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B. Jones, V. P. of Marketing Communications C. Smith, V. P. of Product Development S. Edwards, Controller P. Andrew, Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer T. Santos, V. P. of Customer Service R. Lee, Legal Analyst

From: M. Smart, Director of Public Relations

Market Penetration China France Germany North America UK

Summary Founded in 1999, Custom Communications, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones and devices. Our technology expertise in areas like GSM communications, WCDMA and mobile equipment and solutions are scalable, modular and open, providing for effective integration of systems and services. Target Market Custom Communications, Inc. products are targeted at a number of customer types. The T100x is likely to attract the power user, because of its next-generation technology and design. Distribution is worldwide, with primary target countries being North America, China, UK, France and Germany. Custom Communications, Inc. has limited bandwidth in other areas of the world.

1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax

Bienvenido. 4




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B. Jones, V. P. of Marketing Communications C. Smith, V. P. of Product Development S. Edwards, Controller P. Andrew, Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer T. Santos, V. P. of Customer Service R. Lee, Legal Analyst

From: M. Smart, Director of Public Relations

Market Penetration China France Germany North America UK

Summary Founded in 1999, Custom Communications, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones and devices. Our technology expertise in areas like GSM communications, WCDMA and mobile equipment and solutions are scalable, modular and open, providing for effective integration of systems and services. Target Market Custom Communications, Inc. products are targeted at a number of customer types. The T100x is likely to attract the power user, because of its next-generation technology and design. Distribution is worldwide, with primary target countries being North America, China, UK, France and Germany. Custom Communications, Inc. has limited bandwidth in other areas of the world.

1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax




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Customer Contract

Custom Communications Complete Sales Contract Void unless signed and dated by June 1, 2005

I. Material Rendered This agreement, including any Attachments and Schedules (“Agreement”), is made between Custom Communications, Inc. on behalf of itself and its affiliates and successors, and Customer. This Agreement is binding upon Customer’s delivery to Custom Communications, Inc. of (a) an executed unaltered Agreement and (b) an executed unaltered Switched Services Agreement/Letter of Agency (“LOA”), The rates, charges, discounts, and credits set forth herein are effective (“Effective Date”) when Custom Communications, Inc. activates Customer’s service.

II. Terms and Conditions Tariff, GSA, and LOA. Each as supplemented by this Agreement, govern Custom Communications, Inc. provision of Services to the Customer. Term. The “Initial Term” begins on the Effective Date and ends 12, 24, or 36 months after the Effective Date, depending on the selection above. Limitation on Use. Customer understands (i) it may place only as many concurrent calls as it has purchased individual lines, (ii) it may not use auto-dialers or similar devices. Material Changes to Rates, Charges, and Services. Customer with notice complying with GSA notice requirements if Custom Communications, Inc. makes material and adverse changes to the Tariffs that affect in a material manner. Service Marks, Trademarks, and Publicity. Neither Custom Communications, Inc. nor Customer may, without the other party’s prior written approval, use a service mark or trademark of the other party or refer to the other party in connection with any advertising, promotion, press release, or publication. No Modifications. Neither Customer nor Custom Communications, Inc. may modify the terms of this Agreement orally or in writing. Custom Communications, Inc. may modify the terms of the Tariffs and GSA in its sole discretion. Disclaimer of Warranties. Custom Communications, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to any Custom Communications, Inc. services, related products, equipment, software, or documentation. Custom Communications, Inc.. specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or title or non infringement of third party rights. Disclaimer of Certain Damages. Neither party is liable to the other for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, incidental, or punitive damages. 1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax





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Customer Contract

Custom Communications Complete Sales Contract Page Two


Haga clic en los marcadores III. Payment and Legal Remedy de la izquierda para ver los diversos documentos que Governingen Law. se han combinado un This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its choice of law archivo PDF de Adobe. principles. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Custom CommunicaDespuésIndemnification. de ver estos tions, Inc. from and documentos, haga clic en against all liabilities, costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys’ fees, to or from any violation of applicable laws, regulations, tariffs, or this Agreement by > arising la flecharelated Siguiente de Customer or anyone arriba para continuar con la who uses Customer’s account with or without Customer’s permission. siguiente sección. Credit Approval. Acceptance of this Agreement is contingent upon Customer meeting credit requirements.

