Additional Meditation Exercises (druidic)

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Table of Contents Health Notice & useful tips................................ 3 Grounding as a Tree........................................... 4 Energies of the land............................................ 5 Energies of the Full Moon .................................. 6 Energies of the Summer Solstice.................... 7 Energies of the New Moon ................................ 8 Energies of the Winter Solstice ..................... 9 Energies of Imbolc .............................................10 Energies of Beltaine ...........................................11 Energies of Lughnasadh................................... 12 Energies of Samhain ......................................... 13 The Three Realms ............................................. 15 Dana Energy ....................................................... 18 The Elements....................................................... 19 A Chinese Based Meditation............................ 21

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Health Notice & useful tips Never attempt to practice any breathing exercises if you have heart or breathing problems without consulting your doctor first. If you are having difficulty with any of these exercises you can contact your mentor for support or feedback. Keep a journal of your personal experiences of each exercise. The purpose of keeping this journal is purely for your own personal growth, as by looking back on your entries and/or repeating the exercises, you will see the progress that you have made. Also by keeping a journal you will be able to email the entries of the exercises that you wish to discuss further with your mentor. Make sure to date and label your entries in your journal so that you know which one is which and it will be easier for you to see and monitor your own progress. While doing each of the meditation exercises, be sure you are in a position that is comfortable to you to be in for any length of time. Also be sure that there are no clocks within your range of sight, as they can become an abstract distraction from the meditation. Be sure you have plenty of time for the meditation so your do not worry about how late it is. When sitting on the ground (or hard floor) it is best to have some form of a cushion to sit on for your back. It is preferable to meditate outside in a nature type setting (a park, a quiet garden...). If it is not possible to be outside a quiet room that is not cluttered works just as well. If needed you can have the meditation exercise either printed off on a paper or make a voice recording of the meditation. Remember to take something to write down your experiences with you. Most importantly when about to meditate, do not set any expectations or expect great things to come to you. Doing so will only defeat the purpose of the meditation and can connect emotions of failure to any further meditations. When you are ready begin your meditation with calm, slow and deep breaths (this will be referred to as the basic meditation breath). Identify thoughts as “thoughts” and let them float by. Remember that you can always leave a meditation at any time.

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Grounding as a Tree Introduction: This meditation is listed first in these additional meditation exercises because it is very important to be able to ground yourself. Grounding is also a good way to centre and calm yourself. This is also a great way to “recharge your batteries” if you are unexplainably running low on energy. Take your time moving your consciousness to each area and pause for a few breaths upon reaching each area. After beginning your meditation breath, envision a tree in your mind’s eye or focus your sight on a near by tree. When you feel ready move your consciousness into your belly. Hold it there for a few breaths or until you feel ready to move on. Here in the belly is where it is most commonly thought as the dwelling place of the Cauldron of incubation. Visualise in this place a seed that longs to be a tree. The seed is you. Slowly you grow roots that seek the earth. If you are ready let your consciousness follow the roots through your body to the earth. Before planting your roots into the earth ask permission. If permission from the earth is given proceed, when ready, to push your roots into it, while letting your consciousness become these roots. Let your consciousness dwell in the deep roots for a few breaths before returning to the growing seed at your belly. When you return to the growing seed you feel that branches and leaves have grown up through your body. When ready, move your consciousness up through the branches. Dwell in the flexible yet unyielding branches for a few breaths. When ready, move your consciousness into the sun-dappled leaves. Dwell there for a few breaths before returning to your belly, which is now the trunk of the tree. Now in your very centre, feel the natural flow of your tree self (from deep roots to leaf tip and back). Dwell in this being of wholeness for a few breaths. When ready, envision your human self, returning your consciousness back to its natural place. Slowly move your limbs before getting up. Now that you are up do something physical so your consciousness doesn’t wander off (now is likely the best time to write down your experiences of the exercise). If outside have a nice walk around the place, or if inside, have a snack or continue/begin your day.

