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  • Words: 1,580
  • Pages: 38

PSYCHOLOGY It is the study of man with the aid of scientific methodology. It uses the experimental methodObservation under controlled conditions- to gather data. It also uses other methods of data collection such as case history method, longitudinal study of development as it takes place. In psychological study perceptions, emotions, cognition, personality, behaviour, interpersonal relations etc are studied. It helps in the treatment of mental health problems as well as introducing improvements in the existing state of mind/system.

INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY The branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an industrial labor force and especially with problems encountered by workers in a mechanized environment.

ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY There is growing concern among all those who are concerned with business & industry that the human beings occupy a central place in all sorts of industrial activities & any attempt to run them efficiently, smoothly, without any strife or tension is bound to fail if due consideration is not given to the psychology of these workers. Its study is gaining popularity because it tries to understand the human problems that have arisen as a result of tremendous expansion of industry in the present era of liberalization, privatization & globalization.

METHODS: – – – – – –

Experimentation Observation methods Surveys Field studies Developmental methods Case studies

Industrial psychology can be termed as applied psychology as it is mainly concerned with the application of the facts and principles of psychology to the behaviour of man working in the industry.

NATURE OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY It is developing into a universal phenomenon It involves human beings/workers working in the industries It involves the use of advanced psychological techniques for solving the problems of the industry It involves the study of the values, beliefs, attitudes, likes, dislikes of the workers It requires specialized knowledge as a psychologist It aims at having deep understanding of man and his behaviour It is a very complex field of study It involves applied psychology

SCOPE OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY It involves various sub fields like personnel psychology, managerial psychology, consumer psychology, engineering psychology, organizational psychology etc Personnel selection: developing the instruments, techniques of personnel selection Personnel development: developing methods for performance appraisal, attitude measurement, employee counseling etc Human engineering: suggesting changes in designs of the machines for achieving ease of operation Productivity study: activities concerned with reducing fatigue, improving environmental conditions(proper light, ventilation etc) Management: development of managerial skills Accident prevention and safety measures Labour relations

OBJECTIVES OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY To know the important aspects of industrialorganizational functioning. To study the industrial-organizational process. To understand the relationship between industrial-organizational psychology and human resource management. To understand the relationship between industrial-organizational psychology to organizational science.

To understand the relationship between industrial-organizational psychology and human cognitive processes. To understand the role of industrialorganizational psychology in developing leadership and management training and education programs. To understand the role of industrialorganizational psychology in developing employee training and education programs.

To understand the role of industrialorganizational psychology in conducting various types of evaluations in the work place. To understand the role of industrialorganizational psychology in promoting safety in the workplace.

Increasing production Promoting harmonious relationship among workers Creating better understanding between labour and management

MAJOR PROBLEMS OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY Defining the role of the psychologist: should he be termed as the consultant or the staff psychologist. Communication: the language of the psychologist should match the language understood by the workers. Resistance to change: Employees and the employers are often resistant to change their attitudes.

Understanding the complex nature of human beings Checking personal bias on the part of the psychologist

INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND THEIR EVALUATION Individual differences is a cornerstone subject area in modern psychology. Plato stated more than 2000 years ago: “No two persons are born exactly alike; but each differs from the other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and the other for another.” Individual difference psychology examines how people are similar and how they differ in their thinking, feeling and behaviour. No two people are alike, yet no two people are unlike. So, in the study of individual differences we strive to understand ways in which people are psychologically similar and particularly what psychological characteristics vary between people.

In the Western psychology approach to individual differences, it is generally assumed that:  People vary on a range of psychological attributes  It is possible to measure and study these individual differences  individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance

We can classify people psychologically, according to their intelligence and personality characteristics, for example, with moderate success, however people are complex and much is still left unexplained. Human beings have been aware of individual differences throughout history, e.g.  Gender differences -hunters=men, gatherers=women  Intelligence differences - caste, class, education, etc.  Personality differences - job specialisations

Individual differences research typically includes Personality Motivation Intelligence Mental Ability IQ interests Values self-concept self-esteem


