Airports Authority Of India-presentation

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  • Pages: 57
Airports Authority of India Highlights of 1998-99 policy decisions 1.Disinvestment from Govt. sector and liberalization for private participation 2.Converting Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Bangalore airports in to corporations 3. To bring in more area under air map and more people under coverage, special efforts are to be made

-continued 4. Up gradation and modernization of existing airports and to enhance the efficiency of all airports 5. To revise and implement out dated laws related to airports to suit new present requirements 6. AI was awarded ISO 9002 Certificate

-continued 7. Air India and Indian Airlines have started making profit and new services are introduced between various places 8. New international air links are also established 3. AAI has become profit making Organization and more people are expected to fly

-continued 10. AAI has taken task of development and modernization of airports as in IGI Airport 11.Modernization of Air Control Traffic at Delhi and new ILS facility at Mangalore 12. New Airports inauguration and extension of terminal facilities were done at Agra, Lengpui(Mizoram), Bhuvaneshwar, Guwahati

-continued 13.Helicopter services were started between Gangtok- Bagdogra –Gangtok sector 14. New Pilot's licenses , Aircraft Maintenance Engineers , Basic Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Flight Engineers Licenses were issued 15. Total aircraft fleet is 1083 in the country and 469 aircrafts have current certificate of Airworthiness

-continued 16. Chartered services were introduced for Tourist 17. Flying training at IG Rastreya Uran Academy has trained 411 trainees to date 18.As a safety measure all aircrafts with more than 30 seating capacity are fitted with Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)

Ministry of Civil Aviation Located at Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan of Safdarjung Airport Complex, New Delhi Functions: Formulation of national policies and programme for development and regulation of civil aviation of air transport, air traffic services like passenger and goods by air It is also responsible for Railway safety under Indian Railway Act

Perview of Organization i) Directorate General of Civil Aviation ii) Air carriers-Air India Limited iii) Airports Authority of India a) It works under Secretary of the Ministry – primary work unit b) It forms policies, guidance for implementation, monitors and evaluates. It also supervises implementation of special programme of Govt. for weaker sections

-continued c) to ensure smooth, efficient and speedy functioning of the system with regards to punctuality , discipline and observance of instructions laid down in the manual of office procedures. d) Control over Directorate General of Civil Aviation Security e) Recognizing importance of in service training needs of staff

-continued f) Plans or readiness to tackle Y2K type of any other problem and its solution to ensure continuity in Air transport operation

Modernization Programme 1. Computerization through National Informatics Centre (NIC) with LAN facilities 2. Introduction of “ Office Procedure Automation” to manage office documents with support of ORACLE RDBMS 3. E-mail and internet facility to access international data bases of various Organizations

-continued 4. Receipts and dispatches has been computerized for easy retrieval of information 5. Scanning of bilateral air services agreements 6. A monitoring committee for watching computerization by heads of PSUs

Administration and Grievances Redressal To ensure punctuality, discipline, cleanliness etc. periodical and surprise checks are made for ensuring payment of pension, retirement benefits with the aid of special grievance cell of Ministry for speedy disposal of complaints. To have citizen friendly administration information service is provided for the queries relating to Civil Aviation

Welfare of Minorities As per Govt. programme for providing employment opportunities for minorities as in Railways, Nationalized Banks and public sector Enterprise, proper representation is to be given.

Special Programme/Schemes i) Vigilance of activities under public sector undertakings under its administrative control ii) Speedy disposal of anti corruption cases by programme iii) Appointment of Chief vigilance officer iv) Schemes to implement appointment of SC/ST candidates from time to time as per Govt. orders( by A cell) v) Implementation of orders relating to reservations for SC/ST in appointments / promotions

Womens’ Welfare As per National Commission for women a special cell headed by a Deputy Secretary as Nodal Officer is to look after women’s welfare in the Ministry, covering the family including males. The activity is monitored periodically. As per the guidelines of the Supreme Court a complaints Committee has been set to examine complaints related to harassment at work and to prepare guidelines to prevent such harassment

Environment Protection As per the guidelines of Ministry of Forests and Environment all the Organizations under this Ministry were given instructions to make every effort to protect the environment

Official Language As per the Official Language act of 1963, rules have been framed to implement the language policy under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary of Ministry. Decisions have been approved to progressively use Official Language Proper training to the officials in the form of Typing and shorthand is given

-continued Hindi workshop was organized to bring the awareness among officials to promote the official language. Training material was distributed to officials during participation. Prizes have been initiated to officials form the use and promotion of Hindi as official language

