Advertising Campaign Of Jharkhand Tourism

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  • Pages: 27



Submitted By: Alok Kumar (MBA/1088/2008)


INTRODUCTION The task which has been put forward is quiet challenging. Firstly we would like to acknowledge the Government of Jharkhand for thinking of promoting Jharkhand as a tourist destination. Secondly it’s our privilege and at the same time a matter of great honour that the Government of Jharkhand has bestowed upon us with the responsibility of designing an attractive ad campaign for promoting tourism for this land of forest. Now to begin with the ad campaign which we have designed, it is a complied work of intense research which leads to an attractive advertisement campaign. Our entire team have put in intense efforts to develop an optimum financial and technical detail which was required from your side. We started with analysing the various opportunities available for advertising the project and then have streamlined the target audience for our project. Target audience has been determined on the basis of various particulars given for the project like time frame, geographic boundary, etc. A great emphasis has been given to the aspect of the campaign. In this concern our team have worked day in day out to apportion an appropriate budget. The various cost centres have been rigorously evaluated to reach the final budget for the project. Taking into consideration the entire demographics of our target audience, we attempted to select a media mix which will have the maximum reach to the people of Jharkhand. Thanks to our creative team that they have come out with an attractive

advertisement which is blend of informative as well as persuasive. On our part we have done the pre-test and the campaign is all set to release. The evaluation and post testing technique for our ad campaign has also find a mention in the concluding lines of ours.

ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY The land of forest and the ethnic beauty of this place from what a poet views is that this land is still untouched. The crux of the matter is furray of opportunity are there for advertising this place as tourist hub. Our research team suggest that this place provides an immense opportunity for putting forth an ad campaign. The following points appraise the advertising opportunity. • The recent trends have shown that people of Jharkhand have grown a

substantial interest for tourism with time but are moving out of the state in search of travel destinations. Thus there is a presence of primary demand for tourism at the first place. So there is always an opportunity to attract such audience on the grounds of ethnic beauty, pilgrimage, natural resources etc. • There is a good chance of differentiating the tourism of Jharkhand vis-a-vis

the tourism of any state of the country. The state provides many kinds of tourism in the likes of mining, adventure, eco-tourism etc. • After the separation of Bihar from Jharkhand people have more disposable income in their hand especially after commercialization of the state.

TARGET AUDIENCE Keeping in mind the geographical location, time frame and demographics the target audience has been streamlined.

The government has maintained that this

advertisement is for the incumbents of the state so that we can say the boundary of the target audience has been given. Who are the prospects? What are their need specifications? When do they like to travel? A rigorous analysis of all the above questions has been done. Thus we ended up categorising the target audience on the following basis: 1. Income distribution

Upper Class – People having disposable income of Rs. 10000/man in a family

Middle Class – People having disposable income of Rs. 5000/man in a family

2. Age distribution

Old age people – There are pilgrimage destinations like Deoghar, Rajrappa, etc. which catches attention of this age group.

Middle age group – There are various destinations like Bethla Forest, Netarhaat and various Falls like Dasam Falls, Jonha Falls etc. which attracts the attention of such age group.

Youth – There are various types of tourism like adventure, mining etc.


To develop knowledge and liking for Jharkhand as a tourist destination through a judicious blend of informative and persuasive advertising.

To attract more people to visit Jharkhand during the festive season.

People of Jharkhand often move out of the state for travel and tourism. The sole reason for this is that they have the least of knowledge about the various attractive tourist destinations available within the state. Thus our first and foremost priority is to provide knowledge about the various options available within the state for the domestic tourists. It has been seen that other tourist destinations are presented in a more attractive manner so as to attract the tourists of not only that state but other states also. Thus we not only have to provide knowledge but also present the tourism of the state of Jharkhand in such a manner that the target audience develops a liking for the same over other tourist destinations. During the entire year people are busy with their work. Thus it is the festive season when they get time to move around and have a healthy time outside home with family and friends. They often choose destinations where they can have fun and can

get rid of their clutter. In this sense the adventure tourism, mining tourism and ecotourism of Jharkhand can be a handsome proposition to invest in.

