Agus Smp 1 Magetan

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  • Words: 3,563
  • Pages: 32
Daftar Isi Kata Pengantar _________________________________


Daftar Isi ______________________________________


Peta Kompetensi ________________________________


Unit 1: Hello! __________________________________


Unit 2: I am… ___________________________________


Unit 3: Do this, please.. __________________________


Unit 4: I have… _________________________________


Unit 5: It’s nice, isn’t it? __________________________


Unit 6: Where? When? How? _______________________


Unit 7: What are you doing? _______________________


Unit 8: What does it look like? ______________________


Unit 9: It looks great! ____________________________


Unit 10: Could you…… please? _____________________


Unit 11: Show me how…… _________________________


Unit 12: Happy Birthday! _________________________


Unit 13: Safety first! _____________________________


Unit 14: How do you do it? ________________________


Unit 15: How do you feel? Are you OK? ______________


Unit 16: How much…? How many….? _________________


Referensi ______________________________________



PETA KOMPETENSI Sosio-kultural

Pembentuk Wacana Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al



Tindak Bahasa




Transaksional dan interpersonal: Greetings

Merespon dan melakukan tindak bahasa:  Menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal

Ungkapan sapaan Idiom Ejaan Ucapan Intonasi, tekanan Gambits Kata-kata sains (animal sounds) Song: greeting

Konsep: morning, afternoon, evening, night Kesantunan Ragam lisan: formal dan informal


Transaksional dan interpersonal: List of things

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Meminta informasi  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (mathematical operations, simbolsimbol di laboratorium)

Alfabet Noun Kosa kata: Things around us; mathematical operations S+be+ noun S+be+ place Ucapan, intonasi, tekanan Idiom Gambits Song: alphabet

Kesopanan Adat Ragam lisan formal dan informal

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu


Transaksional dan interpersonal: List of instructions

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Meminta dan memberi jasa  Mengajak/mengund ang  Melarang

Verbs Imperative Pronoun: Subject and Object Idiom Poem: sports Kosakata: kolokasi dan kata-kata sains (vegetables and small living things)

Kesopanan Ragam lisan formal dan informal Adat (manner)

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu


Transaksional dan interpersonal: Stating possession

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Memberi dan meminta informasi  Meminta dan memberi maaf  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (numbers)

I have…/I’ve got… Noun phrases Vocabulary: food, things around the house Number+Colour+ Thing Gambits Song: numbers

Kesopanan Ragam informal

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan Transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu



Transaksional dan interpersonal: Describing

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Memberi deskripsi  Meminta deskripsi  Memberi pendapat  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (units of time, mathematical symbols)

It’s… (adjective) Adjectives Opposites Number+adjectiv e+ thing There is… Gambits Kata-kata sains dan matematika (units of time, mathematical symbols) Poem: the rain

Konsep waktu: days, months, seasons Public places

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika diperlukan


Transaksional dan interpersonal: Indicating position

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Meminta dan memberi informasi  Meminta dan memberi fakta  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (mathematical operations)

Adverb: time manner, place Prepositions Gambits Kosakata: kinds of food; katakata sains dan matematika (mathematical operations: multiplication and division) Poem: how to create a poem

Konsep: Foreign food in the city, Kesopanan

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu


Transaksional dan interpersonal: Describing what is happening

Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur:  Meminta dan memberi informasi  Meminta dan memberi fakta  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (colours and shapes)

Verb+ing/Verb + s/es Gambits Kosakata: kinds of food; katakata sains dan matematika (colours and shapes) Poem: telling about daily activities

Konsep: Continuous Habitual

Struktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu


Transaksio nal, interper sonal dan monolog: Descriptive

Mendengarkan/ berbicara:  Merespon dan mengungkap kan makna gagasan dari teks fungsio nal pendek, misalkan undangan dan melakukan monolog teks descriptive pendek.  Meminta/ memberi barang  Meminta/ memberi informasi

Simple Present Adjectives Present Perfect (has/have) Like/doesn’t like Declarative Interrogative Kosa kata berhubungan dengan friends, classroom, food, family, emotion, animal, invitation Kosa kata berhubungan dengan

