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Table of Contents

Title Page Approval Sheet Parts A. Situation B. The Problem C. Plan of Action D. Action/Implementation Reflection Bibliography Appendices Curriculum Vitae

IV. A. THE SITUATION Coinciding with the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, learning even out of the classroom has become the ultimate goal of education.




learning is no more restricted by time or place and is supported by online resources (e-resources) through the use of Web Hunting. It is for a fact that there has been a dramatic increase of the technological-based learning among schools. Most of the schools now even elementary curriculum requires the use of technology-based learning and technology - based teaching. And who would not want the use of technology to be employed in the classroom? In this age of globalization, where society is being transformed and is transformed by technology, so too are innovative ways in teaching and learning processes. It should be affirmed that as time flies, the number of Filipino learners has rapidly increased. These learners are full of hopes and dreams to learn. There may be some variables that may hamper the learning process however this should not block the goal of the teacher to bring the lesson to the open. Moreover, teachers should mutually enforce the

emergence of internet as a fast learning channel. It must revolutionize the teaching process. As the last few decades have affirmed the role of internet, education then should be searching for solutions (Calvert, 2008). It should be brought into the classroom and be incorporated in the curriculum (Barbara Ten Brik, 2009). As the domain of Information Technology is witnessing innovations and developments at a rapid race, education should not be left in using the internet as an instructional strategy in teaching to enrich and motivate the learners to take challenges in their academic life. One of the most powerful and rewarding strategy at the fingertips of teachers is the Internet. Indeed, through it, lessons capture teachable moments as the teacher sees students’ eyes light up with excitement, as the web expands the moment with pictures, facts, human stories that somehow makes learning comes alive (Becker, 2009). Above other things, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education is a strategy to facilitate interaction and access information in learning more about the given topic. However, finding a source of or set of structured e-resources to facilitate learning within

specific course remains to be a big challenge in educational institutions especially in secondary schools. Information and Communication Technology refers to a technology supported teaching and learning that enables understanding and utilizing of information and online communication (Hammond, 2004). Indeed, its presence has become indispensable part of education, which is a power to enable learners to appraise their aspirations and interests. It was disclosed by Reinhart and Schneider (2001) that the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supported learning in education owes too much to the emergence of an information society. It is all because in any technological strategy that is used for learning, the designed system should add values to the learning process and support learners to achieve better outcomes, (Biggs, 2003). This concept was then supported by Christie and Ferdos (2004), stating that beneficial ICT strategy support achieving good pedagogical results in education. In fact, the appropriate private use of ICT facilitates all kind of interactions. The potential of the teacher to use technology enhances the teacher and students’ thinking and develop the latters’ eagerness to learn more about the subject. In this sense, Web Hunting can be used fruitfully especially

nowadays that K to 12 Program is in its full swing. Other benefit of this strategy is to explain difficult topics using the computer generated applications. Indeed, technology equips teachers to teach with high quality content giving them enough time to explain difficult concept. It is with this concept that the teacher-researcher believes that the use of WEB HUNTING nurtures students in learning more about the different lessons in the Araling Panlipunan subject. As Zhang (2010) pointed out, websites offer students rich resources of materials-both authentic and instructional as well as attractive and friendly interface, wind pictures, pleasant souls which intensify across students’ learning in the Araling Panlipunan subject. This connotes that student will performed better if they engaged in modern technologies like using the web. It means that student are more active and engaging in their class discussion. They don’t only see but they hear it as well. Their memories of retention will stay longer in their minds. There has never been a perfect classroom setting. Although the researcher has been maintaining her commitment to maximize classroom management, still the diversity of learners is one factor to be considered. Learners regard the Araling Panlipunan subject as just one of the subjects so they think of it as easy and not interesting. The subject then becomes

secondary among their priorities. Aside from these, learners tend to prioritize other subjects. Hence, the use of Web Hunting is highly suggested as it increases students’ motivation to learn (Ferrer, 2013). So then, teachers should consider learners’ perspectives for instructional design of the courses and to enable learners to engage interactively in improving the learning system. (Concannon, Flyn and Campbell, 2005). Similarly, the internet provides the students several avenues from which essential information and data can be sourced out to help them enhance their skills and competencies maximally. And this is done through the use of Web Hunting. Web hunting or Cyber hunting is an educational lesson which introduces the internet to students. It is often used as a strategy in teaching the students how to search the Internet and how to use the resources and information available in the Internet (Kirscner & Woperie 2010). This aims to focus on gathering information from websites to answer questions or to support a concept on a particular subject matter. This intends to hunt for facts or information to provide details for the answer to the question. Nevertheless, this is a fact-finding exercise where students answer a list of questions or solve problems as they practice information seeking

