Afscme Health Care Report

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  • Words: 957
  • Pages: 3
For Immediate Release: November 4, 2009

Contact: Anders Lindall 312-641-6060

New Numbers Show Illinois Residents Can’t Wait for Health Care Reform New Report Makes It Clear: State delegation’s vote for House bill is a vote for families and small businesses over insurance companies From small businesses to seniors, from the uninsured to families struggling to afford the insurance they do have, the health care reform bill being considered in the House of Representatives will make a real, positive impact on the everyday lives of thousands of Illinois residents. Representing 1.6 million workers across the country--some 100,000 active and retired members in Illinois--the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is highlighting important numbers compiled by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee that truly demonstrate the need for reform now. While opponents of the legislation have fought hard to cover up the truth about its benefits, the numbers say it all. As the Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962) comes to the floor for a vote, it’s clear that the Illinois congressional delegation, particularly Reps. Debbie Halvorson, Bill Foster, Melissa Bean, Dan Lipinski and Jerry Costello will have a chance to side with state residents over the insurance companies.

Real Reform: Strengthening Illinois Residents’ Financial Security Too many Illinois families have faced financial ruin because of skyrocketing health care costs, and even more are just one medical emergency away from disaster. In 2008, thousands of Illinois residents filed for health care-related bankruptcies, including: • • • • •

1,900 families in the 11th Congressional District (Rep. Halvorson) 1,700 families in the 12th Congressional District (Rep. Costello) 1,600 families in the 14th Congressional District (Rep. Foster) 1,500 families in the 3rd Congressional District (Rep. Lipinski) 1,400 families in the 8th Congressional District (Rep. Bean)

Just between these areas of the state, that’s 8,100 families who can’t even choose between paying for prescription drugs and buying food anymore, because they can’t afford either.

A ‘Yes’ vote on reform would mean a hard cap on annual out-of-pocket costs at $10,000 per year, effectively preventing citizens from going bankrupt because of out-of-control health care costs. Illinois families on the verge of bankruptcy can’t wait for reform any longer.

Real Reform: Protecting Illinois Seniors by Strengthening Medicare Too many Illinois seniors have fallen through the cracks of a broken system that prioritizes insurance companies’ profits over their seniors’ health care needs. Thanks to the so-called “donut hole,” thousands of seniors every year are forced to pay the full cost of their prescription drugs, and many of them can’t afford it. By congressional district, the number of seniors who fall into this costly gap in prescription-drug coverage: • • • • •

9,800 seniors in Rep. Costello’s district 8,800 seniors in Rep. Halvorson’s district 7,900 seniors in Rep. Foster’s district 7,900 seniors in Rep. Lipinski’s district 6,800 seniors in Rep. Bean’s district

A ‘Yes’ vote on reform would mean cutting brand-name prescription drug costs in the Part D “donut hole” by 50% for these seniors, and would ultimately eliminate the “donut hole” altogether.

Real Reform: Covering the Uninsured The Affordable Health Care for America Act will mean affordable and accessible coverage for every American—nearly 50 million of who are uninsured today. Too many Illinois residents are currently living without any health insurance at all, including some 227,000 in the following districts: • • • • •

63,000 uninsured individuals in Rep. Lipinski’s district 53,000 uninsured individuals in Rep. Foster’s district 40,000 uninsured individuals in Rep. Costello’s district 37,000 uninsured individuals in Rep. Bean’s district 34,000 uninsured individuals in Rep. Halvorson’s district

A ‘Yes’ vote on HR 3269 will ensure that these Illinoisans won’t have to worry anymore about their ability to afford health care for themselves, a sick child, or an ailing spouse.

Real Reform: Standing Up for Main Street Small Businesses Small business owners have seen firsthand how a failing health care system and spiraling health costs can cripple their businesses at a time when we’re relying on them to help our economy recover. HR 3269 provides tax credits of up to 50% of the health insurance costs for small businesses with fewer than 25 employees and average wages under $40,000. This tax credit will support thousands of small businesses around the state, including: • • • • •

17,000 small businesses in Rep. Foster’s district 16,700 small businesses in Rep. Bean’s district 14,800 small businesses in Rep. Halvorson’s district 14,100 small businesses in Rep. Lipinski’s district 12,800 small businesses in Rep. Costello’s district

A ‘Yes’ vote on the Affordable Health Care for America Act would mean important assistance to Illinois small businesses seeking to do the right think and provide affordable health care coverage for their employees and families. Real Reform: Ending Discrimination Against Pre-existing Conditions Right now insurance companies routinely deny coverage to individuals with preexisting conditions, including nearly 55,000 residents in these Illinois districts. • • • • •

12,600 individuals in Rep. Lipinski’s district 12,400 individuals in Rep. Foster’s district 9,600 individuals in Rep. Bean’s district 9,400 individuals in Rep. Halvorson’s district 9,000 individuals in Rep. Costello’s district

A ‘Yes’ vote for the Affordable Health Care for America Act will put an end to this discriminatory practice for thousands of Illinoisans. Illinoisans, Families and Small Businesses Can’t Wait for Health Care Reform Scare tactics from the big insurance companies and their allies in Congress won’t change the fact that millions of families will benefit from reform, or that the plan is paid for in full and will reduce the national deficit. Illinois residents know that it’s time to fix the system, and want Reps. Halvorson, Foster Bean, Lipinski and Costello to stand up and vote ‘Yes’ on the Affordable Health Care for America Act.

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