Ungkapanungkapan idiomatik Pemilihan topik Kesantunan

Conjunction s Struktur teks. Cohesive devices yang relevan

Meminta pengulanga n Menggunaka n bahasa tubuh Menggunaka n approxima tion Melakukan paraphrase




Teks monolog lisan dan tulis: Descriptive

Transaksional Interpersonal Teks fungsional pendek (notices, notes, letters)

Membaca/menulis:  Membaca nyaring bermakna  Mengungkap kan makna gagasan  Mengungkap kan langkah retorika short functional text dan teks descriptive pendek  Menulis teks fungsional pendek dan teks descriptive pendek

grandma’s home, pet, famous people Focus on specific participants. Use of Attributive and Identifying Processes. Frequent use of Ephitets and Classifiers in nominal groups. Poem: the moon

Mendengarkan:  Wacana monolog descriptive Berbicara:  Melakukan monolog descriptive dalam bentuk lisan. Membaca:  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual.  Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks descriptive  Membaca nyaring wacana ragam tulis dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang menunjang pemahaman jenis teks descriptive. Menulis:  Menghasilkan teks bentuk descriptive

Simple Present Noun phrases Pronouns Possessives Nouns (count/ noncount) Adjectives yang bersifat describing, numbering, dan classifying, misalnya: two strong legs. Action verbs. Adverbials yang menerangkan perilaku misalkan: fast, slow, dsb. Song: describing things (edelweiss)

Ungkapanungkapan idiomatik Pemilihan topik Kesantunan

Mendengarkan  Permintaan meminjam sesuatu  Pertanyaan penolakan meminjamkan sesuatu  Pernyataan simpati untuk seseorang  Komentar positif seseorang untuk orang lain Berbicara  Menyuruh atau melarang seseorang  Menanyakan nama suatu object

May I…? Can I …? Sorry,….. Oh, poor …! Well, he deserves that. Please … Please don’t … Here you are. Here it is. I’m sorry, I’m using … now. What’s this in English? It’s a…. Ejaan dan tanda baca -aturan ejaan

Conjunction s Struktur teks. Cohesive devices yang relevan

Menggunakan kamus

Kesantunan Ragam lisan: formal dan informal Ragam informal

Stuktur teks dan negosiasi lisan transaksion al dan interperson al

Contoh teks yang terdapat di buku atau yang disediakan guru.

Kesantunan yang berterima dalam bahasa dan budaya target.

Struktur teks tulis transak sional, inter personal, dan fungsional pendek

Membuat draft Melakukan penyuntingan

Membuat draft tulisan Meminta balikan dari teman dan guru




Teks monolog lisan dan tulis: Procedure

Transaksional dan interpersonal: Giving/Asking for information, goods and services

 Menyebutkan nama binatang Membaca  Pengumuman kecil tentang kehilangan  Surat pendek ucapan terimakasih Menulis  Pengumuman kecil tentang kehilangan  Surat pendek ucapan terimakasih melakukan sesuatu  Meminjam sesuatu

-tanda baca Kalimat berita Kalimat permintaan Simple Past Simple Present Song: If you’re happy

Mendengarkan:  Wacana monolog procedure Berbicara:  Melakukan monolog procedure dalam bentuk lisan. Membaca:  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual.  Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure  Membaca nyaring wacana ragam tulis dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang menunjang pemahaman teks procedure Menulis:  Menghasilkan teks procedure

Imperatives Action verbs Nouns (count/ noncount) Connectives untuk mengurut kan kegiatan misalnya: then, while, dsb. Adverbial untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, dsb. Song: Red canary

Merespon dan melakukan tindak bahasa:  Meminta / memberi informasi berupa fakta  Meminta dan memberi informasi berupa opini  Meminta dan memberi jasa/barang  Permintaan klarifikasi  Mengundang  Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (fractions)

Simple Past Statements Requests Conversational features Kosakata: days, dates, months, years, food and drink, numbers, fractions Lafal, ucapan, intonasi, tekanan kata dan kalimat yang benar. Poem: hop, hop, hop

Kesantunan dalam tindak bahasa permintaan dan ungkapan terimakasih Ragam teks tulis formal Adat dan strategi kesopanan Ragam informal Kesantunan yang berterima dalam bahasa dan budaya target, misalnya: thank you, please, dsb.

