Advertising Mgt. Mm-7

  • May 2020
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O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7

Advertisement Marketing (MM-7) UNIT – 1 Q : 1:- Explain the statement that “Advt. Is a part of Mktg. Process?” Ans:- Advertising does not work alone. It is an integral part of an advertiser’s total marketing effort. Goods or services that are poorly positioned in relation to competitors, or that are overpriced, or that are inadequately distributed, or that are inadequately distributed, or that are package ineffectively may suffer sales declines even though advertising for these products is creatively well conceived & professionally placed in the right media in which it is placed are often the innocent scapegoats when other parts of the marketing mix are the real problems. Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, services by an identified sponsor. During the recent times manufacturers and traders built their business on the strength of advertising - consumers now have money. - Advertising promotes business expansion as long as goods and services are produced and are up for sale. - Advt. Informs, motivation and persuade costumers. - Credits desire for the product. Advertising is just one element in the four Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place and promotion. For success to occur, all of the elements must work together- the product & it’s packaging must be positioned correctly, it must be priced and sold properly, it must be distributed effectively and be available in the right place, and it must be promoted and advertised with the right message aims at the right prospects. In addition to the four Ps, there are other relates variables which have an impact on a marketing effort. 1. The sales response curve does not always parallel the advertising expenditure curve. In many cases, response to advertising is slow at first than it accelerates. This lag in response time depends on the nature of the product and the media used. Products that are purchased infrequently (automobiles e.g.) have a greater lag time than more frequently purchased products do. Newspapers get fast response on those items for which people are “Shopping” the paper; whereas radio and television tend to work a little slower as they penetrate through indifference to a product and create awareness through repetition. 2. Advertising has a threshold effect. The response to advertising is typically the result of a cumulative effect of a number of exposure to a campaign rather than to just one or two exposure.. A $ 500,000 campaign may have no apparent impact, but consumer’s barrier of awareness and increase sales & profits many fold. Different products and different types of advertising messages have varying thresholds. 3. The use of multiple media vehicles make it virtually impossible to pinpoint changes in sales patterns to just one medium. Sales responses may result from the combination of media. Or it may be possible that one medium affected the bulk of the sales response, while other contributed little. Remember, television has a halo effect, in that most people assume they are aware of things as a result of television (information about political candidates, the economy products etc.). Even when a product has never been advertised on TV, search has shown that people will claim they heard about it on TV. 4. Competitive activity and other marketing variables over which an advertiser has no control may obscure the relationship between advertising and response, so that sales do not reflect the effectiveness of the advertising. The problem might not be with promotion, but with price, place or product. For example, the world’s largest advertiser, proctor & Gamble uses recall of stated appeals to measures effectiveness of individual commercials. Other advertiser evaluate effectiveness by how much product knowledge is communicated, or by how much brand interests is created, or by whether or not a brand preferance is established. The important thing to keep in mind is that advertising must have separate goals from the overall marketing or sales goals, and that no advertising should be created and placed until these goals are spelled out.


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7

Q : 2:- Explain the process of communication and job Advt. Is a process of communication? Ans:- Advt. Is a Process between the source and audience. As the process of communication starts from the sender and involves encoding (medium, message) decoding and the received in turn gives a feed back about communication involves the advertiser who generates the message is the sender or source, the idea to be communicated is the message. The source encodes the idea using words/images that can be understood by the audience (receiver) The medium such as radio, TV, Print media etc. Carries the message.. The audience who receives the message derives meaning which is known as decoding. For e.g. FEEDBACK



This paint will last along time.


I’ll buy the paint which will last long.

Message The advt. Communication message to be successful it has to pass through 6 mental steps in the consumer. 1. Awareness :- create awareness about a product (specially new product). 2. Knowledge:- make the consumers aware about product features. Benefits. 3. Preference:- Consumer needs to be compelled to prefer buying the product. 4. Conviction:- The consumer needs to be continued and advt. Message should lead him to buy. 5. Purchase:- The advt. Message should be a call for action to initiate the action of buying. Reinforced:- The audience should feel confident of having made the correct purchase. Thus, comprehension of the advt. Message by the consumer is an important requirement to get desired behaviour. Thus the advertisor must know features of the target market to develop the right message that is clear and understandable. Source Audience (Factor considered)


(i) Source credibility (ii) Source Expertise (iii) Source Trust worthiness (iv)Source Attractiveness

I)Message Appeals Fear



(i) Print (ii) Electronic (iii) Internet

Sex Humors Rational

UNIT - 2 Q : 3:-Explain DAGMAR Approach? Ans:- The DAGMAR approach (defining about goals for measured advt. Results) was given by Russel H. Colley. An advt. Goal is a specific continuous task and achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific time period. - task & achievement level - specific audience - Time period Inform:- objective is to build primary demand.