skills. A Hunt therefore, is a powerful strategy to introduce the study of a new subject or to supplement the exploration of various sides of an issue. Moreover, learning is the art of developing a skill or knowledge. It is an extremely complex human process. Traditional education emphasizes learning the “what”, whereas the Information Age requires learners to be competent and to understand the process of learning the “how” (Wikipedia). Thus, modern Web-based learning provides means to fundamentally change the way in which instruction in Araling Panlipunan is delivered to students. Therefore, teaching Araling Panlipunan using Web Hunting should be a meaningful experience for both the teacher and the learner because websites are designed to provide learners with a “self-help” learning resource to complement traditional textbooks (Calvert, 2010). From this, instead of going to libraries, learners search using Google and other Search Engines (Berners Lee, 2007). The alternative technique of using Web Hunting within the context of instruction can be easily incorporated into the daily activities of the learning process in the classroom (Rohan, 2009). Indeed it plays a vital role in a students’ life. It serves as an innovative, informative and entertaining strategy as students use their time to navigate the teacher-selected sites for

the information on a particular subject matter. This diminishes the need for extensive investments in print resources that quickly become outdated or irrelevant. Imagine that a single book can be used only by one student at a time, whereas, a single page can be accessed by millions. By far, Web Hunting serves as a teaching strategy which aids the teacher to beat the monotonous use of textbooks. It gives the teacher the joy of selecting a topic from the curriculum and then search for appropriate websites or web related resources that can range from pure text based online resource to online video related resources from as an example. How exciting Araling Panlipunan classes would be when teachers will learn to adopt Web Hunting. This will elicit thinking from the learners on different levels. Deeper exploration on certain Araling Panlipunan topics will then be met. Moreover, Web Hunting provides a wealth of resources and information that makes teaching-learning exciting since it is an ideal mechanism to encourage students to take full responsibility for their own learning.

Through this, they find different learning resources on the web;

they become participants in their quest for knowledge. Hence, in the near future, this world will be a “learning society” in which education is promoted among young students to learn to maximize net navigation.

Remember that, the worlds’ best teachers are not repositories of knowledge but skilled navigators who lead young minds to discover and understand, because learning is about reinventing the wheel, for which all learners in Araling Panlipunan have the opportunity to do it through Web Hunting. From this context, the researcher takes the challenge and is more than willing to take the risk in leading an action to find out the most effective way to come up with a better if not the best strategy in teaching the Araling Panlipunan subject. The use of Web Hunting is the absolute answer. The researcher believes that the ability to incorporate educational opportunities that web hunting promises will tremendously be the key ingredient in making it possible for teachers to address the core educational challenge. They should try something new and different, something that captivates students’ attention and interest and that is using Web Hunting. Come to think of this, traditional teaching allows the teacher spends time on writing the vital points and important information on the chalkboard. While with the use of Web Hunting, the class becomes more attentive, more active and the teacher just uses the button and keyboard to show significant content in a few seconds. Moreover with the same courseware, the teacher does not need

to write some notes several times in different classes, hence saving time and energy. With the above literature, the researcher asserts her full responsibility to answer the needs of the learners. She has to bridge the gap and answer on the call of the 21st Century learning so then; it is her goal to use Web Hunting to intensify the performance of Grade 8- students in her school. In addition, the researcher wants to enhance the performance of the students in order for them to have a better understanding in studying the Araling Panlipunan subject. She has to prove that Araling Panlipunan subject is not a boring subject. It is a subject wherein students can travel around the world. By using the web, they will discover more about their country and other countries as well. The researcher as a Araling Panlipunan teacher is aware of the dismal results of the students’ performance in Araling Panlipunan in the previous periodical test. This only manifest that learners do not possess sufficient mastery of competencies, skills and concept. It is along this premise that the researcher conducts this study which determined the enhancement of performance of grade 8 students.