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Energies of the land Introduction: This meditation exercise is taken from the Grove of Dana Bardic Course v2.0 Journal “Power and Landscape”. Choose a place on the landscape that calls to you (if you have visited a sacred site, you might like to choose that, especially if it is close enough to visit again). Visit this site three times, over a period of however long you choose. Meditate there and try to "interface" with the energy and spirit of the place by merging with the peace of the land. Go into nature, sit down cross-legged with your hands resting on your knees or thighs. When comfortable begin your meditation breath to centre yourself and come to a place of rest. Once centred move your breath into what is called "fire breath" or "bellows breath" only if your health condition allows. This is done by taking fast paced, shallow breaths. Do this for three minutes (this is an estimate, adjust the time to fit your needs). When you are finished with the fire breath begin taking long and deep breaths for another three minutes. If your health condition does not allow for the fire breath simply use the meditation breath. Slowly let your consciousness drift down your spine and into the land (similar to the grounding as a tree exercise). Dwell in the land for some breaths before returning your consciousness to your body.

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Energies of the Full Moon Introduction: This meditation exercise is taken from the Grove of Dana Bardic Course v2.0 Final project using the first 13 lines of a poem by Amergin. This exercise is spread out over a period of 13 lunar months. The dates for the full moon can be found in the calendar on the Grove of Dana College.

Beginning with the full moon of November (if you start this exercise in a different month, just count moons down to the line you are on; i.e.: November = line 1, December = line 2, January = line 3, etc. Keep in mind blue moon months; some months have 2 full moons in them so that month gets 2 lines [one for each full moon]) and every full moon after, until you are back full circle, go outside under the moon (or sit by a window in moonlight) and meditate on the energies of that month. Try to enter a state of peace, and send your consciousness out into your environment to feel the energy. I am the noise of the sea I am an ocean wave I am a stag of seven tines I am a lake upon a plain I am a wind over the sea I am a tear of the sun I am a hawk upon a cliff I am a beautiful flower I am the god who kindles fire in the head I am a keen spear that pours forth battle I am a salmon in a pool I am a hill of skilled ones I am a boar in battle frenzy

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Energies of the Summer Solstice Introduction: The purpose of this exercise is to explore the energies of the Summer Solstice and the returning light it brings (focus of light). Take precautions that you do not over heat or stay in the direct sun for too long. Preferably this exercise is done outside (at sunrise on the Summer Solstice if possible) in the sunlight. Position yourself facing the sun, but not looking directly at it. Begin with the meditation breath and focus on the light and warmth from the sun against your skin. Slowly take this energy into yourself, letting it seep into the core of your body. Let the energy dwell within you for a few breaths, then attempt to move the energy to different areas of your body. Take your time with this and direct the energy with calm nudges and let it return to your core. When you feel you have explored the light and warmth for long enough let the energy pass back out of your body in any direction it chooses.

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Energies of the New Moon Introduction: This meditation exercise is like the Full Moon one and is also spread out over a period of 13 lunar months. The dates for the new moon will be posted in the calendar on the Grove of Dana College. The lines of meditation are ones created by willow mist. Beginning with the new moon of November (if you start this exercise in a different month, just count moons down to the line you are on; i.e.: November = line 1, December = line 2, January = line 3, etc. Keep in mind blue moon months; some months have 2 full moons in them, thus also 2 new moons, so that month gets 2 lines [one for each new moon]) and every new moon after, until you are back full circle, go outside under the moon (or sit in a dark room) and meditate on the energies of that month. Try to enter a state of peace, and send your consciousness out into your environment to feel the energy. I am the Gateway between worlds I am Stillness of Silence I am Darkness of Night I am Light in Darkness I am Shaper of Elements I am the Seed of Life I am Wind of Change I am Nature Reborn I am Tree of Knowledge I am the Tribe Protector I am Voice of Old Pathways I am Giver of Healing I am Heart's Fire

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Energies of the Winter Solstice Introduction: The purpose of this exercise (similar to the Summer Solstice exercise) is to explore the energies of the Winter Solstice and the returning darkness it brings (focus of darkness). Take precautions that you do not freeze or stay in the direct sun or reflected snow sun for too long. Preferably this exercise is done outside (at sunset on the Winter Solstice if possible) in the sunlight. Position yourself facing the sun, but not looking directly at it. Begin with the meditation breath and focus on the coming darkness and cold against your skin. Slowly take this energy into yourself, letting it seep into the core of your body. Let the energy dwell within you for a few breaths, then attempt to move the energy to different areas of your body. Take your time with this and direct the energy with calm nudges and let it return to your core. When you feel you have explored the darkness and cold for long enough let the energy pass back out of your body in any direction it chooses.

