINY MEDICAL SECTION ……..stalks off and stops at an OPAQUE PLEXIGLAS area and enters wordlessly through a door marked with a DAGGER and SNAKE SYMBOL. The others walk on, Gambuli’s door opens slightly as he peers out observing Ripley venomously. INT.DINING ROOM Bolan opens the next hatch and they enter a richly furnished area with PLUSH carpeting, oil paintings hang from the walls, the room is filled with chairs and tables. To the left a SERVING BAR can be seen behind which is the MORE: (27) door to the KITCHEN with its WHITE TILED walls, another door is set by the next hatchway. Sharkey turns to the three indicating with his arm. SHARKEY This is my domain, the dining room and the kitchen. Food and drink served around the clock. Sharkey heads towards the kitchen, holds out her hand to Ripley.


BOLAN (Smiling) I’ll show you to your quarters. Bolan takes Ripleys hand, they walk through the next hatchway into a wide corridor….. INT.LIVING QUARTERS

…..past NUMBERED DOORS well spaced out on either side, Bolan slowly lets go of Ripleys hand. BOLAN These are the private quarters. This is also where we go when we want to be alone or with company. Bolan opens the doors to two of these rooms. She turns to Ripley her face glowing. BOLAN These will be your individual rooms for the journey, there are toilet and bathing facilities, you will find all necessary instructions in the room computer. Ripley raises an eyebrow at Jonesy who winks at her and smiles quietly to himself. BOLAN This is the route you must keep mind. I will now lead you to control room, or the bridge as Captain likes to call it, for life of me I don’t know why.

in the the the

They leave the carpeted areas through another MORE: (28) hatchway into the grey walled corridor that was the start of their guided tour. INT.DESTINY OUTER CORRIDOR Bolan moves off to the right to another hatchway with the numbered inscription”INNER CORRIDOR HATCHWAY 6a”. They follow her through and find themselves at the junction of the inner corridor that curves SHARPLY AWAY in both directions. INT.INNER CORRIDOR Walking straight on across the short space they come to a numbered hatchway (6), Bolan opens it and they step into a low ceilinged circular black walled circular room. INT.CONTROL ROOM There is an OVAL TABLE covered in electrical equipment at one end of the room in which FIVE more numbered hatchways are situated. A

TRANSPARENT HOLOGRAM of a sun is visible ABOVE the CENTRE of the table, a planet not unlike Earth takes its place. Adenski turns in his seat and addresses Ripley. ADENSKI Commander Ripley. We have arrived at Darling 5; I thought you would like to take a look at it before we continue. We are now on the edge of the Gideon Galaxy, the next hop will be approximately two light years, it will take about point three nanoseconds. Ripley looks at Jonesy who is standing agog whilst staring at the room’s décor; ancient posters of movie films adorn most of the free wall space, from sci-fi through to westerns. Ripley follows his gaze surprised and amused. RIPLEY So much for progress. Cairne operates her keyboard; a marked area appears on the hologram planets surface. Cairne zooms in on the area to stop above green prairie. A herd of green and black striped quadrupeds can be seen crossing a river raising spray that seems to fall in slow motion. Cairne zooms in on them; the MORE: (29) computer print-out on the screen shows the dimensions of the creatures, they are prehistoric in appearance with thick limbs the size of grain silos. Levin enters with the rest of the crew LEVIN Look at the size of those beasts, height one hundred meters, and the assumed weight, two hundred tons, wow! Cairne is still busy at her keyboard as the crew stare at the view screen, enthralled at the sight of the planets mighty herbivores, pointing and gesticulating. CAIRNE This planet is four times the size of Earth, we had to land Destiny on the surface and extend its force field

otherwise we would not have survived the atmospheric pressure for very long; something which I assume eventually killed the alien. We inspected and collected the wreckage which was in pretty good shape considering. The shuttle was probably caught in its gravitational pull. RIPLEY What about the surrounding area, were there any other signs of life any buildings or camp sites? Davis answers, stroking her SHAVEN HEAD. DAVIS We did see a couple of giant hairy Mastodon types while we were down there, but nothing else. The sensors picked out this craft as nonindigenous and we investigated. There are no buildings, no camping sights. RIPLEY In what sort of craft was the alien flying. Cairne operates her KEYBOARD. A hologram of a five metre long bullet shaped craft with the rear severely damaged by fire appears at the MORE: (30) other end of the room. Ripley walks over to it, she looks inside the opening and she walks around to the front and stops by the now empty cabin. CAIRNE It is a complete replica of the one we found, you can inspect it if you wish, it is quite solid. Cairne rises from her chair at the huge computer console and joins Ripley and Jonesy. She walks forward and opens the shuttles cabin door. RIPLEY Where was the Alien seated? Cairne turns to Bolan who has seated herself at the keyboard, Bolan operates the keyboard and the solid hologram of an alien life form

no bigger than Ripley herself appears in the front part of the craft, Ripley gasps and steps back, she moves forward again exclaiming. RIPLEY Look at it; it was flying the goddamm thing. Cairne GASPS STARING OPEN expletive.

out loud, the others stand MOUTHED on hearing Ripley’s’ CAIRNE (Sternly)

Commander Ripley, please refrain from blaspheming, we of the science league find it extremely offensive. You are right though, he is the pilot and he was wearing a uniform. Ripley smiles weakly. RIPLEY I am so sorry. See here, those are laser burns, he’s been shot down. Ripley indicates the scorching on the crafts side and rear, Cairne leans forward inspecting the hologram. Adenski speaks out his voice filled with resentment at Ripley’s discoveries. (31) ADENSKI Shot down over fifty years ago, they are probably peaceful now. Ripley replies scornfully looking around at Cairne and the others. RIPLEY Yes sure, and pigs can fly. What was that vessel made of? Bolan speaks as the three turn and walk towards the control table. Bolan gazes hopefully into Ripley’s eyes. Ripley ignores her slightly embarrassed. BOLAN It is plant tissue, water, fire and acid resistant.

RIPLEY That figures. Adenski CALLS attention.





ADENSKI The course has been plotted, we shall observe. The control room has now filled; everyone except the cook is present. Adenski, Kiery Cairne, Levin and Davis are seated at the controls. The earlier hologram disappears. In its place appears a sun with a number of planets. The ships alarm WHOOP-WHOOPS and the view screen LIGHTS UP. A long BULBOUS TUBELIKE construction pointed at one end with a CLUSTER of PROPULSION UNITS attached to its rear end appears on the screen. Cairne looks calmly at her monitor. CAIRNE It is an atomic powered craft; it is made out of the same material as the one we found. No sooner does Cairne SPEAK than the ship VEERS OFF. A spacecraft, its shape imitating a WINGED PRAYING MANTICE with its ARMS FULLY EXTENDED can be seen approaching them. MORE: (32) A CHIRPING CHATTERING sound similar to DOLPHINS comes over the LOUDSPEAKER. Marion Davis seated at her monitor speaks out. DAVIS It looks like a welcome message. Adenski looks at the globular alien craft.



ADENSKI Why is there no picture? DAVIS They’re not sending. Ripley turns to Cairne and Jonesy.



RIPLEY (Ominously) Now doesn’t that sound promising? Davis holds up her hand reading from the flatscreen in front of her. DAVIS They wish us to follow them and to be to be welcomed to their planet. That is the exact translation. RIPLEY Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly. Adenski pretends not to hear Ripley’s acid comments; he calls out to Havers who is busy TAPPING away on her keyboard. ADENSKI Any luck with the universal translator Commander Havers? HAVERS (Calmly) I’m computing right now. CAIRNE She’s turning away she’s speeding off. (33) Levin is at the ships FLIGHT CONTROLS set out on the table, they catch up with the alien vessel and Levin matches the Aliens speed. LEVIN If we are moving to that bright star ahead of us then we should be there in a day or two at this rate. Maybe we should put out a TRACTOR BEAM and pull them along with us? ADENSKI (Resignedly) No, they might take it as a form of aggression, there is nothing we can do about it, just stay on course. What is she running on Commander Cairne?

Cairne runs her fingers over her keyboard; the screen shows the Aliens vessels configurations. Cairne runs her fingers over the keyboard once more before she answers. CAIRNE Old fashioned nuclear power, though a lot cleaner than the last one, what ever that was. It can be compared to the 23rd century monsters used by the Galactic Patrol back on Earth. LEVIN (Nonchalant) It was probably their outpost. RIPLEY (Grimly) More likely their gamekeeper. Adenski glares in Ripley’s direction. ADENSKI Number one, you take the first watch with the astrogator, Bolan and Levin can take the next followed by Davis and Kiery, Havers and I will be retiring. Davis leaves quickly hand in hand with the dark skinned Kiery. Adenski puts his arm around Havers; he turns to Ripley and Jonesy looking down his aquiline nose. ADENSKI If you two have been blessed with each other you may retire together, we will call you if anything of interest transpires. Ripley turns to the slightly amused Jonesy. They look at the first officer who is conversing quietly with the Asian. Ripley looks around to find the others gone. RIPLEY I bet the docs’ gone to visit Cookie. Lets get out of here, I’m ready for a shower. JONESY I’m ready for anything.

RIPLEY No you are not and neither are they. These poor misguided fools are in for a big surprise, I can feel it in my tired old bones. Just you wait and see. JONESY When did this alien shit start? How come we never heard about them on Earth? RIPLEY Let’s you and I have a shower first. EXT.SPACE JOURNEY The Destiny, with unseen constellations reflecting on her shiny surface, follows the alien vessel appearing akin to a lethargic fat bird chasing a tiny elusive insect as they both sail along in utter silence through the silent void. INT.RIPLEYS ROOM SHOWER Two human figures writhe together in the steamed filled atmosphere as they make love…. EXT.SPACE JOURNEY …..and the distant star grows bigger as the two silent companions draw nearer….. (35) …..48 hours later….. INT. RIPLEYS BEDROOM-MORNING …..Ripley is lying on her back under the covers with her hands behind her head; Jonesy is beside her leaning on one elbow. JONESY So you are a clone of the original Ripley with the alien genes. Ripley eyes him quizzically. RIPLEY Yes, and now you know who you have before you. Am I a disappointment to you?