Piranti kohesi untuk kata ganti waktu misalnya: now, then, after that, dsb. Struktur teks procedure yang berterima

Bekerja sama dengan teman. Melakukan paraphrase. Mengguna kan kamus. Membaca contoh teks sebanyak mungkin dari buku atau sumber lain yang disediakan guru. Melakukan klarifikasi.

Konsep: ucapan selamat: happy birthday

Struktur teks dialog: opening, transaction al dan interperson al exchange, dan closing.

Meminta klarifikasi jika perlu Approxima tion Paraphrase Dll.

Conversatio nal gambits




Teks fungsional pendek: Laboratory notices

Teks monolog lisan dan tulis: Procedure

 Berkomunikasi dalam konteks akademik (laboratory)  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual dalam teks tentang laboratorium  Merespon makna teks tulis fungsio nal pendek yang berkait an dengan konteks akademik (labratory notices)  Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika teks tulis fungsio nal pendek yang berkait an dengan konteks akademik (labratory notices)  Mengungkap makna teks tulis fungsio nal pendek yang berkait an dengan konteks akademik (labratory notices)

Imperatives Kata-kata sains yang berhubungan dengan work safety di laboratorium dan science facts Connectives yang berhubungan dengan prosedur work safety Poem: Astronomer

 Merespon dan melakukan tindak tutur meminta dan memberi jasa  Merespon makna teks monolog procedure yang berhubungan dengan sains  Mengungkapkan makna teks monolog procedure dalam bentuk lisan yang berhubungan dengan sains  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual.  Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure yang berhubungan dengan sains  Membaca nyaring wacana ragam tulis dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang menunjang

Imperatives Nouns (count/ noncount) Expressions of quantity Noun phrases Kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan sains Song: a kookaburra song

Kesantunan yang berterima dalam konteks akademik di laboratorium

Struktur teks fungsional pendek berbentuk laboratory notices

Bekerja sama dengan teman. Melakukan paraphrase. Mengguna kan kamus. Membaca contoh teks sebanyak mungkin dari buku atau sumber lain yang disediakan guru. Melakukan klarifikasi.

Kesantunan dalam budaya Inggris: thank you, that would be interesting, I suppose

Piranti kohesi menunjukka n urutan: after that, then, Struktur ynag berterima dalam teks procedure

Membaca contoh teks Bekerja sama Mendengar kan dengan tujuan dan fokus Mengguna kan kamus


pemahaman teks procedure yang berhubungan dengan sains  Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks tulis monolog procedure yang berhubungan dengan sains 15


Transaksional dan interpersonal: Expressing Pain, Suggesting, and Giving Advice

Mendengarkan:  Wacana dialog How to express pain and to respond it. Berbicara:  Melakukan dialog dalam tentang How to Express Pain, to give Suggestion and Advice Membaca:  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual about Expressing Pain, Suggesting, and Giving Advice  Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam suatu dialog.  Melafalkan dengan nyaring dialog dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang menunjang pemahaman isi teks. Menulis:  Menghasilkan teks bentuk sederhana tentang Expressing Pain, Suggesting, and Giving Advice

What’s the matter? I have…. / I’ve got …. Should V/ ought to V/ had better V Warning.

Ungkapanungkapan yang gunakan untuk menyatakan rasa sakit, simpati, saran.

Conjunc tions Struktur teks. Cohesive devices yang relevan

Teks monolog lisan dan tulis: Descriptive

Mendengarkan:  Mendengarkan wacana dialog yang mengandung deskripsi Berbicara:  Melakukan dialog yang mengandung deskripsi Membaca:  Mengidentifikasi informasi faktual dalam teks desriptive  Membaca nyaring wacana tulis dengan

Simple Present Adjectives untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu Pronouns untuk menggantikan benda tunggal dan jamak Kata tanya how much dan how many untuk menanyakan kuantitas

Ungkapan untuk meminta informasi

Struktur teks Cohesive devices yang relevan

Mengungkap kan ekspresiekspresi. Menirukan dan melakukan dialog.

