Air Purifier - Pcamt1736a.pdf

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MCK55TVM6 Humidifying type





About the dust collection and deodorising capacity of air purifiers:

Not all harmful substances in cigarette smoke (carbon monoxide, etc.) can be     removed. Not all odour components that emanate continuously (building material odours and pet odours, etc.) can be removed.

This product is not a medical device, medical treatment device or a therapeutic good. This product is not intended to have any therapeutic use or to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, relief or prevention of illness. If you have a health concern or are not feeling well, please consult a health care professional.

New concept New forconcept an air purifier for anin aira purifier slim tower in a design. slim tower design.

ModelModel debutdebut in a compact in a compact and and stylish stylish design! design!

MCK55TVM6 MCK55TVM6 MC55UVM6 MC55UVM6 MC40UVM6 MC40UVM6 Dust collection Dust collection DeodorisationDeodorisation Dust collection Dust Deodorisation collection Deodorisation Dust collection Dust Deodorisation collection Deodorisat Humidification Humidification

Capacity in turbo operation Capacity mode in turbo operation mode Capacity in turbo operation Capacity mode in turbo operation Capacity mode in turbo operation Capacity mode in turbo operation m

Air purification Air purification Humidifying Humidifying capacity* 2 capacity* 2Air purification Air purification Air purification Air purification Humidification + Humidification + Air purification only Air purification only air purification air purification Airflow



m3/min. AirflowAirflow

m3/min. m3/min.Airflow






Air purification only Air purification only Air purification only Air purification only mL/h



m3/min. Airflow





m3/min. Airflow



Applicable room area Applicable room area Applicable room area Applicable room area Applicable room area Applicable room area ∼41m2 *1 ∼41m2 *1 ∼41m2 *1 ∼31m2 *1 ∼31m2 *1 ∼41m2 *1 Applicable room area Applicable room area 2 22 2  Wooden Prefab:∼23m Prefab:∼23m : ∼14m Wooden : ∼14m Approximate roomApproximate cleaning time room cleaning time Approximate roomApproximate cleaning time room cleaning Approximate time roomApproximate cleaning time room cleaning ti 13.2m2/11min. 13.2m2/11min. 13.2m2/11min. 13.2m2/11min. 13.2m2/15min. 13.2m2/15min. Note: Note: method based by test on Japan methodElectrical based onManufacturers' Japan Electrical Association Manufacturers' Standard Association JEM1467. Standard JEM1467. *1 Calculated by test *1 Calculated Operation during turbo Operation modeduring has been turbo approximated. mode has been approximated. *2 Humidifying capacity *2 Humidifying by JEM1426 capacity (electric by JEM1426 humidifier)(electric with turbo humidifier) operation with at turbo temperature operation of 20℃ at temperature and humidity of 20℃ of 30%. and humidity of 30%.

With wireless With wireless remote controller remote controller



Double method Double method

With wireless With wireless remote controller remote controller


Double method Double method


Ideal forIdeal bedrooms for bedrooms and other and small other rooms. small rooms. The sophisticated The sophisticated appearance appearance fits in fits in perfectly perfectly with a room’s with a interior room’s interior design. design.

indexindex Daikin’ s unique Daikin’ Double s unique method Double method P.03


Three steps Three to decompose steps to decompose harmful substances harmful substances


The 3 C’ sThe of Streamer 3 C’ s of Streamer


P.05-06 P.05-06

P.07 New Stylish New and Stylish Compact and Design Compact Design


Powerful Suction Powerfuland Suction Reduced and ReducedP.08 OperationOperation Sound Sound


P.09 Featuring Featuring Electrostatic Electrostatic HEPA filter HEPA filter


P.10 Powerful Humidification Powerful Humidification to Protectto Protect against Airagainst Dryness Airand Dryness Viruses and Viruses


Convenience Convenience



Large Airflow Large Type Airflow Type



Specifications Specifications

P.13-14 P.13-14


P.15-16 P.15-16

Daikin’ s Streamer Daikin’ s Streamer Technology Technology P.17-18 P.17-18 Daikin’ s Active Daikin’Plasma s ActiveIon Plasma IonP.19-20 P.19-20 Technology Technology 02


Daikin’s unique Double method Outside

Active plasma ion flow out The plasma ion technology uses plasma discharge to release ions into the air, which combine with components of the air to form active species with strong oxidizing power like OH radical. They attach to the surface of fungi and allergens and decompose proteins in the air by oxidation.

*MCK55 and MC55 models only.

Mechanism of reduction by active plasma ions

Concentration: 25,000 ions/cm3


Note: *1 The number of ions per 1cm3 of air blown into the atmosphere measured near the air outlet during operation with maximum airflow. Test conditions: temperature 25°C, humidity 50%.

Daikin’s plasma ions have been proved safe. Safety concerning effect on skin, eyes, and respiratory organs Testing organization: Life Science Laboratories, Ltd. Name of test: repeated-dose toxicity test Test number: 12-II A2-0401

Image is for illustrative purposes



Streamer decomposes by suction Streamer, a type of plasma discharge, decomposes hazardous chemical substances. The decomposition power is comparable to thermal energy of about 100,000°C.*2

Mechanism of decomposition by Streamer Streamer emits high-speed electrons.

Electron generation area Excited nitrogen Excited oxygen

OH radical Oxygen radical

Note: *2 Comparison of oxidation decomposition. This does not mean temperature will become high.

Pollutants that can be collected and deodorised by filter


The electrons collide and combine with nitrogen and oxygen in the air to form four kinds of decomposing elements with decomposition power.

The decomposing elements provide decomposition power.

House dust

Pollen (cedar,etc.)

Yellow dust


City exhaust gas (trichloroethylene,etc.)


VOC-type chemical substances


Dog epidermis (dander)

Cat epidermis (dander)

Hamster epidermis (dander)

Pet hair


Garbage odour

Cooking odour

Cigarette smoke odour

Three steps to decompose harmful substances Powerful suction Takes in dust over a wide area from 3 directions.

Effective capture of pollutants Catches dust and pollutants effectively with an electrostatic HEPA filter.

Decomposition Uses Daikin’s Streamer technology to decompose harmful substances caught on the filter by oxidation. *1 Effect after nine hours in a space of about 200L. Note: *1 (Reduction of gases) Testing organization: Life Science Research Laboratory. Test method: After operating a gasoline engine for 10 minutes (when particulate concentration reached 60mg/m3), operated the air purifier for 80 minutes to absorb polluting dust emitted from the engine. Operated this air purifier for 24 hours in a closed space of 200L and measured the effect to decompose gases. Test result: Compared with a test without Streamer irradiation, gas components were reduced by 63% in 9 hours. Test number: LSRL-83023-702. Test unit: Tested with MCK70N (Japanese model).

Indoor air pollutants (formaldehyde, etc.)