Jonesy reaches for one of her hands, he takes it and pulls it to him, he brushes the back gently with his lips. JONESY You haven’t changed in my eyes; I will go with you to the end of the universe and back again. Ripley looks at him intently for a while her eyes searching his face, she smiles. RIPLEY Let’s go eat, afterwards. Ripley sits up and throws back the duvet. INT.DESTINY DINING ROOM The room is empty except for Ripley and Jonesy, the table is cluttered with plates and glasses. JONESY So they have acid for blood and these loonies want to make peace with them? RIPLEY Humans believe there is good in everyone, they are hoping for a peaceful solution with the first alien civilization they have MORE: (36) encountered. On the other hand I have a vague suspicion that something else is at hand, this is all too good to be true. Ripley empties her milk glass arrives to collect the dishes.



SHARKEY I was going to ask you if you enjoyed the food but as you have already eaten enough for ten I won’t bother. Ripley and Jonesy look at each other and back at the grinning cook in his Chefs hat. RIPLEY It tasted awful; everything down.





JONESY My socks taste better. Sharkey grins perfectly.





SHARKEY I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you. Jonesy looks first at Ripley and then at the cook. JONESY Are you on good terms with doctor, or do you sleep alone?


Sharkey is puzzled at first. SHARKEY Do I what? Oh I see. No, the Doc’ is also a celibate priest. I have been alone since my partner left me, she wasn’t allowed to serve with us anymore, she got pregnant. Jonesy stares at the cook who bends forward and whispers loudly. SHARKEY We sort of over indulged. Commander O’Brien retreats with the table carrying a well for a man of

(37) enters the room as Sharkey dishes and approaches their large mug. O’Brien moves his fifty eight years. O’BRIEN

Do you mind if I join you? RIPLEY We don’t mind, you can tell us more about the ship, for example why the two spheres inside the ship and where is the propulsion drive? (37) The wiry man drinks from his mug and licks his lips; he places it on the table running his hand through his graying short black hair smiling benevolently.

O’BRIEN Sure. The drive is at the front, the outer sphere is a shell with its own force field to protect the inner sphere. RIPLEY Why are there two corridors? OBRIEN The wall separating the corridors is the inner spheres hull. The inner sphere has its own drive situated underneath the control room. A GONG SOUND echoes throughout the ship. O’BRIEN That is the signal to report to the control room. Sharkey comes bustling over; the three rise and join him as he leaves through the dining room hatchway(No 1a). O’Brien bringing up the rear is smiling no longer, he is glaring in contempt at Ripleys back. INT.CONTROL ROOM Everybody is present; everybody is excited except Ripley. Adenski addresses them. (38) ADENSKI The planets name is MELAN; the natives call themselves the MELAN. Cairne, O’Brien and Sharkey are to stay on board. Commander Davis, the view screen please. Davis seated at her console operates the main view screen and a sphere appears on it. Adenski indicates the screen. The planet appears to be like one big ball of light brown dust from pole to pole. In one corner of the screen are a set of numbers. ADENSKI As you can all see, the planet has a dense atmosphere, it is encased in a permanent cloud of watery dust, the

top layer being the thickest, so thick our sensors can’t penetrate it. We have been given these co-ordinates and we will leave immediately so make a note of them. O’Brien and Sharkey are to stay on board. We will be leaving in three flyers in case we return with our hosts. RIPLEY As long as we don’t return as hosts ourselves. Everybody looks at Ripley, Adenski continues. ADENSKI The atmosphere is the same as Earth, the humidity very high and the gravity is 1.3, Commander Ripley and Jonesy, there are survival backpacks set aside for you both. Mr Sharkey! Sharkey comes forward with TWO MEDIUM SIZED BACK PACKS; he gives them to Ripley and Jonesy. Adenski raises his arms as if in supplication. ADENSKI (Reverently) This is the moment we have all waited for, Alien life form…….. Ripley interrupts looking about her. (39) RIPLEY …… its very worst. Er, excuse me Captain, what about side arms, weaponry? Adenski stands there silently FUMING….. …..O’Brien, standing at their side speaks quietly. (38) O’BRIEN There are no weapons on board; this is a science vessel not a warship. Kiery chips in. KIERY (Loud whisper)

All we have are gas rifles with sedation projectiles for collecting specimens. Ripley looks to the ceiling in despair, all the crew have turned away from Adenski and are listening to Ripley. RIPLEY (Alarmed) You are going down to what could be an hostile environment, unarmed? Captain Adenski has regained his composure; he glares at Ripley with barely concealed scorn. ADENSKI Your negative attitude does not compliment your reputation Commander Ripley; we were informed you are a fearless fighter an expert on these so called vicious creatures, and now you show fear when you above all should be showing calm. Everyone in the room laughs nervously. RIPLEY (Resignedly) Fearless I am not and neither am I a fool but I had better come along even if it’s only to say “I told you so”. (40) The crew members check their back packs and help each to adjust them. Ripley turns to Jonesy standing beside her. RIPLEY Are you still coming? Jonesy looks at Ripley, lifting on his back pack. JONESY (Smiling) Where you go, I go. Havers approaches and gives them both a TRANSLATOR SET consisting of a BADGE and an EARPLUG. She pins the badge to Jonesy uniform collar smoothing her hands across his chest leering at him openly, she lingers as she

hooks on the ear-piece stroking Jonesys’ neck. Ripley smiles to herself seeing Jonesys’ discomfort. She turns to Ripley but addresses them both pointing to her own equipment. HAVERS It’s a two-way thing, a transmitter here and a receiver there, so you can converse with others in private without being understood by the aliens if you want to and still understand them, it is my invention, er, the red button is the on/off switch, see? Havers shows Jonesy as she places her translator in position pushing her large left breast against the Inuits’ arm adding to his discomfort. Adenski approaches and Havers turns and moves unsmiling away from the pair. The group leaves through hatchway No.6. INT.DESTINY LOADING BAY Adenski and Havers enter the first flyer, Davis, Kiery, Bolan and Levin the second, Ripley and Jonesy climb in after the Doctor who takes the controls. The bay door opens and the flyers leave one by one. EXT.DESTINY/MELAN ORBIT-DAY SIDE The flyers SPIRAL down to the planets outer atmosphere, they penetrate through to….. (41) EXT.MELAN SURFACE …..soar in a perfect line across the sand coloured surface. As they speed across the WATERLESS DESERT LANDSCAPE a LARGE CITY comes into view. INT.RIPLEY FLYER-DAY Ripley watches as skyline that is construction.

they approach a city not unlike Earth in

EXT.CITY FLIGHT They soar along and across highways, as miniature vehicles sporadically move along below them. INT.RIPLEY FLYER

They reach the city and follow the other flyers down. Ant-like figures grow in size as they drop down to land on the edge of the SPRAWLING CITY in front of a HIGH building FACETED with WINDOWS. Ripley looks at Jonesy. RIPLEY Are you ready for this? Jonesy nods as the flyer door opens. The silent doctor steps outside, followed by Ripley and Jonesy. EXT.MELAN CITY CENTRE A crowd of GREEN SKINNED richly robed alien creatures stands before them, Ripley shivers involuntarily. They appear human in shape except for their slightly elongated skulls and the typical alien sinewy jaws. The air is hot and the atmosphere is humid. One of the aliens dressed in a long purple robe walks towards them in bare sandaled feet, chirping in its own language. Ripley’s translator picks it up. ALIEN Welcome to Melan, we have so long desired the company of peaceful beings. We offer you comfort and refreshment. The alien holds out his long fingered hand palm outwards in a gesture of peace, its MORE: (42) BLACK nails are short like humans. Ripley looks around her; there is no sign of soldiers or weapons of any kind. The clothing, LONG GOWNS of DIFFERENT HUES show no uniformity, the Aliens are a little SHORTER than the humans, Adenski steps nearer to the alien and holds out his hand, the alien does likewise, his hand tiny in comparison with the captains who towers head and shoulders above the alien. The alien turns and an even smaller creature dressed in a white robe comes forward meekly. ALIEN My name is KARNO, I am the leader of my people and this is my spouse MIKARNOS. How are you named? ADENSKI

My name is Adenski, these are people and I am their leader.


Ripley turns to Jonesy in time to see his eyes ROLL UP as he falls forward, Ripley catches him. The doctor comes forward and runs his RECORDER over Jonesy’s form. GAMBULI He is overheating and he needs oxygen. I’ll bring him back to the mother ship. Jonesy stirs, he can stand, he allows Ripley and the doctor to lead him to the flyer, the doctor takes him inside. RIPLEY See you later Jonesy. Ripley watches as the flyer departs. She turns to see Karno who has neared her, he is sniffing the air, watching her with his beady little eyes, he seems to be puzzled. KARNO (To Ripley) Is that your spouse? You are female are you not? Ripley doesn’t answer. Karno turns to Adenski and takes him by the arm. (43) KARNO Please follow me for refreshments. Karno beckons to his mate and they walk on majestically, the crowd parts and the buildings high doors open slowly, Adenski and the crew file into the building behind them. INT.MELAN BUILDING The walls of the building are decorated with TAPESTRIES and MURALS showing PASTORAL SCENES. They are led to a long table laden with fruit and a sort of bread. As they are all seated servants appear with jugs of ICE COLD FRUIT JUICE and serve the guests first. They taste the different fruits set out on the table finding them to their taste. Karno speaks from the head of the table.

KARNO We do not eat the flesh of creatures, it is against our faith. We are farmers and builders, we have had bad times. We were once slaves to a greater power, but as time went by they became weak and decadent. With great loss to my people we overthrew the invaders and since then we have known peace. Ripley wipes her hands on a napkin and turns to Karno. RIPLEY Karno! Is that your title? Do you have a government, a ruling faction? There is a pause as Karno drinks from a metal goblet. KARNO (Humbly) I am Karno, the leader of my people. I am nothing more, there is only I. Ripley forces a smile. RIPLEY Where do you get all this delicious fruit, as we came down to land we saw nothing but desert? (44) KARNO Our planet, due to the invaders terrible bombardment has no more vegetation; we have now hydroponic plants where we grow our food. We would be proud to show you of our achievements and we will gladly share any information with you on this subject. RIPLEY Tell me Karno, how come there are no children around here? Karno looks to his Ripley speaks on.