B. THE PROBLEM This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of web hunting as an instructional strategy to improve the performance of Grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan during the school year 2015-2016. Specifically, it sought to answer the following problems: 1. What are the least mastered competencies in Araling Panlipunan 8 during the School Year 2014-2015? 2. What is the performance of the Experimental Group and Control Group of Grade 8 students as revealed in the pretest? 3. Is there a significant difference between the performances of the two groups of Grade 8 students prior to the experiment as revealed by the pretest? 4. What is the performance of the Experimental group and Controlled group of Grade 8 students after the experiment as revealed by its posttest? 5. Is there a significant difference between the performance of Grade 8 students (Experimental group) exposed to Web Hunting Strategy before and after the experiment as revealed by the pretest and pottest?

6. Is there a significant difference in the performance of grade 8 students exposed to Conventional strategy (Control group) before and after the experiment as revealed by the pretest and post-test? 7. Is there a significant difference between the performances of the two groups of grade 8 students after the experiment as revealed by the post-test? C. PLAN OF ACTION c.1. Objectives 1. To be able to identify the least mastered competencies in Araling Panlipunan 8 during the School Year 2014-2015? 2. To be able to compare the performance of the Experimental Group and Control Group of Grade 8 students as revealed in the pretest? 3. To be able to determine if there is a significant difference between the performances of the two groups of Grade 8 students prior to the experiment as revealed by the pretest? c.2 Time Frame Performance of Grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan during the school year 2015-2016. c.3 Target Subjects

The subjects of this study were the Grade 8 students of Buenlag National High School during the school year 2015-2016 wherein the two sections are being used in the study. The grade 8- Earth assigned in Web Hunting Strategy (WHS) group while the grade 8-Venus assigned in Conventional Strategy (CS) group. c.4 Activities to be undertaken The test which employed as a pretest and a post-test was content validated by experts in the field of test construction composed of 3 Departments and 2 Master Teachers based on a given set of criteria used by Decena (2014). After the content validity of the test has been established, it was tried-out to a group of thirty (30) Grade 8 students who were not respondents of the study. c.5 Evaluation Criteria 1. To answer sub – problem no.1 The researcher conducted an item analysis of the periodical test results in order to determine the least mastered competencies of grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan by employing the percentage of correct response (PCR). The results on the item analysis were described using a 4-point Likert scale as shown:

Percentage of Correct Response

Descriptive Equivalent

75% and above

Mastered (M)


Nearing Mastery (NM)


Low Mastery (LM)

24% & below

No Mastery (NoM)

2. To answer and analyze sub- problems 2 and 4, means and standard deviation were used. This determined the performance of the two groups before and after the experiment. 3. t-test for correlated and non – correlated means. This were used to answer and analyze sub-problem 3, 5, 6, and 7 to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the means of their scores for the administered pretest and post-test for the two groups after being exposed to different instructions.

D. ACTION IMPLEMENTATION d.1 Research Design The researcher used the experimental method of research. It employed the Two Group Pretest – Post-test design in which the Experimental group

received the Web Hunting Strategy (WHS) while the Control Group the Conventional Strategy (CS). Comparisons were made before and after the intervention. d.2 Research Strategies The researcher used the item analysis for the third periodical test result School Year 2014 - 2015 to identify the least mastered competencies. A test which served as a Pretest and a Post-test was prepared and administered before and after the try-out of the Web Hunting Strategy (WHS). d.3 Data to be collected Before the conduct of this study, the researcher sought the permission of all DepEd officials as she observed the proper protocol on this matter. The Pretest was administered by the researcher to both groups ( control and experimental group) last November 3, 2015. After getting their scores in the pretest the means and standard deviation were computed. The experiment started November 9, 2015, traditional strategy like using textbooks and other materials while the Experimental group (8-EARTH) taught using web. The said experiment was conducted in the morning and afternoon 7:30 AM – 8:30AM and 3:00PM – 4:00PM every Monday,

Wednesday and Thursday. The duration of the experiment which lasted for 30 days from November 9, 2015 to January 20, 2016. After subjecting the experimental group using web hunting and control group to traditional teaching, the researcher personally administered the post-test to both groups last January 23, 2016. After which, the post-test results were tabulated and computed for the mean and standard deviation. The group in Web Hunting Strategy (WHS) is done by following simple steps as follows:  The lessons begin with a prayer and checking of attendance.  After that, the teacher will give all the questions to be answered by the students.  There is allotted time for the students to searched the answers to the questions.  The teacher will see to it if the students are doing their task to avoid misleading.  After accomplishing the entire task, the teacher were discussed the lesson briefly.  Then there is a short quiz to test either the students understand the lesson or not to measure their level of mastery.