Diesel exhaust particulates (DEP)

Floating viruses

Floating mould

Cockroaches (droppings)

House dust mites (droppings and dead mites)

Attached viruses

Attached bacteria

Wheat flour

Body odour

Pet odour

Mould odour

Pollutants that can be reduced

Attached odour


TheThe 3 C’s 3 C’s of Streamer of Streamer The Streamer The Streamer symbolsymbol consists consists of three ofC’s three C’s


Clash Clash


Clean Clean


Cycle Cycle

Unique Unique vertical vertical structure structure Humidifying Humidifying filter filter

(MCK55 model only) (MCK55 model only)

Double-layer filter Double-layer for filter for humidification humidification

Active plasma Activeion plasma io generation generation unit unit

(MCK55 and MC55(MCK55 models and only.) MC55 models only.)

No maintenance or exchange No maintenance needed or exchange need

No need to change No for need 10 seasons to change for 10 seasons

Arranged vertically

Arranged vertically

Deodorising Deodorising filter filter Absorbs odourAbsorbs odour

No need to change No need to change

Pre-filter Pre-filter

Catches large Catches particles large of particles of dust dust

Dust collection Dust collection filter filt

(Electrostatic(Electrostatic HEPA filter) HEPA filt

Catches fine particles Catches offine dustparticles of du Removes 99.97% ofRemoves fine 99.97% of fine particles of 0.3μm particles of 0.3μm

StreamerStreamer unit unit

No maintenance or exchange No maintenance neededor exchange need

No need to change No need to change

It may become necessary It may to become change necessary out itemsto that change usually outdoitems not require that usually replacing do not due require to environmental replacing due and to operational environmental conditions. and operational conditio

About the dustAbout collection the dust and collection deodorising and capacity deodorising of air capacity purifiers:of air purifiers:

Not all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed.    etc.) can be removed.    Not all odour components Not all odour thatcomponents emanate continuously that emanate (building continuously material (building odours material and pet odours, odours and etc.)pet canodours, be removed. etc.) can be removed.


This product is not This a product medical is device, not a medical device, treatment medical devicetreatment or a therapeutic device or good. a therapeutic good. This product is not This intended productto is have not intended any therapeutic to have any use therapeutic or to be used use fororthe to diagnosis, be used fortreatment, the diagnosis, relief treatment, or prevention relief of or illness. prevention of illness. If you have a health If you concern have aor health are not concern feelingorwell, are not please feeling consult well,aplease health consult care professional. a health care professional. 05

1 Clash 1 Clash

ecomposes Decomposes harmful substances harmful substances n the dust oncollection the dust collection filter by oxidation! filter by oxidation! Gaseous chemical Gaseous chemical

Harmful gaseous Harmful chemical gaseous chemical substance substance ubstances attach substances to the attach to the urface of floating surface substances of floating substances Particulate matter Particulate matter n the air. in the air.

Streamer irradiation

Streamer irradiation

(floating substance) (floating substance)

2 Cycle 2 Cycle


Absorb Decompose



he deodorising The deodorising filter absorbs filter absorbs nd decomposes and decomposes odour. odour.

e deodorising The capacity deodorising is maintained capacity because is maintained because adsorbing the capacity adsorbing regenerates. capacity regenerates.

Decompose Regenerate

Streamer irradiation Streamer irradiation Deodorising capacity Deodorising is capacity is maintained thanks maintained to thanks to regeneration. regeneration.

mparison with (Comparison conventional with Daikin conventional products.Daikin products. luation underEvaluation conditionsunder set byconditions Daikin).*2 set by Daikin).*2

The dust collection The dust collection filter catchesfilter the catches the floating substances floating substances with the attached with the attached harmful gases harmful and gases and Streamer Streamer decomposesdecomposes the the harmful gases harmful by gases by oxidation. *1 oxidation. *1


No need to No need to change change deodorising deodorising filters filters

3 Clean 3 Clean

*4 emoves bacteria Removesfrom bacteria dust from collection dust collection filter *3, humidifying filter *3, humidifying filter *4, andfilter humidifying , and humidifying water.*5 water.*5

ust collection Dust filter collection filter

Humidifying Humidifying filter filter (MCK55 model only) (MCK55 model only)

acteria reduction Bacteria performance reduction performance 100



60 40 20 0

Bacteria (%)



100% 40 20 0

No operation

Removes Removes bacteria bacteria 100%

Humidifying water Humidifying water

Water wheel Water wheel Humidifying filter Humidifying filter(2 sheets) (2 sheets) Humidifying tray Humidifying tray



No Streamer operation air purifying Streamer air purifying operation operation

Streamer unitStreamer unit

Note: 1 duction of *gases) (Reduction Testingoforganization: gases) Testing Life organization: Science Research Life Science Laboratory. Research TestLaboratory. method: After Test operating method:aAfter gasoline operating engine a gasoline for 10 minutes engine(when for 10 minutes (when 3 ticulate concentration particulate reached concentration 60mg/mreached ), operated 60mg/m the 3air ), operated purifier forthe 80air minutes purifiertofor absorb 80 minutes polluting to absorb dust emitted polluting from dust theemitted engine.from Operated the engine. this Operated this purifier for 24air hours purifier in afor closed 24 hours space in of a closed 200L and space measured of 200Lthe andeffect measured to decompose the effectgases. to decompose Test result: gases. Compared Test result: with aCompared test without with Streamer a test without Streamer diation, gas components irradiation, gas were components reduced bywere 63%reduced in 9 hours. by 63% Test number: in 9 hours. LSRL-83023-702. Test number: LSRL-83023-702. Test unit: TestedTest withunit: MCK70N Tested(Japanese with MCK70N model). (Japanese model). 2 3 3 ced the air *purifier Placedand thean airodour purifier component, and an odour acetaldehyde, component,inacetaldehyde, a box of 21 min and a box operated of 21 mthe and air operated purifier. Examined the air purifier. increase Examined of concentration increase of concentration roduct (CO2)ofgenerated product (CO by 2decomposition ) generated byofdecomposition acetaldehydeof byacetaldehyde Streamer (evaluation by Streamer by Daikin). (evaluation by Daikin). unit: TestedTest withunit: MCK55S Tested(Japanese with MCK55S model), (Japanese a modelmodel), equivalent a model to MCK55T equivalent series. to MCK55T series. ing organization: *3 Testing Japan organization: Food Research Japan Food Laboratories. Research Test Laboratories. number: 15044988001-0201. Test number: 15044988001-0201. Test method: Attached Test method: a test piece Attached inoculated a test piece with inoculated with 3 3 teria liquid onbacteria the upstream liquid on side theofupstream a dust collection side of afilter dustinstalled collection in filter an airinstalled purifier,inand an operated air purifier, it in and a test operated area of it in 25amtest . Counted area of 25 themnumber . Counted the number ve bacteria after of live five bacteria hours. after Test object: five hours. A type Test ofobject: bacterium. A type Object of bacterium. part: DustObject collection part:filter. DustTest collection result:filter. Reduced Test result: by more Reduced than 99% by in more fivethan hours. 99% in five hours. t unit: TestedTest withunit: MCK55S Tested(Japanese with MCK55S model), (Japanese a modelmodel), equivalent a model to MCK55T equivalent series to MCK55T (turbo operation). series (turbo operation). moval of bacteria *4 (Removal from of humidifying bacteria from filter)humidifying Works on objects filter) Works caught onby objects the humidifying caught by filter. the humidifying Testing organization: filter. Testing Japan organization: Food Research Japan Food Research oratories. Test Laboratories. number: 15044989001-0101 Test number: 15044989001-0101 t method: Attached Test method: a test piece Attached inoculated a test piece with bacteria inoculated liquid withonbacteria the upstream liquid on side theofupstream a humidifying side of filter a humidifying installed in filter an airinstalled purifier,inand an operated air purifier, and operated 3 3 a test area of it in 25amtest . Counted area of 25 themnumber . Counted of live thebacteria numberafter of live five bacteria hours. after Object five part: hours. Humidifying Object part: filter. Humidifying Test result:filter. Reduced Test result: by more Reduced than by more than % in five hours. 99% Test in unit: five hours. TestedTest withunit: MCK55S Tested(Japanese with MCK55S model), (Japanese a modelmodel), equivalent a model to MCK55T equivalent series to MCK55T (turbo operation). series (turbo operation). 5 duction of *bacteria (Reduction in humidifying of bacteriatray) in humidifying Testing organization: tray) Testing Japan organization: Food Research Japan Food Laboratories. Research Test Laboratories. number: 15044985004-0101. Test number: 15044985004-0101. t method: Performance Test method: evaluation Performance test by evaluation voluntarytest standard by voluntary of Japan standard Electrical of Japan Manufacturers' ElectricalAssociation Manufacturers' (HD-133). Association Test object: (HD-133). Moulds Testand object: Moulds and teria in humidifying bacteriawater. in humidifying Test result: water. Reduced Test result: by more Reduced than 99% by in more 24 hours. than 99% Testinunit: 24 hours. TestedTest withunit: MCK55S Tested(Japanese with MCK55S model), (Japanese a modelmodel), a model ivalent to MCK55T equivalent series to MCK55T (turbo operation). series (turbo operation).