IV. Customer Right to Cancel You, the Customer, may cancel this Agreement without any penalty or obligation at any time before midnight on the third business day after the date that you sign this Agreement. To cancel, please call 800-123-567 or send you name, address, and cancellation instructions by First Class U.S. Mail to Custom Communications, Inc., P O, 1234, Central City, California 94321. I, the person signing this document below, warrant that I am authorized execute this document on behalf of Customer. I have read and understood the foregoing terms and conditions and understand that my signature binds the Customer responsible for payment for this Agreement. Signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Business Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Business Address:___________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________________________________________

1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax





Ciclos de revisión rápidos PROBAR

New Product Specification Sheet

>> XT 100S Top Features: >> Wideband and CDMA >> Java Enabled >> Camera (Still / Video) >> Audio Player >> Messaging >> Organizer/ Contact Management >> Chip Component >> Display

>> XT 100S Embedded message applications can create, send, receive, view, edit, and organize SMS text messages, MMS multimedia messages and e-mail. XT 100S is also compatible with a range of Instant Messaging (IM) clients and customers. >> T-100/X Users of T-100/X can play audio and video clips stored in the phone’s memory, or on a memory card. Users can also stream live video or audio content from the Internet directly to T-100/X (Network dependent). >> Wideband and CDMA

>> Digital Zoom Camera

>> Java Enabled >> Camera (Still / Video)

T-100/X is equipped with a VGA 4x digital zoom Camera, with Flash, Redeye reduction, low light mode and enhanced viewfinder speeds of up to 30 fps providing super smooth viewing, and with Image capture at 24 bit (up to 16.7 million colors). Users can also photograph themselves with the help of the integral mirror on the reverse of the phone, and a self-timer option. The image editor allows further enhancement and modification to pictures. The image editor allows seamless manipulation of images; options include morphing, cropping, drawing, speech balloons, fun backgrounds/foregrounds with addition of Clip Art, etc.

1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax





Ciclos de revisión rápidos

New Product Specification Sheet

PROBAR Paso 1: Haga clic en la herramienta Nota de la barra de herramientas Comentario y>>agregue una nota en XT 100S cualquier lugar de la página. Top Features: Paso 2: >> Wideband and CDMA Para indicar la edición de clic en la >> texto, Java haga Enabled herramienta Ediciones del y siga las / Video) >> texto Camera (Still instrucciones. >> Audio Player Paso 3: Agregue un sello “Aprobado” >> Messaging en esta página haciendo clic en herramienta Sello. >> laOrganizer/ Contact Management Paso 4: Utilice la herramienta >> Chip Component Marcador de resaltado para seleccionar algún >> Display texto que desee resaltar. A>>continuación, doble Digital Zoomhaga Camera clic en el texto resaltado para agregar un comentario. Cuando termine, haga clic en la herramienta Mano para continuar navegando

>> XT 100S Embedded message applications can create, send, receive, view, edit, and organize SMS text messages, MMS multimedia messages and e-mail. XT 100S is also compatible with a range of Instant Messaging (IM) clients and customers. >> T-100/X Users of T-100/X can play audio and video clips stored in the phone’s memory, or on a memory card. Users can also stream live video or audio content from the Internet directly to T-100/X (Network dependent). >> Wideband and CDMA >> Java Enabled >> Camera (Still / Video)

T-100/X is equipped with a VGA 4x digital zoom Camera, with Flash, Redeye reduction, low light mode and enhanced viewfinder speeds of up to 30 fps providing super smooth viewing, and with Image capture at 24 bit (up to 16.7 million colors). Users can also photograph themselves with the help of the integral mirror on the reverse of the phone, and a self-timer option. The image editor allows further enhancement and modification to pictures. The image editor allows seamless manipulation of images; options include morphing, cropping, drawing, speech balloons, fun backgrounds/foregrounds with addition of Clip Art, etc.