-continued An inspection was made of the Undertakings of Civil Aviation located at Chennai, Mumbai and Bangalore and remedial measures were suggested to accelerate the implementation of the language policy

DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION • This is an regulating organization in the country responsible for regulation of air transport services related to India and Coordinates with International Organization Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), headed by Director General of Civil Aviation with headquarters at New Delhi

-continued It has the following Directorates 2. Directorate of Regulation and Information 3. Directorate of Air Transport 4. Directorate of Airworthiness 5. Directorate of Airworthiness (Training) 6. Directorate of Airworthiness (Examination) 7. Directorate of Air safety

-continued 7.Directorate of Training and Licensing 8.Directorate of Aerodrome Standards 9. Directorate of Flying Training 10.Directorate of Flight Inspection 11.Directorate of Research and Development 12.Directorate of Administration

Functions 1.Regulation of air transport services related to India 2.Registration of Civil Aircraft in India 3. Formulation of standards related to airworthiness and grant of certificates 4.Licencing of pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers and flight engineers

-continued 5.Licensing of aerodromes in India 6. Investigations into air accidents 7. Implementation of bilateral air services agreements with foreign countries 8. Rendering services related to air transport

-continued 9.Processing of aviation legislation 10.Supervising training activities of Flying / Gliding clubs 11. Development of light aircraft, gliders and winches 12. Type certification of aircraft

Air transport As on 31-12-98, 56 airlines were operating scheduled air services to/ through India and 30 airlines operating scheduled services over flying Indian territory As per guidelines issued for tourist charters, 487 flights were allowed operation during 98, bringing 60,109 foreign tourists 40 companies were operating nonscheduled/ air taxi operation permits

-continued Following private operators are permitted to operate scheduled air transport services b) Archana Airways c) Jet airways d) Sahara Indian Airlines In 1998,41338 flights were operated by domestic private scheduled operators carrying 33,57,088 passengers

Airworthiness a) 1083 aircrafts of all types were registered during 1998 and 469 numbers held current certification of airworthiness b) A total of 8585 licenses were issued under different categories in 1998-99 c) 568 approved for manufacture, maintenance, testing, storage of aircraft components

-continued a) Mandatory installation Airborne Collision Avoidance System for aircrafts of more than 30 seating capacity, is made effective from01-011999 e) Central Examination Organization (CEO) conducts, examinations for pilots and engineers. Four exams are conducted for pilots to pass DGCA license examination CEO tests the knowledge of candidates in aviation related fields by DGCA staff including Boeing 737-500

Air safety a) The Air safety Directorate is responsible for accidents / incidents and birds strike prevention programme by issuing safety related circulars, auditing safety aspects, follow up actions b) In 1988-89, 3 accidents were reported resulting in 12 causalities c) Report on wild air collision of Saudi Airlines 13745 AND Kazak IL 76 aircrafts near Delhi was made public and accepted by Govt.

Air crew Training and Licensing a) Training is provided by various Flying/ Gliding clubs and Institutions b) Two Swathi aircrafts are procured from BHEL were allotted to Flying Clubs at Amrutsar and Thiruvananthapuram and with this the number of such aircrafts are 16 with flying clubs c) During 1988-89 , 15 aerodrome licenses were issued and few are under progress

Research & Development and Design & Development This is in progress regarding 1) test report of HANSA 3 2)Certification of ALH 3) Re-engining of Pushpak aircraft 4) production of Swathi aircraft

-continued 5) Construction of prototype of Ardhra glider in progress 6) Indigenous development of air craft materials like furnishing materials , Nylon ropes, glue, seat belts, rubber seats etc were tested and calibrated-torque wrenches, spring balance etc. for various airlines and flying clubs 7) two firms were given licenses for manufacture aircraft quality electrical wires and cables

-continued 8) Manufacture of ZI-500 cleaning compound was given to a firm in Bangalore 9) Standly Magnetic Compass manufactured by India Navigations company (private) Ltd. Is in progress 10) M/s Vandana carpets was given approval for supply of aircraft quality carpets for civil aircraft

Failure Investigations 1. Lab investigations of failed parts of Air India B-747-200 VT-EFV 2. Lab investigations AI-141 aircraft accident at Frankfurt 3. Investigations of two separate in-flight shot down of air crafts of Air India B 747200 completed and reports issued

-continued 4.Lab investigations on failed piston head of Cessina aircraft VT-ENI submitted 5. Lab investigations of failed nose landing gear assembly of M/s Coats Viyella’s B200 aircraft VT-ERA, accident at Bangalore 6. Lab investigations report on failed HPT blades of B-737 aircraft VT-EDS of Blue Dart Aviation issued