s product canThis be used product to improve can be used the quality to improve of thethe airquality by removing of the air airborne by removing hazardous airborne chemical hazardous substances, chemical allergens, substances, mould, allergens, bacteria,mould, and bacteria, and ses, etc. However, viruses,this etc. product However, is not this intended productfor is not the intended creation of forsterile the creation environments of sterile orenvironments for the prevention or forpathogen the prevention infections. pathogen infections.

s description This relates description to the Streamer relates to Technology the Streamer devised Technology by Daikin, devised but not bytoDaikin, this Airbut Purifier. not to Test this Air results Purifier. fromTest useresults of the Streamer from use of Technology the Streamer Technology generated according are generated to prescribed according test tomethods prescribed conducted test methods by Daikin. conducted Although by Daikin. the Streamer Although Technology the Streamer is contained Technology within is contained this Air Purifier, within this this Air Purifier, this s not mean that doesprecisely not mean thethat same precisely resultsthe willsame be experienced results will be using experienced this Air Purifier. using Actual this Airresults Purifier. may Actual differ results depending may differ on the depending conditionsonofthe conditions of duct installation product and use installation of the actual and use product, of theetc. actual product, etc. 06


New Stylish and Compact Design Flexible choice of where to place the unit

New model

Fits in neatly because the unit is 700 mm high, roughly the height of common desks.



700 mm

500 mm Area



730cm 270mm



MCK55 model


270 mm


270 mm

MC55 / 40 models

Only 27cm width & depth


Powerful Suction and Reduced Operation Sound Compact, effective and quiet thanks to the new, innovative structure MC55 / 40 models

Arranged vertically

Common design


Deodorising filter Dust collection filter

Deodorising filter

Arranged horizontally

Dust collection filter (Electrostatic HEPA filter) Pre-filter

Powerful suction in 3 directions Effectively takes in dust over a wide area

MCK55 model

Common design

Takes in large amounts of air

Attraction occurs

Air above the air inlet is attracted into the faster airflow from the air outlet.

Takes in large amounts of air because the air inlet is located apart from the air outlet and the airflow from the outlet is soft.

Operation sound sensed by people is reduced (Comparison with conventional Daikin products. In turbo operation)

The key is the sound of airflow from the air outlet Daikin succeeded in reducing the operation sound sensed by people by adopting a wide air outlet and positioning the fan below the filters for soundproofing effect.

The fan is positioned below Positioned farthest from people’s ears. The filters also provide a soundproofing effect, so the operation sound is not disturbing.


Featuring Featuring Electrostatic Electrostatic HEPA HEPA filterfilter Features Features high-performance high-performance filter tofilter catch tofine catch particles fine particles of dustof dust Removes Removes 99.97% 99.97% of of 1 fine particles fine particles of 0.3μm of*0.3μm *1 Note: Note: *1This is removal*1performance This is removal of filter performance and not removal of filter and not removal performance forperformance entire room. for entire room.

The filter collects Thedust filterefficiently collects dust efficiently with electrostatic withforces. electrostatic forces. Therefore, a larger Therefore, a larger It is not prone It toisclogging not prone compared to clogging compared amount of air can amount of air can with unelectrified withHEPA unelectrified filters which HEPA filters which pass through the pass filter. through the filter. collect particles collect only by particles the fineness only by the fineness of the mesh. of the mesh.

The filter The can filter purifycan a purify a larger amount largerofamount air! of air!

Comparison Comparison between Electrostatic between Electrostatic HEPA Filter HEPA andFilter Non-electrostatic and Non-electrostatic Filter Filter Electrostatic Electrostatic HEPA Filter HEPA Filter

Non-Electrostatic Non-Electrostatic Filter Filter

Filter fiber itselfFilter is charged fiber itself is charged with static electricity, with static andelectricity, and collects particles collects efficiently. particles efficiently. Doesn’t clog easily Doesn’t because clog easily because of low pressure of loss. low pressure loss. Electrostatically Electrostatically charged charged

Because it catches Because particles it catches particle relying only onrelying mesh size, only on mesh size, it is necessaryittoismake necessary to make mesh finer, making meshitfiner, easymaking to it easy be clogged. be clogged.

Electrostatically Electrostatically neutral neutral

Low pressure Low pressure loss loss

High pressure High pressure loss loss

About the dustAbout collection the dust and collection deodorising and capacity deodorising of air capacity purifiers:of air purifiers:

Not all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed.    etc.) can be removed.    Not all odour components Not all odour thatcomponents emanate continuously that emanate (building continuously material (building odours material and pet odours, odours and etc.)pet canodours, be removed. etc.) can be removed.


