Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Orthop Clin N Am 37 (2006) 331–347

Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage Garry E. Gold, MD*, Brian A. Hargreaves, PhD, Kathryn J. Stevens, MD, Christopher F. Beaulieu, MD, PhD Department of Radiology, Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Drive S0-56, Stanford, CA 94305-9510, USA

Articular cartilage pathology may be the result of degeneration or acute injury. Osteoarthritis is an important cause of disability in society [1–5] and is primarily a disease of articular cartilage [6–8]. Acute injury to cartilage may be characterized using MRI [9]. Whether the result of degeneration or injury, MRI offers a noninvasive means of assessing the degree of damage to cartilage and adjacent bone and measuring the effectiveness of treatment. Many imaging methods are available to assess articular cartilage. Conventional radiography can be used to detect gross loss of cartilage, evident as narrowing of the distance between the bony components of the joint [10], but it does not image cartilage directly. Secondary changes, such as osteophyte formation, can be seen, but conventional radiography is insensitive to early chondral damage. Arthrography, alone or combined with conventional radiography or CT, is mildly invasive and provides information limited to the contour of the cartilage surface [11]. MRI, with its excellent soft tissue contrast, is the best technique currently available for assessment of articular cartilage [12–16]. Imaging of regions of cartilage damage has the potential to provide morphologic information about the region, such as fissuring, and presence of partialthickness or full-thickness cartilage defects. The many tissue parameters that can be measured by This article was supported by NIH grants EB002524 and EB005790 and the Whitaker Foundation. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (G.E. Gold).

MRI techniques have the potential to provide biochemical and physiologic information about cartilage [13]. An ideal MRI study for cartilage should provide accurate assessment of cartilage thickness and volume, show morphologic changes of the cartilage surface, show internal cartilage signal changes, and allow evaluation of the subchondral bone for signal abnormalities. Also desirable would be an evaluation of the underlying cartilage physiology, including the status of the proteoglycan and collagen matrices. Conventional MRI sequences in current clinical use do not provide a comprehensive assessment of cartilagedlacking in spatial resolution [17] or specific information about cartilage physiology or requiring impractically long scan times for such assessments. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging methods MRI has emerged as the leading method of imaging soft tissue structures around joints [18]. A major advantage of MRI is the ability to manipulate contrast to highlight tissue types. The common contrast mechanisms used in MRI are two-dimensional or multislice T1-weighted, proton density, and T2-weighted imaging, with or without fat suppression. Imaging hardware and software have changed considerably over time, including improved gradients and radiofrequency coils, fast or turbo spin echo imaging, and techniques such as water-only excitation. Although the tissue relaxation times and imaging parameters are the major determinants of contrast between cartilage and fluid, lipid

0030-5898/06/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ocl.2006.04.006



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Fig. 1. Axial images showing degrees of patella cartilage damage. (A) Axial intermediate-weighted FSE image shows superficial fibrillation and signal changes in the patellar cartilage (arrow). (B) Axial T2-weighted FSE image shows marrow edema at the same location (arrow). (C) Axial intermediate-weighted FSE image shows fissuring involving approximately 50% of the thickness of the cartilage (arrow). (D) Axial intermediate-weighted FSE image shows a full-thickness cartilage fissure in the patella (arrow).

suppression increases contrast between non– lipid-containing and lipid-containing tissues and affects how the MRI scanner sets the overall dynamic range of the image. The most common type of lipid suppression is fat saturation, in which fat spins are excited then dephased before imaging. Another option is spectral-spatial excitation, in which only water spins in a slice are excited [19]. Finally, in areas of magnetic field inhomogeneity, inversion recovery provides a way to suppress lipids at the expense of signalto-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio. The type of contrast material used in cartilage imaging is crucial to the visibility of lesions and the SNR of the cartilage itself. Although T2weighted imaging creates contrast between

cartilage and synovial fluid, it does so at the expense of cartilage signal. The high signal from fluid is useful to highlight surface defects, such as fibrillation or fissuring, but variation in internal cartilage signal is poorly depicted. These scans also are often two-dimensional in nature, leaving a small gap between slices, which may miss small areas of cartilage damage. Three-dimensional spoiled gradient recalled echo imaging with fat suppression (SPGR) produces high cartilage signal, but low signal from adjacent joint fluid. Currently, this technique is the standard for quantitative morphologic imaging of cartilage [20–22]. Three-dimensional SPGR is useful for cartilage volume and thickness measurements, but does not highlight adequately surface