Fuels 1. 150 samples of aviation fuel tested for specification rests 2. Correlation of HPL and BPL at different locations for fuel specifications 3. Fuel specifications tests for accident aircraft at Cochin for IA DO 228

Administration All orders, notifications are issued bilingually regarding Airworthiness Requirements, circulars, maintenance Engineers, issue of pilot’s licenses and accident reports are also done bilingually Hindi workshops for employees, cash awards for officials etc and observance of Hindi day etc to promote the language

Audit During 1998-99, 69 Audit objections were received and 14 settled, out of previous 42 cases,11 settled and efforts are in progress for pending cases Women’s Welfare Women’s cell was constituted in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation for women’s welfare headed by Senior Lady employee as convener to monitor the progress periodically one person cell commission appointed to deal with harassment cases of Women

Bureau of Civil Aviation Security BCAS is responsible for standardizing preembarkation security and anti- sabotage measures in respect of civil flights in India and its enforcement at different levels is monitored by a team of Officers from time to time

-continued it has head quarters at New Delhi and headed by an officer of DGP as Commissioner of Security, Civil Aviation. It has four offices located at Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai and Chennai under Dy. Commissioner of Security ( Civil Aviation)

BOMB DETECTION AND DISPOSAL SQUAD/ DOG SQUADS The bureau has established four Bomb Detection and Disposal Squads equipped with sophisticated equipment at four IA at Metros to detect explosives/ materials at the airports. Staff with full training are capable of handling bomb threats. This squad works in collaboration with state Govt. Administration in Defusing explosives

-continued BDDS at Delhi was installed in 1996 to enhance the Real Time Viewing System Four Bomb suits were procured for the BDDS in April 1996 to achieve the standards comparable to best in the world

Electronic Detection Devices The Bureau has provided X-ray Baggage Inspection System (X-BIS) at 12 places for pre embarkation and all airports are provided with Hand Held Metal Detectors (HHMD)

Contingency Plan This is to deal with emergencies arising out of hijacking and other threats to Civil Aviation. Control rooms are provided at all airports that will get alert due to situation like unlawful seizure of airport etc. security Commissioner (Civil Aviation) is its conveyer of the central committee. Aerodrome Committee deals with such situations at the airports. Central Committee with Aerodrome Committee issues guidelines for handling crisis situations.

Dummy Checks and Security Checks of Airports 4442 dummy checks were conducted at 71 airports by State Police Officers and BCAS officers at various airports during 1998-99

Security Checks of Scheduled/ Non Scheduled Air carriers 12 security programmes filed by applicants for scheduled and non scheduled operations including foreign airlines were scrutinized and approved for operation. DG of Civil aviation squad Practice prior security of airports.

Photo Identification Cards (PIC) Bureau issue ID cards to officers and staff under its Perview. The whole process is computerized since 1998 at regional offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai airports. BCAS has prepared a National Aviation Secularity Programme as per ICAO recommendations

Training Programme All staff and security are given training using latest audio visual training aids (New Delhi) with demonstrations of airport security. Aviation Security programme were done at all State Police and Airlines

-continued Training Institutions / Academies trained at different airports of the country comprising 7549 persons. At new Delhi BBDS trains Bomb detection and disposal courses. others:1. Additional Commissioner of Security Civil Aviation deals with grievances of staff/ officers and attends to their problems. 2.All the instructions issued by the Govt. to maintain vehicles properly is followed

-continued Women’s welfare is looked after by providing amenities properly for women employees.

Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Academy This was setup to improve standards of flying and ground training of commercial pilots of the country that is equipped up to date ground training facilities with qualified staff. This academy has excellent infrastructure like furnished hostel and staff quarters and is a premier institution of its kind in South Asia

-continued It aims at training of contemporary international standards like training of pilots for different kinds of aircrafts, Instruments Rating Course and Training on Simulator, Standardization of Training Materials and Renewal tests for renewal of License.

-continued This is an autonomous body under Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India and has secretary as Chairman Its main activities is pilot training and licensing. It imparts basic ground training for 20-24 weeks and prepares pilots for adoption of fast developing needs of aviation industry. Methods of audio visual training materials are used.

-continued the academy imparts training with modern simulator and provides training with eight different types of aircrafts with visual systems. It also trains commercial pilots. It is adopting effective method of pollution control by properly maintenance procedures, burning solid waste, afforestation programme, plants with efficient sewage treatment to minimize pollution of water sources.

Instructions to Students Please up date and add additional information to this from internet Web site: airport authority of India The End Thank you

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