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7 Objective acc to aim

Persuade :- in competitive stage. Remind:- with mature stage products.

This model is based on the assumption that there are a series of mental steps through which a brand must climb to gain acceptance. - Awareness - Comprehension - Conviction - Action Setting up of advt. Objectives following needs to be answered - Who is the target audience. - Derived consumer behaviour. - Role of advt. Target audience:- may be potential buyers of Co’s products - current users - deciders or influencers They may be individual, Group General Public The target audience will determine - what to say message how to say media when to say timing Where to say place To whom to say it Determining the target audience depends on (i) Image Analysis:- urgent image of co., its products & its competitors among the audience. (ii) Bench mark and degree of change sought (consumer behaviour change) To what extant the advt. Is desired to bring change should be stated a quantitative terms, i.e. determine the target market’s present position regarding different response. Stages:-1. Awareness 2. comprehension 3. Conviction 4. Action and the Degree of change expected through advt. (iii)

Specified time period:- specify the time period to accomplish the objectives.

Q : 4:- Describe the different steps involved in building an advt. Programme. Ans:- An advt. Programme needs to be different and should stand out in order to evoke favourable consumer response. The five major steps include:1. Message 2. Headline 3. Copy 4. Logo 5. Illustration 6. Appeal Before the execution of the message the advt. Appeal needs to be determined that may be defined as the Central message in the ad selection of primary appeal is key to any ad campaign. An appeal has 1. power to attract 2. Arouse latent desires 3. Influence feelings 4. Address human needs that can be met by the product. Types of appeals:Rational:- Aims for consumers mind space Emotional:- Aims for consumers heart. Rational appeals are based upon information, facts & data.


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7 -

feature appeal competitive advantage price appeal news appeal (new innovation/ improvements)

Life – Style:- Ads use life styles rather than product features - e.g. soft drinks aimed at young, fun lowing, active and ambitions people. Fantasy:- Ads based on need of consumer to find emotional escape. E.g. cosmetics. Animation:- Ads using computer graphics, cartoons, puppets, characters etc. to communicate difficult messages e.g. Animated pictures of cough/ cold Vicks. Drama:- telling a short story in the ad e.g. HDFC standard life. Humor:- Humors ad. E.g. candy man III. Headline:- Words in leading position - should be short, simple. - Include brand name, product benefits and an interest provoking idea. - Include action verb - Headline should say it all. II Body Copy:- consists of main text. - Logical continuation of headline. - Covers benefits, features and utility of product. III Logo:- Special designs of the advertisement company or product name e.g. hp IV Illustration:- visuals that may be photos, cartoons etc. V Layout:- physical arrangement of all the bout mentioned elements in tandem/ harmony with each other. Layout types:1.Picture Windom-single visual occupying 70% of ad space with the logo and slogan in one line. 2. Panel/Grid-uses no. of proportionate visuals. 3.Frame:- text surrounded by visual or vice-versa. 4.Grues:- combination of visuals and text.

UNIT – 3 Q: 5:- Describe the different steps in Media planning. Ans:- Media function is an important part of the advt. Campaign. It consist of - Media planning - Media research - Media buying Media planning is the process of delivering the advt. Message to the target audience at the right time and right place through right medium. Four important steps in Media planning:Market analysis Media objectives Media strategy evaluation follow-up a) Target markets To accomplish common b) specific Groups & market objectives e.g. c) Audience Size creat brand awareness d) composition

a) Media mix b) Market coverage

a) extent of success of strategies in achieving media objectives? b) was media plan successful in advt. Objectives?

