Adept Amped D&d

  • November 2019
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  I strictly advise this file to be seen as 21+ years ADULTS ONLY. The topics are harmless for some individual, real                  outrageous for other people. This file mentions: SEX, VIOLENCE, pseudo­SATANISM and whatever people (who               treated me even worse) demand of me. I gave a choice, READ OR LET IT BE. WRITING too small? Use Zoom! 

ADEPT as Player Class (adaptively by Andrè M. Pietroschek) 2008

Version 1.4

(Notes for Birthright added)

Hit Dice: d8 Alignments: all are possible, in theory at least. Class Skills Prerequisites: Wisdom 12 & of playable species The adepts class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis) and Use Magic/Faith Device (Cha). Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Int modifier) x4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier. Table: The Adept ——— Spells per Day ——–– PC Level

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Bonus Save Save Save Special












Discipline, City Dweller















Rage, 1/day








Soul Lore









Spell Penetration









Rage, 2/day



















Pick bonus feat





















Rage, 3/day




















































































































Meta-Magic Feat Spell Mastery Pick bonus feat Pick bonus feat Spell Mastery

— —

Class Features All of the following are class features of the adept as PC class. Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Adepts are skilled with all simple weapons & their chosen deities favourite weapon. Adepts are proficient with light & medium armour only. (Divine magic is not sabotaged while wearing armour, be reminded). Oh and once more: a staff is a two-handed weapon, ergo 150% strength bonus. Spells: An adept casts divine spells which are drawn from the adept spell list (see below). Like a cleric, an adept must choose and prepare his or her spells in advance. Unlike a cleric, an adept cannot spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells.

To prepare or cast a spell, an adept must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an adepts spell is 10 + the spell level + the adept’s Wisdom modifier. Adepts, unlike wizards, do not acquire their spells from books or scrolls, nor do they prepare them through clergy. Instead, they meditate, “believe” or contemplate for their spells, receiving them as divine inspiration (not straight via deities) or through their own strength of faith. Each adept must choose a time each day at which he or she must spend an hour in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether an adept can prepare spells. Like other spellcasters, an adept can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Base daily spell allotment is given on Table: 'The Adept'. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score. When Table: The Adept indicates that the adept gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, adept gains only the bonus spells based on her Wisdom score for that spell level. Each adept has a particular holy symbol (a unique focus) depending on the adept’s magical tradition. That symbol can be enchanted or upgraded, like common wards against level drain.

Mini-Info on Adept SPELL-LIST 0-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS (ORISONS) Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage. Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. Light: Object shines like a torch. Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. 1ST-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round. Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages. Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. 2ND-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS Augury M F: Learns whether an action will be good or bad. (“Oh oh”) Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.

Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8). Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3). See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects. Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs. 3RD-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS Animate Dead M: Creates undead skeletons and zombies. Arcane Sight: Magical auras become visible to you. Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. Continual Flame M: Makes a permanent, heatless torch. Create Food and Water: Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level. Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light. Deeper Darkness: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius. Lightning Bolt: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage. Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse. Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject. Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. Tongues: Speak any language. 4TH-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20). Detect Scrying: Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. Minor Creation: Creates one cloth or wood object. Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form. Restoration M: Restores level and ability score drains. Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level. 5TH-LEVEL ADEPT SPELLS Baleful Polymorph: Transforms subject into harmless animal. Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping. Heal: Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases and mental conditions. Major Creation: As minor creation, plus stone and metal. Raise Dead M: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. Secret Chest F: Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. True Seeing M: Lets you see all things as they really are. Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.