Objective – 1 Create awareness among 90% of the target audience. Objective – 2 Use simple messages. Objective – 3 Providing detailed description about various communication modes for reaching the destination. Objective – 4 Build favourable attitudes by conveying useful information about various spots.

ADVERTISEMENT BUDGET To advertise we need funds for the same. The preparation of budget i.e. allocation of funds to various cost centres is very much necessary before proceeding for the designing of the campaign.

It is a very critical aspect of the designing of the

advertisement campaign. After all the reason behind this is the profit motive of the advertising agency. We have considered some of the underlying factors while setting the advertisement budget: 1. Since our product, Jharkhand Tourism, is in its introductory stage in its life cycle so we plan to put it in an aggressive advertising campaign. 2. In order to achieve an aggressive campaign we have selected an effective

media mix comprising local newspapers, cable, radio and FM stations, internet, billboards and national dailies. 3. The kind of frequency which we have planned has also played a determining factor in apportioning the budget. In this present scenario, our team has followed the “Build-Up” approach in calculating the advertisement budget. The “Build-Up” approach refers to the process of calculating the advertisement budget by following the said steps:

1. Setting of advertising objective. 2. Activities necessary to achieve the plan.

3. Cost of different advertising elements is budgeted. 4. Total adverting budget is finally approved by the top management. Method employed for calculating advertisement budget is “Objective-Task” Method. This method involves: 1. Objective - Create awareness among 90% of the target audience. 2. Strategies and tasks to be undertaken – Advertise in local and national

dailies, cable channels, billboards and hoardings, radio etc. 3. Estimate associated costs – Media costs which include newspapers,

television, billboards, and radio. Thus forming the major part of the cost. Apart from that there are various miscellaneous costs also. Budget for the first three months MEDIA











25,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs.


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Rs. 36,000

Rs. 27,000

Rs. 45,000

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target audienc e) Radio

Rs. 18,000

Rs. 18,000

Rs. 18,000

Rs. 1,62,000


Rs. 2,000 x Rs.

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2 x 50 = Rs. x 2 x 50 = x 2 x 50 = x 1 x 50 = x 1 x 50 = x 1 x 50 = 9,00,000














Rs. 3,000 x Rs.


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3,000 Rs.

3,000 Rs.

3,000 Rs.

3,000 Rs.

3,000 Rs.













Rs. 5,000







Rs. 2,50,000

NOTE: Full Page – 52 cm x 33 cm (Size); Half Page - 26 cm x 33 cm (Size)

Unit for newspapers: cost/cm2 is to be Rs. 360. A total of Rs. 25,000 for the half page advertisement (approximately) is to be charged Unit for radio: Rs. 300/10 seconds everytime.

Total budget for the advertisement campaign comes out to be Rs. 47,02,000 for the period October to December. The tender which we have filed is of Rs. 70,00,000. Thus our margin will be Rs. 18,00,000 after apportioning Rs. 4,00,000 to various miscellaneous expenditures.

MEDIA STRATEGY Demographics of our target audience, their attitudes, etc. have suggested us to take the media mix of the following type. 1. Print Media – Newspapers (Prabhat Khabar & The Times of India) 2. Electronic Media – Local cable channels (ETV Jharkhand & Taja TV) 3. Radio – FM stations have tie-ups with the local newspapers so we have

selected these media vehicles which are BIG FM, Radio Dhoom & Radio Mantra. 4. Outdoor media – Billboards, posters.

Newspaper has the widest reach among the various media vehicles. The cost for advertising via this media is relatively less. The reach of this media to our target audience is estimated to be the largest. One of our objectives is to make 90% of our target audience aware about the tourist destinations in Jharkhand and newspapers in the form of local and national dailies can very well comply with this objective as it has the benefit of mass coverage. It is basically an awareness based campaign so we are required to provide the details and specifications about Jharkhand’s tourism

viz. security concerns, communication aspects, expenses involved and other such details. For all this we require a large media space and newspapers does a good job in this regard.

The pamphlets which we have designed to promote Jharkhand

tourism can be inserted in the newspapers and thus circulated in the state.


involves lesser cost, more information and larger reach. So newspapers are our first priority in our media mix. Middle age groups especially the ladies and housewives watch television more frequently so we have yet another option of promoting Jharkhand tourism during this period in ht local channels. In this regard we have prepared a 60 seconds video depicting various destinations of tourist attraction in Jharkhand.