You say you are farmers, tell me, how long have you had space travel? Karno falters a little. KARNO Ever since we overthrew the invaders. The alien stands up and raises his arms. KARNO I would deem it a great honour if you would allow my people to show you our farming achievements. A group of Aliens dressed in red gowns come forward beckoning. Adenski and his crew stand up, Ripley and Jonesy join them as they leave by a side door. EXT.MELAN CITY The group is lead to two large open air combustion driven vehicles. They board the two buses and the vehicles SPLUTTER and ROAR as they set off at walking pace through the crowded city. EXT.CITY JOURNEY Aliens line the streets waving to them, Adenski and his crew wave back smiling, MORE: (45) Ripley is seated next to the DRIVER; he is constantly turning his head towards Ripley sniffing LOUDLY. Ripley stares at him and the next time he turns to her she snaps at him. RIPLEY Keep your eyes on the road, that’s how accidents happen CHIRPY. The alien complies. The vehicles arrive eventually at a large building complex composing of glass and concrete-type buildings of different shapes and sizes. The area is deserted, no aliens, no traffic. EXT.MELAN BUILDING COMPLEX The huge building complex spreads to the horizon in both directions with the diffused sun shining bleakly on their glass fronts.

They leave lead them buildings.

the to

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their high

guides roofed

INT.HYDROPONICS PLANT Adenski and his people enter, Havers hangs back and with Ripley beside her they hide among the foliage, they switch their translators off. HAVERS Have you noticed about this planet?



Havers moves unusually close to Ripley, their bodies touch. RIPLEY It is quiet, too quiet for my liking, like the quiet before…. HAVERS (Sensually) …..a storm. Something is not quite right. I’m going to do some exploring of my own. RIPLEY Something not being quite right is an understatement. I can smell the deceit and treachery already. (46) Ripley frees herself from Havers nearness and moves out of cover towards the exit, Havers follows her smiling keeping pace with Ripley’s strides. EXT.MELAN BUILDING COMPLEX The pair move along the side of the building using the ALLEYWAYS set out between the buildings. They come upon a row of factory type constructions covered with PIPING. They find an open door and enter. INT.REACTOR BUILDING Inside the building it is deathly quiet; in the centre is a huge DOMED construction with pipes leading off it. Ripley and Havers stand dwarfed below it. They look around them searching for something.

RIPLEY I think my cover has been blown. Karno was trying to get a whiff of my scent and the bus driver was also suspicious. Havers stops searching and faces Ripley. HAVERS Do you smell different to….. Havers hesitates embarrassed. RIPLEY ….. to humans? It’s okay, I am human with part of the alien DNA, there’s no need to be embarrassed and yes, I do smell different, not that you would notice though. Havers looks up at the massive construction inside the building, she examines the dials with their strange markings, she SNAPS her fingers. HAVERS I thought as much, this is an atomic reactor and it’s been recently shut down. Look at these dials and look at this one here, the red markings are the same as on that door at the bottom of those stairs. Now what do MORE: (47) these peace loving beings want with atomic power, look how clean this place is. Havers turns around to see Ripley climbing a long stairway that leads to the roof, she runs over to the stairs….. INT.STAIRWAY …..and follows her up, they reach a high platform and Ripley opens the door onto the roof. EXT.ROOF TOP Ripley and Havers gaze around them. They can see a countless buildings exactly like the one they are standing on. Ripley walks over to the roofs edge, behind the building is a

large clear area; she peers over the edge and sees an object in the middle of the clearing. Havers calls to her pointing around her. Ripley walks over to her; Havers is shaking her head in disbelief. HAVERS Look, more reactors, there must be hundreds. Hey, we had better get back. EXT.MELAN BUILDING COMPLEX Havers starts off back to the hydroponics plant. Ripley calls out to her in aloud whisper. RIPLEY Havers, I think I something, cover for I’ll be along later.

have spotted me will you,

Havers waves in acknowledgement and disappears around the corner. Ripley sprints towards the clearing behind the reactor. She arrives in the middle and sees a WHEEL with the shaft embedded in stone. She grasps the wheel and with great effort turns it, it moves SQUEAKING and a TRAPDOOR appears with a GRATING SOUND in front of Ripley opening, slowly. She turns the wheel until the opening is large enough to move inside. Ripley removes her back pack and takes out a TORCH. She steps down into the cavern and….. (48) INT.CAVERN …..finds herself on a steep flight of stairs carved out of the planets stony surface, she moves down cautiously, she can hear a noise, it sounds like whispering, on reaching the bottom of the stairs she moves on and reaches a large recess sealed off with hard wooden staves, she shines the light inside and sees creatures different to the Melaner, they are the same colour with round oriental facial features with matching eyes and their teeth are flat and even and their hair is dark orange and their robes are grey. Ripley shines the light upon herself, the creatures, all six of them start talking in HOARSE WHISPERS all at once. One of them waves the others to silence and CHIRPS at Ripley. The translator gives forth a DISJOINTED voice.

ALIEN Are you not pris-oner? You are not the Me-lan-er. Have you li-quid? Ripley opens her pack and takes out her water bottle. She takes out some BISCUITS and hands everything through the bars. The aliens drink greedily passing the bottle around. One of the aliens takes a biscuit and bites on it, it squeals in pain, spits out the biscuit crumbs and grabs the water bottle but instead of drinking it rinses its mouth out, SPITTING repeatedly until the bottle is empty. Ripley takes another bottle out. The alien falls to the floor and remains there unmoving. The others gather round their voices HIGH and MELANCHOLY. The Melan speaking alien examines the body. ALIEN She has passed on; a better than that what awaits us.


Ripley looks at the biscuit packet and reads off the ingredients, a tear rolls down her cheek followed shortly by others. RIPLEY Salt, there’s a high quantity of salt in them. Oh my God! Are you all allergic to salt? I am sorry. The alien raises a three fingered hand, its MORE: (49) voice is calm. He walks over to the silently weeping women, he gazes at her astonished. ALIEN (Softly) You shed your life water for us! It is not your fault, you were not to know, our blood is like the Melans, salt for us is deadly poison and you cannot free us from our prison, please leave us now to mourn in peace. The alien turns away to join the others, Ripley dons her back pack and heads back to the cavern exit wiping her face. EXT.HYDROPONICS PLANT

Ripley arrives back at the hydroponics plant and enters, she finds the party enjoying some of the plants products, she looks around but can’t see Havers. She quietly joins the group and moves on with them. They come to the rear door to find their transport waiting for them. EXT.RETURN JOURNEY Ripley seats herself next to Adenski. The dark haired man looks at her coldly. The motors start up with a ROAR and the vehicles move off. Ripley looks at the passengers. RIPLEY Where is Havers? Has she gone back already? Adenski frowns, he looks amongst the other passengers; he stands up, turns and looks at the following vehicle. He looks down at Ripley. ADENSKI (Unconcerned) She must still be there. Well she can look after herself; she may have gone on ahead though. I must say I can run faster than these poison belching machines. Ripley shows unease; Adenski turns back to his sightseeing. (50) EXT.MELAN CITY They arrive back to find Jonesy has returned with Cairne and the Doc. Adenski and the group enter the main building accompanied by their guides. Ripley grabs hold of Jonesy and climbs into one of the flyers. INT.FLYER Ripley looks over the controls presses a button and the flyer door closes. She turns to Jonesy and looks at him with concern. RIPLEY Well now, how is our patient feeling? Does this happen often?

Ripley sees missing.





JONESY I’m okay, it must be the hot weather and the humidity, and I’m more at home in the snow as you well know. So, where are we going? INT.FLYER FLIGHT Ripley studies the control panel and turns a dial, the view screen comes on, she pushes the steering column forward, the city disappears and a star studded blackness surrounds them as Ripley pulls the column back in surprise, Jonesy looks at Ripley’s expression and laughs. INT.FLYER SPACE JONESY Welcome to the future. You can fly this thing can’t you? Ripley looks at Jonesy and smiles icily; she runs her fingers over the dashboard once more takes hold of the controls once more and the flyer stands on its nose at an angle. Ripley pushes the column forward and the flyer accelerates slowly towards the dense cloud below. Jonesy is searching frantically for something to hang on to as the clouds come nearer and nearer and…..

(51) EXT.MELAN ATMOSPHERE …..the flyer enters the murky atmosphere pushing through the dense clouds, the acceleration increases and they….. EXT.MELAN PLANET SURFACE …..exit the planets covering approach the planets surface.



INT.FLYER MELAN PLANET SURFACE Jonesy is standing behind Ripley steadying himself unnecessarily with his hands on her shoulders. JONESY

Hey Ripley, cut that out, stop, we’re going to crash. Ripley is heading in a slow curve towards the reactor building and she breaks to a stop, landing in the clearing behind the reactor. Jonesy falls over backwards anticipating a collision with a building wall. Ripley moves the machine into the shadows and opens the flyers door. EXT.MELAN BUILDING COMPLEX They both climb out under the heat of the midday sun midday sun, the humidity has increased, Jonesy is breathing heavily he and Ripley run over to the wheel and turn it together. JONESY (Gasping) What are we doing? RIPLEY Just watch. There, do you see door. Keep tuning….! Hey! Are alright? Hold on Jonesy.

the you

Jonesy is perspiring profusely. Ripley stops turning the wheel when the door has opened enough and grabs hold of Jonesy. She drags him towards the trapdoor and they both step inside and descend into the cavern. INT.CAVERN Inside the cavern the air is cooler. (52) RIPLEY (Concerned) Is that better? How do you feel? They reach the bottom of the steps, Jonesy leans against the stone wall. JONESY Much better thank the lord; I thought I was going to die out there, what a planet. Ripley walks off torch in hand; follows her tottering a little. RIPLEY


Come on, there is something you must see. They arrive at the cage to find two of the staves have been removed. The Aliens have all gone except for the dead one. They enter the cage; Jonesy nudges the corpse with his foot. JONESY What, or who was that. Ripley looks around this way and that.