The other group of students was the Conventional Strategy (CS) group, where the discussions are in a traditional chalk and board student learning, and there is no need to use the Web Hunting for them. After the experiment which was conducted during the third grading period, the researcher personally administered the 50-item multiple choice post-test to both groups of students. It shall be noted this said test was also administered to the two groups of students as a pretest. d.4 Statistical Treatment of the Data The researcher used the following statistical measures to properly analyze and interpret the data. 1. To answer sub – problem no.1 The researcher conducted an item analysis of the periodical test results in order to determine the least mastered competencies of grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan by employing the percentage of correct response (PCR). The results on the item analysis were described using a 4-point Likert scale as shown: Percentage of Correct Response

Descriptive Equivalent

75% and above

Mastered (M)


Nearing Mastery (NM)


Low Mastery (LM)

24% & below

No Mastery (NoM)

2. To answer and analyze sub- problems 2 and 4, means and standard deviation were used. This determined the performance of the two groups before and after the experiment. 3. t-test for correlated and non – correlated means. This were used to answer and analyze sub-problem 3, 5, 6, and 7 to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the means of their scores for the administered pretest and post-test for the two groups after being exposed to different instructions. To determine if there is a significant difference in the performance of the two groups in the pretest, t-test for independent samples was used. The same t-test will be used to compare the performance of the two groups in the post test administered after the experiment. To determine if there is a significant improvement in the performance of each of the two groups after the experiment as revealed by its pretest and the post test, t-test for correlated means was used.

d.5 Findings Least Mastered Competencies OF GRADE 8 STUDENTS IN ARALING PANLIPUNAN The researcher conducted an item analysis of the periodical test results for the third grading period in order to identify the least mastered competencies of the grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan. Table 1 reveals the least mastered competencies of the students by making use of the percentage of correct response (PCR) results. Table 1 Least Mastered Competencies of GRADE 8 Students in Araling Panlipunan (2014-2015) THIRD GRADING PERIOD PCR DE Ang Pag-usbong ng Makabagong Daigdig: Ang Transpormasyon Tungo sa Pagbuo ng Pandaigdigang Kamalayan 1. Nasusuri ang katangian ng bourgeoisie. 68.75% NM 2. Natutukoy kung ano ang sa pinanahanan ng 83.75% M mamamayan. 3. Nakikilala kung sino ang nagtakda ng kaayusang 51.25% NM banal. 4. Natutukoy kung alin ang sumailalim sa tunggalian ng 63.75% NM interes ng simbahan at pamahalaan. 5. Nakikilala ang tawag sa dalawang tungkulin ng 56.25% NM Obispo. 6. Nasusuri ang kahulugan ng renaissance. 80% M 7. Nasusuri kung bakit sumibol sa Italy ang renaissance. 55% NM 8. Natutukoy kung alin ang nagmula sa salitang Italian. 66.25% NM 9. Nakikilala ang Ama ng Humanismo. 58.75% NM 10.Nakikilala kung sino ang nagsulat ng Romeo at Juliet. 75% M 11.Nakikilala kung sino ang naglahad ng teoryang 46.25% LM

Heliocentric. 12.Nakikilala kung ang magaling sa larangan ng pagpipinta. 13.Nakikilalakung sino ang Ama ng Protestanteng Paghihimagsik. 14.Natutukoy kung ano ang tawag sa pagbili ng kapatawaran at kaligtasan ng tao. 15.Nasusuri kung alin ang tamang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari sa simbahang Katoliko. 16.Nasusuri kung bakit itinuring na batik ng simbahan ang Inquisition. 17.Nakikilala kung sino ang nanguna sa pagtuklas ng mga lupain. 18.Nakikilala kung sino ang sumasalungat sa mamamayang Katoliko at imperyong Romano. 19.Nasusuri kung alin ang binago ni Pope Gregory VII sa simbahang Katoliko. 20.Natutukoy kungb alin ang may malaking demand sa Europeo. 21.Nakikilala kung sino ang nakatuklas ng America. 22.Nasusuri ang kontribusyon ng sistemang merkantilismo. 23.Nasusuri kung alin ang nagpapakita ng nasyonalismo. 24.Natutukoy kung kalian isinulat ang Leviathan. 25.Natutukoy ang tatlong sangay ng pamahalaan. 26.Nakikilala kung aling bansa ang nagpasimula ng rebolusyong Industriyal. 27.Natutukoy kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng White Man’s Burden. 28.Natutukoy kung ano ang tawag sa imperyo ng India. 29.Natutukoy kung ano ang tawag sa mabilisang pagbabago ng isang institusyon o lipunan. 30.Nakikilala ang aklata ni Baron Montesquieu. 31.Natutukoy kung ano ang tawag sa saligan ng batas ng France. 32.Nakikilala ang mga philosophes. 33.Nasusuri ang mahalagang prinsipyo ng nasyon estado.

