Akram Musa Abdallah Support Letters

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Case 2:08-cr-00947-NVW Document 71-1

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LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH SHEMARIA Joseph Shemaria, Esquire 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1400 Los Angeles, California 90067 Telephone (310) 772-2211 Fax (310) 772-2212


August 12, 2009 U.s. Probation Officer Jeannie Moreno (602) 322-7409 Foongy Lee Defendant Akram Abdallah U.s. v. Abdallah 08CR00947-001-NVW



Dear Ms. Moreno: Please find the attached character reference letters for defendant Akram Abdallah. Thank you. Joseph Shemaria

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The l"hl(UJ1)Cnts <.l(comp"1rIying this tell\CO~1)' 1t'<111SI11Lssinn contain cnnfidenli<-ll information belonging to the sender which is privileged. TIl(' informiltion is intended unly for tile use of the individu,11 or entity named above. If you arc nOlll1e intended l"l'cipient, yOll dt't' hereby llntiricd Ihal t11l)' disclosure, copying, distriblltion tH' the laking of <-lily action in lvliance on 1'111..> contents.of this tetempied informntion is strictly prohibited. If you hilVl' n>ceived this [('[('C()py in error, ph'tlse imllH,dialc]y nolify us by tekpholle (collect cnl]s will be nccepted) to arrange for llw t'l'tlll'l1 of till"' documents to us, atOllf expense.

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Laura Masri 5033 E. Peak View rd. Cave Creek, Az 85331 July 20,2009

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, Az 85003

Dear Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Laura Masri. I have served the community as a licensed teacher for the Creighton School District for the past eleven years. Over the past twenty years, I have had the pleasure of knowing Akram Abdallah, his wife Areej, his daughter, Asseel and son, Saiaf. Within those twenty years, the Abdallah's have been a tremendous part of not only me and my family's life, but as well as an integral part of our society and community. Mr. Abdallah has been nothing but a great role model for his family which has resulted in the remarkable accomplishments of his children; accomplishments that are difficult to find in today's society. Asseel Abdallah has established an admirable reputation in our community. Mrs. Abdallah earned a degree in Computer Engineering at Arizona State University and afterwards contributed many years of service to Boeing. She has since then volunteered as the Principal of the Arizona Cultural Academy. Mr. Abdallah's daughter, Asseel, has been an honorable, dedicated student and as a result she has been awarded a full scholarship to Medical school. At the young age of seventeen, she has already completed her first year of college at Arizona State University. In addition to her academic success, she has served the community by helping students academically at the Arizona Cultural Academy. She is currently working towards a degree in Kinesiology. Mr. Abdallah's son, Saiaf, as well has marked his way along the right path in society. He has completed two years towards an English degree at Arizona State University in hopes of becoming an author. Saiaf has always portrayed the efforts of a good citizen in all that he does. For not only has he been the clear example of a law-abiding, young man, he has as well been a volunteer coach for kids' soccer and hockey teams. Needless to say, Mr. Abdallah is the perfect example of a positive and influential leader. Among the families of the community, Mr. Abdallah has served as a mediator and counselor. He has created a praiseworthy record of service of humanity. Among many on a list, he has volunteered for the Bosnian Refugees and the Somalian Refugees by finding them employment, housing and medical care; often times using his very own home as a temporary solution for their many needs. It is imperative to mention the qualities of Mr. Abdallah's character. In 2006, Mr. Abdallah participated in the "Interface Dialogue", an event created with the sole purpose of establishing a respectful relationship among religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. This remarkable event was noted in the Arizona Republic.

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The Abdallah's admirable achievements in society are clearly vital to a productive and positive society and I solely believe that Mr. Abdallah is a key role in the community. As a certified educator, I have seen the effects that a positive or a negative role model can have on children. Because of this, I can immediately recognize constructive parts of society and therefore stand by the fact that we are in need of exemplary people to help members of society become the best they can. I plea for your consideration when sentencing Mr. Abdallah. For the time Mr. Abdallah is incarcerated will have a tremendous affect upon his family and the community.

Respectfully yours,

(;1[LLU~ Laura Masri


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Samir Arikat 9313 E. Pine Valley Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 8S260

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 N. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003

Your Honor:

My name is Samir Arikat, and I am a 38 year old husband and father of two beautiful little girls. I am a local small business owner here in Phoenix, as is my father and my brothers. We have lived and worked in the Phoenix metropolitan area, from the time I was an infant. I met Mr.Akram Abdallah and his family at the beginning of 1998 .and ever since then, he has been a dear close friend who has been a role model for me from the day I met him. He has always been somone who I can count on for good honest advice, in many ways he helped me grow into the honest and responsible man I am today. He truly believes in the saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed." Anytime anyone in my family or community has needed guidance or assistance, Akram has been there for us. He never expects anything in return, he just wants to help anyone and everyone in any way possible. Akram is unlike anyone I know. He is an educated, fun-loving, high spirited person, who makes people laugh. He is constantly trying to put a smile on the face of anyone who will listen to his jokes. He always listens to my problems, gives good advice and then makes me laugh. I have never met anyone quite like him, he is full of positive energy, love and life. He wants to see everyone happy and healthy will go above and beyond to make sure that you are. He is best known for his community service to the poor and needy. Akram's pride and joy of his life is his family. He is the proud father of 3 children who are gifted with the intelligence that they inherited from their father Akram and mother Areej. They are all honor students and have the utmost respect of their colleagues, teachers andfriends. Akram is happily married to Areej, who is an incredible woman in her own right. She too is highly educated with multiple postcgraduate degrees and has been a successful career woman. Akram is very proud of his family, as they are of him. They are a family that we consider to be 'role models for our Arab- American community.

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This family has achieved such great success and will continue to do so because of the kindhearted guidance of their father, Akram. He truly is a great man who does not deserve this sentence. You can ask anyone who knows him or who has heard of him, you will only hear good things about him. 50 I ask you, please consider his excellent reputation and how he has touched so many lives in such a positive way and understand that we need him. He will be missed by many and especially by me. Please provide him with the shortest term possible, as he should not be there and does not deserve to be away from his family and from society. Please free him soon, thank you.

Best regards, 5amir Arikat

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July 23,2009 Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St SPC S24 Phoenix, AZ 8S003 Subject: Akram Abdullah Dear Judge Wake, My name is Hassan Elsaad. I live at 368 W. Verde In, Tempe, Arizona. I am 52 years old, married and have four children, 19, 17, 1S and 7 years old. I am a registered Professional Civil Engineer in the State of Arizona. I have been a practicing Civil Engineer since 1981. I am a Tempe Leadership Alumni, a Board member of Tempe Cares, a previous member of the City of Tempe Human Relation Commission, and regular communities volunteer for few local non- profit organizations such as Tempe Cares, Paz-de Cresto, etc... I have known Akram Abdullah since 1993+/-. I met Akram and his family at Phoenix Mosque. Both Akram and his wife are well educated. Both his and my families have been friends since then. I have known Akram and his family to be very decent people and very regular Community Volunteers, who would go out of their way to help others. Akram and his family have been a role model for many of us in the way they live, they deal with each other, the way they show love and sincerity to each other and the way they help others. I still remember the time when Akram and his family helped his neighbor, a man with HIV and TB (Tuberculosis) when no one else was helping him. Akram's help continued to that patient for approximately three years until that patient passed away. I know Akram helped many Bosnian, Iraqi and Somali refugees and was very successful in finding jobs for them and helping them pursue their dreams in the US. I attended many of Akram's presentations at the mosques where he was preaching the importance of raising good children with good moral values. He motivated people to be good examples in the Community. Akram assisted in many fund raisings to build local schools for children. His wife is known to be a volunteer on the Arizona Cultural Academy school board. Both Akram and his wife believed in children's strong and proper education with strong moral values. Their children are a living example of those teachings. These are just to mention few of Akram's contribution to the community. The court proceedings have put tremendous stress on his family and on many other families like ours and specially those of us who know him very close. The hardship of

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the proceedings included, just to mention few, the loss of morale, unbelievable financial disturbances and the loss of Akram's phone-card business revenues. Akram's family's financial situation will worsen due to any sentence to any length of imprisonment. Also, the Community will lose one of its contributing members. Therefore, I request Your Honor to look at this case with compassion in sentencing Akram. His family will need him now more than ever, especially in these desperate economical hardships the country is going through. Also, the community needs a person with integrity such as Akram.

