Adv 100 Syllabus

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  • June 2020
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ADV 100:Introductionto the ComDuter

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S y llabus

to the Computer ADV 100:Introduction Course Description graphics as it is usedin film. of computer andterminology lo introduce students to the basicconcepts Thiscourseis designed make collectively disciplines that of the different games, will have a better underslanding andanimation. Students visualeffects, graphics production. up computer Samp le Cou rs e O ut line Module1

CourseScope& Objectives


Introduction to Photoshop


TonalRange& Color

Methods of Instruction Lecture,Critique,Demonstration Course Learning Outcomes completing thiscourse,students... As a resultof successfully Willbe ableto: I Havea betterunderstanding graphics. of computer r Gainknowledge andflowusedwithinthe industry of softwaretechniques terminology and concept of r Learnbasicsoftlvaretools. with: Wll be familiar r I r r r r r

Mac or PC routinesand procedures Extensis Suitcase CS3,MS Powerpoint, AdobePhotoshop CS3 andAdobelllustrator Fontmanagement Vectortoolsandtechniques Bitmaptoolsandtechniques Basicdesignprinciples fundamentals Digitalpresentation

behaviors: Willdisplaythe followingattitudes/professional r I r I r

results. Dedicatrorr to practiceall softwareskillsto achieveprofessional assignments. andcomplete all homework Meetalldeadlines Participate to critiquesand discussions. and contribute Demonstrate a matureabilityto acceptand act uponcritiques. courses. andconcurrent accruedin prerequisite Retain,apply,andfurtherdevelopskillsandknowledge

ProgramLearningOutcome Prosrant Learrring Oulcornes A d v e r t i s i n gSchool Unciergraduate G r ading 30%

lof -1

Cla ss Pa r ticip a tio n

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ADV 100:Introductionto the Comouter



Topics Covered by this Course . . . . . r . . . . r

Introduction to Photoshop TonalRange& Color lntroto VectorTechnology ScanningTechniques; Layersin Photoshop Printing & DigitalColorSpaces Drawingin lllustrator Additional Techniques Drawing Fonts,Typography andTypesetting PowerPoint PowerPoint Organization PDFFiles,Acrobat, CD Burning and More

Department Contact Information Phone:415-618-6101 Fax:415-618-6103 Email:[email protected] 60 FederalStreet 5thFloor San Francisco,California 94107 Required Reading Required Books Mac OSX10.5Leopard{VisualQuickstartGuide} ISBN:03 21 49 6000 Autho(s):MariaLanger

Pleasebe sure to orderyour textbooksas soon as possibleand in time for your first day of S ACA QEMY Students- \r',/hen buyingtextbooksand materialsonlinepleasemaxecertainthe class! (lnternational ViftUUl $OOkhfg **'ott;*I$Ild{llr; vendorshrpsinternationally.) VidualBookstore. The VirtualBookstoreis Youcan purchasediscounledbooksfor thiscourseat the AcademyofArt University and brandeditemssuchas notebooks alsoa greatplaceto finddiscounted schoolsupplies andAcademyof Art University aooarel. Method of Evaluation Projectsand Assignments Assign men ts aredueon the Students areexpected to spenda minimumof 10 hourspermoduleon projects outsideof class,All projects A late projectis markeddownone grade("8" to "C").A projectmorethanoneweeklate specifieddates(seecourseschedule). willreceivea gradeof "F". Attendance Studentsare expectedto attendall classmeelingsandfinalgradeswill reflectthis policy.The Academyhas developeda Model Policyanda ModelPolicyon LateSubmission Mostclassesfollowthesepolicies; Attendance of Projects/Assignments. on limeand maydifferfrom is required. Attendance meansarrivang however, departments the modelpolicies. Classattendance in,everyclasssession. stayingfor theentireclasssession. Eachcourserequires thatthe studentbe presentat andparticipate Failureto attendclasses,tardyarrivalsand earlydepartures will be reflectedin finalgradesas follows: r Four(4)latearrivals maydropthefinalgradeby onelettergrade("8"lo "C","C"to "D"...) r Three(3) unexcusedabsencesmay resultin a finalgradeof "F". . Three(3)consecutive mayresultin a finalgradeof "F"or beingdroppedfromthe class. absences Academic Probation


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ADV 100:Introductionto the Comouter