42.50% LM 71.25% NM 36.25% LM 60%


66.25% NM 62.50% NM 41.25% LM 47.50% LM 55%


66.25% NM 53.75% NM 32.50% 82.50% 37.50% 48.75%


42.50% LM 76.25% M 38.75% LM 63.75% NM 68.75% NM 47.50% LM 30% LM

34.Natutukoy kung kalian nagpadala ng malaking tropa ang Great Britain sa Atlantiko. 35.Nakikilala kung sino ang may kaisipang blankslate. 36.Natutukoy ang unang estates sa France. 37.Natutukoy ang tatlong kulay ng badges ng France. 38.Natutukoy kung kalian natalo si Napoleon Bonaparte. 39.Natutukoy kung ilang bilang ang ipinadala ni Napoleon Bonaparte sa Battle of Borodeno. 40.Natutukoy kung saan ipinatapon si Napoleon Bonaparte. 41.Nakikilala kung ano ang tawag sa taong ipinanganak sa bagong daigdig. 42.Nakikilala kung sino ang tinaguriang liberator. 43.Nakikilala kung sino ang may akda ng Praise of Folly. 44.Nakikilala kung aling bansa ang nagpasimula ng panggagalugad. 45.Nakikilala kung sino ang may-akda ng Ninety-Five theses. 46.Natutukoy kunga ano ang tawag sa pagpapalit ng gawaing manwal sa kabukiran ng bagong makinarya. 47.Nahihunuha kung ano ang nais ipahiwatig ng pahayag. 48.Nasusuri kung ano ang nais ipahiwatig ng “The end justifies the means”. 49.Nasusuri kung ano ang nais ipahiwatig ng paniniwala ni Thomas Hobbes. 50.Nasusuri kung ano ang naging epekto ng Rebolusyong Industriyal. Legend: M – 75% and above NM – 50% - 74% LM – 25% - 49% NoM – 24% and below

53.75% NM 43.75% 85% 77.50% 42.50% 66.25%


42.50% LM 42.50% LM 36.25% LM 41.25% LM 55% NM 71.25% NM 31.25% LM 47.50% LM 30% LM 52.50% NM 63.75% NM

Table 1 presents the data reflecting the least mastered competencies of grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan by third grading period. These were

used by the researcher as basis in identifying lessons which would incorporate the web hunting strategy to enhance the performance of students. From Yable, it can be observed that out of 50 items competencies embodied is 21 items are least mastered by the students. Hence, the least mastered competencies are the consensus of the researcher in developing lessons employing the web hunting strategy as well as the conventional strategy. Students Performance Based on the Pretest and Post- test Results The information on the students’ performance based on the pretest and posttest are presented in the following sections. Performance in the Pretest Table 2 presents the mean performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group in the Pretest. The corresponding standard deviations are likewise presented. Table 2 Performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group as Revealed by the Pretest Results GROUP Experimental Group


Standard Deviation



N=40 Control Group




It could be noted from the table that the mean performance of the control group is a little bit higher than that of the experimental group. Likewise, the standard deviations values are close to each other. It can be deduced from these observatons then that the two groups of students have more or less the same performance in the pretest and their scores are more or less of the same spread or dispersion. This statement is validated in the next section which used the t-test to determine the difference in their mean scores are significant or not. The standard deviations are necessary in the computation of the t-value. Comparison in the Performance of the Two Groups in the Pretest Table 3 presents the t-test results in determining the significance difference in the performance of the Experimental group and the Control group in the Pretest Table 3