Thank you,

j/~~£.t.5~ Hassan Elsaad 368 W. Verde Ln Tempe, AZ 85284 602-625-7496 (M)

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TO: Honorable Neil V. Wale United States District Court 401 W. Washington St.. SPC 524 Phoenix. AZ 85003 FROM:

Nasir Attar Dear Judge Wake. I am one of Akram Abdallah's closest friends and I have known him for about 15 years. My name is Nasir Attar and I have been closely tied to Akram in many ways throughout the years. We have a work relationship. as well as a personal one. I am extremely happy and lucky to have met Akram and known him for so long. He is definitely one of the greatest people I have worked with in my life time. Though business could get slow and tough at times. Akram always had a positive outlook on things. and constantly reminded me of what our Islamic faith asks us to believe in. And that is patience. Akram is a patient man. and we know being patient is the biggest struggle when one is going through something difficult. This is just one of the many things I have learned from him. and I never forget the smart and meaningful things he says. One of the reasons it is so easy to be a client of Akrams is because of the qualities he has. He is honest. yet very smart. He is trusting, but never naTve: and a huge helper to the community. but never a doormat. He knows how to balance his life. and keep his head held high no matter what. As hard as Akram worked. his job was not his top priority. Rather he put his family. friends. and others in need of help first. Akram has given so much of his time to volunteer services. He helps at different organizations that are so diverse and different from one another. I have seen him help people from his own faith and race. and then others who had nothing in common with him. Akram does not know how to not help people out. It is his nature, and it's what he loves to do. The wonderful thing about this quality is that people never forget you. They don't forget when he helped them in their time and need. and they don't forget that one nice thing that he said to give them hope. Never did I think that something so cruel could happen to Akram and his wonderful family. His wife. and children are extraordinary people and they love and admire Akram more than words can say. He and his family have done so much for people and the community. I am saddened for what/lOS happened to the Abdallah family and how much it has affected their lives. I know Akram extremely weir. ond I also know when he isn't doing so well. This case has affected his job, his income. h& relationships. and so many other aspects ofhis life. I hope that his time in prison does not last long, because he deserves to be given back so much of what he has given to others. His family needs him, and so do so many people who are apart of Akram's life. Thank you and Salam. -----Nasir Attar

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Waleed Najdawi July 102009 Dear Honorable Neil V. Wake, I am writing this letter today to inform you of a great true friend of mine. My name is Waleed Najdawi and I have known Akram for approximately 15 years. I live in phoenix with my family and I have 4 children. Me and Akram have a close relationship and our families are good friends as well. Through all these years Akram has been an amazing and caring person to me and my family. From the small things to the major ones, Akram has been there for me. Akram is religious, honest, and most of all a big helper in the community. Not only was he there for his Muslim brothers and sisters. but he was also provided his time and effort to help those from other religions and cultures. He has assisted people coming from other countries to find jobs and places to live. and a mosque to go to. He never ignored those who needed assistance. and people admire him for giving so much. Akram does this out of the niceness and tenderness of his heart. I haven't seen many people do that. Something I have always noticed about Akram. is he is a happy man. He loves to laugh and crack jokes. and listen to humorous stories and watch funny movies. He is able to be both a professional business owner. as well as a fun good hearted family man that everyone wants to be around. He enjoys socializing and just easing people's difficult days. His family has been so kind to us over the years, and they too are like Akram. They do not ask for anything in return. but are naturally sweet and respectful to people. I want to ask you, your honor. to please give Akram the lowest sentencing possible. He is a good man who respects people, society, and the government. I know him well and I have seen what a hard working man he is. He works so much just to provide for his family. They need him. and not just for financial reasons. They love him. and they have good reason; his family is his life. I hope he is not kept from them for a long period of time. From. Waleed NaJdawi

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Written by Kareem Salem To:

Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St,. SPC 524 Phoenix,~na85003

Dear Judge, I would like to start by introducing myself before I begin. My name is Kareem Salem, and I am a graphic designer in the city of phoenix. Akram Abdallah is my friend and I have known him a little more than three years. Though it may not seem like a vey long time, I feel as ifI've known him all my life. I go to Akram for so many different things on numerous occasions. The main reason I like to speak with Akram is to hear his input about career and religion related subjects. I feel that Akram has had a lot of experience in his life, and is wise about many issues, and I enjoy going to him for advice or opinions. He has helped me find jobs to work out more than once and he constantly is checking on me and my family to make sure we are doing alright. I believe he genuinely cares about me and my family, and it really makes me feel good to have a friend like him. From other friends of mine, I hear about Akram a lot. I wouldn't say people praise him, but they definitely speak of the things he does in a positive and awing manner. Because of all the good I believe Akram has in him, I feel it is so unfortunate what is happening to him. I am extremely sad for his family, and I pray that they will be able to do without their wonderful father (and husband). I am sure it would be difficult on any family to lose a member oftheir family for a long period of time, but Akram is a really good person who affected a lot of people in this valley and other communities. So it will definitely affect other people other than just his family. Akram has always spoken highly of the fairness of this country. And I agree, but I hope that this fairness is shown in his sentencing. I would really like to see Akram out and back to his work and family as soon as possible; please be compassionate and provide him with the lowest amount of time in jail. Everyone would appreciate this, thank you.

Sincerely Kareem Salem July 16, 2009

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5635 W. Alameda Rd. Glendale, AZ 85310 Cell: 602-499-5002

Dear Honorable Judge Wake. .I?/'W¥;> I am~d Abushanab, I live in Glendale Arizona with my wife and five kids. I am a U.S. graduate with a degree in Civil Engineering; I currently own a convenient/check cashing store in phoenix. I am also a landlord to stores throughout the valley. I am thrilled to have a moment to tell you a little about a good friend of mine. I met Mr. Abdallah back in 1992. My family is extremely close to his, our kids have known each other all of their lives. And our wives see each other on a weekly basis. Mr. Abdallah is different than many men that I know because of his ability to switch !. between fun and serious things. He and I play soccer and volleyball together every week and it's always fun seeing him coach the younger kids who come watch us play. But on the other hand he is the same gentleman who helped so many refugees come to the valley. Akram was one of the advocates helping them for a very long time, and watching his flexibility between what is fun and what is responsibility deserves true credit. Arizona Cultural Academy has benefited greatly from him as well, because every time they need help he is the first in line. The mosques in our community all know him and ask for him to lead the prayers on Friday because they know his honesty is genuine, and that his speeches carry weight. His ability to handle interfaith communications has changed so many things throughout the years that it feels disabling knowing that he has to serve time. I am truly concerned about how his family will survive without him and how the community will go on without his enthusiasm and

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charm. But I believe in my heart that you your honor will hear great things about this man, and I believe you will see those things with your very eyes. I ask that you please give him the minimum sentencing today so that he may continue to support his family and community. If you have any questions or need more information your honor, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ffnad Abushanab.