SCHIZOTHYMIA: reserved, closemouthed

GENERAL MENTAL CAPACITY: intelligent, smart, assertive EMOTIONALLY STABLE: realistic about life



DOMINANCE: SUBMISSIVENESS: confident, aggressive unsure, submissive SURGENCY: cheerful, DESURGENCY: joyous depressed,pessimistic POSITIVE CHARACTER: attentive to people

DEPENDENT CHARACTER: neglectful of social chores

ADVENTUROUS CYLOTHYMIA: likes meeting people


SENSITIVE: MATURE: self dependent, immature sufficient, tough SOCIALIZED, CULTURED MIND: polished, composed TRUSTFUL CYCLOTHYMIA: trustful, understanding SOPHISTICATION: logical mind, cool

BOORISHNESS: awkward, crude, clumsy PARANCIS: suspicious, jealous

SIMPLICITY: sentimental mind, attentive to people

EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES NEED FOR EVALUATION:  Determining the worth of employees  Salary structure  Promotion  Transfer  Need for training & development  Determining the appropriate methods of training & development  Employees get chance to improve their performance

Evaluation system should be made objective, sound & scientific For proper evaluation a set criterion or evaluation standard needs to be set Criterion- number of items produced, number of units sold For higher level & managerial jobs criteria setting is difficult For effective evaluation multifactor or multiple criterion is used.

EVALUATION SITUATION: Training Actual job Simulated

TECHNIQUE/METHOD OF EVALUATION: Rate of work Quality of work Accident & breakage Job knowledge Job tenure Absenteeism Rate of improvement/advancement Supervisory judgment Peer judgment Self judgment



Mean rank





Kanwar 3




PAIRED COMPARISON: Deepti Deepti Roopal Manpreet



0 0 0







FORCED CHOICE Punctual Always Sometimes



Very efficient


Very inefficient

CHECKLIST METHOD Efficient Aggressive Friendly Punctual Selfish


COMMON EVALUATION ERRORS Error of leniency: rater may give very high ratings to all Error of central tendency: average score to all Halo error/effect: single positive trait leads to positive scores on all the dimensions Contrast error: rater considers others to be opposite of his own character. Eg: others are not as honest as I am.

Similarity error: others are also equally honest as I am Constant error: different raters may have different set of rating standards Recency error: generally recent behaviour of employee is considered at the time of rating Personal bias & prejudice Subjectivity Expectations: expected dress of the employee, way of talking etc

ROLE OF HEREDITY & ENVIRONMENT IN INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES The passing down by genetic transmission of the characteristics of plants or animals from one generation to the next (‘like begetting like’). The idea of biologically transmitted similarities is an old one. However, ideas as to the means of this transmission and its malleability by environmental influences have changed. Present-day ideas are grounded in research on genetics (a term first coined in 1905 for the science of heredity) that has its origins in Mendel's classic studies cross-breeding peas.

This and other research provided the missing link in Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection by specifying the mechanism through which species variation and similarity could occur. The impact of such ideas on the study of human behaviour was considerable Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin, explored the role of heredity in accounting for individual differences in personality and intelligence. He also introduced the term eugenics for the body of knowledge that could be used to direct human evolution

Heredity and environment in an exhaustive specification of causal factors, has continued the attempt to assess the relative contributions of genetics and environment in the causation of human characteristics and behaviour, with individual differences receiving much of the research attention. Twin studies, comparing monozygotic or MZ (identical) twins with dizygotic or DZ (non-identical) twins have been widely employed, although the methodological difficulties are considerable. However, whilst the attempt to quantify the genetic or environmental contribution to differences between individuals continues

There is increasing recognition that both genetics and environment are essential to all human behaviour.

most psychology researchers are in agreement that heredity and environment both play significant roles in the development of various human traits

Researchers may disagree, however, on the extent to which heredity and environment contribute to the development of a particular dimension, and on how various factors may affect each other to create a certain human characteristic Unfortunately, researchers have had very limited success in identifying specific genetic patterns that influence particular psychological and behavioral characteristics

an identical environment can elicit different reactions in different individuals, due to variations in their genetic predispositions increasing intellectual stimulation should help increase cognitive performances of some children

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