Bekerja sama dengan teman Mengguna kan kamus Membuat draft


ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat Menulis:  Menghasilkan teks descriptive singkat


Unit 1

Section One Expressions When do you use these expressions? Practice your pronunciation.           

Hello. How are you? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Good bye. Bye bye. How are you? Fine, thanks. See you tomorrow.




0:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 18:00

18:00 – 24:00


Section Two Texts Listen to your teacher. Read the dialogues aloud. Then perform the dialogues. 1.

Tina Tom

: Hello! : Hi.


Adi Tom

: Hi, Tom. : Hello, Adi.


Ratri Mrs. Smith Ratri

: Good morning, Mrs. Smith. : Good morning, Ratri. How are you? : Fine thanks, Mrs. Smith.

Read the text. Talk about the text.


Mother Sarah Mother Sarah

: : : :

Good night, darling. Good night, mum. Sweet dreams. You too, mum.


Read the text. Talk about the text.


Ari Mrs. Anderson Ari

: Good bye, Mrs. Anderson. : Bye bye, Ari. See you tomorrow. : See you tomorrow too.

Read the text. State if the statements are true or false. Johnny is an SMP student. He lives with his grandparents. In the morning he goes to school. Before leaving, he always says “good bye” to his grandpa and grandma. His grandparents always say “good bye, Johnny.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Johnny is a student. He lives with his parents. He goes to school in the afternoon. He always says good bye to his parents. His grandparents always say good morning to him.


Section Three Role Play Read the situation. Perform the dialogue. 1. You meet your friend at school in the morning. What would you say? 2. You meet your teacher at school in the morning. What would you say? 3. You are leaving your friend in the afternoon. What would you say? 4. You meet your parents at the dinning table in the morning. What would you say? 5. You want to go to bed at night. What would you say to your parents?

Section Four Dictation Listen to your teacher. Write down what you hear. 1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Section Five Creation Read the problem. Create a dialogue. Write the expressions in the bubbles.

Mr. Adam and Miss Smith meet in the morning. What would they say?

Bima and Esti meet on the street. What would they say?

Mr. Gunawan and Mr. Santosa meet at night. What would they say?


Section Six It’s time to use the greetings in a song.


Miaow… Miaow…

Woof! Woof!

Moo… Moo…

Cluck! Cluck!

Neigh! Neigh!


Who’s speaking? I. Draw a line between the animal and its sound.

Chick…chick… chick...

Baa…baa…. baa….

Quack…quack… quack…

Gobble….gobble... gobble…

Oink….oink… oink…

II. Find five other animals and their sounds.


What people do Arrange the jumbled letters in the box to see what these people do.








Unit 2

Section One Activity 1: Expressions Talk about the picture. When do you say these expressions? Listen to your teacher. Practice your pronunciation.          

Hello. I’m Andrew. Hello, Andrew. I’m Tina. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Hi. I’m David. What’s your name? My name is Putri. Putri. How do you spell it? P U T R I I’m from Indonesia. Are you? Yes, I am.

Activity 2: Read and talk Talk about the picture. Read the text aloud.

Putri is a new student. She feels good when we welcome her into the group.


Activity 3: The Alphabet Listen to your teacher and repeat after him. Say the alphabet.

A//, B//, C//, D//, E//, F//, G//, H//, I//, J//, K//, L//, M//, N//, O//, P//, Q//, R//, S//, T//, U//, V//, W//, X//, Y//, Z// Activity 4: Vocabulary (Nouns) Listen to your teacher. Say these words with good pronunciation.

Apple //

Eggs /z/

Bread //

Flowers /z/

Iron // Jacket //

Mushrooms /z/ //

Chair //

Nuts //

Grapes /s/

Kettle //

Oranges //

Dress //

Hat //

Lamp //



Quilt // //

Rabbit //

Umbrella// Vase// //

Yam //

Shoes //


Watch //


Zips //

Activity 5: Using Dictionary Use your dictionary. Give names to the things in the boxes. Find more words starting with the alphabet.
















H…………………… .