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To Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Today I am writing you about Akram Abdallah. I knew Akram through business, but over time we have become extremely good friends. I do not know a person who has been more genuine than Akram has. Akram's sensitivity, diligence, energy and sense of humor made working with him a joy. Besides knowing him in that aspect, I have seen Akram be involved in so many community events, it's very admirable. Akram has coordinated and been apart of some interfaith conferences in which he went as a speaker and advisor. His ability to work collaboratively while guiding the project quickly and effectively was outstanding. Another thing I have come to see in Akram, is his need to always help others, especially when it comes to the youth of the valley. There are two full time schools running in Phoenix and Tempe that are privately run. It costs a lot of money to be able to provide the children with excellent studies as well as pay for the many certified teachers. Akrain and his family have never missed a fundraiser event to assist these schools. Even when money is getting tight, the Abdallah family is very generous, and they believe that God blesses you every time you give in charity. That itself was something that inspired me, I know schools and charities, appreciate their help so much. Akram has somehow been able to become friends with so many people in this valley. He knows how to get along with people from all different ethnicities and statuses; and it's refreshing to see people who look for the similarities in others, rather than the differences. He has managed to treat people with compassion and respect no matter what; many people strive to have a quality like that. I can only say what I know about Akram, and I feel that I know him pretty well. This is why I hope, that you Judge Wake, take my word for it, and see that this is a very good hearted man. He is important to us, and his family is important to him. He is willing to do so much to help others, and I feel that we need to help in his time of need. For the sake of his wife and his kids, please be the most compassionate in your decision for his sentencing. Thank you for your time, it is very much appreciated. Hosam Arikat Phone: 480-296-3542


Address: 8649 E. Royal Palm #224 Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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Mohamed A. Abunada 4027 N. 32 00 Street Phoenix, AZ 85018 July 19, 2009 Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Dear Honorable Wake, Allow me to introduce myself and give your Honor an idea about my background. My name is Mohamed Abunada, I am 54 years old~· I have been married for 28 years to my wife Kimberly and have two daughters. I graduated in 1984 from Mississippi State University with a B.S. degree in Petroleum Engineering. I have lived in Phoenix since 1985 and managed businesses in the valley for different retail outlets for nine years. I have successfully established my own convenience store business since 1994, where my wife and I have worked to earn a living for our family. I have known Mr.Akram Abdallah since 1999; I purchase phone cards from him. Through the years of doing business with Mr. Abdallah I have gotten to know him as dependable, punctual, honest and a man of integrity. I have known Mr. Abdallah to be an active member of the community, he has been involved in public appearances to promote inner faith and speak about social issues.The past few months have had a serious and negative impact on Mr. Abdallah's life and business due to the ordeal he has been dealing with. Given the hard economic times that we are in, Mr. Abdallah and his family will suffer further hardship in the event that he might be taken away from them. Your Honor I believe in being given a second chance, so I hope you will take into consideration and give Mr. Abdallah a second chance for the sake of his family. I have faith in the justice system in this country and believe it works. If Mr. Abdallah were given a second chance and shown leniency this will not only help him to be an honest, productive and grateful citizen of the community, it will also lessen the burden financially and emotionally on his family as he is the main provider for them. If! can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 602-954-8851.


Mohamed Abunada.

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July 20, 2009

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Subject: Mr. Akram Abdallah

Dear Judge Wake: Greetings! Please allow me to share with you relevant information pertaining Mr. Akram Abdallah, who 1and every member of my family and community members consider a good friend. My name is Sarah Risha. My family (my husband Hosam with our son Khalid and daughter Nora) and I are friends of the Abdallah family. I have been an educator for over 25 years and counting, starting as school teacher, vice principle, principle, educational consultant and currently PhD student in curriculum development at ASU. My husband Hosam is an international business consultant, with aviation degrees from the US and UK, and currently pursuing advance degree in aeronautical science. We have been to many places around the world and consider ourselves fortunate to be among the educated and versed population of our great country and the world. My family and 1 met Mr. Abdallah and his gracious family back in 2000 when we moved from Milwaukee. Our two children (then), Khalid and Nora were almost eleven and ten at the time, and they found their perfect match of friends, as Saiaf (boy) and Aseel (girl) Abdallah's children, were almost exactly their ages. Since then, both of our children, ours and theirs, wanted to be together every day. They cried when we declined allowing them sleepovers, as they wanted it every day. We went places together, ate together, and visited each others often. Our children and we the adults became close friends. Throughout our entire friendship with them, we never saw, heard or witnessed anything negative about this graceful family. Our children grew to be almost brothers and sisters. Their family became almost an extended family of ours. We further realized how delightful this family is from their almost impeccable relations with us and the larger community. Every one spoke so highly of them. Every one trusted them. They helped everyone. Mr. Abdallah and his gracious wife Areej exhibited and continue to, to this day, the highest degree of discipline, honesty, integrity, care and helpfulness, not only to us but to everyone. They indeed represent what parents should be like and how families ought to be. In my opinion, iffamilies and communities are more like the Abdallah's, our communities and country would be at a much better state - I truly mean that! Mr. Abdallah is a hardworking family man. His wife and children looked up to him. He protected them and provided them with the love, assurance and protection every family


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needs. When you listen to him, you will find him knowledgeable and informed. He is also passionate and sincere. I can never forget that darkest day of our lives Wednesday October 1st, 2008 at 9:20 pm, when we received a call from our son and his friends informing us that the van our daughter Nora was riding in had been hit by a drunk driver. Hosam and I rushed to the scene at 43'd Avenue and Cactus and found almost everyone of our extended family members of the community including Mr. Abdallah and his wife and children all at the crash scene crying like babies after they'd realized Nora was pronounced dead at the scene. It is extremely hard for me your honor to go through this extremely painful memory and type at the same time, but I genuinely want to share with your how much we needed the Abdallah's with us at that time and how much their support and the support of everyone else meant to us. To me and to every one else, if there was the slightest stain of bad deed on Mr. Abdallah, he would not have been able to establish this wonderful family and continue to cherish and love them. Also, I guarantee you your honor ifMr. Abdallah had been anything but the perfect husband and dad, his family would have been entirely different and it would have affected his children accordingly. But his children are emotionally secure and highly disciplined as a result of this role-model parent and community member. Honorable judge Wake: The reason I'm sharing these words with you sir is to provide you with a side of Mr. Abdallah that you may not know or be told about. What is happening to Mr. Abdallah and his family as a result of what he is being charged with and potential jail time he may face as a result, I can tell you that this has been devastating, not only to him and his family, but equally true to all of our community members. What he and his family are going through is extremely unfortunate. I think the phrase "bad things happen to good people" is also unfortunately true. In conclusion, I submit to you your honor that my family and I as well as Mr. Abdallah and his family along with everyone I know of our extended community families, have great respect for the law of our country and place high trust in our justice system. As humans we all err and often times we don't mean to but we still do. Your honor: October 1st of this year will mark the first anniversary of our beloved daughter Nora's passing. It also coincides with the advent of the blessed month of Fasting (Ramadan). It is our genuine hope that Mr. Abdallah along with his family and ours and rest of community will have to only deal with the agony of celebrating this blessed month while missing only one of its family members, not two! Sincerely,

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Sarah Risha . PO Box 8070 Chandler, AZ 85246


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MR. Honorable Neil V. Wake

FORSAN ALZUBIDI 2831 E. Bell Rd. Phoenix AZ, 85032

I am Forsan AI-zubidi, I live in Phoenix Arizona with my wife and 5 kids. I am a Amman, Jordan graduate. I have a degree in accountant. I currently own a factory of home decoration and art galleries, which I have owned for approximately 20 years.

Me and my family were blessed to have met Mr. Abdallah. We have known him our whole life and our families are extremely close. Our wives see each other weekly. His kids and wife support him 100%. He has 3 beautiful kids Ahmad, Aseel, and Saiaf. Ahmad is well educated and has skipped a couple of grades. He is 12 years old and is in the 9th grade,

Aseel is also very educated and was granted a scholarship for ASU, Aseel has also skipped grades, Saiaf is well educated and has a job at Fry's Electronics, His wife Mrs, Areej owns a couple degrees, Mr, Abdallah is fun when he has to be fun and serious when he has to be serious. He has always been the best father and husband,

He has been the best man in the community, he would coach younger kids, give beautiful speeches, and so on, He loves to help needy people and has helped many different families from Bosnia, and Iraq. If anybody needs help he will be the first one to help them, The men would always tell him to tell the speeches because they know his speeches are rich, and encouraging.

