Alchemist Dnd3.5

  • December 2019
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D&D Alchemist Class By RandomRedMage Alchemist Alchemists are herbalists, potion makers, chemists, and sometimes mad scientists. They come from many backgrounds and these backgrounds tend to influence where an individual alchemist will specialize. Proficient with the use of different potions and solutions as weapons in battle they can be some of the most dangerous craftsmen of destruction, and some of the most potent healers. Though regardless of the path that they choose, they require quite a bit of research and development time. Unlike their wizard/sorcerer counterparts who dabble in the making of potions through the infusion of magic into potions, True Alchemists work with many herbs, plants, and chemicals, natural and manufactured to create miraculous effects and outcomes. Alchemists as Adventurers Usually alchemists tend to stay In their home towns, or move to bigger cites and set up shops selling their solutions to adventurers and townsfolk alike, however, there are handfuls of alchemists who turn to adventuring themselves, their reasons are usually the same, looking for more powerful solutions and ingredients of the most rare. Alchemists usually have a quest that they wish to complete within their lifetimes, many times this quest is inherited from their predecessor, mentor, or tutor, and in some cases their parents. This life goal is on their mind at most times when they spend time alone studying, it is not uncommon for an adventuring alchemist to carry a bag of holding dedicated to texts, journals, and 'cookbooks.' It is not uncommon for an alchemist to carry one of his texts, usually his own notes, in a heavy hardbound book, sometimes if needed resorting to using it as a weapon. Skills: Spot, Listen, Search, Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, Appraise, Heal, Craft, Knowledge(herbalism, nature), Profession, Use Magic Device, Decipher Script. Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d8 Skill Points at 1st level: 6+int x 4 Skill Points at each level: 6+int Level


Saves F/R/W





True Alchemy Greater Understanding +2 Alchemical Weaponry +1d6




Greater Understanding +4 Evasion




Alchemical Advancement




Greater Understanding +6




Alchemical Advancement Alchemical Weaponry +2d6




Greater Understanding +8




Alchemical Advancement Improvised Lab




Greater Understanding +10




Alchemical Advancement Alchemical Weaponry +3d6




Greater Understanding +12




Alchemical Advancement




























Alchemical Advancement Alchemical Weaponry +4d6 Alchemical Advancement Alchemical Weaponry +5d6

Masterwork Alchemy

D&D Alchemist Class By RandomRedMage Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient with Daggers, Short Swords, Slings, Darts, Crossbows(all kinds), and Books, as well as the Gnome Calculus. Alchemists are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. Alchemist's Known Recipes: An alchemist can brew/create any potion/item he/she has a recipe for, An alchemist may also spend 1 month of time to memorize a recipe to not need the recipe book to create the item. An alchemist may memorize up to 1.5x Alchemist level recipes, and may choose to forget a recipe in favor of learning another. (this month of time studying and memorizing a brew is spent in the form of 4 hours of study a day in the morning. Must be able to devote at least 8 hours to rest/sleep on each night before.) Alchemists start with one commonly available Item memorized, and all commonly available item recipes in their text. True Alchemy (EX): Alchemists may use the Craft(alchemy) skill to create alchemical items. The alchemist is treated as if he were a spell caster of the same level for the purpose of creating alchemical items. Greater Understanding (EX): As alchemists devote themselves to the study and creation of seemingly magical things, they gain in depth knowledge of their craft. This grants them a +2 to Craft Alchemy, Heal, Knowledge(Herbalism), Profession(Apothecary), and Profession(Herbalist). An additional +2 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Alchemical Weaponry: Alchemists are more adept at the use of their crafts work than any other class and as such have a bonus to using them in combat. At 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels they gain an additional +1d6 damage to attacks made with alchemical weapons(so long as the attack is supposed to deal damage). This bonus only applies up to the alchemists int modifier. Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a alchemist can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the alchemist is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless alchemist does not gain the benefit of evasion. Alchemical Advancement (EX): At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th, Alchemists learn an Alchemical Advancement technique to improve the powers of alchemical items they create. You may apply each only once to the crafting of an item unless stated otherwise. Quicken Creation: Speeds up an alchemist's work.

Halves the DC of speeding up craft checks for craft(alchemy). May be applied multiple times.

DC +5 instead of +10

No change in price

Empowered Alchemy: Increase the potency.

Creating an Empowered Alchemical Item will increase its effect by ½. DC to create +5

Numeric values increase by ½. DC+5

+25% GP

Enlarged Effect: Increase the range Enlarged Effect Alchemical items give off a more of some alchemical items. wide spread effect. (such as light giving substances now give off more light. And combustibles having larger radius.) DC to create +5

Splash area/ Radius of effect increased by 5ft. DC+5

+25% GP

Extended Life Alchemy: Increase the effective time of consumption.

Extended Life Alchemical items lasts twice as long as normal. DC+5

Duration 2x DC+5

+30% GP

Maximized Effect: Alchemical items of the most powerful variety.

Maximized Effect Alchemical items work at their maximum potential. DC+15

Maximum Effect DC+15

+75% GP

Altered Appearance: By changing a few methods, and using a little advanced knowledge an alchemist can make one item, though it appears to be another.

Altered Appearance alchemical items appear to be DC+20 something they are not. Such as an Alchemist's Fire that appears to be an Antitoxin. The alchemist must know how to create the item that the item will appear to be. DC +20

+100% GP

Condensed Brew: With some extra work and a little time, Some things can be condensed without losing its effectiveness.

Condensed Alchemical items are smaller, but just as powerful. Imbibed items, Alchemist's Fires, and similar items may be condensed. DC to create +10

+10% GP

Size/Weight ½. DC+10

Improvised Lab: Alchemists who have followed the path long enough tend to study and concoct enough that they know enough about their tools that they can improvise enough to not actually need them all. Negates penalties for not having the proper tools on hand. Masterwork Alchemy: Having mastered the craft so meticulously, an alchemist of 10th level may choose to take 20 on any craft(alchemy) checks to create alchemical items he has the recipe for. Only applies to the creation of items not enhanced by Alchemical advancements. Otherwise, checks for Craft(alchemy) have a +4 Mastery bonus. This mastery bonus increases to +8 if in a proper laboratory.

D&D Alchemist Class By RandomRedMage Alchemist's Texts: Like the arcane spell casting class wizard. Alchemists dedicate much time to study, and as such keep detailed notes and records of the many different recipes and instructions of preparation for the vast amount of alchemical items they may know. Each recipe takes up 1 page per +5DC to craft rounded up. Alchemists much like wizards take notes and write things down differently, a decipher script check (DC 25) is required to copy a recipe from someone else's texts. This DC is reduced however if you have already deciphered a recipe from this same alchemist before (DC 15). Alternately recipes may be written on scrolls, usually this is done in the sales of recipes these scrolls are written in more clear instructions and as such are easier to read and copy. (DC 10) This is not always the case however. A synergy bonus of +2 to Decipher script checks for having +5 ranks in craft(alchemy). It takes 30 minutes to decipher and copy 1 page. An alchemist however can not decipher the texts of another alchemist if he can not read the language it is written in. With the help of someone who can read the language however he may be able to decipher the notes and copy them. (DC 30) it takes 1 hour of time to decipher and copy 1 page in this fashion. A typical alchemists text book is hardbound containing 100 pages front to back. Is made from sturdy materials to resist wear and tear. Usually not as ornate and fantastical as spell books, can cost from 10GP to 100GP depending on the materials used in its composition.

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