This product is not This a product medical is device, not a medical device, treatment medical devicetreatment or a therapeutic device or good. a therapeutic good. This product is not This intended productto is have not intended any therapeutic to have any use therapeutic or to be used use fororthe to diagnosis, be used fortreatment, the diagnosis, relief treatment, or prevention relief of or illness. prevention of illness. If you have a health If you concern have aor health are not concern feelingorwell, are not please feeling consult well,aplease health consult care professional. a health care professional. 09

owerful Powerful Humidification Humidification to Protect to Protect against Air Dryness and Viruses gainst Air Dryness and Viruses

*MCK55 model *MCK55 only. model only.

BenefitBenefit of Humidification of Humidification Protects the skin, Protects the throat the skin, and the throat and the nostril fromthe dryness. nostril from dryness.

Protects against Protects virusesagainst by viruses by maintaining appropriate maintaining appropriate humidity of thehumidity room. of the room.

the target humidityIndicates Indicates humidity of Select Select the target humidity humidity of 3 levels the room from 3from levels the room (The target humidity (The target is a rough humidity estimation.) is a rough estimation.)

Low Standard Low HighStandard High 40% 50% 40% 60% 50% 60%

Eliminates bacteria the humidifying Eliminates bacteria on the on humidifying filter filter *1


Effect after five hours Effect in after a test fivespace hoursofinabout a test25 space m3. of about 25 m3. This is an effect This in a test is anspace effectand in anot testaspace test result and not in an a actual test result operation in an actual space.operation space.

Reduces Reduces bacteria bacteria in humidifying in humidifying water by water Streamer by Streamer *2

The humidifyingThe tray humidifying needs regular traymaintenance needs regular (once maintenance in about a(once week). in about a week). This is not a verification This is not result a verification in an actual result operation in an actual environment. operation environment.

The humidifying The tray humidifying is irradiated tray with is irradiated Streamer with as well Streamer as the as well as the humidifying filter humidifying to reducefilter bacteria to reduce in thebacteria water. in the water. By keeping theBy water keeping and the its surroundings water and its clean, surroundings the air purifier clean, the air purifier provides cleanprovides air and humidity clean airtoand thehumidity room. to the room. Water wheel Water wheel


Humidifying water Humidifying water

Use tap water to Use fill the taptank, water and to replace fill the tank, with and freshreplace water every with fresh day. water every day. Using well water Using or water wellfrom water water or water purifiers from makes waterbacteria purifiers makes bacteria Humidifying filter Humidifying filter develop faster. develop faster.

(2 sheets) (2 sheets)

Features forFeatures clean humidification for clean humidification The humidifying The tray humidifying is equipped tray with is equipped a silver ion with agent a silver ion agent water wheel to keep the humidifying filter from A water wheel Asystem to keepsystem the humidifying filter from being directly soaked in water being directly soaked in water

Humidifying tray Humidifying tray

Streamer unitStreamer unit

e: Note: Removal of bacteria *1 (Removal from of humidifying bacteria from filter)humidifying Works on objects filter) Works caught onby objects the humidifying caught by filter. the humidifying filter. esting organization: Testing Japan organization: Food Research Japan Food Laboratories. Research Laboratories. est number: 15044989001-0101. Test number: 15044989001-0101. est method: Attached Test method: a test piece Attached inoculated a test piece with bacteria inoculated liquid withonbacteria the upstream liquid on side theofupstream a humidifying side of filter a humidifying installed in filter an airinstalled purifier,in an air purifier, 3 nd operated it in and a test operated spaceitofin25 a test m3. space Counted of 25 themnumber . Counted of live thebacteria numberafter of live five bacteria hours. after five hours. Object part: Humidifying Object part: filter. Humidifying filter. est result: Reduced Test result: by more Reduced than 99% by in more fivethan hours. 99% in five hours. est unit: TestedTest withunit: MCK55S Tested(Japanese with MCK55S model), (Japanese a modelmodel), equivalent a model to MCK55T equivalent series to MCK55T (turbo operation). series (turbo operation). 2 Reduction of *bacteria in humidifying Testing organization: Japan Food Research Laboratories. (Reduction of bacteriatray) in humidifying tray) Testing organization: Japan Food Research Laboratories. est number: 15044985004-0101. Test number: 15044985004-0101. est method: Performance evaluation test by voluntarytest standard of Japan Electrical Manufacturers' (HD-133). Test method: Performance evaluation by voluntary standard of Japan ElectricalAssociation Manufacturers' Association (HD-133). est object: Moulds bacteria in humidifying Testand object: Moulds and bacteriawater. in humidifying water. est result: Reduced by more than 99% 24 hours. Test result: Reduced by in more than 99% in 24 hours. est unit: TestedTest withunit: MCK55S model), a modelmodel), equivalent to MCK55T series (turbo operation). Tested(Japanese with MCK55S (Japanese a model equivalent to MCK55T series (turbo operation). 10


Convenience “Triple detection” sensor to quickly detect PM2.5

Equipped with a high sensitivity dust sensor that distinguishes small particles such as PM2.5 and larger particles of dust and reacts accordingly. Along with the odour sensor, “triple detection” of dust, PM2.5 and odour is provided. (MCK55 model ) Odour (concentration)

House dust (large particle)

House dust (small particle) (2.5μm or smaller)

(MC55 / 40 models )

House dust (large particle)

Odour (concentration)

Entry of new particles from outdoors, for example by ventilation, is not considered. “PM2.5” refers to general fine particulate matters sized 2.5μm or smaller. This air purifier has not been proved to remove very fine particles of less than 0.1μm. This product does not remove all harmful substances in the air. The test results are effects in a closed space of 32m 3 and not in an actual operation space. Test unit: Tested with MCK55S (Japanese model), a model equivalent to MCK55T series. Note: *1 Test method: Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standard JEM1467. Criterion: Remove 99% of fine particulate matters of 0.1 to 2.5μm in a closed space of 32m3 within 90 minutes. (Converted to a value in a test space of 32m3)

House dust (small particle) (2.5μm or smaller)

Choose from the various operation modes

Removes 99% of particles between 0.1μm and 2.5μm* 1 in size

Auto Fan mode Econo mode

for energy saving (MCK55 model )

Anti-pollen mode Moist mode (MCK55 model only) Humidity is automatically adjusted to be gentle on the skin and throat. (MC55 / 40 models )

Other useful features Filter cleaning without opening the panel

Just vacuum with a cleaner. No need to open the panel to clean the filter.

Equipped with a remote controller Convenient for operation from a distant position.

MCK55 model

Easy-to-detach water tank

Equipped with roll-away casters

The water tank is conveniently placed in a high position for easy detaching. The compact size of the tank makes it easy to replenish water in a sink or a wash basin.

Easy to move to clean the floor.

(MCK55 model only )

Easy water replenishment in a wash basin

19cm 11

MC55 model

(MCK55 model only )

E cle asy ani ng ♪

Large Airflow Type

Standard model with powerful air purification Dust collection


Air purification Airflow


With wireless remote controller


Applicable room area : ∼46m * 2


Approximate room cleaning time : 13.2m 2/10min.