Forsan AI-zubidi

Monday, July 20, 2009 AOL: Guest

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Sami Eyshou 602-268-2888 Honorable Neil V. Wake United States Disrict Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, Az 85003 Your honor, My name is Sami Eyshou. I am a mesa resident and I run a successful business in phoenix. I own both a gas station as well as a convenience store. I have a child that works in real estate and another that is currently attending medical school. I have a great, blessed family and am very proud of their accomplishments. I am a good friend of Akram's and met him through business work. I have known him since 2002 and he has been there for me ever since. He has helped me in so many aspects, including in my business and persona1life. His advice was always something that I appreciated as well as respected. He always has a way of providing me with creative and meaningful advice when I need it most. His reputation is a well known one, because he is constantly helping others regardless of their race, religion, status, etc. I am a Christian man, and for me to be able to have a great friend like Akram, who is Muslim, to go to, really says a lot about his character. His faith provides him with great hope for people and he shows that by caring for them in numerous ways. Akram is known for being such a fair person. Because he works with so many people through business, it is important for him to keep their trust, and he never lets anyone down. As for his persona1life, Akram is a big family man. He loves his family and makes that evident when he talks about them. He speaks of his wife, Areej, and their three children very highly. I know that his children were raised to be respectful of people, as well as of society. He has instilled in them so many of the qualities that he himself has.

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I believe Akram is a great person, who is extremely hard working and kind hearted. I know he is a strong man, with a strong family, but this issue has affected his family so much. Ifhis friends see him as an amazing man to be apart of their life, I can only imagine what his family thinks of him. They will be in difficult circumstances without their husband and father around and I truly hope they will be able to manage their lives. Akram Abdallah's case truly merits compassion in his sentencing. With all the people he has helped through they years, I believe he is needed in this community. He is a great member of society and has contributed so much. I ask that his sentencing is reduced to the minimum, and I know this man deserves at least that.

Thank you

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Emad Najdawi


Honorable Neil V. Wake United State Distinct Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Your honor, My name is Emad Najdawi, and I would like to tell you about myself as well as my good friend Akram Abdallah. I am a U.S. citizen and a successful business owner of professional AC and electric work. I love what I do and through my business I have met all kinds of people. Akram is one of the greatest people that I have met and I am honored to know him. I have met his family and they are wonderful people. They were extremely nice and respectful people, and I am sure Akram has a lot to be proud of. I have known Akram for years, and I truly value everything I learn from him. He is always available to provide me with valuable ideas and help when I need it. He has directed me towards numerous things that have been beneficial to me and it means so much that he cares. We both help each other out and we have a great friendship. The one thing I know about Akram, is that he is extremely generous and trustworthy. I never second guess to help him or do him a favor, as he is always available to do the same for me. It is extremely important that Akram Abdallah be given the utmost

empathy and mercy in his prison term. He means so much to so many people, especially his family. This man is willing to do anything to help others out, and there isn't an ounce of negativity or ruthlessness in him. I hope that he is given the compassion in this sentencing that he deserves; because Akram himself, is a very compassionate person. Thank you, and please strongly consider lessening his sentence for the sake of his family, friends, and society. Emad Najdawi 602-380-1666

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Ismael Suwwan

Dear honorable Judge Wake

Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about Mr. Abdallah. During all my time in Arizona I have rarely met a man like Akram. I have come to know Akram throughout the years through different ways. And in every way I learn something new about this man. He's authentic, forthright, and genuine and when I see the way he behaves towards the customers I had at my restaurant I realize that his generosity is not exclusive to one person but rather encompasses everyone around him. He has helped me greatly in my time of need especially when he kept referring customers to me. ,Customers who needed handiwork done for them at their homes. I'm a professional handyman and I know more than anyone that word of mouth is the best advertisement when it comes to fixing things around a persons home, and I have Mr. Abdallah to thank for that. He has helped me get many jobs throughout the valley whether its tile, carpeting, painting or construction. Our community is an expanding one and there are few people who stick out and grab people by the heart and I can attest that Akram is definitely one of those people. He helps people even when they don't ask for it. He seems to understand when someone is in urgent need. I remember his talks at colleges to students of all ages. I remember he was one of the few talking at churches and synagogues bringing to light the importance of peace and harmony. He invited high school kids to the phoenix mosque one night to talk about the importance of being obedient to one's parents and how in the long run it builds character and discipline. The subjects he brings to light are principles he abides by, things he himself has done to help others. '

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This is what our community needs, it needs more people like Mr. Abdallah. People who engage in the community, people who help and listen to the need of others. This is the type of man every community needs. I have never heard an ounce of negativity leave his mouth. He never speaks ill of someone, and never brings negativity to a conversation. I know many people love Mr. Abdallah for many reasons and though they may vary, they all amount to the same thing. His faith is inspiring, his jokes are funny, his family dedicated, his community on his mind, his genorosity staggering, his help needed, his enthusiasm addicting, and his patience marvelous. And if I may say, I cannot imagine a more wonderful man behind bars. I hope that your honor considers lowering his sentencing because we all need him in this community.



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Honor abla Neil V.Wake United states district court July 18,2009

Hassan Alzubidi 3536 w.hayard Phoenix,az,85051

lam hassan alzubidi friend of akram abedallah . iam A u.s citizen living in phoenix,arizona conducting my own business as astore owner, newely married, 39 years old , holding AA associate degree in computer. As afriend of mr. akram abedallah I would like to write afew lines about what I know about mr abedallah nine years ago I met mr abedallah through my family and I start knowing him more and more where I learned so many things such as his charmig charatter ,devoting his time ability and love to help others in all aspects.mr abedallah always devote his time to lecture as an Amam in many mousques , churches and colleges about divercity ,peace an harmony Mr abedallah has three successful childern, two are attending colleges with very standing records ,the thired child is 12 years old in his 9th grade with honor recored . his wife very educated lady holding 4 u.s college degrees and she worked as compter engineer with Boeing company for many years and she started her own business by opening A cofee shop where she forced to sell it dueto the economy situation. Mr abedallah didicated his life to help, inlight and support every one who might ask for his help, finding jobs for people of our beloved community ,paticipating in many occasions in the vally bringing people togother in understanding what diversity in faith means to all of us disregarding their faith,culture and gender . Akram abedallah is very well known in arizona for the reason of helping our community at large such as; Participating in many debates about community needs to bring their ideas closer and closer to understand each other in serving the people of arizona in the higest manner ,he was a good example of US devoted citizen. Mr abedallah in many places and gathering grab peoples attention in his style of speeches mainly caring about raising up childern to the level of responsipllity by directing parents to the right direction to a ccomplish fruitful results .bringing negative talk in his conversation never been heard his faith always inspring and his sence of humer is very funny, he hold his community always in his heart and mind. All my life I never experienced patience a man can hold in his heart as marvelous as he is

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Mercy and grace is the symble country, please if I may say, I cannot see mr abedallah far from his family who needs him next to them as well as our community ,remembering that akram is the mean provider in supporting his family. I cannot believe seeing this man behind bars for the values, principles and divotion


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Victure Verfect

Gallery 3232 W. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ. 85017

Phone: 602-233-1668

Fax: 602·233·1937


Fares Alzubidi 3232 w. Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85017 Honorable Neil V. Wake United State Distinct Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dear: Honorable Neil V. Wake My name is Fares Alzubidi, I'm 46 years old. I am a well educated man and I have established a multi-million dollar home decor business. I have created jobs to twenty-two full time employees. I own one of the largest home decoration businesses in the state of Arizona. I'm married to a wonderful wife and have five wonderful children. I met Mr. Akram Abdallah and his wonderful family in the spring of 1993. Since I met them, our families have been inseparable. Our wives have become best friend as have our children. Mr. Abdallah's family is an educated family. and his wife holds multiple college degrees. His children are honor students. Mr. Abdallah has demonstrated an incredible initiative and a strong desire to help others who need help. He volunteers his time to help refugees from all countries (Iraq's, Somali's, Bosnia's, ECT....). He treated refugees as members of his family not only at the emotional level but the financial as well. He dedicates a big portion of his time to give lectures in Universities and community colleges in the valley. Mr. Abdallah has been a example and many people from our Arab-American find his enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. He has worked hard to build authentic relationships with our community. His efforts have created a happier and more productive community. He is married to a wonderful wife ( Areej ) who had manage her time not just being a wonderful mother for three children, but also to be a Computer System Software Engineer at Boeing for eight years. Areej volunteers her time on weekend by being a Principle and family counselor at Arizona Culture Academy.