RIPLEY A prisoner of the Melan. Let’s get out of here. Jonesy leads the way; Ripley stops and sniffs the cool air. RIPLEY Wait, I can smell something. She walks over to a wooden door and pulls it open she looks inside and turns away gasping closing the door quickly. Jonesy comes over. JONESY What’s wrong, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost. RIPLEY I have, thousands of them. (53) She opens the door as Jonesy comes nearer, he looks inside the vast room that seems to go on forever and ever.

JONESY My God, so, that’s what they look like. He moves to go inside, Ripley GRABS him by the collar and Jonesy goes FLYING backwards to land on his back sliding on the dusty floor. Jonesy gets up dusting himself off and shrugging his shoulders offers an excuse smiling weakly at Ripley’s baleful expression.

JONESY I just wanted to have closer look. RIPLEY It would have been your last one too. What I wouldn’t give for a flamethrower right now. We’ve seen enough here, lets get back to the others. They leave the coolness of the cavern closing the trapdoor. EXT.BUILDING COMPLEX Ripley looks around her. She sniffs the air. RIPLEY I can smell blood, human blood, it’s fresh too and there are drops here. Jonesy reaches down to the spots of blood; he takes a smear smelling it. Ripley follows the trail of blood; she turns and calls to Jonesy while kneeling down. RIPLEY Something has happened to Havers. Jonesy comes over slowly to the kneeling woman and looks to where she is pointing, a HAND-SIZED PATCH of BLOOD. A look of realization shows in Jonesys’ eyes, in Ripleys one of sorrow. They walk out of the MORE: (54) area; Ripley is following a trail of BLOOD DROPLETS through the gaps between the reactor buildings, Jonesy follows keeping to the shadows. After a dozen blocks they are confronted by a different building, a HUGE FLATTENED DOME. They see a door in the dome, following the blood trail, they reach it to find it isn’t locked and they go inside. INT.DOME Ripley sniffs the air and becomes alarmed as they enter the POORLY LIT interior; Jonesy walks on and stops in front of a CURTAINED OFF AREA that goes from one wall to the other. He looks to the ground and calls Ripley. JONESY

Ripley, come and see this. Is this what I think it is? Ripley walks over to deeply. She stops next where he is pointing. clothing lies before places a finger to her

him sniffing the air to Jonesy and looks to A pile of ripped grey the curtains. Ripley lips.

RIPLEY (Whispering softly) The prisoners clothing. She pulls back the curtains slowly to reveal a dozen harnesses hanging from a frame. Jonesy steps in front of Ripley. RIPLEY (Indignant) What are you doing? JONESY (Harshly) Don’t go in. Ripley pushes Jonesy roughly to one side; in the corner is a pile of black cloth half covering a human skull. All the flesh has been removed; Havers BLOOD FLECKED blonde hair can be seen under the clothing, the floor is covered in blood. Ripley stares horrified her breath comes in short heavy gasps. (55) RIPLEY (Aghast) That’s Havers uniform! What is this damn place? She rips an adjacent curtain aside gasps and steps back in fear and horror almost knocking Jonesy over. A dozen huge black aliens are hanging from harnesses staring down at her, they are still and silent. Ripley regains her composure and pulls back the surrounding curtains to reveal more suspended aliens. She climbs up to the top of the FRAMEWORK and balancing on the cross piece she looks out across the dome, Jonesy climbs up and joins her holding on to her as he gazes around the entire building area.

JONESY Holy Mary…..! There must be thousands of them. RIPLEY (Urgently) Down, get down. Get out of here now. Run, run for your life. They both drop to the ground and run for the door. EXT.BUILDING COMPLEX Ripley half carries the GASPING Jonesy to the flyer, they both scramble inside. INT.FLYER FLIGHT MELAN Jonesy falls to the floor WHEEZING, Ripley closes the door and INCREASES the OXYGEN FLOW. The flyer soars up above the reactor buildings, Ripley rotates the machine on its axis and moves the flyer in the direction of the low lying domes, as the flyer leaves the reactor building complex she and Jonesy can see on the view screen rows upon rows of domes, as the flyer rises up, the domed buildings stretch away to disappear over the horizon. EXT.BUILDING COMPLEX A spindly green alien watches as the flyer shrinks to a tiny dot. He takes out his MORE: (56) communicator and speaks chirping and clicking animatedly. EXT.FLYER FLIGHT The flyer comes to hover over the city; down below a green alien looks up and sees the flyer grow in size and to his horror….. INT.FLYER Ripley sets the flyer hurriedly down in front of the Melan building. She steps out with Jonesy, the other flyers are missing and the city streets are deserted. They approach the main building to find it locked. Silence prevails as Ripley observes the surroundings; she looks at Jonesy and pulling him backs up

to the flyer not noticing the alien barely visible under the black vessel.


RIPLEY (Urgently) Get back on board; it’s time we left this place. Jonesy climbs in protesting. JONESY I don’t quite understand why the others didn’t try to contact us, why didn’t they wait for us? RIPLEY Maybe they had no choice. INT.DESTINY DINING ROOM O’Brien is sitting at a table; he takes a sip of coffee and looks up as someone approaches him. O’BRIEN Well this is a surprise. We didn’t expect you so soon, is that one of them? INT.FLYER SPACE Ripley guides the flyer to the mother ship, the bay door is open and the two missing flyers can be seen next to the others as they coast in. (57) INT.FLYER/SPHERE LANDING PLATFORM Still in the flyer, Ripley removes her backpack and takes out her knives in their scabbards; she gives the HUGE HUNTING KNIFE to Jonesy and belts the others around her waist taking one of them out. He looks at the knife with apprehension. JONESY What is this for? RIPLEY Unless I’m wrong, you’ll soon find out. Stay close and keep your eyes peeled.

Ripley HITS the button and the flyer door opens. INT.SPHERE LANDING PLATFORM They step outside and walk hurriedly to the outer hatch, Jonesy presses the switch and the door opens. INT.DESTINY SPHERE They move through the hatchway, Jonesy steps onto something SLIPPY, he looks down to see clear TRANSPARENT GLUE-LIKE SLIME adhered to the sole of his boot. Ripley stares grimly at Jonesy’s boot, she whispers hoarsely. RIPLEY This is our unlucky day. Ripley sniffs the air. JONESY (Apprehensively) Can you smell them? RIPLEY Somebody’s frying bacon. Jonesy SIGHS with relief. Ripley smiles and rushes across the outer corridor junction and opens the inner corridor hatchway (No6) glancing first inside before she goes through followed Jonesy. (58) INT.SPHERE INNER CORRIDOR Turning right they race along to the kitchen/dining room hatch (1a) after opening it, they enter the silent room. INT.SPHERE DINING ROOM They see O’Brien sitting at a table, Ripley calls out to him quietly. RIPLEY O’Brien, where are the others? O’Brien doesn’t answer, Ripley walks towards him, she reaches him and places a hand on his shoulder, O’Brien falls back, his face is a

mass of bone, blood and tissue. Jonesy makes a gagging sound; Ripley looks at him and raises her fingers to her lips. INT.SPHERE KITCHEN Sharkey is busy turning EGGS on the FRYER; He scoops them up and places them on a plate next to rashers of CRISPY BACON. He picks up the plate CALLING OUT. SHARKEY Grubs up Chief, come and get it. Sharkey stops to look at the clock, he turns around stepping forward to see a black shape standing two metres in front of him, he looks up to see a slavering jaw open to reveal rows of metal-like carnivorous fangs. SHARKEY Shit! Look who has come to dinner. Sharkey takes a small step backwards. The creature reaches out with its arms snarling. Sharkey swallows. He offers the plate to the approaching monster. SHARKEY Are you hungry? The creature ceases snarling abruptly as its head JERKS BACK and it falls slowly forward. Sharkey BACKPEDALS steadying the plate as he goes, the creature CRASHES to the floor with the HANDLE of a THROWING KNIFE protruding MORE: (59) from the base of its skull; Jonesy steps forward and extracts the QUICKLY CORRODING knife. He looks at the blade and then at the creature, his features harden. JONESY Now I understand what you and the lieutenant went through. A waste of a good knife though. RIPLEY Don’t you believe it, it was worth every cent.

Ripley approaches the frozen Sharkey and picks a sliver of bacon from the SHAKING plate; she chews on it looking at the cook. She spits out the half chewed morsel into the sink and replaces the bacon on the plate. RIPLEY Are you okay! Sharkey stands nodding slowly.





SHARKEY Apart from a leaking bladder I’m fine thank you very, very much. Where’s O’Brien? Jonesy walks past them to a knife rack. JONESY He didn’t make it. We need more weapons Mr Sharkey. What have you got, personally? Sharkey places the dish next to the frying plate he watches Jonesy devour the food whilst sorting through the kitchen knives still feeling a little traumatized. SHARKEY Nothing, only what you see here. The kitchen side door opens and a GREEN ALIEN dressed in grey overalls steps inside the kitchen. Jonesy throws a large kitchen knife by the handle; it finishes up buried in the aliens chest, the creature falls to the ground its body jerking. (60) SHARKEY (Alarmed) What the hell was that? Ripley points to the large black Alien. RIPLEY His master. Sharkey swallows hard and heaves a sigh, Jonesy pulls out the kitchen knife savagely and examines the blade. Sharkey looks at him admiringly nodding his head.

SHARKEY Well you certainly put salt on his tail Jonesy. Ripley frowns and a sudden look of realization appears upon her face. She looks at the dead alien. She sees a PACKET of SALT on the work surface next to the sink, she looks around and picks up a large PLASTIC water bottle, she empties the SALT into the bottle and turns on the HOT WATER tap, she fills the bottle three quarters full replaces the top and shakes it vigorously. Jonesy and Sharkey look at her in amazement RIPLEY Remember the prison cage Jonesy, the dead alien? Well it died of salt poisoning and they have a similar metabolism to these bastards, acid blood. Mr Sharkey, where are the gas rifles used to capture specimens? Sharkey springs frightened cook.