1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax





Aplicar seguridad

Financial Review


Comparative Income Statement Three Months Ending in March 31, 2004 & 2005

2004 Net Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Less: Operating Expenses: Sales and Marketing Expenses Administrative Costs Total Operating Expenses: Operating Income: Interest Income Other Income Net Income Before Taxes Provision for Income Taxes Net Income

Comparative Income Statement Three Months Ending in June 30, 2004 & 2005 Net Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Less: Operating Expenses: Sales and Marketing Expenses Administrative Costs Total Operating Expenses: Operating Income: Interest Income Other Income Net Income Before Taxes Provision for Income Taxes 1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax


$ 2,000,000 1,460,000 540,000

% 100 73 27

$ 2,500,000 1,775,000 725,000

% 100 71 29

120,000 240,000 360,000

12 12 18

175,000 250,000 425,000

7 10 17

136,000 20,000 200,000 80,000

5 1 10 4

120,000 25,000 325,000 150,000

4 1 13 6







$ 4,000,000 3,460,000 1,540,000

% 100 73 27

$ 3,500,000 2,775,000 1,725,000

% 100 71 29

420,000 840,000 1,360,000

12 12 18

775,000 550,000 1,425,000

7 10 17

26,000 80,000 30,000 80,000

5 1 10 4

20,000 25,000 25,000 150,000

4 1 13 6





Aplicar seguridad

Financial Review I have reviewed and approve this document.

Comparative Income Statement PROBAR

Three Paso 1: Months Ending in March 31, 2004 & 2005 Haga clic en el campo de firma no firmada de la derecha para aplicar una firma Netdigital. Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Paso 2: Profit Gross En la ventana Aplicar firma digital, clic en Agregar Less:haga Operating Expenses: ID digital ySales siga las and Marketing instrucciones para crear un Expenses ID digital con firma personal. Administrative Costs Total Operating Expenses: Paso 3: Una vez que haya creado Operating Income: el ID digital, introduzca su Interest Income contraseña y haga clic en Other Incomeel botón Net Firmar. Income Before Taxes Provision for Income Taxes Net Income

Comparative Income Statement Three Months Ending in June 30, 2004 & 2005 Net Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Less: Operating Expenses: Sales and Marketing Expenses Administrative Costs Total Operating Expenses: Operating Income: Interest Income Other Income Net Income Before Taxes Provision for Income Taxes 1234 Main Drive Central City, CA 94321 USA

555.123.456 phone 555.123.457 fax



$ 2,000,000 1,460,000 540,000

% 100 73 27

$ 2,500,000 1,775,000 725,000

% 100 71 29

120,000 240,000 360,000

12 12 18

175,000 250,000 425,000

7 10 17

136,000 20,000 200,000 80,000

5 1 10 4

120,000 25,000 325,000 150,000

4 1 13 6







$ 4,000,000 3,460,000 1,540,000

% 100 73 27

$ 3,500,000 2,775,000 1,725,000

% 100 71 29

420,000 840,000 1,360,000

12 12 18

775,000 550,000 1,425,000

7 10 17

26,000 80,000 30,000 80,000

5 1 10 4

20,000 25,000 25,000 150,000

4 1 13 6





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The Newsletter Spring 2005 Schedule of Events April 20–22 Hershey Lodge & Convention Center

Volume 2, Issue 6

Top Priority: Customer Satisfaction Custom Communications, Inc. products are targeted at a number of customer types.

Today, GSM technology is in use by more than one in six of the world’s population and it is estimated that

Hershey, Pennsylvania

“ We remain steadfast to our customers in new product delivery and service.”

Several educational organizations have combined efforts to present the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference, a three-day event filled with presentations, workshops, and exhibits. The conference covers a wide range of issues concerning technology in education — from classroom instruction to administration to systems management. A packed schedule of sessions will focus on computers, software, Web use, IT concerns, and much more. May 4–6 Pasadena, California Pasadena Conference Center

The Technology in Education International Conference & Exposition features hands-on participation for all educators who want to improve their own technological knowledge and help their schools, colleges, or universities better manage technology campuswide. Attend enriching workshops, presentations, and discussions. Software experts will share their expertise. May 16-17 San Francisco, California Moscone Center

Interested in learning how to blend 3D and video into one compelling story? Let us show you how with video solutions.

The T100x is likely to attract the power user, because of its next-generation technology and design. Distribution is worldwide, with primary target countries being North America, China, UK, France and Germany. Custom Communications, Inc. has limited bandwidth in other areas of the world. A six month plan is in the works toward an attempt to reach other areas in the world.

at the end of Jan 2004 there were over 1 billion GSM subscribers across more than 200 countries of the world. Today’s GSM platform is a hugely successful wireless technology and an unprecedented story of global achievement. In less than ten years since the first GSM network was commercially launched, This process has been highly successful in the last few quarters.

