Admission Guide For International Studentsk

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,768
  • Pages: 16


ADMISSIONS GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS I. Academic Programs 1. Undergraduate Programs


2. Graduate Programs 3

II. Application Instructions 1. Application Timeline


2. Number of Students to be Admitted


3. Eligibility for Application


4. Evaluation 5. Required Documents


6. Application Fee


7. Korean Proficiency Test 5


8. Important Notes


III. Scholarships 1. EGPP Scholarship


2. International Exchange Scholarship



1. Undergraduate Programs College College of

Division/Department Division of Liberal Arts

English Language & Literature, French Language & Literature,

Liberal Arts

College of

Social Sciences College of

Natural Sciences College of Engineering

Majors Korean Language & Literature, Chinese Language & Literature,

Division of Christian Studies Division of Social Sciences

German Language & Literature, History, Philosophy Christian Studies Political Science & Diplomacy, Public Administration, Economics,

Library & Information Science, Sociology, Psychology, Consumer Studies Division of Media Studies Journalism, Advertising & Public Relations, Television & Film Division of Mathematical & Physical Mathematics, Statistics, Physics Sciences Division of Molecular & Life Chemistry, Life Sciences Sciences

Division of Computer & Electronics Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics Engineering Engineering Division of Architecture Architecture Design (five-year degree),

Division of Environmental & Food Technology College of Arts School of Music School of Fine Arts School of Design

Architecture Engineering (four-year degree) Environmental Science & Engineering, Food Science & Technology Keyboard Instruments, Orchestral Instruments, Voice, Composition, Korean Music Korean Painting, Painting, Sculpture, Fiber Arts, Ceramic Arts Space Design, Visual Communication Design, Industrial Design,

Fashion Design, Media Interaction Design

College of

Department of Clothing & Textiles Department of Dance Department of Education

Education Department of Early Childhood Education Department of Elementary Education Department of Educational Technology Department of Special Education Department of English Education Department of Social Studies Education Department of Korean Language Education Department of Science Education

History Education, Social Studies Education, Geography Education

Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, Earth Science Education

Department of Mathematics Education College of Law Department of Law

College of Business

Division of Business Administration Business Administration Department of International Office Administration

Administratio n College of Health Science College of

Pharmacy Scranton College

Division of Nursing Science Nursing Science Department of Human Movement Studies Department of Nutritional Science & Food Management Department of Health Education & Management Department of Pharmacy

Division of International Studies

International Studies

※ Students may choose their majors at the end of the first or second year of undergraduate studies according to the regulations.

2. Graduate Programs Field

Department / Division


Department / Division

Liberal Arts & Department of Korean Language & Literature Social Sciences






Natural Sciences

Literature Department

Department of Mathematics Department of Statistics Department of Physics





Department of Chemistry



Department of French Language & Literature


Department of








Department of Science Education


Department of Mathematics Education

Department of Christian Studies

DepartmentofHealth Education &Management

Department of Philosophy

Department of Nursing Science

Department of History


Department of History of Art

Division of Nano Sciences & Technology

Department of Political Science & Diplomacy Department of Public Administration

Division of EcoScience Engineering







Department of Economics Department of




Department of Electronics Engineering


Department of Architecture

Department of Sociology

Department of Environmental Science &

Department of Psychology


Department of Consumer Studies

Department of Food Science & Technology

Department of Communication Department of Women's Studies

Division of Digital Media Arts

Division of Music

Department of Education

Division of Fine Arts

Department of Early Childhood Education

Division of Design

Department of Elementary Education

Department of Clothing & Textiles

Department of Educational Technology

Department of Dance Studies

Department of Special Education Department of English Education Department of Social Studies Department of Law Department of Business Administration (Spring semester: Doctor Only Fall semester: Doctor & Master)

Department of Human Movement Studies Medicine

Department of Medicine1)

Interdisciplinary Area Studies Programs

North Korean Studies Speech-Language Pathology Child Development & Intervention Bioethics Policy Studies

Department of International Office

East Asian Studies

Administration (Master Only)

Technology & Development 2)


The College of Medicine opens 11 majors in the field of basic medicine for international students: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Preventive Medicine, Parasitology, Neuroscience, Medical Education, and Molecular Medicine. 2) ’Interdisciplinary Program of Technology & Development’ aims to develop experts and professors in the field of IT, Design, and Health & Environment among the scholarship recipients from 12 developing countries. The purpose of this program is to spread the Korean developing model and to cultivate the expert of ODA(Official Development Assistance). ※ Detailed information on application timeline will be notified later than October 15, 2007. Tel: +82(2)3277-3629

Ⅱ. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Application Timeline A. Priority dates for application are listed below. Details of the admissions schedule are provided on the website of the Office of Admissions (


Spring Semester

Program Undergraduate




Application Master’s



October 15,

(March 1, 2008) Fall Semester

2007 NA


(September 1, 2008)

May 15, 2008


Late in November 2007 Late in June 2008

B. Applications should be sent to the Office of Admissions by registered mail or by courier. ※ Office of Admissions, Ewha Womans University EwhaYeoDae Gil 26 Seodaemun-gu Seoul 120-750, Korea C. Please contact the Office of Admissions for further inquiries. ※ Tel: +82-2-3277-7000 Fax: +82-2-364-0208 E-mail: [email protected]

2. Number of Students to be Admitted There is no set quota for the number of international students to be admitted. Candidates are selected upon review of their academic ability, through a special admissions process for foreign students.