Table: Attribute (by score) Modifier and Bonus Spells due Wisdom, if high enough ——————————— Bonus Spells (by Spell Level) ——–———————— Score Modifier 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 1 –5 —–——————Can’t cast spells tied to this ability 2–3 –4 —–—————— Can’t cast spells due to this lack of ability 4–5 –3 ———————— Can’t cast spells due to this lack of ability 6–7 –2 ———————— Can’t cast spells due to this lack of ability 8–9 –1 ———————— Can’t cast spells due to this lack of ability 10– 0 — — — — — — — — — — 11 12– +1 — 1 — — — — — — — — 13 14– +2 — 1 1 — — — — — — — 15 16– +3 — 1 1 1 — — — — — — 17 18– +4 — 1 1 1 1 — — — — — 19 20– +5 — 2 1 1 1 1 — — — — 21 22– +6 — 2 2 1 1 1 1 — — — 23 24– +7 — 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 — — 25

Feats for Adepts Soul Lore (I admit, I read some stuff from “collective” C.G.Jung): From 4th level on an adept may make a special soul lore check with a bonus equal to his or her adept level to sense whether he or she learns some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. A successful soul lore check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. An adept may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of lore is essentially random. Roll a d20 + adept level. DC 15 20 25 30

Type of Lore Common items or tales, known by at least a substantial minority; common legends of the local population. Never 100% true, yet never 100% wrong either. Uncommon but available, known by only a few people, libraries, temples or bardic legends. Obscure, known by few, hard to come by. Like an occultist who tries to find people who only communicate by the “sending” kind of spell? Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by mortals who once knew it. Probably known only by those who don’t understand the significance of the lore or item.  This petty copy of bardic knowledge makes an excellent reason for adepts to    form a  group or specific joint venture, I guess. Better than dice could be playing it out, spiced  by experiences made and gained! Pseudo Grail quests?

Brawling Adepts lack the dedication of the typical monks, partially due their dependence upon their souls guidance. From the petty courses “at the monastery” they learned to be a notch more spontaneous and flexible though. Alleys, pubs and taverns are not the only “chance” to learn. Indeed, outside propaganda, a lot of zealots happen to add punch to their arguments. Brawling is no clone of improved unarmed fighting, it does not allow to ignore the unarmed versus armed penalty!

Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and the character deals non-lethal damage equal to 1d6/1d4 (medium or small size) + his or her Strength modifier. Critical hits deal lethal damage (balancing the hubris of certain martial arts zealots). Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal non-lethal damage equal to 1d3/1d2 + Strength modifier. Rage Self-Enchantment here as divine innate ability Level: Madness domain 3 Components: V, S Casting Time: One action Range: irrelevant here, self Target: self Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The caster can put a creature into a blood frenzy. In this rage, the creature gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. (Unlike a barbarian rage, no penalty to AC is suffered, and no fatigue period occurs after the rage is over.) Evasion (Ex): From 9th level, if an adept makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if an adept is wearing light armour or no armour. A helpless adept does NOT gain the benefit of evasion. It is game guider's decision, if you can select improved evasion as a bonus feat on later levels! SPELL PENETRATION [Adept] Adepts improve the contemplation of their soul & piety with levels. While their spells remain limited, their faith may boost them a little, especially when they defend their way of being. Benefit: When learned, after contemplation, chanting or (silent) prayer you get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. City Dweller: +2 to Sense Motive and Gather Information checks. Discipline (Birthright NOT Rokugan): +1 on Will save and Fortitude save.

 Replace by forest dweller  for adepts of Reynir or  Erik and Northerner for  Vosgaard.

Notes on my Hypocrisy Wow, much to note. First, it is superficial, as the facts mostly verify. When I wrote „My prestige class – defenders of the faith“, there I wrote about one possible way of playing any traditional D&D character class turning towards faith. This adept approach, is for a world where there are NO heroes. No such classes. It is designed for generic city adventures and contrary to suspicions, it is a sign of respect from me towards officials as fan websites. ● A great disturbance is Planescape. Opinions vary on why clerics are not allowed by the lady of pain. In a way, it is about agents of the gods, rattling the cage (much like terrorism, just not mundane but plane-law). With the hint at “Witch's Wake”, you all have the chance of knowing one realm besides Ravenloft, where a faithful individual may live through some ordeal without ever having been trained to be a “real cleric”. Claire Ricks, as if that was not overdosed to an overkill. I had serious problems after 35 dinA4 pages written & published (Dreamscape, Brutal Dreaming.pdf). Complete re-edition or starting a new? My situation took toll and I am disgusted by being reduced in my potential, for it was never too perfect anyway. ☺

