Af Cheer Agreement

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,668
  • Pages: 5
Agreement and Expectations of AF Little League Cheerleaders 1. Girls must live within the boundaries of American Fork High School. 2. Prior to trying out, each prospective cheerleader must provide the $20.00 tryout fee, Agreement and Expectation Form, Release Form, and AFHS Wavier, signed by both the cheerleader and her parent/guardian and a non-returnable picture of herself. 3. All girls will be divided by age groups, upcoming 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. Each group will be called the AF Cavemen. There will be two football teams per age group; this means there will be two cheerleading squads per age group. a. One squad will compete, one squad will not. b. Prior to tryouts each girl and parent/guardian will choose which squad would be best for them. But the girls score at tryouts will make the final determination. Example: If you choose the Competing squad and your score is low you will be placed on the Non Competing squad. Or if you choose the Non-Competing and you have a high score you will stay on the Non-Competing squad. c. The prospective 9th grade cheerleaders that are trying-out for the Competitive squad are required to provide a copy of their second term report card, with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. 4. A squad will consist of between 10 and 20 girls. More or less girls per squad may be considered determined by the tryout scores. Please understand that cheerleaders are picked according to their scores and not other reasons. The cheerleader will not be allowed to change squads. (Remember you might be on a different squad than your friends.) 5. All girls that make the squad will be notified of a post tryout meeting. They will be introduced to their new advisor and parent representative, choose their uniform form the choices provided, and pay their start-up fees. If you as a parent and cheerleader do not agree to the below costs, please reconsider trying out. The start-up fees that will be required at the post tryout meeting are: Competing Squad • $175.00 Participation Fee Includes: Advisor Fee, 3 day cheer camp, Safety and Stunt Clinic, Team Party, AF Steel Days Parade, Insurance (carried by CYF Football League), Association Fees, Sound System Maintenance, 4 Competitions (Cavemen Classic, Lehi, Flyers, and Twisters.) • $100.00 Uniform Deposit, Uniform total cost will range between $200-300 depending on choice that the squad makes. Balance due about 4 weeks following the meeting and balance must be paid before the cheerleader receives her uniform. • Each Competing squad will participate in a once a week, 2 hour, stunt, tumbling, cheer class at the AF Rec. Center. Cost will be $30 a month. • Competing Squad commitments: once a week practices with game day coach, and cheering at one football game a week when football season begins. Once a week practices for competition routine at AF Rec. Center (more practice will be added the closer that the competitions get.) The reason for the cheerleader attending the AF Rec. Center is that the stunting and tumbling has became essential to competing with the surrounding cities, and most important the cheerleaders safety. Each squad MUST attend camp and stunt clinic to build unity and provide safety within the squad also to learn materials needed for the upcoming season. Each cheerleader will be required to be in attendance at all games, practices, 4

competitions, camp, service project and AF Steel Days Parade. Each cheerleader must meet the highest level of commitment, to provide a successful experience for all. Please take into consideration the time and financial commitment it takes to be on this squad when making your decision. Non Competing Squad *$135.00 Participation Fee Includes: Advisor Fee, 3 day cheer camp, Safety Stunt Clinic, Team Party, AF Steel Days Parade, Insurance (carried by CYF Football League), Sound System Maintenance, and Association Fees *$100.00 Uniform Deposit, Uniform total cost will range between $200-$300 depending on the choice the squad makes. Balance due about 4 weeks following the meeting and balance must be paid before cheerleader receives her uniform. •

Non Competing Squad commitments: once a week practice with game day coach, and cheering at one to two football games a week when football season begins. Each squad MUST attend camp and stunt clinic to build unity and provide safety within the squad also to learn materials needed for the upcoming season. Each cheerleader will be required to be in attendance at all games, practices, camp, service project, and AF Steel Days Parade. Each cheerleader must meet the highest level of commitment, to provide a successful experience for all. This squad will be great for the cheerleaders that have other things that they are committed to!