S t u d e n t sw i l l b e p la ce do n Aca d e m icWa r n in gif th e ir semesterGrade P oi ntA verage (GP A )fai l s bel ow a 2.0, but thei r c u m u l a t i v eG P A re m a in sa t 2 .0 o r h ig h e r .lf th e ir cu m u lati veGP A fal l s bel ow a 2.0, the studentw i l l be pl acedon A cademac Probation and if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutivesemesters, the result is dismissal from college. lf a s t u d e n ti s d i s m i sse d ,th e stu d e n tm a y a p p ly fo r r e in sta tementafl er one ful l term has passed by submi tti nga l etterto the G r i e v a n c eC o m m itte eg ivin gr e a so n sfo r h is/h e ra ca d e mi crecordand requesti ngthat re-admi ssi onbe granted.

Grading Criteria Thestudent's allof thefollowing: Students aregradedon theirskilllevelrelative to industry standards. skilllevelcomprises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Thequalityof conceptualization as it relatesto assignments. Thequalityof craftanddesignskills. presentation. Thequalityof a student's Thestudent's matureabilityto interact withpeersandfacultymembers. The student'smatureabilityto receiveand act uponcritiques. Thestudent's in andcontribution oarticioation to the class. Thestudent's abilityto meetweeklyandfinaldeadlines. The student'sattendance record.

Grade Interpretations Letter Grade




Ou tsta n d in g





Above Average



Above Average



Go o d








Below Average



Below Average



Below Average



Below Average



F a ilin g



In co m p le te *



In Pr o g r e ss*



Pa ss





Notes: Gradesof "l" will be givencreditonlywhentheyare convertedto a LetterGrade. Gradesof "F"arecomputed as zero(0)pointstowardtheGradePointAverage. Studentsmustachievea "C" or betterin all Graduatelevelcoursework. Studentsmustachievea "C-"or betterin all Undergraduate majorclasses. Passrnggradefor an Undergraduate electivecourseis "D-"or above. Passinggradefor an Undergraduate LiberalArtscourseis "Dl or above. A "D+"/"D"/"D-" in an Undergraduate majorrequiredcoursewill be givencreditas an elective. University Code of Conduct The Academyof Art University is committed to upholdingits policiesregarding studentconduct.By enrollingat the University, in the agreeto abideby the policies students as outlined in the University Codeof Conduct, whichcanbe foundin the catalog, Enrollment Agreementand on the Acadernyof Art University of website.Thisincludes,but is not limitedto, the expectations professional behavior,properclassroometiquette, attendingand participating in all classes.All works,writtenand visual,must be [hestudent's owncreations. Plaoiarism willnotbe tolerated. andcheatino

3 of zl

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ADV 100:Introductionto the ComDuter

Academy Resource Center (ARC) 180New Montgomery Slreet,Room201 (MainOfiice) All servicesare offeredfreeofchargeand are providedto bothonlineand on campusstudents,exceptforSpeakingLab and Midpoint Workshops, whichareofferedonlyon campus.Pleasecallfor drop-inhoursandappointments. (415) 6 18-3917 or [email protected] SpeakingLab'Assistance is offered for oralpresenlations practice. andpronunciation TheSpeaking Labalsoarranges groupsfor international conversation students. Student Academic Support One-on-one coaching is available by appointment or on a drop-inbasisfor assistance withstudyskillsandtimemanagement. SASalsorefersstudentsto outsideand otherAAU services. ARC Tutoring (formerly Study HallTutoring) ARC Tutoringprovidesremedial,one-on-one tutoringto quali4/ing studentsto supplement workshops. Classroom Services Reasonable accommodations canbe madefor students withdisabilities. Formoreinformation, or to establish eligibility, contact Classroom Services at 415.618.3775 or [email protected]. Theyarelocatedat 180NewMontgomery Street, Room267. ESL Support Program and Online English as a Second Language (OESL) In-class language supportis provided for inlernational students in designated sections. Weeklystudygroupsandone-on-one tutorrng areopento allstudents. Writing Lab WritingLabandOnlineWritingLab(OWL).Assistance is available for allwritingassignments. Midpoint Review Workshop (Graduate Students Only) Midpoint ReviewWorkshops (graduate students only).Workshops andone-on-one helpareprovided to graduate students workingon writtenproposals andoralpresentations for rnidpoint andfinalreviews.


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