Akter Mahmud

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 17
An Assessment of Institutional Capacity of RAJUK in Development Control of Dhaka City Abstract RAJUK (the capital Development Authority), former DIT, has been established in 1956 and entrusted with giving the responsibilities of improving physical and urban condition of the Dhaka City. It is the supreme authority for 3 specific areas; preparing plan for Dhaka city, execution of plan and control its development within its jurisdiction. Presently, Dhaka became one of the fasted growing cities in the world and its population more than 12 millions. Around 350 thousands new people are adding to the existing city population in every year which creates huge pressure on traffic and transportation, housing, power, gas and other utility services. It became almost impossible to the city development agencies to deliver housing, transport and other services to the city dwellers accordingly. So that every year scenario of city’s built environment is getting worse than the previous year. RAJUK miserably failed in the plan execution especially control its development as per the plan and the norms and planning laws of the city. RAJUK provides ‘Planning Permission’ and ‘Land use Clearance’ to the private land owner to construct any structure on his/her land in the urban area in accordance to the compatibility of the master plan. It is the only technique to implement the master plan and maintain the desired land use of an urban area. But due to serious shortage of skilled manpower, corruption in the planning permission process, lack of visionaries and weak monitoring capacity of RAJUK Dhaka city grew haphazard way and turned into an unmanageable mega city. As a result, the living conditions have deteriorated very rapidly and the social as well as physical infrastructure are on the verge of collapse. This paper mainly focuses on the process of planning permission of RAJUK for a new building and evaluates its capacity of monitoring the development of Dhaka City. It also criticizes the shortcomings, bribing and malpractices in this process which resulted an unplanned city.

Introduction It is the responsibility of urban local government to prepare physical development plan  of a city and develop and control its growth accordingly. Ratecliff (1993) explained that,  for this purpose ‘certain planning standards are followed to control the physical setting of  the urban area and to ensure safety, health, amenity welfare, convenience, efficiency and  public interest.’ A system of development control introduced in UK under the provisions  of the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act which required for the first time that all  future building development and any material change in the use of the building would,  henceforth,   be   subject   to   the   need   for   planning   permission   from   a   local   authority  (Ratecliff, 1993). In Dhaka city a government nominated a special agency RAJUK (the  Capital   Development   Authority)   prepares   city   plan   and   sets   the   broad   goals   and  objectives of the development plan. All the strategies of development plan are translated  into specific land use and space requirements in such a way that it could ensures the  optimum utilization of resources as various uses of land competes to each other.  RAJUK is the legitimate agency entrusted with the job of preparing plan for Dhaka city,  ensuring development as per the prepared plan and controlling the future development.  It exerts its power of development control as per the development plan through planning  permission1  (Mahmud   2006).   Planning   Permission   is   consisting   of   2   phase   approval  namely; land use clearance and building permission. ‘Land use clearance’ certificate is  1

It is the certification that proposed land use of a land is compatible with the development plan and its design followed the planning laws and standard of RAJUK.


given after examining the compatibility with master plan and ‘Building Permission’ is for  proper designing a building as per the Building Construction Rules of RAJUK.   Presently,   RAJUK   exercise   5   legal   instruments   for   the   development   control   of   Dhaka  City’s   land   use.   They   are   Town   Improvement   Act   1953,   EBBC   (East   Bengal   Building  Construction)   Act   1952,   Private   Residential   Land  Development   Rules   2004,   Wet   Land  Conservation   Act   2002   and   Development   Metropolitan   Development   Plan   (DMDP).  Every   construction/erection/excavation   with   in   the   jurisdiction   of   RAJUK   requires  permission/approval from the Authorized Officer or Building Construction Committee  appointed under the provision of the Town Improvement Act, 1953. Any type of building  construction, housing, commercial, industrial and whatsoever need planning permission  and they must be in conformity with the land use provision of Master Plan/Urban Area  Plan/Detailed Area Plans of different SPZ’s.  Mahmud (2006) thinks, due to RAJUK’s weak institutional capacity, development control  of Dhaka City can be characterize in these ways;  Firstly,  whole the process of planning  permission is criticized with lot of allegations like; unnecessary delay of file processing  and harassment coupled with bribery and corruption.  Secondly, overlooking or ignoring  the provisions of planning laws intentionally from RAJUK and client both end. Third one  is more technical that is in­competencies of RAJUK for skill man power and insufficient  urban   planners   in   the   planning   department.  Fourthly,  which   happens   in   the  implementation stage, is violation of plan by the people, construction without planning  permission etc for the lack of effective monitoring by the RAJUK.  This paper will demonstrate the process of getting a planning approval, critically review  the whole process, how it affects the development control and last not the list, how it  helps to implement the plan of a city. Objectives and Methodology Following objectives were set to prepare the paper; • To review the development control mechanism of RAJUK • To identify the reasons behind this process for being lengthy and complicated • To evaluate the institutional capacity and transparency of concern departments of RAJUK • To formulate a policy guideline to develop an easy and effective mechanism plan-permission for building construction Methodology of the study describes the research strategy adopted and step followed to achieve the objectives of the study as showed in the following. i) Conceptualization: collected text and document related to development control, growth management and planning permission helped to develop theoretical background of the research. ii) Secondary Information Collection: Ordinance, rules etc of government in physical planning were collected from RAJUK and other related organization and studied to know the functions, roles and responsibility of concern authority. An in-depth investigation into the recorded documents helped to understand the process of issuing land use clearance and building plan-permission and their nature. iii) Field Investigation and Justification: A sample survey was conducted in the year 2008 to know the implementation of ‘approved plan’ from Md. Akter Mahmud Page 2 of 17