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Energies of Imbolc Introduction: The purpose of this exercise is to connect and explore the energies of Imbolc. To better help you with this the meditation will attempt to guide you to the main Celtic Deity of this Celtic festival: the Goddess Brighid. Pick a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and welcomed by the energies/spirits of that place. Close your eyes and begin your meditative breath. Listen to your surroundings. When you feel you are ready in your mind build an ancient looking forest. Once the forest is build in your mind, and you can build it as simple or complex as you like, envision a mist slowly rolling out of the trees and wrapping around you like a blanket. When all you can see is the mist, in your mind take a step forward when ready. Once you step forward the mist parts and takes you into a straw and wood hut, or an ancient looking smithy. You see a woman working over the fire—this is Brighid. Watch quietly what she is doing. When she finishes her work she comes over to you and sits down. If she does not at first speak to you, ask her questions about Imbolc. Let her guide you as she shows you the energies, and answers of your questions. At any time you wish to stop or end the meditation simply envision the mist wrapping around you like a blanket and take a step back. Before opening your eyes listen to your surroundings allowing you to come fully back to yourself.

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Energies of Beltaine Introduction: The purpose of this exercise is to connect and explore the energies of Beltaine. To better help you with this the meditation will attempt to guide you to the main Celtic Deity of this Celtic festival: the God Bel. Pick a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and welcomed by the energies/spirits of that place. Close your eyes and begin your meditative breath. Listen to your surroundings. When you feel you are ready in your mind build an ancient looking forest. Once the forest is build in your mind, and you can build it as simple or complex as you like, envision a mist slowly rolling out of the trees and wrapping around you like a blanket. When all you can see is the mist, in your mind take a step forward when ready. Once you step forward the mist parts and takes you to an open hilltop. Below there is a village and the light in each home is being put out, one by one. After the last bit of light goes out in the last home and you can no longer see or smell smoke, someone behind you moves in the growing dark. Do not be afraid, you know this person has been patiently watching with you. He strikes a spark and a small new flame grows steadily into a bonfire. As he lights a second bonfire, a knowing comes to you that this is Bel lighting the Beltaine fires. His task done and the villagers have arrived and begun the festivities. Take a seat next to Bel, ask him questions or start a conversation with him. Let him show you about the energies of this day and guide you for a time. At any time you wish to stop or end the meditation simply envision the mist wrapping around you like a blanket and take a step back. Before opening your eyes listen to your surroundings allowing you to come fully back to yourself.

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Energies of Lughnasadh Introduction: The purpose of this exercise is to connect and explore the energies of Lughnasadh. To better help you with this the meditation will attempt to guide you to the main Celtic Deity of this Celtic festival: the God Lugh. Pick a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and welcomed by the energies/spirits of that place. Close your eyes and begin your meditative breath. Listen to your surroundings. When you feel you are ready in your mind build an ancient looking forest. Once the forest is build in your mind, and you can build it as simple or complex as you like, envision a mist slowly rolling out of the trees and wrapping around you like a blanket. When all you can see is the mist, in your mind take a step forward when ready. Once you step forward the mist parts and takes you to a field being harvested by hand. One of the harvesters finishes tying a bundle and sets it to stand upright. Wiping his forehead he takes a beaker of water from a near by bucket and drinks deep. As he drinks, his eyes laugh kindly as you realise this is none other than Lugh himself. Help Lugh harvest the field as he guides you to show your own personal harvest and your sacrifices. Ask him questions from time to time when you have them. At any time you wish to stop or end the meditation simply envision the mist wrapping around you like a blanket and take a step back. Before opening your eyes listen to your surroundings allowing you to come fully back to yourself.