Activity 6: Patterns How do you put words together? To give information, you need: Subject + Be + Something I You She He It

am are is is is

Ani Ben Prita Wisnu an apple

We They You

are are are

students apples teachers

How do you ask questions? If you want information, you need: Be + Subject + something Am Are Is Is Is

I you she he it

a student? Ben? Prita? Wisnu? an apple?

Are Are Are

we they you

students? apples? teachers?


How do you deny? You need: Subject + be + not + something I You She He It

am are is is is

not not not not not

Ani Ben Prita Wisnu an apple

We They You

are are are

not not not

students apples teachers

How do you indicate places? You need: Subject + be + place I You She He It

am are is is is

from Indonesia here there in the classroom here

We They You

are are are

here there from India

Section Two Activity 1 Talk about the text. Listen to your teacher. Read the expressions with good pronunciation and intonation. Perform the dialogues with your partner. 1.

Ben Ani Ben Ani Ben Ani Ben

: : : : : : :

Hello. I’m Ben. Hello, Ben. I’m Ani. Hi Ani. You are new here, right? I am. Well, welcome to the school. Thanks.



Mrs. Ben Mrs. Ben Mrs. Ben Mrs. Ben Mrs. Ben

Santosa : : Santosa : : Santosa : : santosa : : Santosa : :


Anang Ben Anang Ben Anang Ben

: : : : : :

Hello. Are you the new student? Yes, Mam. I am. And your name is…? Ben, Mam. Ben. Is that it? Benedict, Mam. How do you spell it? B E N E D I C T. Right… Nice to meet you Benedict. Nice to meet you too, Mam. Hi, Ben. I am Anang. Hi, Anang. Where are you from? I am from England. England? That’s very far. It is, isn’t it?

Activity 2 Read this paragraph below about an introduction. Answer the questions that follow the paragraph. Hi, I am Tanti. I am 13 years old. I like to collect stamps and dance very much. I come from a small family. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My father works for a company and my mother is a teacher. Oh yeah, I have a pet. It’s a cat. His name is Belang. Questions: 1. How old is Tanti? 2. What is her mother’s occupation? 3. How many brothers and sisters does Tanti have? 4. What are her hobbies? 5. Who is Belang? 6. How many people are there in Tanti’s family? Activity 3 In turn, introduce yourself to the class. Try to begin by filling this incomplete paragraph. Hi, I am . . . . I’m . . . years old. I like to . . . . I come from . . . . I have . . . . My father works . . . .


Section Three Role Play Read the problem. What expressions do you need? Perform dialogues with your partner. 1. You have a new teacher. How would you introduce yourself? 2. You have a new friend at school. How would you introduce yourself? 3. You are a new student. How would you introduce yourself to the class?

Section Four Dictation Activity 1 Listen to your teacher. She is going to read a shopping list. It is a list of things you need to buy and their quantity.

SHOPPING LIST NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Activity 2 Listen to your teacher and write down the mathematical operation you hear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2+ ... ...-2 ...-... 32 - . . . ...+... 40 - . . . . . . + 14 79 - . . .

Section Five Creation This is a new school year. You need to go shopping. You need a shopping list. Create your “back to school” list. The pictures below will help you to remember what to buy. Use your dictionary. 1.













Back to school shopping list No

Name of thing


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


Section Six It’s time to use the alphabets in a song.




























Now you know your A B Cs Next time won’t you sing with me.



A FOR APPLE, B FOR BOY A B C D E F G Sing a song of ABC Come on boys and come on girls Sing a song of ABC A for Apple and B for Boy C for Cat and D for Dog E for egg and F for Fish G for Girl and H for Hand I for Ice Cream and J for Jet K for Kite and L for Lamb M for Man and N for None O for Orange and P for Pen Q for Queen and R for Rain S for Sugar and T for Tree U for Umbrella and V for Van W for Water and X for X’mas Y for Yellow and Z for Zoo It’s so simple, all can do Come on boys and come on girls, Sing a song of ABC


Don’t do this. Don’t do that. 1. Look at each of these pictures and study each instruction followed

Do not pick your nose.

Do not bite your finger.


2. Look at these pictures. Then, study their meanings usually found in the laboratories Keep away from fire

Do not get close

Do not touch

Do not drink or eat Do not inhale it

Go away from this area


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