We have also

designed a 30 seconds video which will be focusing on pilgrimage destinations of the state in particular and details regarding reaching the places from various parts of the state which we have thought to present through the state news channels ETV Jharkhand & Sahara Jharkhand. The reason behind this is that the old age group often views such channels and are more interested in the pilgrimage and ethnic centres. Youths who are a major part of our target audience though targeted from the above media vehicles but we have seen that they very often listen to FM stations so we have planned to focus three of the premier stations of the state through which we can grab the attention of young people. We have selected various cities of the state where billboards and posters can be put up.

In this regard we have chosen locations where the density of our target

audience is the maximum. Our research has shown that the people of the state capital Ranchi prefer travel and tourism compared to their counterparts in the other

parts of the state. Thus the number of billboards and posters to be put up is decided to be the maximum in the city.

Following is the details of the billboards and posters put up in various cities: CITY
















This gives a basic structure of how we proceeded with the outdoor media, name of the places where the hoardings will be put up in the various cities are not maintained but that will be strictly based on the various hotspots of these cities.

MEDIA SCHEDULING Time period assigned to us is from October to March. This time period is full of festivities and vacations. Based on this and our target audience we have planned to segregate the entire campaign into two parts - an aggressive campaign upto December followed by a steady promotion which will have relatively less frequency of media mention. Scheduling is concerned with timing the insertion of advertisement in selected media. The schedule will follow the below pattern: First three months i.e. from October to December - Our media scheduling approach will that be of continuity. Next three months i.e. January to March – Our media scheduling will that be of flighting. This has been decided keeping in mind the various festivals that would take place in the first three months of our campaign. In the first part we can see that there are lots of vacations like winter holidays, Christmas and Diwali when people break their daily monotonous routine and plan to visit various tourist destinations. Thus our objective would be grabbing the attention of those people in this favourable time period the most. Hence continuity has been chosen to support the aggressive campaign in the first half. In the second half the frequency of ad insertion will be less and will focus on developing the linking for Jharkhand tourism.

First three months Newspapers - Mentioning twice a week Pamphlets – Twice in a month in newspapers Radio – Mentioning everyday: 1st month - 4; 2nd month – 3 & 3rd month – 5 (In December people plan to visit more places of tourist attraction so we have decided to give the maximum mention) Local channels – Twice daily News Channels – Ad to be displayed twice daily at prime time (9 am and 9 pm). Next three months Newspapers - Mentioning once in a week Radio – Mentioning twice a day Local channels – Twice daily News Channels – Ad to be displayed once daily

CREATIVE STRATEGY Now we come down to the most vital component of the advertisement campaign i.e. determining the creative strategy. Message Theme Our message theme has been a blend of emotional and rational approach. Numbers, letters, words and concepts have been specified for ascertaining the rational themes. Feelings, abstract ideas, images have been effectively designed to strike a balance for the message theme. We have tried to develop the relevance of Jharkhand tourism for the audience of Jharkhand in respect of time and space boundary. The selling strategy of ours has featured the following: 1. Benefits accrued (In our ads we have tried to focus on the value proposition involved in choosing the state as a tourism destination. For the incumbents of this place it will always be cheaper to go for the various tourist spots of the state and enjoying the time out. 2. Attributes which give the distinctive difference to Jharkhand tourism have also find a mention in the various ads of ours through various media vehicles so we have applied the concept of product differentiation to adhere to one of our objective of liking.

The beauty of various Falls, the state being abode of

forests, favourable climate, eco-tourism, mining tourism, adventure tourism

are the various distinctive differences and we have tried to insert at specific places keeping the target audience in our mind. 3. The USP of our product i.e. Jharkhand tourism have found a mention in the

punch lines of our ad campaign. The biggest advantage which Jharkhand tourism provides is that our target audience can avail the benefits of staying in their own state, travelling less, spending quality time at a less cost. 4. Our focus will be on providing the generic qualities of tourism, the distinctive

differences, and advantages on the cost front and touching the emotions of people (pilgrimage for old age people).