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Gallery 3232 W. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ. 85017

Phone: 602-233-1668

Fax: 602-233-1937


Mr. Abdullah's children are: First, Saiaf, 21 years old. Just graduated from Mesa Community College with honor and going to ASU. He is studying Creative Writing and Film production. He manages his time by working as a full time employee Fry's electronic in the computer department. Second, is Aseel, 18 years old. She just finished her first year at ASU with a very high OPA and currently has a full scholarship for her bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. She is a pre-med student and is planning to attend medical school after graduation. Last, is Ahmad, 12 years old 9th grade student. He is two years a head of his class mates and is an honors student. This wonderful family they would not have achieved the success if they did not have a good provider, manager and a father. Mr. Abdallah is a motivated man of numerous talents and considerable self discipline. He is fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic, trusting and trustworthy. Simply, He is the most wonderful human being 1 have met in my life. This is a fact. Our society needs more people like him. His wife, children and many people in our society will suffer from him being away. So please please do not lengthen the term of his imprisonment and rather please minimize it to the absolute least. We need him as well as others do. We would like him to be free as soon as possible.

Thank you

Fares Alzubidi

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Saleem Masri S033 E. Peak View rd. Cave Creek, Az 85331 July 20, 2009

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, Az 85003 Dear Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake, I am writing this letter to introduce myself as a long time friend of Mr. Akram Abdallah. I have known Mr. Abdallah for over twenty years. I have not only dealt with Mr. Abdallah as a friend but also as someone highly respected in the community. I have always admired Mr. Abdallah's involvement in society for he has assisted many families who have gone through difficulties regardless of their backgrounds. Mr. Abdallah has served the community as a counselor and mediator and is well known for his integrity and fairness. I have witnessed Mr. Abdallah's kindness towards others on many occasions. His regard for the well-being of many families is one of his compassionate characteristics. He has helped many in finding jobs, homes and stability. Without Mr. Abdallah's help, it is possible that their lives would still be in distress. As a family man, Mr. Abdallah is a role-model for many husbands and fathers. He has influenced his children to excel not only academically, but as well socially. For both of his children show exemplary conduct and diligency towards serving as role models for others. For example, his seventeen year old daughter, Asseel, has already graduated high schooled and finished her first year towards Medical School. She as well volunteers as a tutor for kids attending elementary schools. I beg your honor to please consider the affect his sentencing will have on not only his family, but also an entire community.

Respectfully yours,


S~L0~ Saleem Masri

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Alina Masri 5033 E. Peak View rd. Cave Creek, Az 85331 July 20, 2009

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, Az 85003 Dear Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake,

I am writing you today in behalf of Mr. Akram Abdallah's sentencing. I am asking you for your leniency in sentencing him and plea that your sentence be merciful and not punitive. Please take into account my words in this letter as your decision is going to touch the lives of an entire community. Mr. Abdallah's daughter, Asseel, will be tremendously affected by the incarceration of her father. As a long time friend of Asseel, I have seen the positive role model that her father has been for her. He has always been by her side making sure she has made the right decisions in all that she has done. As Asseel and I are the same age, she has consequently become my role model. There are so many things that Asseel has achieved. For example, at only seventeen she has already graduated high school and finished her first year of college at Arizona State University. Throughout her school years she has been an honor student and has obtained a high GPA. She has been awarded a full Medical School scholarship. In addition, she has served our community as well by being a volunteer tutoring younger students academically at the Arizona Culture Center. These accomplishments I'm sure would not have been accomplished without the influence of her father. Considering that only 53% of students in the nation graduate high school, I solely believe more role models like Mr. Abdallah are needed in our society. As a teenager today, I can only aspire to shadow Asseel's footsteps to become the best I can be. I beg your Honor to please consider my letter when you hand out your sentence. Only you have the ability to minimize the time of his sentencing.



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Philip H. Marogi 26711 North 51 st Drive Phoenix, AZ 85083 Ph: 623-505-3320 Cell: 480-543-0882

July 17, 2009

Your Honor; Dear Judge Wake;

I felt quite honored when Mr. Akram Abdallah asked me to write a reference letter expressing my opinion on his personal. My name is Philip Marogi; I'm married and live with my wife and 2 beautiful kids; I have a B.Sc. in Physics along with Network Engineer Diploma. Currently I' m a part owner and a manager at Sinclair Gas Station at 1045 North 24th Street, Phoenix AZ 85008. I have known Mr. Abdallah since 2006 as a vender selling Phone Cards and then when he help me finding my current business for no expected return. Worm intelligent conversations along with thought provoking exchange of ideas allowed me to get to know him at both a business and personal level. Mr. Abdallah is highly charismatic and has a terrific presence around people. More importantly, he thinks critically, reasons well and has all the instincts of a good citizen. His honesty and his family values are well seen in the performance of his kids in school and in person. Mr. Abdallah open-minded character was beautifully illustrated when he mentioned some of the ideas he has discussed when he represented the Islamic faith in the "Interfaith" debate hosted by the Arizona Police Department. I'm catholic myself and I was amazed when he was emphasiZing on the things we have in common instead of the differences. In addition to raising a family and being a devoted father, Mr. Abdallah has always found time to get involved in life around him. He goes out of his way to help the unfortunate with no returns expected. I was present many times when he was trying to find a job or shelter for someone or helping a family in need or even a customer that needs a boost to his car battery or an old woman unable to pump her gas.

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I could continue with descriptions of Abdallah's many other high qualities of human values- his charming character, and his generosity. Instead I would simply like to say how highly I think of Mr. Akram Abdallah. I'm really worried about Mr. Abdallah's family welfare on his absent especially when they are already having a financial hardship and Mr. Abdallah is the only provider. It is unfortunate and a loss to see him leaving his family and the community. For further information please do not hesitate to call upon me.


Philip Marogi

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June 24, 2009 Re:

Akram Abdallah

Dear Si.r/Madam: I have come to know Akram Abdallah through my representation of his daughter, Aseel. On October 1, 2008, Aseel was involved in a vehicular collision, As a result of this collision, Aseel's best friend died before her eyes. The death of Aseel's best friend caused a devastating loss to Aseel, her family, and the ex-patriot Palestinian community. In the course of my representation, I have frequently spoken with Aseel's father, Akram. Akram is a deeply sensitive, caring, and loving man. He has demonstrated immense compassion and empathy to the plight of his daughter, her friends, the members of his commuriity, and even the individuals whose malfeasance and nonfeasance contributed to and caused his daughter's injuries and the death of. her friend. I come from a Christian tradition. It is often stated that this country was founded on "Christian principles". The principles that most clearly resound in Christ's teachings are redemption, forgiveness, mercy, grace, reconciliation, and restitution. Christ does not teach retribution and punishment. Although Akram comes from an Islamic tradition, his conduct, in my experie'nce, has exemplified the "7E:.lues" .in Christ.' 5 teachings. I do not know the nature of the charges that have been asserted against Akram. Nonetheless, I pray that this Honorable Court will consider the true Judeo-Christian principles on which the legal system of this country was founded, and show mercy and grace as Akram is sentenced. Sincerely,



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Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ, 85003 Dear Judge Wake My Name is Shadeh Atshan; I'm an Engineer by profession. I have worked for Alcatel-Lucent for 32 years. I have lived in the Valley of the Sun since 1986. I met Akram Abdallah in 1992 and became a friend of the family ever since. We became friends dueto his friendly personality. No one meets Akram and not like him. He is a giving person, willing to go out of his way to help any person that needs help. He has a volunteering sprit. I know of his volunteer work for the Iraqy, Bosnian, and Somalis refugees. He is a sharing person; he loves to share his knowledge. He demonstrated this by giving lectures at community colleges Mosques and Churches. His aim is to support diversity and religious education. He believes in the value of diversity, he participated in the interfaith debat<:s and activities. !;"

.. ' . "

I know him to be a devoted family man. His three kid's accomplishments and success testify to his and his wife dedication to the family. So far he and his family have suffered so much from this case. I know of countless nights without sleep as result of this problem. Not to mention his family stress and suffering. I can't imagine the impact of imp!isonments on his family .. His family and the community at large need him.