Test of Significance of the Difference in the Performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group in the Pretest GROUP Mean Experimental












Accept 1.987





The Table 3 shows that the control group and the experimental group have more or less the same performance in the pretest as presented in the preceeding discussion. The data in Table 3 reveals that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups before the experiment,this is evidenced by the computed t-value of .7034 which is less than the critical tvalue of 1.987 at the at .05 level of significance with df=98. This finding warrants the acceptance of the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference in the pretest performance of the two groups. Thus, the experimental group and the control group are on equal footing with regards

to their competencies in Araling Panlipunan covered during the third grading period. Performance in the Post-test Table 4 presents the mean performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group in the Post-test Table 4 Performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group in the Post-test Experimental Group N = 40 Mean SD

Control Group N = 40





There is a marked increase in the performance of the students in the post-test compared to the pre-test results. It could be observed further that from the same initial performance level, the experimental group has achieved a higher level of mastery of Araling Panlipunan concepts than those in the control group who are exposed to conventional strategy. This implies that the web hunting strategy is effective in bringing about a positive

change in students’ performance. Thus, it can be stated that the two groups under study are in equal footing in terms of their knowledge and skills in Araling Panlipunan 8 before the start of the experiment but performed differently in the post-test, with the Experimental group demonstrating higher performance. Comparison of the Pretest and Post-test Performance of the Experimental Group Table 5 presents the performance of the Experimental Group in the Pretest and Post-test Table 5 Test of Significance of the Difference of the Performance of the Experimental Group in the Pre-test and Post- test Experimental Mean








Post test


t- Critical


t-Value Reject





It can be gleaned from Table 5 that the difference between the Pretest and Post-test means is 15.925. Using t-test for correlated means, the computed t-value is 14.151. This value is very much higher than the critical

t-value of .20231 at .05 level of significance and df=29. This suggests for the rejection of the null hypothesis and consequently, the acceptance of the research hypothesis which states that there is a significant difference between the Pretest and Post-test mean performance of the Experimental Group. The Table 5 warrants the rejection of the null hypothesis. This means that the Experimental group performed significantly higher in the post -test as compared to their performance in the pretest. The web hunting strategy then is effective in teaching Araling Panlipunan. Comparison of the Pretest and Post-test Performance of the Control Group Table 6 presents the results of the test of significance of its difference of the Performance of the Control Group in the Pretest and Post-test. Table 6 Test of Significance of the Difference of the Performance in the Pre-test and Post-test of the Control Group Control


Group Pre-test



Computed t-




t- Value









It is shown in Table 6 that the computed t-value of 7.724 is greater than the critical t-value of 2.0231. Thus the null hypothesis can be rejected. Hence, there is a significant improvement in the performance of the grade 8 students who were exposed to the conventional strategy of teaching Araling Panlipunan. This implies that conventional strategy is likewise effective. However, the mean gain of the Experimental group is higher than that of the Control group as presented in the preceding table and discussion. Comparison of the Two Groups in the Post-test Performance Table 7 presents the result of the test of significance difference of the Two Group’s Performance in the Post-test. Table 7 Test of Significance of the Difference in the Performance of the Experimental Group and the Control Group in the Post-test Group


Mean Difference



Computed Critical t- Decision Value t-value

group Control group

8.150 21.275


Accept 1.987


The table above shows the mean difference of 8.150 of the post – test results between the students exposed to web hunting strategy and conventional strategy. The computed t-value of 5.441 is way above the critical t- value of 1.987 at .05 level of significance with df=98. Thus, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference between the post-test results of the experimental group (exposed to web hunting strategy) and control group (exposed to conventional strategy) is hereby rejected and thus, warrants the acceptance of the research hypothesis. Thus, there is really a significant difference between the performance of the two groups after the experiment with the experimental group demonstrating a higher performance than the control group. d.6 CONCLUSIONS After analyzing the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.

1. Before instruction, the grade 8 students have a limited knowledge of the learning competencies on the subject matter based on the pretest given in Araling Panlipunan. 2. The students exposed to the web hunting strategy performed better in the post test than those exposed to conventional strategy. 3. The use of web hunting strategy significantly enhanced the performance of students. 4. The conventional strategy is likewise effective. 5. However, the web hunting strategy is more effective than the conventional strategy. d.7 RECOMMENDATIONS Based from the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are formulated; 1. Teachers should be encouraged to adopt web hunting strategy. 2. Since the Conventional Strategy is likewise effective it could be used alternately with the web hunting strategy.