RAJUK. Samples were rationally distributed in the different areas of the Dhaka City. Economic classes, income, planned areas and unplanned areas were considered during sample distribution. Field investigation was necessary for this research to know the types of violation of building rules, how they were deviated from the plan that issued from RAJUK and how they manage to do that. A comprehensive field investigation will help to identify and quantify the level of corruption done by the RAJUK and its officials. a. Multi-Sampling: Firstly whole city was divided into two major types e.g.; planned and spontaneously developed area. Then few areas were selected from both categories as sample. 50 samples were randomly collected from 3 planned residential areas, Uttara, Gulshan and Banani, of Dhaka city. Other 125 samples were randomly collected the spontaneously developed areas like; Khilgaon, Taltala, Lalmatia, Shamoli, Mirpur, Kallanpur, Bangshal, Tantibazar and Mugdhapara etc. During sample collection and area selection socio-economic consideration was taken into account Sample distribution is shown in the following: b. Information from RAJUK: the process of “land use clearance” and building permission process were reviewed. RAJUK officials and the applicants of building permission and the brokers were interviewed for preparing the paper. iv) Interviews: Interviews were conducted with the researchers, experts and concern officials of RAJUK which will help to enrich the report. v) Data Analysis: All the information collected from both primary and secondary sources were analyzed and explored for a suitable solution Urbanization Pattern of Dhaka City

The creation of the independent state of Bangladesh in 1971, it gave Dhaka the glory and  prestige of the capital of a sovereign country. This led to Dhaka's phenomenal growth. A  recent  study  by World   Bank  has   estimated that   about  40%  of  the  total   population   in  Bangladesh   will   be   living   in   urban   area   in   Bangladesh   by   2025   (ADB,   2000).   Urban  population   density   in   Bangladesh   was   2179   persons/sq.km   in   1991   and   the   present  density is estimated at approximately 3008 persons/sq.km. Population density of Dhaka  mega   city   was   found   to   be   4795   persons/sq.km   in   1991   and   the   present   density   is  estimated   at   approximately   8573   persons/sq.km.   However,   the   population   density   of  DCC   area   is   more   than   three   times   of   the   megacity   area,   as   in   1991   it   was   15333  persons/sq.km against estimated present density of 18055 persons/sq.km (BBS, 2001).  With limited availability of flood­free land, further densification of population along with  haphazard   encroachment   of   peripheral   land   of   Dhaka   as   well   as   in   urban   areas   of  Bangladesh   seems   inevitable.   Dhaka   has   the   lion’s   share   of   urban   population.   The  following table shows the level of urbanization in Dhaka region.