'~----";~IA.-..?---- _ _=_ 5278 w Muriel Dr Glendale,AZ,85308 602-548-7428

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Khalid Gharib 7227 N. 18 th PI Phoenix, AZ 85020 July 27, 2009 Honorable Neil V. Wakc United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Dear Judge Wakc: Good morning your Honor. I came to our country at the ripe age of 6. It was 1975 and my family had just moved to Yonkers, New York and after several years of living in unsuitable housing throughout the city, wc settled in an apartment building on McLean Avenue. It was now -1980 and my passion for soccer and bicycles had reached a fever pitch. Only a few months later, I met a young college student who lived in the flat directly above ours. He and I shared a love of soccer and we rarely missed an opportunity to practice the sport we loved. He would teach me his Pele' style moves on the soccer field and I would demonstrate the latest trick I learned on my bike to which he would always exclaim "dear balack!" (Be careful!). The young man I am referring to is Mr. Akram Abdallah. I did not realize at the time but the absence of my biological father during these impressionable years of my life had left a void for which Mr. Abdallah had provided his compassion, honesty, love, sympathy, guidance and wisdom. It can only be that by the grace of God I had the extraordinary blessing of Mr. Abdallah's friendship at a time in my life I most needed a father figure. In 1985, I was 14 years old and my mother's search for greater opportunity landed usmthe------valley of the sun. Leaving New York and separating from the man that I looked up to and respected as one would a compassionate and loving father was a difficult experience for me. Fortunately, I adjusted and soon came the assimilation of college and new relationships and experiences. Some years later, Mr. Abdallah moved to Phoenix and although I had a profound respect for this man, our relationship had changed. I was no longer a boy in search of a father but a man myself. I will always respect Mr. Abdallah for he is an honorable man with unyielding integrity. He was a tremendous influence in my life and I am very grateful for that experience for without this, I would not be the man I am today. Your Honor, I pray that you are lenient in Mr. Abdallah's sentencing. If you include the good deeds a person has committed in their life when considering sentencing then certainly Mr. Abdallah should receive the greatest of leniency.

Khalid Gharib

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Dear Honorable Judge Wake I write to you today not about a reckless and rash man, nor about an uncivilized and inconsiderate man. But rather about a man who champions excellence and disregards negativity. Your honor, my name is Mufeed Mustafa and I appreciate the time you are taking to read this letter. I would like to tell you about a dear friend of mine named Akram Abdallah. He is a man of character, unlike anyone I've met. I have known him for many years, and he is someone I can speak easily about because his good deeds are so broad that my thoughts are bound to remember his accomplishments. I have no second thoughts when speaking of all the good things he's done. He is enormously dedicated, and thanks to him we have two fulltime schools educating children from kindergarten to 12th grade. It is he who helped morally and financially when building these schools. He always mentions how important the youth are for the Phoenix community, and enthusiastically encourages everyone around him to put in a helping hand. Akram is the type ofperson that can bring people together so that when good deeds are committed they are done as a whole. He is a promoter of teamwork. When Akram's wife wanted to become a board member to one ofthe school's he applauded and encouraged her. She took time off from her busy schedule to help the school stay on its feet. Akram also encouraged his son Saiafto help the school's at every turn. Saiafwas always around the School, he helped during the events, and even assisted the youth through some tutoring. I have been a landlord for many years now, have met people from all walks of life. I can assure you that I have never seen a man help so many others find jobs throughout the valley. If someone is looking for ajob Akram will make sure to take the responsibility upon himself and personally ask everyone he bumps into if they are hiring or know someone that is hiring. If someone is in need of moral support he is there to help them as well. The thing is that Akram has been doing this for so long that at times

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people come to him for advice, knowing full well that his charm will help them out. It is the fact that people know Akram will not judge them; I believe that's what attracts them to him. He is spiritually emboldened, determined and inspired, and even when a tragedy befalls him he is upright and tenacious. I cannot imagine this man a day behind bars. The amount of pressure this man has suffered in the past years is beyond me. Ifthere are any questions your honor, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mufeed Mustafa.


5440 . Alameda Glendale, AZ 85310 623-330-1927

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Majdy S. Wauwie 9058 E. Halifax Street Mesa, AZ 85207 JUly 16,2009

Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 The Honorable Neil V. Wake: I am writing to you in support of Akrarn Abdallab. It was over 10 years ago that I came to know Akrarn as I had just anived in the Phoenix valley, was making new acquaintances, and settling into my new home. With a Bachelor's degree from Purdue University I was working as an outside sales contractor. My immediate needs were to orient myself to the Phoenix market area. Akram was kind in providing information about the community, which enhanced my ability to go about my business. As a result of his generosity, we became friends. This man is trust-worthy. Character and credibility come to mind as key words that describe his words and actions. As I know Akrarn he is a man of good heart, kind and generous in spirit, true to his word. He is knowledgeable in those areas ofhis experience and provides counseling for the community of Muslims in the Phoenix area. In short, he is of high moral standing and demonstrates good intellectual and social judgment. He has Good Samaritan qualities. His assistance of strangers is not an occasional feat; rather it is a common activity. This is his means of shOWing compassion and understanding of the under-trodden. I am amazed that Akram can rise himself from bed each day to face the world of sorrow - for being a Good Samaritan. Surely the last several years have been harsh. He must be concerned for his wife and family. The children are academically successful - Aseel has a full scholarship at Arizona State University with hopes for medical school, Saiaf is planning a career in creative writing and movie production studies at Arizona State University after community college, and Ahmad is a straight-A student. I have witnessed the stress and strain of a man placed under such duress that many could not weather. In addition to his court proceedings and its associated cost, Akram has experienced the undeserved impacts of a failing economy in the way of significantly shrinking phone card sales, a coffee shop business that ground to a halt, and limited prospects for as quality of a future as he and his family had in the past. His son and daughter are college age - who will provide for them? His wife is not working - who will provide for her? Many people like Akrarn contribute monies for the support oftheir extended families - who will support these people? Will the government welfare and social services be tapped as a resource? How will this family have food, clothing, shelter, and an education for a bright future? This is a current hardship that Akram must face daily and has faced for the last several years. In addition, what are the health and psychological impacts that he experiences as a result? Akram is of good character and is credible; certainly he will persist in what is right. I have witnessed his strength and ability to maintain a positive sense of self, high moral standard, and continue to contribute to the good of the Phoenix area as well as care for this family. He is needed in the community that he serves. Sincerely,

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Honorable Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W. Washington St., SPC 524 Phoenix, AZ 85003 RE: Akram Abdallah,

