Address Book

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,248
  • Pages: 6


The name of this Academic Body shall be “Academy of Clinical Microbiologists” (ACM).


Objectives a.

To Practise Clinical Microbiology through quick and reliable reporting, monitoring antibiotic use and control of infections (Community, Hospital and Laboratory Acquired Infections).


To undertake organization of Laboratory Services.


To undertake research and publish the results of such research.


To organize further instruction and training in Clinical Microbiology.


To arrange refresher and advance courses in the laboratory control of infections.


To update Medical curriculum, publish books for Medical and Para Medical teaching and release Newsletters and periodicals as and when necessary.

3. General Body (Academy) a.

The General Body of the Academy of Clinical Microbiologists is here after referred to as the “Academy”.


The General Body meeting will be held once in three years.


The Triennial meeting shall be in August.

4. Academic Council (Council) The Governing Body shall be called Academic Council, hereafter referred to as the “Council” and shall consists of sixteen members.

25 a.

Nine Executive Council members and


Seven Ordinary Council members


Executive Council Members 1.



Senior Vice President (President Elect)


Second Vice President




Joint Secretary





8-10 Associate Editors (3) 11.

Assistant Editor


Thirteen other members (ordinary council members)of which three shall be from outside India.


The Council shall meet every February and August and the new team shall meet first the same day after the Triennial meeting.

5. Membership a.

There shall be Founder, Life and Associate Members.


Eligibility and membership rate; Those who contributed Rs. 1500/- from 1st March 1996 to 31st December 1998 shall be called Founder Members. Those who contributed Rs. 1500/- after 31st December 1998 shall be life members. Only those with MBBS Degree (or MCI recognised equivalent degree) and MD Microbiology (or MCI recognised equivalent degree) shall be eligible to become Founder/Life members. Life membership fee increased to Rs. 2000/- with effect from 01-04-2003 and to be paid in lumpsum.

26 Those persons with MBBS degree (or MCI recognised equivalent) and working in Microbiology or those undergoing M.D. Course in Microbiology are eligible to become Associate members paying Rs. 100/- per annum. Microbiologists from abroad can also join the Academy, membership fee for them being $500 for Founder/Life Membership. The Membership fee shall be revised every third year. Life membership fee can be paid in lumpsum ($500) or in instalments of $125 per year over a 5-year period ($600) with effect from 01-04-2003. Founder/Life members going abroad for employment / immigration have to give $ 400 to continue active membership, for getting communications and the Journal at the new address. c.

Rights Both founder and life members have the right to stand for election to the Council, right to nominate council members and the right to vote. Associate members do not have those rights. However, like founder and life members they are able to attend Academic Meetings, present papers and will get copies of newsletters and Journal.


Quorum for Meetings For Academy Business Meetings, (General body meeting) the quorum shall be 1/3 of the total membership and that of council meetings, it should be minimum five members of whom three shall be executive council members.


Election of Council Members (Executive & Ordinary) The election of Council Members shall be by nomination by two of the members (Founder/Life member). If more than one person is nominated to a post, selection shall be by postal ballot/ secret voting at the Triennial Meeting.


Term & Duties of Council Members i. The term of Council members shall be three years. ii.



The president shall preside over all Academy and council meetings.

27 b.

Vice-Presidents (Two) : Shall do the work of the President in his/her absence and the senior Vice-President (President Elect) shall become president after the term. The second Vice-President shall become the President Elect after the term.


Secretary: shall do the correspondence and maintain seperate minutes books of Academy and Council Meetings.


Joint Secretary: Shall help the secretary in correspondence and shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his/her absence. The joint Secretary shall become the Secretary after the term.


Treasurer: shall keep all the accounts of the Academy and shall present the audited statement of accounts at the Triennial business meeting.


Editor: shall carry out all editorial duties for publications.


Associate Editors : will help the Editor in screening the articles and the senior most shall become Editor after the term.


Assistant Editor: will coordinate the activities of Editor and Associate Editors and help the Editor/Associate Editors in sending Journals to the members and subscribers.


The president can nominate from one of the Ordinary council members to do the duties of Vice-President, Joint Secretary, Treasurer or Associate Editor if vacancy arises.


The President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor after their term shall not be eligible to the same post until after a lapse of three years.

9. Journal a.

The academy shall have a Journal which shall be released twice a year.

28 b.

Shall have an Editorial Board consisting of five or more members apart from Editor, Associate Editors and Asst. Editor.


Non-members and non-associates can subscribe to the Journal


The subscription rate shall be revised every third year.

Annual Subscription Rate Institutional Purpose

: Per year : : Rs. Three hundred only : (India)

US $ Thirty only (Outside India) Individuals : Rs. One hundred & (Other than members of ACM) Fifty only (India) US$ Twenty only (Outside India)


: :


For Five years Rs. One thousand and two hundred only US $ One hundred and twenty Only Rs. Six hundred only US $ Eighty Only

Journal shall be called “The Journal of the Academy of Clinical Microbiologists” (JACM).

10. Finance: a.

Rs. 1000/- of the membership fee shall be put in fixed deposit, Rs. 250/- to a research fund/travel grant* and Rs. 250/- for academic activities and publications.


The Associate members’ fee and subscription for Journal shall be used for publications.


The interest on F.D. shall be used for initial expenditure of Academic Meetings.


A registration fee shall be collected for the Academic meetings to cover the expenditure. Balance amount of the income in connection with such meetings shall be deposited in the research fund/travel grant*.


All accounts shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer with President or Secretary.

* to young members (below 40) to go for conferences, workshop etc.

29 f.


Accounts should be audited and presented at the August Council meeting and at the time of Triennial General Body Meeting.

Emblem: The Academy Emblem consists of a winged staff, two serpents, a microscope, an opened book, the Globe and three letters ACM. Staff is symbolic of power and it represents stability. Wings represent swiftness (quick action) and ability to soar (watchful). Serpent is a sign of wisdom. The two serpents represent the curative and preventive aspects of microbial diseases. Microscope represents the branch of Medicine - Microbiology. The opened book represents dissemination of knowledge and the Globe represents the extent of the Organisation. The three letters ACM - represent the abbreviation of “Academy of Clinical Microbiologists”.


Bye law addition and amendments: The byelaws can be added or existing bye laws amended only at the Triennial General Body with a two third of the full membership.

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