(i) Reach (ii) Frequency 3. Scheduling or timing of ads Flighting:- seasonal ads e.g. woolens,a.c.’s


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7 Pulsing:- continued set pattern Bursting:- peak breaks e.g. festival season

Q: 6:- Discuss the rational/ seasons/ logic behind different testing techniques for advt.? OR TO JUDGE THE ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVENESS Ands:- Advertisers use pre & post tests to ensure that advt. Money is used wisely to achieved predetermined objectives. Testing is used to judge effectiveness of advt. Strategy or medium. Pre-testing involves evaluating a no. of variables of advt. Strategy or medium. Pre-testing involves evaluating of variables of advt. For effective decision making. 5 m’s (variables) merchandise (Product) how well the advt communicates benefits/ features of product. markets inf. From audience. motives Identify the costumer motives to create strong Message appeal effective ads/ headlines, body etc. Media Media types/time. Choice of media (*media mix)ious pre and post testing techniques are:1.Experiments:- Experiments are conducted to measure the actual cause and effect relation mainly for a new product there may be two groups one given the new product/ service/ advertisement and other group receives nothing. After that results are measured and effectiveness determined. Foe e.g. an ad campaign may be conducted in one area and not in another. The sales are then measured and difference is seen which helps in decision making. Recall:- A post testing technique where a sample audience is asked to recall an ad. Aided recall:- where audience are shown the ad without the name of sponsor/ brand and asked if they had seen it before. Unaided recall:- The audience are not shown anything and are asked to recall advt. Message. Attitude tests:- for measuring effectiveness of an ad in creating a favourable brand image. Tests are done through direct questioning, rating, interviews etc. Reorganization:- Whether a respondent can recognize an ad as having seen before. Such tests are conducted through mail survey. The purpose of such test is to show that mere presence of an ad does not mean that the audience notices it also. Thus advt. Effectiveness tests must be able to - establish communication objectives. - Use consumer response. - Use pre and post tests. - Use different / multiple measures. - Undederstand and implement the results.

UNIT-4 Q : 7:- What is the criteria for choosing an advt. Agency? Discuss the various agency compensation methods. Ans:- Advt. Agency refers to an independent organization that provides one or more specialized advt. & promotional services to adjust Co’s in developing preparing and executing their advt. And other promotion programmes. To evaluate an advt. Agency 2 important factors are considered.


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7 1.Financial:- Financial aspect is the focus on how agency conducts its business-costs involved and expenses incurred by it, charges of personnel hours, payments made to media & other outside service suppliers. 2.Qualitative:- Qualitative aspect explores the efforts devoted by the agency in planning, developing and implementing the clients ad campaign.

Evaluation Methods

Formal Ranking (poor/avg./excellent)

Informal Word of mouth Refers rals Presentations of agency.

There are 3 methods used to compensate the agencies:- Commission:- Agency is paid a fixed Commission (usually 15%)from the media on any advertising space or time purchased for the advertiser. - Advantages:- -Easy - Encourages agencies to produce quality services. Disadvantages:I. Traditional Unquotable Comm” Encourages client for higher media expenditure agencies avoid media where there is less/no comm.”-direct mail. II.Negitiated Fees:- Negotiation between agencies and their clients over a fee system. Fixed fee method ensures a fixed monthly fee based on work being done. Agency may also be paid through a combination of fee & commission. III. % change:- A fixed % may be given to the agency for the services it purchases from outside as market research, art work, photography, printing etc. % charges: A fixed percentage may be given to the agency for the services it purchases from outside as market research, art work, photography, printing etc. % Charges may range between 17.65% to 20%, This is a complex system. The above mentioned systems are not all a lowness each has its own +s & -s

Q: 8:- What do you understand by sales promotion? Discuss various tools and techniques available for sales promotion? Ans:- American MkT. Association defines sales promotion as those sales activities that supplement both personal selling, advt. And coordinate them & help to make them effective , such as displays shows and expositions, demonstration and other non-recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine. Sales promotion are short term incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product/Service. The sales promotion tools have 3 characteristics:1. Communication:- Gain attention/ provide inf. To consumer. 2. Incentive:-Invitation to close a transition of purchase & sale immediately.


O.D.M Computer & Mgt. Education (MM-7 Tools of Sales promotion:1. Price deals:- Product is available at less than normal list price. - beneficial from new products - counting competition 2. Quantity deals:- more quantity at same price. - beneficial for long term consumption. 3. Discounts:- Special discounts e.g. seasonal/ festive discounts 4. Coupons:- A certificate to claim some specified thing free/ part payment or entitlement to savings. 5. Refund:- beneficial for band switching. 6. Premiums:- gift/ reward for purchasing a product. 7. Sample:- free samples to try new producer 8. contests 9. Trade fairs & exhibitions 10. Demonstrations-to increase awareness.


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