Actions Model

  • December 2019
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ACTIONS Model (mobile devices)

Access • How accessible is a particular technology for learners? Mobile learning content can be accessed anywhere, regardless of location. With ever increasing coverage by mobile network providers, m-learning services can have an increasingly ubiquitous presence. Availability via mobile devices at any time provides convenience for the learner.

• How flexible is it for a particular target group?

It is accessible, anytime, anywhere easy to use, easy to develop,…. This characteristic(mobile devices) includes availability on demand as well as the creation of content ‘on the fly’, i.e. in real time “One of the great advantages we see with mobile learning, as with podcasting, is the time shift – the flexibility provided to the learner to access learning on demand, and in a time and place that provides the greatest advantage to them. We should recognize that a lot of learning is location-specific, so where you access it is critical.” (Sara Bingham, Learning and Technology Manager, Ufi/learndirect)

Costs • What is the cost structure of each technology? Designers and buyers of mobile learning cannot ignore the cost factors of using CMDs for accessing mobile e-learning. All mobile providers charge users for downloads and use of browser functionality on their phones. Providers offer a wide array of packages from fixed use charges to pay-as-you-go and many variants in between. The charges for connected time can be considerable, and may not be apparent to the user until after the fact.

What is the unit cost per student?

If developing any mobile learning that is likely to incur a download or connection charge, you should clearly signpost to users that this is the case, and where possible, provide an alternative format, e.g. a file that can be downloaded to a PC then ‘sideloaded’ to a mobile device, so that mobile download charges are not incurred.

• What are the opportunity costs vs. other technology choices? From a hardware perspective they are low cost when compared to the full cost of a PC and for some the  power of a PC may be unnecessary if all you wish is to surf the web, telephone and possibly send email.  One solution to download costs might be bluetooth. Many mobile devices are enabled with this wireless  technology & it could be possible to set up bluetooth   stations   where   information   could   transmitted   to   handhelds.   This   would   effectively   be   free   of  charge. However, a mobile device can be expensive to run. Many service providers use additional services  such as Internet surfing and the associated download as a strong revenue stream

Teaching and Learning • What kinds of learning are needed?

Can   be   used   for   independent   and   collaborative   learning   experiences.   Also   it   helps   to   make   learning  informal

What instructional approaches will best meet these needs?

These technologies   findings broadly match a social­constructivist approach, which views learning as an  active process of building knowledge and skills through practice within a supportive community

What are the best technologies for supporting teaching and learning in this environment?

Cell   or   smart   phones,   multi­game   devices,   personal   media   players   (PMPs),   personal   digital   assistants  (PDAs), or wireless single purpose devices

Can the content be adapted to the technology?

It can be, but it takes money, efforts and time to adapted because of the screan size of mobile devices.  Designing for mobile learning becomes a critical challenge .We need to develop theory, strategies and  techniques. 

• What skills does the technology develop? helps learners to improve literacy and numeric skills, to recognize their existing abilities, identify where they need assistance and support, to raise self-esteem and self-confidence

Interactivity and User-friendliness •

What kind of interaction does this technology enable? There are 4 types of interaction that these technology support : Student-student, Student-teacher, Student-content and student machine. The social interaction could be Asynchronous or synchronous

• How easy is it to use and learn? mobile technologies are a familiar part of the lives of most teachers and students today. It is not much technological pre-requisites

Organizational Issues •

What are the organizational requirements to provide stability and support?

There aren’t a standard requirements for providing the support. It depends on the organization and the type  of the mobile device

What are the barriers to using this technology successfully within the institution?

Screen size, repurposing the content, Mobile learning raises deep ethical issues of privacy and ownership.

Novelty •

What are its technical capabilities?

They are capable of delivering videos and simulations in addition to text, email and voice

messaging. In the past few years input capabilities, battery life, storage capabilities and user interfaces have all improved – and continue to improve. In addition, the availability of high-speed cellular networks with unlimited use plans continues to grow.

Speed •

How quickly can courses be created and distributed with this technology? Repurposing existing e-Learning materials for mobile platforms can take a long time to do it e.g Left- to-right scrolling, web sites too big to see effectively on small screen, so we have to develope a new websites for mobile device. But we can distribute the courses very quickly by mobile devices by using the internet and bluetooth feature

• How quickly can materials be changed?

Mobile devices is changing and improving every moment, so also the materials and the content should be improve.

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