address book using java database connectivity(jdbc-msaccess) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description : address book using java in frontnd and msaccess in backend.myprojects.address is the package,consists of four classes loginb,start,search,add. //loginb is the main class of the package. //there are total four classes(loginb,start,search,add) //this address book is made with the help of jdbc-odbc //frontend is java //backend is ms access //compile all the classes and then run the loginb class //it authenticates the user entry then proceeds //shekhar's address book package myprojects.addressbook; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.sql.*; public class loginb{ public static void main(String args[]){ try{ final TextField tf1,tf2; Label l1,l2,l3; Button b1; final JFrame f = new JFrame("address book"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setSize(800,800); f.setLayout(null); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); final Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:student","","");//student is the (data source name) /*procedure:go to cntrl panel,then select administrative services ,then select odbc,then select or add the dsn.*/ final Statement st = con.createStatement(); Font f1 = new Font("sansserif",Font.BOLD,24); l3 = new Label("SHEKHAR'S ADDRESS BOOK"); l3.setBounds(150,10,800,40); l3.setFont(f1); f.add(l3); l1= new Label("USER NAME :"); l1.setBounds(200,200,100,30); f.add(l1); tf1 = new TextField(); tf1.setBounds( 400,200,100,30);
f.add(tf1); l2= new Label("PASSWORD :"); l2.setBounds(200,250,100,30); f.add(l2); tf2 = new TextField(); tf2.setEchoChar('*'); tf2.setBounds( 400,250,100,30); f.add(tf2); b1 = new Button("LOGIN"); b1.setBounds(300,350,50,30); f.add(b1); b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ try{ String s1 = tf1.getText(); String s2 = tf2.getText(); System.out.println("got data "); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("Select * From login"); System.out.println("table select"); while( {String s3= rs.getString(1); String s4=rs.getString(2); System.out.println("data entered"+s1+" "+s2); System.out.println("inside while"+s3+" "+s4); if(s3.equals(s1) && s4.equals(s2)) { try{ f.hide(); Start s = new Start();
} }
} catch(Exception e3){}
tf1.setText(""); tf2.setText(""); } catch(Exception e1){System.out.println("ERROR 1"+e1);} } });; } catch(Exception e2){System.out.println("ERROR 2"+e2);} } } __________________________________________________________________________ ______ //class start package myprojects.addressbook; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; //import address.*; public class Start { public Start() throws Exception{
Button b1,b2; JFrame jf; jf=new JFrame("START"); jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jf.setSize(800,800); jf.setLayout(null); Font f1 = new Font("sansserif",Font.BOLD,24); Label l3 = new Label("SHEKHAR'S ADDRESS BOOK"); l3.setBounds(150,10,800,40); l3.setFont(f1); jf.add(l3); b1 = new Button("ADD"); b1.setBounds(250,150,100,40); b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try{ Add a = new Add(); } catch(Exception e2){} } }); b2 = new Button("SEARCH"); b2.setBounds(250,100,100,40); b2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1) { try{ Search b = new Search(); } catch(Exception e3){} } }); jf.add(b1); jf.add(b2);; } } __________________________________________________________________________ _______ ///class search package myprojects.addressbook; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.sql.*; public class Search{ public Search(){ final JFrame jf = new JFrame("Search"); jf.setSize(800,800); jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jf.setLayout(null);