I can no longer pretend, as if I would enjoy it. My “muse” is another failure of my life. It's ok, it was not primary about money anyway. Jörg Schwab made a coup, yet I intent to completely vanish from the Internet. This means: If you want my gratis D&D stuff, visit fast? Same truth will become to be for my account at which I appreciated as storage, yet mustn't be shared with public (or at all).

Dedication I dedicate this files (I made it for a purpose not yet written) effort to Rob Bartel, mastermind of Witch's Wake (yeah, in a way, that guy from Bioware, back then). Besides (yet not outmatched by) Planescape Torment I never found any more inspiring, atmospheric D&D in my life. Thanks!

1st AddOn Imagine a fantasy pub, for the more spiritual type. There is one of those tables where the lights are  dampened and which is far from potential eavesdroppers. The gorgeous and humble wench has just  served drinks. The innkeeper (gender by your imagination) still stares dagger­like at monk and nun.  Green tea, not even honey. Hmpf, those monastic types could make a humble business go broke and  would do nothing but offer cookie wisdom. Certain words (OOC, or as in rulebook) for clarity to  readers! Yet   we   are   lucky,   for   this   is   not   our   most   focused   concern:   (Eating   and   drinking   occurs,   by  individual tastes and preferences.) The wench delivers the equivalents to a hot Baileys­coffee for the adept, green tea for Akiko­Mae,  green tea with honey for the cleric, original cocaine­cola for Guile and an indescribable mixture for  the Planar. Adept: Thanks for granting us the chance for such a small chat. Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: smiles (working to radiate mystic wisdom) Cleric:   You   are   welcome,   our   temple   never   is   above   helping   the   less   enlightened.   We   are...  (struggles to spare the cliché propaganda) Guile, a vile, dark adept: You repressed homosexual *mutters a curse* Adept: It's appreciated, that even competition gives us the honour. *resisted* Planar: Slurps his or her drink, the air is so fresh, compared to Sigil. Adept:   We   wanted   to  find   new  insights   on  our  role  in   society   and  our  path,  compared  to   the  traditional ones, as the bards sing about the age of heroics.  Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: We have a traditional way, which prevailed through the centuries. In  solitude we dedicate our lives to a combination of discipline, learning and prayer. We strengthen the  body so it can be the shell of a strong and pure soul, by definition of each order. Cleric: As those chosen by a god, due our faith we connect with the power of chant and miracles.  We become servants of deities, making our surroundings into more pleasing places for the god we  serve. 

