Algebra 1 3/6/19 Subject: Algebra 1 Activity: Review Absolute Value Graphing Statement of Objective: *Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) *GLCE/IEP
Materials: *Prepared and organized *Available for all Opening: *Gain attention/motivate *Activate prior knowledge ~link/relate; assess; prepare for new learning (e.g. vocabulary) *State goals/set purpose ~explain task: why, what, how, and when for strategies *Clear directions Presentation: Teacher: *Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) *Organizational framework ~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a meaningful context Guided Practice: *Activity related to presentation/objectives *Active student participation ~provide rationale for assignment ~multi-sensory and real world ~instructional dialogue *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, think aloud *Check for understanding ~ensure high success rate ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt, probe/question (in ZPD) Individual Practice: ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction *Management/monitoring ~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise
Setting: High School
# of Students: 6
Students will solve absolute value equations algebraically. Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.REI.A.2 Solve simple rational and radical equations in one variable, and give examples showing how extraneous solutions may arise. Solving absolute value worksheet, white board, expo markers
Student calculators
“what is the topic we have been working on this week in math?” “what is an absolute value function? What does the absolute value sign do? What were the steps in solving an absolute value equation?” 2 min
Review solving absolute values Model on the board 4 problems While modeling, think aloud to explain the steps 5 min Independent work time Instruct students to complete all other assigned problems on the worksheet on their own “If you get stuck, raise your hand so I know to come and help you. We are going to be playing a game with our worksheet answers, so you want to make sure that you are working hard to finish the worksheet.”
If students have not grasped the concept yet from the previous two days, pull those students aside and provide more problems modeled Write assigned problems on the board
15 min Tic tac toe Split the class into two teams. Team 1: Ramiro, Garrett, Donny Team 2: Bella, Sarah, Joe “We are going to play a game of tic tac toe. Each of the boxes is going to be a problem from the worksheet. Instead of putting an X or an O in a box, you’re going to put the answer to a problem with all of your work shown. (give example of what they would write in the box). Your work and your answer needs to be correct otherwise your answer will be wiped away and your team will lose their turn. I will pick who from your team will come up to the board to show their answer. You will have the next 10 minutes to work together to go through the answers you have for the worksheet. But remember that if I call you, you need to show all of your work, so you have to know how to do the problem.” Tic Tac Toe board drawn on the whiteboard: 11 4 8
If students answer incorrectly, talk about what they did wrong and have them erase their answer. When students are writing their answer on the board, ask questions to gauge their understanding. Closing:
20 min Remind students of quiz tomorrow. Write problem on the board. How could we solve this graphically? How could we solve it algebraically? How are the two methods similar?
Teams have a range of abilities, to allow students to support one another Explain how to play tic tac toe for ELL