September 25, 2009

Dear Judge Wake, My name is Azzaam Muwakkil; I have lived in the Phoenix metropolitan area since June 1980. I am married with three adult children. I was born in Harlem, NY, grew up in Brooklyn, NY where I attained my education and skills as a draftsman and cabinet maker. Currently I am semi-retired. I have been an active member in the Muslim community since relocating here in 1980, serving on the board oflocal Masajid and various committees. It is through many of the various Mosque actives that I became acquainted with Akram Abdallah and his family. I met Akram probably around 1987 or 1988 while participating in the local Masjid Sunday school program. He was friendly, outgoing and very knowledgeable. He had insight regarding issues that impact the Muslim community as well as issues inside the Muslim communities. Akram has great integrity and strong opinions that sometimes annoy those not familiar with his personality. He is not afraid or timid to speak up for the truth! Akram is dedicated to his family; he has held a variety ofjobs to provide financial stability and growth to his wife Areej, his three children Siaf, Aceile, and Ahmed. He has been a strong advocate to Areej while she completed her B.S. and Masters degree, even participated in one of her class projects on Islamic topics. As a parent he displays a loving yet firm approach with his children. In our community Akram also has been a strong supporter to his friends and acquaintances as they were faced with many challenges post 9/11 and even prior to that horrific incident, even though he and his family has had their own share of challenges both financial and emotional. Akram and his wife Areej both come from very large families, in which there are always various hardships and challenges. Akram has been the go-to brother to provide emotional support to many of his family members as well as his wife's family as they faced many personal tragedies. Judge Wake, I apologize for the lateness of my letter, however, I hope and pray that you will accept my offerings as sincere on behalf of my dear friend Akram. Certainly his absence from his immediate family (Areej, Siaf, Aceile and Ahmed) will have the greatest impact on their day-to-day activities, let-alone the counseling on important issues his family has come to rely on him for. In addition, his absence will also impact his large extended families, our community and countless friends, ofcourse myself included. Sincerely, Azzaam T. Muwakkil

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Your Honor, My name is Hatim Salameh. I am 36 years old and an owner of two auto sound and security stores. I was born in New York but raised and had my education in Jordan. In 1993 I graduated from college with an accounting degree and came to the States to start my business life. I am writing on behalfof Akram Abdallah, my uncle (my mom's brother). My dear uncle Akram is the closest uncle to my family among my 17 uncles and aunts. He helped my mother the most after my father died in 1990. At that time my mother was still young (35 years old) and was responsible to raise 8 young children by her own, the oldest of these 8 children was 16 and the youngest was only 6 years old girl. Uncle Akram used to live in New York when my father died and we were living in Jordan, my uncle also used to have a clothes store at that time. My uncle Akram started helping us even before my father's death since my father was suffering from a debilitating GI disease called Crohn's and that disease kept him away from being able to work. Uncle Akram helped us in so many ways; he used to send us money from time to time especially in our religious holidays. He also used to send us all the clothes we needed; for all my family members and even for some ofour poor relatives and neighbors at that time. Besides my uncle's generosity and his unlimited giving without expecting to be rewarded in return, my uncle has a great characteristic and I personally consider him as my role model who inspired me and affected on my personality by teaching me how to care for others and carry out difficult responsibilities. He encouraged me to come here to the States and to start my business life. He helped me and my other uncle and gave us the apartment he used to live in before he moves with his family to Arizona.

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Uncle Akram is a loyal, honest, considerate, and supportive individual who has the ability to see and understand things from another person's perspective. He is a great direct communicator and knows how to raise and discuss common living issues and problems in a nonthreatening manner. He is hyper-sensitive and is always tuned into how another person might "feel" in a given situation. He likes to have fun too. To tell the truth, I really can't think of anything of consequence on the negative side of the personality ledger when it comes to uncle Akram. All in all, I would have to say that uncle Akram Abdallah is a fine, well-balanced person with an abundance of positive qualities.

Finally, I don't think sending uncle Akram to jail will benefit the society in anyway. He is not dangerous person and will not harm the society and the people around him. His family needs him now more than anytime ever. Uncle Akram has a great family; he has two sons and a daughter beside his loving wife. His daughter and oldest son are in college and the youngest son is only 12 years old and they need all the support from their parents. If uncle Akram stays away that will destroy the life of his family and cause a real damage to everyone who loves him and I am one of them.

Respectfully yours,

Hatim Salameh


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Your Honor, My name is Roula Abdullah and I am 27 years old. I am married to Akram Abdullah's nephew. Upon talking to him for the first time about 9 years ago, on the phone, I felt that he was a very good person, compassionate, intelligent, confident, and generous. He only speaks the truth and he doesn't back down, when he is in the right. After this and all of the wonderful things people said about him, I dreamed of actually meeting him. So eventually, after 9 years I had the opportunity to actually meet him. I did not only see that my impressions of him were true, but he was in all the qualities that are good and great, inclusive of intelligence and wisdom, that he can play any role in someone's life; he is the father, the brother, the uncle, the best friend, and the teacher. Your honor upon meeting this man, I learned so much about the meaning of patience, faith, and confidence. This amazing man, with his knowledge and strength, should never step foot into a prison. He is a "school" to every individual that meets with him. Whoever meets him will learn from his faith and straight path. He loves to teach and share his experiences with others because it is a true joy for him to teach what is right. He shares all that he knows of feeling, love, and compassion and he does not like what is wrong. He is the ultimate "corrector of wrong doing". If he enters prison, many hearts and lives will be destroyed because he has many friends and relatives that love him from the depths of their heart. This man, Akram, is on the tongues of people and if he is mentioned much "good" is spoken of him. All have love, compassion, and especially respect and appreciation for him-both young and old. He is tender and very patient with children. I personally saw that because my four kids loved him so much and they kept asking about him. My youngest, who is two, always asks for him and when he sees him he goes running to him and hUgs him with great tenderness and he does not acknowledge anyone else when he is around. What is amazing is that this happened to my child in a very short period ohime, imagine longer. I swear I have never seen the likes of Akram, who is a great man, and the likes of this wonderful family. I am in America, the land of freedom, safety, comfort, and love, to which my four kids were born. I would love for them to live and grow up. here, for the rest of their lives and I wish for them to have the best image of America-the land of justice and equality, not the land of ignorance and conspiracy, so I implore you your Honor to be compassionate. Sincerely,

Roula Abdullah

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Your Honor, I wish for you good times and a life filled with joy. In this letter I would like to introduce you to myself. I am Ismail Abrahim Abdullah and I am 75 years old. I am Akram Abdullah's cousin and friend and I have known him since he was born. He has superior characteristics and he has always been involved and participated in numerous volunteer works for his community and humanity in general. He loves to help the needy; especially the poor and the orphans-and he will help whoever requests or needs it. I personally can say that I have confidence in him, which is of the highest level. I hold him in such high regard and have such high respect for him and in fact I am certain he has never done or will never do anything wrong because of his high moral standards. I . I do not know how this came about and how such accusations ensued to such an amazing person. He has great respect for the law and is a great citizen of this country. He is educated and knowledgeable and he completed his education here in this wonderful country-his country. He loves this nation and everyone who inhabits it regardless of race, religion, and ethnicity. He is always available to anyone-regardless of their origin. Akram has a wonderful family that consists of a wife and three children and they have lived a happy life filled with love, kindness, and compassion from this wonderful man. If he is incarcerated, it will destroy his family--his children, wife, brothers, sisters, and relatives-who have high love and respect for him because of the remarkable qualities that he holds. He enriched their lives and provided for them a decent living with his hard work and sweat, by living the American dream, and never has he ever taken any short cuts. He honors and respects his country and serves only what is right, just, and good; and he has great loyalty to all that is right. So your Honor, I pray that God may bless and guide you to the right judgment for that which is just and fair. Sincerely,

~....,~ r:t;'~ Ismail Abdullah


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Honorable Judge. My name is Samer Abdullah. I am the nephew of Akram Abdullah. I am a software engineer by background and run a software company located in Southern California. When my uncle was arrested I was at his residence visiting his family. I will never forget the weekend that my dear uncle was in jail. I stayed a couple of extra days to attend to his family including their teenage son. The reason I am mentioning his arrest is to give a clear picture of how much Akram Abdullah's family needs him. I was one of the few that saw the impact his arrest had on his family and their impressionable teenage son. An educated, energetic, and clean family such as theirs was changed forever. My uncle is a hard working member of society who has always appreciated and respected the laws of Arizona, his beloved state, and the laws ofthe United States of America. He has never committed a single crime. He is a man of great values and is one who believes in teaching those values to others including his own family. As the current and sole provider of his family they rely on him not only financially but emotionally.