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Table 1: Total Population (in thousand) Residing in the Urban Areas of Bangladesh Year

Population of the Country

Urban Populatio n

1951 4,20,62 1819 1961 5,08,40 2640 1974 7,14,79 6273 1981 8,71,20 13535 1991 11,14,55 22455 2001 12,38,51 28605 Source: BBS, 1991, 2001

Level of Urbanization

4.33 5.19 8.78 15.54 20.15 23.10

Dhaka City Populatio Share of n Urban Population (%) 411 22.59 718 27.20 2068 32.97 3440 25.42 6487 28.89 9912 34.65

Above table shows that the level of urbanization has increased in the course of time. Much of the urbanization has been concentrated in the Dhaka city, which is 34.65% of urban people live alone in the Dhaka city (BBS, 2001). Presently, around 120 million of people live in Dhaka city which has created tremendous pressure in the service delivery system of the city. Around 350 thousands new people is adding to the existing city people in every year which creates huge pressure on traffic and transportation, housing, power, gas etc. It became almost impossible to the city development agencies to deliver housing, transport and other services to the city dwellers accordingly. So that every year scenario of city’s built environment is getting worse than the previous year. Figure 1: Year Wise Population of Dhaka City

Year Wise Popu 13

12 Data Source: Azam, 2006

Population (million)

Figure 1 shows the population has increased from 7.3 million in 1991 to 12.2 11is expected that the population of Dhaka city will be 13.6 million in 2005. It million and 24.25 million by the year 2010 and 2025 respectively (Azam, 2006). The primary reason of this fast growing trend of urbanization of Dhaka are largely attributed to the establishment of capital city, locations of various government and non-government offices, industrial and commercial 10 organizations, educational institution etc. (Jahan, et al, 2007).This rapid pace of urbanization creates extreme pressure on basic utility services such as Md. Akter Mahmud Page 4 of 17


shelter, water, electricity etc. For instance, presently, the water demand of Dhaka is 210 crore litres per day and the supply is 170 to 180 crore litres per day. Thus Dhaka is facing shortage of water of 30 to 40 crore litres every day (Daily Prothom Alo, 2008,). Lion’s share of water supply of Dhaka (86.26%) comes from groundwater. Groundwater extraction puts heavy pressure on the city’s water table, especially when most of the city’s supply of water depends on what the tube wells extract from the ground. As a result ground water table lowering 2-3 meters every year which became an environmental threat for the city dwellers. Planning Permission and Development Control Planning permission is the only technique to materialize the plan into reality, control the development into a desired form and implement the planning standards, planning rules and regulations. So far, municipalities and the development authorities exercised quite a few numbers of planning laws for land use and building construction as legislations in the urban areas of Bangladesh. These are: East Bengal Building Act 1952, the Paurashava Ordinance 1977, Building Construction Regulations 1984, Building Construction Act 1996 and recently approved Building Construction Act 2006. These legal instruments ought to be used sufficiently for controlled development of the towns and cities of Bangladesh. Though these legal instruments are not enough but unfortunately our city management authorities don’t practice much of these legal options we already have in our hand. The acts and the master plans of the cities are the principal legal instruments, which forces and exercises planning control and standards. The land use of metropolitan Dhaka ought to follow the provision of the City Master Plan. Housing, commercial and industrial project buildings need planning permission, which are generally practiced. It must be in conformity with the land use provision of the Master Plan. (Mahmud 2006) Fig 2: Typical Development Control Process Goals and objectives of  development plan Follow the  planning  norms/  standards Translation in to land use  and space requirement

Implementation of plan  through project/ action  plan/ planning permission

Guided by: Rules/ Planning Laws Planning norms Circular Government order Government decision Gazette notification

Source: Developed by the Author

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Planning standards are found in the various documents of government’s decision. For town planning practice, government has its legislative standards such as Building Control Regulations and Byelaws of the local government/ authority, decision of the board and circular of the government. For instance, development controlling agencies in Bangladesh has Building Construction Rules 1996, Mohanagar Imarat Nirman Bidhimala 2008, Bangladesh National Building Code etc for such planning standards and legislative measures. Sometimes planning standards and guidelines are also imposed from the recommendation or advice of the commissions, reports and committees or from the professional bodies. Besides, there are also empirical standards those devised from the research works and the working experiences in the planning field. Processing of planning permission involves two stages: • Land Use Clearance • Building Permission Land use Clearance Generally planned residential areas of RAJUK like; Gulshan, Banani, Uttara, Dhanmondi  and other private housing areas that already have the approval of RAJUK for developing  as residential area are not subject to take the ‘land use clearance’ from RAJUK. For other  areas   taking   the   land   use   clearance   is   must   before   submitting   plans   for   construction.  Generally land use clearances are of two types:

• •

Type 1: General land use clearance  Type 2: Land use clearance using TI act  Fig 3: A general Land use permission process Collecting ‘Land use clearance form’ by depositing 400Tk in Bank

Submitting complete form with Mouza map showing the proposed map in the Planning Section

Assistant Town Planner (ATP) of Concern area

Surveyor will prepare a sketch with correct field information & sends it to ATP Send it to draftsman for examining with the Master Plan and returns it to ATP with his report

ATP approves application and send it to Drafts man Draftsman sign on application and send it to disperse

Applicant collect it from disperse Md. Akter Mahmud Page 6 of 17

Source: Own Illustration

Type 1:  Direct land use permission can be given if the proposed criteria of land use in  certain area matches to the criteria and standards set by the Master plan for that area.  Fig  3 shows the process how direct land use permission reached to an applicant after he  submits his application a ‘general land use permission’ within the master plan area.  As  per the section 74 (1) of TI Act,  ‘…………. it shall be unlawful for any person to use any land for any purposes other   than laid down in the Master Plan, unless he has been permitted to do so under section   75,    and As per the Section 74(3) of the same Act, ‘All future developments and construction, both public and private, shall be conformity   with the Master Plan or with the amendment thereof.’ Type   2:  Second   type   of   land   use   clearance   is   more   complicated  and   time   consuming  which is shown in the fig. 4. However, for any kind of deviation or mismatch to the  Master plan the application have to be proceeding through the TI Act 75(I)/(II).  ­“ 75(1) If any person desires to use any land for any purpose other than that laid down   in the [Master] Plan, he may apply in writing to the Chairman for permission so to do.” ­ “75(2) If the Chairman refuses permission to any person, such person may, within   sixty days of the Chairman’s refusal, appeal to the [Kartripakkha] against such refusal.” Planning clearance or land use clearance is the step to check whether the proposed use of  land confirm with the prepared plan by RAJUK. Ideally, this clearance assure planners  that   land   will   be   used   as   per   plan   of   the   city.   RAJUK   control,   all   the   development  activities   of   Dhaka   City   under   the   provisions   of   Town   Improvement   Acts,   Building  Construction Rules and Land Use Regulations within the area under its jurisdiction. Any  use of land or any type of construction needs approval or clearance from RAJUK and  Authorized Sections are responsible for issuing those land use clearances.  Evaluation of Land Use Permission Process In black and white, it should take more or less 3 weeks to get a land use order by a plot  owner/ applicant. From the field survey it was found that plan permission process is so  complex, lengthy and harassing that people rarely take the normal procedure of plan­ permission rather they prefer to go through a deal with the illegal agents by giving them  extra money.   File processing does not processed without persuasion or deal with the  RAJUK officials. RAJUK’s official website2 says, Land use clearances have found some or  major   deviations   when   constructing   the   buildings   and   seemed   to   be   regular   practice  almost   in every  cases   of  approved  plans.  These  happened due  to  non­applications  of  powers and lack in enforcement of building constructions rules and regulations. Field  survey and interviews with planners suggest that negligence in duties, intention to forgo  some   specific   cases,   poor   inspection   and   reporting   and   political   influence   made  Authorized Section a fearsome part of the organization. In case of some critical issues,  clients   or   developers   some   how   manage   the   authority   for   land   use   clearances   for  particular areas where development is restricted for specific purpose. Peoples claimed  that the files/plans are not approved properly and sites are not inspected as per given  2

 http://www.rajukdhaka.gov.bd/new/about_rajuk/major_activities.htm Date of visit: May 02, 2009 Md. Akter Mahmud Page 7 of 17

parameters. The unnecessary harassment or time killing or missing of specific files or put  objections on files are most common practice dealing the Authorized Sections. The overall  performance of this section is not up to the mark as mentioned by the clients.

