Agni Dei

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Agni Dei: The Fire of God

Engage (1) 1. Don’t wonder here and there like a lamb. Sit, meditate, and roar like a lion. Engage in battle for the sake of battle. Win or lose, victory is in the struggle itself. Choose (4) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Allah! Choose Love, not lust. Hridaya! Choose Light, not hatred. Jivanta! Choose Logic, not ignorance. Prakriti! Choose Life, not fear.

Bright (3) 1. Truth! Transform dark thoughts into Bright Thoughts! 2. Beauty! Transform dark words into Bright Words! 3. Power! Transform dark deeds into Bright Deeds! Action Overcoming Any Obstacle (4) 1. Embody surrender to the Divine Sun on earth as an Avatar, who represents the astrological sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon. 2. Awaken to the breath as a Buddha, who represents the astrological sign Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. 3. Uphold Truth with all your body, mind, and soul, as a Christ, who represents the astrological sign Aries, ruled by Mars. 4. Show the way from darkness to Light as a Guru, who represents the astrological sign Libra, ruled by Venus. Utter Resoluteness Against All Enemies (4) 5. Shine like the Divine Sun as an Avadhut, who represents the astrological sign Leo, ruled by the Sun. 6. Fight the unjust oppressor as a Rasul, who represents the astrological sign Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. 7. Free the captives as a Rabbi, who represents the astrological sign Taurus, ruled by Venus. 8. Conquer the violent as a Tirthankara, who represents the astrological sign Scorpio, ruled by Mars.

Vibrant Creativity That Sustains Creation (4) 9. Study constantly as a Fuzi, who represents the astrological sign Virgo, ruled by Mercury. 10. Live in flow and in harmony as a Laozi, who represents the astrological sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. 11. Praise and critique all philosophies as a Sant, who represents the astrological sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury. 12. Cut down evil thoughts, words, and deeds with the sword of wisdom as a Mazdayasni, who represents the astrological sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. The Yoga (6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Yoga of Allah, or Allah Yoga. Allah Yoga: Awareness of Allah as the whole body. Hridaya Yoga: Feeling Allah from the chest. Jivanta Yoga: Knowing Allah from the head. Prakriti Yoga: Surrendering to Allah through sacrifice. Inquire “Avoiding awareness?” Radiance shines from, in, and as fiery awareness.

The Work (21) 1. The Work of Allah, or Allah Karma. 2. Learning. 3. Writing. 4. Researching. 5. Teaching. 6. To learn is to fly the skies. 7. To write is to walk the earth. 8. To research is to swim the seas. 9. To teach is to light the flame. 10. To learn is to practice jnana yoga. 11. To write is to practice karma yoga. 12. To research is to practice bhakti yoga. 13. To teach is to practice raja yoga. 14. To learn is to embody Jivanta. 15. To write is to embody Prakriti. 16. To research is to embody Hridaya.

17. To teach is to embody Allah. 18. Instead of be-lieving, be-loving. 19. Instead of doubting, do. 20. Don't search. See. 21. Don't imit-ate. Cre-ate. Solar Causal (10) 1. Solar causal soul shines bright with faith. 2. Lunar emotional mind smiles content with happiness. 3. Mercurial intellectual mind knows how to discriminate between the good and the bad. 4. Venusian energy body demonstrates love and compassion. 5. Terrestrial physical body endures pleasure and pain. 6. Martial physical action moves with vigor and justice. 7. Jovial enjoyment comes through generosity. 8. Discipline penetrates saturnian dissatisfaction. 9. Rahuvian whim, wish, desire, and will, transform into the 10. Ketuvian release of lust, anger, ignorance, and fear, into the marriage of Love and Light. The Divine Sun (8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Divine Sun simply is. The Heart is the purest and highest will and purpose. The Body is the world of impermanence, change, and evolution. The Divine Mind is the tantric union and embodiment of the purest and highest will amidst impermanence, change, and evolution. Find one's purest and highest will and purpose. Embody that will and purpose in the world of impermanence, change, and evolution. Fulfill that embodiment as a Buddha. Celebrate that tantric union as the Divine Sun in the Heart.

Once the Heart (7) 1. Once the Heart is realized infinitely deep, the Divine Sun shines, infinitely above. 2. The realization of both infinite centeredness and infinite expansiveness is the scientific-tantric marriage, the Heart felt infinitely deep in the chest and the Divine Sun shining infinitely above the head.