Guile, a vile, dark adept: Hiding in a monastery, not to face the world. Couldn't that be true as well?  How alone is a monk when amongst brethren most time? Or what about clerics bossing around and  sacrificing commoners to please a deity, existent or imagined? Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: A proper question, at utmost improper time. Won't you contribute by  your answer first? Cleric: I guess lacking respect is seen as a skill, in absence of real competence? We never claimed  perfection and on each virtue, there is a way to defile it. Where there is good, there is the possibility  for evil, where there is order, might be chaos as well. Guile, a vile, dark adept: Yeah, maybe I should play along. *wicked smile* We were inspired by  the infernal as religion or occultism, yet while we are not as sorcerers, living our ego to our prime  worked out to be... to bring results. Alternatives there where few, be a peasant, soldier, criminal or  drop dead were usually all. Planar: Well, our spiritual awakening came via survival. When the world you knew is away through  a portal, which you don't know to activate? Under the lady of pain, we had the luck that deities as  religious dabbling were forbidden, not soul. We could be a subtle adaptation of divine or infernal  forces in an unknown realm. Guile, a vile, dark adept: Yo! That sounds like my next bitch, that lady of pain. Does she suck well?  Planar: Nobody survived to find out or tell, want to venture with me... for a try? Guile, a vile, dark adept: *senses the bait* Maybe sooner than you think. Thanks for that offer. Adept: I think our benefit is, that we are still citizens. We are not defined by profession alone and  for the continuous routine of urban life, we are quite flexible. Further, I think the evidence of the  soul needing no deity, might not always be harmful.  Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: Yet lacking a master and not even being capable of koong foo? How do  you see your role compared to the traditional ones? Cleric: Oh, does this mean you have no direct support by a deity and additionally you lack the  domains of faith? Guile, a vile, dark adept: Are you afraid of the unknown? We can buy scrolls and relics and use  them without a deity giving permission or some temple­politics sucking out of envy or contempt.  Now that is a truth, can you handle it? Adept: Admitted, we can not easily outmatch your ways, yet have we need of it? I agree on that we  might be a subtle, new approach, like the dawn of a new day after a stormy night. Maybe even seeds  of your ways, growing up on their own? Planar: No creature is perfect and we were, in a way, born as we are. I survived some surprises due  it, too. Further, allegiance to a deity, worship as religion is prohibited in Sigil, punished by a painful  death. Cleric: Heresy! Sacrilege! The lady of pain, an infidel? Excuse me, yet adepts use holy symbols as  focus, wouldn't that be a problem then? Planar: Seemingly not, though this might mean the ladies law is more against gods and religion than  against a focus to the own self, which is our only way of using it, by birthright. Guile, a vile, dark adept: *another wicked, satiated smile* Hey nun, is it your leg going for me  under the table? Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: *visualizes the breaking of a certain pesters bones* Cleric: But aren't there remnants of the arcane in your style? 

(Cleric  continues):We  had reports  from the witch­hun...certain  investigative  people spread  such  rumours. How can your soul be pure, when divine and arcane result in such a comparably weak  mixture? Adept: I invited you, to find out more? Planar: I could only guess. Guile, a vile, dark adept: Why don't you give your deity a blow­job, so it enlightens us?  Cleric: *keeps in mind to gift a pyre to some Satanist loud­mouth* How about spells? How do you  learn and work them? Adept: Listening to the soul, symbolically spoken. We are not as flexible as the bards though.  Further, we have comparably obvious limits. Planar: But Tiefling ladies freak out the sexy way, when even the slightest divine magic is sensed  during their table­dance... ahem! Guile, a vile, dark adept: Limits of today may be overcome tomorrow. That nun not sucking mine,  now that is what bards must call sorrow! Akiko­Mae,   a  warrior­nun:  Secret  art  of  ripping  off testicles,  how  could   you live  without   that  practical lesson?  Guile, a vile, dark adept: Now look, too weak to handle it, after all those years without orgasms?  Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: Provoke it and you know yourself real soon. As if pleasure guarantees  strength and prowess, fool! Who suggested we are all vowing celibacy anyway? Adept: Is there a productive aspect to this sexist agenda? Guile, a vile, dark adept: If she wouldn't posture that shy... Akiko­Mae, a warrior­nun: Sexual harassment, for obviously you are weak and desperate? Seems to  me, that without rape you don't get laid at all. Poor sob? * taunt that is?* Guile, a vile, dark adept: *game guide enforces rage activation due failed roll* Cleric: Do not drown him into an abyss of temptation! *prepares hold person spell* With two of the chat lacking mental endurance to keep on the topics, we subtly retreat from the  chat. This time there is no violence, for Guile will follow Planar to Sigil just instances before the  inquisition of the temple arrives to reflect the clerics gratitude for insulting the deity! Some experience is gained and especially for adepts, contemplating their own meaning of it all,  might even bring results... This means, when an adventure is not about slaughtering hordes of monsters, not about constant  bloodshed   or   dire   magic   duels,   adepts   may   be   quite   an   option.   Soul­search,   mysticism   or  uncovering elven artifacts, such suits cliché adepts. Lore with meaning, instead of just knowing  “this is a bastard sword +3” could be another hint to game guides. Adepts can be expected to work well, where “normalcy” is part of the intended game atmosphere.  They offer a minimum of healer, to be not instantly a waste, yet no match to cleric or druid – for  that was never their purpose anyway. Adepts may handle holdings, in Birthright context or equivalent.