3. Similar studies should be conducted by future researchers in other subject areas where web hunting is used. 4. Araling Panlipunan teachers should consistently update themselves on effective strategy for them to use to enhance and develop the learners.

V. BIBLOGRAPHY A. Books Biggs, J. (2003) Aligning Teaching and Assessment to Curriculum Objectives. Imaginative Curriculum Project, LTSN Generic Centre Richards, C. (2013) The Design of Effective ICT-Supported Learning. Activities: Exemplary models, changing requirements, and New Possibilities. In Language Learning and Technology.

B. Journal Aghase, Noghmeh (2014) Learner’s perceptions on the structure and usefulness of e-resources for the Thesis Courses Gorospe, Ingerman, Akhond and Young, C. (2011) Students emotions for achievement and technology use in synchronous hybrid programmes: a control-value approach Livingstone, Brake, Grenhow and Elias (2010) The mutual impact of educational information technologies; Building a pedagay of e-learning. In journal of Information Technology Impact. Li Te (2007) E-Learning Skills: New Yourks Palgrave Macmillan Tarcunto, Balbin, and Gaetano (2011) What campus –based students think about the quality and benefits of e-learning. Marcial, Dave E. (2010) Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines, Siliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines Ginod, Wojckiewiez (2004) English learning websites and digital resources from the perspective of Chinese University

C. Unpublished Materials Ferrer, L. (2013) “Improving Students Performance Through Web Hunting” Lyceum North Western University, Dagupan City Reyes, JC (2014) “Mathematics Software: Enhancement Tool in Learning Mathematics for Grade 8” The Adelphi College, Lingayen Pangasinan Casingal, P. (2014) “Least Mastered Skills in Problem-Solving of Fourth Year High School Students in Mathematics IV: Basis for the

Development of Computer-Assisted Modular Material” San Carlos College, San Carlos City Pangasinan Fronda, R (2005) “ Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers on Grade V Pupils’ Mastery of Science Concepts” City Library, Dagupan City.

D. Online Sources


APPENDIX A Letter to the Schools Division Superintendent Requesting Permission to Conduct Study

December 10, 2015 DR. MARIA CELIA JUNIO-FERNANDEZ Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division I Pangasinan Lingayen, Pangasinan MADAM: Greetings! The undersigned is currently enrolled in the Graduate Studies, San Carlos College, San Carlos City Pangasinan. I am conducting a research titled, “WEB HUNTING STRATEGY IN ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE OF GRADE 8 STUDENTS IN ARALING PANLIPUNAN”. In this connection may I request permission from your good office to administer the pretest/post-test to the Grade 8 – Earth with Grade 8 – Venus students in Buenlag National High School, Calasiao, Pangasinan to gather the needed data in the accomplishment of my study. Your most favorable approval is very much appreciated. GOD BLESS! MABUHAY! Very respectfully yours, RIZA F. POSADAS Researcher Noted:

Recommending Approval:

DOMINADOR C. FERMIN III Oficer-in-Charge, Graduate Studies

MDM. MARILU N. CARDENAS Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Approved: MARIA CELIA JUNIO-FERNANDEZ, Ed. D. Schools Division Superintendent

APPENDIX B Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region I Schools Division Office I Pangasinan Lingayen Buenlag National High School Calasiao, Pangasinan December 14, 2015 DR. EDWIN R. FERRER, OP District Monitoring Supervisor BUENLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Calasiao, Pangasinan MADAM: I am a Graduate student at San Carlos College, Graduate Studies, San Carlos City Pangasinan. I am conducting a research titled “Web Hunting Strategy in Enhancing the Performance of Grade 8 Students in Araling Panlipunan ” as a requirement of the course master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Management. In this connection, I would like to request your good office to grant me permission to administer evaluation instruments to the Department Heads in Araling Panlipunan in this district. The evaluation instrument (herein enclosed) is intended to determine the validity of the test, which will be used for Grade 8 students in Araling Panlipunan. Hoping and anticipating your favorable action on this matter. Very truly yours, RIZA F. POSADAS Researcher Noted: DOMINADOR F. FERMIN III OIC/DEAN

