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  • Words: 2,505
  • Pages: 9
Nama: Dicki Alzi Pratama Nim : 1805101050076 Prodi : Agroteknologi

Stefano Bocchi, Marta Maggi

Agro-ecology, sustainable agro-food systems, new relationships between the countryside and the city 1. A brief history of agroecology The term agroecology was used for the first time in 1928 by Bensin, a Russian agrono-mist. He used this term to indicate the application of ecology to agriculture. In the same period others authors published papers or books dealing with agroecology, but without mentioning the word. Examples are Klages(1928), a US agronomist interested in the distribution of crop plants using a physiological basis, and Azzi, an Italian scientist who published in 1928 a book on “Agricultural ecology”, laying down the foundation of his later work (Azzi 1942: 1956). The latter in particular, concentrated on environmental aspects, such as climate and soil, in relation to agricultural plants development and growth. Both these two scientists, while not using the term agroecology, may be considered the pioneers of the discipline. Between the 1930s and 1960s, different other works were published in which the term agroecology was explicitly used or which applied the meanings of agroecology leading in that period (Bensin 1930; Tischler 1965). From the 1970s, also as a response to the Green Revolution and to the consequent intensification and specialization of agriculture, there was an increasing interest for ecology applied to agriculture. It was in this period that the concept of

agroecosystems, as domesticated ecosystems, emerged (Odum 1969) and that critics to agricultural technology began (erlich 1966; meAdOwseT Al. 1972). From the 1980s, Altieri (1989) first and Gliessman (1997) later, started to define agroecology as an approach to protect natural resources and to design and manage sustainable agroecosystems. Gradually agroecology started contributing to the concept of sustainability applied to agriculture (ThOmAs, KevAn 1993). In this period the biodiversity theme emerged (e.g. AlTieri 1999) and the words soil and landscape started to be used (e.g. sTeiner, OsTermAn 1988) in the framework of agroecology related publications. In the course of the twentieth century, as the meaning of agroecology as a scientific discipline evolved, its identity changed as well. According to Wezel et al. (2009), starting from the 1990s, it also became a movement and a practice. Indeed, in this period, the term agroecology started to be used to define a new way to consider agriculture and its relationships with society, i.e. a movement. At the same time agroecology was recognized as a set of practices aimed at developing a more environmental-friendly and sustainable agriculture, as an alternative to high input, chemical intensive agriculture. Moreover, as agroecological research approaches emerged, several scientific works were published and education programs put into motion, in USA, but in Europe too (FrAnciseT Al. 2011). In particular agroecology became more and more interdisciplinary, as confirmed also by some authors (e.g. dAlgAArdeT Al. 2003; BuTTel 2007). Indeed, over time, more disciplines were involved besides agronomy and ecology, such as zoology, botany, plant physiology, and last but not least geography and socio-economics. 2. Agroecology today: a new approach to the land Today agroecology embodies a new multidisciplinary, inter-sectoral and multi-scalar approach to territorial studies and a rigorous strategy to establish a new countrytown relationship. Indeed, on one hand it provides a more current vision of agriculture and farming systems that influences the development of management, monitoring and planning tools. On the other

hand it offers a different key for rethinking the relation between agricultural issues and society. With reference to the first aspect, the more strictly scientific, agroecology today has as its primary objective the sustainable management of all resources involved in the process of agricultural production and the protection of the landscape (BOcchieT Al. 2012). It therefore discloses, for example, the importance of agro-ecological networks and many cities are planning new arrangements to strengthen these structures. Another major concern of agroecology today is agro-biodiversity, considered as a primary agroecosystems component and a source of ecosystem services (MEA 2005). On the basis of different studies that have demonstrated the effects of agricultural intensification on farmland birds (dOnAldet al. 2006), on plant species within agro-ecosystems (KleijneT Al. 2009; uemATsueT Al. 2010), on farm ecosystem quality measured as abundance of species (reidsmAeT Al. 2006). European policies have implemented agro-environmental measures and interventions. One example is the identification of High Nature Value Farmland (EEA 2004, dOxAeT Al. 2012, hAlAdAeT Al. 2011), within which the agricultural practices and the care of the agricultural landscape is likely to have a positive impact on agro-biodiversity and biodiversity in general (mOOnen, BArBeri 2008). Similar measures and policies need to be further developed. Agroecology, however, also implies new perspectives in the relationship between agriculture and society. In the last decades the food system has become the new focus of agroecology research that from the plot and field scales has gradually moved its spatial scale of application to the farm and agroecosystem scales, up towards the whole food system scale. Already in 1980 Altieri pointed agroecology as a discipline useful to alleviate natural resources degradation and malnourishment, and to enhance local food systems functions. In 2003 FrAnciset al. define agroecology as ‘an integrative study of the ecology of the entire food systems, encompassing ecological, economic and social dimensions’. In 2007 Gliessman provides a definition of agroecology as ‘the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems’. In this context agroecology offers the conceptual foundations for the new notions of foodshed and alternative food networks (PAül, mcKenzie 2013; renTingeT Al.