3. Realization of the Heart is provoked by direct awareness and direct energy. 4. True knowledge -- full feeling as Love, full will as Light, full thought as Logic, and full action as Life -- characterizes direct awareness and direct energy. 5. True knowledge is always already available from, in, and as the Divine Sun. 6. True knowledge is always already available in silence, stillness, and simplicity. 7. Open the Book of the Heart. Everything is there. In the beginning (64) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In the beginning, Allah, the Divine Sun. Hridaya, the Heart, eternally arises from Allah. Hridaya, the Mother, and Allah, the Father, are eternally One, Amma and Abba in everlasting embrace. Knowing the Radiance of Love and the Heart of Bliss, from Allah and Hridaya came forth Reason. 6. Allah and Hridaya genesised Jivanta, the Buddha. 7. Knowing the Radiance of Love, the Heart of Bliss, and the Word of Reason, from Allah and Hridaya came forth Life. 8. Allah and Hridaya genesised Prakriti, the Holy Spirit. 9. Knowing the Radiance of Love, the Heart of Bliss, the Word of Reason, and the Abundance of Life, Allah, Hridaya, Jivanta, and Prakriti are the Holy Family. 10. Allah-Hridaya, the Holy Family, said, “We will create a world where the Radiance of Love, the Heart of Bliss, the Word of Reason, and the Abundance of Life, is destiny”. 11. “We will create a world where the Radiance of Life is fulfillment”. 12. At first, Allah-Hridaya created Fire and Water, and then Air and Earth. 13. Now, the elements commingled, without division, without difference. 14. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let there be light”, and the Fire stood up and gave light. 15. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let there be purity”, and the Water flowed and ebbed. 16. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let there be movement”, and the Air made things move. 17. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let there be stability”, and the Earth supported all things.

18. And Allah-Hridaya were glad, saying “Purity and stability? These make Complete light and movement”. 19. Allah-Hridaya said, “We will architect a world where Radiant Life is the destiny”. 20. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the elements become sites for awareness”, and awareness emerged within all sites. And Allah-Hridaya named the site and the awareness within the site, the jiva. 21. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas touch each other”, and the jivas became rocks and minerals, stars and planets. 22. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas taste each other”, and the jivas became very tiny creatures and microbes, amoebas and bacteria. 23. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas hear one another”, and the jivas became algae and plants, ferns and flowering plants. 24. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas smell one another”, and the jivas became simple animals, mollusks and worms, insects and spiders. 25. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas see another”, and the jivas became complex animals, fish and frogs, lizards, sparrows, cats and cattle, whales and horses. 26. Allah-Hridaya said, “Let the jivas think on things”, and jivas became humans. 27. And Allah-Hridaya smiled, saying “All these jivas will manifest Radiant Life, among one another and within themselves”. 28. Allah-Hridaya created the first human, Adam. 29. Allah-Hridaya expected Adam to live directly from the Heart, the bodily location of the Divine Sun. 30. The physical heart Allah-Hridaya placed in the left side of Adam's chest. 31. The spiritual heart Allah-Hridaya placed in the center of Adam's chest. 32. The Heart Itself was hidden in the right side of the chest. 33. Adam, though, could not locate the Heart. 34. Allah-Hridaya gave various animals to Adam, to help him locate the Heart. 35. But the animals, though living from the Heart, did not possess full awareness of living from the Heart. 36. So Allah-Hridaya split Adam down the middle, separating Adam into a “right” side and a “left” side. 37. The left-side Adam became the masculine Adam, who, though possessing all three hearts, became adept at the physical heart and all things physical and intellectual. 38. The right-side Adam became the feminine Eve, who, though possessing all three hearts, became adept at the spiritual heart and all things emotional and relational.