Fig. 2. FSE images of a cartilage fragment from the patella cartilage with full-thickness loss (arrows). (A) Axial intermediate-weighted FSE image shows the cartilage fragment. (B) Sagittal intermediate-weighted image without fat suppression. (C) Sagittal T2-weighted image with fat suppression shows edema in the patella and the fragment (arrow).

defects with fluid and does not allow thorough evaluation of other joint structures, such as ligaments or menisci. MRI of cartilage requires close attention to imaging spatial resolution. To see degenerating cartilage, imaging with resolution on the order of 0.2 to 0.4 mm is required [17]. The ultimate resolution achievable is governed by the SNR possible within a given imaging time and with a given radiofrequency coil. Ultimately, a high-resolution imaging technique that combines morphologic and physiologic information would be ideal in the evaluation of osteoarthritis. Given current techniques, it is likely that a combination of a high-resolution morphologic imaging sequence with a sequence for matrix evaluation would be the most useful.

Two-dimensional fast spin echo imaging Currently, imaging of the musculoskeletal system with MRI is often limited to two-dimensional multislice acquisitions acquired in multiple planes. This imaging is commonly done with turbo or fast spin echo (FSE) methods. These methods provide excellent SNR and contrast between tissues of interest, but the inherently anisotropic voxels in these two-dimensional acquisitions require that multiple planes of data be acquired to minimize partial-volume artifacts. A typical sagittal image may have 0.3 to 0.6 mm in plane resolution, but a slice thickness of 3 to 5 mm. FSE techniques show excellent results in detection of cartilage lesions (Figs. 1 and 2) [23]. These methods provide excellent depiction of structures in the imaging plane, but evaluation of oblique



or small structures across multiple slices can be challenging. For these reasons, three-dimensional acquisitions with thin sections are appealing. Three dimensional gradient echo techniques Traditional three-dimensional gradient echo (GRE) methods have the potential to acquire data with more isotropic voxel sizes, but have a lack of contrast compared with spin echo approaches. High accuracy for cartilage lesions has been shown with three-dimensional SPGR imaging [24–26]. There are two main disadvantages to this approach: (1) lack of reliable contrast between cartilage and fluid that outlines surface defects, and (2) long imaging times (approximately 8 minutes). In addition, SPGR uses gradient and radiofrequency spoiling to reduce artifacts and achieve near T1 weighting; this reduces the overall signal compared with steady-state techniques. Despite these limitations, three-dimensional SPGR is considered the standard for morphologic imaging of cartilage [20,27]. SPGR and GRE techniques produce excellent quality images with high resolution (0.3  0.6  1.5 mm) [28]. The SPGR method suppresses signal from joint fluid, whereas the GRE method accentuates it. Compared with balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP), which is described later in greater detail, these methods are less SNR efficient, but also less sensitive to magnetic field inhomogeneity. An ideal three-dimensional cartilage imaging sequence that provides an optimal combination of resolution, SNR efficiency, and minimal artifacts has yet to be established. As such, many newer techniques have been established to improve cartilage imaging.

New magnetic resonance imaging methods Dual-echo steady-state imaging Dual-echo steady-state imaging (DESS) has proved useful for evaluation of cartilage morphology [29–32]. This technique acquires two gradient echoes separated by a refocusing pulse, then combines both echoes into the image. An image results with higher T2 weighting, which has bright cartilage signal and bright synovial fluid. Driven equilibrium Fourier transform imaging Driven equilibrium Fourier transform (DEFT) has been used in the past as a method of signal

