Al-qur'an The Miracle Of Miracles

  • Uploaded by: Sajid Holy
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 445
  • Pages: 2
WHAT IS A MIRACLE? It is a marvelous event manifesting a supernatural act of God. Or it can be defined as an act beyond human power, an impossibility. The Mushriks (unbelievers) of Makkah demanded a Miracle from Muhammad (Blessings of Allah and peace be on him). Allah gave the answer in the Glorious Qur’an. IS IT NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM THAT WE HAVE SENT DOWN TO THEE (O MUHAMMAD) THE Book (QUR’AN) WHICH IS REHEARSED TO THEM? VERILY IN TI (THIS BOOK) IS A MERCY AND REMINDER TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE.(Surah Ankabut 29:51) Again and again whenever the miracles are demanded from the Prophet, he is made to point to the Qur’an.Why ? What is there in the Qur’an that makes it a miracle, nay, The miracle of miracles? The doubters of the Qur’an are challenged to produce a Book like it SAY: IF THE WHOLE OF MANKIND AND JINNS WERE TO GATHER TOGATHER TO PRODUCE THE LIKE OF THIS QUR’AN, THEY COULD NOT PRODUCE THE LIKE THEREOF, EVEN IF THEY BACKED UP EACH OTHER WITH HELP AND SUPPORT. More than 1400 years have passed and no one out of the millions of people have been able to meet this challenge. Forget about producing the like of the Qur’an , they have not even been able to produce a single Surah like unto it. Isn’t it a miracle? Again, they are challenged to find out discrepancies in the Qur’an. DO THEY NOT CONSIDER THE QUR’AN WITH CARE? HAD IT BEEN FROM OTHER THAN ALLAH, THEY WOULD SURELY HAVE FOUND THEREIN MANY DISCREPANCies(contradictions).(4:82) And again the unbelievers fail to meet the challenge. It is inconceivable that any human author would remain consistent in his teachings and his preachings for a period of over two decades. From the age of 40 when Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam received the revelation for the first time to the age of 63, when he breathed his last, he preached and practiced Islam. In those 23 years, he passed through many conflicting circumstances of life. Any man, during the course of such a mission,

would be forced by circumstances, to make compromises, and cannot help contradicting himself. Moreover, he cannot write a message which would remain to be true for all centuries to come. And he surely cannot do it when he is not learned. (As our Prophet was an ummi i. e. unlettered) This is enough evident that Qur’an is not the work of a human being, but it is a message to the mankind from its Creator, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Please, Pass on this message to all your Muslim and Non-Muslim friends so that they may understand its importance.

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