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Fig 4: Land Use Clearance Process Using TI Act Collecting ‘Land use clearance form’ by depositing 400 Tk in Bank

Submitting complete form with Mouza map showing the proposed map in the Planning Section

Assistant Town Planner (ATP) of concerned area

ATP sign and TA act committee on application and send it to Member Planning through deputy secretary

Chairman for his signature

Assistant Town Planner (ATP) of Concern area

Surveyor will prepare a sketch with correct field information & send it to ATP Send it to draftsman for examining with the Master Plan and send back it to ATP with his report

Member planning approves the application


Draftsman Applicant collects it from dispatch

Applicant applies again for land use clearance certificate under TI Act by depositing 1000 TK. Source: Own Illustration

Building approval Building approval is the step where applicant applies by fulfilling the requirements like  detail   plans,   sections,   elevation   etc   of   the   proposed   building   as   per   the   Building  construction rules. The following documents are required to authorize a design. 1. Deed    2. Duplicate Carbon Receipt (DCR)  3. Land Rent receipt  4. Mutation  5. Draft Publication From  Md. Akter Mahmud Page 9 of 17

6. 7 copies of the plan (for building up to 6 storied)  If the building has more than 6 floors, a structural design is required along with the prior  clearance certificates from the 7 organizations as mentioned in the previous section. For  applying   a   building   permission   of   residential   building/residential   cum   commercial  building more than 6 storey heights RAJUK demands prior clearance certificates from the  following organizations: o o o o o o o

Directorate of Environment Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA) Water and Sewerage Supply Authority (WASA) TITAS Gas Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Traffic  Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh (CAAB)

RAJUK has a Development Control Section (Authorized Section). Previously this section  was comprised with two Authorized Officers, two Assistant Authorized Officers, four  Chief Building Inspectors, 50 Building Inspectors and other staff. Now the number of  Authorized Section has been increased to four (4) instead of two (2) by increasing the staff  members   and   demarking   the   areas   specified   under   control   of   each   authorized  jurisdiction.   These   sections   are   supported   by   the   four   Building   Construction   (BC)  Committees headed by the Members (Planning and Development) for approval of the  building plans and exercising the powers of the Act for planned growth of the city. Law of approving a rejected plan  If a plan is rejected the plot owner can make an appeal in the appealed division of the BC  committee. This committee examines the plan again. If they find it is satisfactory, the BC  committee can approve it. However, they can even reject it. Evaluation of Building Approval Process After   a   series   of   checks   and   clarifications   the   application   is   referred   to   the   Building  Construction Committee for approval or rejection. It is done by the Authorized Section of  RAJUK. The Authorized section is bound to give the clearance within 3 weeks. However,  it varies with the frequency of their meeting.  RAJUK admitted in their official webpage  that  in some cases the process of plan or building construction  approval  or clearance  delayed due  to some undefined circumstances and caused peoples to take alternative  solutions. Misuse of power as claimed by the clients; causes unnecessary harassment and  delay.   The   provisions   of   Act   clearly   defined   that   the   plans   should   be   forwarded   for  clearance or approval within 45 days and if, any objection made in the plan  must be  notified within 30 days after submission for approval. In fact the process sometimes take  more time as specified in the Act and in many cases it takes years to get the approval.  Without   pursuing   the   file/case   file   does   not   go   forward.   As   a   result,   to   avoid   the  harassment,   unnecessary   delay,   bypassing   the   planning   laws,   bypassing   the  shortcomings  of  the  plot;  people tend to take  some  other means for plan  permission.  RAJUK’s Authorized Sections are carrying out and dealing the process of development  control  and  responsible  for issuing  land use  clearance  or  approval   for  building plans  under the provision of TI Act. Md. Akter Mahmud Page 10 of 17

Table 2: Reasons for taking the assistance of agents Sl  No



1 2

To avoid unnecessary delay To avoid harassment 

53% 22%

3 4

Don’t have to spent for running after it To avoid the complex process of plan approval

7% 13%


Others Total

5% 100%

Source: Field survey 2008 From the field survey and interview with the client (land owners) and agents, it was  found   that   5   basic   reasons   are   responsible   for   corruption   in   the   planning   permission  process of RAJUK. They are: o to avoid the harassment o complex process of planning permission o unnecessary delay o bypassing the planning laws o bypassing the shortcomings of the plot owner Law for a building constructed without prior permission If   any   plot   owner   built   his   building   without   the   due   approval   of   RAJUK   there   is   a  provision of regularizing the plan and the building with penalties. There is a law enacted  since 1987. Under this law it is stated that if a building is constructed without RAJUK’s  approval but following all the regulations and set backs of RAJUK then it is possible to  provide permission. But the owner will have to pay a 10 times increased fees along with a  minimum Tk. 5,000 fine (it can be more).   Monitoring and Action against Unauthorized Building The   building   inspectors   of   RAJUK   are   responsible   to   monitor   the   building,   their  construction, their condition and continuous monitoring of all the buildings within the  RAJUK jurisdiction area. If they find any kind of deviation or, if any neighbor complains  against his neighbor regarding illegal construction, building inspectors prepares a notice  to   the   violators.   This   notice   is   a   2C   type   notice   and   asks   to   show   the   authorization  documents of the deviators within certain time period. Such notice is send 3 times. If the  owner fails to show the required documents in time RAJUK is empowered to demolish  his structure.  Deviation in Residential Building Severe problems of plan violation has been found in the construction phase of residential  building   in   Dhaka   city.   Land   owner   take   the   ‘building   approval’   from   RAJUK   by  submitting as per the requirements of the BC Rules 1996. But they start to deviate from  the approved plan from RAJUK while constructing the building. Condition would not be  Md. Akter Mahmud Page 11 of 17

