Defense Exhibit 4894

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Attorney-Client Privilege Audio File: 0004894 Date: 02/22/2005 Phone Number: 214-729-3484 Call Time: 8:52 am


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Caller: Darren Reagan (DR) Receiver: Allen McGill (AM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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AM: Hello? DR: Hey man! AM: Hey, what's happenin'? DR: Oh, nothin' much. 01' Bill jus called me. AM: [Chuckles] I knew...Jus let him stew over night. DR: Oh yeah! Called me, [Bill said], "you know, I told my son my son had a soccer game last night and urn, I had something to get off to San Antonio." And you know, I'm quiet, I'm listening - and? [Bill said], "I know you got and the morning is rolling fast. But I want to see if we can get together." I said, "well you know let me get back with you in a moment here. I got a few meetings I know I have." So, let me...yeah, there was no big rush for you last night. AM: Nope! Well, he had to go talk to brother Saleem. And they had to go come down to the Maller's Bank. DR: I mean, at least he could have called and said, you know, "I'm working on it. I'm working on it." AM: Mmh mmh. DR: But what he thought was that he was going to get some calls back to him from us. AM: You're kidding me? DR: No, I'm sure that's what that was about man. Cause... AM: So he was trying to out wait you? DR: There you go! Out wait me or Don or D' Angelo. Because that's what all them calls and messages that he left for them guys was about. Try to shake some stuff loose. AM: Mmh mmh. DR: See what would flush to the top. What surfaced was, you done pissed people off and you might lose your deal. [Chuckles] I got him sitting at his desk jus waiting. I'mma have me some breakfast. [Laughs] Get my mornin' started right. AM: That is a real slime ball of an individual. DR: I done told ya'. I done told ya' brotha. You know and he keeps that recorder going, I'mma tell you. That's what I told Don yesterday... when D' Angelo .. J said listen Don...this boy is so damn desperate he's recording everything! Everything! But I don't have no problem wit it. Cause I tell him, what I say to you and how I put it to you is, you know, its politically and ethically sound and I mean, clear. You guys made a commitment, a public commitment and you guys are simply not honoring your commitment. I keep 'em along that line that's the thing. And if! cuss at 'em, and all of that, that's fine. It's still along that theme. But I told him, "shit I don't give a shit about you recording anything I say." AM: [Laughs] DR: Cause, it sounded like he did it, you know, last week. Man I said, "I don't give a shit about you recording anything I say." Cause what I say to you, damn it I can say it again - in the public!



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So keep the tape rolling! AM: [Laughs] Boy oh boy, that white boys getting taught one this trip around here. He going to think long and hard before he try to rush some Negroes again. DR: Well I know that's right. I done told him. I said, "man." That's what I keep telling D' Angelo and I've told Don a number of occasions. D'Angelo just didn't get it. I said, "man this cracker is recording your conversations." I don't care how small, how minute, it will be construed as and could be construed as look he's trying to make deals. He's trying to cut deals. AM: Mmmh mmh. DR: You know? And instead ofjust taking a position, I can't do that, I can't talk to you about that and just hang up the phone and be done. When you call him back and the timer kicks on and the date and timer kicks on and all of that, so... AM: You better believe it. Cause they got sophisticated equipment out there these days. DR: Sure they do! AM: And he have it. He have it. DR: Well, I...when I tell him something. I'm not just dreaming shit up. I ain't making shit up. I know what I'm talking about now. AM: Well, maybe D' Angelo has finally gotten it. If he has... DR: And then Bill make the comment, "well, why don't I get to talk to your partners?" I said, "because you're talking to me." You talk to me. I know what that's about brother. AM: Well it's the same strategy with Bill and D' Angelo. DR: Yeah it is and Don. AM: You ain't going to play us like that partner. DR: Well, naw. I done peeped you long ago. And well, that's just it. You talk to me. AM: We're doing just fine the way it's going. DR: Oh yeah! [Laughs] AM: [Laughs] I get my mail on time! DR: I mean they busy doing some other things. Something more important, just as important. I said you talk to me. AM: [Laughs] I get my mail on time! DR: I said, "Saleem ain't around here." You want to tum some mics on my people. AM: Boy oh boy! You must have sent him scurryin' DR: Well, hey?! AM: Man, the boy just don't know what to do. I mean he really misjudged this. Playing it down to the end like this. His political judgment about black folk are really really far off the mark. Far off the mark! DR: Well, I'mma let him sit there and enjoy my breakfast. AM: [Laughs] That sound like a good plan! DR: Hey man, what time is that conference call with Tom again? AM: I think it's 9:30 DR: He going to call me? AM: Yeah, probably so. DR: Okay, be sure to have him call me on 0848. AM: Okay. DR: Alright bruh, holla. AM: Buh Bye.




Attorney-Client Privilege 1

Call Ends:



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