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enhancement in spectroscopy [33]. The sequence uses a 90-degree pulse to return magnetization to the z-axis, increasing signal from tissue with long T1 relaxation times, such as synovial fluid. In contrast to conventional T1-weighted or T2weighted MRI, the contrast in DEFT depends on the ratio of the T1 to T2 of a given tissue. For musculoskeletal imaging, DEFT produces contrast by enhancing the signal from synovial fluid, rather than attenuation of cartilage signal as in T2-weighted sequences. Bright synovial fluid results at short repetition times (TR). At short TR, DEFT shows much greater cartilage-to-fluid contrast than SPGR, proton density FSE, or T2weighted FSE [34]. DEFT imaging has been combined with a three-dimensional echo-planar readout to make it an efficient three-dimensional cartilage imaging technique. In DEFT, there is no blurring of high spatial frequencies such as in proton density FSE [35]. In contrast to T2-weighted FSE, cartilage signal is preserved because of the short echo time (TE). A high-resolution threedimensional data set of the entire knee using 512  192 matrix, 14 cm field of view (FOV), and 3-mm slices can be acquired in about 6 minutes. Initial studies of cartilage morphology have been done using DEFT imaging [36,37], but this technique has not been conclusively proven superior to two-dimensional approaches. A sequence similar to DEFT that has been used in musculoskeletal imaging is FSE with driven equilibrium pulses, referred to as DRIVE [38]. Balanced steady-state free precession imaging bSSFP MRI is an efficient, high signal method for obtaining three-dimensional MRI images [39]. Depending on the manufacturer of the MRI scanner, this method also has been called True-FISP (Siemens Medical Solutions, Malvern, PA), FIESTA (General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha, WI), or Balanced FFE imaging (Phillips Medical Systems, Andover, MA) [40]. With advances in MRI gradient hardware, it is now possible to use bSSFP without the banding or off-resonance artifacts that were previously a problem with this method. Banding artifacts resulting from offresonance are still an issue, however, as repetition time increases, or at 3 Tesla (T). TR usually is kept at less than 10 ms with these techniques, which limits overall image resolution. Multiple acquisition bSSFP can be used to achieve higher resolution [41,42] at the cost of additional scan time.



Fig. 3. Two sagittal images from the knee of a normal volunteer. (A) FEMR, scan time 2:43 minutes. (B) SPGR, scan time 8:56 minutes. Both scans were done at the same spatial resolution (512  256, 2-mm slice thickness) and have similar SNR. The higher SNR efficiency of FEMR allows a similar morphologic scan to be acquired in a much shorter time. (From Gold GE, Hargreaves BA, Vasanawala SS, et al. Articular cartilage of the knee: evaluation with fluctuating equilibrium MR imagingdinitial experience in healthy volunteers. Radiology 2006;238:712–8; with permission.)

Fat suppression in balanced steady-state free precession imaging Many methods have been proposed to provide fat suppression with bSSFP imaging. If the repetition time is sufficiently short and the magnetic field homogeneous, conventional fat suppression or water excitation pulses can be used [43]. Linear combinations of bSSFP [44] and fluctuating equilibrium MRI (FEMR) [45] use the frequency difference between fat and water and multiple acquisitions to separate fat and water. Intermittent fat

suppression [46] uses transient suppression methods to provide intermittent fat saturation pulses and suppress lipid signal. Iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation (IDEAL) uses multiple acquisitions to separate fat and water, but does not depend on the fat-water frequency difference to constrain the repetition time [47]. Rapid separation of water and fat can be achieved with phase detection [48,49]. Fat and water separation also has been achieved with phase detection and a radial acquisition method using multiple echoes [50,51].

Fig. 4. bSSFP images of the knee of a normal volunteer acquired using IDEAL bSSFP. (A) Water image. (B) Fat image. Joint fluid is bright in A using this bSSFP technique. (From Gold GE, Reeder SB, Yu H, et al. Rapid 3D cartilage MR imaging at 3.0 T with IDEAL-SSFP: initial experience. Radiology 2006;240: in press. DOI:10.1148/radiol.2402050288; with permission.)



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Fig. 5. Phase-sensitive bSSFP images from the knee of a normal volunteer. This is from a three-dimensional dataset acquired with fat and water separation with 0.625  0.625  2 mm resolution in 90 seconds.

Fluctuating equilibrium magnetic resonance imaging FEMR is a variant of bSSFP that may be useful in imaging cartilage [45]. Similar to DEFT, FEMR and other bSSFP-based sequences produce contrast based on the ratio of T1 to T2 in tissues. With appropriate choice of flip angle, bright fluid signal results, while preserving cartilage signal. In scanning the entire knee, FEMR can produce three-dimensional images with a 2-mm slice thickness, 512  256 matrix over a 16 cm FOV in about 2 minutes and 30 seconds [52]. The TR was set at 6.6 ms at 1.5 T, which can be used for fat-water separation with careful shimming to minimize artifacts. An example water image using

high-resolution FEMR is shown in Fig. 3 compared with a three-dimensional SPGR image that took almost 9 minutes to acquire. Linear combinations of balanced steady-state free precession and fat-suppressed steady-state free precession Other bSSFP approaches may provide more reliable fat suppression at high resolution than FEMR. These methods include linear combination bSSFP [44], which uses multiple acquisitions to create fat and water images, and fat-suppressed bSSFP, which uses intermittent fat saturation pulses with preparation pulses that allow transitions in and out of the steady state [53].