39. Eve, however, knew that the embodiment of the Heart required the union of physical and spiritual hearts. 40. Eve, in being a “help-meet”, was actually a “Heart-meet”. 41. The Heart can only be known in silence, stillness, quiet, and darkness; in the depths of Surrender. 42. The “eve”-ning is when the Heart becomes most active, during sleep and during brahmamuhurta, the dark hours of 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. 43. Eve prophesied: Buddhas will awaken to the Divine Sun, during brahmamuhurta, as the Morning Star, the “Christ”, rises over the eastern horizon. 44. Eve was the personification, embodiment, manifestation, of the spiritual heart in human form. 45. Adam intuited his non-awareness of the spiritual heart, and thus of the Heart. 46. But Adam did not recognize Eve as the spiritual heart. 47. Adam sought for the spiritual heart in inwardness. 48. Adam rejected relationship. 49. Adam sought the Heart by means of a false asceticism, a false renunciation, and a false abandonment of the world. Adam sought the Heart by means of a false surrender. 50. One day, Adam experienced the perfect bliss of a false renunciation, shut off from the world. 51. Eve asked Adam, “Dear Adam, do you think that realizing the Heart is dependent upon closing your eyes?” 52. “Is realization of the Divine contingent upon excluding the world?” 53. “Is Creation simply something to avoid and escape?” 54. “Is the Transcendent the only Reality, and Creation an illusion?” 55. “Is the Divine Sun different from the world?” 56. “Dear Adam, show me where God is not!” 57. Adam had not known the falsehood of his strategy. 58. Adam had presumed the false as true. 59. When Adam recognized the false as false, he entered the Radiant Life of Surrender. 60. Adam recognized Eve as not-different from himself. 61. Adam recognized Eve, non-dualistically, in embodiment. 62. Adam and Eve met as One. 63. Adam and Eve both realized the Heart, and lived from, in, and as the Heart in the Divine Sun. 64. The masculine Adam and the feminine Eve are forever re-united in scientific-tantric union.

Uncountable Eons (7) 1. Uncountable eons ago, a warrior-king vowed to surrender to the Divine Sun. He vowed to become a Buddha: 2. “When I attain Buddhahood, may all beings attain Buddhahood who sincerely and joyfully cultivate the Name”. 3. The warrior-king accomplished his goal, becoming known as Jesus Buddha. 4. All men who enter the Path of Allah will ultimately become Buddhas in turn. All women who enter the Path of Allah will ultimately become Siddhas in turn. There is no Buddha without a Siddha. 5. Allah is Compassion, not hatred. 6. Allah is Gentle, not hard. 7. Allah is Open, not hidden. Surrender-Radiance (64) 1. True Radiance is Surrender. 2. Jivanta Vidya Agni. Jyoti Hridaya Agni. 3. The Living Wisdom of Radiance 4. The Light of the Heart of Radiance 5. Sincerity! 6. Hear, O Israel, there is Only One Radiance! 7. Radiance in the Heart 8. Don’t worry. Be Radiant! 9. Radiance from the Heart to Infinity 10. One Love! 11. Accept Radiance! 12. Radiance in the Breath 13. Make others Radiant! 14. Radiance in the Gut 15. One Light! 16. Radiance is located bodily! 17. Radiance in the Head 18. Fight for Radiance! 19. Radiance shining from the Heads of All 20. Silence! 21. Radiance is your only true possession! 22. Radiance in the Blood 23. Radiance is in the depths! 24. Radiance in the Bones

25. Exercise! 26. Talk Radiance! 27. Radiance in the Mouth 28. Share Radiance! 29. Radiance spoken to All 30. Embody! 31. Read Radiance! 32. Radiance in the Hands 33. Write Radiance! 34. Radiance in the Arms 35. Radiate! 36. Associate with the Radiant! 37. Radiance in the Thighs 38. Radiance is freedom! 39. Radiance going Deeper and Deeper 40. Emanate! 41. Make Radiance a ritual! 42. Radiance in the Feet 43. Radiance is the source of all! 44. Radiance as the Lowest of All 45. One Logic! 46. Radiance is a pervading Spirit! 47. Radiance in the Outer Genitals 48. Live Radiance in everyday life! 49. Radiance in the Inner Genitals 50. Simplicity! 51. Radiance is one with matter! 52. Radiance in the Face 53. Radiance is the Law! 54. Radiance shining from the Face 55. Science! 56. Radiance is one with God! 57. Radiance in the Knee and Lower Leg 58. Radiance is the Christ! 59. Radiance in the Flesh 60. One Life! 61. Radiance is our destiny! 62. Radiance in the Senses 63. Radiance is our responsibility! 64. Radiance in Awareness

Solar (35) 1. Solar radiance 2. Heart-remembrance 3. Energy-wisdom 4. Doing good knowledge 5. Outshine-endeavor 6. Lunar union 7. Charity-enjoyment 8. Home-awakened 9. All living beings dream 10. Beauty-awareness 11. Martial-fierce 12. Action-surprise 13. Work-virgin 14. Accomplishment: all things 15. Discipline: vision 16. Mercurial contemplation 17. Earth-bliss 18. Men-and-women-body 19. Relationship-element 20. Fighting injustice-universe 21. Jovial transcendent 22. Unboundedness-mantra 23. Constant growth-method 24. Justice-secret 25. Abandoning evil: fetterless 26. Venusian awakened 27. Love sacrificial 28. Creativity-knowing 29. Nature-image 30. Compassion unconditioned 31. Saturnine separation 32. Simplicity-condition 33. Silence bodily 34. This life-victory 35. Fearlessness siddhi Victory (10) 1. Victory!