3. Eligibility for Application International applicants must be foreign nationals whose parents are both of foreign nationality(at least one of the applicant’s parents should be a foreign national by birth), and who can meet the following requirements prior to enrollment. A. Undergraduate Freshman Applicants An individual who has completed high school education B. Undergraduate Transfer Applicants An individual who has completed high school education and at least two years of higher education at a four-year university(or another Bachelor’s degree program), and wishes to transfer to the third year of an undergraduate program

C. Master’s Program Applicants An individual who has completed an undergraduate program and holds a Bachelor’s degree D. Doctoral Program Applicants An individual who has completed an undergraduate program and holds a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

※ Doctoral applicants who hold a Bachelor’s degree only may have to study for a longer period than those who possess a Master’s degree.

4. Evaluation Applicants will be accepted for admission through a comprehensive evaluation of her academic ability, achievements and development potential, based on submitted documents. ※ A screening interview may be required of the applicant when necessary. An overseas interview or a telephone interview may be arranged for overseas applicants.

5. Required Documents A. Completed Application Form (Form 1)

B. Personal Statement & Study Plan (Form 2)

C. At least two Letters of Recommendation (Form 3): One recommendation should be come from a university professor, or a teacher of the secondary school the applicant attended ※ Applicants who fail to suffice this requirement will be excluded from consideration for admission.

D. An official transcript of academic records and a certificate of (prospective) diploma from the last school attended ※ Doctoral program applicants are required to additionally submit copies of their official undergraduate transcript and diploma. ※ Undergraduate transfer applicants are required to additionally submit copies of their official high school transcript and diploma.

E. Passport copies of the applicant and both parents; or other official documents attesting to the nationality of the applicant and both parents

F. Official documents that verify the family relationship between the applicant and both parents

G. Documentary evidence demonstrating the applicant’s ability to successfully pursue academic studies(if applicable) - English abstract of thesis/dissertation, scores of an officially recognized academic test(SAT, etc.), scores of an officially recognized English language test(TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.) and Korean proficiency test( TOPIK) or certificates confirming awards, prizes, scholarships, etc.

H. Materials showing evidence of the applicant’s artistic or athletic ability such as portfolios or

videotapes (only for applicants majoring in Arts or Human Movement Studies)

I. Certificate of former employment (if applicable)

J. Completed EGPP Scholarship Application Form (for scholarship applicants only) (Form 4)

※ Forms 1~4 may be downloaded from the Office of Admissions website (

※ All application documents must be originals or properly certified copies of the originals.


documents in a language other than Korean or English must be accompanied by a notarized Korean or English translation.

※ In addition to the documents specified in this guide, other additional documents may be required when necessary, in order to confirm the applicant’s eligibility and information submitted.

6. Application Fee The application fee is 100,000 Korean won (or US $100). ※ Applicants in Korea should submit a postal money order for the application fee made payable to the Office of Admissions of Ewha Womans University, along with the application package. ※ Overseas applicants should submit an international money order for the application fee made payable to the Office of Admissions of Ewha Womans University, along with the application package. ※ Those who apply for the EGPP scholarship, and who wish to be exempt from the application fee requirement, ask the Office of Admissions ([email protected]) the Application Fee Exemption Form via e-mail and submit it to [email protected]. Decisions on exemption will be made upon review of the submitted form.

7. Korean Proficiency Test Depending on the department/major to which she applies, the applicant may be exempt from the Korean proficiency test requirement.

A. Qualification for Exemption Individuals who have already been admitted and registered at the university, and who meet one of the following conditions, may be exempted from the required Korean proficiency test by presenting documents on Korean proficiency assessment results(such as Test Of Proficiency In Korean(TOPIK) scores) when submitting the application for admission.

(1) Those who have successfully completed Level 6(the highest level) of a Korean language program, composed of 20 class hours per week for a period of ten weeks, at a Korean language training institution in Korea (2) Those who have achieved Level 5 or higher on the TOPIK administered by the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (3) Those who have been recognized by the university as possessing sufficient proficiency in the Korean language to participate in classes, in light of their past study experiences in Korea and overseas B. Test Schedule Applicants will be notified individually afterwards of the exact date, time, and place of the Korean proficiency test.