Fig. 6. IDEAL SPGR and GRE images at 3 T. (A) IDEAL SPGR image. (B) IDEAL GRE image, flip angle 14 . (C) IDEAL GRE, flip angle 25 . Increasing the flip angle increases contrast between synovial fluid and articular cartilage.

Iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation steady-state free precession Another approach to fat-water separation that is relatively insensitive to field variations combines IDEAL with bSSFP [54]. Example knee images using this technique are shown in Fig. 4. Excellent separation of fat and water are seen, with little offresonance artifact [55]. This method works at 1.5 T and 3 T. Phase-sensitive balanced steady-state free precession imaging Phase-sensitive bSSFP employs an bSSFP sequence with the TE restricted to be half of the TR. The spectral response of the signal with respect to

resonance frequency is periodic. The periodicity decreases with decreasing TR, resulting in less field inhomogeneity sensitivity [48]. Voxels are assigned to water or fat to form two separate images. This method is a rapid means of fat-water separation using bSSFP, not requiring additional acquisitions or saturation pulses [49]. One drawback to this approach is partial volume artifact, as pixels are assigned as either fat or water, so high resolution is required. Example images of this method are shown in Fig. 5. These images show a three-dimensional, fat-suppressed data set of an entire knee that can be acquired with 0.625  0.625  2 mm resolution in about 90 seconds. In a limited study, phase-sensitive bSSFP was sensitive to marrow edema and meniscal tears in a similar manner to FSE imaging [49].



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Fig. 7. VIPR bSSFP imaging of the knee at 1.5 T. This SSFP-based technique produces isotropic 0.7-mm resolution across the knee, allowing reformations in any imaging plane. Scan time was only 5 minutes. (A) Coronal image with cartilage defect (arrow). (B) Sagittal reformation with cartilage defect (arrow) and the meniscus (arrowhead). (Courtesy of R. Kijowski and W. Block, University of Wisconsin, Madison.)

Vastly interpolated projection reconstruction imaging Imaging of the knee with a combination of a three-dimensional radial k-space acquisition and bSSFP has several advantages. Three-dimensional radial acquisitions are often undersampled in sparse, high contrast imaging environments, such as contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography, to decrease imaging time. Vastly interpolated projection reconstruction (VIPR), first developed for time-resolved contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography [50], was later adapted for bSSFP imaging of the musculoskeletal system. Instead of using the radial trajectory to undersample in musculoskeletal imaging, the radial acquisition allows for a very efficient k-space trajectory that collects two radial lines each TR without wasting time on frequency dephasing and rephasing gradients. One radial line begins at the k-space origin, while the other is acquired along a different return path to the origin, allowing acquisition to occur during nearly the entire TR. The optimal TR needed for the most efficient implementation of linear combinations of bSSFP at 1.5 T (2.4 ms) can be met while still having time for adequate spatial encoding. Application of VIPR to the knee provides isotropic 0.5- to 0.7-mm three-dimensional imaging that allows for reformations in arbitrary planes. Because this method is based on bSSFP, joint fluid is bright, providing excellent contrast for diagnosis of meniscal tears, ligament injuries,

and cartilage damage [56]. Contrast between the cartilage and bone is generated by separating fat and water with linear combinations of bSSFP, as shown in Fig. 6. Scan time for the isotropic acquisition was only 5 minutes. An alternative single-pass method separates fat and water by exploiting the different phase progression of fat and water spins between the two echoes acquired each TR [51]. At 3 T, fat and water separation is achieved by using an alternative fat stopband with a TR of 3.6 ms. Here the multiple echo acquisition allows for the removal of the unwanted passband between the water and fat resonance frequencies at the longer TR [57].