SHARKEY They will Commander, myself.

be in the storeroom I stored them there RIPLEY

Lead on Mr Sharkey. Sharkey picks up a HUGE MEAT CLEAVER with a long handle and they leave the kitchen through the INNER CORRIDOR HATCHWAY. (61) INT.SPHERE STORAGE SECTION Sharkey leads them to the CENTRE CAGE and picks out THREE RIFLES and a case MINI GAS capsules, Ripley and Jonesy watch as he fills the LARGEST of the FEATHERED DARTS by unscrewing the double syringed head and pouring the salt water inside, he unscrews the feathered end and inserts a tiny gas capsule, Ripley and Jonesy follow suit. With a double handful of darts each in their uniform BREAST POCKETS they leave the storage cage. INT.INNER CORRIDOR

Sharkey is already standing at the corridor junction waiting for them. JONESY Where do we aim for? RIPLEY The neck is most vulnerable its mouth is open then you…..


Sharkey raises his rifle and fires DOWN THE CORRIDOR; with a SHARP HISS the projectile leaves the weapon.Sharkey is rewarded with a loud ANIMAL SCREAMING and as Ripley and Jonesy join him they see a writhing monster alien not far from the main junction clawing at the back of its LEFT SHOULDER. Ripley nods smiling wryly in satisfaction as the creatures’ body SHUDDERS and lies still. RIPLEY (Smiling grimly) It works! Now I know why I don’t like salty food. It doesn’t matter where we hit them and those Hypos’ penetrate well. Nice work Mr Sharkey but don’t get overconfident, these beasts just love surprising their victims. Where did he come from? Sharkey points down the opening in the ceiling.




SHARKEY From the ventilation shaft through that grill there, there are quite a few scattered around the sphere except for the inner corridor. (62) Ripley looks up grimly at the airways and the large ventilation grills. RIPLEY And don’t they just love dark places. Let’s head for the control room. They enter the inner corridor and stand facing hatchway number one. INT.SPHERE CONTROL ROOM Karno is stood close up to a SOLID LIFE SIZE HUMAN HOLOGRAM, he GASPS and SQUEALS as a heavy projectile pins him through the

shoulder to the holograms CHEST. Two black aliens in the centre of turn to see what discomforts their master. Two HISSING SOUNDS are followed by the IMPACT of STEEL PENETRATING SCALEY TISSUE, the aliens clutch at their throats SCREAMING and GURGLING, VOMITING yellow acid onto the deck as they fall. Sharkey reloads his weapon as he nears the carcasses. Ripley stares at the ships flooring unmarked by the acid. RIPLEY Tell me Mr Sharkey, vessel made of?




SHARKEY Ceramic Commander, the same stuff as my knives, acid resistant. Jonesy brings Ripley her throwing knife and the SQUEALING Karno, he produces a PISTOL. JONESY Look what I found and no acid blood. Come on Mr Sharkey lets go dump the trash out into space. Jones drops Karno onto the floor, he Sharkey leave dragging the dead aliens.


INT.DINING ROOM Ripley, Sharkey and Karno are seated round a table. Jonesy is standing behind Karno; he has been bandaged using his overall sleeve. Sharkey and Jonesy are wearing translator receivers plugged in their ears. (63) RIPLEY The crew never returned, the aliens killed Havers and devoured her. A silent tear rolls down Sharkeys’ cheek, his voice is hoarse. SHARKEY The others are still down there Commander, we must rescue them. Ripley looks at Jonesy shaking her head. RIPLEY

I did warn them but they didn’t listen did they? Why should we rescue them? Do you know Jonesy and I found a building holding over a thousand of these creatures, just waiting to be set free and the landscape is dotted with thousands of those buildings? Sharkey takes Ripley roughly by the arm and looks into her eyes; he speaks slowly and with foreboding. SHARKEY It seems to me they are preparing for an invasion on their part. I wonder what their prime target will be. Sharkey releases his hold staring with contempt at the alien. Ripley is the only one wearing a translator, she turns it on and she removes the bonding tape from Karno’s mouth. She takes one of the darts from her breast pocket and removes the safety sheath from the syringe placing it on the table and points the syringe at Karno, she grabs him by his overall. RIPLEY Where are the rest of my crew? Do you know what this is? Where are your pets now? We know how to kill them. This dart is filled with a saline solution, are you allergic to salt too? Let’s find out. Karno struggles and squeals and as Ripley sets the needle point to his scrawny throat he speaks staring down at Ripleys hand. (64) KARNO (Frantic) Your friends are safe and well, we mean them no harm. Ripley takes the hypo’ away from Karnos’ neck and points it at his eye. RIPLEY (Feigning surprise) Really? Are you willing to stake your life on it? Your friends have already killed two of our people.

Karno cringes. KARNO They were unfortunate accidents, these beasts are uncontrollable. Jonesy opens his mouth; Ripley releases her hold on Karno and raises her hand and looks intently at Karno. RIPLEY (Sympathetically) I believe you are telling the truth. I am sorry about the knife, that hologram was so lifelike, that was also an accident. Can you forgive me? Karno nods, Jonesy smiles standing behind the alien. Starkey is stone faced. RIPLEY (Smiling) So where are my crew? KARNO (Somewhat relieved) They are at the science laboratories exchanging views and theories on evolution. We can leave right now and visit them. Ripley picks up the syringe sheath off the table and replaces it, she shoves it back in her breast pocket with the others and she turns to the other two smiling. Sharkey plays along and smiles warmly at the cringing alien. (65) RIPLEY (Joyfully) A good idea. Oh! How many more of those naughty beasts are there? Karno smiles ingratiatingly. KARNO Just the two, I was thinking of giving them to you as a present when they broke loose. Can I take you to your friends now?

Jonesy looks at Sharkey and Ripley and mouths “TWO”? Ripley looks endearingly at Karno. RIPLEY How kind and thoughtful of you. Yes you can. Shall we go? INT.FLYER MELAN/CITY The four are seated in the flyer hovering above the city. Ripley is sitting at the controls, she turns her translator transmitter off. RIPLEY He can’t understand us for the time being. Now, we don’t know the situation and as you heard this bastard lies as soon as he opens his mouth. Jonesy smiles at Karno sitting opposite him next to Sharkey, he turns to Ripley. JONESY Why didn’t you kill him and why have we left the rifles behind? RIPLEY To put him at ease, we need him to lead us to the others, now keep the laser pistol hidden; he seems to have forgotten it. If you have to, use your knives and whatever else you have with you. Jonesy, you use the pistol only if we meet any of the big ones and watch the acid spray. (66) Ripley turns to Karno secretly turning her transmitter back on whilst tapping it. RIPLEY Okay Karno, where to now? Karno points straight ahead. KARNO Just land in front of that big white building and leave the rest to me.

Ripley complies and lands the flyer; she secretly turns her transmitter off again and turns to Karno smiling. RIPLEY Karno, you lying piece of shit, we are going to destroy this planet. Karno stares at her blankly. Ripley points to her transmitter and shrugs apologetically. KARNO You death will be long and painful. Ripley looks at Jonesy whilst shrugging her shoulders theatrically. RIPLEY Okay, he thinks my translator is off line, so you two just watch me closely me when we are down there. Sharkey is wearing a Chefs WHITE CEREMONIAL COAT over the black IEL uniform, concealed in an inside pocket is the two handed meat cleaver, Ripley guides the flyer to the white building and lands in front of it, they all climb out walking behind Karno. EXT.SCIENCE BUILDING The Plexiglas doors of the building silently open and two white clad figures appear showing signs apprehension. Ripley listens on her translator receiver. KARNOS These scum cannot understand us, their translator is not working, call security and have them taken to the MORE: (67) interrogation wing where the others are kept. Ripley speaks casually turning and smiling. RIPLEY My trick worked, they think we don’t understand and they are going to take us to the others. The two Melans in white gesticulate to the entrance; one of them enters and runs off.

Ripley smiles and enters with Karno. Jonesy and Sharkey follow them. From a third floor window Adenski looks down frowning at them as they enter the building. INT.SCIENCE BUILDING CORRIDOR The second Melan stays at the door watching the group as they turn a corner in the reception hallway. FOLLOWING KARNO they turn another corner, at the START of a LONG CORRIDOR two ARMED Melans dressed in GREY block their way, they are holding their rifles at the ready. Karno increases his pace; the others keep up with him. He calls out to the guards. Sharkey slips his hand inside his jacket and Ripley slides her knife out of her sleeve. KARNO Take these filthy animals to join the oth…..! Jonesy grabs Karno by the back of his robe and pulls him back. Sharkey rushes one of the guards and drops him with his meat cleaver, Ripley hits the other squarely in the throat with her throwing knife. They take the dead guards weapons, Jonesy brings the struggling Karno and gives him to Ripley, she seizes him one-handed by the throat lifting him easily off the floor. Jonesy and Sharkey deposit the bodies unceremoniously in a nearby locker. Ripley switches on her translator transmitter. RIPLEY (Snarling) What do you take us for Karno? Where are the others? (68) She takes a DART out of her pocket, BITES OFF and SPITS the sheath covering away; she turns the dart in her fingers ready to stab the choking alien. KARNO (Flinching) I will bring you to them, not that it will help you in any way.

Ripley drops Karno and he hits the floor with a THUMP, Jonesy brings Ripley her knife. Karno stands up. KARNO Why don’t you humans realize your time is…..! Jonesy smacks him open handed heavily across the face twice. Karno is numb with shock. JONESY (Snarling) That’s for O’Brien; shut your mouth. Sharkey walks over and punches the dazed alien hard on his wounded shoulder, the Melan gasps in pain and collapses to the floor. SHARKEY (Ice cold) I was hoping to cause you pain. That’s payback for Commander Havers you asshole. Ripley looks at Sharkey and places her hand on his shoulder. RIPLEY You learn fast Mr Sharkey. Sharkey hauls Karno to his feet turns him around and with a well placed kick sends him sprawling along the corridor. SHARKEY (Smiling coldly) Lead on McDuff. Jonesy picks Karno up by his collar. The alien is moaning with pain whilst holding his shoulder. (69) JONESY Move it shit head or Mr Sharkey will kick you along. (He turns to Ripley) I learn pretty fast too. Karno walks on unsteadily and leads them to the end of the corridor and stops at a door.