● This model has no humidifying function. ● Capacity during turbo mode.


Powerful suction with large airflow of 7.0m3/min. Large airflow of 7.0m3/min. quickly draws in air from three directions to rapidly clean the air in the room.

Quiet operation even in turbo mode

Powerful suction in 3 directions

48dB during turbo operation

Image is for illustrative purposes.

Plasma ionizer

Mould, mites (droppings and dead mites), pollen, and other allergens get positively charged

An electrostatic dust collection system uses electrical charges to effectively catch dust. It features long-lasting dust collection capacity.

Pleated filter

Caught by the negatively-charged filter


Front(white): Dust collection filter Rear(blue): Titanium apatite deodorising filter

Deodorising filter

+ Polluted air


+ +

+ + +


+− +− +− − + +−

Clean air

Electrostatic dust collection system effectively catches dust

Pollen, allergens, etc.

No need to buy additional pleated filter for 10 years Five filters sheets are included as standard equipment. (1 sheet installed. 4 sheets for replacement.)

Easy filter changing *2

Just remove the filter and install a new one (about every two years)

Replacement filters

Replacement filters are stored in the unit.

Note: *1 Calculated by test method based on Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standard JEM1467. Operation during turbo mode has been approximated. *2 Verified by test method based on Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standard JEM1467. The standard assumes five or more cigarettes are smoked per day. Not all harmful substances in cigarette smoke (carbon monoxide, etc.) can be removed. More frequent filter changing may be needed depending on operating conditions.


Specifications Specifications NEW


Humidifying type Humidifying type




Withwireless remote controller

Withwireless remote controller



With wireless remote controller

With wireless remote controller

MCK55TVM6 MCK55TVM6 Colour







Air purifying operation operation Humidifying operation Air purifying operation Air purifying operation Air purifying operation Humidifying

---------41 41 Applicable Applicable Air purification Air purification 2 2 (13.2m purified in approx. (13.2m 11 min.) purified in approx. 11 min.) room area*1 room area*1 2 2 m m Air purification Air purification Prefab : 23 41 41 + Humidification+ Humidification Wooden : 14 Power supply

Power supply



Airflow rate

Airflow rate

---------41 41 31 31 2 2 2 (13.2m2 purified in approx. (13.2m 11 min.) purified(13.2m in approx. purified 11 min.) in approx. (13.2m 15 min.) purified in approx. 15 m

Prefab : 23 ---------Wooden : 14



1 Phase, 220–240/220–230V, 50/60Hz 1 Phase, 220–240/220–230V, 50/60Hz

Quiet LowQuiet Quiet Low Standard Quiet Turbo LowQuiet StandardLow Turbo Standard Turbo StandardLow Turbo Standard Quiet Turbo LowQuiet StandardLow Turbo Standard Quiet Turbo Low Standard Tu m 3/min. 0.9

Power consumption Power consumption W


2.0 m 3/min.3.20.9 5.52.0 1.73.2 2.45.5 3.21.7 5.52.4 1.13.2 2.05.5 3.21.1 5.52.0 1.13.2 1.85.5 2.81.1 4.01.8



10 W 17 7 56 10 11 17 14 56 19 11 58 14 8 19 10 58 15 8 37 10 7 15 9 37 13 7 23 9



Sound pressureSound level pressure level dB


29dB 39 19 53 29 25 39 33 53 39 25 53 33 19 39 29 53 39 19 53 29 19 39 27 53 36 19 49 27





----mL/h---------- ---------- 200----- 240----- 300200500240 -----300 -----500 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------







mL/h mm kg

mm with caster) X W270 X D270X W270 X D270 H700(718 with caster) H700(718 kg

9.5 (Without water) 9.5 (Without water)

Dust collection filter Dust collection filter Humidifying method Humidifying method

Dust collection Replacement Optional Replacement filter accessories Deodorising filter

Optional accessories


H500 X W270 XH500 D270X W270 X D270 6.8

Electrostatic HEPA Electrostatic filter HEPA filter Evaporation Evaporation type Element type Element About 2.7L

Tank capacity Tank capacity

About 2.7L







Dust collection

(1 sheet) KAFP080B4E (1KAFP080B4E sheet) 3 (Purchase of new filters is needed after about 10 years)*3 (Purchase of new filters is needed after about 10 years)*










Note: Note: on testingbased method onof testing the Japan method Electrical of the Japan Manufacturers Electrical,Association Manufacturers standard ,Association JEM1467. standard JEM1467. *1 Calculation based *1 Calculation 2 * Humidification*2amount Humidification changesamount in accordance changeswith in accordance indoor and outdoor with indoor temperature and outdoor andtemperature humidity. and humidity. Measurement condition: Measurement 20°C in condition: temperature, 20°C 30% in temperature, in humidity.(JEM1426) 30% in humidity.(JEM1426) *3 Verified by test*3method Verifiedbased by teston method Japanbased Electrical on Japan Manufacturers' ElectricalAssociation Manufacturers' Standard Association JEM1467. Standard JEM1467. The standard assumes The standard five or assumes more cigarettes five or more are smoked cigarettes per are day.smoked per day. Not all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed. etc.) can be removed. More frequent filter More changing frequentmay filterbe changing needed may depending be needed on operating depending conditions. on operating conditions.




With wireless remote controller

With wireless remote controller








Air purifying operation Air purifying operation

46 46 Applicable pplicable Air purification Air purification 2 in approx. purified 10 minutes) in approx. 10 minutes) (13.2m 2 purified(13.2m room area*1 om area*1 2 2 m m Air purification Air purification ------------------+ Humidification+ Humidification

ower supply

Power supply



rflow rate

Airflow rate

1 phase 220-2401 /phase 220-230 220-240 V (50/60 / 220-230 Hz) V (50/60 Hz) Quiet m /min. 3

0.91 m /min. 2.2 0.91 3.5

ower consumption Power consumption W


ound pressureSound level pressure level dB






mL/h mm kg


ust collection filter Dust collection filter

Low Quiet Standard Turbo High Low High Standard W 10


dB 24



2.2 4.8

3.5 7.0


















mm H576 X W403 XH576 D241 X W403 X D241 kg



Pleated filter (+ Electric Pleated dust filter collection) (+ Electric dust collection)

umidifying method Humidifying method



ank capacity Tank capacity



ptional cessories

Dust collection

Replacement Optional Replacement filter accessories Deodorising filter





KAC017A4E (5 sheets) KAC017A4E (5 sheets) (Purchase of new (Purchase filters is needed of newafter filters about is needed 10 years)* after2 about 10 years)*2 Dust collection (apporox. 2 years (apporox. / sheet X2 5years sheets / sheet = 10 Xyears) 5 sheets = 10 years) 5 sheets are included 5 sheets as standard are included equipment. as standard equipment. Deodorising






e: Note: alculation based *1 Calculation on testingbased method onof testing the Japan method Electrical of the Japan Manufacturers Electrical,Association Manufacturers standard ,Association JEM1467. standard JEM1467. erified by test*2method Verifiedbased by teston method Japanbased Electrical on Japan Manufacturers' ElectricalAssociation Manufacturers' Standard Association JEM1467. Standard JEM1467. he standard assumes The standard five or assumes more cigarettes five or more are smoked cigarettes per are day.smoked per day. ot all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed. etc.) can be removed. More frequent filter More exchange frequentmay filterbe exchange needed may depending be needed on operating depending conditions on operating conditions

bout the dustAbout collection the dust and collection deodorising and capacity deodorising of air capacity purifiers:of air purifiers:

Not all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed.    etc.) can be removed.    Not all odour components Not all odour thatcomponents emanate continuously that emanate (building continuously material (building odours material and pet odours, odours and etc.)pet canodours, be removed. etc.) can be removed.

his product is not a product medical is device, treatment devicetreatment or a therapeutic good. This not a medical device, medical device or a therapeutic good. his product is not intended any therapeutic use therapeutic or to be used fororthe relief treatment, or prevention of or illness. This productto is have not intended to have any use to diagnosis, be used fortreatment, the diagnosis, relief prevention of illness. you have a health concern are not feelingorwell, please consult health consult care professional. If you have aor health concern are not feeling well,aplease a health care professional.



Functions NEW NEW












Temperature and humidity sensors





Dust (PM2.5/dust) and odour sensor lamps


Dust and odour sensor lamps


Streamer discharge


Active plasma ion


Electrostatic HEPA filter


Electric dust collection





Pleated dust collection filter





Titanium apatite deodorising filter





Deodorising filter


Moist mode




Econo mode


Auto fan mode


Anti-pollen mode


Sleep mode


Turbo mode


Off timer


Child proof lock


Brightness adjustment


Auto-restart after power failure


Stabilizer free














1 Temperature and humidity sensors Humidity is detected and shown by an easy-to-understand indicator.

2 Dust (PM2.5/dust) and odour sensor lamps “Triple detection” is performed by a dust sensor (which distinguishes small particles, such as PM2.5 and larger particles of dust, and reacts accordingly) and an odour sensor.

3 Dust and odour sensor lamps

Dust and odours are detected and shown in 3 easy-to-understand colours to indicate the level.

4 Streamer Discharge

This function quickly decomposes odours and allergens, etc., with high speed electrons that have a powerful ability to oxidize.

12 Econo mode

Operation automatically switches only between “Quiet” and “Low” modes in accordance with the degree of polluted air.

13 Auto fan mode

The air purifier is run, without wasteful operation, only in accordance with the level of pollutants in the air, which is detected by the sensor.

14 Anti-Pollen Mode

Switching between “standard” and “low” modes to create a gentle turbulence, pollen is caught before it lands on the floor.

15 Sleep mode

Operation automatically switches only between “Quiet” and “Low” modes in accordance with how polluted the air is. This is recommended for times such as when sleeping.

5 Active plasma ion

16 Turbo mode

6 Electrostatic HEPA filter

17 Off timer

The active plasma ion technology decomposes odours and allergens in the air by plasma ions with strong oxidizing power.

There is a high-performance filter that catches 99.97% of 0.3μm fine particles.

This convenient mode provides high-power operation to quickly clean the air in a room when, for example, you come home or when you have guests over.

Operation stop time can be set.

7 Electric dust collection

18 Child proof lock

8 Pleated dust collection filter

19 Brightness adjustment

Dust and pollen are collected by charging them positively and using the electrostatic dust collection filter charged negatively.

Very economical, the air purifier comes standard with 5 replacement filters. You will not have to buy filters for 10 years (1 filter can be used for 2 years).

9 Titanium apatite deodorising filter Odours and allergens are thoroughly adsorbed by the titanium apatite and then removed.

10 Deodorising filter

Odours are caught on the deodorising filter. Models excluding MC30 model utilize streamer to decompose these odours and adjuvants on the filter.

This can be used to prevent small children from mishandling the air purifier.

The brightness of the indicator panel lamp can be adjusted.

20 Auto-Restart after Power Failure

The air purifier memorises the settings for mode, airflow, etc., and automatically returns to them when power is restored after a power failure.

21 Stabilizer free

Stabilizer free operation protects the vital components of machine from power fluctuations. With this function installing stabilizer becomes needless (voltage range protection: 180∼264V). If power fluctuation is beyond the limit mentioned then a stabilizer is required.

11 Moist mode

Automatic control maintains relatively high humidity that is gentle to the throat and the skin.


Test results Test of Streamer results of devices Streamer devices

Daikin’s Daikin’s Streamer Streamer Technology Technology “Streamer Discharge” “Streamer is aDischarge” type of plasma is a type discharge of plasma which discharge generates which highgenerates speed high speed electrons that combine electronswith that oxygen combineand with nitrogen oxygeninand thenitrogen air and turn in the into airactive and turn into active Electron generation Electronarea generation area species with strong species oxidative with strong decomposition oxidative decomposition power and thereby powereliminate and thereby allergens eliminate allergens such as mould,such mites as(droppings mould, mites and(droppings dead mites), andand dead pollen, mites), and and hazardous pollen, and hazardous chemical substances chemical such substances as formaldehyde. such as formaldehyde. Compared to standard Compared plasma to standard plasma discharge (glow discharge discharge), (glow its discharge), speed of oxidative its speed decomposition of oxidative decomposition is over 1000 is over 1000 times greater with times the greater same with electrical the same power. electrical power. 1 The decomposition The decomposition power is comparable power is tocomparable thermal energy to thermal of about energy 100,000°C.* of about 100,000°C.*1

Note: Note: *1 Comparison of*1oxidation Comparison decomposition. of oxidation decomposition. This does not mean This temperature does not mean willtemperature become high. will become h

These are effects These are in a effects Streamer in atest Streamer space and test not space verification and not verification results in an results actualinoperation an actualspace. operation space

StreamerStreamer decomposes decomposes and eliminates and eliminates allergensallergens such as pollen, such as mould, pollen, and mould, mitesand mites *2 *3 *3objects Works*2on Works caught onby objects the filter. caught by the filter. (droppings (droppings and deadand mites) dead mites) Before irradiation Before irradiation

Proved with 13 Proved pollenwith based 13 pollen based 15 minutes after 15 minutes irradiation after irradiation allergens including allergens cedar including pollen cedar pollen and cypress pollen and cypress pollen

Before irradiation Before irradiation

Proved with 6Proved fungal with allergens 6 fungal allergens 15 minutes after 15 minutes irradiation after irradiation including Alternaria including andAlternaria Euroand Eurotium tium

Pollen, mould,Pollen, and mites mould, (dead andmites) miteswere (deadplaced mites)on were the placed electrode on of thethe electrode Streamer of Discharge the Streamer unitDischarge and then photographed unit and then photographed through an electron through microscope an electronafter microscope being irradiated after being withirradiated Streamerwith Discharge Streamer for Discharge 15 minutes. for 15 minutes. <Joint research <Joint with research Wakayama with Medical Wakayama University> Medical University> Decompose and Decompose and eliminate pollen eliminate pollen Eliminated more than Eliminated more than

2 hours! 99.6% in99.6 % *2


Decompose and Decompose and eliminate mould eliminate mould Eliminated more than Eliminated more than

Decompose and Decompose eliminateand eliminate allergens such allergens as mite such as mite droppings and droppings dead mites and dead mites Eliminated more than Eliminated more than

24 hours! in 24 hours! 99.9% in99.9 99.61%99.61 % in 24 hours! % in 24 hours!

in 2 hours!