Adepts have mostly mundane weapons at start, on their own applying scrolls like bless weapon or  magic weapon is all they can muster. Henceforth, starting with a simple ghost story yet making the  bouncer to be an iron golem is not about racism, it is about spoiling the game.  On   players.   I   share   one   more   pdf   with   the   world.   This   is   the   work­template,   soon   one   with  Charisma as prime follows, being reduced to bard spell number of sorcerer spells. I do not force  anyone to read it at all. Further, I don't owe explanations or respect to you anyway. While my lack of resources has given it a “tribal shaman light” touch, the adept could be ultra­ civilized high­elf, evil drow soul­sister of such high elves or dwarven as half­orc brute (relativity)  souls. Race and culture should serve to round­up the adepts design. I have crafted this adept version for a game world/story idea, where attributes start all at 9 (max is  18, modified due racial stats) and you spent 21 points on those! Contrary to laziness, only the name  is identical with the adept class I defined for the German “Demonwright RPG”.

A jolly race for small adept­ordeals Planetouched   HALFLINGS:   Planetouched   Halflings   are   somewhat   rare   among   halfling   folk.  Planetouched Halflings are 4 feet tall or more and weigh between 30 and 35 pounds, due their  Tallfellow roots.  • +2 Dexterity, –1 Strength, ­1 Intelligence. • Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armour Class, a +1 size bonus on  attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he or she uses smaller weapons than medium  sized humanoids use, and his or her lifting and carrying limits  are three­quarters of those of a  Medium character. • Halfling base land speed is 20 feet. • +2 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks. • +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. • +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on  saving throws in general. • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with light crossbows. • +2 racial bonus on Survival checks. •   Automatic   Languages:   Common   and   Halfling.   Bonus   Languages:   Celestial,   Dwarven,   Elven,  Gnome, Goblin, Infernal and Orc. They generally speak Elven in addition to Common and Halfling.  •   Favoured   Class: Adept. A multiclass  halfling’s  adept class  does not count when determining  whether he or she takes an experience point penalty due multiclassing. ● Special Feat by race: ­ Improved Initiative ● Special Qualities of these halflings:  ­Darkvision out to 45 feet.

­ Spell Resistance 15

 Respect where it is due: The DROW as race (outside the typical       context) are an impressive race by stats and resistance! The              blackrose elves (NWN1­ CEP) not less. 

Adept rules for the (D20) Birthright setting. There are two ways of using my adept solution as player class for the realms and cultures of Cerilia  (Birthright): ● ●

The easy way: Do NOT use them at all! The way of the semi­cleric. While adepts have no domain powers and cannot turn undead,  they   can   make   up  for   it,   if   played   properly.   The   following   text   gives   first  hints.   From  Administrate, Lead and Warcraft add to class skills as if they were clerics.

Adepts, as far as I can write game balance, have the now listed three options of divine magic.  1. They are of sufficient bloodline strength to need no deity. This could be, yet is a bit out of  their   role.  On  the  other  hand,  it  could  spice  up  a faithful  regent  with  more  deeds   than  (pseudo) religious dogma alone. Game guide choice BEFORE character creation, I would  advise. 2. They are treated like clerics (Claire Ricks). This means, they pledge allegiance and have  faith in one of the official deities, precisely as clerics. While adept spells by list remain, this  gives them access up to spell­level 3 divine realm spells. I found Eloèle a notch bitchy, if I  may write as I would speak my opinion. Guile would appreciate Azrai! 3. They have faith and belong to an adept order, which traces their faith back to one of the  heroic gods (Anduiras, Azrai, Basaia, Brenna, Masela, Reynir & Vorynn) which bled for  Cerilia. While adept spells by list remain, this gives them access up to spell­level 3 divine  realm spells. If in example a faithful halfling occultist who tries to learn more about the evil  taint which befell the Shadow World and haunts the halflings is considered, then this way is  an option. Combined with arcane support (a halfling magician with scrying or divination),  this could really bring benefit to the realm and the people.  Adepts,   independent   of   culture,   compensate   for   what   they   lack   cleric­wise   due   their   certainly  improved personal skills and feats. In the realm, working for the Curate as loyal members of the  faith makes much sense.They could copy religious texts, help on healing and nearly any task, which  running the temples in a city demands as routine.