2003), both having as a goal the ecological sustainability of food systems and the achievement of a new balance between available natural resources, society demands, agricultural production. The growing body of research on foodshed, defined as the geographic areas that feed population centers (Peterset Al. 2010:stagl 2002) or potentially meet the demand for food and services of a resident population (swaneyetai. 2011), can provide insights into social, economic and environmental issues such as the promotion of policies for security and food sovereignty (BocchieT Al. 2012), fossil energy depletion and climate change. Moreover, even though the original meaning of foodshed refers to the food system in general, the term often connotes a connection to local food and market systems (edwardsjoneseT Al. 2008). In fact, starting from the local resources and characters of the territory, the aim is to formulate and manage complex bioregional systems that not only reduce the negative impacts of agriculture on the society, the economy, the environment, but that can also benefit from new possible couplings between production, settlements, food, infrastructural and recreational systems, with mutual interests. Take for example the possible use of waste in school canteens by farmers who provide food to them. It is on such possible couplings that the great debate on the so-called food-sensitive cities is developing, involving the implementation of projects or programs depicting relationships, even spatial relationships, including production, transportation, consumption and recycling/recovery and that draw our attention to the need to train new professionals (es. food city manager). In conclusion, the new food supply systems, whether alternative or local, are supported by the request on one side of good quality food, and on the other from that of a shorter distance, which is not only spatial, between producers and consumers. In this context, agroecology can and must support spatial planning in the management of green spaces within and outside the city, making it possible agriculture to live together with settlements. By means of proposals for a more sustainable management of resources involved in the agricultural production processes and by exploiting the potentialities of the area, agroecology can thus provide the scientific answer to an emerging and increasingly widespread demand for environmental and food quality: for the recovery of local traditions and knowledge; for the reduction of inefficiencies, wastes, distances between towns and peri-urban agricultural areas.

3.sustainable agriculture Sustainable agriculture is an agricultural movement using ecological principles, studies of the relationship between organisms and their environment.sustainable agriculture has been defined as an integrated system between plant and animal production practices in a location and in the long run has the following functions: -Meet the needs of food and human fiber -Improve the quality of the environment and natural resources based on agricultural economic needs -Using non-renewable natural resources very efficiently -Use resources available on agricultural land in an integrated manner, and utilize biological controls and cycle if possible -Improve the quality of life of farmers and the community as a whole But the stage towards sustainable agriculture is often seen as a stage and not as an end. Some consider that true sustainable agriculture is economically sustainable which is achieved by: less energy use, minimal ecological footprint, fewer packaging goods, widespread local purchases with short food supply chains, fewer processed foodstuffs more community gardens and home gardens, and so on But the stage towards sustainable agriculture is often seen as a stage and not as an end. Some consider that true sustainable agriculture is economically sustainable which is achieved by: less energy use, minimal ecological footprint, fewer packaging goods, expanded local purchases with shorter food supply chains, fewer processed food ingredients, more community gardens and home gardens, and so on. Sustainable agriculture is a farming method that integrates comprehensively the environmental and socio-economic aspects of agricultural communities. A farming mechanism that can meet the criteria of (1) economic benefits; (2) social benefits for the family of the farmer and the community; and (3) sustainable environmental conservation. In its implementation, sustainable agriculture is synonymous with organic farming. Sustainable agriculture aims to break the dependence of farmers on external inputs and market authorities that dominate agrarian resources.