High field magnetic resonance imaging High-field MRI may enable the acquisition of morphologic images at spatial resolutions that cannot be achieved in a reasonable scan time at 1.5 T. Currently, 3 T MRI units are available that, theoretically, have twice the SNR of 1.5 T scanners. In addition, the increased chemical shift allows for shorter fat suppression or water excitation pulses, improving the speed of threedimensional SPGR and three-dimensional GRE scans. IDEAL fat-water separation also is available at 3 T [58,59] with SPGR and GRE imaging, as shown in Fig. 7. Also available are fat, water, and combined images that are corrected for chemical shift [60]. This method could be used to measure subchondral bone thickness. Other fat



Fig. 8. Medial compartment cartilage T2 maps from a healthy volunteer. (A) Spin echo maps acquired with four echoes and a scan time of 11:30 minutes. (B) Spiral T2 map acquired in 7 minutes. T2 relaxation time in cartilage is sensitive to collagen matrix damage of articular cartilage.

suppression methods for bSSFP imaging, such as FEMR and linear combination bSSFP, are less applicable to high field because the shortest TR during which the relative phase of fat and water changes by p is only 1.1 ms. This TR is too short to create any meaningful spatial encoding, and the radiofrequency power deposition would be high.

Physiologic magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage Articular cartilage composition Articular cartilage is approximately 70% water by weight. The remainder of the tissue consists predominately of type II collagen fibers and proteoglycans. The proteoglycans contain

negative charges; mobile ions such as sodium (Naþ) or charged gadolinium MRI contrast agents such as Gd-DTPA2 distribute in cartilage in relation to the proteoglycan concentration. The collagen fibers have an ordered structure, making the water associated with them exhibit magnetization transfer and magic-angle effects. Physiologic MRI of articular cartilage takes advantage of these characteristics to explore the collagen and proteoglycan matrices for pathology. Although the methods described here can be performed at 1.5 T, all of them benefit from the additional SNR available on 3 T systems. T2 relaxation time mapping MRI is characterized by excitation of water molecules and relaxation of the molecules back to



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Fig. 9. Inversion recovery bSSFP imaging to determine T1 and T2 relaxation times in knee cartilage, after arthroscopic surgery. This method can be applied to monitor cartilage physiology. (A) bSSFP (T2/T1 weighting). (B) T1. (C) T2. (D) Proton density maps of the articular cartilage are produced in the same 7-minute scan time.

an equilibrium state. The exponential time constants describing this relaxation are referred to as T1 and T2 relaxation times and are constant for a given tissue at a given MRI field strength. Changes in these relaxation times can be due to tissue pathology or introduction of a contrast agent. The T2 relaxation time of articular cartilage is a function of the water content and collagen ultrastructure of the tissue. Measurement of the spatial distribution of the T2 relaxation time may reveal areas of increased or decreased water content, correlating with cartilage damage. To measure the T2 relaxation time with a high degree of accuracy, attention must be taken with the MRI technique [61]. Typically, a multiecho spin echo technique is used, and signal levels are fitted

to one or more decaying exponentials, depending on whether it is thought that there is more than one distribution of T2 within the sample [62]. For echo times used in conventional MRI, however, a single exponential fit is adequate. An image of the T2 relaxation time is generated with either a color or a gray-scale map representing the relaxation time as shown in Fig. 8. Several investigators have measured the spatial distribution of T2 relaxation times within articular cartilage [63,64]. Aging seems to be associated with an increase in T2 relaxation times in the transitional zone [65]. Relaxation time measurements also have been shown to be anisotropic with respect to orientation in the main magnetic field [66–68]. Focal increases in T2 relaxation times within cartilage have been associated with matrix damage, particularly



loss of collagen integrity. Studies on T2 relaxation times documenting the effects of age [69], gender [70], and activity [71] have been published. Contrast-enhanced imaging

Fig. 10. Color maps of T1p measurements as a function of spin lock frequency (Hz) in a healthy volunteer. T1p imaging may be sensitive to proteoglycan depletion in articular cartilage. These maps were acquired with a spiral T1p technique.