 The fact, that they are not 2nd class clerics shows, when for example they adventure to recover a  relic or accompany a cleric of some importance. Given that a levelled adept has enough faith and  knowledge to even help training lay brothers and lay sisters (newbies to official faith), they make  fine assistants to all religions known. The favoured weapon of a deity will henceforth be a weapon the faithful adept is ruled proficient  with and it will be prime choice for the weapon focus, naturally. Or should I write: faithfully? If you read the description of the magician as player class, as is in the D20 birthright rules, then you  have the same conflict. In your imagination replace magician by the word adept and wizard/sorcerer  by cleric. It shows a quite human struggle of social standing and doubts. Understand it and you can  even role­play why an adept feels not inferior or superior to clerics (or Claire Ricks). The job­duty is faith, the rest are just different manifestations of the deity. As Cerilia lacks monks  and nuns, adepts may even fill a breach between courtiers and temples as well. The only limits are  the will, faith and competence of your personal game guide. I write this after reading Birthright material in 2007. The joy I felt when one of few worthy classics  was not forgotten completely. This version is primarily for  community.

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System Reference Document Copyright 2000­2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan  Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy Collins, David noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce  R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.   System Reference Document v3.5 HTML compilation Copyright 2004, Sovelior Meliamne & Jason  Olaf Jensen. Added to Copyright Notice on demand of this license:  Starting January 2007 I, Andrè Michael  Pietroschek, wrote with intent of publishing, the included description of  adepts, racial, spells   &  feats as player­class for D&D (Dungeons & Dragons pen & paper Roleplaying Game) straight from  “The Revised (v3.5) System Reference Document” by D20 Systems (as far as the download was  named). Due a technical problem I couldn't include it as HTML which would have made it easier to  track the source. I further mention in quite obvious text and colour that neither Wizards of the Coast  nor D20 are in any form responsible for my publishings and I clearly mentioned, that I am not  a  member of their team or staff.  Andrè M. Pietroschek, Germany, January 2007 END OF LICENSE

Well meant kind of warning: That license does not in any form allow to violate my own copyright or steal my mental property.  Simplified: The license only deals with what my own approach is based upon, stealing my own files   or ideas and pasting this license in won't make it legal! Wizards of the Coast as D20 are in no form  responsible for what I publish and simply by email can make me delete this entry of them again for  I didn't ever need it anyway. Try [email protected] or [email protected] to receive contact  information or answer, as soon, as I receive your email. Spam and such might influence the degree  of patience needed.

A lurking of questions The adepts holy symbol/unique token  is replaceable (from easy, near instant on low levels to near­ epic on highest). Personally my only rule ever is, guide it as you can handle it. I know guide it as  atmospheric as it can be, sounds more convincing. It's just that I was mercilessly reminded, that I  made enough mistakes to know it happens. This knowledge leads me to the suspicion, that other  game guides may have a bad moment, too. ●