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Energies of Samhain Introduction: This meditation appeared in the N.O.D. upgraded members e-zine Samhain edition 2006 (under the title of Samhain Meditation: Meet the Ancestors) and is used here with permission of the writer Karayana. Before you begin this meditation, take a bath or shower. Make sure you are relaxed but alert. Find a quiet place to sit where you will be comfortable and undisturbed. If you would like to play music or nature sounds to help you relax, then that is fine, as long as you can still concentrate on the meditation. An alternative would be to record the meditation before hand to play back. Sit or lie in a comfortable position and let your eyelids gently close. Breathe through the nose and follow your breath down into your lungs and then allow it to go further and settle in your lower stomach. Exhale slowly. Keep breathing in this way until your mind can stay in your stomach region (Dan tien) while your breath is released. Keep the breathing slow, quiet and regular. After awhile you find yourself standing in a quiet meadow on a moonless night. Strangely it is light enough to see. Looking around you see that the light is coming from a mist that is draped around a stand of Silver birches. You walk towards it and eventually enter the trees, feeling the mist cool and damp on your face and hair. The source of the light is in front of you and you keep walking, trusting the light to guide you. Soon the mist thins and you enter a clearing where a large fire is burning brightly. The mist surrounds the clearing on all sides but the sky above is clear and strangely there is a full moon. You stand with your back to the fire watching the mist and soon your patience is rewarded. People begin to arrive. You recognise some. Perhaps they are parents or grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters. Greet the ones you recognise warmly. Soon the clearing is quite full, many people laughing talking, hugging each other. You realise that everyone you can see is related to you. These are your ancestors, and tonight at Samhain in this place betwixt and between they are gathered together. You look around at the many faces, the different styles of clothing. What knowledge can you gain from what is worn? Make a mental note. Can you see yourself in any one here? Does anyone catch your eye or interest you strongly? Let your heart guide you to one of your ancestors. Walk up to them and greet them warmly and politely. Have you got a question to ask? Ask it.

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Be sure to say thank you when you are done. If you think you should approach another ancestor then repeat the process. Who do you feel drawn to? If not then stand back and just watch for a while longer. Realise that all of these people are part of you; you carry them in your heart, your actions, your personality, your looks, your history. When you are ready to leave walk to the mist and pass back through. Wherever you leave the clearing you will find yourself in the meadow once more. All is quiet after the noisy clearing and you sit for a while in quiet meditation of all that you have seen or learnt. Gradually become aware of your breathing again, and spend a few minutes coming back to your body. Open your eyes and sit quietly in contemplation. Then take up your journal and write. May your ancestors bless you with love.

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The Three Realms Introduction: This meditation is from Entering the Forest (Bardic Youth Course Book) where it is titled “Meditation: Initiation”. It is used here with the writer’s permission.

If possible, go out into nature to perform this meditation, such as a park, forest or river, and find a quiet place there where you will be undisturbed. Otherwise you can do it at home or any other place you feel comfortable and you know you will not be disturbed. Make sure you have sufficient time to do this, having the idea in the back of your mind that you have to go somewhere in 15 minutes from now will not make it any easier. This meditation works best if someone reads it for you, either on a tape recording or in person. If this is not possible then read it through a number of times first so that you remember the sequence. If you practice alone make sure you first tell an adult that you are going to do it and where you shall be. You may do this meditation standing up or sitting cross-legged on the ground, your hands resting on your thighs. Then follow the steps below: 1.

Sit down in a comfortable position.

2. You can close your eyes, or keep them open, as you feel most comfortable with (it may be easier to concentrate with eyes closed if you are not very experienced with meditation yet). 3.Try to clear your mind, by calming it and simply letting go of any thoughts that might enter it. (This is particularly difficult for one who is not used to meditate yet. Points 4 and 5 are helpful techniques to enable you to clear your mind.) 4.Keep a regular breathing. Breath in and count to four, hold it while counting to two, and then breath out while counting to four. Continue to focus on your breathing until you feel your mind is at peace and clear. 5.If necessary, try a chant (it could even be the same tone if that makes it easier for you). Chanting will keep your mind focussed on that only, enabling you to clear out all else that tries to enter it. 6.Now picture that you are standing outside. In front of you are stairs going down, they would appear to be old stone stairs that have been there for a long time, although they are in good condition. Slowly go down these stairs, one by one. These stairs can be short or long, depending on how deep you need to travel to reach your inner self. Simply take the stairs as they come. This document was created with the trial version of Print2PDF! Once Print2PDF is registered, this message will disappear! Purchase Print2PDF at