6. The Association will provide one fundraiser after tryouts. Fundraiser is optional if any other costs are needed other than participation fee. Fundraisers will be determined by the Advisor and Parent Rep. 7. Each cheerleader will be allowed a few excused absences, as determined by each advisor and parent rep. If the cheerleader fails to meet the attendance requirement, the cheerleader will be excused form the squad. No-attendance is not fair to those cheerleaders who always attend and are committed to all that is required of a cheerleader. It is also not fair to the cheerleader’s family that has arranged schedules and vacation in order for the cheerleader to be in attendance. 8. Each cheerleader must follow the below conduct rules. *Set a good example at all times. You represent all cheerleaders. *Cheerleaders will not engage in any illegal activity. No smoking, drinking, or use of drugs is allowed or tolerated. If the cheerleader participates in any of these things, she will be immediately excused from the squad. *Cheerleaders will not lie, steal, gossip about one another, swear, fight, and talk back to elders, coaches, advisors, or parent rep. *Cheerleaders must attend all clinics, practices, and games. Any absence, excused or unexcused, requires cheerleader to get with someone and learn material that was missed. *Excused absences must be approved by your advisor prior to the absence. *Cheerleaders will not be able to wear their uniform or any part of it to school. *Cheerleader will be required to follow team rules and demerit system.

AGREEMENT AND EXPECTATIONS PLEASE READ AGREEMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS, ONLY SIGN UPON ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT OF THESE TERMS. Cheerleaders cannot tryout without the following signatures. I______________________ commit to the Agreement and Expectation Requirements. I agree to the expense of a cheerleader, and agree before I tryout I commit and will follow these guidelines. Failure to comply will result being excused from the cheer squad. Signed: _____________________________________________Date:_____________ Prospective Cheerleader

I, the parent/guardian of the above prospective cheerleader, commit to the above mentioned requirements and expectations. I agree to the expense of a cheerleader, and agree that before my daughter tries out, I commit to follow these guidelines. Failure to comply will result in my daughter being excused from the cheer squad. I also agree to support my daughter, The Association, and the advisors to insure that my daughter has a successful experience as a cheerleader. I commit to at least 8-10 hours of volunteer service to my daughter’s squad and/or the Association.

Signed: ____________________________________________Date:______________ Parent/Guardian



EMERGENCY/RELEASE FORM NAME: _____________________________ B-DAY: ________________ADDRESS:_________________________________ E-MAIL____________________________HOME PHONE: _____________________CELL PHONE: ____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: _________________________CELL PHONE: ________________WORK PHONE: ______________ PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN: ______________________ PHONE: _________________ HOSPITAL: _________________ INSURANCE:_________________________POLICY#:____________________MEDICATIONS ON:___________________ ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: __________________________________________________________________________ THESE PEOPLE MAY BE CONTACTED IN AN EMERGENCY: NAME: _______________________________________________PHONE:________________________________ NAME: _______________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________________ RELEASE I/we are aware of and understand the risks, including the risk of catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death, as well as other injuries associated with participation in cheerleading. In consideration of your accepting my child as a cheerleader, I/we do release American Fork Little League Cheerleading Association any advisor, instructor, or anyone associated with cheerleading from any and all actions causes of action, damage, claims or demands which I, my child executor, administrators of assigns may have against and other about described parties for all personal injuries, damages claims or the like, known or unknown which my child has or may incur by participating as described. As the legal parent and or guardian for ____________________________________ I herby verify that I fully understand and Cheerleaders Name

accept the above conditions for permitting my child to participate in cheerleading. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT. Signature of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________ Signature of Cheerleader: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________ CONSENT FOR ATHLETIC EMERGENCY CARE BE IT KNOWN that in the event I cannot be reach, I the undersigned parent or guardian of the child above named, do herby give and grant unto any medical doctor or hospital my consent and authorization to render such aid, treatment or care to said child as, in the judgment of said doctor or hospital may be required, on an emergency basis, in the event said child should be injured or stricken ill while participation in an cheerleading activity sponsored by the AF Little League Association. IT IS HERBY understood that the consent and authorization hereby give and granted are continuing, and are intended by me to extend throughout the current cheer season. IT IS FURTHER understood that any expenses incurred will be paid by insurance or the parent/guardian of the student. Payment of the expense is not an Association responsibility. ____________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN All information provided will be kept confidential, and only provide to your child’s coach and select League personnel.

WAVIER RELEASING AMERICAN FORK HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS In consideration of your acceptation my child’s entry, I herby, for myself, my child, and my heirs do waive and release any and all right claims for damage I or may child have against American Fork High School or it representatives for any and all injuries suffered by myself or my child at any activity sponsored by the American Fork High School Cheerleaders. PARENTS ASSUME ALL RISK. Participants Name: ___________________________________________ Parents Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:____________

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