so acute if plot owners have complied the plan and rules they promised in the approved  plan. BC Rules 1996 provided rules for construction of a residential building on the issues  like width of adjacent road and distance of building from it, distance of building from the  electric line, land use policy of proposed building, boundary walls, height of the building,  parking facilities, use of basement and conditions to fulfill, light and air circulation, roof  and   sunshade,   emergency   entrance   and   others   facilities,   special   rules   for   residential  building   (setback   rules),   garage   and   rules   for   high­rise   buildings.   Among   them   most  serious violations were found in the deviation of following provisions;  a. Maintaining distance of building from adjacent road b. Maintaining height of building c. Maintaining setback rules of building Fig 4: Land use clearance certificate

Fig 5: Lay out map of applicant’s plot

Explanations of above figures  Fig 4: RAJUK approved the land use clearance with conditions. In ground, for the lack of  monitoring, land owner does not fulfill the condition as he promised to do. Fig 5: Space should be kept for Road extension. Plot owner promised to RAJUK on a deed to keep  2 ft X 36 ft on the north side of the plot for a 20 ft road and 2 ft X 59 ft land on the east side of the  plot for a 12 ft road. In reality plot owner do not keep space for road extension and violates the  conditions so set on the deed. Building Inspectors are bribed if they come to visit the site during or  post construction period. In the above case, roads are still less than 16 ft and 8 ft respectively.

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Fig 6: A narrow alley of Dhaka City

Fig   7:   Ground   Floor   Used   for   Shops  instead of Parking

Explanations of above figures  Fig 6: A narrow alley near Sonargaon Road. To get any planning permission it is a mandatory requirement  that adjacent road­width would be minimum 3.5 meter and in case of private road it may be 3.0 meter. In the  picture this road width is only 2 meter. Fig 7: Parking space in a shopping complex. In the above photo, shopping complex buildings don’t have any  parking space which is obligatory and promised to keep in the approved plan from RAJUK. Ground floor is  used for shop instead of parking.

Performance Evaluation Violation may occur in different ways in different respects. If a building plan does not  comply with the rules and regulations of the concerned authority as stated it is called  violation of rules. The building owners may cause violation the building designers and  the erector can also violate rules. Violations are if, building construction does not follow  construction rules of the local authority or does not follow Building By­laws or follow  setback   rules.   Sometimes   owners   follow   the   building   construction   rules   partially   and  sometimes they violate rules completes. In the present study building construction rule  violation   has   been   classified   into   two   broader   classes   like   Partial   Violation   and   Full  Violation. These are described as follows: Total   Violation:  Most   of   the   old   buildings   have   same   problem   of  constructing buildings without due permission causing total violation. This kind  of buildings also does not follow the building construction rules as stated in the  books published by the Government.


Partial   Violation:  This   kind   of   violation   is   intensively   occurring   by   the  building owners. After taking the plan permission almost 95% building owners in  Dhaka city are someway violating the ‘Building Construction Rules 1996’. Types  of violations are:


i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Constructing floors more than it was permitted Construct   buildings   covering   open   spaces   as   shown   in   the  approved plan Internal rearrangement of approved design without permission Increase floor space  from the first  floor and above by extending  cantilever Change its floor use without permission

From  the  survey it  was  found that  more  than  90% of the buildings  were  constructed  violating the rules of BC Rules 1996 irrespective of planned and spontaneously developed  areas of Dhaka city.