Approved: DR. EDWIN R. FERRER, OP Monitoring District Supervisor

APPENDIX Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region I Schools Division Office I Pangasinan Lingayen Buenlag National High School Calasiao, Pangasinan

December 15, 2015 DR. DIGNA B. BAUZON OIC/Principal IV BUENLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Calasiao, Pangasinan MADAM: I am a Graduate student at San Carlos College, Graduate Studies, San Carlos City Pangasinan. I am conducting a research titled “Web Hunting Strategy in Enhancing the Performance of Grade 8 Students in Araling Panlipunan” as a requirement of the course master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Management. In this connection, I would like to request your good office to grant me permission to admininister evaluation instrument to the identified respondents. Hoping and anticipating your favorable response on this matter.

Very truly yours, RIZA F. POSADAS Researcher Noted: DOMINADOR F. FERMIN III OIC/DEAN

Approved: DR. DIGNA B. BAUZON OIC/Principal IV


_____________________ _____________________ _____________________


The undersigned is currently undertaking a study entitled, “WEB HUNTING STRATEGY IN ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE OF GRADE 8 STUDENTS IN ARALING PANLIPUNAN”. In this regard may I request you to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. I am going to use which is necessary in the completion of my masteral thesis. Attached herewith is the instrument in establishing the content validity of the questionnaire for your perusal. Thank you and more power.

Very truly yours, RIZA F. POSADAS Researcher

APPENDIX E Content Validity Instrument/Validation Results (Fronda, 2005) Directions: Please read direction and items in the Questionnaire. Then read each statement in the Evaluation Sheet and rate each item using the scale below by making a check ( ) mark on the appropriate column that corresponds to your answer. 5 – Highly Valid. No flaws observed nothing more to be desired to make it better. 4 – Valid. Very little flaws are observed; minor rewording of five items needed. 3 – Moderately Valid. Some flaws are observed, the overall usefulness is diminished only slightly. 2 – Fairly Valid. Several flaws are observed, the overall usefulness is greatly diminished. 1 – Not Valid. Major revision is needed to make it useful. Statement about the instrument


2 5

3 5

4 5

5 5


1. The directions given are clear in all 25 5 sub-section of the items. 2. Each of the items is clear. 4 4 4 5 5 22 4.4 3. Each of the items is readable, i.e. the 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 items are easily read. 4. Each of the items is attractive to read, 4 4 5 4 4 21 4.2 enough space is provided to avoid overcrowding. 5. The items are comprehensive,i.e. it 5 4 4 4 5 22 4.4 covered all the areas that are important in the study. 6. Each item is focused on a particular 4 5 4 5 4 22 4.4 thought or idea. 7. The items are objective, i. e. the 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 responses to be elicited are neither subjective nor reactive. 8. The items are formulated in 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 accordance to the explicit/implicit objectives. 9. The items are systematically arranged 5 4 4 5 5 23 4.6 according to a desirable sequence. 10. The items do not overlap with each 4 4 4 5 5 22 4.4 other, no duplication observed. Comments/Suggestions:___________________________Evaluator:_________________


Personal background Name Address Date of Birth Civil Status Spouse Children


: RIZA F. POSADAS : Brgy. Calomboyan, San Carlos City Pangasinan : December 23, 1983 : Married : Delmar P. Posadas : Deliza F. Posadas Delamarc F. Posadas Delmar F. Posadas Jr. Delamhar F. Posadas

Educational background Elementary :

Pangalangan Elementary School Brgy. Pangalangan, San Carlos City, Pangasinan 1991-1996



Pangalangan National High School Brgy. Pangalangan, San Carlos City, Pangasinan 1997-2000



Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies

2008-2012 Graduate School :

San Carlos College Graduate School Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Administration 2013-2016



Civil Service Eligibility : Licensure Examination for Teachers (2012) Teaching Experience : Year Position Assignment 2013-2014 Classroom Teacher San Carlos College High School Dept. San Carlos City, Pang. 2014-Present Teacher I Buenlag National High School Calasiao, Pangasinan Seminars/Workshops/Trainings Attended - Division Leadership Training Daniel Maramba NHS, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan - K to 12 Division Mass Training Sison Auditorium, Lingayen, Pangasinan - Division Training for Araling Panlipunan Head Teachers and Teachers Malasiqui NHS, Malasiqui, Pangasinan

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