Akram's wife who worked as a computer programmer at Boeing Helicopter in Mesa. Arizona is also full of life. She has worked on various computer systems that go into AH· 64 Apache helicopters. Her expertise has provided a great service not only to her community which depends on Boeing's income but to the defense of this great country. She reminds me of the courageous women who built our country's tanks and planes during World War II. Her ability to finish her computer science degree and work at Boeing was with the support of her husband. In a concerted effort Akram stayed home with their youngest son changing diapers. feeding, and cleaning. His sacrifice to simultaneously run his business and perform these duties for his family has allowed his wife Areej to service this country. Akram's daughter has recently been in a car accident where she lost her closest friend by a drunk driver. With this recent tragedy and all the distractions her father's sentence has caused I believe this young woman's ambitions will be impaired. Her desire to finish her four years at ASU and to complete her medical school will be impaired without the financial and emotional support that Akram can and will provide. Honorable Judge. we kindly ask you from the bottom ofour hearts to keep this family a vibrant and happy one and to allow their young children to grow up in an emotionally and financially stable environment. We hope that his children will grow up and provide the same honorable service to their communities and country just like you. Thank you,

~ &~

Samer Abdullah



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Honorable Judge, My name is Merima Jakirlic, and I am the wife ofSamer Abdullah, one of Akram Abdullah's nephews. I have come to know Akram and his family after my husband and I moved from New

York to California about two years ago. We visited them a couple of times in Arizona where we would spend time with one of the most hospitable families altogetherAkram's family. We would play in the pool, eat delicious Arabic dishes, and tell funny jokes. However, the short visit that stands in my mind the most gives me chills every time we think of visiting them in Arizona. It is the time Akram Abdullah got arrested last summer. My husband, our then two-year old daughter, and I were visiting for a couple ofdays and after getting ready to leave and come back to California, we found out that his uncle was arrested. That day really impacted me as it reminded me exactly of the day my father was arrested by communist soldiers in Bosnia. I was a little girl of9 years old when the communist soldiers came to 'question' my father and had to take him to a police station. One of the soldiers, a prior patient of my father, who had been a prominent eye doctor in our city, said "Doctor, I would have rather had my legs cut off than to have been given this order to come and arrest you". After saying that short statement of seeming compassion, he went on, with his comrade to put the handcuffs on my father's hands and took him away from us. My father, a completely innocent man who only helped people with eye injuries, was now being taken to jail for no reason. That image played back in my mind as Akram's underage children were given the news of their father being arrested and going to jail. I did not want them to experience what I have. I did not want them to have the sadness that I carried for many years and the heavy burden that I still carry knowing that my life took a specific course because of that event. I ask you, honorable judge, to make a fair decision in this case. Mr. Akram is a man of character and a law-abiding citizen of the United States. [have witnessed that and am proud to say it. I ask you, honorable judge, to spare his children the memory of his father spending a lengthy period in jail as that will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives. I was nine years old and remember that period of my life crystal clear. They are young adults and need their father in their lives to help them through the most crucial decisions.

Thank you,


Merima Jakirlic

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Your Honor, My name is Huda 1. Abdullah, PhD and I currently work for a medical communications agency in Parsippany, New Jersey as a medical writer. Previously, I conducted cardiovascular and kidney research at New York Medical College, where I obtained my doctorate degree in Pharmacology. I am a productive and published member of the scientific community in the pursuit of healthcare advancement. Akram is my uncle and I care about and love him more than anything in the world; and that is purely because he is a kind, sweet, humble individual and not just my uncle. I was greatly moved by the incident and for this very reason I write this letter. Your Honor, he is the epitome of all that is good in this world. He is pure, just, and giving. I have never known a man that is as sincere and honest as him, for he is a Godly man. He only sees the good in people and wishes peace and success for them. Worldly material gains of this life and world to him are as transient as a dream may be for you when you wake. What he perceives as gain and success in the world can only be measured by good deeds. To be able to provide food to a hungry, orphan child; give up his seat to another; and visit and take care of the sick or elderly are true measures of success for him-and these actions are only a few of the very dignified characteristics or actions that symbolize him. I can raise my hand to the sky and vow and testify that I have never seen the likes of him. He does not or has never cheated, lied, drank, cursed, used drugs, stolen, bad mouthed, or committed a single ill act in his life. I can honestly say that he was, is, and will always be my role model. I strived to advance in science because of him; I give of my time and energy because of him; and I learned about true human dignity because of him. There are a few people in this world that when you are in their presence you are humbled by them. I believe that injustice often befalls the just as was the case of Moses, Jesus, and all the great prophets; but he especially reminds me of the undying story of Job, where trial and tribulation befell him as an ultimate test of his faith. I

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will not even argue his case because God will argue his-for a great injustice has served him and God has power over all things. I believe justice will eventually prevail and that we will be treated as equals one day. Per his teachings, I hope that we will be considered equal as we are all created equal; regardless of religion, race, creed, or ethnicity. When we didn't have much financially, I remember getting so excited when he came because he would bring me lots of wonderful "goodies" that we could not afford. He bought me my first Nike sneakers so that the kids wouldn't poke fun of me at school. Every time I got an "A" or drew a picture he would call everyone's attention to it and tell them to look at what amazing things I have done. A simple gesture like that impacted my life wholly-I still remember his encouragement to this day. I wanted to live up to the amazing things that he said I was. He would tell me I was beautiful and smart-He made me optimistic, curious and a go-getter because he believed in me and gave me confidence. I have dedicated my life to the advancement of medicine because of his encouragement and selflessness. He gives his time to charity and volunteer work and for this your Honor he is the greatest man I have ever known. I am certain that I will be stricken with great grief if something happens to my hero. So, I ask your Honor that you judge with open eyes, fairly and justly for good men who also do tremendous good are a rarity. Thank you for your time and consideration.

~:.~~z-;ex-~:-t:" Huda 1. Abdullah, Ph.D. 914-582-2379

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Honorable Judge Neil V. Wake United States District Court 401 W Washington St., SPC 504 Phoenix, AZ 85003

September 19, 2009

Dear Honorable Judge Wake: My name is Yousri Shrourou. I was born and raised in Kuwait. I have been working for Maricopa County - Sheriff s Office since January of 1988 as Senior PCILAN Analyst. I have known Mr. Akram Abdallah from 1995 to present and we met through a mutual friend. My father passed away in 1995 and within months of knowing Mr. Abdallah, he stood by me during my grieving period and provided food and drinks for the people who came to offer their condolences. Mr. Abdallah has always been an upstanding citizen of the community. He is caring and compassionate to people he knows, as well as strangers. He has always landed a helping hand where needed, including volunteer work. He has done public speaking regarding diversity and building a good community at places such as; Glendale Community College, Chandler Police Department, Arizona State University and various High Schools. He has a very close-nit family and they all reach out to the community as they can. Due to Mr. Abdallah's current situation, he has had several health issues (high blood pressure, depression and anxiety). His wife has also been suffering with depression. His daughter has recently had a major car accident. Mr. Abdallah is the sole source of income for his family and if sentenced to imprisonment, I strongly believe it would be detrimental to his family's well being as well as the community. I do believe that this case does merit compassion in his sentencing.



yz/~e~ Yousri Shrourou

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