Note: Note: *2 Testing organization: Testing Wakayama organization: Medical Wakayama University. Medical University. Test conditions: Test Irradiated conditions: allergens Irradiated with Streamer allergensand withchecked Streamer decomposition and checkedofdecomposition allergen proteins of allergen by either proteins the ELISA by either method, the electrophoresis ELISA method, or electrophoresis electron microscopy. electron microscopy. Test result: 99.6% Test eliminated. result: 99.6% (Works eliminated. on objects (Works caught onby objects the filter) caught by the filter) *3 *3 Measuring method: Measuring antibacterial method: test/mould antibacterial elimination test/mould test elimination test Testing organization: Testing Japan organization: Food Research Japan Food Laboratories. Research Laboratories. Test number: 204041635-001. Test number: 204041635-001. Test result: 99.9% Test eliminated. result: 99.9% (Works eliminated. on objects (Works caught onby objects the filter) caught by the filter) *2

This product canThis be used product to improve can be used the quality to improve of thethe airquality by removing of the air airborne by removing hazardous airborne chemical hazardous substances, chemical allergens, substances, mould, allergens, bacteria,mould, and bacteria, an viruses, etc. However, viruses,this etc. product However, is not this intended productfor is not the intended creation of forsterile the creation environments of sterile orenvironments for the prevention or forpathogen the prevention infections. pathogen infections.


This description This relates description to the Streamer relates to Technology the Streamer devised Technology by Daikin, devised but not bytoDaikin, this Airbut Purifier. not to Test this Air results Purifier. fromTest useresults of the Streamer from use of Technology the Streamer Technolo are generated according are generated to prescribed according test tomethods prescribed conducted test methods by Daikin. conducted Although by Daikin. the Streamer Although Technology the Streamer is contained Technology within is contained this Air Purifier, within this this Air Purifier does not mean that doesprecisely not mean thethat same precisely resultsthe willsame be experienced results will be using experienced this Air Purifier. using Actual this Airresults Purifier. may Actual differ results depending may differ on the depending conditionsonofthe conditions o product installation product and use installation of the actual and use product, of theetc. actual product, etc. 17

A clean technology A clean that’s technology recognised that’s recognised by public institutions by public institutions in Japan and in abroad. Japan and abroad. Following experiments Following were experiments practised by were third parties practised based by third on Daikin partiesindustries, based on Ltd's Daikin request. industries, Ltd's request.

Target of experiment Target of experiment Public institutions (Testing Public institutions organization) (Testing organization) Test method







Test method

National Institute of Hygiene Nationaland Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (Vietnam) Epidemiology (Vietnam)

CPE and TCID50

CPE and TCID50

Kitasato Research Center of Research Center of Kitasato Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences

CPE and TCID50

CPE and TCID50

Kobe University Graduate KobeSchool University Graduate School

ELISA method

ELISA method

Yamagata University Yamagata University

Scanning electron microscope Scanning electron microscope

Japan Food ResearchJapan Laboratories Food Research Laboratories PCR method

PCR method

The Jikei University The Jikei University



Pour plate culture method Japan Food ResearchJapan Laboratories Food Research Laboratories Pour plate culture method

Pollen based allergens Pollen based allergens


zardous emical stances

Allergens from animate Allergens beings from animate beings Wakayama Medical University Wakayama Medical University Allergens Fungal allergens Fungal allergens Flour


Adjuvant (DEP)

Adjuvant (DEP)

Yamagata University Yamagata University

ELISA method

ELISA method

ELISA method

ELISA method

Adjuvant (VOC) Adjuvant (VOC) Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Damping technique Damping technique Hazardous chemical Wakayama Medical University, Wakayama Medical University, ELISA method ELISA method Adjuvant inhibiting effect Adjuvant inhibiting effect substances National institute for Environmental National institute Studies for Environmental Studies Formaldehyde


Tohoku Bunka Gakuen Tohoku University Bunka Gakuen University

Constant generation method Constant generation method

Viruses andViruses bacteriaand thatbacteria have been thatproven have been to beproven deactivated to be deactivated by Streamerby Technology Streamer Technology

virulent avian virus (typeBacillus A, H5N1) coli, O-157 Bacillus coli, O-157 virus (typeHighly A, H1N1) Influenza virusInfluenza (type A, H1N1) virulentHighly avian influenza virusinfluenza (type A, H5N1) Staphylococcus Staphylococcus aureus aureus bacteria Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Norovirus bacteria Norovirus Pseudomonas Toxins (enterotoxins) Toxins (enterotoxins) Pseudomonas aeruginosa aeruginosa

Allergens that Allergens have been thatproven have been to beproven decomposed to be decomposed by Streamerby Technology Streamer Technology

Fungal allergens: Fungal sooty allergens: moulds, sooty aspergillus, moulds, eurotium, aspergillus, aspergillus eurotium, niger, aspergillus fusarium, niger, penicillium fusarium, penicillium

Pollen based allergens: cedarpollen, pollen,birch alderpollen, pollen,Japanese birch pollen, Japanese pollen,pollen, pencilbald cedar pollen, bald cypress Pollen based allergens: cedar pollen, alder cypress pollen,cypress pencil cedar cypress pollen, mugwort grass pollen, ragwood pollen,grass sweetpollen, vernaltimothy grass pollen, timothyfleawort grass pollen, pollen, mugwort pollen, orchardpollen, grass orchard pollen, ragwood pollen, sweet vernal grass pollen, pollen,fleawort pollen, Japanese beech Japanese beech from animate house dust mite [dermatophagoides andhouse dead dust mites), house dust Allergens fromAllergens animate beings: house beings: dust mite [dermatophagoides pteronyssinus]pteronyssinus] (droppings and(droppings dead mites), mite [dermatophagoides farinae] andAmerican dead mites), American cockroachGerman (droppings), German cockroach mite [dermatophagoides farinae] (droppings and(droppings dead mites), cockroach (droppings), cockroach (droppings), fleadog (droppings), epidermis (dander), (dander), cat epidermis (dander), hamster epidermis (dander) (droppings), flea (droppings), epidermisdog (dander), cat epidermis hamster epidermis (dander)

Other: wheat flour Other: wheat flour

Hazardous chemical Hazardous substances chemical substances that have been thatproven have been to beproven removed to be byremoved Streamerby Technology Streamer Technology