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Table 3: Setback rules violation and deviation from the plan Sl  No


Locations of  Buildings

1 2 3 4 5 6

Khilgaon  Mohammad­pur Mirpur Kotowali Sabujbag Ramna

7 8 9

Badda Gulshan  Uttara

Khilgaon & Taltola Lalmatia & Samoli Mirpur & Kollanpur Bangsal & Tantibazar Mugdapara Kalabagan &  Kathalbagan Nikunja ­ 2 Gulshan & Banani Uttara

Source: Field

Building  Height 48% 60% 68% 68% 78% 78%

Violation of Rules Road  encroachment 84% 88% 92% 96% 96% 96%

Setback  Rules 100% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100%

52% 16% 24%

92% 44% 56%

100% 88% 96%

Survey 2008

From   the   result   of   survey   it   was   found   that   even   in   the   Uttara   Model   Town   86.66%  Markets and the Commercial buildings don’t have the parking space as specified in their  approved plan from RAJUK. Most of the markets are using their basement for renting  shops. So that users of that commercial buildings and markets park their cars on street  and occupying road, reducing carriageway of road and resulting traffic jam. Question is  ‘did the town planners/building inspectors of RAJUK notice it?’ The Mohanagar Imarat Nirman Bidhimala (Building Construction Rules 2008) The   Building   Construction  Rule   (BCR)­2008   was   framed  through   an   intensive   3­years  effort   of   professional   bodies,   experts   and   civil   society   members   in   consultation   with  Government, after examination of building control tools in various countries, and with  specific   consideration   of   land   supply,   population   density   and   resource   constraints   of  Bangladesh. Provisions of Building Constructions   The Mohanagar BCR 2008 was formulated considering the various aspects of urban area.  Provisions   were   formulated   considering   the   type   of   building   use,   road   width,  concentration   of   vehicular   movement,   population   density,   parking   demand,   utility  services and fire annihilation. There are also other rules which are needed to follow in  building   construction   such   as,   plot   consolidation,   building   height,   parking   provision,  footpath, and basement. Some very significant steps were taken in the Mohanagar BCR  2008: • Introduction   of   FAR   which   eliminates   the   building   height   limit   but  permits total floor space as per the plot and its adjacent situation. • Obligation   of   professionals   like;   Urban   Planner,   Architects,   Structural  Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Geo­technical Engineer, Site  supervisor, Plumbing Engineer will definitely encourage professionalism. •   ‘One Window Service Cell3’ will ensure smoother approval of building  permission through one window service, within a fixed time, through the consent  of   the   stakeholders   which   would   be   a   transparent   mechanism  to  approve   the  plans, thus eliminating harassment and abuse of power by authority, • Introduction of ‘Urban Development Committee4’ will ensure the planned  development of the city. 3

A   committee   for   considering   the   ‘development   permit’   (it   is   necessary   for   the   big   projects   and   tall  buildings)  of  the applicants  which is composed of members from professional  institutes like; BIP, IEB,  REHAB, Stake holders like; DCC, UDD, WASA, DESA, DITS, T&T, Fire Service, DoE, Police, Civil aviation,  KPIDC, TITAS, Law ministry, Private organization working on handicap. D    Md. Akter Mahmud Page 14 of 17

BCR 2008 in Development Control The Mohanagar Building Construction Rule (BCR)­2008 replaces the constraints of the  previous rules, which encouraged its evasion and abuse, and brings significant incentives  and benefits to all. Provisions of mandatory open space (or, maximum land utilization 50  to   65%   of   total   plot   area),   setback,   ground   coverage,   Floor   Area   Ratio   (FAR)   etc   can  provide significant social and environmental benefits to the residents.  •

By   analyzing   the   BCR   2008   it   was   found   that,   Supervision   and   monitoring   of  RAJUK   in   different   phase   of   the   construction   and   introduction   of   occupancy  certificate will ensure the quality of building and prevent the plan violation.

