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Wallflower Inc. 20 March 2019 Volume 1, Issue 1

The Life of Sam (over this last year)

January 1st, 2018,18th Birthday Inside this issue:

Marching Band Senior Night






Justin Leaves for the Army


Justin’s Mom Leaves for Virginia


Starting College


Winter Break


Last year in January, I, Samantha Alexander, turned 18 years old, celebrating my birthday on New Years Eve by taking a day trip to Payson, Arizona with my friends Hana and Dennis and my boyfriend of 1 year, Justin. We visited all the quaint little shops, went for a nature walk, and watched the boot drop at midnight. As all of my friends said,” Happy New Year!” they followed it with, “Happy birthday, Sam!” On that day, I felt lots of love and was given many hugs. Even though it was not celebrated in the way I usually celebrate my

birthday: a rambunctious New Years Eve party at my house with all of my friends of any degree, sitting around the fire in the backyard drinking hot chocolate and talking about what it will be like to graduate high school. I still had lot of fun on our spontaneous trip. My life was going pretty good at that moment, but of course, as all lives go awry, mine would soon. What’s to follow are stories of the big events that have occurred in my life in the year since I turned 18.

Special points of interest: • United States Army • Romance and Heartbreak • Virginia • Making New Friends • Graduating High School • Prom

Valentines Day On Valentine’s Day, my I had planned a cute picnic for my boyfriend and I to go on that night at Sahuaro Ranch Park. I promised him I would make all the food if he would just come pick me up, since at the time, I did not have a car.

Now, these were last minute plans because we had not really talked about Valentine’s day before that. So I had to work with the time I had after school. I decided to make soup because we had plastic bowls I could bring,

but I used the wrong flour and it went wrong. And of course, it began to rain. I was very disappointed in myself and my soup but Justin picked me up and we had to picnic in his car in the Sahuaro parking lot. He said he

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The Life of Sam (over this last year)

Volume 1, Issue 1

Marching Band Senior Night Senior night is something every senior in any type of organization looks forward to throughout their high school career. It is the night where you get to write a little bit about how your experience was in that organization, who you would like to thank for helping you through high school, and what you will be doing with your future. In Marching Band, which was like one big family of 260

people at Ironwood High School, senior night was always the saddest, most lovable day of the year. Lower classmen must say farewell to their friends in the senior class, but also become excited for their time to come. And seniors, I learned that night, have to say farewell to all of their high school friends, and understand just how much they affected the lives of their peers in March-

ing Band. As I walked on the track, being escorted by my parents, and the announcer read my name and my small speech, my Marching Band friends screamed “Sam! We love you!” Marching Band was my favorite thing about high school. It was the hardest thing I have been a part of to say goodbye to. But I was excited to come back to the games to see the lower classman thrive.

put it on, it was too long. Now, this is not the dresses fault. I am 5’2, so of course it was too long on me. I searched hard for an inexpensive tailor but truth be told, they do not exist. Finally, I opened up to my friend about my impossible situation and she knew someone

who could fix it. But then my friend was so excited about prom that she asked to do my hair and makeup. I reluctantly agreed, but I looked nothing like I wanted to at the end. Still, my boyfriend and I took silly pictures that I still regret exist but we went to Prom and had a wonderful night.

Prom “Finally, I opened up to my friend about my impossible situation and she knew someone who could fix it.”

I struggled with the idea of Prom because my family was broke and I did not think I could find a dress that was cheap and also that I loved. But guess what, I didn’t. I picked out a strapless long red dress that flared out at the bottom. Initially, it sounded very flattering, but when I

Graduation Night This was the night I graduated high school. It was an ending to a chapter kept begging to come for the last four years, but now that it was here, I did not feel ready. I spent the entire day getting ready, picking out a black and red lacey dress with gold out-

lines that held a sort of renaissance vibe. When I arrived at the Cardinals Stadium, cap and gown in full, I could feel my excitement boiling over. Of course, the ceremony felt long and grueling as the principal made the same speech he makes al-

most every year, followed by other boring staff members. But when I got outside I was greeted by my family and Justin’s with flowers and pictures and tears. This was it. I had finally made it.

The Life of Sam (over this last year)

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 3

Justin Leaves for the Army Justin and I had been together for a year and a half the day he left for the army. I knew since we began dating that those were his plans after high school, but since January, the six months we still had together seemed to fly by faster than any other bout of time had in my life. We talked long before the day that he left about what that would mean for our relationship. It felt as though

each side had major pros and cons, but when it came down to it, even though long distance relationships are notorious for not working out, we cared about each other too much not to try to make it work. Of course, when someone begins in the army they start with basic training, meaning the only contact they receive to the outside world are letters and they can only make a few phone calls

throughout the 2 months but mostly they get letters too. We wrote consistently and missed each other just the same but I spent the rest of the summer still trying to get excited for high school and helping his mom move out of their house (see story below). His mom and I quickly became best friends, but I also had to prepare for the day she was to move to Virginia. It was a sad summer indeed.

Justin’s Mom Leaves for Virginia I spent the Summer after Justin left for the army helping his mom, Holli, move, attending Justin’s family summer parties, and hanging out with Justin’s sister, Amber, and her boyfriend, Devon. His family treated me more like part of the family than mine ever had. I made many new

friends that summer. Justin’s family friends Kathy and Ron had daughters, one who was also named Sam. We became friends and went to the gym together. Justin’s sister and I often talked about the type of houses we would like to own and the future, and where we would like to live,

which was not in Virginia where Justin’s mom was moving, unfortunately. Devon taught me how to cook. I watched horror movies with Holli. The moral of this story is, even if Justin wanted to get rid of me, his family would never let him because they love me.

Starting College I always believed that even if couples stay together after high school, they should not give up their dreams to follow each other to where the other one is headed. So instead of going to community college for two years waiting until Justin was stationed so I

could go live with him once he was, I decided to attend university. I got into ASU in March and I felt all the excitement coming up over summer as I bought all the things I planned to decorate my room with. But when I actually got here, it was much scari-

er than I had planned. It took me months to make friends and integrate myself into the college. But once I had, nothing was stopping me!.

“His family treated me more like part of the family than mine ever had.”

Photo Citations

Wallflower Inc. Page 1 Photo of me: Address: 9628 N. 47th Ave. Phone Number: 1800-thewallflowerinc

Taken by me Page 2 Photo on Senior Night: Taken by Hana Turko. Permission of use granted.

Were on the web!

Page 3 Photo of Justin and I: Taken by Dawn Alexander. Permission of use granted Photo of my College Friend Ranya: Taken by me Page 4


Photo of Justin and I: Taken by Michael Yarbrough. Permission of use grant-

Winter Break Winter break was something I had been looking forward to since Justin told me her was going to be granted some holiday break leave. He only had 2 weeks away from the army, and unfortunately since his mom now lives in Virginia and his dad and I and some of Justin’s other family lives here in Arizona, he had to break up the weeks. He chose to spend Christmas in Virginia with his mom and come here for New years and my birthday. That entire week I got to drive Justin around since he wasn’t really

allowed to drive and he had also sold me his car before he left so he did not have a vehicle to drive. I had no concept of time throughout the entire week because everything felt so surreal. Justin was staying at his dad’s house but I was there early every morning and late every night. I got very little time to sleep because Justin had made plans to see his grandparents and cousins and family friends, all of which I was thankfully invited to. It was the best winter break I had ever had!

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