The proteoglycan component of cartilage has glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains with abundant negatively charged carboxyl and sulfate groups. If mobile ions are allowed time to distribute in cartilage, they distribute in relation to the negative fixed charge density of the cartilage, or effectively in relation to the GAG concentration. One of the most common MRI contrast agents, or Gd-DTPA2 (Magnevist; Berlex, Richmond, CA) has a negative charge. After intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA2, it penetrates into cartilage, and it distributes in higher concentration in areas of cartilage in which the GAG content is relatively low. Subsequent T1 imaging (which is reflective of Gd-DTPA2 concentration) yields an image depicting GAG distribution. This technique is referred to as delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) (the ‘‘delay’’ referring to the time required to allow the Gd-DTPA2 to penetrate the cartilage tissue) [72,73]. A T1 map of the cartilage allows assessment of GAG content, with lower values corresponding to areas of GAG depletion. In terms of clinical studies, numerous crosssectional studies on specified populations have provided interesting observations. A study reported that individuals who exercise on a regular basis have higher dGEMRIC indices (denoting

Fig. 11. Twisted-projection imaging sodium images of the knee of a healthy volunteer done at 3 T. (A) Single-quantum images. (B) Triple-quantum images. Sodium content in the patellofemoral cartilage is well seen in both cases. (Courtesy of F. Boada, University of Pittsburgh.)



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Fig. 12. Three-dimensional SSFP DWI. (A) Proton density images. (B) Heat scale maps of the diffusion coefficient. The b-values correspond to the degree of diffusion weighting. DWI gives a sense of translational water mobility within the articular cartilage. The diffusion coefficients measured in normal cartilage are about 0.00145 mm2/s, which correspond to similar values in the literature. (From Miller KL, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE, et al. Steady-state diffusion-weighted imaging of in vivo knee cartilage. Magn Reson Med 2004;51:394–8; with permission.)

higher GAG) than individuals who are sedentary [74]. In a relatively large cross-sectional study of patients with hip dysplasia, measures of the severity of dysplasia (the radiographically determined lateral center edge angle) and of pain correlated with the dGEMRIC index, but not with the standard radiologic parameter of joint space narrowing [75]. In another study, lesions in patients with osteoarthritis were more apparent with the dGEMRIC technique relative to standard MRI scans [76]. There also have been studies looking at the effects of gadolinium on measurement of T2 relaxation times [77,78]. A study relevant to osteoarthritis showed that dGEMRIC correlated with Kellgren/Lawrence radiographic grading of osteoarthritis [79]. Physiologic methods such as dGEMRIC and T2 mapping can be time-consuming and difficult to perform on a routine basis. bSSFP methods show promise in improving the speed and SNR of T1 and T2 relaxation time measurements [80,81]. Newbould and colleagues [82] developed an inversion recovery method of acquiring proton density, T1, and T2 maps using bSSFP in articular cartilage. This technique employs an inversion recovery–prepared three-dimensional bSSFP sequence, where an adiabatic nonslice selective inversion was used. Total scan time to acquire a 256  256  64 three-dimensional volume (FOV ¼ 16 cm, 1 signal average, 2 mm slice thickness) with in-plane resolution of 0.83 mm was 7:18 minutes.

Example images of this method are shown in Fig. 9. Aside from generating quantitative T1, T2, and proton density maps, bSSFP images also are available for radiologic review. Quantitative techniques such as this may elucidate physiologic changes better in musculoskeletal imaging. T1p imaging A promising technique for evaluating cartilage is T1p imaging, or relaxation of spins under the influence of a radiofrequency field [83,84]. This technique may be sensitive to early proteoglycan depletion [85–87]. In typical T1p imaging, magnetization is tipped into the transverse plane and ‘‘spin-locked’’ by a constant radiofrequency field. An example of a T1p map from the patella of a healthy volunteer is shown in Fig. 10. Sodium magnetic resonance imaging Atoms with an odd number of protons or neutrons possess a nuclear spin momentum and exhibit the MRI phenomenon. 23Na is an example of a nucleus other than 1H that is useful in cartilage imaging. The Larmor frequency of 23Na is 11.262 MHz/T compared with 1H at 42.575 MHz/T. At 1.5 T, the resonant frequency of 23 Na is 16.9 MHz, whereas it is 63 MHz for 1H. The concentration of 23Na in normal human cartilage is about 320 mM, with T2 relaxation times of 2 to 10 ms [88]. The combination of lower