*4 *4 FormaldehydeFormaldehyde Diesel exhaust Diesel particulates exhaust (DEP) particulates (DEP) Hazardous chemical Hazardous substances chemical in substances exhaust gas:inNOx, exhaust tetrachlorethylene, gas: NOx, tetrachlorethylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, dichloroethane, dichloroethane, dichloromethane, dichloromethane, chloroform chloroform VOC type hazardous chemicaliso-butanol, substances: iso-butanol, hexane, styrene, trimethyl benzene, xylene, VOC type hazardous chemical substances: hexane, styrene, nonanoic acid,nonanoic trimethyl acid, benzene, xylene, naphthalene, benzene, toluene, ethyl acetate naphthalene, ethyl benzene,ethyl toluene, ethyl acetate

e: Note: est method: constant *4 Test method: generation constant method generation method 3 st room: 22 toTest 24 mroom: 22 to 24 m3 mperature: 23Temperature: ±3°C 23 ±3°C umidity: 50 ±20% Humidity: 50 ±20% entilation condition: Ventilation Whencondition: concentration When ofconcentration 0.2 ppm is continually of 0.2 ppm emanated, is continually a removal emanated, capacity a removal of 0.08 capacity ppm is maintained of 0.08 ppm at is 36maintained m3/h, which atis36 m3/h, which is thin the guideline within of the Ministry guidelineofofHealth, the Ministry Labour ofand Health, Welfare Labour (Japan). and Welfare (This equates (Japan).to(This the ventilation equates tocapacity the ventilation of an approximately capacity of an65 approximately m3 room.) 65 m3 room.)

bout the dustAbout collection the dust and collection deodorising and capacity deodorising of air capacity purifiers:of air purifiers:

Not all harmful substances Not all harmful in cigarette substances smoke in cigarette (carbon monoxide, smoke (carbon etc.) monoxide, can be removed.    etc.) can be removed.    Not all odour components Not all odour thatcomponents emanate continuously that emanate (building continuously material (building odours material and pet odours, odours and etc.)pet canodours, be removed. etc.) can be removed.

his product is not a product medical is device, treatment devicetreatment or a therapeutic good. This not a medical device, medical device or a therapeutic good. his product is not intended any therapeutic use therapeutic or to be used fororthe relief treatment, or prevention of or illness. This productto is have not intended to have any use to diagnosis, be used fortreatment, the diagnosis, relief prevention of illness. you have a health concern are not feelingorwell, please consult health consult care professional. If you have aor health concern are not feeling well,aplease a health care professional.



Test results of active plasma ion device

Daikin’s Active Plasma Ion Technology The plasma ion technology uses plasma discharge to release ions into the air, which combine with components of the air to form active species with strong oxidizing power like OH radical. They attach to the surface of fungi and allergens and decompose proteins in the air by oxidation.

Assumed mechanism of elimination

Daikin’s plasma ions have been proved to be safe. Safety concerning effect on skin, eyes, and respiratory organs Testing organization: Life Science Laboratories, Ltd. Name of test: repeated-dose toxicity test Test number: 12-II A2-0401

Concentration: 25,000 ions/cm 3 *1

Image is for illustrative purposes Note: *1 The number of ions per 1cm3 of air blown into the atmosphere measured near the air outlet during operation with maximum airflow. Test conditions: temperature 25°C, humidity 50%

These are effects in an active plasma ion test space and not verification results in an actual operation space.

Reduction of attached fungi

Reduction of allergens

Fungus eliminating effect


4 3 2 1 0

Without active plasma ions


Cryj1 concentration (ng/ml)

Indication of resistance to fungi


40 30 20 10 0


100 Without active plasma ions With active plasma ions

60 40

60 40





10 Time (h)



20 0






Effect to remove attached bacteria


Concentration of ammonia (ppm)


Reduction of attached bacteria

Deodorisation of ammonia



Test name: Test of reduction of allergen of cedar pollen. Testing organization: ITEA/Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy. Test number: 11MRPTMAY031. Test result: Allergen of cedar pollen in a 45L container was reduced by more than 95.5% in about 8 hours.



Without active plasma ions With active plasma ions


With active plasma ions

Test name: test of resistance to fungi. Testing organization: Japan Spinners Inspecting Foundation. Test number: 019190-1. Test result: After cultivation in a 9L container according to Japanese Industrial Standard JISZ2911, generation of fungi was reduced to less than half.

Change in concentration of allergen of cedar pollen over time


300 Time (h)

Test name: Deodorisation test. Testing organization: Japan Spinners' Inspecting Foundation. Test number: 200097-1. Test result: In a 5L container, ammonia was reduced by 92.3% in about 240 minutes.


0.03% Without active plasma ions

With active plasma ions

Test name: antibacterial test. Testing organization: Japan Spinners' Inspecting Foundation. Test number: 028669. Test result: In a 9L container, reduced by more than 99.97% in 24 hours

Removal of attached odour

Increase of skin moisture Change in skin moisture (difference in integrated skin moisture of 120 minutes)

Odour intensity (grade)

Effect to remove attached odour 5

50 Natural damping

Declined by 1 grade



About 1.8 times

30 Active plasma ion


20 10






2.5 Time (h)

Test method: In a test chamber of a size of about 6 tatami mats, evaluated deodorising effect on a piece of cloth to which tobacco odour components were attached by 6-grade odour intensity indication method. Test result: Odour intensity declined by 1 grade in about 1 hour (tested by Daikin).* A one-grade decline of odour intensity means a 90% reduction of odour. *The deodorisation effect varies depending on the ambient environment (temperature and humidity), operation time, odour, and the type of fiber.



20.5 Without active plasma ions

With active plasma ions

Organization: Soiken (Comprehensive Medical Science Laboratory). Number: MII-2010-10. Method: Measured skin moisture of 8 healthy women prone to skin dryness in a room of about 6 tatami mats under conditions with and without active plasma ions. Result: Skin moisture increased by about 1.8 times in about 120 minutes. *Actual effect will vary depending on room conditions and method of use.





Ask a qualified installer or contractor to install this product. Do not try to install the product yourself. Improper installation can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion. Use only those parts and accessories supplied or specified by Daikin. Ask a qualified installer or contractor to install those parts and accessories. Use of unauthorised parts and accessories or improper installation of parts and accessories can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion. Read the user’s manual carefully before using this product. The user’s manual provides important safety instructions and warnings. Be sure to follow these instructions and warnings. If you have any enquiries, please contact your local importer, distributor and/or retailer.

Cautions on product corrosion

1. Air conditioners should not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid gas or alkaline gas, are produced. 2. If the outdoor unit is to be installed close to the sea shore, direct exposure to the sea breeze should be avoided. If you need to install the outdoor unit close to the sea shore, contact your local distributor.

•Specifications, designs and other content in this brochure are current as November 2017, but subject to change without notice

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