From the findings of this paper it was found that more than 90% buildings of  Dhaka city violated the rules of BCR 1996 where there was a mandatory limitation  of buildings height. But in the BCR 2008, FAR was introduced and mandatory  height limit is eliminated. It would be great challenge if RAJUK fail to monitor  strictly the building construction gross density would increase which is against  the spirit of planning and BCR 2008   

Recommendations Legal and Technical Matters • RAJUK has sufficient legal supports with act and by-laws. Planning standards and planning laws should be enforced and practiced properly. • RAJUK’s planning permission process should be more simple and transparent. Adequate database, cross checking of data, frequent field supervision, provision of accountability, provision of strong penalty in case of default etc. should be regularized and compulsory. RAJUK never used the digital data of Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan. Instead of manual and traditional ‘planning permission’ process RAJUK should use that data base for planning permission. It will definitely improve the present situation. Obviously for that RAJUK need skill and more town planners in its organogram. Institutional Arrangement • RAJUK is a town planning institution and its 3 basic tasks are; Planning, Development and Control. Organogram of RAJUK should be reviewed and duties and responsibilities should be reexamined. Right people with right qualification should work in the appropriate positions. Planners should be appointed in the key positions of town planning and development control. RAJUK, for instance, Member (Planning), Director Town Planning, Director Plan Preparation, and Director Development Control etc. Institutional Strengthening • RAJUK should recruit enough planning professionals in its regular set-up for increasing its institutional capacity. Comparing the other cities of the world and the Bangladesh context at least one Urban Planner should work for serving 1 lac population of Dhaka City. For the efficient management and development control, it is necessary to develop a strong GIS data base of each parcel of land, its land use, use of each floor of a building, number of people accommodating that building etc. Therefore, information will be on the hand of Urban Planner and he will exercise the Rules of the State as required. • To provide planning service to the 12 million population of Dhaka at least 120 Urban Planner should work in the whole RAJUK area. So that they can look after the plan and manage the growth of the city. Ward 4

Composite   of   Government   nominated   Officials,   President/   Vice­president/   General   Secretary   of  professional bodies, representatives from civil society, University professor, etc Md. Akter Mahmud Page 15 of 17

Commissioners in the DCC area, chairmen of concern pourashava and the Union Chairmen in the RAJUK area should be co-opt in the development control process.

Concluding Remarks Planning   permission   process   ought   to   be   more   simple   and   transparent.   Planning  department in RAJUK should adopt new technical support for planning permission and  development control instead of present manual system. A complete GIS database with  ‘plot   to  plot’   record   of   whole   RAJUK   area   can   help   a   great   deal   in   this   regard.   This  database will contain the information of master plan so that any applicant can know the  use of his plot proposed in the master plan which will not take more than few minutes.  It  can substitute the present lengthy process of land clearance system and this service can  be   provided   from   just   one   desk.   Hopefully,   newly   introduced   Building   Construction  Rules 2008 will bring a better result if it is implemented properly. Previously RAJUK  failed to implement the Building Construction Rules 1996 which was easier and straight  forward rules to execute. It would be very unrealistic and optimistic to implement BCR  2008 without the rearrangement of institutional capacity of RAJUK which was the major  constraint of successful implementation of BCR 1996. Without removing that constraint it  would be a great challenge to implement BCR 2008. Reference Azam, A.K., 2006, “Improvement of the Water Supply System in Dhaka, Zonal Approach ,” Dhaka WASA, Dhaka. DMDP. 1993. Strategic Growth Options – Dhaka 2016, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha, Dhaka DMDP. 1995. Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan, Vol – I, Structure Plan (1995-2015), Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha, Dhaka DMDP. 1995. Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan, Vol – II, Urban Area Plan (1995-2005), Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha, Dhaka Gallion, A. & Eisner, S. 1986. The Urban Pattern: City Planning and Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, USA. GoB. 2008. Mohanagar Imarat Nirman Bidhimala 2008, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka Haque, A.M., 2004, “Hydrostratygraphy and Aquifer Piezometry of Dhaka City”, A Post Graduate Diploma Project, Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mahmud, A. 2008. FAR as a Development Control Tool: A New Growth Management Technique for Dhaka City, The Jahangirnagar Planning Review, Volume 6, June 2008, ISSN no: 1728-4198, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University. Mahmud, A. 2007. Sound Planning Permission Process as Prerequisite for Development Control in the Urban Areas: A Case Study on Dhaka City, The Jahangirnagar Planning Review, Volume- 5, June 2007, ISSN no: 17284198, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University. Mahmud, A. 2006. Insufficient Enforcement of Planning Standards by RAJUK Hindered the Growth Management, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II: Social Science, Vol. XXIX, 2005, pp59-74 Dhaka Md. Akter Mahmud Page 16 of 17

O’Sullivan, A. 1996. Urban Economics, Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill- a division of the McGraw-Hill Company. RAJUK. 1996. Building Construction Rules 1996, Dhaka

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