Annual Fundraiser and Silent Auction Custom Communications, Inc. is pleased to announce that the University of Washington Alumni Association has commissioned world-renowned Reed & Barton Silversmiths to create in rich and precious metals a Limited Edition Damascene Insculpture (metal etching) of our famous landmark—the Rainer Vista. This uniquely beautiful metal etching will be available at our annual fundraiser set in Santa Fe. Handcrafted in pure silver, 24kt. gold electroplate, burnished copper and bronze is being produced exclusively for Washington alumni—and for no one else. It is being offered at this time only through this single announcement, and will never be issued again.

A Custom Communications Publication





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The Newsletter,

page 2

Schedule of Events (continued) May 20–22 San Francisco, California Moscone Center

Several educational organizations have combined efforts to present the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference, a three-day event filled with presentations, workshops, and exhibits. The conference covers a wide range of issues concerning technology in education — from classroom instruction to administration to systems management. A packed schedule of sessions will focus on computers, software, Web use, IT concerns, and much more. June 4–6 Pasadena, California Pasadena Conference Center

The Technology in Education International Conference & Exposition features hands-on participation for all educators who want to improve their own technological knowledge and help their schools, colleges, or universities better manage technology campuswide. Attend enriching workshops, presentations, and discussions. Software experts will share their expertise. June 16-17 San Francisco, California Moscone Center

Interested in learning how to blend 3D and video into one compelling story? Let us show you how with video solutions.

Financial Focus Founded in 1999, Custom Communications, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones and devices. Our technology expertise in areas like GSM communications, WCDMA and mobile equipment and solutions are scalable, modular and open, providing for effective integration of systems and services for individuals as well as businesses.

Quarter 2 The company has 2,000 employees worldwide, supporting a strong global sales marketing and service network spanning Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Custom Communications, Inc. has research and development facilities in Taiwan, China and the U.S., and has more than 2,000 research and development employees. The company has 1,225 global patents. Today, GSM technology is in use by more than one in six of the world’s population and it is estimated that at the end of Jan 2004. A Custom Communications Publication

GSM growth will continue to excel, with more than 160 million new customers in the last 12 months.


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Custom Communications Complete Sales Contract Void unless signed and dated by June 1, 2005

I. Material Rendered This agreement, including any Attachments and Schedules (“Agreement”), is made between Custom Communications, Inc. on behalf of itself and its affiliates and successors, and Customer. This Agreement is binding upon Customer’s delivery to Custom Communications, Inc. of (a) an executed unaltered Agreement and (b) an executed unaltered Switched Services Agreement/Letter of Agency (“LOA”), The rates, charges, discounts, and credits set forth herein are effective (“Effective Date”) when Custom Communications, Inc. activates Customer’s service.

II. Terms and Conditions Tariff, GSA, and LOA. Each as supplemented by this Agreement, govern Custom Communications, Inc. provision of Services to the Customer. Term. The “Initial Term” begins on the Effective Date and ends 12, 24, or 36 months after the Effective Date, depending on the selection above. Limitation on Use. Customer understands (i) it may place only as many concurrent calls as it has purchased individual lines, (ii) it may not use auto-dialers or similar devices. Material Changes to Rates, Charges, and Services. Customer with notice complying with GSA notice requirements if Custom Communications, Inc. makes material and adverse changes to the Tariffs that affect in a material manner. Service Marks, Trademarks, and Publicity. Neither Custom Communications, Inc. nor Customer may, without the other party’s prior written approval, use a service mark or trademark of the other party or refer to the other party in connection with any advertising, promotion, press release, or publication. No Modifications. Neither Customer nor Custom Communications, Inc. may modify the terms of this Agreement orally or in writing. Custom Communications, Inc. may modify the terms of the Tariffs and GSA in its sole discretion. Disclaimer of Warranties. Custom Communications, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to any Custom Communications, Inc. services, related products, equipment, software, or documentation. Custom Communications, Inc.. specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or title or non infringement of third party rights. Disclaimer of Certain Damages. Neither party is liable to the other for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, incidental, or punitive damages. .BJO%SJWF $FOUSBM$JUZ $" 64"






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Custom Communications Complete Sales Contract Page Two

III. Payment and Legal Remedy Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its choice of law principles. Indemnification. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Custom Communications, Inc. from and against all liabilities, costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys’ fees, related to or arising from any violation of applicable laws, regulations, tariffs, or this Agreement by Customer or anyone who uses Customer’s account with or without Customer’s permission. Credit Approval. Acceptance of this Agreement is contingent upon Customer meeting credit requirements.