Creative Depiction (ad insertion) Newspapers: Local Newspapers: Prabhat Khabar National Daily: Times of India Punch line: Feel the soul Space: 26 cm x 33 cm (Coloured) Message Contents: Jharkhand Tourism Informing the target audience about various new concept of tourism available in Jharkhand like mining tourism, adventure tourism, eco-tourism, pilgrim tourism. Photos of various tourist destination like Dimna lake, Massanjore, Bethla National Park, Singbhum, Bokaro, Dasaam falls, Johna falls, Deoghar in an alternative manner in consecutive issues in a very attractive way to create an appeal to explore Jharkhand. Showing the most attractive tourist packages giving some details of some good hotels, rest houses, inns, etc. Attractive colour combination creating an appeal for tourism and also proper style and size of the font. Phone Numbers, email id and the website of the Jharkhand Tourism.

Bill boards: Places for putting Billboards: Various market places of different cities of the state, Highways like, NH33, NH23, state highways, railway stations, commercial centres etc. Message Contents: Jharkhand Tourism Atleast one photo of any tourist destination of Jharkhand.

BIG IDEA The campaign will be known as ‘Feel your own soul’ campaign and should be designed in such a way that it catches the attention of the target audience so that they have to stop look and listen. Undoubtedly it’s an original idea. Relevance – Festive season will attract more people. Moreover the idea talks about feeling your own soul as our target audience are the inhabitants of Jharkhand itself. The punch line which will transfer the selling strategy statement into an exciting attention getting and memorable message. “There are many things in life that will catch your eye. But only a few will catch your heart.... pursue those.” So this goes in making the big idea exciting.

Order of presentation In all of our messages we will follow this order: 1. Informative:

It will give the details about various tourist destinations and

various modes of communication 2. Persuasive: The distinctive differences as compared to other tourism hubs

e.g. emphasising pilgrimage centres for targeting our old age target audience, adventure tourism for youths etc. It will also contain the cost effectiveness involved in travel and tourism for the target audience.

PRE-TEST OF AD CAMPAIGN As we have seen that a huge investment is involved in designing and launching an ad campaign therefore pre-testing of an ad campaign is utmost essential and cannot be over emphasised. Moreover if the error can be detected at an early stage a lot in terms of energy, time and cost can be saved. For print media: We will go for the following 1. Direct questioning:

We will go to the mentioned cities and through direct

questions we will try and get feedback about the effectiveness of the ad. 2. Order of merit: Respondents are shown alternative ads and asked to rank

them according to their preference. Respondents will be randomly selected across the demographics of our target audience. For Broadcasting: 1. Clutter test: We will try and measure whether our audios and videos are able

to break the clutter of varied advertising.

POST TESTING Once the ad is designed, pre-test done and the ad is released to generate an effective feedback we sincerely advice for effective post testing technique. This will truly measure the effectiveness of our ad campaign in respect of our objects met. We can follow the below post test techniques: 1. Recall 2. Tracking studies 3. Enquiry

CONCLUDING LINES Jharkhand as a tourist destination has got a great opportunity when it comes to advertising. It’s been a great pleasure for our team to work in cohesion and attempt to develop an effective advertising campaign to promote the place of tourism. We have seen that the concerned product is still in its introductory stage and our target audience is quite unaware of the value proposition of the Jharkhand tourism. So we work in the direction of providing the generic advantages of Jharkhand’s tourism and the distinctive features of the various spots.

But then when people have a

preference of spots outside the state to develop a liking was some there present on the cards as well. We attempted t do so by going for an effective media mix on which our creative messages move in line to meet our objectives. The creative team has really worked to strike a balance in order to touch the rational and emotional part of our audiences mind. Economy in action is always the most significant factor and so our entire team have tried to develop a campaign in the most efficient way. And here the persuasion and the interpersonal skills play a major role. The frequency and space selection was also effectively done keeping economy in mind.

But then quality of message

insertion has not been compromised. Concluding lines will be that an optimum trade-off between the quality of message dissemination and cost minimisation has been attempted to achieve for this ad campaign for Jharkhand tourism by our team.

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