Font f1 = new Font("sansserif",Font.BOLD,24); Label l3 = new Label("SHEKHAR'S ADDRESS BOOK"); l3.setBounds(150,10,800,40); l3.setFont(f1); jf.add(l3); final TextArea ta = new TextArea(); ta.setBounds(10,120,1000,600); ta.setEditable(false); jf.add(ta); Label l = new Label ("search by name:"); l.setBounds(10,60,100,30); jf.add(l); final TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.setBounds(120,60,100,30); jf.add(tf); Label l1 = new Label ("TELEPHONE:"); l1.setBounds(240,60,100,30); jf.add(l1); final TextField tf1 = new TextField(); tf1.setBounds(360,60,100,30); jf.add(tf1); Button b1 = new Button("SEARCH"); b1.setBounds(480,60,50,30); b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try{ String s6,s,s1,s3,s4,s0="1233"; Date d; Long s2,s5; s = tf.getText(); s6=tf1.getText(); if(s6.equals("")) s5=Long.parseLong(s0); else s5 = Long.parseLong(tf1.getText()); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); final Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:student","",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("Select * From addressb"); while({ s1 = rs.getString(1); s2 = rs.getLong(2); s3 = rs.getString(3); s4 = rs.getString(4); d = rs.getDate(5); System.out.println("gotstring"); if((s1.equals(s))||(s2.equals(s5))){ System.out.println("string equal");
ta.append(s1+" "+d);
"+ s2+ "
" + s3+ "
" + s4 + "
); }//eoif }//eowhlie } catch(Exception e1){System.out.println("ERROR="+e1);} } });
jf.add(b1); Button b2 = new Button("ADD"); b2.setBounds(550,60,50,30); b2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try{ Add a = new Add(); } catch(Exception e2){} } }); jf.add(b2); Button b3 = new Button("EXIT"); b3.setBounds(620,60,50,30); b3.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e2) { try{ System.exit(0); } catch(Exception e3){} } }); jf.add(b3);; } } _________________________________________________________________________ //class add package myprojects.addressbook; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Add { public Add() throws Exception{ final TextField tf1,tf2,tf3,tf4,tf5; Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6; Button b1,b2,b3; final JFrame f; f= new JFrame("ADDRESS BOOK"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setSize(800,800); f.setLayout(null);
Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); final Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:student","",""); Font f1 = new Font("sansserif",Font.BOLD,24); l6 = new Label("SHEKHAR'S ADDRESS BOOK"); l6.setBounds(150,10,800,40); l6.setFont(f1); f.add(l6); l1= new Label("NAME :"); l1.setBounds(200,200,100,30); //l1.setFont(f1); f.add(l1); tf1 = new TextField(); tf1.setBounds( 400,200,100,30); f.add(tf1); l2= new Label("PHONE NO. :"); l2.setBounds(200,250,100,30); f.add(l2); tf2 = new TextField(); tf2.setBounds( 400,250,100,30); f.add(tf2); l3= new Label("Address :"); l3.setBounds(200,300,100,30); f.add(l3); tf3 = new TextField(); tf3.setBounds( 400,300,100,30); f.add(tf3); l4= new Label("Email id:"); l4.setBounds(200,350,100,30); f.add(l4); tf4 = new TextField(); tf4.setBounds( 400,350,100,30); f.add(tf4); l5= new Label("Birth date:"); l5.setBounds(200,400,100,30); f.add(l5); tf5 = new TextField(); tf5.setBounds( 400,400,100,30); f.add(tf5); b1 = new Button("ENTER"); b1.setBounds(300,450,50,30); b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
try{ String s1,s2,s3,s4,s5; s1 = tf1.getText(); s2 = tf2.getText(); s3 = tf3.getText(); s4 = tf4.getText(); s5 = tf5.getText(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into addressb values(?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,s1); ps.setString(2,s2); ps.setString(3,s3); ps.setString(4,s4); ps.setString(5,s5); int i = ps.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("Row Updated:"+i); tf1.setText(""); tf2.setText(""); tf3.setText(""); tf4.setText(""); tf5.setText(""); } catch(Exception e1){System.out.println("ERROR:"+e1);} } }); f.add(b1); b2 = new Button("SEARCH"); b2.setBounds(400,450,50,30); b2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e2) { try{ Search b = new Search(); } catch(Exception e3){} } }); f.add(b2); b3 = new Button("EXIT"); b3.setBounds(480,450,50,30); b3.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e2) { try{ System.exit(0); } catch(Exception e3){} } }); f.add(b3);; } }