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God’s Standard—Summary 1.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

L ake No r ma n c hu rch o f C hr ist


Our heart (emotions) is deceitful and cannot be trusted as God’s authority. Our conscience is developed by our culture, if the culture is wrong on some point then our conscience will likewise be wrong. Though traditions may be often right, they are yet sometimes wrong. Saul thought it was right to kill Christians because his religious leaders said so. Saul was confident that each time he killed another Christian it made God happy. Because it is believed by many or by few does not determine if it is right or wrong. A man claiming to be a prophet must be tested by the written commandments of God. Christians are under the new covenant of Christ, not the old covenant of Moses. However, God’s Word is reliable, and it will endure forever.

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Unreliable Authority—Summary 1.

Back to the Bible Phone: (704) 895-1155 Website:

The first step back to the Bible is back to the Bible’s authority. 2. The word “canon” is of Christian origin, from the Greek word κανών, kanō̇ n, which in turn is probably borrowed from the Hebrew word, ḳāneh, meaning a reed or measuring rod, hence, norm or rule. 3. The Bible is God’s yardstick, His pattern, His measuring ruler. 4. Man, left alone, cannot determine what is right or wrong. 5. Neither can man get directions from another man. 6. Something may seem clearly right to a man but be clearly wrong to God. 7. Man must make all things according to God’s pattern. 8. Inspiration literally means “God-breathed,” theopneuotos. Scripture comes out of God’s own breath. 9. Christianity must be restored by Bible authority or we labor in vain. 10. The words of Jesus are God’s foundation rock which gives us solid truth. 11. To build on anything else is to build upon sinking sand.

Authority God’s


GOD’S STANDARD Jer. 10:23 It is not in ______________ who walks to direct his own steps. Prov. 14:12 A way that _____________ but the end is the ________________. 1 Cor. 14:33 God is not the author of ____________________ but of peace. Heb. 8:5 See that you make all things according to the ___________________. 2 Tim. 3:16 All scripture is inspired of God (God-breathed) and is profitable for _____________, for _____________, for _____________, for _____________ in ______________. (see 2 Peter 1:20, 21; 2 Sam. 23:2) Matt. 7:24 Does my word is like a wise man who built upon ________________. Matt. 7:26 Does not my word, a foolish man who built upon ________________.


God Christ Scriptures

UNRELIABLE AUTHORITY FEELINGS (EMOTIONS): Jer. 17:9 The _____________ is deceitful… who can know it? TRADITIONS (HANDED DOWN): Matt. 15:3 Why transgress command of God by your ______________? CHURCH PRACTICE Acts 9:14 Authority from ______________ to bind all that call. MULTITUDES (BIGGEST CROWD): Matt. 7:13, 14 __________ there be that go in, ___________ there be that find it. MODERN PROPHETS: 1 John 4:1 Many ___________ prophets are gone out into the world. OLD COVENANT (O.T. LAW):

it, from _____________ or of ___________?

all and __________ you all.

John 12:48 The word that I have spoken,

Matt. 28:18 All _____________ is given me in heaven

the will _________________ him.

and in _________________.

Acts 17:11 Searched scriptures daily

John 16:13 When the Spirit of Truth is come, He will

whether things were _____________.

guide you into ____________ ________________.

1 John 4:6 Hereby know we the Spirit of

Matt. 16:19, 18:18 Whatever ye shall ____________

Truth & the Spirit of ________________.

on earth shall have been bound

Rev. 22:18,19 If any man shall _________,

(perfect tense)

in Heaven.

Eph. 3:4 When you _____________ you may under-

God shall add unto him the ______________.

stand my knowledge in the mystery.

If any man shall ____________, God shall

1 Cor. 14:37 The things I ______________ unto you


are the commandments of the Lord. 2 Pet. 3:15,16 Paul, according to the wisdom given him, has written… but unstable people twist his words as they do the rest of the __________________. 1.


_____________ _______________.

you do these things & who gave you?

Eph. 4:6 Who is______________ all and ___________

Is there anything man can trust to be reli1 Peter 1:25 The Word of the Lord

Matt. 21:23 By what _____________ do Matt. 21:25 Baptism of John, whence was

to the _______________. able 100 percent of the time?



2. 3. 4. 5.

Col. 2:14 Took it out of the way nailing it

Holy Spirit

7. 8.


Since God made us, He has the right to say what we should and what we should not do. God has given Christ all authority in Heaven and in Earth. Christ sent the Holy Spirit to guide His Apostles to all truth. The Apostles wrote the New Testament by the H.S. The New Testament scriptures are the binding authority of God. (N.T. is scripture 1 Tim. 5:18; 2 Thess. 2:14, 15) This was God’s plan of authority—a written document, the most accurate kind. I am respecting God’s authority when I am respecting the authority of scriptures. The Spirit of Truth guided the Apostles into all truth to write the Word of Truth.


We must ask ourselves by what authority we do all that we do in religion. 2. Next we must ask who gave us this authority— Heaven or men? 3. Just because you are right by a religion’s standard does not mean that you are right by God’s standard (the Bible) which shall be the standard to judge man in the last day. 4. If a thing is taught in scripture, it is so. If not, it is not so. 5. We know God’s truth from man’s err by what the Apostles wrote. 6. If we do, teach, or believe more than in the Bible we are adding to the Bible. 7. If we do, teach, or believe less than is in the Bible we are taking away from the Bible. 8. Anything shorter is too short, anything longer is too long. (see also Galatians 1:6-9) 9. We must measure everything about Christianity by God’s yardstick. 10. The words of Jesus are God’s foundation rock upon which to build.

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