resonant frequency, lower concentration, and shorter T2 relaxation times than 1H make in vivo imaging of 23Na challenging. Sodium imaging requires the use of special transmit and receive coils and relatively long imaging times to achieve adequate SNR. Sodium MRI has shown some promising results in the imaging of articular cartilage; this is based on the ability of sodium imaging to depict regions of proteoglycan depletion [89]. 23Na atoms are associated with the high fixed-charge density present in proteoglycan sulfate and carboxylate groups. Some spatial variation in 23Na concentration is present within normal cartilage [88]. Fig. 11 shows an example of a sodium image through the patellar cartilage of a healthy volunteer done with a twisted-projection technique at 3 T [90]. High sodium concentration is seen throughout the normal cartilage. In cartilage samples, sodium imaging has been shown to be sensitive to small changes in proteoglycan concentration [91,92]. This method shows promise to be sensitive to early decreases in proteoglycan concentration in osteoarthritis. It also is possible to do triple-quantum–filtered imaging of sodium in cartilage, which may be even more sensitive to early changes [93]. Diffusion-weighted imaging Imaging the diffusion of water through articular cartilage also is possible with MRI. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of cartilage has been shown in vitro to be sensitive to early cartilage degradation [94,95]. The apparent diffusion coefficient decreases at long diffusion times, indicative of the water molecules being restricted by cartilage components. At the diffusion times typically used, this restriction is related to the collagen network in cartilage [96]. In vivo DWI of cartilage poses several challenges. The T2 relaxation time of cartilage varies from 10 to 50 ms, so the TE must be short to maximize cartilage signal. Diffusion-sensitizing gradients increase the TE and render the sequence sensitive to motion. Single-shot techniques have been used for DWI, but these have relatively low SNR and spatial resolution. Multiple acquisitions improve the SNR and resolution, but motion correction is required for accurate reconstruction [97]. Articular cartilage measurements done in vivo in healthy volunteers show that apparent diffusion coefficient ranges from 1.5 to 2  103 mm2/s. These values compare well with reported results


obtained on cartilage/bone plug specimens [95]. Fig. 12 shows in vivo DWI results in a normal volunteer using a navigated DWI technique based on SSFP [98]. This technique produces diffusionweighted images of cartilage with a resolution of 0.5  0.7  3 mm resolution, taking approximately 4:40 minutes per b-value. Navigation with DWI techniques is essential in this application to prevent motion artifacts and allow for multiple acquisitions, which improves resolution and SNR. Discussion MRI provides a powerful tool for the imaging and understanding of cartilage. Improvements have been made in morphologic imaging of cartilage, in terms of contrast, resolution, and acquisition time. This improved imaging allows detailed maps of the cartilage surface to be developed, quantifying thickness and volume. Much progress has been made in the understanding of cartilage physiology and the ability to detect changes in proteoglycan content and collagen ultrastructure. The choice of a particular protocol for imaging articular cartilage depends greatly on patient factors. For many patients with internal derangement, imaging with standard FSE or threedimensional SPGR sequences may suffice. For patients being considered for surgical or pharmacologic therapy, a more detailed evaluation may be required. Fast morphologic imaging along with evaluation of cartilage physiology may allow for noninvasive evaluation of cartilage implants at different time points. The fundamental tradeoff between image resolution and SNR still limits the ability to image cartilage in vivo with high resolution in an efficient manner. Patient motion ultimately may limit the resolution achievable at 1.5 Tesla; so higher field systems may be required. New techniques based on bSSFP may shorten imaging time, allowing the application of other sequences to explore important questions about cartilage physiology and biochemistry. Ideally, the combination of these techniques would lead to an MRI examination for cartilage that is brief and well tolerated, but contains important morphologic and physiologic data. Summary MRI, with its unique ability to image and characterize soft tissue noninvasively, has emerged as one of the most accurate imaging methods



available to diagnose disorders of articular cartilage. Currently, most evaluation of cartilage pathology is done with two-dimensional acquisition techniques, such as FSE imaging. Traditional three-dimensional imaging techniques, such as SPGR imaging, have allowed noninvasive quantification of cartilage morphology. Newer and substantially faster three-dimensional imaging methods show great promise to improve MRI of cartilage. These methods may allow acquisition of fluid-sensitive isotropic data that can be reformatted into arbitrary planes for improved detection and visualization of pathology. Sensitivity to fluid and fat suppression are important issues in these techniques to improve delineation of cartilage contours, detect bone marrow edema, and diagnose abnormalities in other joint structures. Finally, unique MRI contrast mechanisms allow clinicians to probe cartilage biochemistry and detect the early signs of changes in cartilage macromolecules that accompany disease.

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