7.When you have reached the end of the stairs, you find another door. This door can be any shape or size that comes to you in your meditation. Slowly open this door, and walk through it. 8.Beyond this door you will find what appears to be a cave. It can be of any shape, dark or light coming through holes. 9.As you walk through this cave, pay attention to how you experience it. Is it warm in there, or cold? Is the ground soft or hard under your feet? Is the air damp? 10.Walk through the maze of corridors in the cave, and choose which way to go. Choose the way you feel is right to enter. Keep walking as long as you feel the need to. You can also stop anywhere in the cave, touch the walls of stone, or any-thing else you feel is appropriate at that moment. 11.Having found your way through the maze, you find yourself at an underground river. You can hear the flowing of the clear water. Stand still at the edge of the water, and when you are ready, jump into it. 12.Swim into the stream of water as if you are a fish. You trans-form into a fish, and you can breath there like a fish would. Pay attention to how you experience it: is the water warm or cold, is the river going fast or slow? Is there light shining into the water? How big is the river and how much space do you have to swim? How deep does the water go? Are you a particular fish? Are there other fish there? 13.Swim as long as you feel you need to. When you are ready to come above the water, you see rays of sunshine piercing into the river, and you follow them as you swim up to the surface. 14.You reach above water, and as you do so, you transform into a bird of your choosing. Aim for the sky as you spread your wings and fly around. Pay attention to how you experience this as well. Is the sky clear? Are there clouds, and are they dark or white ones, and how big are they? Is it raining or snowing? How much wind is there, and does it go in the direction you want to fly, or the opposite direction? Does the air feel warm or cold to you? How high do you want to fly? 15.Fly whichever way in the sky you like, and as high as you like. Below you can see beautiful landscapes of nature, forests, rivers and mountains. Search for a beautiful place to land, and when you feel you are ready, fly downwards toward it. 16.When you are closer to the land, search for a hole in the ground. It would be big enough to fly through for you.

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17.When you enter the hole, you arrive in a dark place. You land softly on both your feet again as you transform back into your-self. Look around yourself in the dark place, and search for a door. 18. When you find the door, walk toward it and open it slowly. 19. Beyond the door, you will find the same stairs again that you descended at the beginning of the meditation. 20.

Slowly go up the stairs as you see the daylight again.

21.When you have reached the final step of the stairs, you can open your eyes again (if you closed them) and slowly return from your state of meditation.

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Dana Energy Introduction: This meditation exercise is taken from the Grove of Dana Bardic Course v2.0 Journal “Dana Energy”.

Go out into nature if possible (indoors will work fine, but it is always preferable to work outdoors). Sit down cross-legged with your hands resting on your knees or thighs. Take three deep breaths to center yourself and come to a place of rest. Once centred move your breath into what is called "fire breath" or "bellows breath" only if your health condition allows. This is done by taking fast paced shallow breaths. Do this for three minutes (this is an estimate, adjust the time to fit your needs). When you are finished with the fire breath begin taking long and deep breaths for another three minutes, (If your health condition does not allow for the fire breath simply use the meditation breath.) or until you feel yourself settling into the peace of the land. Allow the Dana energy to slowly rise up your spine, surrounding and filling you. Do this every day for at least a week and write a journal entry reflecting on your experiences.