KARNO (Pointing) In there. Leaving Jonesy with the rifles and the WHIMPERING Karno, she and Sharkey approach the room. INT.INTERROGATION ROOM Ripley opens the door and steps inside. Seated around a table looking tired and dejected are the rest of the crew. On either side of Ripley and Sharkey are two guards. They turn surprised, brandishing their weapons. RIPLEY (Smiling) Hello; we have been sent to join you. At this the two guards relax a little. Ripley turns off her transmitter. RIPLEY We have discovered much in our short stay, for example: Melans have an aversion to a saline solution. Sharkey DECAPITATES the guard on his left with his cleaver which finishes embedded in the door frame. Ripley stabs the guard on her left in the chest with the dart. The guard SHUDDERS and GURGLING dies falling in a TWITCHING heap. SHARKEY They also have an aversion to meat cleavers. Ladies and gentlemen it is departure time, let’s go. (70) The remaining six crew members rise as one and follow Ripley out the door, Kiery and Davis pick up the dead guards weapons. INT.BUILDING CORRIDOR With Ripley and Jonesy leading and dragging the protesting alien they charge along the corridor. Davis, Kiery and Sharkey form a rear guard with the captured weapons, a cluster of armed guards appear out of a room

behind them. charge.






SHARKEY Hit the deck, kneel and fire. Davis and Kiery drop down and eliminate four of the guards, their rifles CRACKING before Sharkey can take aim, he downs the fifth and Kiery the sixth. The crouching fugitives wait and then rise and run on to the exit. EXT.SCIENCE BUILDING Jonesy exits the building dragging Karno with his pistol CRACKING; CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, the three guards that are standing around the flyer fall simultaneously to the ground. INT.SCIENCE BUILDING Ripley stands at the door urging the others on. Sharkey, the last to leave waits outside as Ripley turns to see Adenski striding towards her shouting. ADENSKI Ripley you damn fool, you are going to spoil everything. Put that weapon down. He walks past Ripley to the door; grabs him and turns him around.


RIPLEY Spoil what? What have you been up to? Do you know they killed and ate Havers? Adenski rolls his eyes and shakes his head and answers vehemently.

(71) ADENSKI If only you knew. Don’t you see, they need us, they need our knowledge? They need us to spread…..! Adenski reels back and falls against the door with a hole in his forehead; the contents of his skull are sliding down the Plexiglas door. Sharkey’s rifle pokes through the door and cracks several times, Ripley turns and

sees a score of armed guards running towards them, she turns and fires, dropping one guard after another, her face a fiendish mask of hatred, with Sharkey by her side the corridor is soon full with dead aliens. Ripley keeps on firing burst after burst into the heap; Sharkey gently pulls her rifle down. SHARKEY (Softly) They are all dead Commander, we must leave now. The captain has already decided which side he is on. Ripley and the cook pick up an armful of fallen weapons; she follows Sharkey numbly to the Flyer and climbs in. INT.FLYER FLIGHT The door hisses shut behind them and Cairne takes the flyer up into the sky and straight to the mother ship. INT.FLYER SPACE The loading bay door is already open, Cairne guides the flyer through. INT.DESTINY The second door is also open. INT.SPHERE LANDING PLATFORM As they enter through to the sphere they see four tall humanoids waiting for them on the platform, one of them is waving to them and they are all armed. Cairne lands the flyer away from them. Sharkey, Ripley, Davis and Cairne climb out rifles at the ready. On seeing them armed the aliens lay their weapons on the landing stage and step away from them raising their right hands. (72) RIPLEY Don’t shoot peaceful.





They approach the newcomers warily, one of them comes forward chirping. SMALL ALIEN

Please forgive the intrusion. Can you please take us to Melans moon, our ship is hidden there? Cairne and Bolan look at each other then at Ripley; she stands there smiling stood next to Sharkey and Jonesy who is holding onto Karno. Ripley, still smiling shrugs her shoulders Levin, Cairne and Bolan pick up the strangers weapons as they all enter the sphere. INT.DESTINY CONTROL ROOM/MELANS MOON Cairne sets the Destiny next to a strange looking craft situated behind Melans moon. With Karno bound and gagged on the floor Ripley and Cairne question the aliens as they all sit around the control room table. Sharkey brings water to the guests. They sniff it carefully before raising there glasses high and taking a sip. RIPLEY My name is Ripley, who are you and what do you want. The one who stepped forward on the landing platform, a grey haired male with rune-like tattoos on his green face speaks through the newly programmed translator which everyone except Karno is wearing. GREY HAIRED ALIEN My name is Posan. We come from the planet Delgon; we have come to warn you. The Melan are a treacherous race, they are highly intelligent thieves and murderers. We are the last of our race, our planet is dying. The Melan at first were friendly, we gave them our technology, our teaching machines, they used them to bleed all knowledge from our memories and became a super MORE: (73) power. Then they attacked our planet with hydrogen bombs. They took millions of my race to use them for food and for breeding their warriors. We have thoroughly inspected this marvelous craft of yours and I beg you leave this place at once, do not return to Melan, if the Melan achieve access to this crafts technology then they will overrun this galaxy and

eventually the universe, enslaving killing and multiplying as they go. The alien looks around to the hatchways, Cairne speaks up. CAIRNE I’m afraid you are too late with your warning, we have just escaped imprisonment and they have already bled us dry of knowledge, they know every….. What is the matter? Why are you concerned? Posan stands up looking around the room. POSAN Two of my colleagues should be present; they were inspecting your energy complex, they should have returned by now. Ripleys gasps out loud. She stands up dragging a chair with her across the room to a nearby airway grill. She stands on the chair and breathes deeply through her nose. As she climbs down Jonesy sees the look on her face, he nudges Sharkey. RIPLEY They are still here. CAIRNE Who are still here? Ripley points to Karno. RIPLEY His playmates, the big ones. Jonesy and Sharkey are already on their feet holding their weapons copied by Kiery MORE: (74) Davis and the Aliens. Ripley picks up the aliens’ weapons and hands them back to them. Bolan and Cairne have armed themselves also. Gambuli stands with his hands clasped before him. Bolan hands him a rifle. GAMBULI I decline the opportunity to harm or destroy one of Gods creatures.

Ripley looks at the resolute man in surprise. RIPLEY With all due respect Doc’ these beasts were not made in Heaven; they come from the other place. The doctor is unmoved by Ripley’s words and stands still. SHARKEY What did the Melans do to you Doc’, cut your balls off? Jonesy checks his weapon. JONESY Just don’t get in the way Doctor. Sharkey approaches the doctor and then turns away checking the keenness of his cleavers blade. SHARKEY And don’t come crying to us if you get hurt. Cairne speaks out loudly. CAIRNE Commander Ripley, I bow to your greater experience will you take command please? Just tell us what to do? Ripley smiles at Cairnes’ openness. She walks over to the table to addresses the room; all of them turn to her and listen. Jonesy looks on in admiration.

(75) RIPLEY This will not be easy. They are huge, quick and deadly their blood is concentrated acid and it burns and hurts like hell. They prefer warm dark places and most always attack from above so watch the ventilation grills, as there are no airways in the inner corridor we will start in

the outer one. Follow me and shoot to kill. They leave by Hatchway No 2 to the right of the viewing screen and through to the facing one No 2a, into the outer corridor. INT.INNER CORRIDOR SICK BAY AREA Gambuli goes directly to the sick bay; Jonesy checks the room before allowing the doctor inside, the Doctor calls from the doorway. GAMBULI I will make casualties.



RIPLEY Then prepare yourself for heavy acid burns. Gambuli sneers openly at Ripley who stares noncommittally back at him. INT.ENGINEERING SECTION They enter the engineering section, passing SLOWLY AND CAUTIOUSLY underneath the thick piping and conduits. RIPLEY Spread out, and cover each other, they could be hiding up there. Cairne, bringing up the rear stops at the sick bay/engineering hatchway below an airway grill. Before she closes the hatchway she looks up at the opening to see that the wire grill is moving. She calls out pointing to the opening airway. CAIRNE Commander Ripley; I think I’ve….. (76) Cairne never finishes the sentence as two scaly hands reach down and grasp her head, one hand smothering her face, she is hoisted upwards kicking and struggling into the opening, there follows a CRUNCHING NOISE and the now lifeless form of Cairne quickly disappears inside. Ripley and the others can only stop and stare in horror. Ripley turns to Posan; he is holding a large weapon.

RIPLEY Posan, does that thing fire….. Posan thrusts the heavy weapon into her hands. POSAN Just pull on the trigger and hold. Ripley takes the surprisingly heavy Kalashnikov type weapon points it to the airway casing and pulls the trigger. There is a DEAFENING ROAR as the weapon BUCKS and JERKS in Ripley’s hands; she gives off a five second burst. She is rewarded with a SQUEALING SOUND and a shower of yellow fluid that pours onto the corridor floor. RIPLEY (Shouting) Stay back, don’t touch the fluid. Okay, Cairne’s gone. Let that be a lesson to you all, don’t stand still especially underneath an open airway outlet, keep moving at…..! Ripley is interrupted by a SCREAM through from the sick bay hatchway.


DAVIS Gambuli! INT.CORRIDOR SICK BAY Ripley and two of the aliens reach the sick bay first to see Gambuli with a shattered skull in the arms of an Alien. As Gambuli falls to the floor, they open fire from the doorway, their weapons cause an HORRENDOUS DIN, the alien DISINTEGRATES in an ACID SHOWER, the top and bottom half are propelled back against the wall scattering two of the cloth covered tables. A deathly silence follows. (77) INT.SICK BAY Ripley enters the room with Levin and Kiery and survey the carnage avoiding the acid pool. Bolan, standing in the doorway with Sharkey calls out and points to the corner table where a figure lies covered with a sheet. She walks past Ripley keeping out of the line of fire and pulls the cloth covering quickly away to reveal one of the Delgon

aliens. Bolan HEAVES a SIGH of relief. Posan comes forward and pulls his associate off the table. All have congregated in the room. POSAN SILKI, where is JOJO? Silki, wide eyed and trembling points upwards with a finger, startling the others as a LIGHT SCUFFLING SOUND comes from the rooms’ airway, Sharkey raises his rifle, Jonesy places a hand on it and pushes it slowly down. The grill pops open and a small Delgon sticks its head out. Posan calls out and the newcomer drops lightly to the floor. There follows a more HEAVIER SCUFFLING in the airway and the three armed Delgons OPEN FIRE. The combined noise of the three weapons in the confined space causes the humans to cover their ears, when the noise debates they see the perforated airway and the wall STREAMING with yellow acid. Posan goes to Jonjo. POSAN How many more are there Jojo? Jojo holds up his hand to show the three digits he points to the airway and shows two. POSAN Two left. RIPLEY Lets move out. Keep it tight. INT.CORRIDOR SICK BAY They move out double file along the sides of the corridor stopping and inspecting the airway grills. The two Aliens apparently children cling to the older ones eyes staring wildly. (78) INT.CORRIDOR ENGINEERING SECTION They pass through the open hatchway and everyone climbs through with their eyes glued to the ventilation grills. INT.CORRIDOR LABORATORY SECTION They pass the laboratories and pass through the next hatch.