IV. Customer Right to Cancel You, the Customer, may cancel this Agreement without any penalty or obligation at any time before midnight on the third business day after the date that you sign this Agreement. To cancel, please call 800-123-567 or send you name, address, and cancellation instructions by First Class U.S. Mail to Custom Communications, Inc., P O, 1234, Central City, California 94321. I, the person signing this document below, warrant that I am authorized execute this document on behalf of Customer. I have read and understood the foregoing terms and conditions and understand that my signature binds the Customer responsible for payment for this Agreement. Signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Business Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Business Address:___________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________________________________________







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'JOBODJBM3FWJFX I have reviewed and approve this document.







































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/FX  1 SP E V D U  4QFDJGJDBUJPO4IFFU >> XT 100S Embedded message applications can create, send, receive, view, edit, and organize SMS text messages, MMS multimedia messages and e-mail. XT 1006 is also compatible with a range of Instant Messaging (IM) clients and customers. >> Wideband and CDMA >> Java Enabled

>> Organizer/ Contact Management

>> T-100/X Users of T-100/X can play audio and video clips stored in the phone’s memory, or on a memory card. Users can also stream live video or audio content from the Internet directly to T-100/X (Network dependent).

>> Chip Component

>> Wideband and CDMA

>> Display

>> Java Enabled

>> Digital Zoom Camera

>> Camera (Still / Video)

>> Camera (Still / Video) >> Audio Player >> Messaging

T-100/X is equipped with a VGA 4x digital zoom Camera, with Flash, Redeye reduction, low light mode and enhanced viewfinder speeds of up to 30 fps providing super smooth viewing, and with Image capture at 24 bit (up to 16.7 million colors). Users can also photograph themselves with the help of the integral mirror on the reverse of the phone, and a self-timer option. The image editor allows further enhancement and modification to pictures. The image editor allows seamless manipulation of images; options include morphing, cropping, drawing, speech balloons, fun backgrounds/foregrounds with addition of Clip Art, etc.







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1010-0079 1010-0080 1010-0081 1010-0082 1010-0083 1010-0086 2010-0210 2010-0233 2010-0251 2010-0346 2010-0347 2010-0348 2015-0001 2015-0002 2015-0003 2015-0006 2015-0011 2015-0013 2015-0014 2015-0018 2015-0019 2015-0026 2015-0028 2015-0037 2015-0044 2015-0046



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n lo a i er er t d a M or

881 1,505 120 80 400 80 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 320,000 230,000 25,000 100,000 0 0 0 490,000 5,000 0 0 540,000 0 10,000

l s ria s e ce at x E m 17 153 60 34 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





ID Task Name Combinar varios documentos 1 New_model_mobile_tech_group 2

Outline review

Duration 17 days

8, '04 M T





Determine art requirements

2 days



Develop content

1 day



Check content

1 day


Outline review

3 days

First review Consolidate comments

1 day


Rewrite content

1 day


Check rewrite

1 day

Second review Consolidate comments

1 day


Incorporate comments

1 day


Check comments

1 day


Handoff to Production

1 day


Lay out file Final review

1 day


Incorporate comments

1 day


Check layout

1 day






Aug 8, '04 S M T





Aug 15, '04 S M T

Hernandez,E Eberhard,M Hernandez,E Belk,L Hernandez,E Hernandez,E Belk,L Hernandez,E Eberhard,M Design Vendor Hernandez,E Design Vendor Hernandez,E

5.5 days


Consolidate comments

1 day


Incorporate comments

1 day


Check comments

1 day


Handoff to Copy Desk

1 day


Copyedit file and insert

2 days


Incorporate comments

1 day

File handoff and posting

Hernandez,E Design Vendor Hernandez,E Eberhard,M Copy Desk Design Vendor

5 days


Handoff to Localization


Post secondary imagery


Post NA files to Marketing

1 day


Mark files for archiving

1 day

Project: Custom Communications Date: Tue 2/15/05

Aug 1, '04 S M T

4 days

Consolidate comments



0.5 days




2 days




1 day




2 days



Jul 25, '04 S M T

1.5 days


0 days

8/14 Hernandez Eberhard,M



External Tasks



External Milestone


Project Summary


Page 1




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