C. Others (1) Depending on the Korean proficiency test results, applicants whose Korean language skills are found to be less than adequate to effectively participate in classes may be required to take Korean language courses as prescribed by the university and may also be restricted from taking other classes. (2) Once the Korean proficiency test results are announced, the applicant must meet her academic adviser before registering for courses.

8. Important Notes A. Applicants should apply to only one Department/Program.

B. Each person writing the letter of recommendation must place the completed letter in an envelope, then seal it and sign across the sealed flap of the envelope.

C. If the applicant appears in the submitted documents by a different name from that used on the application form, she must enclose proof of identity that establishes the names as referring to one and the same person.

D. Any matter not specified in this admissions guide with regard to the university’s special admissions process for international students will be pursuant to the decision of the university’s Admissions Review Committee.

E. All submitted documents and records shall not be returned to the applicant.

F. Details of the evaluation process and scores shall not be disclosed.

G. Those who fail to submit the application fee shall be excluded from the consideration for admission.

H. In cases where the applicant is found to be ineligible for application, or the applicant has made any misrepresentation/alteration to the submitted documents(including those submitted by proxy) or has perpetrated any other kind of fraud, the university may deny or revoke the applicant’s admission or enrollment.

This applies even should the fraudulence pose no

immediate effect on the applicant’s passing of admission. Those whose admission or enrollment is denied or revoked may not reapply for admission to the university in the future.

I. All incoming students are required to undergo a physical checkup administered by the university’s Student Health Center(slated for the beginning of each semester). If the student is found to have an intractable disease or physical defect that may interfere with her academic performance, she must comply with the university’s decision to take a leave of absence or other arrangements.

J. Registered international students should present their study abroad visas to the Office of Admissions before the school term begins(if applicable). Those who need a Standard Letter of Admission from the university for visa application should submit the following evidence of financial resources.

(1) Students studying on personal funds: A certificate of bank deposit balance of the student or her financial guarantor showing a minimum deposit balance of US$10,000 maintained for at least one month; or either a certificate of fund remittance to Korea, or a certificate of money exchange, corresponding to US$10,000 or more ※ The financial guarantor should be a person of the same nationality as the student, or a resident in Korea. ※ When submitting a certificate of the guarantor’s bank deposit balance, applicants should submit the following together: · Guarantor’s certificate of employment or a copy of the guarantor’s certificate of business proprietor registration · Guarantor’s certificate of taxation for property · Guarantor’s affidavit of support for the student (2) Scholarship recipients: A certificate testifying that the recipient will be granted a scholarship

Ⅲ. SCHOLARSHIPS 1. EGPP(Ewha Global Partnership Program) Scholarship The Ewha Global Partnership Program(EGPP) is a global initiative that selects and educates promising females from developing countries on full scholarship at the undergraduate and graduate levels, with an aim to nurture them into top professionals and global leaders of the 21 st century. This is a program designed under the goal to share Ewha’s 120 years of accumulated academic excellence with females from other parts of the world.

A. Eligibility A female student from a developing country who has been recognized as a potential leader, and who applies for admission to the undergraduate or graduate program of Ewha Womans University through the special admissions process for international students

B. Scope of Scholarship The scholarship covers the recipient’s tuition, on-campus dormitory fees, stipend plus airfare. The Ewha Global Partnership Program Steering Committee may reduce or revoke the scholarship award upon review, should the recipient fail to fulfill eligibility requirements for reasons such as inability to continue attendance at the university or conducts unbecoming a student of the university.

C. Duration of Scholarship Undergraduate freshman: maximum four years Undergraduate transfer: maximum two years

Master’s: maximum two years Doctoral: maximum three years ※The scholarship is granted on condition that the recipient maintains her degree program and major.

D. Application (Form 4) A completed Application Form should be submitted along with the application for admission.

E. Selection Recipients will be selected through a comprehensive evaluation of her ability and potential as a global female leader, based on submitted documents.

F. Others For further information, please e-mail to [email protected] or refer to the Office of Admissions website(

2. International Exchange Scholarship A. Eligibility (1) Undergraduate: A foreign national who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education (2) Graduate: A foreign national who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education, or one who is studying on the Korean Government Scholarship

B. Scope and Period of Scholarship The scholarship may cover all or part of the tuition fee. The Scholarship Committee will evaluate applications and decide on the details of the scholarship award. ※The scholarship is granted on condition that the recipient maintains her degree program and major.

C. Application (1) Application deadline: · Spring semester -Undergraduate: October 25(Thurs), 2007. 17:00p.m. -Graduate: October 19(Fri), 2007. 17:00p.m. ※Applications will not be received on weekends or national holidays) · Fall semester: Between April and May, 2008 (exact date to be provided afterwards)

(2) Required documents: listed on the Office of Admissions website( (3) Place of submission: Student Welfare Center (Student Union Building #203) Office of Student Affairs, Ewha Womans University 11-1 Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-750, Korea Telephone: 82-2–3277-2274

D. Notification of Recipients Accepted candidates will be notified individually.

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