● ●

A tattoo or tribal scar can be just as much a symbol. It is individual choice. If you design  adept magical lodges, wouldn't playing a cleric or wizard get that job done? Adepts are a  mixture class with the benefit of citizen life in a fantasy world. Their usual adventure is  called: Getting a job done, meeting proper mate, reading inspiring books and doing some  workouts.  Oh and they call their laziness contemplation, just like the author of this file, a great thinker.  ☺ The   official   NPC   version   had   a   familiar.   This   one   has   lots   of   feats   instead,   some   by  individual players selection (from proper list of feats). I still like monks, I even enjoyed wizard­thief mixtures. This pseudo­class is designed for  another realm, where epic adventures are simply all old tales from bards.  I reduced the number of resistances in my included halfling offer, for playing a drow adept  or dwarven adept would be as possible.  If   halflings  are not allowed a reinforced  staff, adaptability  helps. Simple  weapons   offer  several common weapons. Perhaps be reminded that mace is a smaller weapon category than  club? “But they use no shields?” Sometimes, even to people with darkvision, holding a torch  or lantern is useful. Others hold their “holy symbol” when casting spells in combat? Proper   quality   artwork/illustrations   for   my   files   (including   permission   to   use   it   in  publications) is always a welcome option. Naturally the number of offers remains close to  the depressing number of my bank account... This time, once more, I left my own opinion out of the task and made sure that players all  over the world (even that country I dislike due their deeds) could participate, if they like to. I  don't expect much, for me it remains a work­tool I crafted for my own next step. Sooner,  later or never. Adepts have NO domain powers and CANNOT turn undead, that's clerics (Claire Ricks)! My apologies to newbies. The craft skill and those creation spells hint at that, among others,  adepts can create a new holy symbol on their own (or weapons, later armour). This is a  potential & cute emergency help, I would guess.

Ok, some game guides I remember are like bad moments for life. Others think such about me, let's  be Straight enough here. I give my answers and include mini­FAQs, not for you to like it. I do it, to  make you know my answer and have a better chance of understanding. I know any real game guide  (dungeon master or mistress) instantly knows what I write about when it is D&D. Some years ago, I  still had best intentions, the facts made me frustrated, I never really blamed anyone in person for it.

Programmers have skills, which I lack. Yet a lot of them are inexperienced and incompetent as  game guides. One of my goals was, to write the minimum they need to implement such classes or  ideas without “doing homework” on practical, atmospheric pen & paper. At least I tried.

A crucial feat, after first ordeals Hints vary. Sometimes by my competence, yet in truth, by your preferences! Due level­feat (3rd  level?) or at level 8 adepts get a free bonus feat. It's intended players choice as far as it does not  spoil.  If your figures dexterity is high, then feats like  dodge,  weapon finesse  or  improved evasion  will  make much sense. Some might be worried, for taking power attack to later gain cleave is...I further  guess, weapon finesse should allow to buy cleave feat for those light weapons, too (Fencing is fast  yet surely no power attack style). Adepts are not the most veteran warriors, it's not their role. Dirty  fighting could be a feat for them? Bonus hit­points by toughness feat could surely make sense (for  those with low constitution even more). Combat casting certainly has it's benefits, especially for it  gives +4 where partial skill focus would only give +2, to concentration rolls.  Other feats are as possible. Yet, in truth I would encourage a very simple approach: Make them get  a feat they earned by playing style! This means, if one of your adepts fights like hell (suiting the  role and atmosphere), grant that cleave feat, even without power attack prerequisite. If one of your  adepts plays sneakiness well, grant sneak attack 1d6, they earned it. It is not that special, it does not  break game balance and it surely helps players to feel “role­playing” their characters is not just a  waste of effort. This class is, among others, one possible upgrade to the typical “healer cliché”. Consider it for the campaign: In my intended adepts exclusively first adventure, it would make  sense, yet be a spoiler, to class­break to fighter or rogue. Hint: Check the feat descriptions.  ●


Flurry of Blows. Originally a monk feat, yet allowing such with the deities favoured weapon  could   encourage   players   to  play  atmospheric,   as  the  faith   in Birthright  demands.  Wow,  impressive looked the table of the paladin of Cuiraècen to me. A human adept with shield proficiency at 1st  level due human bonus feat and improved  shield bash as 3rd level feat has more benefits, than an adept with two weapon fighting at 1 st  level and two weapon defence at 3rd.  

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