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The Elements Introduction: These meditation exercises are taken from the Grove of Dana Bardic Course v2.0 Bardic Manual pages 60-61. These meditations are meant to bring your awareness to the powers of the elements. Fire *As with all flames take precautions to prevent injury or an uncontrolled fire which can be dangerous to property and life. Light a candle, or if possible a fire. Sit in front of it, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Take a few moments to orient the power of fire. Open your eyes and look into the flame. Put your hands in front of it, receiving the gifts of its warmth. Feel both its creative and destructive aspects. Feel its ability to give life through its warmth, but also its ability to destroy in its flames. Now turn inward, and feel the fires of your own life. The warmth and heat of your body, which sustains your life. Feel your constant bodily and spiritual connection to this element. Mentally reach out to fire in its many forms, and give it gratitude. Air *Take precaution that you do not choose a place near any obstacles that could come loose in the wind (and could cause bodily harm). Also do not go out if there is an advisory warning due to the sever wind speeds. Go outside on a windy day. Take a few moments to close your eyes, feel the wind caressing your face. Orient to the air, an element that we could not survive for more than a few moments without. Feel both its creative and destructive aspects. Feel its ability to allow us to breath, giving us life. Feel its ability to destroy in the destructive powers of hurricanes and tornados. Turn inward now to your own breath. Feel the rhythmic motion of your lungs, contracting and expanding. Feel your constant bodily and spiritual connection to this element. Mentally reach out and give gratitude to the air.

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Water *Take caution of the weather when going outside to any body of water. Some areas may be subject to Flash Flooding. Go to a stream, lake, ocean, or other body of water, or otherwise fill a large bowl with it. Dip your hands into the water, close your eyes, and take a few moments to orient to the power of water. Feel both its creative and destructive aspects. Its ability to nourish us, filling us with the vital fluid that makes up one third of our bodies; and its ability to drown us, to flood and destroy. Turn inward now to the water of your body. Feel it making up almost the entirety of your physical form. Feel the moisture in your breath, a full bladder, or the sweat cooling the body. Feel your constant bodily and spiritual connection to this element. Reach out mentally, giving gratitude to the water that sustains you. Earth *When entering wild places of nature remember to respect the distance between you and the local wildlife. Some local wildlife is dangerous so take some preventative equipment to ward off possible attacks. Preferably have someone go with you when entering such wild areas. Go outside, to the forests, mountains, or a field. If this is not possible use your yard, a pot of soil, or a plant. Smell the richness of the Earth, and feel the firmness of the ground beneath your feet. Close your eyes and take a few moments to orient yourself to the Earth. Feel both its creative and destructive aspects. It is a home, giving stability and rootedness. It has give birth to a wide diversity of life, including us as humans. Feel the destructive power of earthquakes and rockslides. Turn inward now to the earthiness of your own body, the clay of your bones. Feel it providing the framework of your body, and giving you form. Feel your constant bodily and spiritual connection to the element of Earth. Reach out mentally, giving gratitude to this element.

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A Chinese Based Meditation Introduction: This is a meditation that was posted by Karayana in her mentor forum and she gave permission for use here. The meditation is very simple but can take a long time to master. The purpose of this meditation is to bring chi into the body and store it. When you learn to do this well you will find that you can feel the energy moving in a swirling, wind like motion in the dantien, and as you grow proficient it will be warm. It will help keep you healthy in mind, body and soul. It is best done at night in a downstairs room or outdoors (as long as you are warm, being cold makes it hard to concentrate) so as to stay grounded, and face East. Sit cross-legged on the floor (a cushion will help!) with your hands cupped one inside the other with your thumbs touching. This keeps the energy flowing around your body and doesn't disperse it into the air. Women should have their right hand within the left hand, men the opposite way. Let your tongue rest gently on the roof of your mouth just behind the front teeth, again to keep the energy flow. Keep the back straight but relaxed and look straight ahead so that your head is level. This keeps the meridians open. Gradually let your eyelids droop while relaxing into this position, but make sure to keep your eyes looking forward still. Letting your gaze drop downwards can result in headaches. Once you feel relaxed and comfortable, start thinking about breathing. You are aiming for your breathe to be rhythmical, slow, smooth and silent, but it takes time so don't get frustrated! Just remember not to force anything, let it happen gently. Breathe in through the nose and feel your breath go up the nasal passages, down the throat, into your lungs, passed your diaphragm, until you reach the dantien (this is a point at the centre of the body two fingers breadth below the navel). Focus your attention on the dantien and then slowly release the breath, leaving your attention on the dantien. Breathe in again, following your breath down in the same way if you find your attention has strayed. Keep this up, focusing on the breath in the dantien, and letting any other thoughts drift slowly away, your center is the only important thing in this meditation. When you feel you have finished, give yourself time to come round fully, before standing up.

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