Advisory Committee Meeting June 2009

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  • Pages: 3
MINUTES OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING 3RD JUNE 2009 Present: Hon James Orengo Hon Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o Hon Otieno K’ajwang’ Hon Oburu Odinga Hon Jakayo Midiwo AGENDA: Strategy Progress Review The committee opened with a word of prayer from the secretary. All members felt that the last two weeks had been successfully navigated and that a lot of pressure had eased off the PM. Considerable gains have been made towards pursuing our objectives. 1) The maize scandal has dissipated. 2) The operation at Treasury has been successful, and though Uhuru got off, critical long term damage has been successfully undertaken. 3) Press contribution from KTN and Standard has been exemplary and due reward to our supporters in the two must be kept up.

Challenges: 1) The PM’s foreign trips are not coming off well. In this regard, PNU has outmaneuvered us and remedial rear guard action needs to be initiated. The US fiasco was terrible and required great damage control. 2) Funds shortfall. We need to raise funds more aggressively, especially for media and parliamentary ‘facilitation’. These are our two largest expenses, but other people are also crying out, including our friendly clergy and activists. We must review our commitment to Muite, he is becoming downright greedy unlike Kiai. Koigi is valuable, but also growing too demanding while his long-term effectiveness is debatable.

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3) Our foreign allies are being two faced as usual. However, especially in the EU, the PM has firm support and you can see they have not been aggressive in the Maize issue. Mid-Term goals. The year is halfway and we are off track in our projections. In the next six months, we must fast track issues otherwise the country will get into a ‘let us wait for elections mood.’ Standard and KTN need support from other fronts, and the key issues we must keep emphasizing are: a) H.E is opulent and uncaring for the mwananchi. b) The economy is in total doldrums and cannot recover. c) That H.E has even failed in his area of strength and poverty will rise. H.E’s key lieutenants and thinkers must also be cut off from him and destroyed. With Martha out of the way, the ‘lame duck’ description will be an understatement. Key on the list to be isolated and demonized; 1) Amb. Muthaura 2) George Muhoho 3) Eddy Njoroge 4) Michael Waweru 5) Evans Gicheru 6) Stanley Murage With these advisors trashed and muddied, it will not be possible for H.E to mount an effective defense, let alone counter attack. Isolation of H.E is a step so critical that we should be prepared to spend whatever the amount of resources it will consume. In the short run, there are some key projects.

(Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o has to leave for an urgent matter, record of minutes to be continued by Hon K’ajwang’) 1) BUDGET: The critical error has been planted in the final budget statement. We have to wait and hope that it is not discovered before the reading. Using a copy of the draft, our contacts, including Mars group, have drafted a scathing attack Page 2 of 3

on Uhuru over key policy and planning issues. The secretary is sitting on this budget sub-committee and will report to the PM. 2) ARTUR REPORT: Martha is moving too fast on this one, we must give the planned budget furore enough time to settle in. Muite has prepared a good presentation on the brothers, and Standard has promised at least two headlines of good coverage. We must ensure that we have good numbers in parliament during this Artur debate. 3) LEADER OF GOVT BUSINESS: Immediately, while the two issues above continue to generate heat, the issue of Leader of Government business in the house will be revisited. A victory in this matter will set the correct mood and psychologically readjust our supporters for mass action. 4) PYRAMID SCHEMES: The matter of the pyramid schemes needs to be manipulated better. Nyaga needs some help on this and Hon Orengo should lead him. To move the scandal to reflect it as the source of PNU election funding was a good idea, but it is not coming through as it should. Members of this committee are well aware of the weight of their responsibilities, and each person should not wait for the next meeting to be allocated duties and tasks. We owe the PM unending initiative on our part if he is to succeed on the lines of Madagascar. Our revised deadline and vision for mass action is June 2010, and this timeline pushes us severely. The Kenyan psyche is a complex one, and if we lose this moment, elections will overtake our plans.

Hon. Otieno K’ajwang’

For Secretary. Page 3 of 3

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