2. Remember and Believe! 3. Outshine your own limitations. Accept others’ limitations. 4. Honor your Father and Mother. 5. Protect Life. 6. Practice Brahmacharya. 7. Give to charity. 8. Speak Truth. 9. Make others Happy! 10. Don’t worry. Be Happy! Brahmamuhurta (48) 1. Brahmamuhurta is the hour of Allah. 2. Take light or heavy exercise. 3. Meditate; return to the Name and to the breath and to silence. 4. Eat sattvic food. Return to Nature. 5. Be regular in your eating times. 6. Do not eat to the point of feeling too full. 7. Give thanks and enjoy your food. 8. Share what you eat with others. 9. Find out what you love to do, and then do it! 10. Study one sacred text at a time. 11. Recite a prayer, a hymn. 12. Brahmacharya is the rising of energy, from fear to love, from limitation to infinity, from contractedness to emergence, from scatter to groundedness. 13. Recognize lust as fear. 14. See all as brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, as members of one family. Associate with good company. 15. Give to charity every month. 16. Volunteer to help improve your neighborhood, city, state, nation, and world. 17. Adityam is Christic, an esoteric Christianity. Avatar Jesus Buddha Catholicism can be practiced only as part of an exoteric community. 18. Fast, every now and then, from something that you usually ingest, whether diet-wise, emotion-wise, or intellect-wise. 19. Carry a japa mala with you, either around your neck or in your pocket. 20. Be present!

21. Don’t disappear! 22. Be aware of when you are absent, and be present again. 23. Look eye-to-eye. 24. Speak! 25. Don’t keep silent! 26. Speak the truth. 27. Speak gently. 28. Always utter encouragement and praise. 29. Praise enlivens your friends. 30. Remember, you can’t become joyful. 31. You can only be joyful. 32. Make others laugh. 33. Abandon worry. 34. Reduce your wants. 35. Practice Love, both to yourself and to others. 36. Never intentionally do ultimate harm. 37. Ahimsa paramo dharma. 38. Forgive and give. 39. Honor the elderly, make the sick whole, and support the poor. 40. See the Divine Sun in your fellow Man. 41. Be self-reliant. 42. Be ready to ask for the help you need. 43. Keep your environments clean and vibrant. 44. Maintain a daily routine. 45. Keep a daily diary. 46. Remember death. 47. Remember Allah as soon as you wake up and just before you go to sleep, and at all other times in between. Surrender yourself completely to the Fearless. 48. Truth cannot be found in books! The First Truth (8) 1. The First Truth: Men and women suffer. 2. The Second Truth: Men and women suffer from lust, hatred, ignorance, and fear. 3. The Third Truth: Lust, hatred, ignorance, and fear are caused by lack of Love, Light, Logic, and Life. 4. The Fourth Truth: Lust, hatred, ignorance, and fear are transformed by, with, and into Love, Light, Logic, and Life.

5. If you must lust, then lust for Love. 6. If you must hate, then hate the suppression of Light. 7. If you must be ignorant, then be ignorant of what it means to not practice Logic. 8. If you must fear, then fear only the avoidance of Life. Song of the Avadhut (28) 1. Let action be your mantra. 2. Let creativity be your meditation. 3. Let Nature be your Church. 4. Let simplicity be your scripture. 5. Let silence be your guru. 6. Let unboundedness be your devotion. 7. Let work be your prayer. 8. Let earth be your heaven. 9. Let this life be your next life. 10. Let the Divine Sun be your God. 11. Let lack of love be your hell. 12. Let fear be your satan. 13. Let compassion be your salvation. 14. Let accomplishment be your liberation. 15. Let constant growth be your eucharist. 16. Let energy be your confession. 17. Let charity be your chanting. 18. Let justice be your kneeling. 19. Let the home be your shrine. 20. Let discipline be your evangelism. 21. Let men and women be your angels. 22. Let all living beings be your saints. 23. Let doing good be your ashram. 24. Let cutting down evil be your yoga. 25. Let the creation of beauty be your puja. 26. Let relationship be your renunciation. 27. Let outshining the darkness be your non-attachment. 28. Let fiery surrender be your sadhana. The mantra (9) 1. The mantra for Allah, the Divine Sun, is silence, the womb of divinity.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The mantra for Hridaya is sincerity, the mark of insight. The mantra for Jivanta is science, the logic of truth. The mantra for Prakriti is simplicity, the integrity of life. The practice of Allah is founded upon S4. The practice of silence, or meditation The practice of sincerity, or good company The practice of science, or creativity The practice of simplicity, or healing