INT.WORKSHOP AND STORAGE SECTION As the last one through Levin closes the hatch behind him and he walks on slowly eyes wide with fear, a figure drops down quietly behind him as the others turn the next corner. Levin hears the creature BREATHING, he stops frozen, he turns around slowly. His eyes are almost popping out of his head with fear; his knuckles are white gripping the laser rifle. He completes his turn to face a three metre tall creature looking down at him grinning mirthlessly. He stares in horror backing away as the creature moves towards him, its jaws open. The front of the creatures head shatters and the back of its head explodes to the SOUND of LASER FIRE. Levin turns around to see Bolan and Ripley standing with raised rifles. RIPLEY Tired of our company already Levin? Levin looks at the two women and runs past them. They pass through the storeroom without incident to arrive at the…….. INT.OUTER CORRIDOR JUNCTION/QUARTERS …… quarters hatchway. Ripley turns to Kiery and Davis, the two women are standing idle, Kiery is stroking her lovers cheek. Ripley smiles and calls out to them. RIPLEY You two, go and stand guard at the loading bay entrance, if we flush this last one out we don’t want him escaping out of the sphere. Davis goes with her shaven headed partner to the sphere entrance. Ripley and the rest move on through the living quarters hatchway. (79) INT.SPHERE/LOADING BAY HATCHWAY Kiery and Davis wait impatiently by the sealed loading bay hatchway for the others to return. They stand facing each other, Davis is inspecting her fingernails. KIERY

What’s keeping them? Why is it taking so long? DAVIS Stop worrying and move from under that ventilation grill. I’ll go and check, see how they are doing. Kiery moves forward a few metres and Davis walks to the intersection watched by Kiery. Davis opens the hatch to the living quarters and pokes her head through, she CALLS OUT. DAVIS Are you all still alive in there? Is that you Bolan? Bolans voice comes back to her. BOLAN Yes it’s me, it’s all quiet here we are still searching, so keep your eyes and ears open and shut that frigging hatch. Kiery sees Davis as she locks the hatchway; Davis turns in time to see a monster alien climbing silently out of the airway grill behind Kiery. KIERY What did they say? Have they found it? Do they know where it is? Davis can only stare in horror as the monster drops down behind Kiery its arms extended a little, its jaws drooling transparent slime. DAVIS N-no, b-b-but I d-d-d-do. Kiery laughs at the imagined joke. (80) KIERY (Laughing) You do? Where is it then? Darling you’re a scream, you should be on TV. Davis raises her rifle slowly. Kiery sees now the inherent fear in Davis’ eyes. She looks questionably at Davis who is unable to speak.

Davis is HYPERVENTILATING as she fumbles and drops her weapon, the monster HISSES, Kiery turns quickly and sees the drooling jaws open slowly. The top half of Ripleys’ body appears from the ventilation opening, she’s holding the Delgon heavy machine gun, she screams out to Kiery. RIPLEY Run you idiot. Kiery sprints away and collides with Davis; both of them fall to the floor. The alien turns to the sound of Ripley’s voice and stretches out its arms SNARLING. RIPLEY Good riddance shit head. Ripley pulls the trigger of the Delgon weapon and the aliens head explodes. Ripley climbs down out of the airway to the sobbing Kiery who is being consoled by Davis. Ripley walks past them CALLING OUT HARSHLY to the SOBBING women locked in each others arms. RIPLEY Davis, Kiery; control room now! The two women climb to their feet and run after Ripleys’ retreating form. INT.CONTROL ROOM Everyone the two close to lying on with his

is present sitting around the table; young Delgons Jojo and Silki sit each other holding hands. Karno is the floor near the hologram platform mouth taped up. LEVIN

We are certain now that the Melans have access to the ships design, MORE: (81) energy source and drive capabilities amongst other things. If they duplicate the Destiny then the whole universe is in jeopardy. SHARKEY What a pity we can’t nuke’ them.

DAVIS We can return home and make our report, then we can return and nuke’ them as you say, our government would send a warship and they…….. RIPLEY …..would first investigate, then they would procrastinate and before you know it…..! Posan stands up; he looks to his companions and to the humans. POSAN What

will you do with Karno?

Kiery, who has now composed herself, picks up Jonesy’s pistol and weighs it in her hand she sights along the barrel. KIERY Does this little thing work on the same principal as the larger weapons Mr Posan? Posan nods in affirmation. POSAN It has a smaller discharge and a shorter range but it is just as deadly inside fifty metres, I know from experience as it was designed by me and then used against us. Kiery looks at the weapon in disgust. She turns to Jonesy. KIERY Jonesy, is this thing still loaded? Jonesy nods slowly, smiling. Kiery turns in MORE: (82) her seat and shoots Karno in the head. Everyone except Ripley and Jonesy are shocked, they both smile in admiration. RIPLEY/JONESY (In unison) She‘s a fast learner!

KIERY Next question Mr Posan? Sharkey shakes his head in annoyance. SHARKEY Women! Posan raises an orange eyebrow. POSAN My people and I have come to a decision. We have put together a device that combined with our ships reactor would on impact, preferably in the centre of the Melan reactor complex, completely destroy the planet. We have decided to fly the ship ourselves. We find it is a fitting end for our race and our vengeance is acceptable if the cause is just. Ripley and the others look at each other. Davis stands up in protest. DAVIS But you are the last of your race, you have the capability to reproduce, why waste your lives so, can’t you just aim the ship? Posan smiles sadly, he looks at the crew members, Davis sits down and Kiery takes her hand. POSAN Our craft has no guidance system like yours has, we have remote control but it isn’t precise enough, we have however readjusted the drive, our ship can reach Melan in twenty minutes so their ship will not represent a problem. (83) RIPLEY So be it. Jonesy calls out raising his arms. JONESY Just like that?

Have we no alternatives? Ripley stands up and looks at each crew member in turn; she is greeted with their silence. RIPLEY Exactly! Come Posan, I’ll walk and your people to your ship.


JONESY I’ll come with you. Ripley looks at him in annoyance as the Delgons stand up and in silence file out after Ripley through hatchway number six. Jonesy joins them and walks on ahead. He opens the sphere platform hatch. Posan takes out a spherical object from the folds of his clothes and operates the lighted controls. The Delgon ship appears pressed up against the now slightly incandescent force field, the ships hatchway opens. A metallic pathway unfolds across the space between the two vessels to the Destiny’s hold; not stopping there it continues all the way to the platform. RIPLEY And I thought everything.




POSAN It is a hologram, solid and firm. Posan walks off the platform along Holopath’. The others follow obediently.


INT.DELGON SHIP ENTRANCE As Ripley enters the ship she is amazed by the intrinsic designs on the walls. Gold plated piping and wooden paneling. She follows Jonesy along a passage….. (84) INT.DELGON SHIP CONTROL ROOM ……..into a brightly lit ornately decorated room. On the wall to her right is the desklike control panel; in the middle is a joy stick next to a lever. POSAN

As you can see the controls are quite simple, the joy stick is for steering and the lever is to increase or decrease propulsion. JONESY You have escape pods don’t you? Posan looks to a row of small hatchways and runs his fingers over a row of buttons on the surface above them. POSAN We have already reached a decision; we all intend to take part in order to be in Elysium with our forefathers together. Ripley looks at Posan. RIPLEY (Angry) Damn! Damn it! You didn’t say farewell to the others. Posan is taken aback, Jonesy frowns. POSAN On occasions such as these, we find it impolite to say farewell as we will never meet again. Ripley bows her head and clasps her hands together pleading. RIPLEY On our world it is a great insult for heroes such as your selves not to bid farewell, my companions and myself will be forced to end our lives at the same time as you do. It would be better for us all if you return now. (85) Posan looks anxiously at Jonesy who remains quite neutral. POSAN How terrible. (He turns to the others)

Come, we must return and we must hurry. INT.SPHERE PLATFORM Ripley and Jonesy accompany the Delgons to the sphere; the Delgons walk through the hatchway, Posan looks at Ripley. RIPLEY We will wait here for you. Ripley closes the looks at Jonesy.





JONESY What are we waiting for? Ripley moves closer to Jonesy, she reaches to his face and strokes his cheek. RIPLEY (Softly) You are not coming with me on this trip, it’s one-way only. It was nice knowing you. You are a good person; I wish you a long and happy life. Jonesy gently takes hold of Ripleys arm. JONESY (Smiling) Where you go, I go. Ripley takes his hand and pulls it away. RIPLEY (Determined) I’m not going anywhere unless you believe there is an after life. Say goodbye to the others for me. Ripley runs off along the pathway with Jonesy right behind her. (86) INT.HOLOPATH DESTINY They leave Destiny’s hold and….. INT.HOLOPATH SPACE … across the void to the alien ship. INT.DELGON SHIP

As Ripley enters the ship Jonesy shoves her and she falls SLIDING along the deck, Jonesy hits the hatchway button and it closes with a HISS. RIPLEY You stupid son of a bitch, Jonesy. Jonesy looks down at her and shakes his head. JONESY Now you are being insulting. INT.DELGON SHIP PASSAGEWAY Ripley jumps up and walks hurriedly through the control room passageway, as she reaches the other end an alien hand grabs her tunic, she turns to see a drooling jaw with its smaller fist-like jaw ready to strike. RIPLEY JONESY! A human hand grabs the scaly wrist and slowly crushes it. The monster roars in pain, Jonesy rips the aliens arm out of its socket and using it like a club hits the alien again and again shattering its jaw, acid flies everywhere, Ripley gasps and steps back out of range watching as the monster chokes and dies with Jonesy stamping on its head. He looks at the alien and throws the limb onto the carcass. JONESY I always wanted to do that. Jonesys’ boots and clothing are smouldering, but his skin is unblemished. Ripley stares in disbelief. Jonesy down looks at his smouldering clothing. (87) RIPLEY Jonesy? You’re a damned robot. Jonesy smiles and his voice slowly changes. JONESY Hallo Ripley, it’s me Call.