Sustainable agriculture is an important stage in rearranging the agrarian structure and building an agricultural economic system that is synergistic between production and distribution within the framework of agrarian reform

4. urban agriculture Most cities in developing countries have great difficulties in overcoming this development and cannot create sufficient formal employment for the poor. They also have increased problems with the disposal of urban waste and wastewater, as well as reducing quality air and river water. Urban agriculture provides complementary strategies to reduce urban poverty and food insecurity and improve urban environmental management. Urban agriculture plays an important role in increasing urban food security because the costs of providing and distributing food to urban areas based on rural production and imports continue to increase, and do not meet demand, especially from the poor. Apart from food security, urban agriculture is a contribution to local economic development, poverty alleviation and social inclusion in the urban poor and women in particular, as well as reforesting the city and reusing the use of urban waste. The importance of urban agriculture is increasingly recognized by international organizations such as UN-Habitat and FAO (World Food and Agriculture Organizations). Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems is devoted to the rapidly emerging fields of agroecology and sustainable agriculture. The journal focuses on the changes that need to occur in the design and management of our food systems in order to balance natural resource use and environmental protection with the needs of production, economic viability, and social well-being. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems examines our current food systems from production to consumption, and the urgent need to transition to longterm sustainability. The journal promotes the study and application of sustainable agriculture for solutions to the complex problems of resource depletion, environmental degradation, a narrowing of agrobiodiversity,

continued world hunger, climate change, and the loss of farm land. Rather than focus on separate disciplinary components of agriculture and food systems, this journal uses an interdisciplinary approach to food production as one process in a complex landscape of agricultural production, conservation, and human interaction. The Journal features articles on topics such as: innovative practices; new technology; IPM (Integrated Pest Management) programs; organic and biodynamic farming; sustainable energy use; economic, social, and philosophical aspects of sustainable agriculture; linking conservation and agriculture; landscape agroecology; agriculture and global climate change; indicators of sustainability; sustainable farm policy; future projections. The journal offers national and international coverage and features articles on specific disciplines and interdisciplinary studies. Also included are book reviews, news watch, announcements, dialogue (positions, opinions, commentary, and letters), and topical reviews. References AlTieri M. (1980), Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture, Westview Press, Boulder CO. AlTieri M. (1989), “Agroecology: A new research and development paradigm for world agriculture”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, n. 27, pp. 3746. AlTieri M. (1999), “The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, n. 74, pp. 19-31. Azzi G. (1928), Ecologia Agraria, Tipografia Editrice Torinese, Torino. Azzi G. (1942), Ecologia Agraria, Edizioni Dante Alighieri, Città di Castello. Azzi G. (1956) Agricultural ecology, Constable & Company, London. Bensin B. (1928), Agroecological characteristics description and classification of the local corn varieties chorotypes, s.e.. Bensin B. (1930), “Possibilities for international cooperation in agroecological investigations”, Int. Rev. Agr. Mo. Bull. Agr. Sci. Pract., vol.21, pp. 277-284.

BOcchi S., chrisTiAnsen S., Oweis T., POrrO A., sAlA S. (2012), “Research for the innovation of the agro-food system in international cooperation”, Italian Journal of Agronomy, n. 7, pp. 262-273. Thomas v.g. Kevan P.g. (1993), “Basic principles of agroecology and sustainable agriculture”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, n. 6, pp. 1-19. Tischler w. (1965), Agrarökologie, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. uematsu y., koga.T.ushimaru A. (2010), “Abandonment and intensified use of agricultural land decrease habitats of rare herbs in semi-natural grasslands”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, n. 135, pp. 304-309. wezel A., BellOn s., dOré T., FrAncis c., vAllOd d., dAvid c. (2009), “Agroecology as a science, a movement and a practice. A review”, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, n. 29, pp. 503-515.

Abstract Today agroecology is recognized as a new scientific paradigm useful to respond to the new sustainability challenges of both the agriculture and the agro-food system domains. Aims and contents of this discipline have changed over time and are still evolving today: conceptual tools and methodologies offered by agroecology may be usefully adopted within interdisciplinary studies related to sustainable production, consumption, exchange, settlement systems. In this paper we briefly review the history of agroecology and stress the role it plays nowadays in managing food systems and in particular shortdistance food networks, intended as a new way the relationships between the countryside and the city performs. Keywords Agroecology, discipline, history, local food systems, foodshed, citycountryside.

Bios Stefano Bocchi, Full Professor of Agronomy and Crop Science at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, State University of Milan. His research interests focus on natural and agricultural resource analysis, biodiversity, grass and pasture inventories, food security, food sovereignty, sustainable local agro-food systems. Recently involved in the Master Plan definition and Biodiversity Park for the next international EXPO 2015. Affiliation: Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Milano e-mail: [email protected] Marta Maggi, PhD in Environmental Sciences at Ecole Nationale du Génie des Eaux et de Forets (Paris 2005). She is scientific collaborator at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, State University of Milan. Her research interests focus on spatial analyses, agro-ecology, landscape indicators, environmental land use change impacts. Affiliation: Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Milano e-mail: m.martamaggi

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