Allah is the Origin (22) 1. Allah is the Origin of all religions. 2. Allah is the Destiny of all religions. 3. One Love 4. One Light 5. One Logic 6. One Life 7. Salvation 8. Satisfaction 9. Skepticism 10. Suffering 11. Contemplation 12. Ethics 13. Narrative 14. Cosmology 15. Self 16. Spouse 17. Community 18. Cosmos 19. Literal interpretation 20. Psychological interpretation 21. Noetic interpretation 22. Solar interpretation Allah is the origin, persistence, and end (12) 1. Allah is the origin, persistence, and end of all realms. 2. Hridaya is the source of the Heart, the causal realm of bliss. 3. Jivanta is the source of the Mind, the subtle realm of prana, mind, and discrimination.

4. Prakriti is the source of the Body, the physical realm of matter and energy. 5. Allah is Nirvana, the True Self that includes all realms. 6. The breath-cycle replicates the nature of reality. 7. Breathing-out mirrors the Hridaya. 8. The stillness-after-breathing-out mirrors Allah. 9. Breathing-in mirrors the Prakriti. 10. The stillness-after-breathing-in mirrors the Jivanta. 11. Each breath is communion. 12. Awareness of the breath awakens the Buddha. Allah is Fearless Love (50) 1. Allah is Fearless Love. 2. Where is lust? 3. Where is hatred? 4. Where is ignorance? 5. Where is fear? 6. Where is Love? 7. Where is Light? 8. Where is Logic? 9. Where is Life? 10. The work of Man is the transformation of lust, hatred, ignorance, and fear by, with, and into Love, Light, Logic, and Life. 11. The transformation of Man means the transformation of the Cosmos. 12. This is the perfect transformation, 13. The perfect tantra, 14. The perfect science, 15. The perfect alchemy, 16. The perfect eucharist. 17. This is the bodily resurrection, 18. The bodily liberation. 19. This is the Kingdom of God on earth, 20. The fulfillment of Creation. 21. Emanate Love, as the Divine Sun, from the whole body. 22. Radiate Light, as the Heart, from the chest. 23. Exercise Logic, as the Mind, from the head. 24. Embody Life, as the Body, through sacrifice. 25. Surrender in, from, and as the whole body.

26. Silence is the Divine Sun. 27. A is the Heart. 28. U is the Mind. 29. M is Body. 30. The Father, the Mother, the Son, and the Daughter: 31. The Holy Family. 32. Aum! 33. Always in prior relationship, 34. Always open to one another, 35. Always in communication, 36. Always sharing lives with one another. 37. Namah Śivayah! Glory to the Divine Sun! 38. Allah uvaca: Remember Me, and Fight! 39. All ten thousand names of Allah, 40. All ten thousand manifestations, 41. Simplified in silence, 42. One Truth, 43. Always the Divine Sun. 44. Healing, not hurtful. 45. Humble, not hubris. 46. Honest, not hidden. 47. Hopeful, not hollow. 48. Avatar, the Light of Allah. 49. Buddha, the Rising of Allah. 50. Christ, the Warmth of Allah. Sunlight (3) 1. Fight for righteousness, as the servant of Allah, Allahadasa. 2. Surrender everything, in communion with Allah, Allahayoga. 3. Realize everything, as Allah, Allahadvaita. Shanti (5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shine! Illuminate! So be it. Amen! Swaha! Allah is the Fire of Love consuming all beings

Aum Avatar Buddha Christ Guru Avadhut Rasul Rabbi Tirthankara Fuzi Laozi Sant Mazdayasni Swaha! Jesus Buddha Jesus Dhamma Jesus Samgha Allahu’Avatar Jesus Buddha Jai Theotokos Mary Ma Durga Namah Śivayah! INDU XPIC 08:43:54 Friday 9 October 2009

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