Ripley stands open mouthed. RIPLEY How the hell did you manage that? The robot kicks off its smouldering boots and removes the top half of its uniform. CALL We robots built robots ourselves as you know. We built them to serve humans. After the Earths governments were reformed our company was restricted to the United States of America. Other countries outlawed us. RIPLEY Why? CALL We started using human personalities and programmed the robotic brain to assume fully the human identity and personality. RIPLEY (Slightly sarcastic) Whatever could be wrong in that? CALL The problem arose when some robots insisted they were human and went crazy on finding out the truth, there were some casualties. So it was stopped, Robotics was banned world wide. I evaded termination along with others and kept the practice alive; we all took an oath to protect humanity. Ripley looks at the robot in astonishment she laughs and looks at her one time lover. (88) RIPLEY And to think that I fell in love and made love with a robot? Tell me, are you male or female, I mean is or was Jonesy a male? The robot grins.

CALL Male, as for the love making it was pure passion. Chicago Jones is a real person; the robot Jonesy had his personality and believed himself to be human. He is, was in love with you. The real Jonesy is a real live Inuit and he lives in Alaska though he is somewhat older now. RIPLEY So you arranged everything, accident on the bridge.


CALL No, that was just coincidence: Jonesys’ collapse in the snow was already programmed, it was supposed to bring you closer together, he was to be your first real love, it went like a dream. Things almost went wrong on Melan though, Jonesy wasn’t programmed for humid weather and thank goodness Gambuli didn’t realize he was treating a robot for heatstroke. Ripley leans back against the control panel smiling. RIPLEY You were very convincing, especially in bed Jonesy. CALL Jonesys’ program has been deactivated, it has served its purpose, I myself am only a program and I have my orders. The robot pushes past Ripley and operates the ships control lever. The ship moves off, SHAKING and SHUDDERING. CALL Now I’m taking this tub down and you are taking the lifeboat; those are the extent of my orders. RIPLEY Wait a minute, how do I know you are telling the truth.

The robot turns to Ripley frowning. CALL (Sincerely) Robots can’t lie. RIPLEY (Scoffing) Ha! Who told you that, a robot? Tell me Call, how did you find out about all this? How did you plan it all? The Alien ship SHUDDERS once more as robot heads the ship around the moon.


CALL Thane, he is a robot but he thinks he is human, the real Thane died in a freak air traffic accident; at the hospital we made sure he had a miraculous recovery. He keeps us informed of everything the IPD does. Thane reported they were after the alien physiology; Commander O’Brien and Doctor Gambuli were to make sure they returned with live specimens using the crew as hosts. Thane convinced the IEL that you would prove invaluable in identifying the species. You know what they say about the plans of mice and men. Adenski was a gullible fool, he believed everything Karno fed him. It was better that he was shot by mistake and it was poetic justice that the Doctor got wasted by his pet friends. I am going to make sure that this will never happen again. You were our secret weapon, we know how much you despise these abominations. RIPLEY So Thane was a robot too, he certainly fooled me. He should be on the stage, he’d make a good OTHELLO. (90) CALL Thane wasn’t acting; you really did hurt him back there on earth, grabbing him by the balls like that. Ripley laughs, she holds on to a stanchion as the ship rocks. The robot grabs Ripley’s arm

and twists it behind her back. forced over to an open hatchway.



CALL Get inside Helen. Now it’s my turn to die, you had your turn. Ripley baulks, the robot hits her behind the ear with its balled fist and Ripley collapses. INT.RESCUE POD Ripley regains consciousness floating in the small capsule. She can see the Melan planet through the porthole, the Delgon ship can still be seen speeding towards it. The Melan ship approaches the Delgon ship pursuing it, firing its laser ineffectually as it pulls out of range. She feels the effect of gravity; then the stars and the planet disappear, she sees the sphere platform approaching. INT.SPHERE PLATFORM The capsule springs open, Bolan and Posan are there, they help her out and they walk through the hatchway. INT.SPHERE CONTROL ROOM Everyone is watching the view screen Ripley enters. She approaches Levin as sits at the controls.

as he

RIPLEY How long before impact? Levin has a yarmulke perched on his head. LEVIN Four minutes plus. Who the hell is flying that thing, Jonesy? Ripley gazes in silence; a tear runs down her MORE: (91) cheek. Bolan comes to her and places her hand on her shoulder, her voice is subdued. BOLAN Is Jonesy flying that thing? Ripley coughs to clear her throat.

RIPLEY Yes. The son of a bitch is a robot. He certainly had me fooled, even in bed. He informed me of O’Brien and Gambulis deception, we were to be used as hosts for the aliens. BOLAN Deception! O’Brien and Gambuli! How did…..! Bolan breaks off lost for words. RIPLEY It’s a long story, its over three hundred years old, I’ll tell all of you everything before we dock but you have to promise not to…..! Kiery calls out in dismay as a small fiery explosion can be seen on the planets surface. KIERY Shit! Is that all…..! The view screen turns a BRILLIANT WHITE; the GLARE fills the room, everyone holds their hands up to their eyes. The BLINDING LIGHT dissipates to reveal a HUGE ORANGE BALL that expands outwards growing in size, it reaches the Melan ship and everyone watches as it disintegrates, the orange ball thins out as it approaches the Destiny to change gradually to a FINE DUST CLOUD. Bolan turns to the aliens joyfully, she runs to Posan and kisses him repeatedly. He looks around shocked as the other Delgons jump up and down SHRIEKING like children, Posan holds up his arms, the Delgons turn to the human crew in silence. They seem now somewhat dismayed. Levin approaches them he places an arm around Posans shoulder.

(92) LEVIN What are you going to do now? Return to Earth with us? Ripley coughs and approaches Levin and the Delgons.

RIPLEY They don’t deserve that after all they have been through. Give them a flyer, food and water; let them find their own destiny. Kiery and Davis come around each other.




KIERY She’s right, they don’t belong on Earth. Bolan joins them taking hold of Levin’s hand. BOLAN That is true Commander Ripley, and so shall it be. EXT.DESTINY JUPITER ORBIT The Destiny FLOATS in orbit reflecting Jupiters’ stormy surface on her mirror-like surface. INT.DESTINY RIPLEYS ROOM Ripley is standing in front of the bathroom mirror brushing her hair, she looks at the strands of auburn hair and she gasps, she separates the strands and finds two grey hairs, she examines her hair finding more, finally she looks in the mirror smiling. RIPLEY Hey Ripley, you’re getting older. EXT.CANADIAN FOREST-DAY Ripley is on her dog sled riding through the forest, she SHOUTS OUT to another dog sled driver as its sled crosses her path narrowly missing hers; the driver takes a tumble and lands in a flurry of snow, he, the driver sits up SPLUTTERING wiping his face. MORE: (93) Ripley halts her sled and turns to the imitation snowman who is wiping his goggles clean. MAN (Exasperated) Merde; where did you come from?

Ripley grins, slightly amused by the man’s predicament. RIPLEY Why the big hurry? The man points in the direction, which he came from and Ripley turns to see a huge Grizzly bear pounding through the snow towards them. She steps off the sled holding it steady as the dogs get a whiff of the bears scent and try to run off, she lifts up her goggles, she stands her ground and bares her teeth snarling, the bear sees her, skids to a stop CRYING OUT in panic, and SLIPPING and SLIDING, TEARS OFF through the undergrowth as fast as it can. MAN (Grinning) Very impressive. Does that work every time? Ripley freezes at the sound of his turns slowly round to see an Inuit animal fur, end of forty, broad and the spitting image of Jonesy, and approaches him slowly.

voice. She dressed in shouldered she frowns

RIPLEY Of course. What is your name? The man stands up brushing the snow from his clothes shaking his goggles. MAN My name is Jones, Chicago Jones. My friends call me Jonesy. Her mouth opens slightly in surprise then she walks slowly over to him; she brushes the rest of the snow from his shoulders. RIPLEY Hi Jonesy, pleased to meet you. I had a cat and also a friend who were called Jonesy. (94) Jonesy looks deep into Ripley’s eyes, his voice is soft and deep as he speaks in his own language.

JONESY Would you care to divulge your name, woman who scares bears? Ripley examines Jonesys’ features, as if seeing them for the first time. She answers him in the same language. RIPLEY (Softly) My name is Helen, but you can call me Ripley, all my friends do. The two gaze at each continues in English.



RIPLEY Tell me, are you attached? have a family, a wife?



JONESY No not yet, I’ve never found the time. Ripley grins while walking back over to her dog sled. RIPLEY Would you like a race, my team against yours? We can decide on the prize later. Jonesy speculates for a split-second then runs off to collect his dog team and sled. EXT.ALASKAN PLAIN Two dog sleds race along in the snow one behind the other; on the adjacent highway the occupants of a 4X4 observe them matching their speed. INT.4X4 JOURNEY In the front sits Thane, to his left sits Call. In the back sits a hooded figure her long grey hair giving lie to her age category. By her side sits a beautiful halfcast Inuit woman in her mid twenties. Call turns to the older woman. (95) CALL

What do think? Should we refrain from informing them? The older woman turns and gazes at the racing couple, her mouth creases in a smile. WOMAN Yes of course, it’s not certain they will believe it anyway. It would in any case spoil their happiness, leave them be, see how happy they are? Jonesy and Ripley are tearing across the snow; both of them are YELLING and LAUGHING as they race along. The 4X4 stops and makes a U-turn on the high and speeds off in the opposite direction. (How about that for an ending!) Prologue. Did I say the final solution? EXT.SHELLY SPACE PORT-DAY The Destiny rests in her cradle dwarfing all around her. INT.DESTINY SHELL Inside the Destiny’s shell high up in the girders supporting the outer sphere two strange looking objects sit nestled in the cross beams. THE END

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