Air Compresor Troblshot.pdf

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  • June 2020
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A. COMPRESSOR "NOT PRODUCING ENOUGH AIR" Drain air tank a n d measure p u m p u p time. C o m p a r e with proper time for compressor model (see l ' a c ~ o r yguide). If time is O.K., compressor may be too small for application. Increasing operating pressure uill exaggerate the problem. Test for leaks in air lines, t a n k , o r compressor fittings. S o a p suds solution works well. Clogged filter element - remove, clean o r replace. Intake air must be free o f contamination such as paint mist. 4 . H o t air blows out of intake. lntake valves not sealing. Remove a n d clean. Polish disc o n fine emery cloth (#400). Replace worn parts. A complete valve plate assembly can be obtained a s a factory exchange a t l o u cost. 5. Check valve o r discharge tubing clogged. Clean o r replace.



B. AIR LEAKS FROM CENTRIFUGAL U N L O A D E R ~ (BACK O F C O M P R E S S O R - P A R T EQ74H) 1. T o provide "loadless starting" , this device o p e n s air valve ( E Q 7 4 A ) when t h e compressor stops - thus bleeding off air contained between the compressor a n d tank check valve. If air leaks continuously when compressor stops, the tank check valve is leaking. Drain t a n k - remove a n d repair check valve. If air leak is steady u h e n compressor runs, adjust air release. Remove tube from EQ76. Loosen lock nut E Q 7 4 C . T u r n EQ74B out o n e turn ( C C W ) . Valve should seal when running a n d o p e n when stopped. Repeat adjustment i f necessary.

[ C.


INTERSTAGE SAFETY VALVE LEAKS ( ~ ~ 5 (VALVE 6 ) F A C T O R Y S E T T O O P E N A T 65 P S I G ) 1 . H e a d easket o r high pressure inlet valve leak. Examine, clean valve o r replace. 2. Defective safety valve; Replace. D o not adjust safety valve.

D. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION (Measure oil consumed per hour o f o p e r a t i o n . ) 1 . Clogged air intake filter. Clean o r replace. 2. Inferlor o r dirty oil - see recommendations in instructions. 3. Crankcase not sealed - air leaks in. Check oil fill c a p a n d shaft oil seal. Replace if necessary. Tighten crankcase bolts (15 Ft. Ib.) 4 . Piston rings worn o r sticking. Remove rin s , clean grooves. Check ring wear by pushing ring into cylinder bore. New ring end g a p is approximately 0 0 7 to .A17 inches. (Operation is O . K . to ,060.) Stagger ring gaps when installing. 5. Deep scratch o n cylinder wall. Caused by lack of oil o r dirt in oil. H o n e (.015 max. o n diameter) o r replace. 6 . Oil in discharge air. S o m e oil is always present. Clean accumulation in air lines a n d t a n k . A d d air line filter o r clean element. 7. Compressor unloaded m o r e than 60% with constant running control. Consider s t a r t -s t o p o r dual control.

1 E.


MILKY OIL IN RESERVOIR 1. Normal result of water mixing with oil in tank o r possibly in crankcase. C h a n g e oil a n d / o r drain t a n k . 2. Move colnpressor o r pipe intake t o lower humidity source o r cooler a r e a . Increase intake pipe o n e size for every 3 feet o f length - keep short.

1 F. NOISE. KNOCK I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



OR VIBRATION 1 Assembly-vibrating. See mounting instruction. Flywheel wobbles. Cracked flywheel o r bent s h a f t . Replace. Flywheel o r pulley loose. Remove, apply loctite o n shaft, re-install with new key. Loose o r worn connecting rod o r piston pin. Tighten o r replace. Pressure switch o r magnetic starter chatter. Adjust switch for greater differential o r replace. Loose vee belt. Adjust tension o n slotted platform. Foreign matter (carbon, dirt, piece of gasket) o n t o p o f piston. Remove cylinder head a n d check. T o increase head clearance, a d d crankcase gaskets . . . not head gaskets.

G. RUNS HOT ( H e a d a n d discharge line normally a r e hot enough t o b u r n if t o u c h e d . ) 1. Compressor operating in excess of rated discharge pressure. Reset pressure control. 2. P o o r ventilation. Provide cooler location. Allow mlnimum 6" flywheel clearance. 3. Incorrect rotation. Check flywheel a r r o w . Reverse m o t o r . 4 . Discharge valve o r head gasket leak. Remove a n d clean valve. Replace. 5. R e s t r i c t ~ o nin discharge l ~ n eo r check valve. Clean o r replace.


H. COMPRESSOR "SLOWDOWN" OR "FROZE UP" 1. Check that supply voltage matches m o t o r , i.e., 115 volt supply with m o t o r connected Tor 230 volts o r 208 supply with 230 volt m o t o r . 2. Measure actual voltage at the motor while the compressor is under load (starting u p o r at high pressure). I f boltage is m o r e than 10% below m o t o r nameplate rating, relocate compressor closer 10 maln )witch panel a n d / o r p r o ~ ~ d e heavier wiring. Check with electric power c o m p a n y . 3. Vee belt slipping. Adjust tension by moving m o t o r . ('lean oil from belt and pullcy5. 4 . Operating pressure set higher than design pressure. Reset control. 5 . If flywheel cannot be turned by hand (drain tank to eliminate back pressure), check oil Iebel. I t "l'rorcn c o n d i t ~ o ~ l exists after cooling d o w n a n d adding oil, disassemble compressor a n d replace d a m a g e d cornporierit~.After c o m pressor " run in" period, freezing is caused by lack of adequate clean lubrication. 6 . G a s Engine Driven Compressors: If engine stalls during acceleration, increase engine idle speed. 0 1 1 engilrc! equipped with a clutch, maintain idle speed below clutch engagement speed, (approx. 1900 R P M ) .


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